SNEAK ATTACK: Trudeau just appointed a transgender extremist to the Senate — from Alberta!
On the Labour Day long weekend, when no-one was paying any attention to politics, Justin Trudeau thought it was the perfect time to make a sneak attack on Alberta — and on children.
Justin Trudeau just made the most atrocious appointment to the Canadian Senate he’s ever done — giving Alberta’s most extreme transgender activist, Kris Wells, a Senate appointment that will last more than 20 years.
Wells is the most extreme Senate appointment Trudeau has ever made.
Activism Around Transgenderism for Children
Kris Wells has spent twenty years promoting transgenderism, especially to children in schools where they’re away from their parents.
His life’s work has been to get kids, when they’re at school, to join sexuality clubs called gay-straight alliances, and to keep what happens in those clubs secret from parents. They encourage kids start changing their pronouns; to start identifying as non-binary or trans.
And here’s the most terrifying part: they encourage these kids to medically transition — that is, to take hormones or even surgery to cut off their body parts.
These are minor children, in high school or even junior high. And all of this happens without any notice to parents.
That has been Wells’ life’s work in Alberta. Targeting children for transgenderism and fighting against giving parents any notice of what’s going on.
And now Trudeau has just appointed him to the Senate where he will surely try do the same to parents and children across the country. This is a very dark sign that Trudeau intends to ramp up his transgender activism in the remaining time he has in office.
If it were any other religion he hated, he’d be immediately disqualified from public life. But Trudeau hates Christians, too, so Wells is a perfect fit.
Skirting Democracy
There are other odious things here. As you may know, for decades Alberta has had elections to choose its own senators — as opposed to just accepting the personal friends of the prime minister.
It’s an Alberta tradition to elect Senators. There are democratically elected senators-in-waiting in Alberta right now, and there are two Senate vacancies from Alberta.
But instead of appointing the winner of those legitimate elections, Trudeau just spat in their faces, and in the faces of the hundreds of thousands of Albertans who voted for the legitimate senators.
Alberta has been electing senators for decades — that’s how Senate reformer Bert Brown was appointed. Trudeau wants to erase that democratic tradition
Do you think for a moment that Albertans — or anyone — would have voted for this anti-Christian, anti-family, pro-trans extremist?
How To Fight Back?
We’ll be able to throw out Trudeau at the next election, but by putting this dangerous man in the Senate, he’ll be there for more than 20 years trying to poison our children.
And because Trudeau made the appointment on the long weekend, he’s hoping to get away with it.
100 million Canadians by 2100? Liberal immigration minister met with group pushing radical agenda
Notes from the meeting show that the Liberals are well aware of the public’s perception of 500,000 new Canadians each year being an unmanageable and unfair target.
Exclusive access to information briefing notes from the immigration ministry detail a November 2022 meeting between Canada’s immigration minister at the time, Sean Fraser, and a public interest group that seeks to fill Canada with 100 million people by 2100, the turn of the next century.
The group, Century Initiative, has included notable figures like Edmonton’s former mayor Don Iveson, who recently accepted a Trudeau appointment at the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Canadians are currently struggling with an affordability crisis, which is compounded by Trudeau’s escalating taxes, housing supply issues, costs of living, and unemployment.
And yet the Liberals won’t back away from their insane immigration targets in a complete and total lack of understanding of the very basic rules of supply and demand.
In the briefing notes for the meeting, Fraser seemed well aware of the public’s perception of 500,000 new Canadians each year being an unmanageable and unfair target.
Public support for immigration in Canada remains strong and is dependent on good outcomes in a well-managed system. If immigration levels grow at a rate faster than Canada’s absorptive capacity can handle, it risks turning this public perception negative. As we work to help Canada’s population grow through increased immigration, it will be important to broaden public discourse to ensure that the importance and benefits of immigration remain at the forefront. I believe the Century Initiative can be an important ally in this regard.
The briefing notes also show that the Liberals were aware that “some economists have also noted that increasing immigration rates is not an effective strategy to counter or replace an aging workforce and that increased immigration numbers and the associated increase in housing prices have contributed to the rise of inflation in 2021 to the highest in 18 years.”
However, notes from the minister suggest that not only does the Liberal government not care about the public’s perception, but they want the Century Initiative’s help to drive that number even higher:
I would be very interested in hearing your views on how your organization may be able to help us develop a strategy to achieve even higher growth in a responsible way that supports strong outcomes for newcomers and any thoughts you may have on how your organization can help us ensure that public support for immigration among Canadians remains strong.
You’re being crushed by Justin Trudeau’s unrealistic and ideological drive to change and mould Canadian society to fit his progressive whims.
The Liberals don’t want to fix the problem of affordability caused by out-of-control immigration targets. They want to find so-called allies to push their narrative that what’s happening to Canada is all in your imagination.
When most Canadians talk about the country’s immigration system and the number of people coming here, we are told that Canada welcomes roughly half a million people each year.
Most people, according to polls, believe that number is too high. Somewhere between half and three-quarters of all Canadians tell pollsters they would like the number to be lower.
But the “half a million” figure that is often thrown around is wildly misleading.
Canada welcomes 500,000 newcomers each year as permanent residents– the equivalence of U.S. green card holders.
On top of that, we also admit another approximately 660,000 as temporary foreign workers, 900,000 international students and, in 2023, Canada saw an explosion of illegal immigration, with 143,870 people illegally entering the country and requesting political asylum.
For context, during the Stephen Harper years, Canada dealt with 10,000 to 25,000 illegal migrants each year. Under Trudeau, that number has exploded tenfold.
When you add these immigration streams together, the total number of annual newcomers arriving in Canada balloons to about 2.2 million people per year.
No wonder our infrastructure is crumbling. No wonder housing shortages are so acute. No wonder there are viral videos showing dozens, if not hundreds, of migrants lining up for minimum wage job fairs in the service industry.
Canada’s immigration system is being overrun and mismanaged.
It’s hard to overstate how drastically out of step this is with Canada’s traditional approach to immigration.
Statistics Canada tracks the number of immigrants who have come here since the 1850s, before Confederation.
Curiously, StatsCan archived this website and stopped showing the new annual figures in 2015.
Under the current Trudeau government, Canada’s range for “landed immigrants” (permanent residents) was 226,000 as a low during COVID, with an average of just under 500,000 since 2021 and plans to hit 500,000 in 2025. This is double the sustained averages of the past two decades and unprecedented in Canadian history – especially considering that the combined streams, as mentioned, means the true number of newcomers is upwards of two million.
This graph is interesting because it shows peaks and valleys. Canada has always had years where we welcome a huge influx of newcomers: for instance, in 1910-11, and again in the post-WWII years. These peaks in immigration levels are then historically followed by valleys – years when Canada significantly decreased its immigration intake.
The valleys are as important as the peaks. These were the years when newcomers would acclimate to their new surroundings, integrate into the Canadian community and economy, and adopt a Canadian identity.
These years ensured the continued success of our immigration system.
Starting in the 1990s, however, Canada abandoned this key component of our immigration system. Successive governments, both Liberal and Conservative, realized that they could combat demographic realities – declining birth rates and increased costs of social entitlements including healthcare, pensions, and Old Age Security (OAS) payments – by simply importing more working-aged people to pay the bills.
The current Trudeau government has taken this hack to an extreme by attempting to cover up ruinous economic policies like the carbon tax and excessive runway deficit spending by simply and drastically increasing the number of people in the country.
More people means a higher cumulative economic output (measured as GDP). With a straight face, government officials can say that Canada’s economy is growing and our GDP continues to rise.
But the reality is much more bleak. As was recently pointed out by Waterloo economics professor Mikal Skuterlud: “Canada’s GDP grew by 1.1% between the 4th quarter of 2022 and 2023, while its population grew by 3.2%. That means GDP per capita is now falling at 2% annually (roughly the difference).”
So while politicians will tell you that our economy is growing, that’s only technically true because of mass immigration. The average Canadian is much poorer under this system.
(And the GDP figures are even more distorted when you consider that these figures include all government spendingas part of their calculation. So a government can “increase” GDP by simply taxing and spending more of your money – as has been the case in recent years.)
Immigration only works when it is well-managed and has the approval of the vast majority of Canadians. Our current system is the opposite of that: it is being overrun and managed poorly. This is harmful to the economy and harmful to Canadians who are struggling with the rising costs of living.
“Student test scores data are generally contrary to the notion that public schools are systemically racist against visible minorities,” the study notes.
“An analysis of educational attainment and economic outcomes shows limited evidenceof broad systemic racism in Canadian society, despite what anti-racism activists and the mandate letters from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to his cabinet might insist.”
It is in no way an abstraction to state that our Liberal government’s proclamation of “systemic racism” in Canadian society qualifies as a calculated misnomer. Straight from the horse’s mouth at Statistics Canada arrives an initial piece of evidence:
“Median wage of economic immigrant principal applicants surpassesthat of the Canadian population one year after admission.”
“In 2019, applicants of economic categories in 2018 had a median wage of $43,600, 12.4% higher than the Canadian median wage in the same year ($38,800).”
We begin to speculate on motivation for what amounts to a false assessment from government bodies on the topic of “social equity” in Canadian society. Additional data adds to the theory that “the pot has called the kettle black.” In fact, it may be fair to say that if systemic racism is endemic in Canada it’s actually being directed at citizens of Anglo-European heritage.
“Data On Education And Wages Don’t Show Systemic Racism In Canada: Study”
“If you take various minority groups, some of them earn more than the white population, some of them earn less. And that’s roughly what you would expect to see if Canada was a society that did not favour the white population.”
What’s up with this, Jagmeet Singh? In June, 2020 the New Democratic Party leader was quoted as saying “I think if you refuse to acknowledge that systemic racism exists, you certainly do not have an open mind to address this issue.”
Yet, if Mr. Singh drilled down on issues relating to immigrant-racialized community education and income, he would discover that Anglophones do not sit atop a “white privilege” totem pole. Why bash these communities regardless?
“If all of our institutions and the way our institutions are set up, set up on this notion that we discriminate against minorities, you would expect to see white people with the highest weekly average earnings.”
“The paper points to weekly earnings of Canadian-born men and women in 2016. White Canadians are at the middle of the pack, earning $1,530 for men and $1,120 for women.”
Well, what do you know? Turns out that whitey is, generally speaking, “your average Joe.” Naturally, that won’t do for the current prime minister of Canada.
In 2020, PM Justin Trudeau stated that “his administration will tackle ‘systemic racism,’ and break down the ‘systemic barriers’ that exclude people of colour from full participation in Canadian life.”
Sounds to CAP as if these folks are doing just as well, if not better, than white Canadians.
Why the vilification? This question has haunted Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] since the day an under-qualified politician darkened the door of the PMO in Ottawa.
Trudeau, Singh, and a host of other politicians have indulged in this practice, including omni-present Liberal MP Ahmed Hussen, a politician who has held more Cabinet files than properly-fitting outfits hanging in Chrystia Freeland’s closet:
“Hate and discrimination have no place in Canada. This is why the Government of Canada will continue to support and advance policies and programs to tackle systemic racism, secure equitable access to justice and healthcare, increase access to education and job training, and promote human rights informed by the lived experiences of peoples and communities.”
Speaking of education, we contrast half-Somalian citizen MP Hussen’s statement with a quote from a recent article published by the National Post:
“40 Canadian university professors have recommended to the House of Commons that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies in federally funded research be abolished.”
“The head of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, which oversees the racial-quota-bound Canada Research Chairs Program, told the committee that he has no plans to stop identity-based hiring, even though its quota for non-white researchers has been surpassed.”
Bingo. We come to the what should be understood as a pivotal element of the social equity debate in Canada. For effect, we repeat: “has been surpassed.”
After which CAP offer up a fundamental of our thinking. If the racial quota element has been achieved, and the program continues, what message can be extracted? Furthermore, what’s to stop this structure from being replicated in every educational institution across the country?
In this we see the shifting of socio-political tides that we believe constitute the very essence of Liberal-NDP-Trudeau-Singh politics in Canada.
It is not equality, but surpassment, that motivate the political powers that be in Justin Trudeau’s “no core identity” Canada.
“The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets.” Brad SalzbergMay 28 READ IN APPShareAway from the mainstream media spotlight, a critical social issue is festering within the world of Canadian academia:Will Race & Gender-Based Hiring In Universities Continue After Quotas Are Met?As published by independent media outlet True North News, the question strikes at the heart of Canada’s oh-so-sensitive symposium on race-relations.
Based on the observation, one can be certain that the nature of the discussion will be held back from public awareness by media.“Universities are continuing to push race- and gender-based hiring practices for jobs associated with a federal government program despite “diversity, equity and inclusion” targets already being met.”“The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardlessof targets.” The consequences of continuation should elicit discussion regarding an ominous and potentially dangerous precedent:If(more likely when) DEI employment levels become commensurate with ethnic-religious representation in Canadian academia, and still continue to be maintained, what message is delivered to society?It would be wise to place the circumstances in the context of historical examples of racial priorities promoted by government. In this regard, we speak of the concept of white Canadians being refused employment based on the immutable fact that they are white.
“The Canadian Human Rights Act, created in 1977, is designed to ensure equality of opportunity. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex and a variety of other categories.”But when candidates of Anglo-European heritage are excluded based on race, suddenly it’s permissible? This is the set-up at hand, but not to worry, woke warriors, PM Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government will permit it regardless. Heck, they’re even willing pay for “reverse racism” against our communities.“In the United States, it is illegal discrimination if a person or a company intentionally treats you differently based on your race, ethnicity, or national origin. For example, a landlord violates the law if you apply to rent an apartment and are told that the landlord doesn’t rent to black people.”It’s bad enough that the Feds have put to bed the concept of the “most qualified individual gets the job,” thereby transitioning Canada’s employment standards to a neo-Marxist model.
It’s another thing when equilibrium has been accomplished, and race-based hiring continues to proliferate.”The Liberals aren’t this far-along yet in terms of “post-modern” government policies, but in the arena of “woke” politics, Canadians should by now have learned to “never say never.” What we speak of strikes at the heart of society. When governments elevate race, ethnicity, religion to the top of a nation’s socio-political totem pole, trouble eventually comes a’calling.“It has since transformed into a program that promotes DEI ideology through the allure of federal funding. The aim is to have chairs be 50.9% women, 22% visible minorities, 7.5% persons with disabilities, and 4.9% Indigenous by December 2029.“
CAP zero-in on the set-up. After which we do what establishment media are being paid to eschew:In 30 years time, when the Canadian demographic shifts white Canadians to a minority community, what shall transpire? CBC have yet to mention it(they never will), but Anglo-European demography is at present dropping like a bomb.We imagine a future scenario, applying the “percentage of ethnic community relative to employment quotas” imperative to the situation. As whites deplete in population, they are effectively barred from employment– even when constituting a minority community. This is racism, straight-up.
This is the social dynamic PM Trudeau and his Liberals are institutionalizing in our country. In this is intimated the true meaning of Trudeau’s “post-modernsociety” declaration– a euphemism for transition to a socialist society.We challenge the ambiguity of his proclamation. By “post-modern,” our PM envisions a complete socio-political inversion of Canadian society. “Racialized” in the driver’s seat, whitey to the back of the bus. Only in this case– as a result of long-term pre-conceived planning– there shall be no “Rosa Parks” to rescue Anglophones from their fate.In our opinion, Trudeau loves this, and so too New Democratic Party leader, Jagmeet Singh.
It’s one of plethora of nefarious future scenarios that our quasi-communist leaders have in store for the future of our country.“After Reconstruction, state and local governments doubled down on these efforts by enacting Jim Crow laws, which codified the role of Black people in the Southern economy and society.” “States such as South Carolina enacted strict ‘Black Codes’ that fined Black people if they worked in any occupation other than farming or domestic servitude.”Perhaps we shouldn’t give the Feds any big ideas. In terms of systemic racial prejudice, there’s many ways to skin-a-cat. Wrapping the prejudice in a coat-of-many-colours doth not change the bottom line.As conservative writer Spencer Fernando commented in a recent article on DEI initiatives, “Racial hiring preferences are discriminatory, because instead of judging someone by their skills and actions, people are judged by their race.”Only this time out the tables have been turned toward white Canadians.Based on the hubris employed by the Liberals, NDP, multicultural industry and academic zealots, the future for Anglophones in Canada looks as shaky a maple leaf in a windstorm.
In shutting down an ethics committee probe into just how it came to pass that two Beijing-linked scientists managed to get away with dangerously compromising security at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, at least the Trudeau government is being consistent.
Ever since coming to power in 2015, the Liberals have chosen to hide the scope and extent of Beijing’s ever-expanding influence, interference and infiltration operations in Canada. By acts of obstruction, distraction and filibuster, the pattern is by now easily predictable. There’s nothing surprising about it anymore. The pattern played out exactly as you would imagine in the Winnipeg lab case.
In their zeal to keep the public in the dark about the goings-on at the top-security national infections diseases laboratory, the Liberals went to extraordinary lengths, not least an historic defiance of the convention of Parliamentary supremacy to the point of mounting a court challenge to thwart an order from the Speaker of the House of Commons to release documents relating to the affair.
It was only because a panel of judges eventually found that contrary to the Trudeau government’s claims about the too-sensitive nature of the documents — 600 pages in all — the barricade it built was mostly to protect itself from public embarrassment.
And it was only by releasing those documents that Canadians were permitted last week to learn that four years ago, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service had determined that research scientist Xiangguo Qiu, a Public Health Canada employee at the lab, had been engaging in clandestine activity to the benefit of Xi Jinping’s regime by secretly sending scientific findings and materials to China.
As far back as 2018, Qiu’s husband Keding Cheng, also a Public Health Canada employee, was found to have allowed access to the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health by students he was supposed to be supervising. The students were observed trying to remove laboratory materials. Until they were both fired in 2021, Qiu and Cheng routinely violated security protocols and ethical conduct codes, and consistently lied about their unauthorized intimacies with sketchy Chinese state institutions and agencies.
CSIS determined that Cheng was stubbornly untruthful when subjected to questioning, and his responses to CSIS queries were “simply not credible, which reflects adversely on his personal trustworthiness and therefore his basic reliability, the primary building block of security clearance.” As for Qiu, her disregard for basic security protocols posed “a very serious and credible danger to the government of Canada as a whole,” CSIS found.
Just how these two managed to acquire security clearances in the first place is just one question that remains unanswered.
You’d think the Trudeau government would want the public to be well aware of this scandal, illustrating as it does the extreme national-security peril involved in any collaboration with the shadowy world of Chinese state agencies. These collaborations pose a threat to Canada’s national interests that Ottawa claims it wants Canadians — particularly Canadian scientists and university researchers — to better understand, and to guard against.
Instead, the Liberal government persists even now in keeping the public in the dark, by way of teaming with the New Democrats to roadblock an ethics committee probe into the Winnipeg lab affair.
It was only because of its minority position in the House of Commons back in 2019 that the Liberals failed in their efforts to block the establishment of a special standing committee to inquire into the weirdly opaque Canada-China relationship that Trudeau had cultivated and nurtured in the lead-up to Beijing’s hostage-diplomacy abduction of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.
Until then, the matter of Beijing’s vastly expanding shadow over Liberal fundraising, candidate-selection, trade policy and diplomatic priorities was held to be best left to the “experts” from Dominic Barton’s disgraced McKinsey empire and the palm-greasers at the Canada-China Business Council. The pattern seemed to break, but the Canada-China relations committee quickly found itself mired in gridlocks by Liberal members determined to turn the subject back to more parochial matters, and to make excuses based on the presumed implications for the Kovrig-Spavor kidnapping, and to level insinuations that it was “racist” merely to inquire too closely into Beijing’s proxies and their rumoured election shenanigans.
It took years of Liberal ambuscades and transparently bogus pretexts before Canada’s Five Eyes partners finally managed to arm-twist Ottawa to get with the program and at least bar China’s “national champion” telecom Huawei from the core structure of Canada’s fifth-generation (5G) internet rollout.
It took several months of explosive revelations about warnings from CSIS and other agencies to the effect that Beijing really was actively involved in monkey wrenching the 2019 and 2021 federal elections to the Liberals’ benefit before Trudeau decided for appearances’ sake to conjure something to impede calls for a public inquiry. The gambit was a “independent special rapporteur” whitewash undertaken by David Johnston, an old Trudeau family friend, and an especially solicitous and high-profile Canadian friend of China.
When that didn’t work, faced with the demands of several majority votes in the House of Commons, Team Trudeau managed to construct a public inquiry that so far shows every sign that it will extend as much in the way of protection to Beijing’s Liberal-friendly mandarin bloc proxies in Canada as to the Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, expatriate Chinese democrats and Falun Gong practitioners those same well-to-do proxies have been bullying, browbeating and intimidating all these years.
So best of luck to any Parliamentarians who would want an Ethics Committee probe or any other such open inquiry into how the hell the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg ended up a sieve of intellectual-property patents for Beijing’s benefit, and an open buffet for Beijing’s ravenous appetite for top-secret information about infectious diseases.
Any such initiative would allow Canadians to know things the Liberal government does not want any of us to know, and the pattern with these things is so predictable it’s becoming downright boring.
Is there a reason why media refuse to mention that contemporary white Canadians are not responsible for historical policies of prejudice against “racialized” communities?
“The Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo says its Equity Committee must be at least 50% non-male and 50% non-white in order to have gender and racial parity.” [While the general population is slightly more than 50% female, the non-White proportion of Canada’s population, at this point in our planned replacement is 22%, not 50%1}
In contemporary Canada, what goes around really does come around. Thinking back to civil rights leaders for the Advancement of Coloured People in the United States, we turn to a lady named Rosa Parks:
The United States Congress honoured her as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement.”
“On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks rejected bus driver James F. Blake’s order to vacate a row of four seats in the ‘coloured’ section in favour of a white passenger.”
Parks went on to become an international icon of resistance to racial segregation.
Today, in PM Justin Trudeau’s “post-modern” society, racial segregation has returned. Only this time, the tables have been turned toward ostracization of White Canadiansbased on the colour of their skin.
“The faculty association also says it gives preferential treatment to Black and Indigenous peoples in the selection process whenever possible.”
Unabashed, egregious racism it is. None of it a problem for University of Waterloo’s woke crew of inverted bigots.
“In the late 1870s, Southern state legislatures passed laws requiring the separation of whites from ‘persons of colour’ in public transportation and schools.”
Several thoughts bubble to the surface. Firstly, an anachronistic move by Canadian academia to re-institute a reversal of civil rights that people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King worked for, and in the latter case, died for.
Secondly, the idea that as with all elements of DEI(Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), an unspoken goal of racial revenge lies at the core of the agenda. Indeed, University of Waterloo’s decree exists as a microcosm for the “social equity” movement in its entirety.
With woke political correctness as its support-system, an entire school-of-thought is cast aside. Mainstream media won’t breathe a word about it, even though at this stage of the game, 80-90% of leading journalists in Canada derive from an Anglophone or Francophone background.
Multiculturalism as conceived and institutionalized by ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau contains no legal limit, or “ceiling” as to when social equity is achieved. No barometer of “success” exists to verify that its original purpose– racial equality within a pluralist society– has been accomplished.
The result? It can, and will, “go on forever.” Meaning that the steamrolling of Whites out of employment potential could transition from 50% to 100%, while no legal mechanism exists to prevent such a thing.
Paying for the sins of our forefathers? Upon which we turn to a critical, yet unspoken, observation. Government, media, academia– notice how none of them point to the fact that those who initiated “racist” policies in Canadian society are all dead?
CBC, Globe & Mail, CTV, Toronto Star— which one has ever referenced the fact that contemporary white Canadians are in no respect responsible for historical policies of prejudice against “racialized” communities.
In the case of racism perpetrated by University of Waterloo’sEquity Committee,this equates with the idea that these people are punishing the innocent. As in, an act of revenge. Bitter, angry woke warriors taking out their collective frustration on Canada’s Anglo-European communities.
In truth, that’s not the worst of it. The worst is that this travesty goes on without being challenged by any controlling institution in the country. PM Justin Trudeau is all for it, as is under-the-radar Anglophone-basher, New Democratic party leader Jagmeet Singh, who says:“The reality is, this is our Canada. We can’t deny it. We can’t reject that, because it does no one any help. The reality is: our Canada is a place of racism, of violence, of genocide. [Yet, no one calls this defamation of Whites for what it is — BULLSHIT! ‘Genocide’, Jagmeet? Are you and your turbanned confreres being genocided? No, you and they are thriving. Indeed, Sikhs, less than one per cent of Canada’s population, comprised 16% of Justin Trudeau’s first cabinet. The only people being genocided on the instalment plan are Canada’s European founding/settler people being replaced by immigration policy!]
Love you to, Jagmeet. Establishment media has not a problem with racism against White Canadians. Ditto for our Marxist-infused university system, which over the decades silently converted to bastions of anti-Canadian hatred.
An injection of irony springs forth as we reference a recent article published by True North News:
“Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Programmes Lead To More Bigotry, New Research Shows”
“Drawing from a wide array of research published in leading social scientific journals, including contributions from prestigious institutions like Harvard and Princeton, findings challenge the prevailing narrative that DEI instruction leads to lasting positive behavioural changes.”
Well, what do you know? It could well be that academic social equity programs are exacerbating the level of racism in society.
A couple thoughts here: for one thing, it will make not a shred of difference to Canada’s woke academic warriors. Secondly, the idea that, on a deeper level, forces exist in our society who want social chaos to ramp up ad infinitum.
As mentioned, Canada’s academic world contains an unspoken-of-foundation of Marxist-oriented political orientation.
“Marx wrote extensively on race and class in the American Civil War. These writings argue that capitalism was grounded in slavery and that racism attenuated class-consciousness among workers from dominant racial groups.”
“These Marxist writings, which have been discussed only sporadically over the past century, are especially timely today.”
You’re+ darn right they are, because academia is utilizing race to divide citizen from citizen, and community from community. In other words, beneath all the “equity” talk, exists a tacit form of socialist-oriented “revolution.”
We begin to see why the haters are the way they are. What is really in the works is a social inversion of profound proportions:
Whitey to the back of the bus, the “racialized” in the driver’s seat. Can this be the silent, overarching agenda as perpetrated by the Canadian government, media and academia?
Government, Media, Education. Now, the Canadian military falls to the purveyors of systemic self-hatred. All of it one giant coincidence, eh? Consistent among revolutionary leaders of the 20th century, cultural transition existed as a core element. No finer example can be offered up than the “Cultural Revolution” as conceived by Chairman Mao Tse Tung of China. Frank Dikötter, author of a book on the period, wrote that “Mao hoped his movement would make China the pinnacle of the socialist universe and turn him into the man who leads planet Earth into communism.”
Obfuscated by Canadian media is the idea that PM Justin Trudeau is indulging in a similar tactic, albeit in “post-modern” form.
Revolutionary success relies on penetration of a nation’s key social institutions. Government, naturally, as well as media, education, armed forces and other core elements are targeted for transformation away from their previous incarnations.
On this basis, let us consider Justin Trudeau’s “Woke Revolution.”
Slow-and-steady she goes as Canada’s controlling institutions are re-imagined in post-modern fashion. Over the course of Trudeau’s eight-year reign, legacy media has been re-configured into a composite of government-funded propaganda outlets.
Canadian academia were converted well before Trudeau’s tenure, as exemplified by neo-Marxist application of anti-colonialism, critical race theory, in addition anti-Anglophone animus.
On this basis, it was only a matter to time before the globalist propaganda machine began to penetrate the Canadian military: “Veterans 4 Freedom president Drew MacGillivray and member Tom Marazzo reacted to an exclusive report by True North News revealing that a vast majority of the latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal was devoted to disparaging whiteness and claiming that the Canadian Armed Forces was founded on racism.”
Patriots stand witness as Liberal government targeting of white Canadians is forcefully injected into our military. In reality, it was only a matter of time.
“Both Marazzo and MacGillivray have a history of service in the military, holding the ranks of captain and lieutenant (Navy), respectively.”
What a shock this is. Since its founding, Anglo-Europeans have dominated the demography of the CAF. Now, here comes Justin Trudeau and his socialist gang of assassins to degrade its denizens.
“The latest summer edition of the journal featured articles with titles such as ‘I’m Not Your Typical White Soldier’– Interrogating Whiteness and Power in the Canadian Armed Forces” and “Supporting Military Families: Challenging or Reinforcing Patriarchy?”
See how the Canada-haters roll? Government, Academia, Media, Corporations, Military– roughly in that order. We recognize parallels to the application of revolutionary socialism in the previous century. Chief among them is China, a country lauded not just by Justin Trudeau, but by Pierre Trudeau before him, as well as brotherAlexandre Trudeau. “Most of the issue’s authors were academics who argued that the solution to perceived problems of racism and ‘whiteness’ in the military was a program of re-education based on woke principles and ideas.” The surprise of the century this is– not. Enter reverse-racism into the ranks of our military. As rancid as it is, in truth, it’s only half the story.
The other element comes in the form of LGBT indoctrination. Communist governments cannot keep their hands off any major societal institution, and the Liberals are the same.
“October is recognized internationally as LGBT History Month. We encourage the entire Defence Team, from recruits and new hires to senior leadership, to take some time this month to reflect on the contributions of past and present 2SLGBTQI+ Defence Team.”
“This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the settlement of Michelle Douglas’ historic lawsuit against the Department of National Defence (DND), marking the official end to the ban on 2SLGBTQI+ members in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).”
One of the most successful tactics utilized by socialist revolutionaries is the de-contextualizing of history. Rhetorical messaging from the Liberal government spins “homophobia” accordingly. Canada, both as a nation and from a military perspective, is in no respect unique in this capacity.
Homosexuality was considered a crime from the colonial period in Canada until 1969. In Britain, decriminalization of homosexuality occurred in 1967. In 1961, the United States began to decriminalize same-sex sexual activity.
Not that you will be hearing about this from Canada’s uber-powerful pride pushers. They want what government want– a verdict of culpability in its most egregious form. The same is to be applied to accusations of racism.
So now, the Canadian military is racist, and well as homophobic. After which Cultural Action Party offer a pertinent question: Why are you people running down our military? Aren’t these the folks that our citizenship relies on to defend our country? Is this situation not an example of government attacking their own?”
Of course it is, because it’s what occurs within a country whose strings are being pulled toward societal dissolution, to be followed by a re-configuration of nation identity in totality.
Just as Mao Tse Tung perpetrated in China. As Joseph Stalin did during the period of the Russian Revolution. Our media say nothing— just as the press did in China, and the USSR.
“Although we can never undo the paincaused by the LGBT Purge, the Canada Pride Citation is an opportunity to recognize the harm experienced by current and former Canadian Armed Forces members,” said General (Gen) Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff. “
We come to recognize the hi-jacking of Canadian society. Systemically, Trudeau and the Liberals are poisoning Canada’s controlling institutions by way of anti-Canadian animus.
“The Canada Pride Citation is one way the Government of Canada has taken action to address the historical injustices experienced by LGBT military members, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and federal public servants.” Government, Media, Education. Now, the Canadian military falls to the purveyors of systemic self-hatred.