Tag Archives: Jean-Francois Roberge

The War on Whites: Justin Trudeau Endorses Race-Based Muslim Employee Hiring In Canada

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The War on Whites: Justin Trudeau Endorses Race-Based Muslim Employee Hiring In Canada

She has no legitimacy to make recommendations for Quebec. She must leave her position, and it should simply be abolished.”

Brad SalzbergSep 14


Meritocracy, definition:

“Political, social, or economic system in which individuals are assigned to positions of power, influence, or reward solely on the basis of their abilities and achievements, and not on the basis of their social, cultural, or economic background or irrelevant personal characteristics.”

 “The theory of meritocracy presupposes the possibility of equality of opportunity.”

There’s “meritocracy,” and then there’s hypocrisy. Within the context of woke ideology, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has indulged in latter like no other national leader in Canadian history.

It’s the essence of “wokism” as manifest in our PM’s recent endorsement of race-based hiring. It’s one thing for Liberal government-approved “Islamophobia Czar” Amira Elghawaby to indulge in the practice– such ethno-centricism is to be expected.

“The Quebec government renewed its call for Canada’s special representative on combating Islamophobia to resign Friday, after she sent a letter to college and university heads recommending the hiring of more Muslim, Arab and Palestinian professors.”

“It was the reference to hiring that drew the immediate indignation of Quebec’s higher education minister, who called on Elghawaby to resign, saying she should mind her own business.”

After which Justin Trudeau came to the rescue:

“Speaking to reporters in the Montreal area, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that while each university has its own rules on hiring, Elghawaby’s role is to make recommendations and encourage dialogue between different groups.”

Turning to Canadian law, we uncover a piece of pertinent information:

“The Canadian Human Rights Act has long prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, and certain other grounds.” 

Holy Cow. The Canadian Human Rights Act serves as the cornerstone of government’s commitment to racial equality. In turn, non-profit organizations such as National Council Of Canadian Muslims live-and-breathe by such legislative edicts.

Tell us, Ms. Elghawaby– if our institutions of higher learning indulge in hiring policies exclusive to Muslims, what happens to candidates who come from outside the community?

Logical answer: they don’t get the job. Now, tell us how this fails to equate with “prohibited discrimination” against, for example, white or Sikh employment candidates?

“A spokesperson for Canadian Heritage said that Elghawaby was not available for comment on Friday.”

Right. Informed Canadians understand the way these things roll. When it’s time to whine and complain about racism, the so-called anti-racists are there with rainbow-coloured bells on. When time arrives to defend their behaviour, they’re as silent as the lambs.

“Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Jean-François Roberge criticized Elghawaby on Friday for interfering in the management of Quebec institutions and committing the ‘unthinkable’ act of hiring professors based on their faith.”

Hate to break it to you, Minister Roberge, but there is nothing “unthinkable” about this. Straight out of the gate, Mr. Trudeau went all-in on the “race-card”— the outcome being a systemic winding-up of race-oriented controversy.

Looking back at 20th century history, we recognise the fall-out of such situations. In cases of social revolution, the issue of race transitions to a weapon of political manipulation. Call us paranoid, but we say that the Liberals have with full intention cultivated this phenomenon for political purposes.

Readers may recognise a piece of deja vu in regard to Amira Elgabaway’s contentious position:

“In response to her nomination, Quebec political leaders in 2023 called on Elghawaby, a journalist and human rights activist, to have her appointment as Canada’s first anti-Islamophobia representative rescinded.”

Nothing happened, and in typical woke style, nothing will change regarding this latest round of condemnation.

In response, “[Quebec Premier Francois] Legault criticized Trudeau for defending Elghawaby in the name of diversity and refusing to call for her resignation.”

It is with minimal surprise that we trace PM Trudeau’s ethnocentric endorsement to socialist political imperatives endorsed by our prime minister.

“One such aspect of the capitalist education system is the ‘myth of meritocracy.’ While Marxists argue that class background and money determine how good of an education people get, the myth of meritocracy posits that everyone has an equal chance at success.”

A fair amount of media ink has been spilt in terms of Canada’s Marxist-infused education system. Here, Trudeau tacitly endorses the phenomenon.

“Not only is (education) a jurisdiction of the Quebec government, but it is a jurisdiction of the universities,” Legault said.

In this regard, one must comprehend socialism at its base form. For communist governments, everything within society falls under government jurisdiction. It’s how mainstream media became a branch of our federal government. It’s the method by which CBC Corporation hire new employees, and a core component of hiring practices within Canadian corporations and NGO’s.

Not good enough. Looking to place the agenda on steroids, rather than an “open field” for job candidates, advocates want it whittled down to one ethnic community in particular.

“We’ve seen an increase in rhetoric and tension and I think we all have to really reflect on what we’re doing to bring people together to make sure we’re listening to each other and even people with very different perspectives that may challenge us, make sure that we’re hearing each other,” Trudeau said regarding the controversy.

What a pile of steaming hogwash. His statement doesn’t say anything of substance at all. Still, there’s one thing Canadians know well and good. When it comes to Trudeau’s preferred ethnic voter communities, no words of criticism ever come forth.

“She has no legitimacy to make recommendations for Quebec. She must leave her position, and it should simply be abolished,” stated Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Jean-François Roberge.

Justin Trudeau has no legitimacy to back this latest version of community ethno-centricm. Unfortunately, this and a loonie will get you a half-cup of coffee at Tim Horton’s.

Quebec Government Wants Trudeau’s Appointed Scourge of Of Islamophobia Fired

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Quebec Government Wants Trudeau’s Appointed Scourge of Of Islamophobia Fired

Amira Elghabaway, Minister of Islamophobia, stands beside fellow Moslems, MPs Ahmed Hussen and MP Omar Alghabra.

The Quebec government is calling for the resignation of newly-appointed Minister of Islamophobia, Amira Elghabaway, Liberal government special representative to combat Islamophobia.

“Quebec Secularism Minister Jean-François Roberge says Ottawa should fire Amira Elghawaby immediately if she chooses not to resign. The journalist and activist was appointed to the role last week by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”
The history of the rise of Islamic political power in Canada suggests she won’t quit, won’t be fired, and will maintain her position as “Islamo-Cop” of Canada.

A history of obstinance offers the best clue as to what will transpire. From day one– Justin Trudeau’s ascension to the throne of Canada in 2015–  a cast-in-stone palette has coloured the condition of PM Trudeau’s fight against so-called “Islamophobia.”

Amira Elghabaway has nothing good to say about our country. In this she shares Trudeau’s sentiment, along with the man whose role it is to prop up the Trudeau government, New Democratic Party Leader, Jagmeet Singh.

“Elghawaby co-wrote a 2019 opinion piece in the Ottawa Citizen linking ‘anti-Muslim sentiment’ to Quebec’s Bill 21, which bans certain government employees from wearing religious symbols at work.”

Witness the myopia. Bill 21 is equally focused on Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs. Not that it amounts to a hill-of-beans for Ms. Elghabaway. Her single concern is her personal faith; her personal obsession so-called “Islamophobia.”
It’s this form of ethno-centricism which has resulted in a steady building of animosity toward our Liberal government’s treatment of one identifiable Canadian community.

No one has exacerbated this social problem more than Justin Trudeau. His constant pandering and pumping up of one specific community has resulted in the social discord Canadians are witnessing at present.

Neither government, nor media or Canadian academia have considered Mr. Trudeau’s degenerative impact on race relations in our country. For CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and Toronto Star, the fault is found in those nasty, bitter and racist “Old Stock” Canadians.

What a privilege legacy media has bestowed upon PM Trudeau. Not that it isn’t be expected after our PM pulled his “China-like” maneuver of covertly purchasing mainstream Canadian media.

“Jean-François Roberge, CAQ minister responsible for the French language, said Eghawaby has not properly apologized for her comments about Quebec. She “seems to be overcome by an anti-Quebec sentiment,” said Roberge.

“All she did was try to justify her hateful comments. That doesn’t fly. She must resign and if she doesn’t, the government must remove her immediately.”

Upon which CAP pulls out our proverbial crystal ball: Amira Elghabaway will continue on as Woke Liberal Islamo-police person. After all, she has been placed into power by none other than Somali import MP Ahmed Hussen.
Elghabaway has friends in high places. M103 “Islamophobia” motion founder and half-citizen of Pakistan MP Iqra Khalid helped her gain the lofty position. Canada most powerful special interest not-for-profit organization, National Council of Canadian Muslims, helped get her there.

In Justin Trudeau’s post-modern Canada, these are the power-players holding the political cards. Islam is the future of Canadian immigration, whether CBC tell us so, or not.

“It was never meant to suggest that my opinion is that the majority of Quebeckers are Islamophobic. I don’t believe so. I was merely analyzing the polling numbers … [an] opinion piece is meant to cause people to think, to talk, to reflect,” says Ms. Elgabaway.

A giant lol to that. Fundamentalist religion doesn’t talk, unless it’s to preach the word, or inform Canadians we “must educate ourselves” to accept cast-in-stone tenets of ancient history.

There is no negotiation or flexibility in the world of religious fundamentalism. How strange that the same phenomenon applies to Justin Trudeau’s brand of so-called “progressive” Liberal politics.

Amira Elghabaway, Minister of Islamophobia, stands beside fellow Moslems, MPs Ahmed Hussen and MP Omar Alghabra.