Monthly Archives: October 2017

Deceptive Use Of Scientific Data To Promote Ethnocide Of Europeans

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Deceptive Use Of Scientific Data To Promote Ethnocide Of Europeans

by Ricardo Duchesne

Composite Images
Composite Images: Are these women White, Black, or Chinese?

Afew days ago a University of Illinois math professor insisted that algebra and geometry perpetuate “white privilege.” This teacher, Rochelle Gutiérrez, specializes in “equity issues in mathematics education.” She also argued that the pursuit of objectivity is misguided: “Things cannot be known objectively; they must be known subjectively.”

This is obviously a direct attack on the scientific enterprise as it was uniquely developed by Europeans, rooted in the postmodernist argument that there is no objective reality outside the subject’s perspective. Postmodernism is a discourse that came together with the transmutation of economic Marxism into cultural Marxism when leftists came to the realization that their theories about communism and gender equality were not in alignment with reality, with evolutionary theory and human nature. But what if some scientists today were still adhering strictly to the pursuit of objective knowledge while framing their findings according to cultural Marxist aims, twisting their objectively discovered facts to mean something very different from what they objectively mean?

Well, this is happening right before our eyes with respect to one of the most important set of scientific findings gathered recently about the evolutionary genetics and biological identity of Europeans. Population geneticists, archaeologists, paleogeneticists, and evolutionary biologists, are deceptively interpreting the meaning of their objectively gathered findings to justify the racial diversification of Europeans through mass immigration. They are arguing that Europeans don’t have any ethnic identity even though their own findings indicate that Europeans are a unique people with definite genetic identities.

We know that almost every academic in the humanities and the soft social sciences is an ardent promoter of diversity. But too many on our side assume that if only social scientists were to follow more closely the “objective methodology” of the natural sciences things would straighten out. They don’t realize that natural scientists in the West are increasingly framing, bending, and twisting their scientific findings to serve the ideology of diversity.

The Leftist Strawman Argument About The “Pure” European

A recent article exemplifying this insidious manipulation came from the highly respected magazine, Science/AAAS, under the title, “There’s no such thing as a ‘pure’ European — or anyone else,” by Ann Gibbons (May 15, 2017). According to Gibbons, natural scientists have established that:

The German people have no unique genetic heritage to protect. They — and all other Europeans — are already a mishmash, the children of repeated ancient migrations, according to scientists who study ancient human origins. New studies show that almost all indigenous Europeans descend from at least three major migrations in the past 15,000 years, including two from the Middle East. Those migrants swept across Europe, mingled with previous immigrants, and then remixed to create the peoples of today.

There is no such thing as a uniquely German, a uniquely Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, or British people, because “all Europeans are already a mishmash of repeated ancient migrations” from non-European lands.

This is what the scientists are finding, Gibbons says, citing words from Kristian Kristiansen of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, Doug Price of the University of Wisconsin, Dan Bradley of Trinity College in Dublin, Stephan Schiffels of the Max Planck Institute in Germany, Duncan Sayer, of the University of Central Lancashire, Chris Tyler-Smith of the Sanger Institute in Hinxton, Walter Bodmer of the University of Oxford, and others.

These scientists are claiming that the findings of pure science are negating the “myths” of “the whole concept of an ethnic German,” an ethnic Irish, ethnic Italian, or ethnic Swedish.

Using revolutionary new methods to analyze DNA and the isotopes found in bones and teeth, scientists are exposing the tangled roots of peoples around the world.

But why would an article about DNA and isotopes be framed with the politically charged statement that Germans have “no unique genetic heritage to protect”? Why would this article open with a paragraph mocking Germans in a small town as “neo-Nazis” who believe in a “pure German race” merely because they reacted with anxiety as “busloads of migrants from Syria and Iraq” were settled in their town? Why are these scientists eagerly trying to persuade Europeans that they don’t have an identity “to protect” in the face of mass immigration today?

The genetic make up of Europeans has remained very stable for millennia, with next to zero genetic additions from Africans and AsiansWhy would Ann Gibbons, and the scientists she interviewed, deceptively invoked a straw man — “pure German race” or “pure European” — to argue against what no knowledgeable critic of diversification is arguing today? All differences are differences of degree. The evidence is showing that the genetic make up of Europeans has remained very stable for thousands of years, with next to zero genetic additions from Africans and Asians.

But the scientists I named above, who all work within a cultural Marxist establishment, want to persuade Europeans that they should accept the current massive influxes of migrants with dramatically different ethnic identities as a natural continuation of Europe’s historical experience since prehistoric times. They want to portray opponents of diversification as simple minded racists acting against the scientific truth. It is no accident that this article was picked up by many politically charged news sources, including the New York Times, and many Facebook pages, as a means to counter the rising populist tide against uncontrolled immigration.

Paradoxically as it may seem, the reason Gibbons et al. relentlessly repeat the straw man about a pure European race is because this is the only way they can manipulate scientific findings which are actually showing, to the contrary, that Europeans, in-and-through migratory movements and some genetic mixing and evolution over the course of many thousands of years, evolved right inside the continent of Europe as a uniquely White race.

The Scientific Reality Of Europeans As A Uniquely White Race

There has been genetic mixture, but this mixture produced a uniquely European race divided into ethnic groups. But rather than debating whether this differentiated European race is really a mixed bag of White, Asian, and African racial traits, they pretend that European nationalists are arguing about a pure race so they don’t have to deal with the real debate at hand, which is that European genetic mixture does not preclude the reality that Europeans are a distinctive White people indigenous to the continent of Europe.

Yes, new studies do show that indigenous Europeans descend from major migrations that occurred in prehistoric and in ancient times. But these studies do not show that we can equate these migratory movements, which occurred over the course of many thousands of years, with the massive immigrant arrivals we have been witnessing over the course of 20 years. I will outline here what I know about these migratory movements.

First, in regards to the first migratory movement, Gibbon’s article cites a new view from David Reich which says that a migratory movement from the Middle East which came “as the glaciers retreated 19,000 to 14,000 years ago,” essentially displaced “the first Europeans [who] came from Africa via the Middle East about 43,000 years ago.” Reich’s view is slightly different, actually. He saysthat, as the ice sheet retreated 19,000 years ago, Europe was repopulated by migrants from southwest Europe (e.g., Spain), and then, in a second migratory event, it was also repopulated by migrants from the southeast (e.g., Turkey, Greece), about 14,000 years ago.

Now, what this article is not saying, and what most scientists to this day are reluctant to elaborate upon, is that there was a lot of evolutionary change going on among the prehistoric Homo Sapiens who departed Africa about 60,000 and started moving into Europe about 43,000 years. The populations that were located in southeast and southwest Europe, which Reich is talking about, were also evolving in response to different environmental/cultural pressures and the random effects of genetic drift. These populations were becoming “European” as they evolved in the continent of Europe, acquiring new racial traits. What is a “race” if not a people that evolved certain anatomical and behavioral traits by reason of breeding for thousands of years within a geographical area relatively isolated from other evolving/isolated races?

Fake "first European"
This composite image of the so-called “first European” is really an image before Europe’s inhabitants became genetically European.

These scientists, however, want to give the impression that, insofar as there were these waves of migratory movements over the course of thousands of years, everyone was mixing racially, with no group ever acquiring distinctive racial characteristics. Yet, human groups in the past were generally rooted in lands from which they barely moved, and so when we speak of migrations we are speaking of movements that happened between long intervals of time as a result of major climatic changes, or other environmental pressures, and very slowly over the course of generations.

(Today, in our age of globalization, only a meager 3 percent of the world’s inhabitants are living outside their country of birth. In absolute terms, this 3 percent is quite high, about 200 million people, and since many of these people constitute immigrants moving into Western lands that are relatively less populated than the congested lands of the Third World, they do pose a major threat to the survival of Europeans. But you get my point, in the past, before globalization, the intermixing of peoples was rare.)

Indeed, once the migrants (that Reich is writing about) moved deep into (and many just within) Europe, the inhabitants of Europe did not experience any major genetic mixing from non-European races other than some mixing with farmers who started arriving many thousands of year later, after about 7000 BC, from the Near East. This brings me to the second migratory movement that Gibbons says created a race mixed people in Europe similarly to the race mixed people she wants today through he arrival of Africans and Muslims.

These Near Eastern farmers, it should be noted, are racially classified as “Caucasoid,” and some argue that they spread genes for “white skin” in Europe, while others emphasize how the Nordic climes were already selecting for lighter skin before these farmers arrived. These farmers, moreover, did not spread throughout Europe but moved across the Mediterranean from 7000 BC onward, into Sardinia, Corsica, the coasts of Italy, Spain and Portugal, as well as inland into Greece/Balkans from around 6200 BC. Huge areas across north-central Europe adopted farming without intermixing with these migrants.

The “third” migratory movement Ann Gibbons et al. identified as “immigrants” is the migration that began some 4,800 years ago by “Yamnaya” pastoralists originally located in southern Russia, or present day Ukraine, who went on to mix with the European inhabitants, creating the famous Corded Ware culture, moving all the way to Ireland, and eventually producing, in the words of Gibbons, a “three-part European mixture” “across the continent.”

Gibbons then goes on to say that Germans, Irish, Scots, Celts are a wonderful mixture of two waves of Middle Eastern peoples and one wave of “Yamnaya.” Article after article in science magazine across the West have been spreading this same deceptive image of racial mixing, writing of the “Yamnaya” as if they were an exotic people from the Third World. But in truth the Yamnaya people were Indo-European speakers, the legendary Aryans no less, who came to Europe starting 4,800 years ago, after this population had also evolved White traits.

I explained at length in Faustian Man In A Multicultural Age how the European race evolved in Europe and is therefore indigenous to Europe. I cited scientific journals and magazines similarly engaged in deception. It is amazing how the scientific community is currently misusing science in this way, making Europeans feel that they are not a people, that they have always been made up of “immigrants” from non-White areas, in order to get them to accept the current occupation of their lands by hordes of Africans, Muslims, and Asians. They want European peoples to feel that they are not rooted in any land, that they never managed to create their own identity after living for thousands of years in particular lands, developing their own languages, dialects, folk songs, heroes, flags and history.

Ann Gibbons mockingly portrays critics of immigration as ignorant individuals who can’t cope with scientific truth but would much rather hold on to “neo-Nazi mythologies.” This is a total lie since all the nationalist or “populist” parties in Europe are the ones upholding the principles of freedom and democracy, open debate about the most crucial question of our times, mass immigration. They also tend to advocate socialistic and environmental policies intended to protect their own workers against importation of cheap labour, their own women against mass rapes by migrants, and their own lands against the extreme polluting effects of mass immigration. Critics of immigration are also honest rather than deceivers. And they are against the ethnocide of Europeans.


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Demographic replacement by immigration invasion

excellent summary of the cultural and demographic challenges faced by Canada in the present day. Since becoming Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau’s federal ministry has accelerated the non-White immigration deluge and its accompanying multicultural propaganda program. This video is a look at yet another front in the ongoing war against the West and its European derived peoples. It serves as a good companion to Red Ice’s own video entitled The War on Whites Is Real.

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Dan Murray
Jagmeet Singh’s acceptance speech revealed three key things about about him.
(1) He is arrogant and loves to repeat the cliches of Canada’s immigration lobby. For example, Singh began his acceptance speech at the NDP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION by saying that everyone in the hall should acknowledge that the NDP Leadership meeting was being held on Aboriginal land. Most Canadians will agree that Canada has to settle Aboriginal land claims and reconcile other matters. However, most do not appreciate being lectured to by members of aggressive, power-hungry immigrant groups like the Sikhs who have arrived here relatively recently. In particular, Canada’s majority European-based population does not like to be told that they have no right to be in Canada. Furthermore, Canada’s majority population also does not like to be told that recently-arrived immigrants (a) have a status identical to that of the builders of modern Canada and (b) that Canada’s majority population also should have no privilege in hiring and in defending itself from an inflow of Sikhs and other immigrant groups whom it clearly never needed and who have engaged in extensive immigration fraud to get here. In fact, several years ago, one senior government official described the Canadian consulate in Punjab’s Chandigarh as the virtual fraud capital of all Canadian Consulates and Embassies. Obviously, Singh’s words are extremely insulting. If he really thinks this is a good way to launch his political campaign for 2019, he suffers from delusions. Here is some advice for him : Loosen your turban so that a normal blood flow gets to your brain.
(2) He likes to play the role of victim. In his acceptance speech, he said that while driving, he had been profiled by police and stopped. In his view, that happened because he wore a turban and had brown skin. He should know that Sikhs are disproportionately represented in drug dealing in places like Metro Vancouver and elsewhere. Almost every week, Canadians hear news reports of Sikhs shooting one another and endangering the lives of non-Sikhs who happen to be nearby. He conveniently neglected to say that the police have not just a right, but a clear obligation to stop people who fit the demographic profile of those who are clearly guilty of a large amount of criminal activity. Hard as it may be for Jagmeet Singh to grasp, most Canadians would like to see all of these Sikh drug dealers rounded up and deported.
(3) He seems to believe that the NDP and all Canadians think there is nothing wrong with Sikh electoral tactics. Singh proudly boasted about getting over 50% of the vote at the leadership convention. In imitation of the late Jack Layton, he gushed to his supporters with declarations of love. The big questions he did not answer were these : (A) Who exactly voted for him so that he could achieve over 50% on the first ballot ? Such a result has seldom occurred. Anyone who has observed Canadian politics knows that the Sikhs, probably more than any other group, are notorious for buying large numbers of PARTY memberships before conventions and nomination meetings and busing new members to fill meeting halls. It is quite likely they did that at the NDP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION. (B) How many of those voters were checked to see whether they were even in Canada legally? It is well known in Sikh circles that many Sikhs have entered Canada through fraud marriages, phoney TFW applications, fake visitor visa applications and many other kinds of fraud. Canadians who do not know much about immigration numbers may be shocked to hear that close to 400,000 Sikhs recently showed up for a Sikh parade in Metro Vancouver. (C) How did such a number get into Canada? Most NDP insiders and honest Sikhs probably feel very uncomfortable about this very crude Sikh activity, but they hesitate to state the truth : that a significant number of recently-arrived Sikhs probably voted for Singh and that the tactics that were used were questionable at the very least. The other NDP leadership candidates and a large number of non-Sikh veteran NDP members have probably already begun whispering among themselves about this. The key thing they will be saying is this : Singh managed to get large numbers of fellow Sikhs to vote for him, but the big problem now is whether Singh will be able to convince large numbers of Canadians to vote for him—especially since it seems quite probable that Singh’s supporters won by “playing most foully” for the prize he now holds.
Former NDP leader Mulcair made a colossal mistake in the 2015 election when he naively supported an arrogant Muslim woman who demanded to be allowed to wear her face-covering niqab for a citizenship ceremony. Has the NDP made a big mistake again? Mulcair’s blunder cost the NDP a large number of ridings in Quebec. Mulcair refused to accept that Quebec had become fed-up with aggressive, recently-arrived Muslims who demand that Canadians accept Muslim customs. In addition, a significant percentage of the rest of Canada’s population is fed up with recently-arrived immigrants demanding that Canada re-engineer itself so that it looks like the envir Jagmeet Singh’s acceptance speech revealed three key things about about him.
For sensible immigration policies for the 21st century.

Fishing the Antifa: Nationalists Draw Out the Violent Nature of Many Protesting Immigration Restrictions

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Fishing the Antifa: Nationalists Draw Out the Violent Nature of Many Protesting Immigration Restrictions
On September 30, many different groups hosted demonstrations across Canada against Canadaès failed immigration policy Protests occurred in Fredericton, Ottawa, Windsor, London , Edmonton, Regina, and the Peace Arch Border Crossing near Vancouver.and other cities.
Kevin Goudreau is a long-time White Nationalist activist. He cut his teeth in the early 1990s as one of Wolfgang Droege’s key organizers in Kingstoon, Ontario.
Kevin obtained a permit from the City of Peterborough on behalf of the Canadian Nationalist Front to hold an anti-Trudeau, anti-immigration rally at Confederation Square in that city. Various antifa and anti-free speech groups rose to the bait like pirhanas to a bleeding cow.
A city councillor whose grasp of freedom of speech and political freedom is decidedly feeble blasted city staff for granting the permit: “Peterborough councillor Diane Therrien says a Neo-Nazi should never have gotten permission to hold a rally on city property at Confederation Square, on Saturday.” (National Post, September 2, 2017) “At City Hall on Monday, Therrien said city staff gave the group permission to hold its rally in the park because it’s expected to be a peaceful protest. But she wasn’t accepting that idea.

“Staff’s position is that it’s a peaceful protest – but he (Goudreau) is not a peaceful person,” Therrien said. Meanwhile, Therrien asked fellow councillors to support local activists who are planning counter-protests.”

Well, there would be plenty of violence on Saturday, but none of it would be Mr. Goudreau’s doing. The “peaceful'” anti-racist protest turned decidedly violent with masked thugs assaulting a young man they thought was a “fascist”, spitting and screaming, and then surrounding a police car containing one of the violent peaceful protesters and screaming at and menacing the police. There were two arrests for assault. Some masked thugs attacked an elderly man whom they accused of being a “fascist” and broke his cane.


Earlier in the week, Mr., Goudreau’s group infiltrated an Antifa organizing meeting a recorded the proceedings including organizing for violence. They shared this information with the police and media. Here is a pertinent excerpt: ‘Inline image 1

Mr. Goudreau’s ploy worked admirably. Antifa were encouraged to be the violent Red Guards they are and demonstrate that ANTI-RACISM IS A CODE WORD FOR ANTI-WHITE. It also allowed nationalists to get many pictures of Antifa BEFORE they donned their masks.

The National Post asserted there were 1,000 anti-racist protesters. My estimate was closer to 200. They were a motley crew of masked thuggish antifa, leftist crazies and some more establishment virtue signallers coming out as the street troops for the The Fund Kid, Justin Trudeau, who, when receiving a Global Citizen Award from the globalist Atlantic Union in New York earlier in the month proclaimed a globalist jihad against natiopnalists and those with traditional views on human sexuality:  ‘We need to be every bit as strong, ever bit as vigilant in opposing the scourges of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ethnic and religious bigotry, neo-fascism, neo-Nazis and the violent extremism of Daesh (ISIS) that confront us in 2017.” (National Post, September 21, 2017)

Prominent among this gaggle of White haters, self haters and useful idiots was Peterborough MP Maryam Monsef, who was swept into the cabinet at age 31 of the strength of her sex and Third World status. Her publicity claimed she had come to Canada as a refugee from Afghanistan at age 11. It turned out this was a bit of a fib. She’d hailed from Iran. Coming from lands that know little about democracy, she had been tasked with delivering democratic reform and moving toward proportional representation. She flopped miserably and has been shifted to being Minister on the Status of Women.

Here is her Facebook posting — no mention or apology for the Antifa violence. “Peace and love will always overcome hate,” she burbles. But where was the “hate” but on the contorted faces of those Antifa attacking a supposed White Nationalist?


Though the attacker was a Somali Muslim and the victim was a white police officer, she included multiple calls to “end white supremacy.”

Justin Trudeau shared the post to his own Facebook on Sunday and said he agrees entirely.

“Well said, Minister,” Trudeau said. “Canadians’ resolve has been tested this weekend, but I know, as always, we will come through united. Our diversity is our strength.”

Commenters were not as thrilled:

Earlier this year, Trudeau chastised Trump for his quasi-Muslim ban and said that “Muslim Canadians are an essential part of the success of our country.”

“And I’m never going to shy away from standing up for what I believe in, whether it’s proclaiming loudly to the world that I am a feminist, whether it’s understanding that immigration is a source of strength for us and Muslim Canadians are an essential part of the success of our country today and into the future,” Trudeau said.

The National Post (October 1, 2017) provided some fascinating photos of some of them ore the deranged members of the crowd. Note, also the unapologetic attitude of perpetrators of violence.

Violence erupts at anti-racism rally in Peterborough, Ont.

Clashes erupted between anti-racism protesters and a man in a Nazi T-shirt, and between anti-racism protesters and police

Two people were arrested at Confederation Square in Peterborough, Ont., on Saturday after a crowd filled the park to speak out against white supremacists who’d planned a rally there but didn’t show up after all.

The crowd of more than 1,000, taking part in what was dubbed Solidarity Weekend, filled the park and, to the beat of drums, rallied in opposition to the Canadian Nationalist Front, the organization planning to hold the anti-immigration event, which ended up not happening.

Despite the peaceful intent of the Solidarity Weekend organizers, clashes erupted: One between anti-racism protesters and a man in a Nazi T-shirt, and another between anti-racism protesters and police, which led to the arrests.

One person was arrested for assault during the rally after a man was punched on the south side of Confederation Square, city police Insp. Lynne Buehler stated.

Owen Lucas, 22, of Wolfe Street, was charged with assault causing bodily harm. He has been held in custody.

The punched man suffered an injured mouth and required medical treatment, Buehler stated.

According to Buehler, at around 2:45 p.m. some people in the crowd covered their faces and heads to disguise their identities.

The man in the Nazi T-shirt and a woman, who had her head covered in a hood, engaged in a shouting match, Buehler stated.

During that dispute an officer was assaulted, Buehler stated.

Tensions rise as protesters clash with police on Saturday Sept. 30, 2017 in Peterborough, Ont.CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/POSTMEDIA NETWORK

As a result the woman was arrested for assaulting the officer and was placed in a police cruiser, Buehler stated. Police obtained her name and address and released the woman from custody at the scene after people swarmed the cruiser and chanted for her release, blocking traffic at George St. and McDonnel St. for about 20 minutes.

Police are continuing their investigation of that incident.

The woman who left the police cruiser told a different version of events.

Jane Way, 22, walked away from the cruiser saying she’d punched a man – whom she called a Nazi – and then police tackled her.

“I kept yelling at them (police) that I’m disabled and they kept tackling me,” she said.

Police arrest a protester on Saturday Sept. 30, 2017 in Peterborough, Ont. CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/POSTMEDIA NETWORK

But she said she didn’t regret her actions: “That’s (expletive) camaraderie – that’s why we’re here,” she said.

Some protesters, including Jeremy Bertrand, yelled obscenities at police while the woman was in the cruiser.

Bertrand said a man had arrived at the march, yelled at protesters and ripped up a placard before he was confronted by the woman.

“Then I saw three Peterborough Police officers twist and contort this woman,” Bertrand said, adding that the officers then “tackled her to the ground.”

Officers attempted to restore calm to the crowd, which had largely dispersed by 5:30 p.m., according to Buehler.

Protesters surround a police cruiser on Saturday Sept. 30, 2017 in Peterborough, Ont.CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/POSTMEDIA NETWORK

Meanwhile there was also a man taken away from the scene by paramedics; he was seen limping into the back of an ambulance on his own.

Shawn Salo, a local videographer, wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday night that he’d been shooting video when he attempted to help police in the scuffle. He wrote that his injuries will require surgery.

The crowd gathered at Confederation Square on Saturday afternoon to take a stand against an anti-immigration rally that was supposed to take place there.

Kevin Goudreau, a Peterborough resident, is the chairman of the Canadian Nationalist Front, a group that wants to make this country a white homeland. He was planning an anti-immigration, anti-Trudeau rally in Confederation Square, the same site as the city’s war memorial

I saw three Peterborough Police officers twist and contort this woman

Instead, the public square attracted more than 1,000 people there to denounce racism: Seniors, children, people in colourful costumes carrying placards, and several people with their faces covered from the nose down with bandannas (from the group Peterborough Against Fascism).

The incidents involving police occurred after a large portion of the crowd left the square to march around the block.

Before and after the melee, hundreds of people gathered in the square and also on the lawn on Emmanuel Church across the street.

Those on the lawn of the church – the former George Street United Church, across the street from the square – were there to hear speakers such as Toronto activist Desmond Cole.

They were also making art and taking part in drum circles. It was part of a full weekend of counter rallies called Solidarity Weekend.

Members of Peterborough Against Fascism march during a white supremacy demonstration on Saturday September 30, 2017 in Peterborough, Ont. CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/POSTMEDIA NETWORK

One supporter was Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryam Monsef, who arrived in Peterborough as a refugee when she was a child.

She was there speaking with people in the square, amid the crowd that turned out to denounce racism.

“I’m proud of my community,” she said.

Yet two men at the rally said they felt unfairly targeted.

Suddenly there were 10 guys with bandannas in my face

R.J. Finley, 24, and Ashton Parks, 21, wore suits and sat on the Cenotaph. They were confronted by several people who apparently mistook them for supporters of the Nationalist Front.

Parks described himself as a Conservative who is against both fascism and communism. He said he attracted the attention of Peterborough Against Fascism simply because he was wearing a suit.

“Suddenly there were 10 guys with bandannas in my face,” he said. “They turned the whole crowd on me. I was trying to preach love.”

One member of Peterborough Against Fascism spoke to The Examiner but refused to give his name.

He said people in the group don’t identify themselves because they feel the Canadian Nationalist Front could become violent and target them or their families.

“These aren’t the nicest of people – we’re not interested in getting nailed,” he said.

Police arrest a protester on Saturday Sept. 30, 2017 in Peterborough, Ont. CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/POSTMEDIA NETWORK

But he didn’t apologize for his group confronting the men in suits.

“If we get right down to their politics, it’s about returning to Conservative glory,” he said.

Lynn Eno was there carrying a placard. She said that as both an Algonquin and the daughter of a war veteran, she felt compelled to attend.

She said it was “a sacrilege” that the Canadian Nationalist Front was planning an anti-immigration rally on the site of the war memorial.

“My father went to war so myself, my children and grandchildren can live in peace – I don’t take their sacrifice lightly,” she said.

Coun. Henry Clarke was at the square on Saturday. He’s deputy mayor and chairman of the cenotaph committee.

City police escort a man who was punched during the protests on Saturday Sept. 30, 2017 in Peterborough, Ont. CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT/POSTMEDIA NETWORK

He said he went to ensure protesters didn’t go near the war memorial. He asked a few people who were sitting on the memorial to leave, he said, but they didn’t listen.

Meanwhile, outside Emmanuel Church, people took part in the drum circle led by Christian Harvey.

Ziysah von Bieberstein, one of the organizers of the Solidarity Weekend, said she was concerned too much focus would be on the incidents involving police. That’s not what it was all about, she said.

“In the last few weeks, we turned around a national news story about an anti-immigration rally into a story of people coming together in a commitment to end white supremacy,” she said.

It took a lot of people to organize a full weekend of solidarity, she said – and everyone had their own way of organizing.

“But we united and took back our public space.


Terrorist attack in Edmonton and the truth about the massacre in Las Vegas

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Terrorist attack in Edmonton and the truth about the massacre in Las Vegas 

Brian Ruhe talks with Paul Fromm who is the Director of the Canada First Immigration 
Reform Committee, at: 

Canada Could Learn From Austria: Women forced to remove the veil on day one of Austrian Burqa Ban

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Women forced to remove the veil on day one of Austrian burqa ban

Helen Nianias


The TelegraphOctober 1, 2017

<img alt=”The new law takes in Muslim veils as well as surgical masks and scarves – AFP” class=”Maw(100%)” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAw/” itemprop=”url”/>

The new law takes in Muslim veils as well as surgical masks and scarves – AFP


Muslim women in Austria were forced by police to remove their facial coverings on Sunday, as an anti-burqa law came into effect.

The so-called ‘burqa ban’ prohibits facial coverings including niqabs and burqas, and also places restrictions on surgical masks, ski masks and clown make-up worn in public.

Yesterday, a woman wearing a niqab facial veil, which only leaves the eyes uncovered, was seen being told to remove her veil by two police officers in Zell am See, a city south of Saltzburg.


Austria’s ban on full-face Islamic veils comes into force following similar measures in other European countries Credit: BARBARA GINDL/AFP/Getty Images


Those who defy the ban could face a fine of €150 (£132).

While the rule applies to some non-religious facial coverings, it is mostly perceived to be directed at the extremely modest clothes worn by a minority of Muslim women.

Police officers ask a woman to unveil her face in Zell am See, Austria Credit: BARBARA GINDL/AFP/Getty Images


Full veils remain rare in Austria despite the surge of migrants and refugees into Europe in 2015, but they have become a target for right-wing groups and political parties.

The measures, similar to those in other European Union countries such as France, also apply to visitors even though large numbers of Arab tourists holiday in the Alpine country.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has previously indicated her support for a similar law in Germany, saying: “Our law takes precedence over codes of honor, tribal or family rules, and over sharia law.”

Some Muslim groups in Austria have criticised the ban. Carla Amina Bhagajati of the Islamic Religious Community in Austria said the “handful” of fully veiled women she knows of in Vienna “now are criminalized and… restricted to their homes.”


A model holds an information pamphlet about new Austrian restrictions  Credit: JOE KLAMAR/AFP/Getty Images


The legislation was brought in by the outgoing centrist government of Chancellor Christian Kern. The government said: “Acceptance and respect of Austrian values are basic conditions for successful cohabitation between the majority Austrian population and people from third countries living in Austria.”

However, the strong support for the new law could point towards political upheaval in Austria’s general election on October 15.

Austrian parties campaigning on anti-migrant messages are predicted to win and form a coalition government, reflecting a swing to the right in a country that has mainly had centrist governments since World War II.

The election is expected to see the anti-immigration Freedom Party (FPOe) come second or third and potentially enter a coalition with Sebastian Kurz of the centre-right.

Other measures that came into force Sunday include immigrants signing an “integration contract” and compulsory courses in the German language and “values”.

Terrorist With ISIS Flag Kicks Off Islamic Heritage Month By Stabbing Edmonton Cop & Running Down Four People

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Terrorist With ISIS Flag Kicks Off Islamic Heritage Month By Stabbing Edmonton Cop & Running Down Four People

According to The North York Mirror (September 26, 2017): “The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) celebrated the inaugural launch of Islamic Heritage Month Monday, Sept. 25 at the Aga Khan Museum, 77 Wynford Dr. TDSB staff, parents, students, and politicians enjoyed an evening of song, art and comedy. The [Ontario] legislature unanimously passed an act last year recognizing October as Islamic Heritage Month in the province. Canadian Islamic History Month has been officially recognized federally in October since 2007. The TDSB will host a number of workshops throughout October, including Stereotypes and Diversity in the Media: How do we fit in?; and How to Talk to Your Children About Online Hate.”

The month got off to a good start. A 30-year old Moslem with an ISIS flag in his vehicle ran down a policeman near an Edmonton Eskimos football game

 then stabbed him. “He rammed, then stabbed the police officer — and that the flag is part of the investigation.

“The attack began on the officer who was manning a routine Eskimos game-day blockade by himself southwest of Commonwealth Stadium at 107A avenue and 92 Street. The officer was outside his vehicle, which had its lights flashing to improve visibility. At around 8:15 p.m., a man driving a white Chevrolet Malibu crashed into the barricades set up to keep pedestrians separated from vehicles.

The vehicle struck the officer “sending him flying through the air 15 feet before colliding with the officer’s cruiser” at high speed.

The suspect, believed to be 30 years old, then got out of his vehicle and attacked the officer with a knife. The officer was stabbed multiple times before the suspect fled on foot northbound on 92 Street.” (Edmonton Journal, October 1, 2017)

Later, the terrorist stole a U-Haul, was stopped at a roadblock and then fled. “Immediately after the incident, Knecht said information about the registered owner of the vehicle was broadcast to patrol officers across the city.

A manhunt was underway when before midnight the suspect was pulled over at a police check stop on Wayne Gretzky Drive and 112 Avenue driving a U-Haul truck. When the officer asked to see a driver’s licence, he recognized the name as being similar to that of the registered owner of the Malibu used in the earlier attack. The suspect fled the scene with at least a dozen police vehicles in pursuit.

Pedestrians targeted in downtown chase

A high speed chase ensued with the suspect racing west down Jasper Avenue into the downtown, where Knecht said the suspect “deliberately tried to hit pedestrians in crosswalks and alleys” at two areas along the route. Four pedestrians were struck and were subsequently transported to hospital. There is no information on their condition.

Shortly after the pedestrians were run down, the suspect’s vehicle overturned on 100 Avenue just south of Jasper “due to police interaction,” said [Police Chief Rod] Knecht.”

Assorted politicians babbled nonsense as their “diversity” begins to implode before their eyes.

Was “Public Safety” Minister Ralph Goodale drunk. It wasn’t a bombing. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had just returned from the New York, where he told the Atlantic Union that we must fight Islamophobia and racism. The Trust Fund Kid said “diversity” is our strength, in response to this attack.. Bollocks! Diversity is a code word for White replacement. It’s Trudeau’s “diversity” that helped bring Islamic terrorism to our shores

. I nearly gagged hearing that idiot socialist Premier Rachel Notley unable to cough out the world Islamic terrorism but  she said “hate and extremism” had no place in Alberta. If you can’t name the problem, you can’t deal with it.

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