Tag Archives: anti-White discrimination

More Attacks on White Canadians: Feds Fishery Rules Restrict Whites, Favour Natives https://canadafirst.nfshost.com/?p=4021

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More Attacks on White Canadians: Feds Fishery Rules Restrict Whites, Favour Natives

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Jamie Sarkonak: Feds’ racial politics have plunged Canadian fisheries into chaos

Identity-based redistribution programs have been a disaster for fishermen on both coasts

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Jamie Sarkonak

Published Jan 27, 2025  •  Last updated 6 days ago  •  5 minute read

Fishing boats, loaded with traps, head from port in West Dover, N.S. on Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019 as the lobster season on Nova Scotia's South Shore begins after a one-day weather delay.
Fishing boats, loaded with traps, head from port in West Dover, N.S. on Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019 as the lobster season on Nova Scotia’s South Shore begins after a one-day weather delay. Photo by Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press

There are Indigenous fishers, and there are non-Indigenous fishers — and every year, the federal government takes more and more away from one to give to the other, citing reconciliation and an ever-expanding notion of Indigenous rights.

The 2025 edition of this game of racial redistribution involved the Liberal government taking away half of the American eel quota and distributing it to First Nations in Atlantic Canada. Another 27 per cent was planned to be taken for distribution to employees of those who already have eel licences, but this was cancelled last-minute on Thursday, when Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier came to her senses and called it off.

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It was an instance of drastic favouritism: in the Maritimes, the Indigenous population is between 2.2 and 5.5 per cent, depending on the province, while in Newfoundland, it’s 9.3 per cent. The government previously defended its plans for identity-based redistribution as a moral move, with lucrative eel prices providing “a unique opportunity to advance reconciliation by reducing the longstanding socioeconomic gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.”

Aside from reconciliation-driven quota transfers like the eel quota redistribution of 2025, the feds are often motivated by a desire to honour the treaty right held by the region’s Indigenous groups to earn a “moderate livelihood,” as the Supreme Court of Canada set out in the 1999 case of R. v. Marshall. The feds have never been clear or consistent about setting limits on that right, though.

So when Indigenous groups exercise that right — which often seems to come without limits — their harvest cuts into the allowable catch for commercial fisheries, with the potential to devastate fishers big and small. Facing quota redistribution, eel fishers Tien and Anh Nguyen believed they wouldn’t be able to keep anywhere near as many staff. They weren’t going to be compensated for their loss, either.

Meanwhile, budding eel farming company NovaEel — which, if it succeeds, will be the first of its kind in Canada — now has rocky prospects. The eel suppliers it had lined up to get its farming operation off the ground were poised to have considerable quota taken away, which would mean that NovaEel wouldn’t be able to get up and running. The government has signalled that it can kill this kind of business at a moment’s notice, which is toxic to investment.

Plenty more of these identity-based initiatives in fishing have gone though. In 2025, $259.5 million in handouts are planned to support commercial Atlantic First Nations fishing businesses. These funds will be used on everything from licences, boats and gear to corporate governance; licences acquired under the deal can be leased back to non-Indigenous fishermen. Note that on the East Coast, the feds have spent more than $1 billion buying fishing licenses and equipment for First Nations over the years.

So, while the feds obliterate non-Indigenous businesses without compensation, they’ve been pumping millions into the Indigenous side.

Indeed, in 2021, commercial crab fishers in one fishing zone of British Columbia had half of their trapping allocation taken by the government and redistributed to Indigenous people to assist them in earning a “moderate livelihood.”

On the losing side of the reallocation were Jason Voong, a second-generation crab harvester whose family came here to fish crab after fleeing the Vietnam war, and Jeff and Cameron Edwards, whose family fishing business had been in the area for 32 years. “As a commercial fisherman, I feel like I don’t exist in the eyes of the government,” Jeff Edwards told the Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News. No one, of course, was compensated by the government.

As for lobster, the fishery is in absolute chaos due in part to federal cowardice. In southeast Nova Scotia, leaders of the Sipekne’katik First Nation set up a large out-of-season fishery in 2020, which they claim is an exercise of their Aboriginal right to earn a moderate livelihood from the land. The feds attempted to put a cap on their catch, but this was rejected by the First Nation, which continued to take lobster from the sea. That alone should raise questions about the legality of their actions.

You might be able to guess what happened to the lobster population in that area since. Commercial fishers have reported that lobster stocks are depleted due to over-harvesting. Meanwhile, say the RCMP, an organized crime group has been profiting from illegally harvested lobster, reaping profits and terrorizing locals.

Still, instead of putting its foot down and finding a resolution, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans largely watched from the sidelines, enforcing violations here and there but refusing to approve a tentative agreement between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous fishers that could have resolved the matter in 2022.

Instead, the problem of legally grey Indigenous fisheries spread: a Mi’kmaw group on Prince Edward Island followed their Nova Scotian counterparts and set up another “moderate livelihood” fishery; now, the group’s leader is asking for the government to provide them with commercial licences as well. And why not? The feds have proven to be generous so far.

The civil discord that comes from having parallel, competing, identity-based fisheries hasn’t been good. Prince Edward Island has noticed an uptick in gear tampering — such as cutting traps loose from lines — while Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have seen everything from vigilante trap removal to violence and sabotage. Buildings have been torched, and men who refuse to buy unlicensed catch have had their homes shot at. Non-Indigenous fishermen have removed traps from the water, while Indigenous fishermen have set up blockades to defend their wharf.

It’s not good. The Liberals, keen on neutering Canada’s resource sector, have done what they can to neglect their duty to provide a fair and prosperous playing field. On the coasts, this involves pitting subsets of the population against each other in the absence of clear rules.

They’ve turned the fishing industry into a ridiculous game of racial tug-of-war, which is corrosive to good community relations on the coast — and to the health of the Canadian fishing industry in general.

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The War on Whites: Justin Trudeau Endorses Race-Based Muslim Employee Hiring In Canada

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The War on Whites: Justin Trudeau Endorses Race-Based Muslim Employee Hiring In Canada

She has no legitimacy to make recommendations for Quebec. She must leave her position, and it should simply be abolished.”

Brad SalzbergSep 14


Meritocracy, definition:

“Political, social, or economic system in which individuals are assigned to positions of power, influence, or reward solely on the basis of their abilities and achievements, and not on the basis of their social, cultural, or economic background or irrelevant personal characteristics.”

 “The theory of meritocracy presupposes the possibility of equality of opportunity.”

There’s “meritocracy,” and then there’s hypocrisy. Within the context of woke ideology, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has indulged in latter like no other national leader in Canadian history.

It’s the essence of “wokism” as manifest in our PM’s recent endorsement of race-based hiring. It’s one thing for Liberal government-approved “Islamophobia Czar” Amira Elghawaby to indulge in the practice– such ethno-centricism is to be expected.

“The Quebec government renewed its call for Canada’s special representative on combating Islamophobia to resign Friday, after she sent a letter to college and university heads recommending the hiring of more Muslim, Arab and Palestinian professors.”

“It was the reference to hiring that drew the immediate indignation of Quebec’s higher education minister, who called on Elghawaby to resign, saying she should mind her own business.”

After which Justin Trudeau came to the rescue:

“Speaking to reporters in the Montreal area, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that while each university has its own rules on hiring, Elghawaby’s role is to make recommendations and encourage dialogue between different groups.”

Turning to Canadian law, we uncover a piece of pertinent information:

“The Canadian Human Rights Act has long prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, and certain other grounds.” 

Holy Cow. The Canadian Human Rights Act serves as the cornerstone of government’s commitment to racial equality. In turn, non-profit organizations such as National Council Of Canadian Muslims live-and-breathe by such legislative edicts.

Tell us, Ms. Elghawaby– if our institutions of higher learning indulge in hiring policies exclusive to Muslims, what happens to candidates who come from outside the community?

Logical answer: they don’t get the job. Now, tell us how this fails to equate with “prohibited discrimination” against, for example, white or Sikh employment candidates?

“A spokesperson for Canadian Heritage said that Elghawaby was not available for comment on Friday.”

Right. Informed Canadians understand the way these things roll. When it’s time to whine and complain about racism, the so-called anti-racists are there with rainbow-coloured bells on. When time arrives to defend their behaviour, they’re as silent as the lambs.

“Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Jean-François Roberge criticized Elghawaby on Friday for interfering in the management of Quebec institutions and committing the ‘unthinkable’ act of hiring professors based on their faith.”

Hate to break it to you, Minister Roberge, but there is nothing “unthinkable” about this. Straight out of the gate, Mr. Trudeau went all-in on the “race-card”— the outcome being a systemic winding-up of race-oriented controversy.

Looking back at 20th century history, we recognise the fall-out of such situations. In cases of social revolution, the issue of race transitions to a weapon of political manipulation. Call us paranoid, but we say that the Liberals have with full intention cultivated this phenomenon for political purposes.

Readers may recognise a piece of deja vu in regard to Amira Elgabaway’s contentious position:

“In response to her nomination, Quebec political leaders in 2023 called on Elghawaby, a journalist and human rights activist, to have her appointment as Canada’s first anti-Islamophobia representative rescinded.”

Nothing happened, and in typical woke style, nothing will change regarding this latest round of condemnation.

In response, “[Quebec Premier Francois] Legault criticized Trudeau for defending Elghawaby in the name of diversity and refusing to call for her resignation.”

It is with minimal surprise that we trace PM Trudeau’s ethnocentric endorsement to socialist political imperatives endorsed by our prime minister.

“One such aspect of the capitalist education system is the ‘myth of meritocracy.’ While Marxists argue that class background and money determine how good of an education people get, the myth of meritocracy posits that everyone has an equal chance at success.”

A fair amount of media ink has been spilt in terms of Canada’s Marxist-infused education system. Here, Trudeau tacitly endorses the phenomenon.

“Not only is (education) a jurisdiction of the Quebec government, but it is a jurisdiction of the universities,” Legault said.

In this regard, one must comprehend socialism at its base form. For communist governments, everything within society falls under government jurisdiction. It’s how mainstream media became a branch of our federal government. It’s the method by which CBC Corporation hire new employees, and a core component of hiring practices within Canadian corporations and NGO’s.

Not good enough. Looking to place the agenda on steroids, rather than an “open field” for job candidates, advocates want it whittled down to one ethnic community in particular.

“We’ve seen an increase in rhetoric and tension and I think we all have to really reflect on what we’re doing to bring people together to make sure we’re listening to each other and even people with very different perspectives that may challenge us, make sure that we’re hearing each other,” Trudeau said regarding the controversy.

What a pile of steaming hogwash. His statement doesn’t say anything of substance at all. Still, there’s one thing Canadians know well and good. When it comes to Trudeau’s preferred ethnic voter communities, no words of criticism ever come forth.

“She has no legitimacy to make recommendations for Quebec. She must leave her position, and it should simply be abolished,” stated Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Jean-François Roberge.

Justin Trudeau has no legitimacy to back this latest version of community ethno-centricm. Unfortunately, this and a loonie will get you a half-cup of coffee at Tim Horton’s.

White Librarian Hates Whites So Much, She’ll Only Hire Non-White Managers

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White Librarian Hates Whites So Much, She’ll Only Hire Non-White Managers

What do you call it when you despise your own people so much that you’ll only hire non-Whites? Would treason be too strong a word. Beth Davies is White. She’s the Chief Librarian at the Burnaby Public Library. Oh, yes she identifies as “a settler on indigenous land.” This trendy guiltmongering is nonsense. If the person posturing as a “settler on indigenous land”, really feels she’s an interloper, why not give her home back to the local tribe and return to the European land of her origin? Anyway, Beth Davies is the Chief Librarian of the Burnaby Public Library — public, as in supported by taxpayers, who are mostly White, The National Post (June 25, 2024) reports: “

In one of the more unabashed examples of race-based hiring in the Canadian public service, B.C.’s Burnaby Public Library boasted in a recent report that by explicitly rejecting white applicants, they’ve been able to hire exclusively non-white managers and executives since 2021.

Known as the Special Hiring Program, the policy has been overseen by Chief Librarian Beth Davies, a self-described “settler on Indigenous land” who also happens to occupy the only top-level job in the library system explicitly shielded from preferential hiring under the program.

In a recent report tabled before the library’s board of directors, Davies praised the Special Hiring Program, but noted that it applies to top leadership positions “except that of Chief Librarian.'” If she so despises White people, why not lead the way and give up her own position to the first applicant who “identifies as a person of colour?

“Since 2021, Burnaby Public Library has required that in hiring for select top-level positions (what they called an “exempt staff group”), managers “only look at résumés from white candidates if there isn’t a sufficient pool of qualified racialized candidates,” wrote Davies in her report.

In the interim three years, the library has advertised for five leadership positions, and for each they have only considered applicants who “self-identify as Indigenous, Black or a person of colour.”

“We strongly encourage applicants of all genders, ages, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, sexual orientations, and life experiences to apply,” reads the description for one such posting, a manager of community development. [This advertisement is a blatant lie. Clearly, not ALL ethnicities are welcome, at least not Whites, the Dispossessed Majority!]

But as per policy, any ethnicity or culture not meeting the guidelines had no chance. As per Davies’ report, a total of 84 white candidates applied for the five positions, only to have their applications rejected outright. In each instance, only non-white candidates advanced to the interview phase. [So, 84 White candidates didn’t even get an interview to demonstrate their qualifications — victims of anti-White discrimination!]

The B.C. Human Rights Code prohibits discriminatory hiring based on race or ancestry, but the Burnaby Public Library is one of several dozen organizations that have been granted a special exemption by the B.C. Human Rights Commissioner to openly deny employment to select demographic groups.” The “rights” guaranteed by the B.C. Human Rights Commission do not include White rights.

Burnaby taxpayers should REVOLT. Go to the next Library Board meeting and protest. Take your protest to City Hall. Why should White taxpayers pay taxes to support an out-of-control racist anti-White institutions which won’t even considere them for hiring to certain management positions?

Burnaby Public LibraryOne of the four branches of the Burnaby Public Library. Photo by Wikimedia Commons/Country wind

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In one of the more unabashed examples of race-based hiring in the Canadian public service, B.C.’s Burnaby Public Library boasted in a recent report that by explicitly rejecting white applicants, they’ve been able to hire exclusively non-white managers and executives since 2021.

Known as the Special Hiring Program, the policy has been overseen by Chief Librarian Beth Davies, a self-described “settler on Indigenous land” who also happens to occupy the only top-level job in the library system explicitly shielded from preferential hiring under the program.

In a recent report tabled before the library’s board of directors, Davies praised the Special Hiring Program, but noted that it applies to top leadership positions “except that of Chief Librarian.”

Since 2021, Burnaby Public Library has required that in hiring for select top-level positions (what they called an “exempt staff group”), managers “only look at résumés from white candidates if there isn’t a sufficient pool of qualified racialized candidates,” wrote Davies in her report.

In the interim three years, the library has advertised for five leadership positions, and for each they have only considered applicants who “self-identify as Indigenous, Black or a person of colour.”

“We strongly encourage applicants of all genders, ages, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, sexual orientations, and life experiences to apply,” reads the description for one such posting, a manager of community development.

But as per policy, any ethnicity or culture not meeting the guidelines had no chance. As per Davies’ report, a total of 84 white candidates applied for the five positions, only to have their applications rejected outright. In each instance, only non-white candidates advanced to the interview phase.

The B.C. Human Rights Code prohibits discriminatory hiring based on race or ancestry, but the Burnaby Public Library is one of several dozen organizations that have been granted a special exemption by the B.C. Human Rights Commissioner to openly deny employment to select demographic groups.

Anti-White Discrimination is Now Endemic in Canada

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Restricting Whites From Employment Becomes “Systemic” In Canada
Restricting Whites From Employment Becomes “Systemic” In Canada

“The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets.” Brad SalzbergMay 28 READ IN APP ShareAway from the mainstream media spotlight, a critical social issue is festering within the world of Canadian academia:Will Race & Gender-Based Hiring In Universities Continue After Quotas Are Met?As published by independent media outlet True North News, the question strikes at the heart of Canada’s oh-so-sensitive symposium on race-relations.

Based on the observation, one can be certain that the nature of the discussion will be held back from public awareness by media.“Universities are continuing to push race- and gender-based hiring practices for jobs associated with a federal government program despite “diversity, equity and inclusion” targets already being met.”“The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets.” The consequences of continuation should elicit discussion regarding an ominous and potentially dangerous precedent:If(more likely when) DEI employment levels become commensurate with ethnic-religious representation in Canadian academia, and still continue to be maintained, what message is delivered to society?It would be wise to place the circumstances in the context of historical examples of racial priorities promoted by government. In this regard, we speak of the concept of white Canadians being refused employment based on the immutable fact that they are white.

“The Canadian Human Rights Act, created in 1977, is designed to ensure equality of opportunity. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex and a variety of other categories.”But when candidates of Anglo-European heritage are excluded based on race, suddenly it’s permissible? This is the set-up at hand, but not to worry, woke warriors, PM Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government will permit it regardless. Heck, they’re even willing pay for “reverse racism” against our communities.“In the United States, it is illegal discrimination if a person or a company intentionally treats you differently based on your race, ethnicity, or national origin. For example, a landlord violates the law if you apply to rent an apartment and are told that the landlord doesn’t rent to black people.”It’s bad enough that the Feds have put to bed the concept of the “most qualified individual gets the job,” thereby transitioning Canada’s employment standards to a neo-Marxist model.

It’s another thing when equilibrium has been accomplished, and race-based hiring continues to proliferate.The Liberals aren’t this far-along yet in terms of “post-modern” government policies, but in the arena of “woke” politics, Canadians should by now have learned to “never say never.” What we speak of strikes at the heart of society. When governments elevate race, ethnicity, religion to the top of a nation’s socio-political totem pole, trouble eventually comes a’calling.“It has since transformed into a program that promotes DEI ideology through the allure of federal funding. The aim is to have chairs be 50.9% women, 22% visible minorities, 7.5% persons with disabilities, and 4.9% Indigenous by December 2029.

CAP zero-in on the set-up. After which we do what establishment media are being paid to eschew:In 30 years time, when the Canadian demographic shifts white Canadians to a minority community, what shall transpire? CBC have yet to mention it(they never will), but Anglo-European demography is at present dropping like a bomb.We imagine a future scenario, applying the “percentage of ethnic community relative to employment quotas” imperative to the situation. As whites deplete in population, they are effectively barred from  employment– even when  constituting a minority community. This is racism, straight-up.

This is the social dynamic PM Trudeau and his Liberals are institutionalizing in our country. In this is intimated the true meaning of Trudeau’s “post-modern society” declaration– a euphemism for transition to a socialist society.We challenge the ambiguity of his proclamation. By “post-modern,” our PM envisions a complete socio-political inversion of Canadian society. “Racialized” in the driver’s seat, whitey to the back of the bus. Only in this case– as a result of long-term pre-conceived planning– there shall be no “Rosa Parks” to rescue Anglophones from their fate.In our opinion, Trudeau loves this, and so too New Democratic Party leader, Jagmeet Singh.

It’s one  of plethora of nefarious future scenarios that our quasi-communist leaders have in store for the future of our country.“After Reconstruction, state and local governments doubled down on these efforts by enacting Jim Crow laws, which codified the role of Black people in the Southern economy and society.” “States such as South Carolina enacted strict ‘Black Codes’ that fined Black people if they worked in any occupation other than farming or domestic servitude.”Perhaps we shouldn’t give the Feds any big ideas. In terms of systemic racial prejudice, there’s many ways to skin-a-cat. Wrapping the prejudice in a coat-of-many-colours doth not change the bottom line.As conservative writer Spencer Fernando commented in a recent article on DEI initiatives, “Racial hiring preferences are discriminatory, because instead of judging someone by their skills and actions, people are judged by their race.”Only this time out the tables have been turned toward white Canadians.Based on the hubris employed by the Liberals, NDP, multicultural industry and academic zealots, the future for Anglophones in Canada looks as shaky a maple leaf in a windstorm.

Diversity Quotas Set Up Systemic Prejudice Against White Canadian

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Diversity Quotas Set Up Systemic Prejudice Against White Canadians

“There is no plan to end discriminatory hiring requirements for quota-bound research program — even as targets are met, Commons hears.”

Brad SalzbergMay 13


“Canada’s budget 2024: Canada never needed hundreds of hyper-targeted anti-oppression-themed grants to function, but we’re getting it.”

You can say that again, in spades. Beneath the surface of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion(DEI) ideology lies a bug in the system no one ever speaks of. Not government, nor media, or Canada’s vengeful, hyper-woke academic world.

“Canadian universities, at the direction of the federal Liberal government and the research granting agencies for which it’s responsible, have made race- and sex- based discrimination a matter of everyday business. And they don’t seem to have a plan to pare it back.”

. Instituted by Canada’s Liberal government, moves such as this continue to push a poorly understood agenda of systemic social inversion.

“The current opening for a Canada Research Chair in physics (specifically, quantum sensing) at the University of New Brunswick, which has been vacant for one whole year, will not accept applications from white men. Similarly, white people can’t apply to Dalhousie’s opening for a chair in industrial engineering.

There is no plan to end discriminatory hiring requirements for quota-bound research program — even as targets are met, Commons hears.”

Serving as a microcosm for general society, critical questions should be emanating from these developments. That none of them are being addressed by Canadian media is serious cause for concern.

The fundamental question evaded, CAP lay it on the line:

Where does it stop? Applying the query in a broader context elicits further speculation. Will there ever come a time at which the Liberals and their woke special interest financial recipients arrive at a point of satiation?

“Okay, Ms. He/She/They, reasonable DEI quota achievement has been met, time to scale-back the agendas.”

Or will they go on indefinitely– as in,  forever. For Cultural Action Party [est.2016] this may take the cake as the most relevant socio-political question of our times. On this basis, readers can count on Canadian media remaining entirely mum on the subject.

By now, we know the way they roll. In the present, during the time period in which social issues reach a critical apex, CBC, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail say nothing. Years beyond, once the damage is completed, Canadians begin to comprehend how they have been screwed over.

“We pursue policies that were established in law by the Federal Court and subject to a mediation that was overseen by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Those policies are contained in an addendum to the program and are set to ensure that by the year 2030, the Canada Research Chairs Program will ‘look’ more like Canada…”

Let us drill down on the “look more like” dynamic. Projecting into the future, at a time when Anglophones comprise 30% of our population, will diversity quotas be put in place to protect Canada’s latest iteration of a “minority” community?

Never is our nihilistic response. Certainly not with a Liberal Party government in place, and likely, not at all. In this is to be discovered what PM Justin Trudeau meant when he declared Canada a “post-modern” society.

In time, Canada will become an inverted society. Whites to the bottom of the social ladder, “racialized” in the driver’s seat.  One major reason being that when it comes to DEI, multiculturalism, immigration, LGBT et al, no ceiling exists to demarcate the success of these social policy initiatives.

“The strict enforcement of diversity rules has indeed changed the demographics of the Canada Research Chairs program. As of last September, it surpassed its 2029 racial minority quota of 22 per cent [now up to 29 percent], but the racially exclusionary job ads persist.”

Bingo. And what, pray-tell, what will occur at a point when the representation reaches 51%?

“A job well done, go soak your feet in warm water.”

It will never happen. As for legacy media, they publish what those who provide their income stream want them to publish. Just as important, the press omit what the Liberals want them to omit.

For example, a “little thing” called the fate of English Canada, and its Anglo-European communities. The composite can fit on the head of a pin– they write nothing at all.

[Conservative MP Michelle]Rempel Garner: Has the Tri-Council undertaken any work to articulate what conditions would have to be established for those hiring practices to be eliminated? And has that work been communicated to the federal government?

Hewitt: So, right now we operate under the terms and conditions that were set by the Federal Court and the Canadian Human Rights Commission, so —

Rempel Garner: But I’m asking you, has any work been done by the Tri-Council to either set the conditions by which race-based hiring targets, or practices, would be eliminated?

Hewitt: I think we want to get to the targets first and then have the conversation about whether we would need them —

Rempel Garner: But we’re close! We’re there, right?

Hewitt: Well, we’re not quite there —

Rempel Garner: We’re really close.

Hewitt: We’re not quite there and a lot can happen in the next few years.

Spoken like a true woke academic tot funded by the Liberal government of Canada. Now, imagine questions of this nature being posited to PM Trudeau:

“Based on socio-economic conditions, will there be a point at which your government scales back immigration quotas?”

Um…I’m really not sure, try asking your mother.

Based on demographic balance achieved by way of immigration, will there come a time when funding for multicultural initiatives get scaled back?

Ah…um…diversity is our strength. Interview’s over.

Returning to the tangible, we offer up the following affirmations drawn from the National Post:

“On affirmative action, the budget heralded the expansion of the Employment Equity Act, which currently sets employment ‘targets’ for women, visible minorities, Indigenous people and the disabled in the federal public sector.”

“Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan announced that Black people and LGBT people will each get their own target (quota).”

A race-obsessed national government. That’s what Trudeau’s “no core identity” Canada has delivered to our country. Political science buffs may want to consider historical examples of this dynamic, and how it played out in the long-run.

“As far as job funding goes, the budget set aside $351.2 million to be used in 2025-26 to fund 90,000 jobs for youth. More than half of this money will go to the Canada Summer Jobs Program, which prioritizes applicants who provide work opportunities for disabled, non-white and LGBT youth.

Down the road, at a time when whites comprise 20% of our national demographic, will the same structure exist?

At the core of this structure exists a spectacular irony. Currently, white Canadians comprise the majority of major journalists in our country. For how long will the woke tolerate this piece of “racism”?

Like all other sectors, the structure will be thrashed to pieces until an inversion occurs. Based on the “colour and quota” theory espoused by the Liberals, white Canadians will eventually transition to a bona-fide minority community. And not only a minority– but even more tantalizing for the woke brigade– a persecuted minority.

In other words, Anglophone citizens could transition to what the DEI crowd claim is the condition of racialized and gay communities at present. This isn’t equality– it’s vengeance. At the heart of the woke movement lies bitterness and hatred, not equitability.

Consultations for the Changing Narratives Fund recommended the money subsidize newsroom positions for non-white journalists and students, support training and leadership initiatives for non-white journalists and even back a potential BIPOC+ wire service.”

“Those consulted  believed that Canadian news, film and television need to normalize BIPOC/non-cis gatekeepers and decision-makers at every level of the media and the arts, from assignment editors to granting authorities.”

By way of government, media and academia, “Old Stock” Canadians are set-up for a silent fall.

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The White Haters & Traitors Seek to Limit Whites in Medicine & Compromise Competence?

DEI is infecting medical profession

  • National Post
  • 13 Apr 2024
Paramedics drive through a crosswalk with an inclusive paint job in Edmonton. Alberta Health Services’ DEI bureaucracy includes practitioners, councils and panels, as well as identity-based employee clubs, Jamie Sarkonak writes.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) breathes down the neck of nearly every profession. Lawyers are forced to adopt the vocabulary of left-wing activism, social workers are told to double as political agents and even the army has to participate in identity worship. Even medicine is not immune.

It starts in school: some Canadian medical schools begin internalizing DEI in their student bodies before admissions are even decided. Following the death of George Floyd in the United States in 2020, for example, Queen’s University dean (and exiled Liberal MP) Jane Philpott limited the school’s accelerated-track admission pathway to Black and Indigenous students only, setting aside 10 per cent of her med school’s seats for those groups.

“Our faculty aims to become a leader in Canada in cultural safety, anti-racism, anti-colonialism and anti-oppression in health professions education,” Philpott stated at the time. Now, Queen’s is planning to overhaul med-school admissions to make it even more equitable.

The term “anti-racism” usually doesn’t mean “being against racism,” but often instead amounts to “redirecting racism to level the playing field,” as characterized by notable anti-racist Ibram X. Kendi. “Anti-colonial” medicine, meanwhile, is rather oxymoronic, since the health professions, and modern medicine, are products of colonialism. There is no such thing as a pre-contact doctor, as that would require institutions for formal scholarly training and regulation — developments unique to the Old World.

Nevertheless, med schools are increasingly taking it upon themselves to carry out DEI. The University of Calgary created a special admissions pathway for Black students, entitling applicants to have their admissions essays evaluated by non-white assessors. Mcgill, the University of Alberta and Dalhousie have all done the same. Similar routes are offered for Indigenous students.

Not only is it toxic to assume that students will only be judged fairly by, or benefit from the positive bias of, a panel of their own race, it’s unfair not to extend the same process to everyone else. There is no Asian admission panel, or white admission panel. This is about providing unequal procedural advantages to certain people purely on the basis of their ancestry. By doing this, the schools are encouraging future professionals to do the same.

The professorial side isn’t much better off, as med schools have their very own DEI committees that create administrative roles (read: promotion fuel) for academics with a penchant for identity Marxism. Physician-academics who believe in “white immunity,” the notion that Caucasians are “inoculated” against racial oppression, or complain that the term “chief” is problematically colonial, get an easy pathway into faculty governance by simply playing DEI hall monitor.

The profs don’t escape the quota system, either. Funding sources like the Canada Research Chairs Program are beholden to strict racial and gender requirements, resulting in postings that explicitly exclude white men. The University of British Columbia’s current search for a spinal-cord rehabilitation scholar isn’t open to white men, nor is the U of A’s opening for a clinician-scientist in medicine.

Beyond that, whole medical schools have transparently committed themselves to activism, abandoning the pursuit of truth for a mission of identity-based handicapping. See the University of Toronto’s Temerty School of Medicine, which “is committed to the principles of allyship, with the acknowledgment that people in positions of privilege must be willing to align themselves in solidarity with marginalized groups.” The school has offered faculty seminars on social justice praxis and teaches a five-step coping mechanism for handling microaggressions.

Identity politics don’t go away in the real world. Niche doctor groups demand that queer and trans-specific training are made mandatory in doctor education. Their ideas are mainstreamed in scholarly publishing: periodicals like the Canadian Medical Journal of Health even cover “greysexuality,” queer theory’s attempt at granting minority status to those “experiencing sexual attraction rarely or under specific circumstances.”

Far-fetched ideas become best practices at the behest of professional associations like the Canadian Paediatric Society, which holds the “affirmation” model to be the standard of care for children who identify as transgender, despite acknowledging that cross-sex dysmorphia often goes away at puberty.

It’s even directly embedded into provincial health authorities. Alberta Health Services (AHS) developed an extensive DEI bureaucracy of practitioners, councils and committees, an “anti-racism advisory group,” as well as identity-based employee clubs (formally titled “workforce resource groups”). Monitoring employee demographics, including DEI “accountability” in performance evaluations and developing DEI training courses, have all been priorities since at least 2021 under AHS’S diversity framework.

That’s just in Alberta. The same ever-expanding network of support staff and committees can be found in other medical bureaucracies, courtesy of zealous adherents and naive old-school liberal health administrators. It doesn’t take much for the diversity committees of the last decade to metastasize and start infusing oppressor-oppressed struggle logic into every rung of the org chart.

Upstream from medicine is public health, which has also turned DEI from policy sideshow into policy centrepiece in recent years, particularly in British Columbia and at the federal level.

The next place DEI intends to colonize is the foundational set of themes that underpin physician training in Canada, the CANMEDS framework. Last revised in 2015, CANMEDS is up for renewal in 2025. The most radical change? DEI.

Doctors involved in the revision are proposing to make progressive-left values standard in physician training, including anti-racism, social justice, cultural humility, decolonization and intersectionality — all concepts coined by progressive, redistributive racialists who tend to despise western culture.

Health equity experts are all-in on this stuff, so expect the “experts say” coverage to be overwhelmingly positive. A preview is offered by Kannin Osei-tutu, a medical professor at U of C, who recently hailed the upcoming CANMEDS revision as an “unprecedented opportunity” for transformation.

“Transformative change in medical education and practice demands explicit integration of anti-oppressive competencies,” he wrote in last month’s issue of the Canadian Medical Journal of Health (which only ever seems to publish one side of this great debate).

“Progress hinges on cultivating a critical mass of physicians committed to this change, thus paving the way for more equitable and just health care.”

Wondering where all this goes? Look to New Zealand, a fellow British colony that has taken to reconciling with extreme self-flagellatory policies. In 2023, some of the island nation’s hospitals began prioritizing Indigenous Maori and Pacific patients on elective surgery wait lists on the basis of race.

“It’s ethically challenging to treat anyone based on race, it’s their medical condition that must establish the urgency of the treatment,” one anonymous doctor told the New Zealand Herald.

Plenty more like-minded doctors exist in Canada, but they are drowned out by heavy-handed administrations that insist on turning their profession into another stage of ideological performance. Their best recourse? Their provincial ministers of health and post-secondary education, who are uniquely empowered to turn things around.


  “No Whites Should Apply For This Job”: Preferential Hiring Has To Be banned  

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  “No Whites Should Apply For This Job”: Preferential Hiring Has To Be banned  
“In May of 2018, PM Trudeau announced yet another government apology, this time to Canada’s Jews. According to Trudeau, Canada had sinned greatly in 1939 by denying entry to Canada about 250 Jews fleeing Europe aboard the ship called The St. Louis. According to historians, those Jews were forced to return to Europe and eventually suffered through WW2’s Holocaust.
Rosalie Abella is the first on the left.

Rosalie Abella is the first on the left
Before issuing any apology to all of Canada’s Jews, Trudeau should do some important research on one Jew in particular : Rosalie Abella. She served on Canada’s Supreme Court. Her parents had survived the European Holocaust and migrated to Canada after World War 2. In the mid-1980’s, after conducting a campaign of arrogant and very sloppy research on Hiring in Canada, she developed  a preferential hiring policy called “Employment Equity” which was intended to benefit coloured people and other minorities.

It was a copy of the U.S. Affirmative Action policy. It was later legislated and is now a national policy in Canada.In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but ironically created her own Holocaust in Canada. In fact, unbelievable as this sounds, bureaucrats later wrote,  the phrase “No Whites Should Apply” into Canadian government job ads!How much damage did her work do?  Enormous!! She probably succeeded in denying jobs to millions of White Canadians. 

In fact, the number of White Canadian lives she destroyed may well be greater than the traditionally- cited 6 million Jewish lives destroyed by Hitler !!If Canadians are to hear another apology, it should obviously be extracted from now-retired Judge Abella and the herd of “Diversity-hiring” hacks she unleashed on Canada’s public and private sectors. If Trudeau is remotely interested in performing his duty to Canadian-born, he should be demanding an apology from Abella and her herd of boot-lickers.

Let us repeat : In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but she created her own Holocaust in Canada.Lets not stop there. After demanding an apology from Abella , Trudeau, should terminate Abella’s entire “Employment Equity” program. In addition, Trudeau should start a number of Canadian-style Nuremberg Trials to deal with Abella and all those who have carried out her unjustified, idiotic and destructive recommendations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For details of Abella’s crime, see Dr. Martin Loney’s book, The Pursuit of Division : Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring. Dr. Loney documents in great detail the origins and results of Rosalie Abella’s disgraceful and sloppy work.
Dan Murray, Immigration Watch Canada www.ImmigrationWatchCanada.org
  “No Whites Should Apply For This Job”: Preferential Hiring Has To Be banned  
“In May of 2018, PM Trudeau announced yet another government apology, this time to Canada’s Jews. According to Trudeau, Canada had sinned greatly in 1939 by denying entry to Canada about 250 Jews fleeing Europe aboard the ship called The St. Louis. According to historians, those Jews were forced to return to Europe and eventually suffered through WW2’s Holocaust.
Rosalie Abella is the first on the left.

Rosalie Abella is the first on the left
Before issuing any apology to all of Canada’s Jews, Trudeau should do some important research on one Jew in particular : Rosalie Abella. She served on Canada’s Supreme Court. Her parents had survived the European Holocaust and migrated to Canada after World War 2. In the mid-1980’s, after conducting a campaign of arrogant and very sloppy research on Hiring in Canada, she developed  a preferential hiring policy called “Employment Equity” which was intended to benefit coloured people and other minorities.

It was a copy of the U.S. Affirmative Action policy. It was later legislated and is now a national policy in Canada.In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but ironically created her own Holocaust in Canada. In fact, unbelievable as this sounds, bureaucrats later wrote,  the phrase “No Whites Should Apply” into Canadian government job ads!How much damage did her work do?  Enormous!! She probably succeeded in denying jobs to millions of White Canadians. 

In fact, the number of White Canadian lives she destroyed may well be greater than the traditionally- cited 6 million Jewish lives destroyed by Hitler !!If Canadians are to hear another apology, it should obviously be extracted from now-retired Judge Abella and the herd of “Diversity-hiring” hacks she unleashed on Canada’s public and private sectors. If Trudeau is remotely interested in performing his duty to Canadian-born, he should be demanding an apology from Abella and her herd of boot-lickers.

Let us repeat : In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but she created her own Holocaust in Canada.Lets not stop there. After demanding an apology from Abella , Trudeau, should terminate Abella’s entire “Employment Equity” program. In addition, Trudeau should start a number of Canadian-style Nuremberg Trials to deal with Abella and all those who have carried out her unjustified, idiotic and destructive recommendations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For details of Abella’s crime, see Dr. Martin Loney’s book, The Pursuit of Division : Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring. Dr. Loney documents in great detail the origins and results of Rosalie Abella’s disgraceful and sloppy work.
Dan Murray, Immigration Watch Canada www.ImmigrationWatchCanada.org

More Anti-White Discrimination by Our Old Stock Canadian-Hating Liberal Government

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Ottawa ignored process in awarding contract for monument to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, group says

[The Trudeau government so detests White people that it ignores a recommendation from a blue ribbon committee which recommended the lowest bid for a monument to commemorate the Canadian military mission to Afghanistan, submitted by a White Quebec firm, and gave the $3-million commission to an Indian artist instead. Plain and simple, it’s anti-White discrimination. — Paul Fromm]

Sarah RitchieOctober 5, 2023Updated October 6, 2023

Petty Officer First Class Charlotte McShane, left, and Sergeant Missy Deschenes unveil the winning design for the national monument to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan in Ottawa on June 19.Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press

An architectural group that was chosen by a jury to build a monument to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan says the government’s decision to award the contract to a different group is outrageous and anti-democratic.

Veterans Affairs Canada announced the approximately $3-million commission in June, awarding it to a team led by Indigenous artist Adrian Stimson.

“This is so anti-democratic,” said Renee Daoust, a spokesperson for Team Daoust, which placed first in the competition.

“They’re not respecting their own procurement rules that they have set up, and to us that’s really unacceptable,” she said.

The team included the firm Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker, artist Luca Fortin and former Supreme Court justice Louise Arbour, who acted as an adviser on the mission in Afghanistan.

Daoust said they learned they won the competition just a couple of hours before Veterans Affairs Canada held a press conference on June 19 – and then they were told the government was going to overrule the jury’s choice.

“We said, ‘Well, this is so unfair. Why are you doing this?”’ she said. (Globe and Mail, October 5, 2023)

More Anti-White Racism by Canadian Big Business

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B.C. construction companies offered cash incentive for hiring non-white males

By Quinn Patrick – September 28, 2023 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedin

A cash incentive available to British Columbia construction companies for hiring new workers doubles if a worker “self-identifies” as anything other than an able-bodied, heterosexual, white male.

On Wednesday, the British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) announced a new $10 million Apprenticeship Services Program that will give cash incentives to small and medium scale construction companies that hire and register first year apprentices for 39 Red Seal Trades. 

The per-employee incentive is $5,000, but if an applicant self-identifies as a person of colour, woman, sexual minority, or person with a disability, it doubles to $10,000, according to the Western Investor. https://www.youtube.com/embed/4g_g7k3-6-E?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

According to the BCCA, over half of the apprentices already hired have self-identified as a member of one of the “equity deserving groups.”

Funding for the BCCA’s new program will come from the federal government’s Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy, launched by the federal government in September 2022.

The BBCA is calling the new program the ”most far-reaching construction trade apprenticeship drive ever undertaken in British Columbia.”  https://www.youtube.com/embed/vhA1GymcHYs?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

“The Apprenticeship Services project has become one of the most successful workforce development programs the BCCA has ever launched,” said Chris Atchison, president of the BCCA. “The timing of this initiative couldn’t be better. Our industry is hungry for skilled workers.”

Each employer is allowed to register two first-year apprentices before March 31, 2024. 

The BCCA noted that while 35 different Real Seal trades have now hired new apprentices, the majority are registered as first-year carpenters, plumbers and construction electricians. 

Canada’s construction industry will need to recruit 299,200 new employees by 2032 in order to replace those expected to retire by the end of the decade, according to predictions made by BuildForce Canada. They estimate 245,100 construction workers, about 20% of the current labour force, will retire in that timeframe. 

Is Russia Trying to Win Over White Americans?

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Is Russia Trying to Win Over White Americans?


Sergey Lavrov » International Affairs

Robert Hampton

June 4, 2021

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov apparently shows more concern for ordinary white Americans than the average Republican lawmaker. In April, Lavrov called out America’s aggressive anti-white racism. While insisting Russians were “the pioneers of the movement for equal rights of people of any skin color,” he stated Black Lives Matter pushes “aggression displayed against  white people, white US citizens.”

Lavrov also mocked the political correctness of American culture. “Hollywood changes its rules now, too, so that everything reflects the diversity of modern society, which is likewise a form of censorship, which stifles art and imposes various artificial restrictions and demands,” he argued. I saw black people playing in Shakespeare’s comedies. I don’t know when we will have a white Othello. You see, that’s absurdity. Political correctness pushed to such absurdity won’t end well.” How many western politicians would dare question blacks playing white characters?

Lavrov’s purpose was to skewer the United Nations dedicating a day to acknowledging the horrible threat posed by “white supremacy.” The Russian diplomat said that the decision reflects the UN operating as the “the Organization Promoting American concepts, or American trends.”

This position contrasts sharply with that of our own diplomats. Joe Biden’s UN Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, went before the international body twice this Spring to denounce white Americans and the Founding Fathers.

Four-hundred-and-two years ago, African slaves were forced onto the shores of the colony of Virginia. Two years ago, the 1619 Project brought attention to this anniversary, and put the consequences of slavery, and the contributions of Black Americans, back at the center of our history and of our national narrative. As the project detailed, slavery is the original sin of America. It’s weaved white supremacy and black inferiority into our founding documents and principles.

She repeated those remarks again a month later. American media outlets praised her comments as a “powerful” rebuttal against racism.

America is fond of calling out Russia’s alleged human rights abuses and disregard for democratic norms. Lavrov responded to these claims with a reminder of America’s own record, particularly its persecution of Trump supporters involved in the Capitol protests.

“We are following with interest the persecution of those persons who are accused of the riots on January 6 this year,” Lavrov said last week, stressing that Vladimir Putin will press Biden on this issue when the two meet this summer. “A lot of really interesting things are happening from the point of view of the rights of the opposition and protecting those rights,” the Russian diplomat added.

It is rich for America to attack other countries that suppress protesters and dissidents when our regime does the same thing. We attack China for denying bail to non-violent election protesters while we deny bail to non-violent election protesters here. We criticize Belarus for diverting a flight to arrest a dissident while we don’t even allow dissidents to fly here. We denounce Russia for firing government workers for their political beliefs while every corporation and institution does the same thing here. This isn’t the Land of the Free anymore.

It’s good that Russia is taking this line in favor of Trump supporters and conservative whites. China and Iran prefer to celebrate Black Lives Matter and condemn America as the Great Racist Satan. China usually botches its attempts at wokeness, but it still sticks to that line. China doesn’t care about anti-white racism or the persecution of Trump supporters. The Red Dragon tries to appeal to the Left, even though the ChiComs do a poor job of it. The Iranians appear to be better at this, and it’s probably impossible for them to ever appeal to ordinary American conservatives. Russia seems to be the only world power to make this play.

Back in the Obama and early Trump years, many right-wingers idolized Putin’s Russia. Too often, they fell for the media’s depiction of Russia. Western outlets shrieked that Putin was a white nationalist, a fascist, and a threat to democracy everywhere. Some right-wingers believed these claims and decided that made Putin based. They liked how Russia seemed to oppose western degeneracy and foreign interventions. Russia was one of the few countries to stand with Bashar al-Assad against the “moderate” jihadis backed by the West. Right-wingers also liked Putin’s swagger and his status as a serious statesman.

Some of these views were more accurate than others. It is true that Putin’s Russia serves as a counterweight to America’s Empire of Nothing on the world stage and stands up for worthy states like Assad’s Syria. Putin also pursues some sensible policies in his home country, such as banning homosexual propaganda to children. (Meanwhile, American children’s cartoons teach kids to march in gay pride parades with their two daddies.) Russia also doesn’t tolerate national hatred or guilt, for better and for worse, and cracks down on traitorous billionaires. Putin also is a serious statesman, an extinct species among our pathetic political elites.

But Putin’s Russia is also far away from the fantasy ethnostate or Orthodox kingdom of right-wing fantasies. It locks up nationalists for hate speech and other dubious charges. Its immigration policy still lets in many foreigners and the regime preaches a form of multiculturalism (albeit, one less insufferable than ours). Very few Russians go to church and the nation is plagued with all types of social ills, from addiction to widespread corruption.

Russia also threatens the sovereignty of many of its neighbors. This, of course, is not a major concern for American nationalists, but it does explain why Eastern European nationalists don’t like Putin. Ukrainians, Balts, and Poles all have memories of what life was like under the bootheel of Russia. It makes sense why they would oppose Russia and their stance does deserve a bit of understanding.

That does not mean we, as American nationalists, should see Russia as the great enemy. Nor does that mean we should fawn over Russia as the SUPER BASED AND REDPILLED EMPIRE. We simply need to recognize it as a necessary counterweight to America’s BLM imperialism. No other nation will denounce anti-white racism or confront Biden about the persecution of ordinary Trump supporters. It’s good for a world player to defend our people and force the American regime to answer for its anti-white racism. Every other foreign power prefers to denounce America for the same reasons leftists do here. Russia is the only one to speak for us.

We shouldn’t turn ourselves into unwitting tools for Russian designs or into some kind of pro-Kremlin fifth column. We merely need to acknowledge that Russian propaganda is more sympathetic to our side than ever before. RT and Sputnik read more like Breitbart, minus the boomerism and zealous Zionism. They seem to no longer care about appealing to the “anti-establishment Left.” In America, there is no more anti-establishment Left. Antifa is sympatico with the FBI and major corporations. Liberals and leftists both want a more authoritarian government that locks up their political enemies. They also hate Russia and want the state to spread our “democratic values” to every part of the globe. Russians may finally realize the Left is hopeless. It makes more sense for the Russians to side with the nationalist Right.

What this realignment will look like is anyone’s guess. But as long as Russia calls out the system’s anti-white racism and abuses, it’s good for us.