· The secret population change plan and how it’s being implemented
· Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi a name you should know – architect of national destruction

Dear Immigration Reformer:
Back in the media-fanned hysteria over Syrian refugees, culminating in Justin Trudeau’s pledge to better Stephen Harper’s offer to accept 10,000 Syrians by accepting 25,000, we noted the Nanos Reid poll that showed the silent majority of Canadians — 60 per cent opposed the foolish generosity ($680-million plus) of sweeping in hordes of poorly screened people from one of the most wicked terrorist-producing areas on earth.
Despite shameless media cheerleading and wall-to-wall feel good stories about earnest do-gooders working hard to set up lodging (hard in super pricey Toronto and Vancouver), food, ESL, Arabic translators, medical help, mental health experts [who the hell are we getting?], Canadians aren’t buying into the government-organized invasion.
The National Post (February 19, 2016) reports: “More than 70 per cent of Canadians don’t support the federal government taking in more than 25,000 Syrian refugees, according to a new poll from the Angus Reid Institute. Two in five respondents think Canada should stop taking in Syrian refugees immediately.
As of Tuesday, more than 21,000 refugees had arrived in Canada, according to the government’s website.
In two previous polls by the institute opposition to the plan sat above 50 per cent, while support hovered near 40 per cent.
‘A big driver of that opposition was concern and anxiety around the timelines,’ Shachi Kurl, executive director of the Angus Reid Institute said. The government originally committed to meet their target of 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015, but later backtracked. Extending the deadline to March 1 has taken the temperature down, Kurl said.”
Eventually, a narrow majority of Canadians seemed to approve the previous goal in December but it is clear a solid majority is opposed to any more Syrians. Numbers pouring out of Turkey into hapless, overwhelmed Greece in January — the coldest and least inviting month of the year for invaders is four times the numbers from last year.
If public opinion means anything, Canadians don’t want any more Syrians.
Paul Fromm
Kelly Hobson | February 19, 2016 8:23 AM ET
More from Kelly Hobson | @kellyhobson
More than 70 per cent of Canadians don’t support the federal government taking in more than 25,000 Syrian refugees, according to a new poll from the Angus Reid Institute. Two in five respondents think Canada should stop taking in Syrian refugees immediately.
As of Tuesday, more than 21,000 refugees had arrived in Canada, according to the government’s website. The government is working to meet its target of 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of February.
Immigration Minister John McCallum recently promised the Liberals would exceed their original commitment and accept a total of between 35,000 and 50,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016. The Angus Reid poll suggests this is at odds with what the majority of Canadians want.
The poll results come just days after a Calgary school was vandalized with the message “Syrians Go Home and Die.” That is one of several incidents across the country that suggest brewing anti-refugee sentiments. A group of Syrian refugees was pepper sprayed in Vancouver last month; a Peterborough, Ont. mosque was set ablaze in a suspected hate crime shortly after the November Paris attacks.
McCallum has acknowledged the potential for negative attitudes toward the arriving refugees.
“It’s a delicate balance,” he said in January. “We want to welcome all of these refugees with open hearts and with love the way Canadians have, but at the same time we are mindful that we don’t want to offend Canadians who have themselves been waiting for a long time for social housing and things of that nature.”
Despite the grim outlook on the Liberals’ yearlong commitment, this is the first Angus Reid Institute poll that suggests a majority of Canadians support their ambitious refugee resettlement plan. In two previous polls by the institute opposition to the plan sat above 50 per cent, while support hovered near 40 per cent.
“A big driver of that opposition was concern and anxiety around the timelines,” Shachi Kurl, executive director of the Angus Reid Institute said. The government originally committed to meet their target of 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015, but later backtracked. “Extending the deadline to March 1 has taken the temperature down,” Kurl said.
This newest poll shows those numbers have flipped, with 52 per cent of respondents now in favour of the plan, and 44 per cent opposed.
The Angus Reid Institute poll garnered responses from more than 1,500 Canadians who are members of the Angus Reid Forum, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. The poll was paid for and commissioned by the Angus Reid Institute.
This is what Budapest Train Station looked like after the migrants from Syria left for Germany……Unbelievable! Can hardly wait to welcome those nice courteous people to live here in BRITAIN, then……………Maybe the “Greens” and Lefties will help??
Time for Revolt?
Germans are being lied to by their government. By Angela Merkel, by their police force and even by their media. For most of 2015, many suspected as much. Those suspicions were confirmed in the most dramatic possible way in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.
That night, a mob of around 1,000 migrants gathered outside Cologne’s central train station and began molesting, robbing and even raping passersby. As of January 14, 652 crimes were reported to Cologne police from that evening. Of those, 331 included alleged sexual offenses, including two rapes.
A leaked police report stated that “[w]omen literally had to run the gauntlet through the mass of drunk men, in a way you can’t describe.” One person talked about how he arrived at the station and saw “countless weeping women.”
Cologne was the worst affected city, but not the only one. Over 100 crimes have been reported for the same evening in Hamburg. Women in Frankfurt, Helsinki, Zurich and Salzburg suffered a similar fate, albeit on a smaller scale.
The impacts of this night on Europe’s future could be just as big as the November 13 terrorist attack in Paris.
Those attacks alone would have been enough to confirm to Germans that their government had been hiding the truth from them—or at least looking at the mass migration to Germany with heavily tinted glasses. But the authorities’ reaction after Cologne was even more damning.
Their first instinct was to cover up everything. The day after the attacks, the Cologne police filed a report describing their city on New Year’s Eve as having “a joyful, party atmosphere.”
“As in years past, we are looking back at a mostly peaceful New Year’s celebration,” they wrote. “Reasons to intervene were mostly physical assault and disturbance of the peace.”
There was nothing in the media either. The attacks occurred Thursday night, but the next day and all weekend almost all the national news media were silent.
The government, the police and the media were afraid of an anti-migrant backlash, so they tried to cover up the mass sexual assault of hundreds of women. zdf, a German public broadcaster, was forced to apologize for being so slow to cover the story.
Of course, something so big could not be kept secret. But even toward the end of the next week, once the truth was out, government officials still tried to cover up part of the story. They insisted that there was no evidence that recent migrants or asylum seekers were involved in the attacks—while leaked police reports and police officers’ statements to the media revealed the exact opposite.
That lie has also completely collapsed. “Those in the focus of criminal police investigations are mostly people from North African countries,” said the police later. “The majority of them are asylum seekers and people who are in Germany illegally.”
Worst of all, the botched Cologne cover-up was just the latest in a long string of cover-ups. There are plenty of examples, although prior to the Cologne attacks you had to search hard to find them in the news media.
Tania Kambouri is a police officer in Germany and a bestselling author. In an Oct. 2, 2015, radio interview, Kambouri discussed the migrants and Germany’s deteriorating security situation.
“For weeks, months and years I have noticed that Muslims, mostly young men, do not have even a minimum level of respect for the police,” she said. “When we are out patrolling the streets, we are verbally abused by young Muslims.
“I wish these problems were recognized and clearly addressed! If necessary, laws need to be strengthened. It is also very important that the … judges issue effective rulings. It cannot be that offenders continue to fill the police files, hurt us physically, insult us, whatever, and there are no consequences. Many cases are closed, or offenders are released on probation .… Yes, what is happening in the courts today is a joke. The growing disrespect, the increased violence against police .… We are losing control of the streets.”
Until Cologne, Kambouri was all but a lone voice. Now she has been dramatically proven right. The lack of respect for police that night is well documented. Migrants attacked police and even sexually assaulted a plainclothes female police officer—and got away with it!
On Nov. 24, 2015, the Gatestone Institute published an article titled “Germans Opposed to Mass Migration Are ‘Free to Leave.’” The title came from a statement by the district president of Kassel, a city in the state of Hesse. He stated that German citizens who disagree with the government’s open-door immigration policy are “free to leave Germany.” The article described a recent proposal by the mayor of Berlin to create emergency legislation that allows local authorities to seize private residences and office buildings to accommodate asylum seekers.
The mayor’s legislation “would effectively suspend Germany’s constitutional guarantee of private property,” according to the Gatestone Institute. It “would authorize police forcibly to enter private homes and apartments without a warrant to determine their suitability as housing for refugees and migrants.” And the mayor tried to keep the proposal secret from the German public!
Gunnar Schopelius, a popular columnist in Germany, didn’t believe this story and decided to investigate it himself. “So I went on a search for the source of this strange report and found it,” he wrote. “There is a ‘proposal,’ which the Senate Chancellery (Senatskanzlei) has apparently circulated among the senators. The Senate Chancellery is another name for the mayor’s office. … The proposal is clear: The police can enter private property without a court order in order to search for housing for refugees when these are threatened with homelessness. You can do that ‘without the consent of the owner.’ And not only should the police be allowed to do this, but also the regulatory agencies” (Nov. 10, 2015).
Why wouldn’t more mainstream media outlets report on this? It’s a blockbuster story—the mayor of Berlin wanted to illegally change German law in order to invade the homes of German people in search of accommodation for migrants. Why wasn’t this addressed by Chancellor Merkel or her government?
As Schopelius noted, “This delicate ‘proposal’ attracted little public attention. Only Berlin fdp General Secretary Sebastian Czaja spoke up and warned of an ‘open preparation for breach of the Constitution.’ Internally, there should have been protests.”
This is the trend across the country. The stories are there. But until the mainstream media were forced to confront the problem in Cologne, they have been hard to find—covered sporadically and often only in local papers.
In Bad Tolz, Bavaria, local government officials recently condemned a nightclub owner after he banned male migrants from his club when female patrons complained they were being harassed. Local politicians and media branded the manager a “Nazi” and a “racist.” Incidents like this are happening daily in towns and cities across Germany, yet local and federal authorities simply refuse to talk about it. Worse still, they are attacking those who do express alarm and concern.
In Baden-Württemberg at least one hospital was forced to hire armed guards to protect its nurses from refugees.
A women’s council in Hesse wrote an open letter to the state parliament saying it had substantial evidence of sexual abuse and forced prostitution in refugee shelters.
In North Rhine-Westphalia in August, a local paper received news about the rape of a 13-year-old Muslim girl by a refugee. So it went to the police and asked for crime statistics in refugee centers. The police came back and said there was no rape or sexual assault. They made either a serious clerical error, or they flat-out lied.
The migrants are proving to be a significant burden on Germany’s health-care system. Yet, as the Gatestone Institute reported, “German media outlets are downplaying the extent of the health-care problem, apparently to avoid spreading fear or provoking anti-immigrant sentiments” (Nov. 8, 2015).
In October, Die Welt reported on a government document leaked to the paper by German intelligence officials. The document warned, “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law.” The document also warned that integrating hundreds of thousands of “illegal migrants” would be “impossible.” This dramatic document garnered very little attention inside Germany, either from the media or from the government.
Instead, the message emanating from Germany’s chancellor and many others is: “We can do this!”
In October, police union chief Rainer Wendt warned, “There is a lot of glossing over going on.”
“[T]his doesn’t represent reality,” he said.
A study by Cologne police in 2014 revealed that 40 percent of migrants from North Africa are committing crimes within their first year of arriving in Germany! That is a huge level of crime. Spiegel published the results of a confidential study by police in Düsseldorf showing that a North African migrant commits a crime every 3½ hours in that city. Because these migrants have no fixed abode and have multiple identities, they are rarely punished.
The problem goes even further than mere deception. German authorities have so far proved incapable or unwilling to do anything to prevent the migrant crime wave.
After the Cologne attack, the anti-immigrant group pegida, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, held a protest. About 1,700 police were deployed to the streets of Cologne. But during the News Year’s Eve attacks, the police had only 143 officers on duty.
In Leipzig, far-right extremists went on a rampage to protest the Cologne attacks. The police arrested 211 of them. Yet barely any of the 1,000-strong mob that assaulted women in Cologne were arrested; police have just 21 suspects.
That’s not to say the German police are wrong to arrest far-right thugs who smash shop windows—far from it. But it exposes how little they are doing to fight migrant crime.
Wendt said, “It is highly uncertain whether in the case of the Cologne attacks even one conviction will be made.” The vast majority of these attackers are unpunished, at large and could try the same thing again.
No wonder Germans are angry. Cologne marked the moment when all of the government’s lies started being exposed. Many now see its potential as a major turning point for Germany.
Both police officers and politicians have said what happened in Cologne is a “completely new dimension of crime.”
“The pressure built up by the images and stories from Cologne make it virtually impossible to continue on as before,” wrote Spiegel Online, January 8. This article was titled “How New Year’s Eve in Cologne Has Changed Germany.”
“Cologne has changed everything; people now are doubting,” said the vice president of Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, Volker Bouffier.
“Europe in Crisis Over Sex Attacks by Migrants Amid Calls for Emergency EU Meeting” was the Telegraph’s January 8 headline.
As that title says, the repercussions go beyond Germany. “The idea of multicultural Europe has failed,” said Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, as he called for an emergency European Union summit to discuss the attacks. “The migrants cannot be integrated, it’s simply impossible,” he said.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called for a complete stop to all immigration. Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło said the attack “should shake up public opinion at last.”
Clearly these events are triggering a backlash against immigrants similar in scale to the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris.
Nearly 40 percent of German women plan to avoid large gatherings after the attacks, according to a recent poll. That is the kind of fear that is spreading.
Think about the consequences of German officials’ deception. It is destroying the trust between Germany’s government and the public. What happens when the majority of Germans realize they have been deceived? What happens when the majority of Germans lose confidence and trust in mainstream leaders? Frustrated and angry, the German people, as any people would, will seek an individual, a political party, willing to heed their concerns and solve Germany’s migrant crisis. This trend is already evident in the dramatic rise of pegida and the AfD, a right-wing political party whose popularity is at all-time highs.
Many of the Germans becoming disillusioned with mainstream politics and turning to these groups are not hardcore neo-Nazis. They don’t want to persecute the migrants or see them imprisoned, beaten up or killed. They are not extremists seeking genocide. They are regular, sound-thinking, rational people, many of whom have terrific empathy for those suffering in Syria and elsewhere. These people are simply concerned about the impact millions of migrants will have on their nation, its institutions, its infrastructure, its economy, its culture and on the German people. They are concerned about Germany’s future. But Angela Merkel’s government refuses to give serious attention to these concerns and refuses to tell the truth about the impact the migrants are having and will have on the nation.
If she continues to do this, Germany’s chancellor risks helping transform the German people—and Germany itself—into something very different and much more frightening than the democratic, peaceful, friendly nation we see today.
The Merkel government’s handling of this situation is turning the German people into a ticking time bomb! The more disillusioned, frustrated and angry the German people become, the more vulnerable they will be to radical politics and radical leaders with radical solutions.
Don’t be deceived by the images of Germans embracing the migrants or Germany’s chancellor making the cover of Time magazine as its “Person of the Year.” All is not well in Germany. Growing numbers of people are becoming unhappier by the month, not just with the migrants, but with Chancellor Merkel and her pro-migrant friends in the government and the media.
Posted: 18 Feb 2016 10:56 AM PST
One of Poland’s most popular weekly magazines has splashed a graphic depiction of the rape of Europe’s women by migrants on its front cover. The image may be one of the most politically incorrect illustrations of the migrant crisis to date.
While Poland is generally much more relaxed about expressing itself than the self censoring tendencies of western and northern Europe, the cover of the latest wSieci (The Network) conservative magazine has already prompted reaction just 24 hours after release, being beamed around the continent by social media.
Featuring a personification of Europa being pawed at by dark hands — what the German media would perhaps euphemistically term “southern” or “Mediterranean” — the headline decries the “Islamic Rape of Europe”.
Making perfectly clear the intention of the edition, the edition features articles titled ‘Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide?’ and ‘The Hell of Europe’. The news-stand blurb declares: “In the new issue of the weekly Network, a report about what the media and Brussels elite are hiding from the citizens of the European Union”.
Opening the cover article, Aleksandra Rybinska writes: “The people of old Europe after the events of New Year’s Eve in Cologne painfully realised the problems arising from the massive influx of immigrants. The first signs that things were going wrong, however, were there a lot earlier. They were still ignored or were minimised in significance in the name of tolerance and political correctness”.
Outlining the fundamental differences between eastern Islam and western Christianity — “culture, architecture, music, gastronomy, dress” — the editorial explains these two worlds have been at war “over the last 14 centuries” and the world is now witnessing a colossal “clash of two civilisations in the countries of old Europe”. This clash is brought by Muslims who come to Europe and “carry conflict with the Western world as part of the collective consciousness”, as the journalist marks the inevitability of conflict between native Europeans and their new guests.
The collapse of the West in the face of this “Islamic rape” was not inevitable though, as Rybinska quoted British historian Arnold Toynbee: “Civilisations die from suicide, not by murder”.
Underlining the element of choice Europe has had in accepting the migrant crisis, the article cites the early signs of extreme violence perpetrated by migrants — in this case on each other. Recalling an asylum centre riot in Germany also reported on by Breitbart London in August where inmates part-demolished their own taxpayer funded homes because of a dispute over the Koran and attacked police officers while screaming “Allahu Akhbar”, Ms. Rybinska also recounted the fates of Christian asylum seekers beaten by their Muslim counterparts.
The article lists dozens of recorded sex attacks from the past few weeks, often visited upon under-age Europeans, but it is not just migrants who come in for criticism from wSieci. The magazine also had strong words for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who it accuses of listening more to the German industrial lobby which it claims campaigns for cheap labour from outside the European Union.
As a feature begging the question ‘Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide’ concludes, “There is concern that European leaders have too late drawn the obvious conclusions, and some of them feel self-loathing”. “Europe is an oasis of prosperity and peace” compared to Africa and the Middle East, it contends, but the arrival of “millions” of cultural Muslims will “shock and undermine Europe”. The blame for this, the article lays firmly at the feet of Mrs. Merkel.
Follow Oliver Lane on Twitter: Follow @Oliver_Lane or e-mail to: olane@breitbart.com
“Diverse” means formerly White… –Bob Whitaker
Bob Whitaker: A true American and former Reagan Administration appointee.
Political Power for European Americans!
European people should organize and advance their own interests just like every other group. Join our fight for Heritage and Identity!
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On diversity:
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“We ultra rich New Canadians don’t need public housing, that’s for Whiteys who can’t compete in the housing market!” |
News item: BC Provincial government announces that it will fund the construction of 2,000 social housing units.
What a joke.
Over the last decade Metro Vancouver has been growing by roughly 40,000 people every year. Between 2006 and 2011 for example, it gained 200,000 more residents — a 9.3% increase. The Vancouver Real Estate Board expects that another 1.2 million will arrive by 2041, so, according to their calculations, an additional 574,000 housing units will have to built between now and then to accommodate them. Notice their underlying assumption, the one that forms the basis of conventional thinking among developers, planners and politicians. To meet increasing demand, we must increase supply — or housing will become even more unaffordable than it is right now.
BC Premier Christy Clark gave voice to this logic today when she announced that the provincial government willl spend $355 million over the next 5 years to build 2,000 social housing units, which in concert with other social housing projects will translate into 1,100 such units per year. The YWCA, for example, will finance the constructon of 50 units for a handsome sum of $10 million. And now there is talk of using the Jericho lands — owned by First Nations — for similar objectives. Clark said,
We are seeing a huge pressure. So there are a whole number of things. One of them is the supply of housing and the demand for housing is completely out of balance and only cities can address that. So cities need to increase the supply of housing in general because when there is more supply price goes down.
But lets get real. This latest proposal for social housing construction is a drop in the bucket. Even if poverty activists got their wish and 3,000 social housing units were provided every year, it would not offset the housing demands of 30,000 immigrants who arrive at YVR from overseas or a Canadian departure point every year.
One more bit of bad news. While immigration continues to inflate the real estate market, it also inflates rent. There are approximately 90,000 renters in Vancouver whose current rent is eating up more than 30% of their income. If massive immigration to the city persists — every realtor’s dream — then we can expect that these renters will be among the many tens of thousands of urban refugees driven out of Vancouver (or onto the streets) by skyrocketing real estate prices. More and more renters will be unable to pay the rent, and more and more homeowners will be able to pay the property taxes.
Clark stated that “There is a huge range of solutions we can think about and we are thinking about all of them.” All of them, that is, but the obvious solution. Reduce demand. How do you do that? By turning off the immigration tap. Duh.
Say that again. You want the federal government to relieve the upward pressure on Vancouver real estate prices by drastically cutting down immigration? Heresy! How dare anyone attack our sacred cow! This is outrageous, this un-Canadian, this is racist! Besides, immigration is under federal jurisdiction, don’t you know?
Indeed it is, like many other things. But that doesn’t stop Canadian cities like Vancouver and Canadian provinces like B.C. from lobbying the feds for help in a range of areas that are under “federal jurisdiction”. If Vancouver can ask for more federal money for infrastructure, or for education to meet the special needs of ESL students, or for social housing for those who can’t pay market prices, it can surely ask the federal government to give it a breather by slashing our ridiculously high immigration intakes. And there is no stopping Christy Clark from doing the same.
But it won’t happen. In fact, ingesting 30,000 “New Canadians” a year is apparently not enough for Mayor Moonbeam and his council. They want Vancouver to become even more of a “Welcoming” city than it currently is. And a “sanctuary city” too. Where will immigrants and refugees find sanctuary? In social housing units of course. I mean, isn’t that what social housing units are for? Providing shelter for people fresh from the airport while locals must leave the city to find it?
Testimony From a Land Being Invaded: German Woman Describes Living With Diversity — Crime, Vulgarity and Hostility