​Telus Goes Slurpy Chasing Chinese Business –Not A Word of English in This Ad

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​Telus Goes Slurpy Chasing Chinese  Business –Not A Word of English in This Ad
This cute  ad is  published by Sing Tao News, a  Chinese newspaper published in Toronto. It  is co-owned by the Toronto Star and the Sing Tao Group in Hong Kong. The  Group’s founder and chairman is Charles Ho Tsu Kwok, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the  the pro- Red Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.   Wikipedia notes: “The Sing Tao has a long pro-government history … in support to the Beijing government.”
The official languages of Canada are English and French but uncontrolled demographic changing Third World immigration has resulted in whole foreign communities living to themselves in self-imposed enclaves and playing right along are major corporations like telephone giant Telus. Instead of signalling that the newcomers should learn English and adapt, Telus promotes and accommodates this insult to Canada‘s founding/settler people.
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B.C. immigration reform activist Brad Saltzberg explains: “”This is one battle I have been fighting for a while now, namely uni-lingual foreign language advertising. There was a dust-up about this a year ago, when several corporations put these on bus shelter ads in Richmond and other areas.
The culprit is Jim Pattison signs, CEO Randy Otto back east, as well as Telus obviously. [The multi-sucky Pattison Signs refused to rent space to Paul Fromm, Western Bloc candidate in Calgary Southeast in the 2011 federal election, for an immigration critical election sign.) We got several of these removed actually, along with a unilingual Chinese bus shelter ad by Success Immigrant Services (Queenie Choo, CEO).
Basically Success used our tax dollars to post exclusive Chinese language ads. They actually apologized, believe it or not.​
However, the bigger issue here, in my opinion, is corporate sponsorship of unilingual foreign language ads. The questions I posited was: Should corporations be allowed to influence and erode our culture(language) in the name of increased profits?
As with most of these issues, the multicult lobby  has little or no response.They can’t actually defend these issues in a logical manner. So, they simply avoid answering the questions. It seems to be the Chinese way.
On another note, it is very interesting that since I blew the whistle on the possibility of the VAG becoming a Chinese museum, there has not been any word in the media about the VAG moving to their new location. They had definite plans for this —  a location selected et al. This indicates that my suspicion about Robert H N Ho and Yuen Pau Woo submitting a plan for Chinese Museum may well be true. Typically, its all very hush hush and I have never confirmed one way or the other. but again there is nothing in media about the move. Interesting but also troubling, that the moron board of directors of the VAG would even consider this. Terry Hui, ceo of Concord Pacific is on the library board.
So you can see the way ethnic politics and multicult work in Vancouver…Lao tzu-style — the silent war. I continue to target and expose these issues to the public,”
Paul Fromm