Monthly Archives: July 2024

Reminder to the Elite Invasion Facilitators in Ottawa & Washington

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Reminder to the Elite Invasion Facilitators in Ottawa & Washington

Merkel’s Rapefugees, Almost All From the Third World

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DIVERSITY AT WORK: North African Crime Rate Explodes in Germany, Rape up 169% and Murder up 110% in 4 Years

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North African Crime Rate Explodes in Germany, Rape up 169% and Murder up 110% in 4 Years

Remix, July 29, 2024

The crime rate of North Africans is soaring higher in Germany, with Moroccans and Tunisians now responsible for one murder every six days on average. However, other serious crimes, including assault, stabbings, and rape, are exploding as well, with the German left-liberal government overseeing an incredible increase in crime while refusing to deport offenders.

Compared to 2019, murder cases involving Tunisians increased by 110 percent and 67 percent for Moroccans. Last year, a Tunisian or a Moroccan committed a murder every sixth day in Germany, according to data from the Federal Criminal Police Office.

When it comes to sexual crimes such as rape, this group of North Africans is even more overrepresented in the crime data. The number of serious sexual offense cases like rape jumped 169 percent for Tunisians between 2019 and 2023 while Moroccans saw an increase of 65 percent in the same period, according to a report from Bild newspaper.

For assaults and robbery, nationals from these two North African nations were responsible for a total of 6,746 crimes in 2023, which equals 19 cases a day. This group of foreigners also is notorious for attacking police officers, with the number of such cases doubling since 2019.

The number of theft cases involving Moroccan suspects rose from 2,900 in 2019 to 5,501 cases in 2023, and among Tunisians by as much as 176 percent to 3,881 cases in 2023.

The only real numbers that are seeing any drop are in terms of deportations. In 2019, 319 Tunisians and 696 Moroccans were deported to their home countries. In 2023, these numbers fell to 273 Tunisians and 272 Moroccans — despite soaring crime from these two groups and an increasing number of people from these two countries arriving in Germany.

The problem has much to do with the ruling government, with the Greens refusing to label these two countries, well known as tourist destinations for Germans, as “safe countries.” Germans, and even these migrants themselves, routinely take their vacations in these nations.

Even ultra-violent and criminal migrants from these countries can remain in Germany for years without any potential for deportation. As Remix News reported last week, one Moroccan migrant has committed well over 100 crimes in the last 10 years — and despite a standing deportation order and multiple prison stints — he has never been deported back to this home country. Just this month, he triggered four police operations in a matter of 24 hours.

Despite the numerous asylum claims from these nations, the rate of their cases being accepted as actual political persecution is close to zero percent. Most of them are, in reality, economic migrants who travel through numerous safe countries to enjoy Germany’s social welfare system. In many cases, these countries have no interest in taking back criminals who may cause serious problems in their host nation.

The crime rate is not only exploding for these two groups; Germany’s foreign population overall has brought a tremendous amount of criminality with it. In 2023, there was a record share of foreign crime in the data, with 41 percent of all crimes committed by foreigners. For serious crimes like rape and murder, foreigners account for 6 out of every 10 crimes.

It is important to note that German statistics do not tell the whole story either, as many of the murders are committed by German citizens who are actually of foreign origin and were naturalized as German citizens. For instance, Berlin’s lead prosecutor has stated that three out of every four migrant clan members actually have German citizenship. As a result, every time one of these gang members commits a crime, the police record it as a German committing a crime.

A Stunning Video Tribute to the Charm & Beauty of the European People

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A Stunning Video Tribute to the Charm & Beauty of the European People

Conspiracy Theory

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Conspiracy Theory

Canada First Rally

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Utter Anti-Christian Mockery Marks Paris Olympics Opening

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French bishops condemn Olympic ‘mockery of Christianity’

The opening of the Paris games featured drag queens and transsexuals posing as Jesus and his apostles

French bishops condemn Olympic ‘mockery of Christianity’

A scene from the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, France, July 26, 2024 ©  X / @OlympicsParis

The Bishops’ Conference of France has denounced the organizers of the Olympic Games over an LGBTQ-themed parody of the Last Supper during the event’s opening ceremony. The organizers have claimed that the performance reflected their “values and principles.”

The ceremony, which took place in central Paris on Friday night, concluded with a troupe of drag queens, homosexuals, and transsexuals posing at a table, as Jesus Christ and his apostles appeared in Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’. 

A giant serving dish was then wheeled out in front of the table, from which emerged a mostly naked man made up to resemble Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and festivity.

Throughout the performance, a male dancer’s exposed testicles could be seen behind the table.

“This ceremony unfortunately included scenes in which Christianity was mocked and ridiculed, which we deeply regret,” the Bishops’ Conference said in a statement on Saturday. 

“We thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity with us,” the statement continued. “This morning we think of all Christians on all continents who have been hurt by the exaggeration and provocation of some scenes.”


Transgender Olympic ‘Last Supper parody’ sparks outrage (VIDEOS)

The ceremony was condemned by Christians and conservatives around the world. Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota called the performance a “gross mockery of the Last Supper,” while Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini declared that “opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians across the world was a really bad start” for France. 

SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk described the spectacle as “extremely disrespectful to Christians,” while tech entrepreneur Dr. Eli David wrote that “even as a Jew,” he was “infuriated by this outrageous insult to Jesus and Christianity.”

Olympic organizers have defended the opening show. “We imagined a ceremony to show our values and our principles so we gave a very committed message,” Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet told reporters on Saturday. “The idea was to really trigger a reflection. We wanted to have a message as strong as possible.”

“Our idea was inclusion,” added Thomas Jolly, the ceremony’s artistic director. “We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everybody.”

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Sixty per cent of Canadians say Canada is admitting too many immigrants: poll

The proportion of Canadians who feel Canada is admitting too many immigrants is ‘the highest on record in this century’

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Author of the article:

Sharon Kirkey

Published Jul 25, 2024  •  Last updated 1 day ago  •  4 minute read


Marc Miller.
Immigration Minister Marc Miller helps conduct a citizenship ceremony during the Calgary Stampede on July 13, 2024. Miller announced last year that Canada would cap immigration targets at 500,000 annually starting in 2025. Photo by Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia

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Canadians are growing increasingly uneasy with the number of new immigrants coming to the country, with three out of five people saying there are “too many,” the highest rate of dissatisfaction with Canada’s immigration policies in decades, according to a new poll.

Sixty per cent of Canadian adults surveyed in the July poll said Canada accepts too many newcomers, a 10-percentage-point increase in the number who shared that sentiment in February.

Overall, just 28 per cent of respondents in the new poll, conducted by Leger for the Association of Canadian Studies, said the number of new arrivals is about right. Three per cent said there are “too few” immigrants coming to Canada.

The housing crisis and economic worries are driving a dramatic shift in attitudes over immigration numbers that emerged in the aftermath of the pandemic, said Jack Jedwab, president of the Association of Canadian Studies. Immigration is also moving to the top of national political agendas in the U.S. and many parts of Europe, “and I don’t think Canadians are insulated from those global debates,” Jedwab said.

In France, Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration party significantly increased its seats in the country’s snap election. A June Gallup poll found that 55 per cent of Americans want to see less immigration, up from 41 per cent in 2023. Former U.S. president Donald Trump has promised militarized mass deportations if re-elected.

“My sense is that global instability, whether it’s Russia-Ukraine or the Middle East, is affecting some of this. I think Canadians are taking notice,” Jedwab said.

In a previous poll, Jedwab asked Canadians who felt there are too many immigrants why they felt that way. It was more about economic concerns and far less about identity issues as reflected by the view that immigrants don’t share “Canadian values.”

But the 10-point jump since February in the number Canadians who now feel there are too many immigrants “seems to be coinciding with this sort of global dislocation or global instability,” Jedwab said.

It’s difficult to tease out, but in one test of a possible correlation between global conflicts and changing attitudes towards immigration, some three in four people who strongly supported the police’s dismantling of anti-Israel encampments at McGill University this summer believes that there are too many immigrants coming to Canada.

Recent immigrants also think Canada’s immigration levels are too high, with 42 per cent of more than 2,000 adults who immigrated to Canada within the past decade telling Leger in a poll conducted between December 2023 and February 2024 that the Trudeau Liberals’ new immigration targets are too permissive.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced last year that Canada would ease government immigration targets, capping newcomers at 500,000 annually starting in 2025. Those targets are up from less than 300,000 immigrants yearly when the Liberals came to power in 2015.

Canada plans to admit 485,000 new immigrants this year.

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre has said he would fix Canada’s “ruined” immigration system by tying population growth to the growth in the supply of housing.

The new Leger poll was conducted from July 12 to July 15. The percentage saying there are too many new immigrants — 60 per cent — is the highest Jedwab has seen “in this century” and is more than double the 28 per cent who felt that way in a federal citizenship and immigration survey in 2006.

Across all political parties, more people feel there are too many immigrants than the right number, according to the Leger poll: 45 per cent of Liberal voters felt that way, compared to 43 per cent who said Canada was accepting “about the right number.” Some 76 per cent of Conservative voters think immigration levels are too high.

Concerns around immigration are highest in Alberta (67 per cent of Albertans said there are too many newcomers), Ontario (62 per cent) and Quebec (61 per cent).

Torontonians are more concerned with immigration numbers than are Montrealers or Vancouverites, though more than half across all three cities feel there are currently too many immigrants coming to Canada. “The perceived degree of pressure on their space and available services may be seen as  higher in the city with, by far, the largest number of immigrants,” Jedwab said.

More than half (54.7 per cent) of non-white respondents also agreed the numbers are too high, while 32.5 per cent felt the numbers are about right.

“Leger didn’t include immigrant and non-immigrant in the sample, but the vast majority of immigrants to Canada are visible minorities,” Jedwab said. “The results make it difficult to argue that prejudice is a main driver of opposition to the number of immigrants,” he said.

The youngest adults are least concerned with current levels of immigration, with 41 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds telling Leger they think there are currently too many immigrants coming to Canada. The oldest (55 and older) were the most concerned, even though, paradoxically, “immigrants to Canada are important for demographic reasons, and to offset the aging of the population and maintain a balanced ratio of retirees to workers,” Jedwab said.

Some 1,784 respondents were interviewed for the ACS-Leger survey. A margin of error cannot be associated with a non-probability sample in a panel survey for comparison purposes. A probability sample of 1,784 respondents would have a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 per cent, 19 times out of 20. (National Post, July 25, 2024)

Umm, Without the Europeans

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Just In: Illegals in England

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“Do Not Even Speak A Word Of English” | Isabel Oakeshott On Britain’s Migrant Crisis – YouTube

They say how the Workers up in the Shetland Isles LOVED the barge so much that the company behind it extended its contract for the worker housing. However, the migrants did not care for it at all and complained about it endlessly as did the stupid NGO’s. So, now, under Labour it’s to be closed, and all of them put back into hotels? T

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