Monthly Archives: June 2022

The Great Replacement — That Means YOU!

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The Alternative Forum Proudly Presents

Paul Fromm

Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994

The Great Replacement — That Means YOU!

* More people are waking up. A May Abacus Data poll found 37 % agree: “There is a group of people … who are trying to replace native-born Canadians with immigrants.”

* Establishment figures like Michelle Rempel Garner denounce it as a “conspiracy theory” and “hate”

* What is the Great Replacement? Is it just a theory?

CANADA’S REAL OPPOSITION: Maxime Bernier “Moving the Overton Window” — Expanding What Can Be Discussed in Politics

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CANADA’S REAL OPPOSITION: Maxime Bernier “Moving the Overton Window” — Expanding What Can Be Discussed in Politics

There can be no change in politics unless more Canadians want it.

More Canadians need to be aware of the threats to our freedoms and way of life from the Liberals and their woke allies.

More Canadians must see through the lies and propaganda in our mainstream media.

That’s why what we do at the People’s Party is so important.

Since the party was founded almost four years ago, we’ve been informing Canadians and raising issues that others are too afraid to raise, such as reducing immigration numbers, opposing the radical trans ideology, or reforming the equalization program.

We’ve been protesting, alone, when others were supporting authoritarian covid measures. Without us, there would have been NO OPPOSITION WHATSOEVER during two years at the federal level.

We’ve been moving the “Overton Window” – the window of what is considered acceptable public discourse – in the right direction so that we can finally have meaningful debates in Canada despite the political correctness and the censorship.

The fact that we have as yet no seat in Parliament is irrelevant.

We’re changing minds and preparing the ground to have seats and more influence in the future, and be able to bring about meaningful reforms.

Reforms that the establishment parties will never be able to implement, because they’re too afraid to oppose the fake elite consensus.

Frederick, if you agree that what we do at the PPC is crucially important for Canada’s future, please donate $5 today to help our work!

Thank you,

PS: I thank you if you recently donated or if you’ve already donated the maximum amount for this year. You can still help us by following the PPC on social media (see links below) and by sharing our content with your friends. Or by inviting them to subscribe to our free newsletter.


People’s Party of Canada
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The United States has stage four cancer

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The United States has stage four cancer

Has the US lost its national soul through the unintended integration of its culture with more “barbaric cultures”?
“The United States has stage four cancer and it hopelessly and tragically morally and spiritually bankrupt.”

Beaver Cole ~ former owner & publisher of The American Observer Newspaper and The Oil Patch Newspaper

Over 100 Years Ago, a Fictional Book Predicted the Fall of America Through Weaponized Immigration | The Common Sense Show

Over 100 Years Ago, a Fictional Book Predicted the Fall of America Through Weaponized Immigration

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 – 21:38.


The Chesterton Prophecies

 Over 80% of the country opposing amnesty, the bill is finally dead, once and for all.

I would not count on it.

You can bet that this attack on American sovereignty, culture and economics will culminate in the total loss of culture. It will ensure the Democratic Marxist Party will remain in charge in perpetuity.   

Despite being over a century old, G. K. Chesterton’s, The Flying Inn (1914), provides present day Americans with an opportunity to understand what is happening to their loss of culture and of national sovereignty. The book consists of a “fictional” account of how England had been stripped of its cultural identity. The book was written at the end of the British imperialistic period of dominance in which England had collapsed under the sheer weight of attempting to maintain its vast empire.

What is described in the book, is exactly what is happening today. In the book, Chesterton maintained that England lost far more than its preeminent position as the world’s sole super power. He postulated that England had lost its national soul through the unintended integration of its culture with more “barbaric cultures” that it had previously conquered.

The protagonist in The Flying Inn, Dalroy, proclaimed that great nations have frequently followed a similar paradigm of progressive self-destruction:

  1. The great nation declares victory over the barbarians.
  2. The great nation begins to enjoy the fruits of cheap labor by employing the barbarians that it had conquered.
  3. The barbarians become so enmeshed into the great nation, that an alliance with barbarians is formed (e.g., de facto amnesty).  
  4. Assimilation is followed with the barbarians becoming a privileged class. Thus, the great nation is conquered.

Near the end of the book, almost every virtuous cultural tradition, of the great nation, comes under sharp criticism, while every cultural tradition emanating from the barbarians’ place of origin became praiseworthy. See the list below, this is exactly what is happening today.  

Certainly the relationship between the United States and various countries south of our border; parallels Chesterton’s stunningly accurate prophecies by describing what has happened to present day America . Consider the following parallels which strikingly correspond to Dalroy’s view of how empires crumble:

  1. The United States fulfills its “Manifest Destiny” mandate by provoking and winning a war with Mexico in order to gain a southern railroad route to California in1848. 
    The great nation was victorious. Dalroy’s first principle is fulfilled.

The economies of the two countries bifurcate and the United States begins to enjoy the fruits of its imperialistic labors. The conquered people provides nearly 170 years of cheap labor which helps to fuel the economic growth of the United States . Guest workers and illegal immigrants trickle into the United States . Despite the comparatively low wages, more immigrants come north to experience the bountiful leftovers of their former conquerors. This trend continues to the point in which the original trickle of guest workers and illegal immigrants becomes a raging tsunami of humanity most of whom are seeking to experience the

American dream at the expense of their former conquerors. The great nation employed those that it had conquered. Dalroy’s second principle is fulfilled.

Average American citizens begin to note the loss of economic standing, culture and traditions. “Special privilege” programs, such as Totalization, free medical and free education, serve to fully integrate the former illegal aliens into the mainstream of American society. To frame the desired paradigm shift, legal terms such as “illegal alien” become likened to racial epitaphs uttered during the worst days of the old “Jim Crow” laws. The PC Police (i.e., the corporate media and
BigTech) label all Americans who desire to secure their borders, in this age of terrorism, as white nationalists, white supremacists, blatant Jim-Crow-supporting -racists and xenophobic. The alliance has been formed. In modern day America, the alliance is so complete that the borders have been collapsed by
Biden and and cartel drugs, on behalf of their CHICOM benefactors and child-sex-trafficking is proliferating on the southern border. I did not even
mention the newest version of the Hitler Youth Movement through the teaching of Critical Race Theory and everyone’s live matters except white
people, patriots and Christians.  
Dalroy’s third principle has been fulfilled.

Illegal immigrant subgroups (e.g., Reconquista de Atzalan, MECHA) begin to proclaim that the takeover of America is moving forward and if the present occupants of this country do not like it; then these “Euros” can “go back to Europe .” (In this scenario, it’s not certain where American citizens whose historical roots lie in Africa,
the Middle East, South America, Mexico, Panama, Canada, Asia, the Pacific Rim, the Caribbean, and most of all, Native Americans, are supposed to return to).

The DemocraticParty Marxists have taken over the MECHA movement with a definitive move towards amnesty and special entitlement programs. While millions of
American citizens are being forced to vaccinate or lost their jobs, illegal aliens, many of whom are infected with covid, are crossing our border, settling in our cities
and remain untested and untreated for covid. This is the ultimate in entitlement and special treatment for illegal immigrants versus the treatment of the American public. 

At what point do we admit that the great nation of America has been conquered and is in the process of being successfully occupied? America is an
occupied country.

The United States has stage four cancer and it hopelessly and tragically morally and spiritually bankrupt.  .

The Name of the Month of June

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Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Name of the Month of June

 It is the sixth month of the year.   The common name for this month is June, a name derived from Juno, the Queen of the Olympians in Roman mythology corresponding to the Greek Hera.   While occasionally one encounters a Christian who has a problem with the month’s name on the basis of this pagan origin, most of us are sensible enough to recognize that words take on new meanings, that “June” now simply means “the sixth month of the year”, and that one is in no way evoking the pagan goddess by calling the month after its common name.   The more educated among us will also recognize that the kind of reasoning used to condemn those who call the month by its common name would also condemn the writers of the New Testament who employ the word “Hades” to refer to the place the Old Testament calls “Sheol” because of the similar concept – a dark, shadowy, underworld, inhabited by the spirits of the dead – even though “Hades” as a name for the underworld is borrowed from that of the god who ruled it in Greek mythology, the god the Romans called Pluto.   A good rule to follow when trying to determine whether you are taking a principled stand for Christ or just being a nut is that if you are doing something that the Puritans, Jacobins, Bolsheviks, and Maoists liked doing, such as renaming everything, then you are probably just being a nut.

At any rate, June is certainly a better name than the alternative name that so many now use for this month.   The sort of people who identify themselves by one of the letters in the alphabet soup – LGBTTQAEIOUandsometimesY – and others, businesses and politicians mostly, who wish to be seen as supportive of the alphabet soup gang, refer to it as Pride month.   It was not that long ago that it was Pride Week.   Now it has grown into a whole month.   Originally there was a Gay before the Pride but at some point this was dropped presumably because the other letters in the alphabet soup had grown jealous of the G.   

The irony of this, for orthodox Christians, of course, is that of the two terms, Pride is by far the most objectionable.   Gay, which in this context does not have its older and, until well into the twentieth-century primary, meaning of light-hearted, cheerful, and happy, but rather its more recent and as of late sole sense of homosexual, denotes something that violates the standards of orthodox moral theology on the basis of both explicit Scriptural passages against it (Genesis 19, Leviticus 20, Romans 1, and Jude being the most obvious examples) and its deviation from the exemplary pattern of a man leaving his father and mother, being joined to his wife, and the two being one flesh.   Pride, however, is the name of the worst of all sins.

While the ancient Greeks did not have the same view of Pride as orthodox Christianity they did, in a way, anticipate the Christian point of view in their concept of hubris, which was a form of Pride.    It had various connotations depending upon context.   In early Greek literature it frequently designated words and acts by which men insulted and offended the gods with arrogant boasting.   Cassiopeia, queen of Ethiopia, boasted that she and her daughter Andromeda were more beautiful than the sea nymphs the Nereids, which brought upon her and her kingdom the wrath of Poseidon.   This was an example of this sense of hubris.   Numerous similar examples could be given, in each of which the person who offended the gods with his or her arrogance met with swift punishment, sometimes fatal, sometimes non-fatal but permanent, often involving a transformation.   The myth of Arachne whom Athena transformed into a spider for boasting that she was a superior weaver is an example of the latter sort.  So, for that matter, is basically every example of hubris related by Ovid in his Metamorphoses.  Occasionally the punishment was thwarted, at least in part, by another agent.   In the aforementioned example of Cassiopeia, Andromeda was as much an object of Neptune’s wrath as her mother and to spare Ethiopia, Cassiopeia was told she would have to sacrifice Andromeda to a sea-monster.  The hero Perseus intervened and rescued the princess whom he then married.   In Greek mythology, both hubris and the divine wrath that punished it, like most abstract concepts were personified as divinities, Hubris and Nemesis.   A more general version of this same basic concept, that arrogance brings about one’s downfall, also appears in Greek mythology and literature of equal vintage.   Think of the myth of Icarus, the son of Daedelus, architect of the Labyrinth.   Daedelus, having offended his king, Minos of Crete, was imprisoned and escaped the prison with his son, on wings he constructed of wax and feathers.  Icarus, ignoring his father’s warnings, flew too high, the sun melted the wax, and he plummeted to his death.    It can also be found illustrated, along with other themes, in “The Tortoise and the Hare”, from Aesop’s Fables.   Aesop lived the century after Homer and Hesiod – he is believed to have been born only a few decades after the latter died – and this particular of his fables is of unquestionable antiquity, having been famously referenced, albeit with the details altered and with an entirely different point, by Zeno of Elea in one of those delightful paradoxes “proving” motion to be impossible.   

The Greek poets and storytellers who related the above myths stressed the offensiveness of mortal hubris to those above men, the gods.   One of the most well-known definitions of hubris to come down to us from ancient times is that of Aristotle.   It comes from the second book of his Rhetoric, a work that both defines the principles and rules and instructs in the art of persuasive speech.      This is the section in which Aristotle is exploring the usefulness of pathos – emotion – both on the part of the speaker and the audience, in making an argument.   His definition of hubris – which is generally rendered “insult” in English translation of Rhetoric – emphasizes its offensiveness in the opposite direction to that stressed by the ancient myths, i.e., to its human victims.   As translated by J. H. Freese it says that hubris “consists in causing injury or annoyance whereby the sufferer is disgraced, not to obtain any other advantage for oneself besides the performance of the act, but for one’s own pleasure”.   At first glance, it seems almost as if Aristotle were discussing something completely different from the hubris of Greek mythology and, indeed, he obviously had the laws of his city-state Athens in mind here.   In Greek law in general, hubris denoted a wide category of crimes.   The Athenian lawmakers had put more effort into defining the category than most and in Athenian law hubris consisted of crimes that deliberately inflicted shame upon their victims.   Some recent classical scholars have argued on the basis of this definition that our entire traditional understanding of the Greek concept of hubris is mistaken, an anachronistic reading of English usage and Christian concepts back into ancient thought.    This, however, reads too much into this one passage of Aristotle.   It is understandable that the legal connotations of hubris, in which its effects on human victims would be stressed, would be foremost in Aristotle’s mind in Rhetoric – consult Plato’s dialogues that feature Socrates interacting with the Sophists, or for that matter Aristophanes’ lampooning of Socrates himself in the Clouds, and it will quickly become obvious, as in fact, it is self-evident, that the main reason rhetoric teachers were in demand was because people wanted to win lawsuits in court.   

Aristotle was also the author of Poetics, the work that established the framework in which theoretical discussion of drama, regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with Aristotle – and everything he wrote, from the basic unities to catharsis has been subjected to rigorous debate – has been conducted ever since.   While other forms of poetry such as Epic, and of drama such as Comedy, are discussed, the bulk of Poetics, which is not a long work, pertains to tragedy.    Aristotle, remember, lived in the period immediately after tragedy had come to dominate the Greek theatre.   Two of the great Athenian tragedians, Sophocles and Euripides, had been contemporaries of Plato, Aristotle’s teacher, and of Socrates, Plato’s teacher, while Aeschylus, the father of tragedy, had lived into Socrates’ youth.   Tragedy, according to Aristotle, was a form of dramatic poetry that like Epic but in contrast with Comedy, involved an imitation (Gk. Mimesis) of the higher sort of character in serious events or actions, the purpose of which was to achieve a cleansing or purging (Gk. Catharsis) of the emotions, particularly of the fear and pity that the play was supposed to produce in the audience through empathy with the characters.   It had six parts – Plot, Character, Diction, Thought, Spectacle, and Song – and of these, the Plot, the most important of the six parts, had to involve a Reversal (Gk. Peripeteia) of fortune and circumstance from good to bad, brought about not by vice or depravity, but by a great error, weakness or failing (Gk. Hamartia) of the hero.    Hubris was the most common example of this Hamartia.  Hubris, as an Aristotelean tragic hero’s “fatal flaw”, is more recognizable as the hubris of Greek mythology than the legal hubris of the Rhetoric.   The tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides were, for the most part, retellings – in the case of Euripides often radical re-interpretations – of the older Greek myths.  

The Greek view, as I pointed out at the beginning of this discussion, anticipated the Christian view but was not identical to it.   This is evident in Aristotle.   By contrasting Hamartia, the general category to which hubris belonged, with vice and depravity, he spoke of it in terms that had a less harsh moral tone to them, although, interestingly, about a century after Aristotle, the Jewish scribes who translated the LXX for Ptolemy II Philadelphus would use it to render Chata, the basic Hebrew word for “sin” in the Old Testament, which led to it becoming the main word for “sin” in the New Testament.     Hamartiology is the designation of the study of the doctrine of sin in Christian theology.  It was the natural translation choice – both Chata and Hamartia have the same root meaning of an archer missing the mark he is aiming for – but when it comes to usage, Chata in the Old Testament has the same general connotations and tone that “sin” does in English, which is not true of Hamartia in Greek literature prior to the LXX and New Testament.   Thus Aristotle, using Hamartia, “missing the mark”, to mean the “mistake” “error” or “flaw” that brings about the Peripetia of his tragic hero – someone, whom he says, should be depicted as neither exceptionally virtuous or villainous – contrasts it with moral depravity and vice, whereas St. Paul, also alluding to the basic meaning of the word when he writes that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23), does so after making the point with a series of Old Testament quotations that emphasize the depravity of the sinner (“their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth if full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood:” etc.).

Neither Aristotle nor the ancient Greeks in general thought of Pride in general in the same terms in which they thought of Hubris.   The former they thought of as a good thing, the latter as Pride taken to excess.   Excess, of course, was fundamental to Aristotle’s entire concept of Vice, just as moderation was to his view of Virtue.   A Virtue was the middle path of moderation between two Vices of excess.   Indeed, in Book IV of his Nicomachean Ethics, he speaks of Pride as the Virtue (Gk. Arete) that falls between a false humility and excessive Pride.   Spoken of in these terms, it means the acknowledgement of one’s own strengths, accomplishments, etc. as they actually are, as opposed to speaking of them as if they were less than they are in reality (false humility) or laying claim to greater strengths and accomplishments than one actually possesses (excessive Pride).   From this perspective, since people’s strengths etc. can be ranked in terms of best, various degrees of better, good, bad, various degrees of worse, and worst, for the person who actually belongs to the top rank of best to acknowledge such is ordinary Pride and not Hubris.

The Holy Scriptures, by contrast, never speak of Pride positively, in either Testament.   Nor do they ever speak negatively of humility.   To be fair to Aristotle, it should be noted that they never use these words with precisely the same sense that he gave them either and that the Scriptures do indeed place a high premium on speaking of things as they are.   The closest thing to even a neutral use of the word “Pride” in the Bible that I could find is Job 41:15, which describes the scales of Leviathan as his pride, although, since the sea-serpent discussed in that chapter almost certainly represents Satan, this may not be as neutral a usage as it seems.   Pride is the sin that brought about the devil’s fall.   This is explicitly stated by St. Paul in the New Testament (I Tim. 3:6), and if the traditional interpretation of Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 as God speaking to the devil through the human representatives of the kings of Babylon and Tyre and describing his fall is accurate (1), it is found in the Old Testament as well.   The Isaiah passage does not use the word Pride, but it is clearly the motive of the actions described.   The expression “thine heart was lifted up” in Ezekiel 28:17 essentially means “you became proud”.   Just as Pride led to Satan’s own downfall, it was the means he used to bring about the Fall of Man as well.  He tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit by telling her that the only reason God had forbidden it to her and Adam was because it would open their eyes, giving them the God-like knowledge of good and evil, leading her to distrust God and to desire the forbidden God-like knowledge.   The Temptation worked by stoking and appealing to Pride.  When later, Satan unsuccessfully tempted Jesus, each of the three Temptations was an enticement to act based on Pride in one form or another.  

The Bible uses the word Pride to characterize the wicked (Job. 35:12, Ps. 10:2) and the foolish (Prov. 14:13).   It leads, like hubris in Greek thought, to a fall and to destruction (Prov. 16:8) and brings God’s judgement both upon Israel (Is. 9:8-12, Jer. 13:9)and the nations around her, (Ez. 30:6, Zech. 9:6) including or perhaps especially the powerful ones that she relies upon instead of God and which He uses as a scourge against her (Zech. 10:11).  It deceives (Obad. 1:3) and prevents the wicked from seeking God (Ps. 10:4).   To fear the Lord is to hate Pride (Prov. 8:13).   Interestingly, it is said to lead to shame and being brought low in contrast with humility and (voluntary) lowliness leading to wisdom and honour (Prov. 11:2, 29:23), which may be where Greek and Biblical thought on the subject were the furthest removed from each other.   Very interestingly, considering the occasion of this essay, is that Ezekiel gave it as the first example in his list of the iniquities that brought judgement upon Sodom (Ez. 16:49).   Jesus spoke of Pride as one of the things that comes from out of the heart and defiles a man (Mk. 7:22).   The cognate adjective proud is used less frequently and no differently.  

It is only when it comes to the conceptually related verbs “boast” and “glory” that we find references that are positive and these generally speak of a “boasting” or “glorying” that is fundamentally the opposite of the kind that would be associated with Pride.   Here are a few examples:

My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. (Ps.  34:2)

In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name forever. Selah. (Ps. 44:8)

God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world. (Gal. 6:14)

While Greek thought with regards to hubris approached Biblical thought regarding Pride, it fell short.   The Greeks worshipped gods whom they thought of as being superior to mortal men in terms of strength and power but generally not in terms of righteousness and justice.   Indeed, it could be argued that Greek mythology generally presented the gods as men’s moral inferiors.   There are some exceptions to this among the ancient writers, but it was noticeable enough to attract attention, comment, and attempts at reform from Plato and Euripides among others.   Something like hubris that offended such deities, therefore, simply could not be thought of in the same terms as that which offends the True and Living God of the Bible, Who is man’s superior in every way, in the superlative and not just the comparative degree.   Since the Scriptures tell us that men were created Innocent by the True and Living God, but fell into sin which offends against Him Who is Supremely Perfect in His Holiness, Righteousness, and Justice, it can hardly be surprising that the same Scriptures universally condemn human Pride, and counsel sinful men to adopt an attitude of brokenness, contrition, and humility, warning them that if they lift themselves up in Pride He will bring them low, but promising that if they humble themselves in the sight of the LORD, He will lift them up (Jas. 4:10).    The Church’s traditional identification of Superbia – Pride – as the source of all other sin, the worst and deadliest of the Seven Deadly Sins, represents Scriptural thought faithfully.   In this as in many other areas, ancient Greek thought demonstrates how far human philosophy can go relying upon General Revelation, but also how far it falls short of the Special Revelation of the Scriptures and the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.  This is the Hamartia of human philosophy.

When it comes to the Pride that is contemporarily celebrated on the sixth month of the year, however, ancient Greek thought would condemn it as much as Christian thought.   This might seem paradoxical, in that the ancient Greeks were famously tolerant of some of the sexual conduct associated with Pride month, but as noted earlier the modifier which once qualified Pride was dropped years ago, the reference to the lesser sin which the Greeks tolerated being eliminated leaving only the name of the worst of all sins.   The arrogance of the current demands of the intolerant Left that everybody pay homage to the celebration or face “cancellation” is such than any of the ancient Greeks would have recognized it as hubris.  

It is best that we stick to using the name of Jupiter’s wife for this month.   Pagan in origin, thought it undoubtedly be, it is far less objectionable than the other alternative.

(1))   In my opinion the traditional interpretation is correct.   Although the early Reformers rejected it, it has strong Patristic support, going back at least as far as Tertullian and Origin in the second century.   That this interpretation may have dated back to the intertestamental period cannot be ruled out – there is insufficient evidence from the period itself.    The Church Fathers, however, relied upon a handful of New Testament passages that speak of the fall of Satan using language that suggests allusion to the Isaiah passage. The two passages in question use language that obviously does not apply literally to the kings of Babylon and Tyre and which it would be rather a stretch to apply to them in any metaphorical sense. Posted by Gerry T. Neal at 6:59 AM Labels:

Canada Naive in the Face of China’s Infiltration and Disinformation Campaigns: Expert

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The downtown Vancouver skyline is seen at sunset, as houses line a hillside in Burnaby, B.C., on April 17, 2021. (Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press)

The downtown Vancouver skyline is seen at sunset, as houses line a hillside in Burnaby, B.C., on April 17, 2021. (Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press) Canada

Canada Naive in the Face of China’s Infiltration and Disinformation Campaigns: Expert

By Andrew Chen June 8, 2022 Updated: June 9, 2022 biggersmallerPrint 0:007:33

Canada has been naive about communist China its continued espionage and foreign interference campaigns, and as politicians willfully turn a blind eye to the threat, the country is also losing credibility among its democratic allies, an expert said at a panel discussion on June 7.

Sam Cooper, also an award-winning investigative journalist, said he was told by Canadian intelligence officials that Beijing had its spies collect information about him after his book, published last summer, exposed how corrupt politicians in the communist regime have been using gangs and casinos in Canada to launder dirty money made through the illicit drug trade, among other international criminal activities.

“Beijing wanted to know how the public was reacting to my book and whether it could damage the Chinese Communist Party,” Cooper said during the panel discussion, held on the occasion of the launch of the second edition of his book.

The event was hosted by the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and featured panelists including Conservative MP Adam Chambers and James Cohen, executive director of Transparency International Canada, a Toronto-based global anti-corruption non-government coalition.

Cooper said he was shocked to learn that he was targeted by the Chinese Communist Party’s espionage activities, but “wasn’t surprised” that the regime’s United Front Work Department found his book a threat.

The book, titled “Wilful Blindness: How a Network of Narcos, Tycoons, and CCP Agents Infiltrated the West,” draws links between senior CCP officials and underground money-laundering suspects in British Columbia and shows how their criminal proceedings fuelled an opioid crisis in Canada while driving up real estate costs. It also reveals that Chinese state-backed companies donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s family foundation.

“Every parliamentarian and regulator should have the book, should read it,” said Chambers, who previously worked as a senior adviser to former finance minister Jim Flaherty.

The book also received praise on Twitter from Tory MP Garnett Genuis, who has been vocal against the CCP’s human rights abuses and violations of international law.

Misinformation in Canada’s 2021 Federal Election

A top priority of the CCP’s foreign infiltration campaign is to eliminate dissenting voices against the authoritarian regime and its questionable conduct, particularly those in overseas Chinese communities.

Cooper said one of his sources, who managed to get into some of Vancouver’s Chinese elite circles that are involved with the United Front, warned him about a CCP agent’s scheme to run a donation campaign to fund a lawsuit against critics of the regime based on claims that they are racially discriminatory against Asian Canadians.

“My source told me they want to make it an influential Chinese group to lobby and pressure governments, politicians, reporters, institutions, and incite national sentiment among Chinese Canadians,” Cooper said. “They want to promote lawsuits against anyone who dares to criticize China and elect more puppets into Canadian governments.”

He said the warnings became a reality during Canada’s 2021 federal election, when the same social media groups that had attacked him in 2020 for his previous reports on the United Front’s misconduct began to “amplify disinformation operations” against Conservative candidate Kenny Chiu, who was the incumbent MP seeking re-election.

Chiu, known for his pro-Chinese democracy stance and an outspoken critic of the Chinese Communist Party, lost his seat in the B.C. riding of Steveston–Richmond East in the 2021 election. He told The Epoch Times in a previous interview that while he had been a target of misinformation before, what happened last year was “exceptional.”

Through his private member’s bill, Bill C-282, Chiu sought to increase political transparency by compelling those working on behalf of foreign entities to register as foreign agents. But he said that bill was “deliberately” misrepresented to mislead people in the Chinese community to believe it was against their interests.

“Chiu didn’t even name China in his bill,” Cooper said. “Yet he was smeared and labelled anti-Chinese.”

“Any defender of Canada is an enemy of Beijing. These forces succeeded in taking Chiu out.”

Cooper noted similar misinformation campaigns also targeted Alice Wong, Tory MP for Richmond Centre, Ontario. In total, the CCP interference network had targeted 12 ridings in the 2021 election, mostly in Vancouver and Toronto, he said.

Targeting Elites

Cooper said the CCP’s cash-for-access influence over Western political elites, or what is known as “elite capture,” as seen in Vancouver and Toronto is also carried out in other democratic societies.

He pointed to a report in early 2022 from the United Kingdom’s intelligence agency MI5, which showed how a Chinese agent, Christine Ching Kui Lee, established ties with a number of British parliamentarians on behalf of the CCP through political donations.

However, unlike the MI5, Canadian intelligence agencies cannot make public alerts about infiltration from foreign agents from China, Russia, and Iran, due to the country’s “strict privacy laws and the mysterious political shackles that Canadian intelligence operates under,” even when the Canadian Security Intelligence Service has incredible intelligence showing the CCP’s United Front has targeted Trudeau and politicians in all Canadian parties, Cooper said.

“This isn’t a failure of the agency’s task with gathering intelligence. They ultimately report to their political masters. And if those political masters don’t want to heed the blaring alarms, the agencies have little recourse—reports will be buried, … and ultimately the intelligence agencies will stop producing these reports altogether,” Cooper said, citing an intelligence source.

“Bureaucrats don’t want to end their careers by delivering unwanted medicine to uncooperative patients.”

He said that according to Chiu, in Greater Vancouver, with its “three-dimensional control” of political candidates, culture, and businesses, China has gained sway over even the traditional pillars of society.

“People that are supposed to speak the truth, China has brought them down to their knees,” Cooper said.

As for politicians in Ottawa, they have been “naive at best about the threat China poses,” and many parliamentarians are near-sighted, focusing on microscopic concerns, while still others who do see the big picture “enrich themselves through sweet insider deals with Beijing,” he said, citing Chiu and his intelligence sources.

“Canada is faltering as a middle power,” Cooper said. “The nation isn’t taken seriously in the Five Eyes anymore. Canada isn’t a leader in the growing battle between democracy and authoritarianism.”

Issac Teo contributed to this article.

Indian Mass Graves: Another Lie in the Defamation War Against Whites

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Indian Mass Graves: Another Lie in the Defamation War Against Whites

The Myth of the Native American Mass Graves

Did you know that the children of the nomadic Siberian Nenets tribe are sent to boarding school for nine months each year to learn the basics of civilization?

Many of them don’t tolerate it and literally freeze to death trying to return to the tundra to join their tribe. It’s hard to change worlds, to go from freedom to confinement from one day to the next. We know something about that, don’t we?

Does this mean they are coerced? Of course not. It’s not the evil civilized White people forcing them. Like all responsible parents, Nenet parents who want the best for their children, know very well that they need to learn how to live in the modern world.

After their education which lasts several years, most of them do not want to return to the tundra. The most gifted become lawyers, doctors, or researchers, the others find a job of some kind and integrate themselves into the society that raised them. Nobody forces them. They themselves choose where they want to live and how. And that’s a good thing.

Russians have great respect for the hundreds of ethnic groups that have lived on their territory since time immemorial. They want things to go well and everyone to be happy.

And so did the Missionaries who taught the Aboriginals in residential schools. By vocation they were also sincerely concerned about their students who just like the Nenets were to be civilized for their own good.

Since their parents lived in the wilderness sometimes far from the boarding schools, they could not be sent back to their families on weekends as they would today. There were no roads or buses. In order to adapt them as well as possible, it made more sense to keep these children in boarding school for several months.

But despite this long stay away from their parents, many of them like the prominent Aboriginal playwright Tomson Highway and the late band chief Cece Hodgson-McCauley greatly enjoyed their time at their schools. “Nine of the happiest years of my life were spent at that school…some people have been badmouthing residential schools for money,” the chief told the Huffington Post and CBC. (1)

At the time of the so-called mass graves, the child mortality rate was close to 40%. Aboriginal people were less resistant to disease than Europeans. Residential schools were overcrowded and hygiene was sometimes poor. Malnutrition, tuberculosis, typhus, Spanish flu (1917-1921) and several other infectious diseases were rampant. There were no antibiotics to treat them. Is it any wonder that many died? Of course not!

But since the deaths were not of criminal origin, there was never a “mass grave” and “genocide” as Justin Trudeau has falsely claimed. The Canadian Residential School Mass Graves myth was thoroughly debunked by Jared Taylor (See Kamloops: Greatest Hate Hoax Ever?)

It is very much Hollywood, and the media, that has destroyed the image of the Church, and led astray people like our Prime Minister. “On television and in the movies,” writes French writer Hervé Ryssen in his DVD book documentary, Satan in Hollywood. Christianophobia in the movies, Christians, especially Catholics, are most often portrayed as bigoted, narrow-minded and intolerant, even as rapists or murderers. As for the Catholic clergy, they are most often portrayed as a bunch of sadists.”

But it is also Whites who are targeted through Catholics who are never Black, for example. Thus, in films and television series, Whites are often bastards and losers, while men of other races are always nice, intelligent, and resourceful, the darlings of white women who only have eyes for them.

It was also Hollywood that portrayed the Native Americans as innocent victims of the evil Whites. You’ve probably seen the movie, Dances with Wolves, with the handsome Kevin Costner, but did you know it’s pure fiction? Truth be told, before their evangelization and education in boarding schools by missionaries, Native Americans were not noble, good, kind, or innocent as portrayed in the movie. They were savages of unprecedented cruelty; primitives who practiced cannibalism and slavery; warriors who spent their time fighting over territory. (2) Hollywood glorifies them only to smear Christians and Whites.

You can easily see this hatred of White Catholics and Whites in general almost on a daily basis in the media and in the movies. (3) Hollywood, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, to name only the best known, have only one goal in mind: to sully Christians, demonize the White race and turn against it the minority groups and the White liberals like Justin Trudeau who, by dint of being told in schools and everywhere that their race is rotten, hate it more than the minorities themselves. (4)


  1. Lifesitenews staff, “Rescued from the memory hole: Some First Nations people loved their residential schools“. (Jun 28, 2021).
  2. Thomas Goodrich, Scalp Dance. Indian Warfare on the High Plains 1865-1879, Stackpole Books, 1996.
  3. Thomas Dalton, Confronting the Judeocracy. The Six Stages of Enlightenment, The Unz Review (23 April 2021).
  4. Arthur Kempt, The War Against Whites. The Psychology Behind the Anti-White Hatred Sweeping the West, Ostara Publications, 2020, p. 82.