Monthly Archives: June 2020

Latter-Day Flagellants, Christianity, and the Politics of Evil

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Latter-Day Flagellants, Christianity, and the Politics of Evil

June 21, 2020/14 Comments/in Featured Articles /by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

“Using these whips they beat and whipped their bare skin until their bodies were bruised and swollen and blood rained down, spattering the walls nearby. I have seen, when they whipped themselves, how sometimes those bits of metal penetrated the flesh so deeply that it took more than two attempts to pull them out.”
Heinrich of Herford, (c.1300–1370)

Enoch Powell, delivering perhaps the most notorious speech of 20th century British politics, warned that “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” In much the same way as his demographic projections, the remarkable Enoch was more than a little off on timing, even if there is an obvious truth underlying every aspect of his broader prophetic warning. Britain is, like much of the West, now at a demographic tipping point, and the balance of power between the races is on a knife-edge. But does the Black man, at the present moment, really have the whip hand over the White man? Is it even the case in the United States, where the demographic balance is tipped even more heavily against Whites? I think not. Contemporary Black power in the West, in and of itself, is not self-sustaining but is rather dependent on a vast cultural and legal apparatus that Blacks had little or no role in designing. This apparatus is instead the contrivance of three actors: the Jews; politically, financially, and professionally incentivized Whites; and, finally, pathological and self-flagellating Whites. This last group is undoubtedly the most puzzling and catastrophic element of the current crisis. Much more horrifying than Powell’s utterance is the fact that the White man still holds the whip, but chooses to beat himself with it.

When I first saw images of Whites kneeling for Blacks, washing the feet of Blacks, and otherwise lending themselves to the hysteria of Black sainthood, I was confronted with a sequence of mental images from the distant past. History tells us that plagues are fertile ground for irrational self-sacrifice, and coronavirus, with a little help from the late George Floyd, has not disappointed. Joannes Stobaeus, in his Florilegium, noted that when a plague befell the Spartans “they received an oracle that they would be saved if some Spartans would be selected to be killed by the king.” Clement, in his First Letter to the Corinthians, pointed out that, faced with plagues, “many kings and people in charge, have given themselves to death after listening to an oracle, so that they might save their citizens with their own blood.” Diogenes Laertius, in his Vitae philosophorum, reports that an ancient plague in Athens provoked the killing of “two youths, Kratinos and Ktêsibios, and the suffering was relieved.” Hesiod, in his Works and Days, called for the moral cleansing of the land, and explained famine and plagues in his statement that “The whole state often suffers because of a wicked man, Who transgresses the gods and devises reckless deeds.” Thus, in times of plague, the urge to purge oneself of sins.

Most interesting among the self-sacrificial acts of the past are, in my opinion, that of the flagellants of the Black Death, derisively and scathingly labelled “the gashers” by the Jewish historian Ben-Zion Dinur. The masochistic flagellants, officially known as “Brethren of the Cross,” or “Brotherhood of the Flagellants,” were radical lay Catholics of both sexes (segregated in processions) who first made a major impact in thirteenth-century Germany during the Black Death. Travelling from town to town, they would hold prayers meetings and processions that would culminate in a massive spectacle where they would whip their flesh until the blood flowed, seeking, through this form of self-sacrifice, to avert a broader national calamity.

Although initially supported by the Church, it soon became clear the flagellants were anti-establishment dissidents in every respect. They rejected the authority of priests and clerics, who were regarded by the flagellants as sunk in sin and therefore intrinsic to the problem. The flagellants rejected the Eucharist, asserting that their blood sacrifice was a more authentic communion with Christ. Finally, they revealed their role as populist social revolutionaries by turning against all established elites, including the very wealthy, the nobility, the city leaders and, most interesting of all, the Jews. In fact, everywhere the flagellants went a violent reaction against the Jews followed. In Frankfurt, in July 1349, the flagellants stormed the Jewish neighborhood themselves, and set it on fire. Occasionally, such as in Mainz, when the Jews heard the flagellants were nearing a town or city, the Jews would launch a pre-emptive assault on Christians, with one chronicler reporting the Jews of Mainz slaughtered 200 Christians before the flagellants finally entered and eliminated the Jewish population. Unsurprisingly, the flagellants were quickly denounced as heretics by the existing elite power structure, and were ruthlessly suppressed to extinction throughout Europe.

Latter-Day Flagellants

In stark contrast to the role of the Brethren of the Cross, our latter-day White flagellants are truly birds of a feather with the elite status quo. Those lauding Blacks and subjecting themselves to humiliating acts of politically correct piety have accepted a form of White self-mortification that is entirely beneficial to our elites, and is without any truly redemptive or socially revolutionary features. The flagellants of the past may have acted in an irrational response to disease, but they transmuted this response into concrete social activism that benefited the broader ethnic group — by attempting to topple or undermine harmful and exploitative relationships at the top of society. Latter-day flagellants feign personal mortification, when in reality they cover themselves in temporary social kudos and self-congratulation. Individually, they harm not a hair on their own heads and spill not a drop of blood, but rather seek to ingratiate themselves into a system of social rewards and even financial benefits. And all the while, the personal fakery of these latter-day flagellants rips bloody shreds from the back of the group as a whole, demoralizing the kin group and energizing its enemies. The latter-day flagellants adopt the pose of self-sacrifice and abasement, throwing their racial kin under the proverbial bus in order to exalt themselves, and themselves alone. They avoid any suggestion of personal sin by professing their “anti-racism,” while flinging judgment and condemnation at those who refuse to bend the knee. The reality is that the latter-day flagellants need these refusers in order to look like “exceptions” in the first place.

The question of what to do about behavior like this has deeply troubled me for more than a decade. Thanks to the work of Kevin MacDonald, we certainly know more about its mechanics and origins than at any time previously. It’s now clear that this isn’t a new problem, even if it appears to be getting worse every year. In my own study of “White Pathology and the 1861 Morant Bay rebellion” for the 2013 special edition of The Occidental Quarterly, I was surprised and horrified at sheer callousness that some Whites could show towards their co-ethnics. The Morant Bay rebellion was a horrifically violent episode, with gruesome, extremely painful murders motivated by hatred of Whites. The town of Bowden was plundered, and the island curate “had his tongue cut out while he was still alive, an attempt is said to have been made to skin him.” Another individual “was ripped open and had his entrails taken out.” Others were “roasted alive” and “had their eyeballs scooped out.” According to The Times of London, the mob then indulged in alcoholic excess, harboring the “drunken dream of negro mastery and white slavery. It was Africa, hitherto dormant, that had broken out in their natures. … They desired the extermination of their emancipators.” In my study of the episode and the reactions it provoked in England, I commented:

To the clear-thinking individual, it was a plainly criminal, and unimaginably brutal series of actions, carried out for malicious reasons against a population targeted for being White. And yet, there was a liberal faction in England convinced not only that it was the Black population that were the true victims, but also that their fellow Whites were reprehensible monsters who deserved the fate which befell them. This pathological response, laden with a misplaced hyper-emotionality, would shake the Empire to its core, sapping its confidence, and bequeathing a legacy which is still felt to this day.

The main warriors on behalf of the Blacks were Christian philanthropists who believed that these races could be raised to standards of education and conduct which would place them alongside Europeans. Members of this group tended to be Non-Conformist, middle-class, and liberal or radical in their politics. Crucially, most had never travelled outside Britain, and had little or no experience with the races they so emphatically and persistently eulogized. The movement was centered around Exeter Hall, a residence in London. The term “Exeter Hall” thus became synonymous with what the brilliant Charles Dickens described as “platform sympathy for the Black and . . . platform indifference to our own countrymen.” Dickens wrote:

The Jamaica insurrection is another hopeful piece of business. That platform sympathy with the Black—or the Native, or the Devil—afar off, and that platform indifference to our own countrymen at enormous odds in the midst of bloodshed and savagery makes me stark wild.

It makes me stark wild too. Isn’t it absolutely terrifying that Dickens’s words on the indifference of these universalist elites to the plight of the working classes of their own people are entirely in keeping with what we see today? These people have the appearance of empathy, but not for anyone that looks like himself. Exeter Hall was largely responsible for the production and dissemination of a range of anti-slavery and pro-Black propaganda which, with its heady emotional characteristics, thrived on those under the influence of the Romantic movement. It was of course highly idealistic:

There was also significant involvement in the movement from the Protestant churches. It was the religious arm of Exeter Hall which was responsible for sending mission upon mission to the colonies with the aim of not only saving souls but of “regenerating whole races,” and it was this religious arm, in conjunction with the mainstream propaganda effort, which popularized the idea of the “noble savage” among the congregations of Britain’s churches.

The idea that Whites, particularly Anglo-Saxons, had a divinely ordained mission to raise up the backward peoples of the earth was driven by Exeter Hall’s most basic article of faith—that all peoples could be raised to the same high level of civilization as themselves. Liberals always have a very strong self-concept as morally superior. Moral posturing is, of course, now front and center in the contemporary West. I concluded my piece on Morant Bay by calling attention to an author who watched Steven Spielberg’s Amistad, recalling Whites “squirming in their seats,” and that afterwards a White couple emerged from the theatre “clinging to each other in a desperate attempt to manage the tragedy that had unfolded before them in graphic and picturesque fashion.” The connection is clear:

What we are thus seeing, in this and myriad other instances, is the emotional abuse and torture of a generation of Whites too ill-informed to generate appropriate intellectual or emotional responses to the fictions they are presented with. The dreamscape of Exeter Hall, in which traitors and murderers become national heroes, is entrenched. It has been absorbed, integrated, and assimilated into the White consciousness, and we, the ideological and psychological descendants of Dickens, are relegated to a much-maligned periphery for daring to suggest that the emperor has no clothes.

Placing the blame for pathological levels of self-abasement solely at the feet of Christianity, however, as some in our circles have done, strikes me as all too easy. Jordan Peterson, simultaneously capable of intellectual sublimities and travesties, is absolutely correct in his observation in 12 Rules for Life:

It is true that the idea of virtuous self-sacrifice is deeply embedded in Western culture (at least insofar as the West has been influenced by Christianity, which is based on the imitation of someone who performed the ultimate act of self-sacrifice). Any claim that the Golden Rule does not mean “sacrifice yourself for others” might therefore appear dubious. But Christ’s archetypal death exists as an example of how to accept finitude, betrayal and tyranny heroically — how to walk with God despite the tragedy of self-conscious knowledge — and not as a directive to victimise ourselves in the service of others. To sacrifice ourselves to God (to the highest good, if you like) does not mean to suffer silently and willingly when some person or organisation demands more from us, consistently, than is offered in return. That means we are supporting tyranny, and allowing ourselves to be treated like slaves. It is not virtuous to be victimised by a bully.

There’s no question, however, that many Christian churches have completely folded into patterns of victimizing themselves, or at least engaging in high-kudos superficial acts of self-abasement, in the service of Blacks and the broader culture of critique. There’s also no question that they view such behavior as highly virtuous. In this regard, I found Cardinal Carlo Vigano’s recent letter to Donald Trump on current events to be extremely timely. It’s obvious from the letter, and from his history of activism against Pope Francis, abortion, and the homosexual network at the Vatican, that Vigano is “to the Right” of Trump in every way, but it’s interesting that he attempts to communicate with Trump in Trump’s own language — employing terms such as “Deep State” to try to communicate something far more profound. Most interesting is Vigano’s denunciation of “adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in in government, in politics, in the economy, and in the media.” These adversaries “serve themselves, do not hold any moral principles, want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money.” He explains that those who help these adversaries are acting out of “self-interest or fearfulness.” This certainly describes the latter-day flagellants, as does Vigano’s condemnation of those within the Church who are “mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves … Just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God.” For Vigano, who has previously indicated that the Catholic Church had been infiltrated by a combination of Jews, organized homosexuals, and Freemasons, there is a:

media narrative which seeks not to fight racism and bring social order, but to aggravate dispositions; not to bring justice, but to legitimize violence and crime; not to serve the truth, but to favor one political faction. And it is disconcerting that there are Bishops – such as those whom I recently denounced – who, by their words, prove that they are aligned on the opposing side. They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it.

I’m not from a Catholic background, and I’ve been very critical of elements and expressions of Christianity in the past, but even I have to concede, that, objectively speaking, Vigano is on to something. One of the most Christian people I know is absolutely disgusted with White behavior for Black Lives Matter, while the most anti-Christian person I know (a friend of a friend) is also the most virtue-signalling, pro-homosexual, pro-miscegenation cretin I’ve ever encountered. There are no simple answers here, and if one is to denounce the Church as the root and cause of some of our major problems, one might as well denounce everything else in Western modernity that’s been co-opted by our adversaries. It should be clear that there wouldn’t be much left that we couldn’t denounce.

The question of why Whites are allowing themselves to be subjected to this kind of treatment on a mass scale, and in some cases encouraging it, rather requires a clear and unflinching view of the mass perception of White identity politics today. Quite frankly, we have been designated the ultimate evil, and no punishment or humiliation will be enough to satisfy our enemies.

The Politics of Evil

One of the most fascinating series of books I’ve read is Jeffrey Burton Russell’s Cornell-published quadrilogy on the concept of evil in Western culture [Satan: The Early Christian Tradition (1981), Lucifer: The Devil in the Middle Ages (1984), Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World (1986), and The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History (1988)]. These works aren’t just an outstanding exercise in historical and religious scholarship, but also in their analysis of the development of the concept of evil as a political idea. For Russell, who develops the theme to an unmatched degree, there is great power in being able to label one’s opponent and their ideas as evil. To be labelled as being in league with the Devil—or the modern equivalent—is tantamount to political (and in extreme cases, physical) death. If you doubt such an interpretation, just read Dante’s Inferno, which is as much a summary of medieval Florentine politics and a list of Dante’s personal enemies, as it is a piece of religious poetry.

There really is no question about the fact that White identity politics is post-modernity’s only radical political evil, and Adolf Hitler is its Great Satan, looming over a horde of contemporary minor demons. Like Dante’s Inferno, and his various levels of Hell, our contemporary politics is judged morally on the proximity of one’s ideology to that held by the Great Satan in the lowest Hell. Tucker Carlson may be deemed to toil, for example, in the second or third circle, but you readers, with your race pride and anti-Semitism, well, you are beyond all hope in the ninth circle. Our post-religious culture even has a physical substitute for Hell, in the form of a long-abandoned camp in rural Poland.

In the West, what else comes close to this politico-moral taxonomy that borders on the religious in its dogmatic excess? Nothing. Even Islamic terrorism, one of the few aspects of modern life that isn’t readily assimilable by global capitalism, is always qualified in most media and academic treatments as implying some mediating factors, such as Western imperialism, the alienation of Muslim minorities, or any of a wide range of social and environmental causes that are ultimately the fault of Europeans. For those in charge of the national conversation, Islamic terrorism is something explainable and therefore, in the final examination, non-diabolical. By contrast, arguments for internet censorship targeting White identity websites have been advanced by associating White ethnic activism with conduct that is as low and demonic as pedophilia and the very worst of obscene material, which is probably the only other element of our rotten contemporary culture that continues  (for now) to be viewed as an example of radical evil. Of all political stances, only the assertion of White ethnic interests is deemed by our mainstream as equally irrational and immoral, being based on the alleged “fantasy” of race and the moral crime of wishing to “dominate” or adopt “supremacy” over other groups.

Whites can prostrate themselves in the name of “anti-racism” because by doing so they’re fighting the religious or secular contemporary incarnation of Satan. Historically, it has been extremely dangerous, and often fatal, to be seen as in league with Satan, and alternatively there have been massive incentives to joining crusades against demonic activity. One thinks of the witch craze, the purging of various heretical sects (including the flagellants), and the experiences of the early Protestants. What we are currently seeing culturally, economically, and politically, is an increasing pressure on people to demonstrate whether or not they are on the side of the Devil. Language such as “White silence is violence,” is increasingly asserting that there is no room for Whites to sit on the fence. Whites must declare whether they are good (subservient) or bad (retaining pride), and regardless of the religious beliefs of these Whites, if any, every cue in our culture is making it extremely clear which side will provide them with incentives and which side is laden with social doom. This is very similar to the process that all cultures undergo when there is a dramatic shift against a certain set of beliefs and/or populations.

The point here is that all conventional strategies designed to move White dissident thought from the fringe to the mainstream may be doomed to failure because they neglect the fact we aren’t even on the same spectrum of political possibility, or even within the same psychological framework. We are exiles, declared to be total anathema. To label something evil is to imply it is willfully engaged in the chaotic, unnatural, and sadistic. Evil implies an unregenerate irrationality as well as a complete detachment from morals. It also implies the willful infliction of suffering, and perhaps also a joy in it. Fighting from this position with appeals to things like IQ differences, crime rates, the data on police shootings of Blacks and Whites, or blandishments about the right of all peoples to self-determination, is probably entirely pointless.

Ultimately, the mainstream narrative about White identity politics is based on unreason and outright falsehood. An edifice built so obviously on an emotive disdain for facts and objective reality will be entirely unmoved by rejoinders employing them. Accusations of Leftist hypocrisy are as ubiquitous as they are ineffective, because ultimately people on the Left, or Right for that matter, don’t really care about what is correct or incorrect, or at least don’t care enough to do something meaningful about it. What they do care about is what is “evil,” and if they can look good and get rich fighting it then all the better. What is really required, therefore, is a “fight fire with fire” strategy that embodies emotionality and triggers psychological responses that resonate on a deeper level, beyond consciousness. This necessitates a propaganda designed exclusively to instill feelings of disgust, fear, and hatred for those opposed to White interests. In the final analysis, it must be hammered home that our opponents are not wrong, weak-willed, venal, or corrupt — they are morally, politically, and spiritually evil. They belong in the lowest Hell.

I understand the necessity of framing our arguments in reasonable terms. I understand the value of producing evidence, and presenting facts. But I also understand that these things have limited tactical value. The symbiotic elites of medieval Germany were safely ensconced in their centers of power until the flagellants came to town, with their emotive, violent, grisly, and gloriously fanatical denunciations of evil. Within that environment, riding on the crest of a crisis, the heretics and rebels became the arbiters of truth and the judges of society. Dispute as you will their claim to have banished the Devil, but can you deny they banished, even for a short time, at least some social evils?

Looked at from an angle not dripping with footnotes and statistics, isn’t it clear that our opponents are, in some sense, crawling with “demons”? Aren’t they riddled with the most malevolent of intentions? Don’t they bleat endlessly about eugenic policies of yesteryear while paving the way for “after-birth abortion.” They’re not wrong, my friends, they’re evil.

Our moral superiors: Dressed in White and dripping with blood

Watch “Paul Fromm On Chinese Attacking Indian People and Wuhan Virus Compensation!” on YouTube

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Watch “Paul Fromm On Chinese Attacking Indian People and Wuhan Virus Compensation!” on YouTube

TORONTO, June 20, 2020. Angry citizens protest the butchery of Indian soldiers by Red Chinese troops and China’s evil role in giving us the Wuhan Flu, lying about it and shipping us faulty masks. Oh, yes, kidnapping Canadian citizens, welshing on trade agreements and wholesale spying on us and subversion of our political system, as foretold in the RCMP/CSIS “Sidewinder Report” in 1997.

Immigrant Descended Rappers Openly Declare War Against Whites

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Immigrant Descended Rappers Openly Declare War Against Whites

by Michael MacMillan

The “New Progressive Culture of Europe”

The situation for Euro-Canadians is dire. We have a hostile government that is determined to replace us. Our institutions have been conquered by our enemies. And, every year our deaths outpace our births and foreign intruders continue to flood into our country.

A lot of people will say “well, who cares. This isn’t really even our country. It belongs to the aboriginals”. And my answer is: “we’re losing our ancestral homelands as well.”

I’ve spent the last couple of years reading books about the immigration disaster in Europe and the new world. The image below includes some of my favorites. I included one about the collapse of Rhodesia because the author’s central thesis is that Rhodesia was not lost because of war, but because of birth rates. The settler elite simply did not have demographics on their side. So, just as with the Mau Mau of Kenya, the white man was eventually pushed out of Rhodesia.

But, reading books wasn’t enough. I wanted to see first hand examples of the immigration nightmare.

So, I started watching music videos made by immigrant descended youths in Europe. The results of my research and some of my thoughts are shared in this essay. I hope this will give a little bit of insight into what we as Europeans are dealing with on a global level.

England and Baltimore

The first music video linked below is Pa Saliu. He’s Gambian-Brit but from the way he talks you can tell that he has picked up Jamaican (or what they call in the UK “Yardie”) slang. In the video he is wearing a tracksuit, walking a menacing looking pitbull, and talking about robbing “bandos”. Bando is an African-American term that means an abandoned house. Often after the commission of a burglary a home will be burned. If the building stays empty it becomes a “bando” (meaning abandoned house) and becomes a place for clandestine drug distribution. He makes a living robbing those drug houses.

The American youtuber Charliebo313 makes very good drive through videos of American slums. You can see from the video below the number of abandoned tenements. Those are the “bandos” that rappers in North America and now Europe talk about in their music and they fill an important role in the illicit drug economy. The video below is from Baltimore during the COVID quarantine. On both sides of the street you can see boarded up buildings. Those are “bandos”. 

Near the end of the video you can see masked men on unlicensed dirtbikes and ATVs. This is something that you will see in music videos by immigrant descended youths in Europe. This shows a broad consolidation of African-American culture and the culture of the immigrant descended youth in Europe.

Baltimore is looking pretty rough. It is a city that has gone through the full demographic and cultural replacement. The people that built the city are gone and what is left is an underclass culture of welfare dependence, gangsterism, and “bandos”.

The image below is of Baltimore before “multiculturalism”. White youngsters are seen polishing the marble steps of their tenement houses before church on Sunday, which was the culture of the day.


The next music video is of the “Dutch”-British rapper Dutchavelli. His parents immigrated to the Netherlands from Jamaica before moving to the UK. Since he was born in the Netherlands he is known as “Dutch” and that explains the Dutch part of his name. The rest of his name I am assuming is a play on the word “Machiavelli” – which seems to be a popular name among black rappers. One of Tupac’s nicknames was Machiavelli.

What’s interesting about Dutchavelli is that he talks about running “county-lines”. County-lines are mobile drug distribution networks that target rural areas.

The first rapper that I linked above; Pa Saliu – the Gambian, talks about robbing drug dealers. It’s guys like him that are making UK cities less safe to ply the drug trade. So, the dealers are pushing further out into the countryside to prey on whites that are fleeing cities and avoid predation from other criminal immigrant descended youths.

One of the interesting scenes in the music video is where he fist bumps his Hassidic-Jew record producer. This is one real world example of the Jew-POC alliance against white western civilization.

One of the other interesting things about the music of guys like Dutchavelli is that they talk about their hatred of “pagans”. This makes one assume that he is Muslim. It is likely that he became a Muslim while growing up in the UK and was not born Muslim, because Jamaica has a very small Muslim population.

This means that stories that you hear about immigrant descended criminals in Europe being turned into Muslims in prison are true.

The drug dealing, the criminality, and the hatred of “pagans” – meaning idolators – which I am assuming means “Christians” or “Native non-Muslim Brits” is just some of the ways that the immigrant descended population in Europe expresss their hostility toward the native population that were foolish enough to take them in.

Albanians in Britain

The next music video is by a group of Albanian youths in Britain that call themselves “Hellbanianz”. Albanians are well known in the UK (especially London) for being deeply criminal and are involved in all sorts of drug trafficking, human trafficking, and fraud.

I can’t speak Albanian but the music video mostly speaks for itself. One of the interesting things is that at the 2:27 mark you can see them posing on an ATV. ATVs on city streets are a common motif in the African-American criminal underclass. So, you’ve got a group of people that are Albanian, they identify as Albanian, they speak Albanian, and the rest of their culture is imported from the lawless African-American underclass.

One of the few things that I can understand is that they seem to call each other “shippas”. “My Shippas” is something that you hear repeated throughout the song. “Shippa”, I think, comes from the word “shqiptar” – which is the Albanian word for the Albanian people. In the same way that the African-American criminal underclass calls each other “niggas”, the Albanian criminal underclass in the UK call themselves “shippas”.


A lot of people have heard about the nightmare in Sweden dealing with their immigrant descended population. I think almost anyone that is clued into the immigration topic has heard about the nightmare in Sweden: gun crime, grenade attacks, arson, terrorism, and a rape crisis that has put Sweden at the top of all sexual assault statistics.

Pelle Neroth Taylor’s book “Dying to be Multicultural” is a good summary of the situation in Sweden but I’ve gathered some clips together that gives a visual summary of Sweden’s immigration nightmare.

This next clip is called “Stockholm city” by the Swedish rapper Sinan. I don’t speak Swedish but from what I can tell there is a crowd of immigrants, they are all waving the flags of their home countries, posing with middle eastern style scarves pulled up over their faces, and the “artist” is rapping and posing with an AK-47.

The next clip is of the Swedish rappers Blacky and Ambessa. In the video you can see them waving a congolese flag, posing menacingly with knives and an AK 47, and counting out cash.

The song is called “no face no case” which speaks for itself. They’re saying that if you wear a mask you won’t “catch a case” – meaning you won’t be criminally prosecuted if you hide your identity during the commission of a crime.

The video is filmed in the parkade of an apartment building. Imagine what it is like for the Swedes that are stuck in a building like that and when they walk down to the parkade they see a group of masked, menacing, foreign descended men posing with weapons and blasting rap music.

Sadly, this is what multiculturalism looks like up close.

The next video is from Araby, which is a neighborhood in Vaxjo – which is in small town Sweden. Through the video you can see men with crowbars breaking into a building, car burning, footage of youths throwing flares at police, footage of a man doing a drive by shooting that is filmed inside the car, people shooting fireworks at police, drugs, men waving foreign flags, and people riding around on unlicensed ATVs and dirtbikes.

The next one is a fairly typical Swedish rap video. There’s a short warning that it’s just a song and the police shouldn’t take it seriously, but it perfectly reflects the immigrant descended criminal culture in Sweden

You can see in the first scene after the disclaimer the re-enactment of a moped robbery.


Next I bring you to France. The first French video is called “Crapulerie”. The video starts with a bunch of masked men, posing with shotguns and (probably stolen) ATVs.

This video is more of the same – men waving foreign flags, posing with guns, and everyone is wearing black tracksuits.

One of the things that you’ll hear about in British media is talk of “moped gangs” where immigrant descended youths ride around on stolen mopeds and rob people of their phones, handbags, and backpacks. In this music video you can clearly see that they aren’t just riding around to get around but that the mopeds are being used in the commission of robberies.
This is the kind of music that incites people to do real world moped robberies.

The next clip is from the French rapper Secteur P. It’s pretty much what you expect: African youths in ski masks and tracksuits shooting guns in the air outside their apartment complex.


The next clip is from Germany. Most people know about the Turkish population that was brought into Germany after world war II to help rebuild the country after the allied bombing decimated the German population.

The video is called “Made in Turkey”.

In the video you can see muscular Turkish toughs hanging around with their dogs. At the 30 second mark one of the guys pulls a World War II era sten gun from his trunk.

I think the visuals mostly speak for themselves.

The next video is of the German-Jewish rapper GZUZ (Kristoffer Klaus – Klaus being the yiddish word for a “small synagogue”) and his rap group 187 Strassenbande. His group seems to be mostly German Jews and immigrant descended youth showing off about drug dealing, pimping women, flashing guns and cash, etc.

The member BonezMC (born Johann Lorenz Moser) seems to be a native German gentile (based on facial features and surname), making him an example of a native European that has been pulled into the predominantly immigrant descended criminal subculture.

So, I guess they’re not all foreigners.


In sum, I wanted to share some of the research that I have done into the music of the mostly immigrant descended criminal underclass in Europe. This is the kind of footage that people need to see because it cannot be denied. This is not stuff that is just a racist fantasy, but is being produced by the immigrants themselves for their own enjoyment. I think it’s important to do this kind of research because it helps us to understand the risk that mass immigration poses to Europe and European diaspora communities. Contrary to what the propaganda will tell you, lots of newcomers to our countries are deeply hostile and come with the mentality of looters. That’s a fact that we can ignore or deny at our own peril. Posted at 09:2168 Cbutor)

Why You Can’t Recognize America These Days

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Why You Can’t Recognize America These Days

By Frosty Wooldridge|June 18th, 2020

By Frosty Wooldridge

Riots in 75 American cities.  Cops being shot sitting in their patrol cars. Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorist groups burning down police precincts.  Police cruisers being set on fire.  Thousands of innocent businesses looted and burned.  Historic monuments desecrated and destroyed.  Citizen-terrorists wrecking Main Street America.

Sound like the America you knew?  Or, is this a brave new America?  Or, is it America at all? At this point, our country no longer remains our country.  Via endless immigration out of the third world, it’s being given away piece by piece, chunk by chunk and city by city. Witness the results of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that shoved 100 million people from third world countries down our throats. It’s changed our intelligence, our culture, our language and our sense of loyalty to our country.

Minnesota, the cauldron for the riots, has degraded from less than 1 percent foreign-born in 1965 to 10 percent foreign-born today.  A total of 45 million foreign born now stomp around in our country.  Who represents Minneapolis today?  Somalian Ilhan Omar, not an American, and who has never read the U.S. Constitution, and who committed immigration fraud to gain access to the USA.  Additionally, she said, “I want all Muslims to make Americans uncomfortable.”  Exactly why should we feel uncomfortable in our own country?  Would anyone feel comfortable in her country of Somalia?

“Instead of liberal but non-rioting Scandinavians and Germans, the new immigrants are overwhelmingly African, Asian, and Hispanic. In fact, Minnesota now has a much larger proportion of Asian and African immigrants than the nation as a whole,” said Ann Coulter. (June 10, 2020, Breitbart News.)

And yet, no one thinks immigration means much of anything as long as it’s legal.  What’s going to happen when the next 100 million bedraggled masses hit our shores by 2050?

California; Bow of the USS Titanic

California devolved from the state that elected Ronald Reagan to Governor Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi along with Maxine Waters, who represent and encourage endless illegal migration.

How did all this happen?

You guessed it: endless immigration out of the third world.  Fifty years ago, California enjoyed 85 percent White residents.  They show a scant 37 percent today and dropping fast.  Detroit now stands as Islam’s first caliphate in Dearbornistan, Michigan. To visit there is to visit a country within our country.  It’s the same with “Somaliland” in Minneapolis with 120,000 foreign born African bush people. Arabic writing on store fronts and everywhere. You will not see one American flag being flown in the area.

In 2019, those same bush people scammed over $100,000,000.00 of American taxpayer money via Electronic Benefits Transfers credit cards. A sobering 9.5 out of ten of them subsist on welfare for life.

In big cities where immigrants enclave, they vote for the best democrats who promise the most goodies.  NYC May Di Blasio won 96 percent of the black vote, 87 percent of Hispanics, 70 percent of Asians and 54 percent of the White vote.

As we import more of them, we may expect them to express themselves on the forever welfare rolls, Molotov cocktails, burning police cars, leading marches and stomping on Old Glory.

“We don’t have the figures for the current, ongoing nationwide riots, but a Loyola-Marymount professor recently gushed to the New York Times that compared to the Rodney King riots, these have been “truly multicultural.” If we ever find out, I’ll lay even odds that a lot of the looters standing by with empty suitcases outside the luxury stores were our immigrant fraudsters, otherwise employed stealing billions of dollars from Medicare, Social Security, and food stamp programs,” said Coulter.

Why haven’t Americans figured this immigration invasion out?  What clouds the majority of Americans’ minds?  Doesn’t anyone put two and two together to discover the obvious answer?  How many more riots, flag burnings, Antifa thugs, looting, Black Lives Matter terrorists and cop cars burning will it take?

Are you, an American citizen, excited about the projected 100 million more foreigners imported into America from around the world?  If you are, well, just sit back and watch your country torched in the coming years.

What the Minneapolis Riots Mean — No More Concessions

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What the Minneapolis Riots Mean — No More Concessions

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance. Race realist. – Taylor of American Renaissance explains that they are a part of a problem that cannot be solved by yet more concessions.

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Vancouver City Council Must Retract Its Recent Apology for the Komagata Maru Incident

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Vancouver City Council Must Retract Its Recent Apology for the Komagata Maru Incident

Dan Murray, Immigration Watch Canada – June 15, 2020

The Covid19 crisis has produced one major benefit for Canada: It has spared us from celebrating “Sikh Heritage Month” in April. In an act of extreme degradation, Parliament passed that law over a year ago. Last week, Vancouver City Council added to Canadian political foolishness by trying to “curry” favour with the Sikhs: It apologized to the Sikhs for the Komagata Maru incident. Like most politicians, Vancouver City Councillors are poorly informed about the Komagata Maru incident and almost all immigration-related incidents.

Here is some factual background on that incident for the enlightenment of Vancouver City Council and all of Canada’s politicians.

The Komagata Maru incident was preceded by the Panama Maru incident of late 1913. The Panama Maru incident helps to explain much of what happened in the Komagata Maru incident of 1914.

On October 17, 1913, the Japanese-registered ship called the Panama Maru docked In Vancouver with 56 Sikh East Indians aboard. Canada accepted East Indians who had previously been accepted and had lived in Canada. However, most of the passengers on the Panama Maru had not lived in Canada previously, but claimed that they had. They produced fraudulent money order receipts, time cards, etc. to “substantiate” their claims. Immigration authorities allowed 17 (those physically recognized to have been in Canada before) to land, but they detained 39 of the 56.

A Board of Inquiry looked into the case and ordered the 39 to be deported, but litigious East Indians in Canada determined to make the Panama Maru case a test case. Their lawyer, J. Edward Bird, appeared before Justice Dennis Murphy, but Murphy denied their claim. Bird then went to Chief Justice Gordon Hunter, notorious for appearing drunk in court. He was a clear embarrassment to the government. Hunter upheld the East Indian appeal on a technicality, so most of the 39 were released. The remaining 4, who had previously been ordered deported for medical reasons, escaped from detention and could not be found.

The Panama Maru incident was a big embarrassment to the federal government. It also showed both the federal and British Columbia governments that immigration fraud was continuing and that much stronger measures had to be taken. Immigration authorities became determined, if possible, to avoid the courts and the threat of escape from detention.

Gurdit Singh, the man who organized the Komagata Maru voyage, had enjoyed litigation success against Britain in Singapore and was confident that he could repeat the success in Canada. In fact, despite the warnings of British officials, he boasted to British authorities in Hong Kong (the port from which the Komagata Maru departed for Canada) that he would challenge the Canadian government in court and that after he had succeeded, he would bring up to 25,000 labourers from India to Canada. This was an economic threat to unemployed Canadians. In May of 1914, Canada was in the midst of a recession, with very high unemployment. It was also a cultural threat. In 1914, Vancouver, the port where the Sikhs would land, had a population of about 60,000+. An inflow of 25,000 Sikhs would have set off cultural alarms of being overwhelmed. Later in Japan, Singh added another threat. He said that if he did not get his way, 10,000 Indian troops (mostly Sikhs) would rebel against the British in India. At that time, the Sikhs did not appreciate colonization by Britain. Today, Canadians do not appreciate colonization by the Punjab. They also do not appreciate current immigration fraud.

As Gurdit Singh would quickly discover, 1914 was not a wise time to make immigration threats and to launch a test case for Sikh labourers.

komagata maru.jpg

To compound the situation, the memory of extensive Chinese and Japanese immigration fraud over many years was still fresh in the minds of British Columbians. See this link:

To put the matter bluntly but truthfully, Vancouver City Council’s apology for the Komagata Maru incident is yet another example of how Canada’s politicians have once again descended into the most degrading acts of political sodomy and boot-licking.

Our disgraceful CBC and many of Canada’s politicians are proud to engage in such activity, but to differentiate itself from such degenerates and to demonstrate it has even a sliver of dignity, Vancouver City Council should immediately do the following:

(1) Retract Its Apology for the Komagata Maru incident

(2) Take measures to get the names of the Sikh criminals who are responsible for the Air India bombing and who remain protected by other Sikhs and unconvicted. That event was the largest mass murder (329 Canadians) in Canada’s history and, until resolved, it is the event that most Canadians will forever remember Sikhs for. It is almost certain that some Sikh MP’s, MLA’s and B.C. Municipal Councillors know the names of the Sikh murderers.

For more details on this issue, see

Cancel the White Men and What’s Left? by Pat Buchanan

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Cancel the White Men and What’s Left? by Pat Buchanan – June 17, 2020

Liberals will fight for the right of Marxist radicals to burn the American flag to show their hatred of it but cannot tolerate working folks flying the battle flag of the Confederacy to show their love of it.

“Can we all just get along?”

That was the plea of Rodney King after a Simi Valley jury failed to convict any of the four cops who beat him into submission after a 100-mile-an-hour chase on an LA freeway. King’s plea came after the 1992 LA riots, the worst since the New York City draft riots in 1863 when Lincoln had to send in federal troops.

In the aftermath of today’s protests and riots after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, we hear similar calls. President Donald Trump must “reach out” and “unify the nation.”

But how?

Many of these calls for unity come from the same elites who are all-in on tearing us apart by pulling down statues of the famous men of American history whom they most detest.

A second war on the Confederacy is underway, to disgrace and dishonor all who fought for Southern independence in the war of 1861-65. A second Reconstruction is being readied.

The St. Andrew’s Cross, the battle flag of the Confederate army, though seen as a banner of heroism and honor to millions, is henceforth to be treated like the Nazi swastika. It has been already been banned at Nascar races, where it has been widely popular.

Liberals will fight for the right of Marxist radicals to burn the American flag to show their hatred of it but cannot tolerate working folks flying the battle flag of the Confederacy to show their love of it.

A second front in the campaign to cancel history is the renaming of U.S. army bases in Southern states that bear the names of Confederate generals, such as Forts Benning and Bragg. Trump has pledged to veto any defense appropriation bill that contains such a provision.

Third is the drive led by Nancy Pelosi and her allies to remove statues in the Capitol of any of those men of “violent bigotry” who were connected to the Confederacy.

First among them is General Robert E. Lee.

Gen. David Petraeus has put succinctly the crime of which Lee is guilty. Though “West Point honors Robert E. Lee with a gate, a road, an entire housing area, and a barracks,” writes Petraeus, “Lee… committed treason.”

The goal here is to impose the one-sided view of American history that is now ascendant, as official truth — that the cause of Southern secession was unlike the cause of American secession from Britain. It was an act of treason rooted in the ideology of white supremacy.

To have that sole acceptable view predominate, our elites believe they must remove from public display the statues of any associated with the cause of Southern independence and stigmatize them all as traitors.

They have, however, a problem: Where do the elites stop when the radicals demand more?

If support of slavery disqualifies one from the company of decent men, does it disqualify George Washington, who owned slaves his entire life? What Washington fought for, independence, was what Lee fought for.

Lee did not challenge Lincoln’s election. He did not seek to overthrow the government Lincoln headed. He resigned from the U.S. army to go home and defend the people among whom he had been raised from an invasion to force-march them back into a Union the state’s chosen rulers had voted to leave.

Not only does our national capital, Washington, bear the name of a lifelong slave owner, so does the capital of Missouri, Jefferson City. So does the capital of Mississippi, Jackson. So does the capital of Wisconsin, Madison. The capital of Ohio is Columbus. The capital of South Carolina is Columbia. Both are named for now-vilified Christopher Columbus whose statue still stands outside D.C.’s Union Station.

None of these men appears, from how they lived their lives, to have shared modernity’s belief in democracy, diversity or social equality. Yet, it was they who cobbled together the United States of America.

Washington led us to independence and ownership of all the land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the size of the U.S. Andrew Jackson added Florida. James K. Polk added the Southwest and California. Slave owner Sam Houston won Texas’ War of independence and brought his Republic of Texas into the Union in 1845.

Two of the three greatest Senate statesmen of the 19th century, Henry Clay of Kentucky and John Calhoun of South Carolina, were slave owners. Both have statues in the Capitol. Do they go, too?

The newest bridge over the Potomac, like the premier dam in the TVA, is named for Woodrow Wilson, who resegregated the government.

These were among the decisive figures of American history. If all are dishonored, with their statues pulled down and their names taken off cities, counties, towns, rivers, canals, bridges, buildings, highways, roads, streets and dams, then what is left?

Detest all those white men if you will, but they were the ones who created the nation we inherited.

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Videographer Lily Assaulted at Black Lives Matter Protest, Toronto, May 30

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Videographer Lily Assaulted at Black Lives Matter Protest, Toronto, May 30
Category: Uncategorized

Rex Murphy: Canada is not a racist country, despite what the Liberals say

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Rex Murphy: Canada is not a racist country, despite what the Liberals say

To any fair mind, Canada is a mature, welcoming, open-minded and generous country. It would be helpful if these Liberals kept the full story of this country in mind when discussing racism

Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKennaAshley Fraser/Postmedia

Rex Murphy

June 1, 2020
4:09 PM EDT Filed under

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Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna recently retweeted a lovely picture of her and four other ministers taking part in a “social distanced kayaking” excursion in Ottawa.

“Nothing beats enjoying some time on the water with my colleagues,” McKenna tweeted. It’s hard to argue. It sure beats spending time in Parliament during the COVID-19 and long-term care crises.

But it wasn’t the kayaking picture that originally caught my attention, it was another of the former environment minister’s endless Twitter bulletins, commenting on the protests and riots (they are both, and lately mainly the latter) now sweeping across the United States.

“Right now, thousands — if not millions — are marching, fighting and protesting for their basic human rights. We need to acknowledge that racism and discrimination are a part of our reality here in Canada and around the world and we all need to call it out. We have to do better,” wrote McKenna, before a similar demonstration took place in Montreal on Sunday.

Police push back protesters during a demonstration calling for justice in the death of George Floyd and victims of police brutality in Montreal, on May 31. Graham Hughes / THE CANADIAN PRESS

What’s going on in the U.S. right now may have begun, for some, as a protest in support of basic human rights. But however it began, it has now morphed into scenes of pure violence, random attacks, arson and something close to actual anarchy. It would have been good of the minister to have acknowledged the very troubling mixed nature of the events. Yes, some people are engaging in legitimate protest, as is their right. But many of them have engaged in looting, mayhem, destruction of property, threats, arson and deliberate confrontations with police.

Looking through news and social media reports online, on can easily find scenes of individuals being furiously beaten by some of the mob, a police precinct abandoned to flames, a small store destroyed right in front of its owner and the attempted arson of the historic St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C. St. John’s is a revered institution, because every U.S. president since James Madison has attended services there. I’m not sure how attempting to burn down a church, which is also a national symbol, figures under the banner “of protesting for human rights.”

The second part of McKenna’s tweet  —  “We need to acknowledge that racism and discrimination are a part of our reality here in Canada and around the world and we all need to call it out” — was more troubling to me, because it was yet another example of a Liberal leveraging a situation happening somewhere else to create an opportunity to lecture Canadians.

Law enforcement personnel clash with protesters rallying against the death of George Floyd, near St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C., on May 31. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

In dissecting her statement, it would be helpful to have some more details. How much are racism and discrimination actually “a part of Canadian reality”? Are they overwhelmingly present? Are they, in McKenna’s view, a central part of Canadian life? Where do they manifest themselves? Are some provinces more racist and discriminatory than others? If any of the answers to these questions is “yes,” then we have far bigger problems than COVID-19.

Another question: is it only those in the higher echelons of the Liberal party who have a clear view of all this racism and discrimination? Indeed, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has spoken in much the same terms.

“Many Canadians of diverse backgrounds are watching, like all Canadians are, the news out of the United States, with shock and with horror,” he said on Friday.

I can agree with most of that (though I don’t know why he made a distinction between “Canadians of diverse backgrounds” and “all Canadians,” since there are not two sets of us). But he then proceeded, as Mckenna did, into a lofty declaration of virtuous moralism, saying that, “Anti-black racism, racism is real. It’s in the United States, but it’s also in Canada.” On one level, there is nothing to dispute here. No society is without bigotry — none. But how big a problem is it here in Canada? That’s the question.

A mannequin sits in a burned police vehicle in New York on June 1. John Moore/Getty Images

Most Canadians, the vast majority in fact, are horrified by racism and would never participate in it. We are in fact not a racist country, though to say so may shock some.

Do we not have welcoming immigration policies? Are our largest cities not a great montage of people from every corner of the world, of every colour and creed? Do we not, both in private and public, celebrate Canada’s multicultural nature? Do our schools not press the ideas of tolerance and acceptance toward all peoples and all faiths from kindergarten through high school? Is it not a doctrine of Canadian civic life that to end any trace of discrimination or racism is a cardinal rationale for the very existence of modern Canada.

In fact, to give Canada credit, it has for decades now worked in every venue — from corporations, to the public service, to the arts and universities — to set goals and standards designed to eliminate pernicious bigotries. It is therefore strange that after so much honest effort, so many advances in public thought and practice, so great a march from those times past when racism and bigotry were indeed rife and accepted, that an inventory of how far we have come is never taken; that the advances remain unacknowledged or unspoken; and that citizens hear so often from their betters how “racist and discriminatory” they are.

To any fair mind, Canada is a mature, welcoming, open-minded and generous country. It would be helpful if these Liberals kept the full story of this country in mind when discussing racism, and not leap so reflexively to grim characterizations of a country that, while not perfect, has been doing its best to be tolerant and welcoming.

National Post

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What the Minneapolis Riots Mean: No More Concessions!

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What the Minneapolis Riots Mean: No More Concessions! Jared Taylor, American Renaissance. Race realist. – Taylor of American Renaissance explains that they are a part of a problem that cannot be solved by yet more concessions.

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