Tag Archives: Shadow Banned

A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day

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A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day

A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day

by Tim Murray

Normandy 1944: 4800 Canadians dead

Canada 2020:

Cancel Culture

Shadow Banning 

De-Monetization of Dissident Sites

Doxing Dissidents 

Public Shaming

People Getting Fired for ‘Wrong-Thing’ 

The Death of Objective Journalism 

The Criminalization of Objective Speech

The Pollicization of Science 

Reverse Discrimination and Quota Hiring 

Kangaroo Courts

Government Hush Money to Newspapers 

Unfettered Migration in Defiance of Public Opinion 

Uncontested Illegal Border Crossings

Rampant Immigrant-Marriage Fraud 

The Ideological Weaponization of the CBC 

Indoctrination of Our Youth

Denigration of Our Heritage 

Vilification of Our Ancestors  

Revisionist History to Foster White Guilt

Endless Official Apologies for Past Transgressions

The Destruction of Our Symbols

The Invocation of Victimhood and the Denial of Personal Responsibility

Uniformity of Ideas in the Guise of Diversity 

The Entrenchment of Absurdities Like “Systemic” Discrimination and “Hate” Speech

Tax Payer Grants To Witch-Hunting “Anti-Hate” Organizations

Snitch Lines

The Sexualization of Primary School Children

Transgender Ideology

Compelled Speech

Medical Fascism 

Endless Lockdowns to Fight a Boogeyman Conjured Out of Manipulated Stats

On November 11th ask yourself one question:

“Is that what they died for?”