Tag Archives: Canadian Association for Free Expression

Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

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Attention Immigration Reformer:


Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

(1) PLEASE HELP US TO GET MORE SIGNATURES FOR THE FREE SPEECH PETITION. As of Monday, Feb. 20, that petition had about 22,600 signatures.  Thank you for your help. This significant figure has been noticed by the political class, particularly the Conservatives who are scrambling to recognize the indignation of Canadians, but still haven’t got the guts to deal with the root problem WHICH IS UNNECESSARY HIGH IMMIGRATION . We need more signatures to convince them. Please help to get other people to sign. Again, here is a link to the petition : https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/protecting-canadian-free-speeech-rights-from

(2) PLEASE SEND IQRA KHALID an e-mail.  Here is her e-mail address  : iqra.khalid@parl.gc.ca If you want to phone her offices, here are her phone numbers :  905-820-8814 (her office in Mississauga) or 613-995-7321 (her office in Ottawa).She is the Muslim woman who wrote the motion. Like many of her fellow Muslims and other visible minorities, she is arrogant and contemptuous of Canada.  She and they deserve the contempt of Canada’s majority population and all other decent Canadians.  BE BLUNT. Don’t phone to debate with the person who answers your call. You know what they think.  She, other Muslim MP’s and Muslim organizations across Canada want to re-make Canada in the image of the failed states where they originated..
Canadian Association for Free Expression Protest at Iqra Khalid’s Office — Paul Fromm (back to the camera) slides letter of protest  into shut office door.

 (3) PLEASE CONTACT TRUDEAU’S OFFICE  Here is his e-mail address : justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca When Khalid’s motion is voted on in April, it is probable that the Liberal MP’s will approve it.  Furthermore, Sikh Liberal MP Grewal has already hinted that other measures like Khalid’s are coming. To prevent all of this from happening, here is our suggestion : Tell Trudeau to dump her motion and to expel Khalid from the Liberal Caucus. Leave a phone message at Justin Trudeau’s office in Ottawa : 1-613-995-0253  or at his Montreal office  1-514-277-6020 His Fax number is 1-613-947-0310
(4) PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL TO YOUR MP. Many  MP’s are cowardly and treacherous on all immigration-related issues. HELP THEM TO STAND UP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES.  When Parliament votes on Iqra’s motion in April, TELL THEM TO DEFEND CANADA AND VOTE “NO”

Dan Murray
Immigration Watch Canada

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