Southern Poverty Law Centre admits White genocide/replacement is the real goal of immigration policy since 1965.
Monthly Archives: May 2021
No Biden Place -Are the Halcyon Days Over for Joe Biden? |
No Biden Place -Are the Halcyon Days Over for Joe Biden?

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Are the Halcyon Days Over for Joe Biden?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
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Friday – May 14, 2021 “But the defining crisis of the Biden presidency may be the crisis on America’s southern border… an annual rate of 2 million people walking into our country uninvited, the advance guard of a Third World invasion that will change the character and composition of the United States.”
On taking the oath of office, Jan. 20, Joe Biden may not have realized it, but history had dealt him a pair of aces.
The COVID-19 pandemic had reached its apex, infecting a quarter of a million Americans every day. Yet, due to the discovery and distribution of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the incidence of infections had crested and was about to turn sharply down.
By May, the infection rate had fallen 80%, as had the death toll.
Thanks to the Operation Warp Speed program driven by President Donald Trump, the country made amazing strides in Biden’s first 100 days toward solving the major crises he inherited: the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and the economic crash it had engendered.
But Biden’s pace car has hit the wall.
Where economists had predicted employment gains of a million new jobs in April, the jolting figure came in at about a fourth of that number.
One explanation: The $300-a-week in bonus unemployment checks the Biden recovery plan provides may have been a sufficient inducement for workers to stay home until their benefits ran out.
Workers might reasonably ask: Why go back to work when we can take the summer off, with full unemployment, plus $300 a week?
After the crushing jobs report came the inflation figure from April.
Consumer prices had risen 4.2%, the highest rate in a dozen years.
April’s combination of inflation and near-stagnant job growth recalls the “stagflation” of the Jimmy Carter years, which led to the Democratic rout of 1980 at the hands of Ronald Reagan.

And while we may not be suffering from stagflation just yet, the present symptoms in the U.S. economy are certainly consistent with it.
The bad news from the inflation front also sent the Dow and other markets plunging and raised fears of future Fed intervention to raise interest rates to choke off the inflation.
Moreover, rising prices, driven in part by our historic federal deficits, stiffened the spines of Republicans in their resistance to Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure and jobs program, his $1.8 trillion in added domestic spending and his $4 trillion in taxes to pay for it all.
Sen. Mitch McConnell came out of Wednesday’s White House meeting with Biden to say that any tampering with the Trump tax cuts crosses a “red line” for him and Senate Republicans.
The odds on Biden getting any of his taxes has just fallen dramatically. And he may be forced to come down closer to the GOP proposal if he hopes to get any of his infrastructure package through.
At present, Biden does not have a single sure Republican vote for his spending proposals — and even some Democrats in the evenly divided Senate oppose his plans for social spending and higher taxes.
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Added to this economic news was a stunning ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline, which feeds fuel to states from Texas to New Jersey.
Within days, the shutdown of the pipeline had induced panic buying of gas at the pumps, resulting in a sweeping closure of gas stations from Delaware to the Gulf Coast.
As alarming as the ransomware attack was, more alarming is what it portends if cybercriminals abroad can, with the flick of a switch, inflict such instant damage on the U.S. economy.
If cybercriminals can pull this off, what cannot our adversaries, with their sophisticated and superior weapons of cyberwarfare, not do to the United States?
But that was not the end of the bad news for Biden this week.
A shooting war erupted between Hamas and Israel after a dispute over ownership of homes in East Jerusalem led to clashes between Arab protesters and Israeli police at the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.
The clashes brought barrages of over 1,000 rockets directed at Israeli towns and cities including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The Ben Gurion International Airport was forced to shut down.
Those who believed Trump’s Abraham Accords, where Israel was recognized by the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco, had ensured a more tranquil future suddenly seemed to have been as wrong as previous generations of optimists.
Today, even inside Israel, Arabs and Jews, both Israeli citizens, are battling in the streets.
Meanwhile, in Kabul, three bombs outside a high school killed 50 people and wounded scores more, many of them teenage girls — a portent of what may be coming when the Americans and allied troops are gone from the country by the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
But the defining crisis of the Biden presidency may be the crisis on America’s southern border, where another 170,000 illegal immigrants entered the country in April after an equally high number in March.
That is an annual rate of 2 million people walking into our country uninvited, the advance guard of a Third World invasion that will change the character and composition of the United States.
The America we grew up in is disappearing — without our consent.
Diane Francis: Trudeau’s immigration scheme is just another way to redistribute Canada’s wealth
Plopping lots of people into an economy may increase GDP, but not if they’re grandparents, unskilled, can’t find work or are underemployed Diane Francis 126 Comments

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It’s hard to imagine a bigger bungle by the Trudeau government than the vaccine fiasco and budget carnage, but now there’s immigration. Aims are to allow 1.2 million more permanent residents into Canada in the next three years when other, well-managed countries like Australia and New Zealand, are preoccupied with retaining the living standards of their existing populaces by trimming immigration.
“History teaches us that when we grow our immigration levels, we grow our economy,” Canadian immigration minister Marco Mendicino said earlier this year, a lawyer without economic credentials..
In March 2020, he announced a target of one million new permanent residents by 2022. Then in October, he bumped this up to 1.2 million from 2021 to 2023. This is more than triple the U.S. per capita immigration rate which has nearly nine times Canada’s population. (That doesn’t include the flow of illegal immigration into the U.S.)
The ravages of the pandemic have resulted in prudence elsewhere. The U.S. reduced its visa approvals a year ago, Australia lowered its immigration target to 160,000 (with 28 million people compared to Canada’s 37.7 million), and New Zealand said its priority was to train people already in the country for available jobs.
By contrast, Mendicino announced that of the 400,000 allowed in per year, the breakdown would be 232,000 immigrants in the economic class, or employable people; 103,500 in the family class (mostly parents and grandparents); and 65,000 refugees and protected persons.
Such levels are unjustifiable by many measures. Canada’s unemployment rate is high, at 8.1 per cent, compared to 6.1 per cent in the U.S, and 5.6 per cent in Australia. Canada’s economic recovery is more fragile and will take longer, according to forecasts by the International Monetary Fund. The U.S. is vaccinating its way back quickly to an estimated 6.4 per cent growth in 2021 and Canada is forecast for 5 per cent growth this year, but that’s impossible given the lockdowns and border closings due to Ottawa’s ongoing vaccine procurement failure.
Besides, the very notion trotted out by the immigration minister that the economy grows because of immigration is fallacious. Plopping lots of people into an economy may increase the GDP but not if they are grandparents, unskilled, cannot find work, or are underemployed.
To analyze the benefits of immigration, it’s important to look at the GDP per capita figures. This metric makes it obvious that Canadian immigration has served mostly to cut the pie into smaller pieces for everybody: Canada’s GDP ranks ninth in size, but its GDP per capita is only 18th, less than the U.S. GDP per capita at fifth place, or Australia’s at 9th place.
Other reasons this aggressiveness is inappropriate is because the U.S. recovery may not flow northward as border closures continue, or the likelihood that new entrants will be unable to find jobs or, if they do, will displace workers already here.
Other negatives include the reality that 1.2 million newcomers will overcrowd Canada’s cities and increase the cost of services, and the cost of housing which is already unaffordable to Canada’s middle class. And why would Ottawa allow more elderly persons into a country that is aging rapidly and increasingly struggling with health-care costs for older persons?
Trudeau’s immigration scheme is unlikely to yield anywhere near the numbers sought.
The fact that the GDP per capita is lower than Canada’s peers demonstrates that this is not about wealth creation. It does nothing to address Canada’s soaring debt ratio or to create jobs for Canadians. This immigration reach is about vote-getting in immigrant enclaves, and simply another accelerated policy to redistribute Canada’s wealth.
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Paul Fromm discusses the plan to replace Europe’s indigenous people with non-Whites promoted by Richard Count Coudenhove-Kalergi

* Count Richard Coudenohove-Kalergi was a powerful conspirator and the idea man behind the European Union* His real goal was not more economic co-operation among Europeans but ultimately their destruction* An end to nations, to nationalities and their replacement by massive immigration
The Cult of Kalergi: The Planned Replacement of the European People He discusses his new booklet “The Cult of Kalergi” [Order from C-FAR Books, Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3. $7.00]