See larger versoin of above picture
| See complete key for all games being played
We've been
hearing it for 30 years now: "Canada has no history -- has no culture".
Noticing that the government says so while it floods the nation with people
who could hardly be more culturally dissimilar, is considered not quite
nice of us.. Not quite cricket and all that. After all, somebody has to
observe the rules of decency, why not the patsy footing the bill? Given
the fact that in its Greek origins, historia meant inquiry - our "lack"
of history looks even more ominous.
But consider: in Bruegel's 1560 painting, Flemish children disport
themselves in scores of games that are readily indentifiable to us -- more
than 400 years later. How can it be? Canada has never had a very significant
Flemish population, so how do we recognize the familiar games, unless (heaven
forfend!) we've inherited a pan-European culture? On the other hand, who
ever teaches these games to children? Could it be (even worse) genetic?
knows? These
small people have always rushed in and out of adult homes intent on some
project of great moment, too preoccupied to stop and explain. But the dreadful
evidence is here before your wondering eyes -- 250 children engage in eerily
familiar play. In the deep-rooted cultural enclave that is European children's
play, 440 years doesn't seem to make much of a difference. The girls playing
dolls may be wearing caps and wimples, the leapfrogging boys may be wearing
miniature codpieces, the boys treating their friend to a case of "the
bumps" may be wearing smocks, but the chain of juvenile fun is unbroken.
Some games, like playing dolls and making mudpies, are probably universal.
But what about the group in the right hand foreground? One boy sits on
a beam to act as "pillow", while two others make "backs",
while another two ride them. In the game, one of the "riders"
holds up a hand and the "horse" must guess which hand, or how
many fingers he holds up. The game is well-known in France, Germany, Scandinavia,
Spain, Russia, and the English-speaking countries. Petronius Arbiter described
it in his "Satyricon", the boy holding up a hand cried out: "Bucca,
bucca, quot sunt hic?" Even the name of the game, buck-buck, survives
from the time of Nero. Two girls, in the extreme upper left have their
skirts billowing out around them, "making cheeses" -- a recognizably
European icon if ever there was one - as is the Jack-o'-lantern in the
Unlike their
parents, children have the inherently good sense to reject laws and rules
in which they have no say. A nice, healthy trait. It's incredible to think
that Canadian parents are hurrying little Brittany or Dylan into over-sized
gansta'-style hair shirts, ready and waiting for them to "grow into".
Hurry! Oh hurry! Tell your kids that they are descended, not from an infinite
line of innovators, achievers, scientists, explorers, builders, civilizers
-- and documenters (like Bruegel) but from liars, cheats, slaveholders
and rapists. Tell them that they desperately need a real culture, a real
heritage, a real religion, they need therapy, they need enrichment. Plug
them into a vacuous "hand-held" games and plop them in front
of a tv, and let them bask in the rich cultural glow. When you do, don't
be too surprised when little Brittany or Dylan grows up to fulfill your
every expectation as a body-pierced space cadet or slovenly, rap-talking
gangsta wannabe.