Tag Archives: anti-White racism in New Zealand Parliament

Anti-White RACISM in New Zealand Parliament

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Anti-White RACISM in New Zealand Parliament!



Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to this edition of the Jolly Heretic. Now, today I would like to talk about what happened on the floor of the New Zealand Parliament a few days ago, and what it shows us.

And what it shows us is the mask of the left is surely finally off. These people are not genuinely concerned with equality and harm avoidance. They are concerned with power. They are concerned with power for themselves, and they are concerned with ripping down anything. Anything that is symbolic of traditional power structures, that is symbolic of law and order, that is basically symbolic of civilization.

And that is because they are resentful, they think they should have power, they are narcissistic, they are entitled, they hate anything that is symbolic of power because they feel they don’t have it. Because they’re mentally unstable, and therefore, they go for it and try to destroy it. 

So, what is the situation in New Zealand? In New Zealand, there are 65 members of parliament for constituencies, and 51 list MPs. In addition, there are seven Maori MPs. There are seven seats set aside just for Maori people who make up 20 percent of the population. Can you imagine if there were a number of seats set aside in the English Parliament for the descendants of the Anglo Saxons? There would be uproar. But no, there are seven seats set aside for them.

All the government in New Zealand is trying to do is to make it clear that the New Zealand government is sovereign. It’s essentially a bill on equality and ensuring equality between people in New Zealand so that there aren’t extra rights for certain groups. But of course, that’s not good enough for the Maori.

That’s not good enough for the Māori MPs, anyway, I don’t know about the Māori, perhaps they don’t support this nonsense, but it’s not good enough for the Māori MPs. They opposed this bill, and in Parliament, the youngest MP in Parliament, one Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke, let’s just call her Hana Clark, tore up the bill, and it initiated a haka, a war dance, a declaration of war, a means of intimidating his majesty’s elected government, a violent, frightening declaration of war. Now some would argue that she and the other Maori MPs and the obsequious white leftists that danced along with it should be arrested at once for treason, for declaring war on his majesty’s government, should be put on trial and hanged.

I’m not saying that should be the case. But some might argue that. But that is what you have. It’s not about equality, because the bill is actually in favor of equality. It’s about intimidation, and it’s about ensuring extra rights and extra power for certain peoples. And that is what the European left in the New Zealand Parliament dance alongside.

That is what they were in favor of, that there should be extra rights for minority peoples. Why? Because they see them. The left are neurotic, are mentally unstable. They therefore are paranoid. They see themselves as disempowered and they want power. They’re frightened to engage in a fair fight. So what do they do? They virtue signal, they signal about equality and harm avoidance. But the studies of course indicate they don’t really care about this. What they’re mainly motivated by is hatred and resentment. They resent symbols of power, like the New Zealand Parliament, like the laws of New Zealand, like whatever, and therefore they will militate in favor of trying to destroy those symbols of power and bring everything down, bring civilization down. Because they are resentful people. 

Being mentally unstable, they’re also emotionally incontinent, and so they quite enjoy getting involved in a haka, and expressing themselves, and letting off steam, because they’re so tense, and they’re so unhappy all of the time. But that’s what you’re dealing with. And what the Maori try to argue is, ‘Oh God, oh the Europeans have done these terrible things, they’ve come here and treated the Maori badly, and thus the Maori should have extra rights’.

The Maori went to Chatham Island and wiped out, genocided a group called the Moriori. And when the Maori genocide you the evidence indicates is that they used to engage in cannibalism. And this process continued until the British went there in the 19th century. 

You can dress it up however you like. You can dress it up to do with equality, or Christianity, or whatever. But there are group selection battles between peoples that are based around power. And what this was about, this bill, is to, by making everybody equal, is taking away special privileges from the Maori, giving them less power, making them equal citizens of New Zealand, as I understand it.

And they don’t like this. And the left in New Zealand, the white left, they don’t like it either, because they identify with the Maori, and they—because they see the Maori as disempowered—and they use the Maori as a means of virtue signaling, and as a means of gaining status over their own people via virtue signaling, and they like what the Maori represents, and the haka represents, which is violence and disorder and putting down symbols of power, that kind of thing, because they’re resentful people, and so they get involved.

And so the mask is off. The liberals are not about equality or love or justice. They are about power for their own client groups that they can use for their own benefit and power for themselves. I mean, that’s essentially. You know, and this is the extent that they would sacrifice people and whatever for power, it’s all about power.

And I just wonder if we should do this in the British Parliament? I mean, next time the Labor Party passes a law that Anglo Saxon members of Parliament don’t like. Should we dress up like this? And Morris dance? That’ll show them. 

We have confronted a fundamental difference between left and right. Those that are governed by reason, and order, and protecting civilization, and keeping things going. And those that are governed by emotion, violence, and hatred. That is the difference between left and right. And what has happened in New Zealand Parliament with the obsequious leftists getting involved in the Haka, getting involved in the war dance, getting involved in intimidation, rather than logical argument, only goes to show this.