Monthly Archives: November 2017

Racial IQ Differences Should Be Considered in Immigration Policy

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Racial IQ Differences Should Be Considered in Immigration Policy

Is This Part Of The Reason For Millions Of Rapes & Gang
Rapes In Europe By Black African & Arab Muslims?

Submitted by Anon

Average Black IQs Are Prehistoric & Arabs Are Nearly The Same
These Non PC Factual Statistics And Date But Are Rarely Seen

IQ tests measure the innate and immutable mental capability that involves abstract thinking, logical reasoning, ability to solve novel problems and comprehend complex ideas.

Intelligence is inherited and not equally distributed among the races.

IQ by race:

•   East Asians = 106
•   Whites = 102
•   Inuits and Eskimos = 91
•   South-East Asians = 87
•   American Indians = 87
•   Non-White Hispanics = 86
•   Koko (a western lowland gorilla) = 85
•   American Blacks = 85 (average 24% White admixture)
•   Middle East and North Africans = 84
•   African Blacks = 67 (only 2% of Whites score this low)
•   Australian Aborigines = 62
•   Kalahari Bushman = 54
•   Congo Pygmies = 54

Asian IQ scores cluster around the mean; thus, the cognitive variation among Whites produces more geniuses, but also more morons.

IQ studies are normed for every conceivable variable and have been confirmed on twins and trans-racial adoption studies, but the racial IQ gap persists, including on non-verbal tests such Raven’s Matrices, digit span, and mental chronometry.

Blacks are the only race never to have civilized. No modern creations exist in sub-Saharan Africa that were not brought there by Whites. Without continuous intervention, Blacks cannot even maintain what Whites gave them.

19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African.

There are no White Third-World nations, but all Black ones are.

Highest National IQs:

•   108      Singapore
•   106      South Korea
•   105      Japan
•   105      China
•   102      Italy
•   101      Iceland
•   101      Switzerland
•   100      Austria
•   100      Netherlands
•   100      Norway

Lowest National IQs:

•   68        Somalia
•   67        Guinea
•   67        Haiti
•   67        Liberia
•   66        Gambia
•   64        Cameroon
•   64        Gabon
•   64        Sierra Leone
•   64        Mozambique
•   59        Equatorial Guinea

Blacks are proto-humans; modern man evolved from Blacks by hybridizing with the large-brain Neanderthals:

•   Blacks   =   2% Archaic admixture
•   Whites   =   4% Neanderthal
•   Asians   =   5% Neanderthal + Denisovan

Genetic distance is a measure of the genetic divergence between populations. Blacks have a genetic distance of 0.23 from Whites and Asians, but only 0.17 from Erectus. That means Blacks are more genetically proximate to archaic man than to modern man.

Blacks are the only race with no DNA from the large-brain Neanderthals. Civilizations didn’t begin until the Neanderthal hybridization created the larger brains in modern man:

Brain Size by Race:

•   Black   =   1267 cm
•   White   =   1347 cm
•   Asian   =   1364 cm

Brain Weight by Race:

•   Black   =   1261 g
•   White   =   1387 g
•   Asian   =   1374 g

Whites’ brains are faster, larger, denser, and more complex than Blacks’ brains:

•   7% larger
•   126 grams heavier
•   deeper fissuration in the frontal and occipital regions
•   more complex convolutions
•   larger frontal lobes
•   more pyramidal neurons
•   16% thicker supra-grandular layer
•   one standard deviation more cerebrum
•   react faster on mental chronometry tests
•   600 million more neurons

Whites are only 10% of the world’s population, yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known. Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, orbit it by spacecraft, walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths… Blacks cannot even feed themselves.

Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks cannot survive without White charity.

No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.

Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago.

Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all. Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years so they cannot blame slavery, racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures.

Simply, life is an IQ test.

In 156 American studies that have reported the IQ means of a Black and a White sample, the mean Black-White difference is 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), or about sixteen IQ points.

In 1980, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth administered the largest and most carefully selected national sample of 6,502 Whites and 3,022 Blacks an IQ test and found a difference of 1.2 SDs.

An IQ gap of at least 1.1 SDs for American Blacks (average 24% White admixture) and Whites has been present for the entire 100+ year history of IQ tests. The gap between African Blacks and Whites is 2.0 SDs.

Black-White IQ Distribution:

5% above 110 IQ
16% above 100 IQ
40% above 90 IQ
60% above 80 IQ
40% below 80 IQ
18% below 75 IQ
10% below 70 IQ

10% above 120 IQ
18% above 115 IQ
27% above 110 IQ
40% above 105 IQ
50% above 100 IQ
60% below 105 IQ
35% below 95 IQ
15% below 85 IQ

As the New York Times put it, “…the difference in IQ points between the groups is quite significant. It means that the top sixth of Blacks score only as well on IQ tests as do the top half of Whites.”

The least intelligent 10% of Whites have IQs below 80 (low functioning); 40% of Blacks do.

Only one Black in six is more intelligent than the average White; five Whites out of six are more intelligent than the average Black.

Incidentally, Black female IQ is 2.4 points higher than Black male IQ. There are twice as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 120, and five times as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 140.

About 2.3% of Whites have an IQ of at least 130 (gifted), 20 times greater than the percentage of Blacks who do; only 0.00044% of African Blacks have an IQ over 130. 80% of gifted American Blacks have White admixture.

Geniuses by Race (IQ 140 or higher):

•   African Blacks                 1:3,500,000            (0.000003%)
•   American Blacks             1:218,000               (0.0004%)
•   Whites                             1:83                        (1.2%)

So, the per capita genius rate for Whites is 41,000 times higher than it is for African Blacks.

If all Whites in America were replaced by Blacks, the number of geniuses in the country would fall from about 2.4 million to only 1,000.

The so-called “achievement gap” by SAT scores:

Year              White             Black             Gap
1985              1038               839               199
1990              1031               849               185
1995              1052               857               195
2000              1060               859               201
2005              1061               863               197
2010              1063               855               208
2015              1047               846               201

This gap is so significant that colleges award Blacks 230 SAT “race bonus” points to help them qualify for admission. The Black-only National Achievement Scholarship was created because Blacks are not competitive for the National Merit Scholarship.

IQ by Race and Highest Degree Earned (1972 — 2014):

Highest Degree                      White IQ               Black IQ               Gap
High School Drop-out:                 89                         82                      7
High School Diploma                   98                         90                      8
Junior College Degree               102                         95                      7
Bachelor’s Degree                      108                       100                     8
Graduate Degree                        113                       102                    11

Therefore, a Black with a Graduate Degree has an IQ equivalent to a White with a junior college degree.

Blacks can only achieve because they have White admixture or because they reside in White societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure in Africa to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve dominance and control over them.

The American Psychological Association declares, “…large differences do exist between the average IQ scores of Blacks and Whites, and that these differences cannot be attributed to biases in test construction.”

Is This Part Of The Reason For Millions

Of Rapes & Gang
Rapes In Europe By Black African & Arab Muslims?

Submitted by Anon

Average Black IQs Are Prehistoric & Arabs Are Nearly The Same
These Non PC Factual Statistics And Date But Are Rarely Seen

IQ tests measure the innate and immutable mental capability that involves abstract thinking, logical reasoning, ability to solve novel problems and comprehend complex ideas.

Intelligence is inherited and not equally distributed among the races.

IQ by race:

•   East Asians = 106
•   Whites = 102
•   Inuits and Eskimos = 91
•   South-East Asians = 87
•   American Indians = 87
•   Non-White Hispanics = 86
•   Koko (a western lowland gorilla) = 85
•   American Blacks = 85 (average 24% White admixture)
•   Middle East and North Africans = 84
•   African Blacks = 67 (only 2% of Whites score this low)
•   Australian Aborigines = 62
•   Kalahari Bushman = 54
•   Congo Pygmies = 54

Asian IQ scores cluster around the mean; thus, the cognitive variation among Whites produces more geniuses, but also more morons.

IQ studies are normed for every conceivable variable and have been confirmed on twins and trans-racial adoption studies, but the racial IQ gap persists, including on non-verbal tests such Raven’s Matrices, digit span, and mental chronometry.

Blacks are the only race never to have civilized. No modern creations exist in sub-Saharan Africa that were not brought there by Whites. Without continuous intervention, Blacks cannot even maintain what Whites gave them.

19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African.

There are no White Third-World nations, but all Black ones are.

Highest National IQs:

•   108      Singapore
•   106      South Korea
•   105      Japan
•   105      China
•   102      Italy
•   101      Iceland
•   101      Switzerland
•   100      Austria
•   100      Netherlands
•   100      Norway

Lowest National IQs:

•   68        Somalia
•   67        Guinea
•   67        Haiti
•   67        Liberia
•   66        Gambia
•   64        Cameroon
•   64        Gabon
•   64        Sierra Leone
•   64        Mozambique
•   59        Equatorial Guinea

Blacks are proto-humans; modern man evolved from Blacks by hybridizing with the large-brain Neanderthals:

•   Blacks   =   2% Archaic admixture
•   Whites   =   4% Neanderthal
•   Asians   =   5% Neanderthal + Denisovan

Genetic distance is a measure of the genetic divergence between populations. Blacks have a genetic distance of 0.23 from Whites and Asians, but only 0.17 from Erectus. That means Blacks are more genetically proximate to archaic man than to modern man.

Blacks are the only race with no DNA from the large-brain Neanderthals. Civilizations didn’t begin until the Neanderthal hybridization created the larger brains in modern man:

Brain Size by Race:

•   Black   =   1267 cm
•   White   =   1347 cm
•   Asian   =   1364 cm

Brain Weight by Race:

•   Black   =   1261 g
•   White   =   1387 g
•   Asian   =   1374 g

Whites’ brains are faster, larger, denser, and more complex than Blacks’ brains:

•   7% larger
•   126 grams heavier
•   deeper fissuration in the frontal and occipital regions
•   more complex convolutions
•   larger frontal lobes
•   more pyramidal neurons
•   16% thicker supra-grandular layer
•   one standard deviation more cerebrum
•   react faster on mental chronometry tests
•   600 million more neurons

Whites are only 10% of the world’s population, yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known. Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, orbit it by spacecraft, walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths… Blacks cannot even feed themselves.

Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks cannot survive without White charity.

No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.

Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago.

Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all. Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years so they cannot blame slavery, racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures.

Simply, life is an IQ test.

In 156 American studies that have reported the IQ means of a Black and a White sample, the mean Black-White difference is 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), or about sixteen IQ points.

In 1980, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth administered the largest and most carefully selected national sample of 6,502 Whites and 3,022 Blacks an IQ test and found a difference of 1.2 SDs.

An IQ gap of at least 1.1 SDs for American Blacks (average 24% White admixture) and Whites has been present for the entire 100+ year history of IQ tests. The gap between African Blacks and Whites is 2.0 SDs.

Black-White IQ Distribution:

5% above 110 IQ
16% above 100 IQ
40% above 90 IQ
60% above 80 IQ
40% below 80 IQ
18% below 75 IQ
10% below 70 IQ

10% above 120 IQ
18% above 115 IQ
27% above 110 IQ
40% above 105 IQ
50% above 100 IQ
60% below 105 IQ
35% below 95 IQ
15% below 85 IQ

As the New York Times put it, “…the difference in IQ points between the groups is quite significant. It means that the top sixth of Blacks score only as well on IQ tests as do the top half of Whites.”

The least intelligent 10% of Whites have IQs below 80 (low functioning); 40% of Blacks do.

Only one Black in six is more intelligent than the average White; five Whites out of six are more intelligent than the average Black.

Incidentally, Black female IQ is 2.4 points higher than Black male IQ. There are twice as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 120, and five times as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 140.

About 2.3% of Whites have an IQ of at least 130 (gifted), 20 times greater than the percentage of Blacks who do; only 0.00044% of African Blacks have an IQ over 130. 80% of gifted American Blacks have White admixture.

Geniuses by Race (IQ 140 or higher):

•   African Blacks                 1:3,500,000            (0.000003%)
•   American Blacks             1:218,000               (0.0004%)
•   Whites                             1:83                        (1.2%)

So, the per capita genius rate for Whites is 41,000 times higher than it is for African Blacks.

If all Whites in America were replaced by Blacks, the number of geniuses in the country would fall from about 2.4 million to only 1,000.

The so-called “achievement gap” by SAT scores:

Year              White             Black             Gap
1985              1038               839               199
1990              1031               849               185
1995              1052               857               195
2000              1060               859               201
2005              1061               863               197
2010              1063               855               208
2015              1047               846               201

This gap is so significant that colleges award Blacks 230 SAT “race bonus” points to help them qualify for admission. The Black-only National Achievement Scholarship was created because Blacks are not competitive for the National Merit Scholarship.

IQ by Race and Highest Degree Earned (1972 — 2014):

Highest Degree                      White IQ               Black IQ               Gap
High School Drop-out:                 89                         82                      7
High School Diploma                   98                         90                      8
Junior College Degree               102                         95                      7
Bachelor’s Degree                      108                       100                     8
Graduate Degree                        113                       102                    11

Therefore, a Black with a Graduate Degree has an IQ equivalent to a White with a junior college degree.

Blacks can only achieve because they have White admixture or because they reside in White societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure in Africa to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve dominance and control over them.

The American Psychological Association declares, “…large differences do exist between the average IQ scores of Blacks and Whites, and that these differences cannot be attributed to biases in test construction.”

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Paul Fromm on the Kenn Gividen Show: How Many Indians Did Whites Massacre & Other Politically Incorrect Issues With Charles Edward Lincoln

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Paul Fromm on the Kenn Gividen Show: How Many Indians Did Whites Massacre & Other Politically Incorrect Issues With Charles Edward Lincoln
How many Indians did Whites massacre?
The meaning of the Red Ensign — Canada’s rebel flag
The woes of multiculturalism

The Funny Red Flag

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The Funny Red Flag
I keep wondering why Canada is so politically dead. So much going on in Germany, Austria, the UK, France. the Visegrad countries, etc., but not in Canada. But sometimes I start thinking about that funny Canadian flag. It’s supposed to be a Sugar Maple, but Sugar Maples are orange or yellow in the fall. Only Red Maple is red. Like the star used by communists.
I often wonder if Canada is really a communist country pretending to be a capitalist country, and if so, all forms of rebellion get crushed, as they would be in China or Cuba. Besides the usual data for accusing the Trudeau family of communism, there are curious minor facts. There are no right-wing publishers here. Why not? Because all publishers here live off government grants. So how could they rebel against the government? In fact vast numbers of people live off government money.
My town, Kingston, Ontario, consists of 124,000 people, almost all of whom live mainly on money from the government — soldiers, students, teachers, prisoners, prison guards, doctors, patients, retirees (like me), the homeless. Almost nobody is earning a living in the usual sense of the word.
And again like other communist countries, Canada is basically a one-party system. There are no significant differences between Liberals and Conservatives.
Peter Goodchild

Unfair to Canadians

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Unfair to Canadians


unfair to Canadians

Category: Uncategorized

Shut the Door to Criminals. Terrorists or Those Who Want to Change Us

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shut the door








Shut the Door to Criminals. Terrorists or Those Who Want to Change Us
Category: Uncategorized

Bissett: Immigration policy is out of control and needs an overhaul

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Bissett: Immigration policy is out of control and needs an overhaul

Inline image 1
A group of new Canadians takes the citizenship oath at Pier 21 immigration centre in Halifax on Saturday, July 1, 2017. How many newcomers should Canada admit?


The Trudeau government’s plan to bring in close to one million new immigrants within the next three years should be of serious concern to Canadians. Next year alone, the numbers are expected to reach 310,000 but to that total must be added approximately 900,000 temporary foreign workers and foreign students who will be living in Canada. Since most of the newcomers will be settling in three of our major cities, the pressure on infrastructure and local services will be extreme.

Canada’s current immigration policy is based on myths. All of our political parties, most of the news media, big business interests, the banks and land developers favour large-scale immigration and justify this on the grounds that immigration helps our economy, strengthens the labour force and alleviates our aging problem.

In fact, only about 15 to 17 per cent of the annual flow consists of immigrants selected because they have skills, education and experience. Because of the pressure to get high numbers, few of these workers are seen or interviewed by visa officers. The selection is done by a paper review. The remainder of the movement is made up of the spouses and children accompanying the workers, family members sponsored by relatives in Canada, immigrants selected by the provinces (who do not have to meet federal selection criteria ), refugees and humanitarian cases.

The truth is that the government has lost control of the immigration program by abandoning its traditional role of selecting our immigrants and controlling their numbers. Canadians have been brainwashed into believing we are doomed if we don’t keep immigration levels high. We are also told that our immigration policies are acknowledged to be the envy of the world. These arguments are wrong.

There is no evidence that immigration is essential for economic growth. The 1985 MacDonald Royal Commission Report concluded that immigration did not contribute to economic growth and, in fact, caused a decline in per capita income and real wages. In 1989, a two-year study by the Department of Health and Welfare supported the MacDonald report and stated there was no argument for increased population growth and that immigration was not the answer to the aging of the population. In 1991, the Economic Council of Canada reached the same conclusion.

A more recent study by Prof. Herbert Grubel of Simon Fraser University and economist Patrick Grady found that in the year 2002 alone, the costs in services and benefits received by the 2.5 million immigrants between 1990 and 2002 exceeded the taxes paid by these immigrants by $23 billion. It is not surprising that this study has received little media coverage in Canada.

Studies outside of Canada have come to the same conclusion about the economic value of immigration. In Britain, a report by the House of Lords in 2008 warned that the government’s plan to admit 190,000 immigrants per year would achieve little benefit and would seriously affect the availability of housing and the quality of public services. The report also criticized the government for misleading the people by justifying immigration levels when they provided no economic benefit, were not needed to fill labour shortages and did not help the state’s pension fund.

Perhaps the most insidious argument still being advanced by government and other advocates of mass immigration is the belief that we need immigration to provide the workers needed to replace our aging population. This argument is obviously flawed if, as in Canada, the immigration movement has a similar age structure as the receiving country; then, immigration does not help the aging problem – indeed it may well exacerbate it.

In 2009, a study by the C.D. Howe Institute found that to offset our declining birth rate and maintain the ratio of five taxpayers to support the benefits of one pensioner until 2050, our immigration levels would have to reach 165.4 million. And in that single year, 2050, the annual movement would have to be seven million immigrants. The study recommended that raising the retirement age to 67 would be much more effective.

Sadly, we have allowed our political parties to use and exploit immigration for political purposes – with all parties competing for the ethnic vote by calling for increasing numbers. This is a cynical approach, patronizing to immigrants and damaging to the country. It is time for comprehensive reform.

James Bissett is former head of Canada’s immigration service  (1985-1990).

Government’s Proposal to Ramp Up Immigration Levels is Misguided

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Government’s Proposal to Ramp Up Immigration                                    Levels is Misguided

Madeline Weld, President
Population Institute of Canada
The Canadian government announced in October that it would significantly increase the intake of immigrants to Canada for each of the next three years, with minimum levels of 300,000 each year. Since 1990, Canada has been accepting approximately 250,000 – and sometimes more – newcomers each year. In 2017, 75% of Canada’s population growth resulted from immigration.
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen argues that the government’s proposal for even higher levels of immigration would promote economic growth, overcome skills shortages and meet the demographic challenge of an aging population.
Population Institute Canada believes that economic and demographic arguments for growing Canada’s population are on shaky ground, while the negative environmental consequences of its rapid growth are very much in evidence, and growing. We contend that there are no good reasons to grow Canada’s population and many compelling environmental reasons to stabilize and reduce it.
It is true that Canada’s growing population over the past few decades has resulted in a bigger economy. There has, however, been no growth in per capita wealth. The real earnings of the average Canadian worker have not changed, while those of the poorest Canadian workers have fallen.
Economists Herb Grubel and Patrick Grady have calculated that immigrants cost the government $30 billion more in services each year than they pay in taxes. And Immigration Minister Hussen admits that his proposed increase in immigrant intake will cost at least an additional one billion dollars in resettlement expenses each year.
Already, large numbers of young people, many with significant debt loads, face a very challenging job market, one which Finance Minister Bill Morneau has called a “job churn.” Many job seekers, especially young and new Canadians, have few prospects of secure employment and must work multiple contract or part-time positions. They can only dream of better wages, a steady schedule and paid sick days. How, PIC asks, will adding hundreds of thousands of additional job seekers improve the prospects of these Canadians, when increasing automation, the loss of factory jobs to developing economies, and outsourcing are already putting significant pressures on Canada’s workforce?
It has also long been recognized that the problems associated with an aging population cannot be solved through immigration. Among studies showing that immigration, even at high levels, has little effect on Canada’s age structure is a 2006 analysis by the C.D. Howe Institute (No Elixir of Youth: Immigration Cannot Keep Canada Young). It found that to keep a constant dependency ratio, Canada would have to have an unrealistically high intake of immigrants and by 2050 would be taking in 7 million immigrants per year and have reached a population of 165 million. Due to the rapid and unsustainable growth of the human population during the 20th century, all countries will have to deal with an aging population during the coming decades.
In addition, the dependency ratio as currently calculated (number of workers for every person 65 years and older) merits re-examination. No doubt many retired grandparents over 65 years old are helping to subsidize their grandchildren. The fees paid by elderly people in retirement residences support many workers and economists anticipate a large intergenerational transfer of wealth as aging baby boomers die. All these factors complicate the issue of the dependency ratio and suggest that it is simplistic to use number of people over 65 versus the number working as a sole determinant.
Furthermore, many people 65 years of age and older still work, some because they must, others by choice. Thus, designating every person a dependent at 65 is not realistic. It is also relevant to note that significant numbers of newcomers – and of the proposed increase in intake – are in the family reunification category. Many of these are the parents or grandparents of earlier immigrants and are therefore older than the average Canadian and more likely to require the healthcare services paid for by working Canadians.
Clearly, the economic arguments for relentlessly driving population growth through high levels of immigration do not hold up to scrutiny. There is also an increasing awareness that the size of a country’s economy or its GDP is an inadequate measure of its people’s well-being. As Canada’s population grows, more Canadians are having to contend with ever more crowded cities, increased traffic congestion, densification that has eliminated greenspace but not urban sprawl, increasingly stressed infrastructure, rising housing costs, and longer waiting times for healthcare and other government services. The resources of the cities in the southern belt of Canada where most Canadians live, and almost all immigrants settle, are as overstressed as those in cities anywhere in the developed world. What’s more, a growing population is putting enormous pressure on our irreplaceable farmland and very limited fruit-growing areas.
It is wrong to consider Canada as an “empty” country when so much of it is unsuitable for human habitation or incapable of supporting a dense population. The very high per capita “ecological footprint” of Canadians has already badly eroded our biocapacity per individual. For example, the latest (2017) Living Planet Report by the World Wildlife Fund shows a serious and significant decline in wildlife populations as our growing population and demands for space and resources convert wildlife habitat to human uses.
Our finite planet cannot support a continuously growing human population and expanding economies. Canada, too, is finite. And yet as a direct result of government policy, our population is growing as rapidly as the global average of 1.12% annually. The policy to keep expanding our economy by growing our population through immigration is no more sustainable than any other Ponzi scheme. Nor is the government’s planned immigration policy supported by a majority of Canadians – an Angus Reid poll conducted in 2017 found that 57% of Canadians thought that Canada should accept fewer immigrants and refugees (see page 15 of document).
Before increasing immigration levels, PIC believes it incumbent on government to assess the impact of current levels of immigration and the impact that higher levels would have, not only on the economy and the revenue and costs for the government, but also on the environment, climate

One Million or Bust in Three Years — Trudeau’s Immigration Policy: Rapid Replacement of Whites & Economic Hardship for All

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One Million or Bust in Three Years — Trudeau’s Immigration Policy: Rapid  Replacement of Whites & Economic Hardship for All

Cultural Marxists’ Propaganda to Reduce Numbers of White Children

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Cultural Marxists’ Propaganda to Reduce Numbers of White Children
Talking us into our own suicide. And, then, they’ll say because of our low birthrate we should stuff our countries with fecund Third Worlders. It’s the engineering of our slow suicide and replacement.
Paul Fromm
abortion reality


NBC: “having a child … is one of the worst things you can do for the environment


Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them.


View: Science proves kids are bad for Earth, morality suggests we stop having them



NBC article: Having lots of kids is immoral like releasing murderers from prison


Professor Says Having Kids is an “Indulgence” That’s Bad For The Earth


The War on Whites Is Real


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The True North Initiative is an independent, non-profit research and educational organization dedicated to advancing sound immigration and security policies.

True North seeks to provide a platform for a robust discussion on immigration, security and Canada’s role in the world.

So far this year, 32,000 migrants have illegally entered Canada. That number is expected to climb to 40,000 by the end of the year – more than doubling recent averages.

And it’s clear – the Trudeau government has no strategy to stop the ongoing flow of illegal migrants.

SIGN & SHARE this petition if you think Canada should protect our borders.