Tag Archives: Black Lives Matter

Is Russia Trying to Win Over White Americans?

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Is Russia Trying to Win Over White Americans?


Sergey Lavrov » International Affairs

Robert Hampton

June 4, 2021

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov apparently shows more concern for ordinary white Americans than the average Republican lawmaker. In April, Lavrov called out America’s aggressive anti-white racism. While insisting Russians were “the pioneers of the movement for equal rights of people of any skin color,” he stated Black Lives Matter pushes “aggression displayed against  white people, white US citizens.”

Lavrov also mocked the political correctness of American culture. “Hollywood changes its rules now, too, so that everything reflects the diversity of modern society, which is likewise a form of censorship, which stifles art and imposes various artificial restrictions and demands,” he argued. I saw black people playing in Shakespeare’s comedies. I don’t know when we will have a white Othello. You see, that’s absurdity. Political correctness pushed to such absurdity won’t end well.” How many western politicians would dare question blacks playing white characters?

Lavrov’s purpose was to skewer the United Nations dedicating a day to acknowledging the horrible threat posed by “white supremacy.” The Russian diplomat said that the decision reflects the UN operating as the “the Organization Promoting American concepts, or American trends.”

This position contrasts sharply with that of our own diplomats. Joe Biden’s UN Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, went before the international body twice this Spring to denounce white Americans and the Founding Fathers.

Four-hundred-and-two years ago, African slaves were forced onto the shores of the colony of Virginia. Two years ago, the 1619 Project brought attention to this anniversary, and put the consequences of slavery, and the contributions of Black Americans, back at the center of our history and of our national narrative. As the project detailed, slavery is the original sin of America. It’s weaved white supremacy and black inferiority into our founding documents and principles.

She repeated those remarks again a month later. American media outlets praised her comments as a “powerful” rebuttal against racism.

America is fond of calling out Russia’s alleged human rights abuses and disregard for democratic norms. Lavrov responded to these claims with a reminder of America’s own record, particularly its persecution of Trump supporters involved in the Capitol protests.

“We are following with interest the persecution of those persons who are accused of the riots on January 6 this year,” Lavrov said last week, stressing that Vladimir Putin will press Biden on this issue when the two meet this summer. “A lot of really interesting things are happening from the point of view of the rights of the opposition and protecting those rights,” the Russian diplomat added.

It is rich for America to attack other countries that suppress protesters and dissidents when our regime does the same thing. We attack China for denying bail to non-violent election protesters while we deny bail to non-violent election protesters here. We criticize Belarus for diverting a flight to arrest a dissident while we don’t even allow dissidents to fly here. We denounce Russia for firing government workers for their political beliefs while every corporation and institution does the same thing here. This isn’t the Land of the Free anymore.

It’s good that Russia is taking this line in favor of Trump supporters and conservative whites. China and Iran prefer to celebrate Black Lives Matter and condemn America as the Great Racist Satan. China usually botches its attempts at wokeness, but it still sticks to that line. China doesn’t care about anti-white racism or the persecution of Trump supporters. The Red Dragon tries to appeal to the Left, even though the ChiComs do a poor job of it. The Iranians appear to be better at this, and it’s probably impossible for them to ever appeal to ordinary American conservatives. Russia seems to be the only world power to make this play.

Back in the Obama and early Trump years, many right-wingers idolized Putin’s Russia. Too often, they fell for the media’s depiction of Russia. Western outlets shrieked that Putin was a white nationalist, a fascist, and a threat to democracy everywhere. Some right-wingers believed these claims and decided that made Putin based. They liked how Russia seemed to oppose western degeneracy and foreign interventions. Russia was one of the few countries to stand with Bashar al-Assad against the “moderate” jihadis backed by the West. Right-wingers also liked Putin’s swagger and his status as a serious statesman.

Some of these views were more accurate than others. It is true that Putin’s Russia serves as a counterweight to America’s Empire of Nothing on the world stage and stands up for worthy states like Assad’s Syria. Putin also pursues some sensible policies in his home country, such as banning homosexual propaganda to children. (Meanwhile, American children’s cartoons teach kids to march in gay pride parades with their two daddies.) Russia also doesn’t tolerate national hatred or guilt, for better and for worse, and cracks down on traitorous billionaires. Putin also is a serious statesman, an extinct species among our pathetic political elites.

But Putin’s Russia is also far away from the fantasy ethnostate or Orthodox kingdom of right-wing fantasies. It locks up nationalists for hate speech and other dubious charges. Its immigration policy still lets in many foreigners and the regime preaches a form of multiculturalism (albeit, one less insufferable than ours). Very few Russians go to church and the nation is plagued with all types of social ills, from addiction to widespread corruption.

Russia also threatens the sovereignty of many of its neighbors. This, of course, is not a major concern for American nationalists, but it does explain why Eastern European nationalists don’t like Putin. Ukrainians, Balts, and Poles all have memories of what life was like under the bootheel of Russia. It makes sense why they would oppose Russia and their stance does deserve a bit of understanding.

That does not mean we, as American nationalists, should see Russia as the great enemy. Nor does that mean we should fawn over Russia as the SUPER BASED AND REDPILLED EMPIRE. We simply need to recognize it as a necessary counterweight to America’s BLM imperialism. No other nation will denounce anti-white racism or confront Biden about the persecution of ordinary Trump supporters. It’s good for a world player to defend our people and force the American regime to answer for its anti-white racism. Every other foreign power prefers to denounce America for the same reasons leftists do here. Russia is the only one to speak for us.

We shouldn’t turn ourselves into unwitting tools for Russian designs or into some kind of pro-Kremlin fifth column. We merely need to acknowledge that Russian propaganda is more sympathetic to our side than ever before. RT and Sputnik read more like Breitbart, minus the boomerism and zealous Zionism. They seem to no longer care about appealing to the “anti-establishment Left.” In America, there is no more anti-establishment Left. Antifa is sympatico with the FBI and major corporations. Liberals and leftists both want a more authoritarian government that locks up their political enemies. They also hate Russia and want the state to spread our “democratic values” to every part of the globe. Russians may finally realize the Left is hopeless. It makes more sense for the Russians to side with the nationalist Right.

What this realignment will look like is anyone’s guess. But as long as Russia calls out the system’s anti-white racism and abuses, it’s good for us.

The White Inferiority Complex

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Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, September 18, 2020

The White Inferiority Complex

For decades, hurling the epithet “racist” was the liberal’s go-to method of acknowledging anyone who disagreed with him from a standpoint somewhere to his right. In this same period this method served its purpose of discouraging disagreement with progressive liberalism well. Those who belonged to the mainstream of whatever was considered to be conservatism at the time, which was generally what had been considered liberalism a decade or so earlier, were, for some reason that has never really been explained, particularly sensitive to this accusation, and every time the liberal used this dreaded word they would rush to be the first to throw whoever was on the receiving end of the accusation under the bus. 
Eventually, however, this word lost most of its bite. It had simply been used too often and against too many people. When everyone is a racist, nobody is a racist, and people stop caring when you call somebody a racist. While it made something of a comeback this year, when used with the modifier “systemic”, for a few years now it has been largely replaced in liberal usage with “white supremacist.”

By trading the worn out “racist” for the fresh “white supremacist”, liberals exchanged an insult that had lost most of its meaning through overuse for one that was more powerful than the original had ever been, but in doing so they made themselves look absurd. For one thing white supremacist has a much narrower range of meaning than racist, with connotations of ideology, zeal, commitment, and activism that the word racist does not. There are very few actual white supremacists left and when liberals try to use this expression in the way they used to use racist they invite ridicule upon themselves. 

There is another aspect to the absurdity of the charge of white supremacism being flung around like so much monkey excrement. It is quite evident to anybody with open eyes that if any sort of bad racial thought presently infests the minds of the white people of Western Civilization it is not a sense of superiority over others, much less a feeling of supremacy over others, but rather a sort of inferiority complex. 
What other explanation can there be for the fact that even though the United States, after its Supreme Court abolished all de jure discrimination against blacks, established de jure discrimination against whites in 1964, and Canada, the United Kingdom, and all other Western countries decided to follow this foolish American precedent, and for over a generation anti-white discrimination has been the only established racism in Western Civilization, nevertheless white people have been willing to affirm the proposition that Western countries are “white supremacist” and that they therefore enjoy “privilege” on the basis of their skin colour? 
How else do we explain all the white people who are enthusiastic supporters of Black Lives Matter? BLM, despite the organization’s innocuous if also truistic and banal name, is not about a positive agenda of promoting the security and well-being of black people. Abortion rates have been disproportionately high among black people for decades, but BLM couldn’t care less about all the black lives lost to abortion. They are, in fact, allied to the pro-abortion, feminist cause. Nor does BLM care about all the black lives taken by black perpetrators of violent crime. Blacks are overrepresented among both the perpetrators and the victims of violent crime in general, which has been the case for as long as statistics have been kept about this sort of thing and shows no sign of ceasing to be the case any time soon, and this overrepresentation is even larger for homicide. The inevitable and natural corollary of this is that blacks are also overrepresented among crime suspects, arrests, convictions, and incarcerations. The black lives lost to black crime are not black lives that matter to BLM. BLM cares only about blaming the overrepresentation of blacks among suspects, arrests, etc., on the racism of white police. For this is what BLM is truly about – spreading hatred of police officers, Western Civilization in general but with a focus on the United States, and especially of white people. 

It makes about as much sense, therefore, for white people to support BLM as it would for black people to go around wearing white robes with pointy hoods. Yet this year, in which BLM has, ahem, removed its mask and revealed its true colours like never before, it would have been difficult not to notice the prominent participation of whites in the record-breaking wave of race riots and the “Year Zero” Cultural Maoist assault on historical monuments and statues. That is even without taking into account the lionizers of BLM and its cause among white newspaper and television commentators, white university professors, white clergymen, white corporate executives, white celebrities, and white politicians. 

There is a name for this sort of inferiority complex. It is called liberalism. While there are many different liberalisms with many different meanings, the one that I have in mind here is that of the liberal whom Robert Frost defined as “a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.” Although I must say that when the poet penned that worthy diagnosis it probably never occurred to him that the disease would progress to the point where those infected actively take up arms against their own side. 
This, however, is the stage of the condition in which we find ourselves today and it may very well prove to be the terminal stage. 

Today, whether they seriously believe it to be true or not, a sizeable portion of whites are willing to affirm that racism is a moral offence for which light-skinned people of European ancestry bear a unique guilt, that they are guilty of it even if they are not conscious of having thought a racist thought, said a racist word, or committed a racist act, that this unconscious racism supposedly built into the very fabric of society is worse than the overt racial hatred that is often directed against whites by blacks and others with an anti-white axe to grind, and that it is their moral duty, therefore, to express contrition or shame whenever any non-white person chooses to take offence at something they have said or done or merely the fact that they are living and breathing, and to ignore or excuse explicit expressions of racial animus directed against them, even when these are violent in tone. 
Western liberalism has clearly undergone a mutation from when its humanitarian and universalist ideals merely generated a blindness to the legitimate particular interests of Western nations and peoples. It now actively opposes those interests. 

Think about the implications of the ubiquitous calls to end “systemic racism.” Many, perhaps most, white people have been jumping on board this bandwagon. Perhaps they do not understand that “systemic racism” is a technical term, from neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory, and that it designates this idea of an embedded racism which all white people and only white people are guilty of whether they are conscious of racist thought and actions or not. Perhaps they think it means institutional policies and practices that explicitly discriminate on racial grounds. If the latter is what they think, however, then they are mistaken if they think that racism of this sort, other than the kind that is directed against them, exists in Western countries today. This crusade against “systemic racism” in the Critical Race Theory sense of the term can only have the result, if successful, of making the explicit discrimination against white people that has been institutionalized in all Western countries since the ‘60’s and ‘70s of the last century, worse. 

There is a far worse manifestation of this mutant strain of the liberalism virus. Taken together, a number of liberal policies that have been in place in most if not all Western countries for over four decades, constitute an existential threat to white people. One of these policies is the use of large scale immigration from non-Western countries to offset the declining fertility that has been produced by, among other factors, the anti-natalism of social liberalism’s pro-contraception, pro-abortion, views. The result of this policy having been in place for decades has been the massive demographic transformation of Western societies to the point where in several countries that in living memory were almost entirely white, whites are on the verge of dropping to minority status. When you add to this the introduction in the same time frame of the aforementioned anti-white institutional discrimination, and the vilification of whites in the news media, popular education, and the revisionist educational curriculum, what you end up with is a recipe for a sort of self-inflicted genocide. Indeed, for decades now, Critical Race Theorists such as the late Noel Ignatiev have couched their anti-white ideas in explicitly genocidal language such as “the abolition of the white race”. When called out over this they have defended their rhetoric by saying that the “white race” they are talking about is a social construct, but their arguments have a rather hollow ring to them when we consider that these people would be the first to cry genocide if the same language were used about any other race and that the activist movement that has been built upon the foundation of their theory has translated such rhetoric into even cruder terms and actions that are not so easily explained away. These same people insist that “it is okay to be white” is a dangerous and offensive racist slogan. 

Yet despite all of this, liberalism has been largely successful at convincing a large segment of the white population to regard anyone who dares to speak out against this suicidal combination of policies as being a bigger and more real threat than that combination itself. Indeed, there are several liberal organizations in North America that do nothing else except identify those who speak out against white liberalism’s racial suicide pact and wage a campaign of character assassination against them. 

Liberalism is usually wrong about everything and it is certainly wrong about this. The West does not have a “white supremacist” problem in this day and age. What it is suffering from is rather that many, perhaps most, white people have become infected with a sick-minded racial inferiority complex in which they regard their skin colour as a badge of racial guilt which can only be atoned for through racial suicide. You will be waiting a long time, however, for liberals to acknowledge this. That would mean admitting that liberalism is the problem. Liberals would sooner demonize all those who share their own skin colour than admit that liberalism could be wrong. Posted by Gerry T. Neal at 6:15 AM Labels: abortion, antiracism, Black Lives Matter, contraception, Critical Theory, feminism, immigration, liberalism, Noel Ignatiev, racism, systemic racism, Year Zero

Latter-Day Flagellants, Christianity, and the Politics of Evil

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Latter-Day Flagellants, Christianity, and the Politics of Evil

June 21, 2020/14 Comments/in Featured Articles /by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

“Using these whips they beat and whipped their bare skin until their bodies were bruised and swollen and blood rained down, spattering the walls nearby. I have seen, when they whipped themselves, how sometimes those bits of metal penetrated the flesh so deeply that it took more than two attempts to pull them out.”
Heinrich of Herford, (c.1300–1370)

Enoch Powell, delivering perhaps the most notorious speech of 20th century British politics, warned that “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” In much the same way as his demographic projections, the remarkable Enoch was more than a little off on timing, even if there is an obvious truth underlying every aspect of his broader prophetic warning. Britain is, like much of the West, now at a demographic tipping point, and the balance of power between the races is on a knife-edge. But does the Black man, at the present moment, really have the whip hand over the White man? Is it even the case in the United States, where the demographic balance is tipped even more heavily against Whites? I think not. Contemporary Black power in the West, in and of itself, is not self-sustaining but is rather dependent on a vast cultural and legal apparatus that Blacks had little or no role in designing. This apparatus is instead the contrivance of three actors: the Jews; politically, financially, and professionally incentivized Whites; and, finally, pathological and self-flagellating Whites. This last group is undoubtedly the most puzzling and catastrophic element of the current crisis. Much more horrifying than Powell’s utterance is the fact that the White man still holds the whip, but chooses to beat himself with it.

When I first saw images of Whites kneeling for Blacks, washing the feet of Blacks, and otherwise lending themselves to the hysteria of Black sainthood, I was confronted with a sequence of mental images from the distant past. History tells us that plagues are fertile ground for irrational self-sacrifice, and coronavirus, with a little help from the late George Floyd, has not disappointed. Joannes Stobaeus, in his Florilegium, noted that when a plague befell the Spartans “they received an oracle that they would be saved if some Spartans would be selected to be killed by the king.” Clement, in his First Letter to the Corinthians, pointed out that, faced with plagues, “many kings and people in charge, have given themselves to death after listening to an oracle, so that they might save their citizens with their own blood.” Diogenes Laertius, in his Vitae philosophorum, reports that an ancient plague in Athens provoked the killing of “two youths, Kratinos and Ktêsibios, and the suffering was relieved.” Hesiod, in his Works and Days, called for the moral cleansing of the land, and explained famine and plagues in his statement that “The whole state often suffers because of a wicked man, Who transgresses the gods and devises reckless deeds.” Thus, in times of plague, the urge to purge oneself of sins.

Most interesting among the self-sacrificial acts of the past are, in my opinion, that of the flagellants of the Black Death, derisively and scathingly labelled “the gashers” by the Jewish historian Ben-Zion Dinur. The masochistic flagellants, officially known as “Brethren of the Cross,” or “Brotherhood of the Flagellants,” were radical lay Catholics of both sexes (segregated in processions) who first made a major impact in thirteenth-century Germany during the Black Death. Travelling from town to town, they would hold prayers meetings and processions that would culminate in a massive spectacle where they would whip their flesh until the blood flowed, seeking, through this form of self-sacrifice, to avert a broader national calamity.

Although initially supported by the Church, it soon became clear the flagellants were anti-establishment dissidents in every respect. They rejected the authority of priests and clerics, who were regarded by the flagellants as sunk in sin and therefore intrinsic to the problem. The flagellants rejected the Eucharist, asserting that their blood sacrifice was a more authentic communion with Christ. Finally, they revealed their role as populist social revolutionaries by turning against all established elites, including the very wealthy, the nobility, the city leaders and, most interesting of all, the Jews. In fact, everywhere the flagellants went a violent reaction against the Jews followed. In Frankfurt, in July 1349, the flagellants stormed the Jewish neighborhood themselves, and set it on fire. Occasionally, such as in Mainz, when the Jews heard the flagellants were nearing a town or city, the Jews would launch a pre-emptive assault on Christians, with one chronicler reporting the Jews of Mainz slaughtered 200 Christians before the flagellants finally entered and eliminated the Jewish population. Unsurprisingly, the flagellants were quickly denounced as heretics by the existing elite power structure, and were ruthlessly suppressed to extinction throughout Europe.

Latter-Day Flagellants

In stark contrast to the role of the Brethren of the Cross, our latter-day White flagellants are truly birds of a feather with the elite status quo. Those lauding Blacks and subjecting themselves to humiliating acts of politically correct piety have accepted a form of White self-mortification that is entirely beneficial to our elites, and is without any truly redemptive or socially revolutionary features. The flagellants of the past may have acted in an irrational response to disease, but they transmuted this response into concrete social activism that benefited the broader ethnic group — by attempting to topple or undermine harmful and exploitative relationships at the top of society. Latter-day flagellants feign personal mortification, when in reality they cover themselves in temporary social kudos and self-congratulation. Individually, they harm not a hair on their own heads and spill not a drop of blood, but rather seek to ingratiate themselves into a system of social rewards and even financial benefits. And all the while, the personal fakery of these latter-day flagellants rips bloody shreds from the back of the group as a whole, demoralizing the kin group and energizing its enemies. The latter-day flagellants adopt the pose of self-sacrifice and abasement, throwing their racial kin under the proverbial bus in order to exalt themselves, and themselves alone. They avoid any suggestion of personal sin by professing their “anti-racism,” while flinging judgment and condemnation at those who refuse to bend the knee. The reality is that the latter-day flagellants need these refusers in order to look like “exceptions” in the first place.

The question of what to do about behavior like this has deeply troubled me for more than a decade. Thanks to the work of Kevin MacDonald, we certainly know more about its mechanics and origins than at any time previously. It’s now clear that this isn’t a new problem, even if it appears to be getting worse every year. In my own study of “White Pathology and the 1861 Morant Bay rebellion” for the 2013 special edition of The Occidental Quarterly, I was surprised and horrified at sheer callousness that some Whites could show towards their co-ethnics. The Morant Bay rebellion was a horrifically violent episode, with gruesome, extremely painful murders motivated by hatred of Whites. The town of Bowden was plundered, and the island curate “had his tongue cut out while he was still alive, an attempt is said to have been made to skin him.” Another individual “was ripped open and had his entrails taken out.” Others were “roasted alive” and “had their eyeballs scooped out.” According to The Times of London, the mob then indulged in alcoholic excess, harboring the “drunken dream of negro mastery and white slavery. It was Africa, hitherto dormant, that had broken out in their natures. … They desired the extermination of their emancipators.” In my study of the episode and the reactions it provoked in England, I commented:

To the clear-thinking individual, it was a plainly criminal, and unimaginably brutal series of actions, carried out for malicious reasons against a population targeted for being White. And yet, there was a liberal faction in England convinced not only that it was the Black population that were the true victims, but also that their fellow Whites were reprehensible monsters who deserved the fate which befell them. This pathological response, laden with a misplaced hyper-emotionality, would shake the Empire to its core, sapping its confidence, and bequeathing a legacy which is still felt to this day.

The main warriors on behalf of the Blacks were Christian philanthropists who believed that these races could be raised to standards of education and conduct which would place them alongside Europeans. Members of this group tended to be Non-Conformist, middle-class, and liberal or radical in their politics. Crucially, most had never travelled outside Britain, and had little or no experience with the races they so emphatically and persistently eulogized. The movement was centered around Exeter Hall, a residence in London. The term “Exeter Hall” thus became synonymous with what the brilliant Charles Dickens described as “platform sympathy for the Black and . . . platform indifference to our own countrymen.” Dickens wrote:

The Jamaica insurrection is another hopeful piece of business. That platform sympathy with the Black—or the Native, or the Devil—afar off, and that platform indifference to our own countrymen at enormous odds in the midst of bloodshed and savagery makes me stark wild.

It makes me stark wild too. Isn’t it absolutely terrifying that Dickens’s words on the indifference of these universalist elites to the plight of the working classes of their own people are entirely in keeping with what we see today? These people have the appearance of empathy, but not for anyone that looks like himself. Exeter Hall was largely responsible for the production and dissemination of a range of anti-slavery and pro-Black propaganda which, with its heady emotional characteristics, thrived on those under the influence of the Romantic movement. It was of course highly idealistic:

There was also significant involvement in the movement from the Protestant churches. It was the religious arm of Exeter Hall which was responsible for sending mission upon mission to the colonies with the aim of not only saving souls but of “regenerating whole races,” and it was this religious arm, in conjunction with the mainstream propaganda effort, which popularized the idea of the “noble savage” among the congregations of Britain’s churches.

The idea that Whites, particularly Anglo-Saxons, had a divinely ordained mission to raise up the backward peoples of the earth was driven by Exeter Hall’s most basic article of faith—that all peoples could be raised to the same high level of civilization as themselves. Liberals always have a very strong self-concept as morally superior. Moral posturing is, of course, now front and center in the contemporary West. I concluded my piece on Morant Bay by calling attention to an author who watched Steven Spielberg’s Amistad, recalling Whites “squirming in their seats,” and that afterwards a White couple emerged from the theatre “clinging to each other in a desperate attempt to manage the tragedy that had unfolded before them in graphic and picturesque fashion.” The connection is clear:

What we are thus seeing, in this and myriad other instances, is the emotional abuse and torture of a generation of Whites too ill-informed to generate appropriate intellectual or emotional responses to the fictions they are presented with. The dreamscape of Exeter Hall, in which traitors and murderers become national heroes, is entrenched. It has been absorbed, integrated, and assimilated into the White consciousness, and we, the ideological and psychological descendants of Dickens, are relegated to a much-maligned periphery for daring to suggest that the emperor has no clothes.

Placing the blame for pathological levels of self-abasement solely at the feet of Christianity, however, as some in our circles have done, strikes me as all too easy. Jordan Peterson, simultaneously capable of intellectual sublimities and travesties, is absolutely correct in his observation in 12 Rules for Life:

It is true that the idea of virtuous self-sacrifice is deeply embedded in Western culture (at least insofar as the West has been influenced by Christianity, which is based on the imitation of someone who performed the ultimate act of self-sacrifice). Any claim that the Golden Rule does not mean “sacrifice yourself for others” might therefore appear dubious. But Christ’s archetypal death exists as an example of how to accept finitude, betrayal and tyranny heroically — how to walk with God despite the tragedy of self-conscious knowledge — and not as a directive to victimise ourselves in the service of others. To sacrifice ourselves to God (to the highest good, if you like) does not mean to suffer silently and willingly when some person or organisation demands more from us, consistently, than is offered in return. That means we are supporting tyranny, and allowing ourselves to be treated like slaves. It is not virtuous to be victimised by a bully.

There’s no question, however, that many Christian churches have completely folded into patterns of victimizing themselves, or at least engaging in high-kudos superficial acts of self-abasement, in the service of Blacks and the broader culture of critique. There’s also no question that they view such behavior as highly virtuous. In this regard, I found Cardinal Carlo Vigano’s recent letter to Donald Trump on current events to be extremely timely. It’s obvious from the letter, and from his history of activism against Pope Francis, abortion, and the homosexual network at the Vatican, that Vigano is “to the Right” of Trump in every way, but it’s interesting that he attempts to communicate with Trump in Trump’s own language — employing terms such as “Deep State” to try to communicate something far more profound. Most interesting is Vigano’s denunciation of “adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in in government, in politics, in the economy, and in the media.” These adversaries “serve themselves, do not hold any moral principles, want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money.” He explains that those who help these adversaries are acting out of “self-interest or fearfulness.” This certainly describes the latter-day flagellants, as does Vigano’s condemnation of those within the Church who are “mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves … Just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God.” For Vigano, who has previously indicated that the Catholic Church had been infiltrated by a combination of Jews, organized homosexuals, and Freemasons, there is a:

media narrative which seeks not to fight racism and bring social order, but to aggravate dispositions; not to bring justice, but to legitimize violence and crime; not to serve the truth, but to favor one political faction. And it is disconcerting that there are Bishops – such as those whom I recently denounced – who, by their words, prove that they are aligned on the opposing side. They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it.

I’m not from a Catholic background, and I’ve been very critical of elements and expressions of Christianity in the past, but even I have to concede, that, objectively speaking, Vigano is on to something. One of the most Christian people I know is absolutely disgusted with White behavior for Black Lives Matter, while the most anti-Christian person I know (a friend of a friend) is also the most virtue-signalling, pro-homosexual, pro-miscegenation cretin I’ve ever encountered. There are no simple answers here, and if one is to denounce the Church as the root and cause of some of our major problems, one might as well denounce everything else in Western modernity that’s been co-opted by our adversaries. It should be clear that there wouldn’t be much left that we couldn’t denounce.

The question of why Whites are allowing themselves to be subjected to this kind of treatment on a mass scale, and in some cases encouraging it, rather requires a clear and unflinching view of the mass perception of White identity politics today. Quite frankly, we have been designated the ultimate evil, and no punishment or humiliation will be enough to satisfy our enemies.

The Politics of Evil

One of the most fascinating series of books I’ve read is Jeffrey Burton Russell’s Cornell-published quadrilogy on the concept of evil in Western culture [Satan: The Early Christian Tradition (1981), Lucifer: The Devil in the Middle Ages (1984), Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World (1986), and The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History (1988)]. These works aren’t just an outstanding exercise in historical and religious scholarship, but also in their analysis of the development of the concept of evil as a political idea. For Russell, who develops the theme to an unmatched degree, there is great power in being able to label one’s opponent and their ideas as evil. To be labelled as being in league with the Devil—or the modern equivalent—is tantamount to political (and in extreme cases, physical) death. If you doubt such an interpretation, just read Dante’s Inferno, which is as much a summary of medieval Florentine politics and a list of Dante’s personal enemies, as it is a piece of religious poetry.

There really is no question about the fact that White identity politics is post-modernity’s only radical political evil, and Adolf Hitler is its Great Satan, looming over a horde of contemporary minor demons. Like Dante’s Inferno, and his various levels of Hell, our contemporary politics is judged morally on the proximity of one’s ideology to that held by the Great Satan in the lowest Hell. Tucker Carlson may be deemed to toil, for example, in the second or third circle, but you readers, with your race pride and anti-Semitism, well, you are beyond all hope in the ninth circle. Our post-religious culture even has a physical substitute for Hell, in the form of a long-abandoned camp in rural Poland.

In the West, what else comes close to this politico-moral taxonomy that borders on the religious in its dogmatic excess? Nothing. Even Islamic terrorism, one of the few aspects of modern life that isn’t readily assimilable by global capitalism, is always qualified in most media and academic treatments as implying some mediating factors, such as Western imperialism, the alienation of Muslim minorities, or any of a wide range of social and environmental causes that are ultimately the fault of Europeans. For those in charge of the national conversation, Islamic terrorism is something explainable and therefore, in the final examination, non-diabolical. By contrast, arguments for internet censorship targeting White identity websites have been advanced by associating White ethnic activism with conduct that is as low and demonic as pedophilia and the very worst of obscene material, which is probably the only other element of our rotten contemporary culture that continues  (for now) to be viewed as an example of radical evil. Of all political stances, only the assertion of White ethnic interests is deemed by our mainstream as equally irrational and immoral, being based on the alleged “fantasy” of race and the moral crime of wishing to “dominate” or adopt “supremacy” over other groups.

Whites can prostrate themselves in the name of “anti-racism” because by doing so they’re fighting the religious or secular contemporary incarnation of Satan. Historically, it has been extremely dangerous, and often fatal, to be seen as in league with Satan, and alternatively there have been massive incentives to joining crusades against demonic activity. One thinks of the witch craze, the purging of various heretical sects (including the flagellants), and the experiences of the early Protestants. What we are currently seeing culturally, economically, and politically, is an increasing pressure on people to demonstrate whether or not they are on the side of the Devil. Language such as “White silence is violence,” is increasingly asserting that there is no room for Whites to sit on the fence. Whites must declare whether they are good (subservient) or bad (retaining pride), and regardless of the religious beliefs of these Whites, if any, every cue in our culture is making it extremely clear which side will provide them with incentives and which side is laden with social doom. This is very similar to the process that all cultures undergo when there is a dramatic shift against a certain set of beliefs and/or populations.

The point here is that all conventional strategies designed to move White dissident thought from the fringe to the mainstream may be doomed to failure because they neglect the fact we aren’t even on the same spectrum of political possibility, or even within the same psychological framework. We are exiles, declared to be total anathema. To label something evil is to imply it is willfully engaged in the chaotic, unnatural, and sadistic. Evil implies an unregenerate irrationality as well as a complete detachment from morals. It also implies the willful infliction of suffering, and perhaps also a joy in it. Fighting from this position with appeals to things like IQ differences, crime rates, the data on police shootings of Blacks and Whites, or blandishments about the right of all peoples to self-determination, is probably entirely pointless.

Ultimately, the mainstream narrative about White identity politics is based on unreason and outright falsehood. An edifice built so obviously on an emotive disdain for facts and objective reality will be entirely unmoved by rejoinders employing them. Accusations of Leftist hypocrisy are as ubiquitous as they are ineffective, because ultimately people on the Left, or Right for that matter, don’t really care about what is correct or incorrect, or at least don’t care enough to do something meaningful about it. What they do care about is what is “evil,” and if they can look good and get rich fighting it then all the better. What is really required, therefore, is a “fight fire with fire” strategy that embodies emotionality and triggers psychological responses that resonate on a deeper level, beyond consciousness. This necessitates a propaganda designed exclusively to instill feelings of disgust, fear, and hatred for those opposed to White interests. In the final analysis, it must be hammered home that our opponents are not wrong, weak-willed, venal, or corrupt — they are morally, politically, and spiritually evil. They belong in the lowest Hell.

I understand the necessity of framing our arguments in reasonable terms. I understand the value of producing evidence, and presenting facts. But I also understand that these things have limited tactical value. The symbiotic elites of medieval Germany were safely ensconced in their centers of power until the flagellants came to town, with their emotive, violent, grisly, and gloriously fanatical denunciations of evil. Within that environment, riding on the crest of a crisis, the heretics and rebels became the arbiters of truth and the judges of society. Dispute as you will their claim to have banished the Devil, but can you deny they banished, even for a short time, at least some social evils?

Looked at from an angle not dripping with footnotes and statistics, isn’t it clear that our opponents are, in some sense, crawling with “demons”? Aren’t they riddled with the most malevolent of intentions? Don’t they bleat endlessly about eugenic policies of yesteryear while paving the way for “after-birth abortion.” They’re not wrong, my friends, they’re evil.

Our moral superiors: Dressed in White and dripping with blood

Why You Can’t Recognize America These Days

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Why You Can’t Recognize America These Days

By Frosty Wooldridge|June 18th, 2020

By Frosty Wooldridge

Riots in 75 American cities.  Cops being shot sitting in their patrol cars. Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorist groups burning down police precincts.  Police cruisers being set on fire.  Thousands of innocent businesses looted and burned.  Historic monuments desecrated and destroyed.  Citizen-terrorists wrecking Main Street America.

Sound like the America you knew?  Or, is this a brave new America?  Or, is it America at all? At this point, our country no longer remains our country.  Via endless immigration out of the third world, it’s being given away piece by piece, chunk by chunk and city by city. Witness the results of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that shoved 100 million people from third world countries down our throats. It’s changed our intelligence, our culture, our language and our sense of loyalty to our country.

Minnesota, the cauldron for the riots, has degraded from less than 1 percent foreign-born in 1965 to 10 percent foreign-born today.  A total of 45 million foreign born now stomp around in our country.  Who represents Minneapolis today?  Somalian Ilhan Omar, not an American, and who has never read the U.S. Constitution, and who committed immigration fraud to gain access to the USA.  Additionally, she said, “I want all Muslims to make Americans uncomfortable.”  Exactly why should we feel uncomfortable in our own country?  Would anyone feel comfortable in her country of Somalia?

“Instead of liberal but non-rioting Scandinavians and Germans, the new immigrants are overwhelmingly African, Asian, and Hispanic. In fact, Minnesota now has a much larger proportion of Asian and African immigrants than the nation as a whole,” said Ann Coulter. (June 10, 2020, Breitbart News.)

And yet, no one thinks immigration means much of anything as long as it’s legal.  What’s going to happen when the next 100 million bedraggled masses hit our shores by 2050?

California; Bow of the USS Titanic

California devolved from the state that elected Ronald Reagan to Governor Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi along with Maxine Waters, who represent and encourage endless illegal migration.

How did all this happen?

You guessed it: endless immigration out of the third world.  Fifty years ago, California enjoyed 85 percent White residents.  They show a scant 37 percent today and dropping fast.  Detroit now stands as Islam’s first caliphate in Dearbornistan, Michigan. To visit there is to visit a country within our country.  It’s the same with “Somaliland” in Minneapolis with 120,000 foreign born African bush people. Arabic writing on store fronts and everywhere. You will not see one American flag being flown in the area.

In 2019, those same bush people scammed over $100,000,000.00 of American taxpayer money via Electronic Benefits Transfers credit cards. A sobering 9.5 out of ten of them subsist on welfare for life.

In big cities where immigrants enclave, they vote for the best democrats who promise the most goodies.  NYC May Di Blasio won 96 percent of the black vote, 87 percent of Hispanics, 70 percent of Asians and 54 percent of the White vote.

As we import more of them, we may expect them to express themselves on the forever welfare rolls, Molotov cocktails, burning police cars, leading marches and stomping on Old Glory.

“We don’t have the figures for the current, ongoing nationwide riots, but a Loyola-Marymount professor recently gushed to the New York Times that compared to the Rodney King riots, these have been “truly multicultural.” If we ever find out, I’ll lay even odds that a lot of the looters standing by with empty suitcases outside the luxury stores were our immigrant fraudsters, otherwise employed stealing billions of dollars from Medicare, Social Security, and food stamp programs,” said Coulter.

Why haven’t Americans figured this immigration invasion out?  What clouds the majority of Americans’ minds?  Doesn’t anyone put two and two together to discover the obvious answer?  How many more riots, flag burnings, Antifa thugs, looting, Black Lives Matter terrorists and cop cars burning will it take?

Are you, an American citizen, excited about the projected 100 million more foreigners imported into America from around the world?  If you are, well, just sit back and watch your country torched in the coming years.

Paul Fromm takes a tough stand on gun violence because black lives matter. Managed non-news reporting of Negro crime

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Paul Fromm takes a tough stand on gun violence because black lives matter. Managed non-news reporting of Negro crime
CAFE Meeting in Hamilton, September 22, 2019

Paul Fromm – ‘Racial violence against Whites: Whites Under Attack in America and South Africa”

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Paul Fromm –  ‘Racial violence against Whites: Whites Under Attack in Ameri…

The enabling ideology of “White privilege” and the imposition of “White guilt” have neutrali…


The enabling ideology of “White privilege” and the imposition of “White guilt” have neutralized and scuppered White responses to the genocide-on–installment plan that is being carried out against them everywhere, but nowhere so obviously as in the USA and South Africa.  Even as the genocide gathers pace, anyone who complains or who even questions the ideology that supports it faces the full force of the governing tyranny that misrules us.  To speak out against the genocide leads to ostracism, persecution, violence and imprisonment. To speak out or not to speak out?  Not to speak out against the genocide could one day lead us into a court of law to be faced with the charge of being complicit in genocide.  For a man of conscience, for a man of honour, for a man of courage there is only once option and campaigner, talk show host, writer, and free speech advocate (who has defended Ernst Zundel, David Irving and Arthur Topham), and free speech advocate Paul Fromm is just such a man.

French town burned by Black Lives Matter

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French town burned by Black Lives Matter

In the 1950s, there was a “Wahhabi” movement in Mali. Since Mali is, well, a shithole, anything from the outside seemed better. The movement was young modernizing intellectuals and had zero Wahhabi content. They vanished without a trace (perhaps nothing sinister).

So now Malians in France embrace Black Lives Matter. Why not, it rules in the United States, from White House to street.
It is about aesthetics. Good Ju Ju. Cargo cultism.
Right now, they may be waiting for the checks from George Soros.

James Sanchez


25 Jul 2016

Black Lives Matter Protesters Torch French Town


by VIRGINIA HALE25 Jul 20162220


Multiple Black Lives Matter protesters have been arrested in France after demonstrations against the death of a Malian man in police custody left Beaumont-sur-Oise and other nearby towns in flames. Of those arrested, some are being charged with throwing incendiary objects at security forces and others for “trying to burn down” their towns.

Despite a huge police presence, Saturday marked a fifth night of violence in the Val d’Oise district after the death of Adama Traoré in police custody on Tuesday. During demonstrations against Mr. Traoré’s death, protesters, some wielding baseball bats, torched cars, petrol pumps, bins, and piles of rubbish. Buildings were also set alight, including a large warehouse in Persan, near Beaumont-sur-Oise.

The Latest fromTrudeau’s Post National Canada: The Beat Goes On

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The Latest fromTrudeau’s Post National Canada: The Beat Goes On

Today was “Day 11” of the protest of the so-called “Imperial Squatters” in South Burnaby. This group has been camped outside of a two story “walk-up” apartment building on Imperial Drive that is scheduled for demolition.

On the face of it, their grievances are legitimate. As they point out, there are officially 2,770 homeless people in the city, and this particular building is among the very last few that still house some 3,000 low-income residents in Burnaby. There is obviously a dire need for social housing on a grand scale.

Of course, there is no understanding that immigration-driven population growth in the city, plus the influx of wealthy Chinese investors, accounts for this crisis. Oh no, we can’t go there, can we? It is never the fault of The Other. Blame it on capitalism. Blame it on climate change. Climate change is the root of all evil, don’t you know? Traffic jams, varicose veins, PMS, bad hair days. Everything.

What was most conspicuous about these protestors was the fact that they chose to align themselves with identity politics. Two signs made this point.

One included the phrase “Black Lives Matter”, and another read “Gays against Gentrification”. Then there was an Aboriginal protestor beating a drum in the background. If you can’t come up with an articulate explanation for why you are there and what exactly you are protesting about, then just chant “hey-ya-hey-ya-hey-ya-ya…” in tandem with a drum-beat.  You know, like they did in Dances with Wolves. It need not be an authentic native language, as long as it sounds like one. Whitey will never know the difference and besides, no journalist today would dare to check on it. Too bad old Chief Dan George is not around to coach you.


It seems that drum-beaters are now an essential feature of every demonstration of any kind in Canada it. It’s the new normal.

There is always a drumbeater among radical students trying to shout down a visiting lecturer at a university. Or a drumbeater at a pipeline protest, like the one at a Burnaby tank farm a couple of summers ago. Or a drumbeater at Occupy Vancouver or tent city at Oppenheimer Park. There are drum-beaters here, there and everywhere.

Perhaps drumbeating is now an obligatory lower-level course at Indoctrination U. Perhaps in the immediate future, whenever the national anthem is played, drumbeating will accompany it. This is 2016 after all.  Perhaps a drum and a stick will replace the Beaver as our national symbol. Maybe CBC icon and boomer has-been Buffey St. Marie will be selected as the next Governor-General or Speaker of the House of Commons, with drum and stick in hand. But please God don’t let her sing the national anthem. Not with that voice.

One notices that even white protesters are to be seen beating a drum these days, the famed members of the Wanna-Be tribe. Try as they might however, they lack the credibility and gravitas of a fat brown woman in a buckskin jacket with a feather in her wide brim black hat chanting and drumming. When anyone in native garb does that, politicians genuflect and journalists feel a sacred presence.

These are the drumbeaters that I want in my demonstration.

Tim Murray

July19, 2016

Consider this, “Black Lives Matter” And So Do Other Groups Other Groups

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Consider this, “Black Lives Matter” And So Do Other Groups Other Groups
By Nick Champani
On Monday April 4, 2016, more than 100 Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters rallied at Queens Park. This was a continuation  of a  protest involving BLM members who, starting on March 20  illegally squatted in makeshift tents and set bonfires in front of Toronto Police Headquarters. The squatting began a day after the Ontario Special Investigations Unit (SIU) announced that no charges would be laid against the unidentified officer who fatally shot  a Black man named Andrew Loku in a confrontation with Toronto Police in the summer of 2015.
Mr. Loku reportedly suffered from mental illness.  His death has now become the motive for recent BLM squatting campaigns in Toronto.
BLM claims to be a call to action,  a response to virulent anti-Black racism and is against the not legally authorized killings of Black people by police and vigilantes. One of the organizers,Christina Gabriella Griffin, made it clear following their Toronto rally that ” Toronto and other cities need to know that if your police force is committed to an anti-black program, there’s going to be more tent cities. As long as the killing keeps going on, we’re going to be out here.”
But what exactly happened to Mr. Loku is the real question. Was he simply a vulnerable target for “racist” and “anti-Black” police to murder in cold blood, and perhaps something for these officers to laugh about afterwards? Or was this a case of one of our police officers having his or her safety put in immediate danger and resorting to lethal force to avoid potentially losing his own life?
Mike McCormack, who is president of the Toronto Police Association, stated the following:
“On the early evening of July 4, 2015, Toronto police officers saw Mr. Loku riding a three-wheeled scooter on a busy highway in downtown Toronto. Needless to say, this was a dangerous situation for Mr. Loku and motorists. Concerned for his safety and well-being, the officers assisted Mr. Loku by loading his scooter into a police car and driving him home.
“Three hours later, there was an assault-in- progress call to Mr. Loku’s Toronto residence, involving a man armed with a hammer threatening a woman with death and refusing to leave her apartment. Police officers responded where they were met by an agitated and violent Mr. Loku, wielding a hammer.
“The officers attempted to de-escalate the situation and repeatedly asked Mr. Loku to drop his weapon. Mr. Loku’s violent behaviour intensified, and with the hammer raised above his head, he advanced within several feet of the officers. Unable to create distance between themselves and Mr. Loku due to the narrow hallway and stairwell behind them, the officers responded to this imminent threat of serious bodily harm or death, by using force.”
Perhaps this truly was the case. If so, some may consider the circumstances justified the shooting of Mr. Loku. Or perhaps there are some major aspects of the story which are missing. In either case, it does not seem to really matter to those who are part of BLM what actually happened. In other words, are the BLM protestors simply looking for incidents like Mr. Loku’s death in order to label any police officer’s shootings of Black people in order to accuse police of being “racist” and “anti-Black”. 
Knowing actual facts, of course, would likely give them fewer grounds for tossing names around in their attempts to defame people. One of this groups biggest arguments is that the police are disproportionately arresting  and carding people of non-White ethnicity. The evidence on the other hand very strongly suggests that the police simply arrest people who commit crimes, and people of non-White ethnicities appear to commit crimes at higher rates. Many crimes have witnesses. For example, in cases of robberies and rapes, the victim usually gets a good look at the perpetrator. And if 70% of people who are victims tell the police the assailant was black and 70% of the people arrested for robberies and rapes are back, the police are probably just doing their job.
Although crime statistics on the basis of ethnicity are allegedly not collected by any major government department in Canada, this graph from the U.S. (where the BLM movement originated) looks at 22 types of offenses. In the graph, there are two lines for each offense. The left line for each offense indicates the race of the person whom a witness alleges had committed the crime. The right line for each offense indicates the race of the person who was actually arrested.  For example, the most frequent offense is robbery. Witnesses said that more than 70% of robbers were Black. However, as you can see from the shorter lighter line to the right, fewer than 60% of those arrested for robbery were Black. Similarities can be seen in Assault Offenses, Kidnapping/Abduction and in Sex Offenses. In each offense category, in spite of witnesses identifying offenders as Black (or Asian, Hispanic or White), police arrested fewer Blacks than what witnesses told them were Black offenders. In other words, in 15 of the 22 offense categories, witnesses identified Blacks as the offenders, but police arrested fewer Blacks. This may indicate that police may have given Blacks a break by probing witness statements more carefully than otherwise and finding evidence which contradicted witnesses’ accounts.

In some cases, slightly more Blacks are arrested than you would expect from witness reports. However, when you add up the offenses from all categories, the Black arrest rate is actually 14% lower than the percentage reported by witnesses. This data is from more than 6,000 different police departments. 

Take a look at this graph from New York City where Blacks are a minority making up around 30% of the population.

This New York City graph shows the rate at which people of different races are arrested for different crimes. For Murder, the White arrest rate is about 1. In contrast, the Black arrest rate is 30.9, a huge difference that cannot be easily dismissed as prejudicial against Blacks.  Even starker than the arrest rate for murder is the arrest rate for shootings. For that crime, the arrest rate is 98.4% for Blacks and 1% for Whites. Again, the difference in the rate is so great that even movements like Black Lives Matter will have extreme difficulty in attributing the difference to such phenomena as racial profiling.

As you will notice, in each crime category, Blacks commit more crime than Hispanics and Hispanics commit more crime than Asians. For the Black Lives Matter movement, this must mean the NYPD loves Whites and Asians. Right? 

Let’s face it. The police arrest criminals. In the case of the U.S., if they arrest more Blacks than they do Whites and Asians, it is simply because Blacks commit more crime. 



Nairobi-born Black hates Canada, won’t quit complaining

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Nairobi-born Black hates Canada, won’t quit complaining

To be a black Muslim woman in Toronto is to feel deep isolation, the result of omnipresent systemic anti-black, patriarchal and Islamophobic discrimination… forces that torment me and members of my community… and so two months ago I tweeted, “Plz Allah give me strength not to cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today… Our lives are plagued by institutional and individual anti-black racism that compromises our access to safety, economic freedom, proper health care, food, housing, employment, education and culturally restorative support services. To be black in this city is to fight to survive.” – (emphasis added) – Yusra Khogali, co-founder of “Black Lives Matter Toronto” (1).

That was very kind of Yusra, backing off from killing us and all that, and I must admit that I sometimes feel rather like killing something myself after spending a few minutes reading rabid, anti-White garbage like this in the Toronto “Red” Star. But read it I must, if I am to stay fully aware of the dangers we face, and as White Europeans throughout the world are vilified and prepared for multicultural genocide by the likes of Ms. Khogali.

It is also worth noting that while such language as Ms. Khogali used in her Tweet would carry a very real risk of investigation and the possible laying of “hate” charges if uttered by a White person, members of privileged minorities can apparently say such things and walk away completely unscathed by our massive, publically-funded “human rights” industries.

Perhaps a clue to her astonishing viewpoint of bemused White readers as “racist” and “privileged” can be found in the background information at the foot of her column – “Yusra Khogali, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, is a community organizer, anti-racism educator and black feminist poet. She is also a graduate student at the University of Toronto pursuing a master’s in Social Justice Education.”

Inline image 1

Her Facebook page (2) tells us that “She is a daughter of the sudanese diaspora by ancestry, born in nairobi, but a toronto bred and based black feminist…”, (lack of capitalization in original), and that “Yusra believes in the self determination of black peoples lives globally and all her artistic resistance and activism, education and community organizing is dedicated to die fighting for this.

“For Inquiries about performance requests, you may contact me via email: yusra.ali.k@gmail.com.”

Oh my! Is her being “dedicated to die fighting” conditional upon how many “performance requests” she receives, and how remunerative they are? I can’t help finding the juxtaposition of these two statements rather bizarre…

Her commercial professionalism could perhaps account for her fine turns of phrase, such as “omnipresent systemic anti-black, patriarchal and Islamophobic discrimination”, which certainly leaves very little to the imagination. And in the hands of the police, ordinary firearms suddenly become “violent weaponry”, perhaps a stereotypical insinuation about the police themselves, and of the remarkable ability of firearms to acquire, perhaps through some form of ideological osmosis, the deplorable racial attitudes of those to whom they have been issued.

It would seem that at least one person is not appreciative of Ms. Khogali’s gratuitous representation (FB copy-and-paste today): One Yoruba Kiniun had this to say at 10:19am this morning – “If you are going to speak on our behalf then make sure you’re not retarded. Otherwise you are just making it harder for the people you claim to be an advocate for, while at the same time empowering the devils of this world. And if you’re going to spit some retarded shit, then at least own it instead resorting to Whataboutery 101. Been trying to stave off the glad bigoted hordes since your likkle tweet came out to the light of day. Thanks heffa.” I have no idea what “heffa” means, but the overall message seems clear enough.

Another co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto is one Sandra “Sandy” Hudson, who has very recently achieved fame and glory by finding herself and two alleged accomplices sued by the University of Toronto Students’ Union, regarding the circumstances under which she received no less than $277,508.00 as a severance deal after being employed by them for only 2 1/2 years (3).

Note: The news story describes her as a member of Black Lives Matter Toronto, not as a co-founder, but she is introduced as a co-founder in an interview written by Carolyn Turgeon of Daily Brew posted on April 8th this year (4), and in other places on the internet.

Although this matter is before the courts, and nothing has been proven or disproven as yet, the news item does tell us that despite her managerial position, she claimed 1,975 hours of overtime on April 1, 2015, having never recorded or claimed any overtime up to that point.

According to the claim by the Student’s Union, as reported by the Toronto Sun, “She filed for all the overtime the day after an election was held to choose the next executive committee… The deal was reached on April 16, 2015, and the two defendants who allegedly signed off were both leaving their posts at the end of the month.”

It will be interesting to see how that works out…

Getting back to my own opinions, I have never approved of mixing the races together, as the inborn cultural, religious and biological differences between the races inevitably cause stress and strife, and there can be no winners. This doesn’t do people like me any good, and has at least once driven Ms. Khogali to the point that she needed to appeal to her deity for the strength to not go out and start killing White people.

And as a White European Christian, I find it offensive and unacceptable that “traditional Canadians”, (you know, the people who built this country), are greatly discriminated against, particularly when it comes to government employment. In my post “Ottawa will not move on racist, anti-White hiring practices” (5) posted on August 10th, 2012, I had this to say:

“Legalised anti-White racial discrimination is solidly built into our national fabric, so if Prime Minister Harper thinks he can solve the problem simply by ordering that there be no more race-specific postings for federal job openings, then he mistakes re-arranging the deck chairs for avoiding the iceberg.

“In addition to the legal and constitutional barriers to equality for all, is the leftist, ‘politically correct’ mindset adopted by liberals, unions, religious denominations, and all of the other usual suspects, plus an astonishing culture of ‘entitlement’ which gives unrealistically high expectations to aboriginals and minorities, and can result in violence and property damage if these bloated expectations remain unfulfilled.

“In the meantime, a white person from Newfoundland, whose family history in the New World goes back 400 years or more, must take second place to a recently-arrived third-worlder, whose ancestors have contributed precisely nothing to this country.

“‘Human rights industry’ activists are so deeply entrenched in government personnel departments that the only way to bring a halt to this all-pervasive and viciously anti-White racist discrimination is to pass legislation expressly forbidding it… Anything less than that is a complete waste of time.”

And in “Canada’s racial and cultural problems” (6) posted on Jan. 26th, 2011, I had this to say:

“Minorities are given preference in hiring regardless of qualifications, and are provided with free legal services by ‘human rights’ commissions to whom intent is meaningless and the truth irrelevant. As a union officer, I often saw ‘human rights’ complaints being filed simply as a backup to the grievance procedure.”

As I see it, this can all come together in creating an all-consuming culture of entitlement, accompanied by greed, inefficiency, and juvenile power-tripping on the part of the delighted recipients.

This is a thoroughly unnatural situation, and must be attended to before White anger and resentment spills over into a “market correction” which may well be accompanied by violence and the beginnings of very real “hatred” which could take generations to subside.

Let’s hope our multi-cultural, politically correct politicians back off and “get real” before things become any worse than they are right now…

Jeff Goodall.

(1) – Read “I was vilified for telling the truth about racism in Toronto” here.

(2) – See Yusra Khogali’s Facebook page here.

(3) – Read “Black Lives Matter member sued for severance deal” here.

(4) – Read “Q&A with Sandy Hudson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto” here.

(5) – Read “Ottawa will not move on racist, anti-White hiring practices” here.

(6) – Read “Canada’s racial and cultural problems” here.

And, see the University of Toronto Students’ Union ‘Statement of Claim’ against Sandra Hudson and two others on the studentunion.ca website here.

This entry was posted on Sunday, April 10th, 2016 at 4:54 pm and is filed under Canadian Interest, Culture of Entitlement, Human Rights Industry / Free Speech / “Hate”, Perils Of Diversity, Reference & Background Material. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.