Monthly Archives: February 2025

The Reality About the Paris Accord

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Merkel’s Monsters

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The Canadian Taxpayer Pays Twice for Illegals

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The Canadian Taxpayer Pays Twice for Illegals

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Three Arrests Made, Drugs and Currency Seized, in a Drug and a Break and Enter Investigation,Dundas Street West and Islington Avenue area,Images Released

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News Release

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Three Arrests Made, Drugs and Currency Seized, in a Drug and a Break and Enter Investigation,
Dundas Street West and Islington Avenue area,
Images Released


22 Division

Case #: 2024-2617605

Published: Saturday, February 22, 2025, 8:00 AM

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The Toronto Police Service is informing the public about a drug and a break-and-enter investigation, dubbed Project Sledgehammer, which has led to the arrests of three individuals and the seizure of approximately 5.5 kilograms of methamphetamine and heroin with an approximate street value of $140,000. Police also seized approximately $20,000 in Canadian currency.

Police are seeking the public’s assistance identifying four outstanding suspects. 

On Sunday, December 1, 2024, at approximately 5:30 p.m., officers from the 22 Division Major Crime Unit (MCU) attended a call for a Break and Enter in the Dundas Street West and Islington Avenue area.

It is alleged that:

  • suspects broke into a residential apartment by damaging the front door with a sledge hammer
  • no property was taken and the suspects fled the area
  • residents were in the unit at the time but there were no reported injuries

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at approximately 7:30 p.m., 22 Division MCU officers attended a call for a Break and Enter in the Dundas Street West and Islington Avenue area.

It is further alleged that:

  • suspects broke into a residential unit using a crowbar
  • officers attended and arrested one of the suspects
  • two suspects fled the scene and nothing was obtained

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 22 Division MCU officers executed a Controlled Drug and Substances Act (CDSA) search warrant in the Dundas Street West and Islington Avenue area.

It is further alleged that:

  • officers located and seized approximately 5.5 kilos of methamphetamines and heroin, and drug production tools

Images of the seized drugs have been released.

Between December 6, 2024, and February 4, 2025, additional Criminal Code search warrants were executed across the Greater Toronto Area and Montreal in relation to this investigation.

It is further alleged that:

  • during the execution of the search warrants, officers located approximately $20,000 in Canadian currency, additional drugs and drug paraphernalia, as well as break-in tools

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, Alden O’Neil Nunes, 45, of Whitby, was arrested in Toronto and charged with:

  • Break and Enter with Intent
  • Possession of a Break and Enter Instrument
  • three counts of Possession of a Schedule I Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking
  • Possession of Proceeds of Property Obtained by Crime not Exceeding $5000

He was scheduled to appear in court at the Toronto Bail Centre, 2201 Finch Avenue West, on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., in room 402.

On Thursday, December 12, 2024, Inderdip Singh Sahota, 36, of Brampton, was arrested in York Region and charged with:

  • four counts of Possession of a Schedule I Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking
  • Possession of Tools for use in the Production of Trafficking a Schedule I Substance
  • Possession of Proceeds of Property Obtained by Crime Exceeding $5000

He was scheduled to appear in court at the Toronto Bail Centre, 2201 Finch Avenue West, on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., in room 402.

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Shivansh Sharma, 34, of Kleinburg, was arrested in Montreal and charged with:

  • three counts of Possession of a Schedule I Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking
  • Possession of Tools for use in the Production of Trafficking a Schedule I Substance

He was scheduled to appear in court at the Toronto Bail Centre, 2201 Finch Avenue West, on Friday, February 7, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., in room 402.

Images of the accused have been released. 

The Toronto Police Service is also seeking the public’s assistance identifying four outstanding suspects.

  • Suspect #1: Male, 20-30 years old, 5’7”, with a medium build. He was wearing black Nike running shoes, black Nike sweatpants and a black Nike running shoes. 
  • Suspect #2: Male, 30-40 years old, 5’10”, with a heavy build. He was wearing beige shoes, olive green cargo pants, black leather jacket, grey/white cammo hat, white face mask, black gloves.
  • Suspect #3: Male, 20-30 years-old, 5’6″, with a thin build. He was wearing black Nike running shoes, black pants and a black hooded Roots sweater.
  • Suspect #4: Male, 20-30 years-old, 5’10”, with a heavy build. He was wearing white running shoes, black pants, and a black hooded Helmut Lang sweater.

Images of the four outstanding suspects have been released.

The Toronto Police Service would like to thank the Montreal Police Service and York Regional Police who assisted in this investigation.

The investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the investigators at the 22 Division Major Crime Unit at 416-808-2200, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), or at

By Constable Ashley Visser for Detective Constable Erik Corba Alden O’Neil Nunes, 45, of Whitby


Inderdip Singh Sahota, 36, of Brampton


Shivansh Sharma, 34, of Kleinburg


Suspect #1 for Identification

Suspect #1 for Identification

Suspect #2 for Identification

Suspect #2 for Identification

Suspect #3 for Identification

Suspect #3

Suspect #4 for Identification

Suspect #4

Drugs Seized

Drugs Seized

Drugs Seized

Drugs Seized

Drugs Seized

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Trudeau’s cash giveaway funds foreign DEI projects (you won’t believe where the money went!)

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When I think of transgender and intersex communities, rarely does my mind wander to places like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

If you weren’t aware, Pakistan is one of the most religiously conservative regions in the entire world. A country where women can’t even enjoy basic rights, where Christian and Hindu minorities face systemic persecution, and where LGBT individuals risk their lives.

Well, leave it to the Trudeau Liberals to funnel over $30,000 of foreign aid to prop up some nebulous gender inclusivity program to promote diversity in that region.

Nothing about it makes sense! Click here for all the details.

Trudeau Liberals spent $30K on transgender DEI program in
Pakistan—with a timeline that doesn’t add up

If you thought that money went straight into the toilet, guess how much the Liberals wasted on a campaign in Nigeria to combat open defecation?

A whopping $3,000,000!

Couldn’t this money have been better spent fighting the same exact problem in Wasaga Beach, Ontario?

It’s insane — click here for Alexa’s latest report to find out what she uncovered.

Canada gives $3 MILLION for anti-open Defecation campaign in

How do any of these foreign DEI projects benefit Canadians, who are already struggling to keep their heads above water as the cost-of-living crisis in this country spirals out of control?

But when it comes to foreign social engineering projects, the Liberals can always find the cash.

The priorities of this government are backwards, reckless, and totally disconnected from reality. But they don’t care — because it’s not their money, it’s yours.

If you want to help us expose the waste, please visit and share our reports with others.

Yours truly,

Sheila Gunn Reid

Racist Poland; Tolerant U.K.

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Canadian Nationalists Say “No” to Donald Trump’s 51st State Proposal

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Canadian Nationalists Say “No” to Donald Trump’s 51st State Proposal

Canada’s greatest nationalist Paul Fromm joins Australian nationalists Dr. Jim Saleam and Nathan Sykes to discuss Trump’s proposed absorption of his country, Zionist treachery, plus much more!

Flag Day

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Flag Day

February 15 is Flag Day. My flag is the old Red Ensign, the flag of the Real Canada.

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Dead Souls

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Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, February 14, 2025

Dead Souls

The second of February is the fortieth day after Christmas and therefore the day on which the Church commemorates the Presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple and the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This commemoration is popularly known as Candlemas from the tradition of blessing candles in Church on this day.  There is an ancient folk tradition that says that if it is a clear day on Candlemas it will be a long winter.  A tradition derived from this one says that a hibernating animal – which depends on where you live – will temporarily awaken on Candlemas to predict the remaining length of winter by whether or not he sees his shadow.  In North America, the hibernating animal is the groundhog or woodchuck.

This year Candlemas fell on a Sunday.  On most Sunday evenings a friend comes over to watch movies and the obvious choice was “Groundhog Day” the 1993 film by Harold Ramis in which Bill Murray plays a weatherman who goes to Punxsutawney, the small community in Pennsylvania where Groundhog Day is a much bigger deal than elsewhere, and becomes trapped in a personal time loop that forces him to relive the day over and over again.  The way in which Phil, Murray’s character who shares a name with the famous groundhog, responds to this dilemma evolves over the course of the movie.  At one point, fairly early in the plot, his response is gross self-indulgence since there are no consequences due to the slate constantly being wiped clean.  In this phase, the character of Rita portrayed by Andie MacDowell, watching him engage in reckless gluttony in the local diner, quotes Sir Walter Scott to him:

The wretch, concentered all in self,

Living, shall forfeit fair renown,

And, doubly dying, shall go down

To the vile dust, from whence he’s sprung

Unwept, unhonour’d, and unsung.

In the movie, Phil’s response is to laugh and make a joke about having misheard Walter Scott as Willard Scott.  Watching the movie with my friend, my response was to point out that Rita had misapplied the lines she quoted.  The lines are from Canto VI of the Lay of the Last Minstrel and refer not to a hedonist but to the person lacking patriotism.  The first part of the Canto goes:

Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,

This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d,
As home his footsteps he hath turn’d
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;—
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,

After this comes the lines quoted in the movie.

Clearly Sir Walter Scott shared the opinion of Scottish-American, neo-Thomist philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre that patriotism is a virtue as well he ought for that opinion is correct.  Note, however, that the correctness of the opinion depends on the definition of patriotism.  Nationalism, which is frequently confused with patriotism, is not a virtue.  It is not the opposite of a virtue, a vice, either, but this is only because it does not belong to the same general category, the habits of behaviour that make up character, of which virtue and vice are the good and bad subcategories.  Nationalism is an ideology.  An ideology is a formulaic substitute for a living tradition of thought (see the title essay in Michael Oakeshott’s Rationalism in Politics And Other Essays).  Shortcuts of this type are always bad. 

In a recent column Brian Lilley spoke of “national pride” and criticized those who have only recently started to display national pride as Canadians in response to Donald the Orange.   While Lilley’s argument is related to my main topic in this essay, I bring it up here to make the point that “national pride” is not a good way of describing the patriotism that is a virtue.  To be fair, Lilley did not equate patriotism with “national pride” but this is because the word patriotism does not appear in his column.  Pride appears four times and the adjective proud appears nine times.  While it is easy to see why Lilley would use these terms, since much of the column is appropriately critical of the attacks on Canada and her history, identity, and traditions that have been coming from the current Liberal government for the duration of the near-decade they have been in power, pride is not the right word.  It is the name of a vice, indeed, the very worst of the Seven Deadly Sins, rather than a virtue.

Fortunately, we do not have to look far and wide to find the right term.  Patriotism, correctly defined, is neither the ideology of nationalism that values one’s country for its perceived superiority to all others requiring that all others be insulted and subjugated nor the deadly sin of pride as directed towards one’s country, but simply love of one’s country. 

Love of one’s country is indeed a virtue.  Whereas pride is the worst of all sins, love is the highest of all virtues. Of course, the love that is the highest of all virtues is a specific kind of love.  The Seven Heavenly Virtues include the Four Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude and the Three Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.  The Cardinal Virtues are habits that anyone can cultivate and so make up the best moral character that man can attain in his natural or unregenerate state.  While faith, hope, and love in a more general sense can be similarly cultivated, the Faith, Hope, and Love that make up the essence of Christian character must be imparted by the grace of God although the Christian is also expected to cultivate them.  Love is the greatest of the three as St. Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 13:13, and therefore as Henry Drummond called it, “the greatest thing in the world”.  It incorporates the other two since they are built upon each other.  Natural loves are lesser than Christian Love or Charity, but they are still virtuous insomuch as they resemble, albeit imperfectly, the Theological Virtue.  Patriotism, the love of country, is such a love.  Edmund Burke famously described how it develops “To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle … of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love of our country and to mankind.”  The “little platoons” include one’s family and local community and is Burke had wanted to belabour the point he could have said that the first principle is love of one’s family, which develops into love of one’s local community, and then outward.

It has been heartwarming to see Canadians display their love of country over the last month or so in response to the repeated threats of Anschluss coming from America’s Fuhrer.  While not all of these displays have been in good taste they do all demonstrate that Captain Airhead’s efforts to kill Canadian patriotism by endlessly apologizing for past events that need no apologies, cancelling Canada’s founders and historical leaders such as Sir John A. Macdonald, and other such nonsense have failed.  This resurgence in Canadian public patriotism ought, therefore, to be welcomed by the “conservatives” who rightly despise Captain Airhead.  Oddly, however, it has not been so welcomed by many of them. 

In part this is due to the fact that Captain Airhead, the Liberals, the NDP, and their media supporters who were all on the “cancel Canada” bandwagon until yesterday are now wrapping themselves in the flag and these do deserve to be called out for this.  The right way to do so, however, is to say something to the effect of “you are rather late to the party, but thanks for showing up.”  To Brian Lilley’s credit, that is the gist of what he says in the column alluded to earlier.  Many other “conservatives”, however, have responded quite differently.  In his 2006 book, In Defence of Hypocrisy: Picking Sides in the War on Virtue, Jeremy Lott pointed out the difference between Jesus’ condemnation of hypocrisy and Modern condemnation of hypocrisy.  In condemning the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, Jesus did not condemn them for the high moral standards they taught, but for falling short of those standards by sinning.  Moderns, however, when they condemn hypocrisy, condemn the moral standards rather than the sin.  The response of many “conservatives” to the newly discovered Canadian patriotism of progressives resembles this in that they seem to be criticizing the progressives more for their expression of patriotism today than for their lack of it yesterday.  One even quoted Samuel Johnson’s “patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”  I refer him to the comments of James Boswell, whose record of the remark is the reason we are familiar with it today, as to what it means.  Dr. Johnson was not impugning love of country, but a kind of pseudo-patriotism which interestingly enough was associated with the founding of America.

It can hardly be a coincidence that these same “conservatives” have been rather less than patriotic in their response to the threats from south of the border.  The founder of one “conservative” independent online media company first responded to these threats by saying they should be treated as a joke and a funny one at that. Then, when Donald the Orange said last weekend that it was no joke,  she flip-flopped and criticized Captain Airhead for having initially done exactly that and said the Anschluss threat was a joke.  In between she conducted and published an interview with an immigrant from America who twelve years ago proved herself to be exactly the kind of immigrant we don’t need when she published a book proposing the merger of our country with her country of birth. 

The general response to these threats in this organization’s commentary has been to treat the American dictator as a reasonable man, with legitimate grievances, who can be negotiated with and to propose an economic merger between the two countries that falls short of a political merger.  Ironically, their website is promoting a children’s book they just published on the life of Sir John A. Macdonald intended to counter the negative propaganda about the Father of Confederation that progressives have been spewing based on their skewed narrative about the Indian Residential Schools.  The book was a good and patriotic response to this blood libel of our country.  Sir John must be spinning in his grave, however, at the thought that the defence of his memory could be merged with the idea of an economic union with the United States.  Sir John spent his entire career as Prime Minister promoting internal east-west trade within the Dominion and fighting the siren call of north-south trade because he knew that this was the greatest threat to the success of the Confederation Project.

Free trade is a good idea from an economic perspective, but each of the “free trade” agreements we have signed with the United States has been a terrible idea from a political perspective.  The kind of economic union these “conservatives” are promoting would be worse than all of the other “free trade” agreements, since the United State is currently led by a lawless megalomaniac, who respects neither the limits placed on his powers by his country’s constitution nor the agreements he has signed and cannot be trusted to keep his own word – the “free trade” agreement he is currently, and deceitfully, claiming is so “unfair” to his country is the one he himself negotiated – and who looks at tariffs and economic measures in general as weapons to accomplish what his predecessors accomplished by bullets and bombs.  By his predecessors I do not mean previous American presidents, but Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin.  I recognized that this was what we were dealing with the moment he made his first “51st state” remark and was confirmed in this when he doubled down on this talk after Captain Airhead announced his intention to resign.  No Canadian patriot could fail to recognize it today after he has continued to escalate his lies and rhetoric and threats for the last month.   Yes, the Left’s endless likeness of everyone they don’t like to Hitler has desensitized us to these comparisons, but let us not be like the villagers in Aesop’s story about the boy who cried wolf.  This time the wolf is real. The sort of things the Left objects to in Donald the Orange, his immigration policies, his termination of the racist, anti-white, policy of DEI, do not warrant a comparison with Hitler, but his threatening us with Anschluss, his demand for Lebensraum from Denmark, his intent to take back his “Danzig Corridor” from Panama, his finding his Sudetenland in Gaza, most certainly do, as does the insane personality cult his followers have developed into.

Canadian conservatives ought to be leading the renaissance of Canadian patriotism, and yes, Brian Lilley, you are right that it should not have taken something like Trump’s threats to bring that renaissance about.  Liberals have always been the party of Americanization in Canada.  Sadly, today’s conservatives are mostly neoconservatives.  David Warren once said that a conservative is a Tory who has lost his religion and a neoconservative is a conservative who has lost his memory.  On the authority of Sir Walter Scott I deduce from the disgusting anti-patriotism I have seen recently that many have lost their souls as well. — Gerry T. Neal



U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Splurged More Than $22B On Grants For Migrants — Including Cash for Cars, Home Loans and Startups

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Without Trump this would never have come out and it happened while fire and hurricane victims were homeless and often starving.HHS splurged more than $22B on grants for migrants — including cash for cars, home loans and startups

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ramped up grants for migrants from 2020 to 2024 — which included cash assistance to buy cars, homes and even build credit for startup businesses, according to a shocking watchdog report that found taxpayers were left on the hook for $22.6 billion.

HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) — which came under fire last year for having lost track of 32,000 migrant kids in the US — handed out the high sum to a host of nonprofits, effectively acting as a “giant magnet” for those crossing the US border and claiming asylum, auditors from the money monitor OpenTheBooks revealed exclusively to The Post.

Tasked with settling migrants, asylum seekers and other refugees in America, ORR drastically increased the number of noncitizens eligible to receive funding over the bulk of President Joe Biden’s term, with more than $10 billion shelled out to grant-receiving organizations just in fiscal year 2023.

That coincided with all-time records being set for southern border crossings into the US, with 2.4 million apprehensions by Customs and Border Protection over the same period.

Non-governmental groups bilked taxpayers for up to $1.7 billion in services including dollar-for-dollar matching savings plans for cars, homes, college educations or startups; small-business loans of up to $15,000; loans to repair credit history of up to $1,500; “cultural orientation,” “emergency housing support,” legal assistance and Medicaid care.

Some programs were only available to migrants or refugees who had been living in the US for several years, who were employed or who were making around double the federal poverty level or less, among other stipulations.

The most funding, however, was spent on unaccompanied migrant children, with $12.4 billion obligated over the five years — even as federal whistleblowers were calling out ORR for placing many of the 291,000 kids in their care with unvetted and at times abusive sponsors.

“The Shining City on a Hill, with its walls and doors, makes room for legal immigrants and legitimate refugees and asylum seekers, but the ORR has made a mockery of that vision in recent years,” OpenTheBooks CEO John Hart told The Post.

“ORR is part of a troubling trend of using nonprofit groups as ideological proxies. Vast sums are being outsourced to evade accountability and prop up an immoral, exploitive system that is hurtful to both American citizens and people in other countries who are longing for a better life.”

Thursday’s report comes after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) came under fire for sending around $80 million — subsequently clawed back by the Trump administration Tuesday — to put migrants up in New York City hotels and provide other services.

More than $2.6 billion went out the door in fiscal year 2020, $2.3 billion in fiscal year 2021, $3.3 billion in fiscal year 2022, $10 billion in fiscal year 2023 and $4.2 billion in fiscal year 2024.

The funding tranches were obligated spending, meaning not all the money has been disbursed so far.

Migrants from Cuba and Haiti, humanitarian parolees from Afghanistan and Ukraine, special immigrant visa holders from Afghanistan and Iraq and unaccompanied minors from abroad were all eligible for grant programs.

The watchdog group pointed out that the windfall came as ORR was expanding access to legal counsel for migrants and eliminating the need for other noncitizens, like refugees, to become economically self-sufficient “as quickly as possible.”

Two of the top groups receiving funds in the last four fiscal years were Church World Services, which opposed a joint agreement between Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau closing an asylum loophole on the northern border, and the International Rescue Committee.

Since 2020, the former has netted $355 million in grants, while the latter received $598 million, according to the OpenTheBooks report.

Robin Dunn Marcos, the senior HHS official who oversaw the ORR program for solo child migrants during some of that period, had previously worked for more than 30 years combined at both nonprofits.

In June 2023, Dunn Marcos testified to House lawmakers that her office was not even conducting criminal background checks on juveniles as part of the program that let in hundreds of thousands of migrant kids and became among the most costly for ORR.

Then-HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra had pushed his staff to release migrant children to sponsors as quickly as possible, likening the ideal turnover rate to an “assembly line,” the New York Times previously reported.

Hart slammed ORR’s treatment of migrant kids and said it had revealed “the Left’s counterfeit compassion around immigration.”

“Losing track of 300,000 children violates their dignity and puts them at risk,” he said.

In its report, OpenTheBooks claimed Dunn Marcos’ past work for nonprofits receiving ORR grants posed a “conflict of interest.”

Reps for Dunn Marcos’ office said in a statement that after being appointed in September 2022, she had recused herself from approving funding for any past employer.

OpenTheBooks nevertheless submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to ORR’s parent office, the Administration for Children and Families, where Dunn Marcos served until recently. Email bouncebacks, the group noted, suggest she departed government service after President Trump took office Jan. 20.

“While Dunn Marcos may have disappeared from ORR, our questions remain over whether certain nonprofit organizations received special treatment amid the billions in grants furnished by the government office,” the group’s report concludes.

“What’s clear is that ORR has funded a constellation of NGOs deployed in border states and nationwide, who give out aid designed to attract even more migrants.”

Reps for HHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.