Tag Archives: Paul Fromm


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Exciting dialogue between Paul Fromm, Canadian Association for Free Expression & Dr. Jim Saleam, Leader of the Australia First Party — The Great Replacement, the Guilt Industry & Threats to Free Speech

Paul Fromm & Charles Edward Lincoln Discuss the Immigration/Replacement Invasion, the Lunacy of “Diversity”

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Paul Fromm & Charles Edward Lincoln Discuss the Immigration/Replacement Invasion, the Lunacy of “Diversity”

The Anti-White, Anti-Christian Wrecking Crew Strikes Again: Directives to military chaplains urge expunge religion from Remembrance Day, public ceremonies

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Directives to military chaplains urge expunging God, religion from Remembrance Day, public ceremonies

[Plain and simple,, they hate us. Our Globalist Ottawa elite cannot replace the traditions of the European founding/settler, mostly Christian people fast enough. The Canadian military may have fewer than a dozen serviceable tanks, jet fighters are a generation out of date, the second hand submarines spend more time being repaired than at sea, and moral and recruitment are in the dumps, but, by God(if that’s not too politically incorrect, the Canadian Armed Forces are “diverse and inclusive,” and won’t tolerate any of that God stuff from pastors!

New directives for military chaplains that tell them to be “respectful of … spiritual diversity” during public addresses, to employ “Gender Based Analysis” and replace religious symbols like crosses and stars of David with a generic chaplain’s crest could spell the death of the role in Canada’s Armed Forces, says one long-serving veteran of the chaplaincy.

“It’s a further trek down the road of trying to eliminate religion altogether in the military,” said Father Timothy Nelligan, who served over 35 years as a Canadian Armed Forces member, two decades of those as a Roman Catholic chaplain.Article content

The director of chaplaincy services for the Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service has also said it would mean that any mentions of God and religious language should be left out of any public ceremonies at Remembrance Day.

The directive urges chaplains to ‘adopt a sensitive and inclusive approach’ during public addressess. … Fr.

Nelligan said he thinks it is all leading towards eventually eliminating the role of the chaplain in the Canadian military.

“If that continues, all we’ll be doing is glorifying the secular,” he said. “In an effort to be inclusive, all the government is doing is being markedly exclusive.” — Paul Fromm, Director.]

Poppy sales kickoff
Greater Sudbury Deputy Mayor Joscelyne Landry-Altmann, left, Gisele Pharand, Branch 76 poppy chair, Branch 76 president Sylvia Prevost, and Sgt-At-Arms Roger Bujold take part in a ceremony kicking off the Poppy Campaign at Branch 76 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Sudbury, Ont. on Friday October 27, 2023. Poppies are available at a number of locations across the city until Nov. 11. The Remembrance Day service will be at the Sudbury Community Arena on Nov. 11 starting at 10:30 a.m. Photo by John Lappa /Postmedia Network

New directives for military chaplains that tell them to be “respectful of … spiritual diversity” during public addresses, to employ “Gender Based Analysis” and replace religious symbols like crosses and stars of David with a generic chaplain’s crest could spell the death of the role in Canada’s Armed Forces, says one long-serving veteran of the chaplaincy.Article content

“It’s a further trek down the road of trying to eliminate religion altogether in the military,” said Father Timothy Nelligan, who served over 35 years as a Canadian Armed Forces member, two decades of those as a Roman Catholic chaplain.Article content

The director of chaplaincy services for the Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service has also said it would mean that any mentions of God and religious language should be left out of any public ceremonies at Remembrance Day.

“Because it came from the Chaplain General’s office, the thing that hurt me the most was to hear someone, supposedly a person of faith, supporting the removal,” said Nelligan, who served providing spiritual support for Canadian troops in Afghanistan. Now retired from the military, he is pastor at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Ottawa and a priest of the Military Ordinariate of Canada.

The directive, issued earlier this month by Canada’s Office of the Chaplain General, urges Canada’s military chaplains to “adopt a sensitive and inclusive approach” during public addresses.

The Department of National Defence said in a statement to National Post that the directives should be viewed as “expanding participation in the reflections of military chaplains,” as opposed to limiting them.Article content

“We deeply value the work of military chaplains to support CAF members — and we’ll continue to build a diverse, inclusive military that attracts and retains talented people,” the statement read. “Our commitment to diversity, inclusion and the betterment of our chaplaincy program remains steadfast as we strive to create a more inclusive and respectful environment with the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces.”Related Stories

  1. Canadian Forces personnel leaving the ranks over lack of affordable housing, senior officer warns
  2. Watchdog finds Defence Department contravened a law designed to help whistleblowers

The new directive bases much of its policy as a reaction to a 2015 Supreme Court of Canada decision concerning a Quebec city council’s habit of reciting prayers and crossing themselves before council meetings, which found that government could not “promote the participation of certain believers or non-believers in public life to the detriment of others.”

A section in the new directive entitled “Public Addresses” urges chaplains to be “inclusive” and “respectful of… religious and spiritual diversity” during public reflections.Article content

“They should employ a language mindful of the Gender Based Analysis (GBA+) principles, incorporate elements in both official languages, and include the use of local languages when appropriate,” the directive read.

The directive also does away with the traditional military chaplain stoles, replacing individual symbols of faith with a generic chaplain’s crest.

“Chaplains must consider the potential that some items or symbols may cause discomfort or traumatic feelings when choosing the dress they wear during public occasions,” the directive reads.

It also asks chaplains to cease requesting removal of hats and head coverings, as “reflections” are not considered religious ceremonies.

Military Chaplain Maj. Timothy Nelligan the inside 8 Wing Chapel at CFB Trenton on Sept. 25, 2013.
Military Chaplain Maj. Timothy Nelligan the inside 8 Wing Chapel at CFB Trenton on Sept. 25, 2013. Photo by JEROME LESSARD /Postmedia file

The new directive comes after last year’s report from the defence minister’s systemic racism and discrimination advisory panel that recommended Canada cease hiring chaplains from faiths with more traditional beliefs and recommended sweeping changes for the CAF chaplaincy program.

Religion, the report states, should be considered a “source of suffering and generational trauma” for some Canadians.Article content

“This is especially true for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirited members of Canadian society,” the report read in its sixth recommendation, entitled “re-defining chaplaincy.”

Many Canadian military chaplains, the report states, “represent or are affiliated with organized religions whose beliefs are not synonymous with those of a diverse and inclusive workplace.”

Top in the report’s recommendations was avoiding hiring chaplains affiliated with “religious groups whose values are not aligned with those of the defence team.”

In response to a report last week in the Epoch Times that the new directive would ban chaplains from leading public prayers at Remembrance Day ceremonies next month, Defence Minister Bill Blair denied the accusation.

“Canadian Forces chaplains are not — and will not be — banned from prayer on Remembrance Day, nor at any other time,” he posted on X, formerly Twitter. “The Chaplain General’s directive seeks to ensure that public addresses reflect the spiritual and religious diversity of Canadians.”

The director of chaplaincy services for the Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service has said however that in public ceremonies the directive urges that there should be no mention of God or religion.  Article content

“In certain settings, in faith-based settings and church settings, they (chaplains) of course will speak about their own faith and the role that God or their heavenly being has in that setting,” Col. Lisa Pacarynuk told radio host Graham Richardson at Ottawa’s CFRA.

“But in a public setting where there are people who do not believe in God or people who bring different perspectives, they will not use that language.”

During Tuesday’s House Veterans Affairs Committee meeting, committee vice-chair Blake Richards tabled a motion calling for an investigation into what the Conservative party described as a “gag order” for chaplains.

“As a result of the directive I referenced in the motion, (chaplains) won’t be able to pray for the fallen or pray for those who’ve served this country at public ceremonies such as Remembrance Day,” Richards said.

“It may restrict our ability to hear the words to In Flanders Fields because it references crosses. It may restrict our ability to sing the national anthem, because it references God. It may restrict our ability to have hymns such as Amazing Grace, which are often sung at remembrance services.”Article content

Replies to a request for comment to the Department of National Defence consisted of a verbatim repeat of Blair’s Tweet, with an explanation that the directives should be viewed as “expanding participation in the reflections of military chaplains,” not limiting them.

“We deeply value the work of military chaplains to support CAF members – and we’ll continue to build a diverse, inclusive military that attracts and retains talented people,” the statement read.

A statement from the Royal Canadian Legion said prayer will remain an important part of Remembrance Day ceremonies, including this year’s observances at the National War Memorial.

“While military chaplains are required to modify their language, that decision does not eliminate the inclusion of prayer to God or a higher power by other spiritual representatives at Legion ceremonies,” read the statement.

Nelligan said he thinks it is all leading towards eventually eliminating the role of the chaplain in the Canadian military.

“If that continues, all we’ll be doing is glorifying the secular,” he said. “In an effort to be inclusive, all the government is doing is being markedly exclusive.”

National Post

Listen to Paul Fromm “The Fighting Side of Me”Daily on WhitePrideRadio.com

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Catch My Daily Radio Show

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Don’t miss Paul Fromm’s “The Fighting Side of Me” everyday, on White Pride Radio! Only on AltrightTV.com.

Email Paul at Paul@paulfromm.com, and let him know that you’ve heard him on White Pride Radio!

A word from Mr. Paul Fromm…
My daily programme The Fighting Side of Me contains news and views and commentary for OUR people; that is, the European founding/settler people of Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa & Rhodesia and those in the European heartland.


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Scarborough–Guildwood by-election

On July 27, 2023 ELECT
The FREEDOM CANDIDATE!  Paul’s qualifications B.A., B.Ed., M.A. Director or the Canadian Association for Free Expression Winner of the “George Orwell Free Speech Award” (1995) Former Educator & Former School Trustee Longtime supporter of the Canadian Wildlife Federation & Ducks

It is time to boot the bootlickers out of Queen’s Park.

Don’t like “the gang of three”?
There are other alternatives!
Scarborough–Guildwood Meet Your Candidate Paul Fromm PaulFromm@

Scarborough–Guildwood (CANADA)
Polling Day: July 27, 2023
How to Vote

Electoral District Number: 095
Elections Ontario Info.   Paul Fromm grew up in central Etobicoke. He attended High Power High School and served a term as a school trustee. With a B.A., M.A., and B.Ed., Mr. Fromm was an English instructor for25 years. Since 1997, he has been the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s foremost free speech advocacy group. Last Fall, he lobbied the Ontario Legislature opposing an anti-Christian piece of legislation which would criminalize expressions of opposition to abortion near abortion clinics or abortion providers.    He has lectured on free speech issues across Canada and the U.S. and in Australia, the U.K., Italy and Germany. Mr. Fromm has a nightly radio show devoted to politics and is co-host of “the Trump Phenomenon” on RBN.org.    Our federal and provincial politics are entirely top-down. Leaders make policy and MPPs have to fall into line. We need more independents who owe their allegiance to their constituents whom they regularly consult than to their party leaders. A vital issue for all of Toronto is the costly, debilitating traffic gridlock which is slowly choking traffic. MPPs should be demanding that Ottawa halt the immigration influx which is making traffic grind to a halt in Toronto and Vancouver and which is making housing all but unaffordable for young Canadian families.    Leadership and courage are needed on the part of MPPs to demand that the federal government fund the massive transportation costs to accommodate the people we already have here or stop the influx.      Thanks for voting.
Voters Echo – Paul Fromm’s take on freedom of speech and the Charter of Rights! 09 February 2016

Immigration Reformers Attend Rally Demanding Resignation of Liberal MP Han Dong Whose Nomination Was Aided By Red Chinese Meddling

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Immigration Reformers Attend Rally Demanding Resignation of Liberal MP Han Dong Whose Nomination Was Aided By Red Chinese Meddling

TORONTO. March 6, 2023. A lively protest was held outside the constituency office of Don Valley North MP. Loudspeakers carried impassioned calls for Liberal MP Han Dong to resign. Reports from CSIS indicate that the Red Chinese consulate in Toronto helped bus in Chinese to ensure his nomination in 2019. He has since seemed to toe the Chinese Communist Party line, being absent on two votes condemning the abuse of China’s Uygher minority, which many have called a genocide.

“Heh, heh, ho, Han Dong has got to go,” and similar chants were taken up by the vocal crowd of about 100.

Don Valley North is one of 11 federal ridings that was the subject of Red Chinese election meddling.

About a dozen supporters of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee joined the protest and the old Red Ensign flew high. Gus Stefanis carried the flag of Hong Kong (a blue ensign) prior to the British handover of the colony to Red China in 1997. The ensign got nods of approval from several Chinese attending the rally. “The Red Ensign was Canada’s flag before the neo-communist takeover. The Hong Kong Ensign was their flag before the communist handover,” Stefanis explained.

“The CSIS report said the Red Chinese consulate funnelled money and personnel to candidates it supports. We demand that this nest of subversives be closed to show the Red Chinese we take election integrity seriously,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee.

“We know two of the 11 ridings CSIS says were the targets of communist meddling — Don Valley North and Steveston-Richmond East. In the latter, Conservative MP Kenny Chiu was defeated by a Red Chinese orchestrated social media smear campaign because he was an outspoken opponent of Red China. We demand to know the other nine ridings,” Fromm insisted.

Also joining the protests were a number of Iranians critical of the vile human rights record of that regime and the long arm of its security services even here in Canada.

The protest was covered by Rebel Media and some local Chinese media.

Paul Fromm on Implementing the Kalergi Plan: Hatred of Whites in A Witches’ Cauldron in Ottawa

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 Paul Fromm on Implementing the Kalergi Plan: Hatred of Whites in A Witches’ Cauldron in Ottawa

The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents

Paul Fromm

Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994

Implementing the Kalergi Plan: Hatred of Whites in A Witches’ Cauldron in Ottawa

* Ahmed Hussen’s grant machine funds hatred of Whites

* Trudeau always apologizing, except for his own misdeeds


I Celebrated Red Ensign Day

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Today I celebrated Red Ensign Day and proudly flew the flag of the REAL CANADA.

Paul Fromm Sits Down with the Daily Rake, Part 1 – the Overview: My Early Years in Politics

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Paul Fromm Sits Down with the Daily Rake, Part 1 – the Overview: My Early Years in Politics

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I recently had an interview with none other than Monika Schaefer. She’s the wonderful woman who made a video fact-checking the lampshadocaust in 2016, only to have her life turned upside down by the usual suspects. Video of our interview is below.


At the bottom of the article I wrote on our interview, the first in the series, I mentioned that I had an interview set up with Paul Fromm, and in fact I finished this interview two days ago. Unfortunately, we had serious technical issues right from the very beginning. This caused us to delay the interview by forty minutes, and eventually we settled on simply having me call Paul and record the conversation with him. The video is below.


As for Paul Fromm himself, he’s been fighting for Our People for half a century now, starting out in the anti-communist days, and moving on to what we see today. One thing I did mention to him, and which he agreed with in our interview, is that it sure does seem like the communists of the day, like William “Moses” Kunstler, seem to be pushing the exact same anti-White pervert garbage as the capitalists of today.

But just as I’m doing with Monika Schaefer, I’m going to write one or more additional articles on my interview with Paul Fromm. So I won’t get too in depth as to our interview right now.

In fact, I’m not going to get too in depth as to Paul Fromm’s history either, but it certainly is interesting. Fromm has been the international director of the Council of Conservative Citizens. He founded the Edmund Burke Society with Don Andrews and Leigh Smith when he was just a teenager. He’s founded CAFE, a free speech organization, in the 80’s, 

And for those who want to do the whole “SerIoUS GuYS wOrK WiThIN thE CuckSeRVAtIvE/RepUbLiCAn PaRTy” bit, he, like many of these guys, has had the ear of some Conservative politicians since back in the late 60’s. Although now he agreed with me that the Conservative Party of Canada is a thoroughly useless and in fact actively harmful institution.

He’s been involved in multiple high profile legal cases, had serious violent confrontations, all started by antifa/commies of course, been the leader of the Ontario Social Credit Party, fought against koshervatives like Jason Kenney, and is of course denied entry to the United States of America. And I guess at one point he crossed paths with Evalion. 

Paul Fromm with Evalion. Remember her?

I told him when I began interviewing him that I would need to wrap it up as soon as possible. I had planned something like just ten minutes, and then we could reschedule a new meeting when the technical hiccups were ironed out. Of course we ended up talking for forty minutes, and I didn’t even get to ask him about some entire topics of interest, like his defamation trial, his connection to Ernst Zundel, and many other topics.

That will have to wait for a later date. For now I’ll end here, and simply thank Paul for coming onto the Daily Rake, tolerating the technical problems we had, and accepting my stilted, scatterbrained interview “technique.” I’ll have the video up shortly, and an in depth piece will be released on this interview after tomorrow’s event — THE 2022 GEORGE ORWELL FREE SPEECH AWARDS TO MONIKA AND ALFRED SCHAEFER IN VANCOUVER