Kamloops: One of the Greatest “Hate” Hoaxes Ever?
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, January 28, 2022
The whole world fell for it.
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We’re all used to phony hate crimes. The demand for white racism so exceeds the supply that hate hoaxes have to be ginned up to meet the need. Last year, the entire nation of Canada — and the whole world — fell for what must be one of the grandest hoaxes ever.
There is a young anthropology instructor at University of the Fraser Valley named Sarah Beaulieu who thinks her job is “to bring to light the stories of, and give voice to, the disenfranchised groups that have been overlooked in the historical record.”

On May 27 last year, she announced she had hit the jackpot.
She said she had used ground-penetrating radar to find evidence of a mass grave at a former boarding school for Canadian Indians run by Catholics. World media were thrilled. The very next day, the New York Times front page proclaimed: “ ‘Horrible History’: Mass Grave of Indigenous Children Reported in Canada.”

It said the remains of 215 children had been found on the grounds of what was known as the Kamloops Residential Indian School, run by the Order of Mary Immaculate from 1893 to 1969, and by the Canadian government for a few years after that.

The worldwide assumption was that vicious nuns had either killed these children or let them die and covered the whole thing up.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau grieved over the “dark and shameful chapter” in Canadian history and ordered all national flags be flown at half-mast.

The flag over parliament in Ottawa stayed lowered for five months.
Mr. Trudeau demanded that the Pope come to Canada.

Naturally, Francis agreed.
That figure — so precise — of 215 dead children caught the imagination. The Vancouver Art Gallery laid out 215 pairs of children’s shoes as a memorial.

Similar collections appeared on the steps of churches and legislatures.
Canada Day was celebrated on July first, just one month after the discovery. The country was still in convulsions, so there was a movement to cancel Canada Day and “wear orange for our children” instead.

These people wanted to go one better and cancel Canada entirely.

Fashion magazine took a break from “style, beauty & grooming, and wellness” to explain that wearing orange “symbolizes solidarity with Indigenous communities who are currently grieving the loss of their children.”

Canada Day celebrations were scrubbed all over the country and the government website for the national holiday emphasized “the pain and shame of darker episodes of our history, the repercussions of which are still felt today.”

Instead of the usual festivities, some people paraded sentiments such as “No pride in genocide.”

The government went all out and proclaimed a brand-new national holiday.

Now and forever more, the nation will celebrate Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It will be “an opportunity to honor the lost children and Survivors (note the upper case) of residential schools.”

It’s another fun time to wear orange, just like these celebrants at a candle-light vigil in Calgary, mourning the lost 215.
Credit Image: © Artur Widak/NurPhoto via ZUMA Press
Even the Calgary police went spiritual, with little orange loops pinned to their uniforms.
Credit Image: © Artur Widak/NurPhoto via ZUMA Press
Other people celebrated differently. A mob defaced and tore down the statue of Queen Victoria in Winnipeg.

Elizabeth II bit the dirt, too.

Hamilton, Ontario, used to have a statue of Canada’s first prime minister, John MacDonald. Not anymore. [[0:06 – 0:34 ]]
Dozens of churches were burned and many more vandalized. [[0:08 – 0:13]] That was the more than century-old St. Jean Baptiste Parish church in Morinville, Alberta. This is what it used to look like on the inside.

After a news story on June 30 about another church arson, Harsha Walia, executive director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, tweeted ‘Burn it all down.’

When she was criticized, a blue-check lawyer named Naomi Sayers who calls herself an Indigenous female elite tweeted: “I would help her burn it all down. And that would light our way forward.”

Mr. Trudeau said burning churches was “unacceptable and wrong,” but also that it was “understandable.”
Indians know how to milk the white man. Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Kamloops area Indians lectured Prime Minister Trudeau and called for “restitution. [[1:20 – 1:29 4:29 – 4:51]]
Jason Louie is chief of the Lower Kootenay Band. He says the discovery was an example of the “mass murder of Indigenous people . . . . this attempt at genocide.”

So, how bad was the genocide? With a little digging, you can find articles like “Rescued from the memory hole: Some First Nations people loved their residential schools.”

It quotes a Canadian Indian named Tomson Highway, a pianist and playwright that Macleans magazine calls “one of the 100 most important people in Canadian history.”

He was at one of those schools from ages six to 15 and rather awkwardly says, “All we hear is the negative stuff, nobody’s interested in the positive, the joy in that school. Nine of the happiest years of my life I spent it at that school.”

Cece Hodgson-McCauley was the first woman to become a chief among the 23 tribes in Canada’s Northwest Territories.

She called her years at the school the best of her life. “My family says the same thing, my sister swears by it. We were treated wonderfully.”

Uh, oh. The chief, who died in 2018 at age 95, said people lie about how bad things were so they can get money. She said older Indians who were actually students at the schools are afraid to talk about what they were really like.
They’re right to be afraid. Monsignor Owen Keenan of Mississauga, Ontario was forced to resign after he preached on the “good done in residential schools.”

The archdiocese apologized for “the pain” he caused. He crawled on his belly. The church was vandalized anyway. The official truth — never to be contradicted — is that the children were beaten, buggered, raped.
What do we know about the Kamloops school itself?

Yes, they had to speak English and, yes, they had religious instruction — just like white children. We know that Chief Louis, the head of the local Indians from 1855 until 1915, asked that the school be set up, and supported it until his death.

Here is a photo of the students and faculty in 1937.

I’m sorry I can’t find pictures, but the school had a girl’s group that performed European folk dances. It was so good it was invited to the Pacific National Exhibition in 1960.

In 1964, the Knights of Columbus raised money so the girls could perform at a series of festivals in Mexico. People at the Canadian embassy called them the “finest ambassadors ever to come from Canada.” All while being beaten, buggered, and raped, of course.
So, what about the bodies. It’s true that some of the students who attended the Kamloops school died. There are records of 51 deaths from 1915 to 1964, almost all from tuberculosis or influenza. Seventeen died in the hospital at Kamloops, and eight on their own reservations during vacation. Twenty-four are buried in their home reservation cemeteries and four at the Kamloops cemetery, where teachers and staff were also buried. That leaves 23 unaccounted for, but this doesn’t mean they weren’t buried or that they were piled into a mass grave. The school is in the middle of the reservation, and it is absurd to think that 215 children were dumped, and no one noticed.

In fact, they weren’t. Not one body has been found where Miss Beaulieu said they were. No one has dared to look. It now appears that the radar findings were of tree roots and other soil disturbances. The entire fraud is laid out in understated and devastating detail in The Dorchester Review, in an article called “In Kamloops, Not One Body Has Been Found.”

Chief Roseanne Casimir, who is asking Justin Trudeau for restitution, has been telling everyone that some of the children in the mass grave were three years old.

She is — let’s just say — mistaken.
Now, I don’t blame the Indians. They know a good thing when they see one. It’s the whites, from the pope to the prime minister, who are contemptible. Will the New York Times now run an article with the headline: “Good News: Canadians Not as Bad as We Thought”? No. I’m sure the editors would think this was bad news. It makes them happy to think white people were horrible. They love to think they’re immensely superior to every white person who ever lived, so the wickeder white people were, the better they feel. I bet they won’t even run a correction.
Will the Canadian government decommission its new holiday? Will the people who jumped like savages on that John MacDonald statue apologize? Of course not. White people are, officially, the world’s worst people. That’s established fact, and what’s a little lying here and there in a good cause?
No other people in the history of the world have ever gloried in hating itself. And any people that keeps this up won’t survive.