Tag Archives: Progressives

Who Are the Progressives?

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Who Are the Progressives?

by Jean Drapeau, Liberty Institute of Canada

Progressive worldview in the US

The Progressive Movement

The progressives are people of different political stripes (but mainly neo-liberals and Marxists) who share a common goal: To replace Christian society and the free market with a Marxist, 60-gender plus amoral society ruled by politically correct bureaucrats.

The progressive movement, also called “cultural Marxism,” grew out of the efforts of a few Marxist academics at Germany’s Frankfurt School in the 1920s. The men later fled Germany during WWII and set up shop at Columbia University in the U.S. They abhorred the social restrictions imposed upon them by Christian morality, and they also equally hated capitalism and the free market because Karl Marx said that those were bad. The Frankfurt academics believed that traditional society needed to be “burned to the ground” so that the phoenix of a perfect Utopia would rise from the ashes.

The movement became known as “progressivism.” It has been widely promulgated by university professors since the 1930s. In 1942, the federal Conservative Party changed its named to “Progressive Conservative Party” to reflect the fact that it had adopted progressive ideals. Later the conservatives dropped the word “progressive” to emphasize their adherence to budget cuts and lower taxes, but hardly to question the progressive social agenda of the other parties. Today, progressivism is promoted not only by academics, but by left-leaning think tanks and mainstream politicians from all parties.

How Have They Attempted to Achieve Their Goals?

The methods that progressives have used to accomplish their goals of societal transformation have evolved over time. Today they include:

  • Political correctness: With political correctness, it becomes taboo to speak against society’s traditional taboos. Ironic isn’t it? The goal is to remove speech as a tool that can be used to defend culture and values. When a man does speak-up, then the state’s Anti-Human Rights Commissions come calling with the intent to shut the man up, to fine him, or to put him in prison.
  • Attack on Christianity: The progressives are relentless with their attacks against Christianity because of its myriad prohibitions against moral and sexual degeneracy. For example, they call traditional Christian culture a “rape culture” purely as a means of discrediting and demeaning Christianity.
  • Attack on the family: Progressives are known to call parents “dangerous.” They routinely attack motherhood and fatherhood. The reason is that they know that parents are the first line of defence in protecting children. They need to discredit parents so that they can take their place for the purposes of education and indoctrination.
  • Discrimination against Anglo-Saxons: One way to burn society to the ground is to make the majority of its citizens no longer believe in their own worth. Hence, the progressives use the false meme of “privilege” and the old history of slavery to devalue and degrade us.
  • Promoting mass immigration: Progressives are well aware that mass immigration can be used to wipe out traditional Anglo-Saxon Christian society. This is why hundreds of thousands of foreigners are being allowed to flood across Canada’s borders each year. They call it “multiculturalism.”
  • Attack on capitalism and the free market: At their core, the progressives are Marxists and believe that an economy run by a few academic elites from the top-down is the best way to manage resources. They don’t believe in property rights because such rights stand in the way of the central distribution of resources (i.e., your wealth). They adamantly believe in “each according to his need and each according to his ability,” even though such philosophy has resulted in economic and societal collapse wherever it has been tried.

How Do We Fight It?

Progressives shroud their evil deeds with Orwellian Doublespeak. Racist terms like “privilege,” “diversity” and “inclusiveness” simply mask the progressive’s real intent to destroy our traditional culture, values and prosperity. The best way to fight them is to expose what they are really saying. When they announce a “diversity” program, call them racist. When they sexualize young children with their debauched sex-ed programs, call them sick degenerates. When they shout “privilege,” call them xenophobes.

Do what this German politician from the anti-establishment party AfD did when the bureaucrats wanted to pass a law recognizing 60 different genders: He ridiculed them and rejected them:

Progressives are dangerous. Their ideology threatens the very survival of humanity. We, therefore, cannot shrink from their threat. Instead, we must attack them with all of our might. Truth and morality are behind us. We must win!