Tag Archives: illegals

Elite Hypocrisy: The Forced Vax & Illegals

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Inside Immigration from Numbers USA

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OK, this email says the number of illegals is about 15 million. I’ve been saying 50 plus. Not accounted for are the unknown number of “get-a-ways” that have sifted thru our sandy sieve of a border and gotten away with their ill gotten gains for over 50 years now, so they can get away with statements like that.

Also, for decades, Ive been reading statements from supposed immigration restriction organizations, to the effect that the number of illegals that get in each year is about one million. Add that up since 1970 or so, and the so and so’s can fool the johnny-come-lately citizens suddenly interested in the issue — and so there’s your over 50 million in addition to the “get-aways”.

These organizations still spout that they are for “sensible immigration”. Show me why a moratorium on this displacement of our native population is not the right thing to enact now. Pat Buchanan, where are you now?

Sidney Secular

Sid Secula

From: immigrationinfo@numbersusa.com
To: SidSecular1@aol.com
Sent: 2/17/2024 7:16:48 AM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: NumbersUSA – Inside Immigration

NumbersUSA with flag
OVERVIEW FROM THE CEO (JAMES MASSA)   welcome to the “Inside Immigration” Newsletter of NumbersUSA   Your Voice Mattered in Defeating Senate Border Bill There is so much misinformation in the media regarding the Senate Border Bill that was defeated this past week. First, the vote itself was procedural and was not a vote on the bill. As explained in our short video last week, the Senate bill did not pass “cloture”. Second, the short powerful truth is that your voice mattered! Your contacting your member of congress and telling them that the Senate deal was no deal at all and you wanted H.R. 2, the Secure Border Act, as passed in the House of Representatives is what really shut down chances of the Senate bill even reaching a vote. Third, the Senate bill was bad immigration policy. It did not accomplish anything it was touted to have done. It raised legal immigration in several ways. It failed to close heavily abused loopholes. It ignored the fact that the President already has authority to get control of the border. It normalized 1.8 million illegal alien encounters a year, suggesting that anything less wasn’t an emergency. It was bad immigration policy offered in an attempt to pass funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. Finally, it is an election year. President Biden who is seeking reelection and his party have made every attempt to say the bill gave Republicans everything they wanted and yet they still voted it down. Nonsense! H.R. 2 gives everything the Republicans want and not a word of it was in the Senate bill. Another election year spin has been to blame former President Donald Trump, who is seeking reelection, saying he influenced the vote. This is just not what caused the Senate Border (plus Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel) funding bill to go down in a cloture vote. Trump has done many things to highlight the issue of illegal immigration. However, the Senate bill was defeated by you and it being bad policy. This week there are efforts to fund the military defense items separately and, as we have shared in other e-mails, to vote again to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas. We await the upcoming government funding appropriation bills to see if the House of Representatives with their power of the purse will ensure that the national security issue which is our nation’s southern border is secured. Grant Newman will give an update on Mayorkas in the federal section.       FEDERAL (GRANT NEWMAN)   DHS Secretary Mayorkas Impeached
Yesterday, the House of Representatives successfully impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for willful and systematic refusal to comply with the law and breach of public trust. This marks the first time a cabinet secretary has been impeached in nearly 150 years. Next, the impeachment articles go over to the Senate, which has to immediately consider them and determine whether to convict or acquit the Secretary on each article. The Senate is currently in recess until after the President’s Day recess, but is set to return the week of February 23rd. We’re hearing rumors that Senate Democrats may try to swiftly move on from impeachment, so stay tuned for developments.
January Border Numbers Drop… Already
Only a couple of weeks after the December Customs and Border Protection numbers dropped, January’s numbers arrived early. In fact, not only does the data show (relatively) good news, but that news dropped on the same day the House was reconsidering the impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas. What a coincidence! That said, 242,587 encounters in a month is far from normal. There are many reasons why the drop may have occurred in January. First, historically, January is a slower month than others on the border. You may also have seen articles about Texas Governor Greg Abbot making an effort to slow the influx into Texas in lieu of Federal assistance. Another factor is action occurring on the Mexican side of the border, reported by Todd Bensman at CIS, where Mexican military and law enforcement are suddenly cracking down on migrants. We’ll see soon enough whether this is something that will continue, or if it’s a temporary action.  
(Idaho capitol building in Boise; Idaho state Representative Jordan Redman (R-03)) IDAHO Another state has joined the list of states where there is active E-Verify legislation. Introduced by Rep. Jordan Redman, Idaho’s H.B. 510 is an excellent bill which requires all businesses in the state of Idaho to use E-Verify for new hires. HB510 has been referred to the Commerce and Human Resources Committee, and we are pushing to get a hearing on the bill as a next step.   West Virginia As you might remember from our last Inside Immigration update, the West Virginia Senate has an active piece of legislation that was passed by the West Virginia House of Delegates already (82-18), and would require employers of 15 or more employees to use E-Verify for new hires. H.B. 4759 (sponsored by Del. Chris Phillips) has been the target of a coordinated, last-minute opposition effort by business lobbyists to protect the ability of employers to have access to workers without effectively checking legal status. While the Senate did unanimously support E-Verify for all employers just last year, there will still need to be two committee hearings (Government Organization and Judiciary) where opponents of E-Verify will also seek to testify on the bill. These hearings have not yet been scheduled. Meanwhile, West Virginians continue to flood Charleston with messages of support. COLORADO Colorado is a state that has a number of sanctuary policies at both state and local levels. SHB24-1128, sponsored by Rep. Richard Holtorf and Sen. Mark Baisley, is a bill that would repeal sanctuary policy laws enacted in the past. This legislation will get a hearing in the State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee next week, on February 22nd. High-profile cases like this recent fatal DUI will surely make for a contentious affair on the topic, another case in which the public needs to overcome zealous support for sanctuary policies within the legislature.   SUSTAINABILITY (JEREMY BECK)   Defending a way of life A half-century of elevated immigration levels has diminished agricultural land and habitats throughout America (Henry Barbaro looks at wetlands). Due to extremely high levels, immigration over this period changed the landscape . . . and the way people want to live. See the media coverage of our Idaho study.   OUR STUDIES NumbersUSA’s two decades of sprawl studies have been cited in scholarly literature over a hundred times in over a dozen languages. You can now access them all in one place. COMING TO AUSTIN If you’re in Austin, TX on February 21st, come say “hello”! Rob Harding will be presenting NumbersUSA’s findings to the American Conservation Coalition. The event is free. Reserve a spot!    
To those of the White race who look to the incoming of those of foreign birth ans strange tongue and habits... cast down your bucket where you are.  Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes whose habits you know. -- Booker T. Washington
It is noth a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest. -- Barbara Jordan
Every hour sees the Black man elbowed out of employment by some newly arrived immigrant whose hunger and whose color are thought to him a better title to the place. -- Frederick Douglass
  “What about poor and desolate citizens here?” Stephen A. Smith’s viral statement about the border crisis and its impact on American communities is one of the latest examples of nonpolitical people “spilling the tea” about immigration. Read Andre Barnes’ article. INDIFFERENCE Why did NumbersUSA oppose the failed Senate immigration package that so many political and media institutions praised? For starters, the immigration provisions displayed a profound indifference to the inadequate job prospects of vulnerable American workers. Read more. Knowledge is power The quotes from Washington, Jordan, and Douglass above are all found in Back of the Hiring Line. In case you missed it, listen to author Roy Beck revisit the 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and the depression of Black wealth with Denise Long in their Feb 1 conversation.  
NumbersUSA speakers featured in national debate on closing the border NumbersUSA is a charter member of the Braver Network, which is groups trying to lower the temperature of political discourse even while keeping to their positions and principles. Last Thursday, VP of Alliances & Activism Jim Robb, Director of Planned Giving & Member Retention Christy Shaw, and CEO James Massa were featured speakers in the Braver Angels national Zoom debate on the question: “Resolved: Close the Border.” The video clip below shows James Massa’s opening 4-minute speech that urged that the U.S. border be closed. Listen in! To see the entire debate featuring many speakers, including James Massa, click below: Immigration: A Braver Angels Debate (1)    
NumbersUSA representatives are frequently featured in the media – on radio, TV, podcasts, and in print – providing commentary in support of sensible immigration policies. Check out a few recent highlights. KZIM KSIM – Faune Riggin – February 7th – Director of Research and Public Relations Eric Ruark WisconsinWatch.org – Tom Kertscher – February 7th – Does Wisconsin US Rep. Mike Gallagher support open borders? News Talk 1540 KXEL – Jeff Stein – February 7th – Eric Ruark of NumbersUSA 700WLW – Bill Cunningham – February 7th – 2-7-24 Bill Cunningham Show – Eric Ruark WTIC NewsTalk 1080 – Todd Feinburg – February 8th – Afternoons with Todd Feinburg 2-8-24 Hr 1 – Eric Ruark SiriusXM Radio – David Webb – February 12th – Senate border discussions – Eric Ruark  
Foreign-Born Population Reaches Record Peak Amidst the worst border crisis in our history, it is worth taking a look at a lesser known, but equally important figure: the actual size of the immigrant population in the U.S. Foreign Born in the United States (in millions and % of population) 1920: 13.9m, 14.7%. 1970: 9.6m, 4.7%. 2023: 49.5m, 15%
Our friends at the Center for Immigration Studies have done a deep dive into the recent Census Bureau Current Population Survey (CPS) data (October 2023) that show that the foreign-born population in the U.S. has reached a peak in both numbers and percentage share of the overall population – 49.5 million and 15% – higher than at any other time in our history. Although illegal immigration accounts for a significant share of the recent foreign-born growth, it is worth noting that legal immigrants still account for 75% of the total foreign-born population.  
OK, this email says the number of illegals is about 15 million. I’ve been saying 50 plus. Not accounted for are the unknown number of “get-a-ways” that have sifted thru our sandy sieve of a border and gotten away with their ill gotten gains for over 50 years now, so they can get away with statements like that.

Also, for decades, Ive been reading statements from supposed immigration restriction organizations, to the effect that the number of illegals that get in each year is about one million. Add that up since 1970 or so, and the so and so’s can fool the johnny-come-lately citizens suddenly interested in the issue — and so there’s your over 50 million in addition to the “get-aways”.

These organizations still spout that they are for “sensible immigration”. Show me why a moratorium on this displacement of our native population is not the right thing to enact now. Pat Buchanan, where are you now?

Sidney Secular

Sid Secular

From: immigrationinfo@numbersusa.com
To: SidSecular1@aol.com
Sent: 2/17/2024 7:16:48 AM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: NumbersUSA – Inside Immigration

NumbersUSA with flag
welcome to the “Inside Immigration” Newsletter of NumbersUSA
Your Voice Mattered in Defeating Senate Border Bill
There is so much misinformation in the media regarding the Senate Border Bill that was defeated this past week.
First, the vote itself was procedural and was not a vote on the bill. As explained in our short video last week, the Senate bill did not pass “cloture”.
Second, the short powerful truth is that your voice mattered! Your contacting your member of congress and telling them that the Senate deal was no deal at all and you wanted H.R. 2, the Secure Border Act, as passed in the House of Representatives is what really shut down chances of the Senate bill even reaching a vote.
Third, the Senate bill was bad immigration policy. It did not accomplish anything it was touted to have done. It raised legal immigration in several ways. It failed to close heavily abused loopholes. It ignored the fact that the President already has authority to get control of the border. It normalized 1.8 million illegal alien encounters a year, suggesting that anything less wasn’t an emergency. It was bad immigration policy offered in an attempt to pass funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel.
Finally, it is an election year. President Biden who is seeking reelection and his party have made every attempt to say the bill gave Republicans everything they wanted and yet they still voted it down. Nonsense! H.R. 2 gives everything the Republicans want and not a word of it was in the Senate bill. Another election year spin has been to blame former President Donald Trump, who is seeking reelection, saying he influenced the vote. This is just not what caused the Senate Border (plus Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel) funding bill to go down in a cloture vote. Trump has done many things to highlight the issue of illegal immigration. However, the Senate bill was defeated by you and it being bad policy.
This week there are efforts to fund the military defense items separately and, as we have shared in other e-mails, to vote again to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas. We await the upcoming government funding appropriation bills to see if the House of Representatives with their power of the purse will ensure that the national security issue which is our nation’s southern border is secured. Grant Newman will give an update on Mayorkas in the federal section.
DHS Secretary Mayorkas Impeached

Yesterday, the House of Representatives successfully impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for willful and systematic refusal to comply with the law and breach of public trust. This marks the first time a cabinet secretary has been impeached in nearly 150 years.
Next, the impeachment articles go over to the Senate, which has to immediately consider them and determine whether to convict or acquit the Secretary on each article. The Senate is currently in recess until after the President’s Day recess, but is set to return the week of February 23rd. We’re hearing rumors that Senate Democrats may try to swiftly move on from impeachment, so stay tuned for developments.
January Border Numbers Drop… Already

Only a couple of weeks after the December Customs and Border Protection numbers dropped, January’s numbers arrived early. In fact, not only does the data show (relatively) good news, but that news dropped on the same day the House was reconsidering the impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas. What a coincidence!
That said, 242,587 encounters in a month is far from normal.
There are many reasons why the drop may have occurred in January. First, historically, January is a slower month than others on the border. You may also have seen articles about Texas Governor Greg Abbot making an effort to slow the influx into Texas in lieu of Federal assistance. Another factor is action occurring on the Mexican side of the border, reported by Todd Bensman at CIS, where Mexican military and law enforcement are suddenly cracking down on migrants. We’ll see soon enough whether this is something that will continue, or if it’s a temporary action.

(Idaho capitol building in Boise; Idaho state Representative Jordan Redman (R-03))
Another state has joined the list of states where there is active E-Verify legislation. Introduced by Rep. Jordan Redman, Idaho’s H.B. 510 is an excellent bill which requires all businesses in the state of Idaho to use E-Verify for new hires. HB510 has been referred to the Commerce and Human Resources Committee, and we are pushing to get a hearing on the bill as a next step.
West Virginia
As you might remember from our last Inside Immigration update, the West Virginia Senate has an active piece of legislation that was passed by the West Virginia House of Delegates already (82-18), and would require employers of 15 or more employees to use E-Verify for new hires.
H.B. 4759 (sponsored by Del. Chris Phillips) has been the target of a coordinated, last-minute opposition effort by business lobbyists to protect the ability of employers to have access to workers without effectively checking legal status. While the Senate did unanimously support E-Verify for all employers just last year, there will still need to be two committee hearings (Government Organization and Judiciary) where opponents of E-Verify will also seek to testify on the bill. These hearings have not yet been scheduled. Meanwhile, West Virginians continue to flood Charleston with messages of support.
Colorado is a state that has a number of sanctuary policies at both state and local levels. SHB24-1128, sponsored by Rep. Richard Holtorf and Sen. Mark Baisley, is a bill that would repeal sanctuary policy laws enacted in the past. This legislation will get a hearing in the State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee next week, on February 22nd. High-profile cases like this recent fatal DUI will surely make for a contentious affair on the topic, another case in which the public needs to overcome zealous support for sanctuary policies within the legislature.
Defending a way of life
A half-century of elevated immigration levels has diminished agricultural land and habitats throughout America (Henry Barbaro looks at wetlands). Due to extremely high levels, immigration over this period changed the landscape . . . and the way people want to live. See the media coverage of our Idaho study.

NumbersUSA’s two decades of sprawl studies have been cited in scholarly literature over a hundred times in over a dozen languages. You can now access them all in one place.

If you’re in Austin, TX on February 21st, come say “hello”! Rob Harding will be presenting NumbersUSA’s findings to the American Conservation Coalition. The event is free. Reserve a spot!
To those of the White race who look to the incoming of those of foreign birth ans strange tongue and habits... cast down your bucket where you are.  Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes whose habits you know. -- Booker T. Washington
It is noth a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest. -- Barbara Jordan Every hour sees the Black man elbowed out of employment by some newly arrived immigrant whose hunger and whose color are thought to him a better title to the place. -- Frederick Douglass  
“What about poor and desolate citizens here?”
Stephen A. Smith’s viral statement about the border crisis and its impact on American communities is one of the latest examples of nonpolitical people “spilling the tea” about immigration. Read Andre Barnes’ article.
Why did NumbersUSA oppose the failed Senate immigration package that so many political and media institutions praised? For starters, the immigration provisions displayed a profound indifference to the inadequate job prospects of vulnerable American workers. Read more.
Knowledge is power
The quotes from Washington, Jordan, and Douglass above are all found in Back of the Hiring Line. In case you missed it, listen to author Roy Beck revisit the 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and the depression of Black wealth with Denise Long in their Feb 1 conversation.
NumbersUSA speakers featured in national debate on closing the border
NumbersUSA is a charter member of the Braver Network, which is groups trying to lower the temperature of political discourse even while keeping to their positions and principles. Last Thursday, VP of Alliances & Activism Jim Robb, Director of Planned Giving & Member Retention Christy Shaw, and CEO James Massa were featured speakers in the Braver Angels national Zoom debate on the question: “Resolved: Close the Border.” The video clip below shows James Massa’s opening 4-minute speech that urged that the U.S. border be closed. Listen in!
To see the entire debate featuring many speakers, including James Massa, click below:
Immigration: A Braver Angels Debate (1)
NumbersUSA representatives are frequently featured in the media – on radio, TV, podcasts, and in print – providing commentary in support of sensible immigration policies. Check out a few recent highlights. KZIM KSIM – Faune Riggin – February 7th – Director of Research and Public Relations Eric Ruark
WisconsinWatch.org – Tom Kertscher – February 7th – Does Wisconsin US Rep. Mike Gallagher support open borders?
News Talk 1540 KXEL – Jeff Stein – February 7th – Eric Ruark of NumbersUSA
700WLW – Bill Cunningham – February 7th – 2-7-24 Bill Cunningham Show – Eric Ruark
WTIC NewsTalk 1080 – Todd Feinburg – February 8th – Afternoons with Todd Feinburg 2-8-24 Hr 1 – Eric Ruark
SiriusXM Radio – David Webb – February 12th – Senate border discussions – Eric Ruark
Foreign-Born Population Reaches Record Peak
Amidst the worst border crisis in our history, it is worth taking a look at a lesser known, but equally important figure: the actual size of the immigrant population in the U.S.
Foreign Born in the United States (in millions and % of population) 1920: 13.9m, 14.7%. 1970: 9.6m, 4.7%. 2023: 49.5m, 15%
Our friends at the Center for Immigration Studies have done a deep dive into the recent Census Bureau Current Population Survey (CPS) data (October 2023) that show that the foreign-born population in the U.S. has reached a peak in both numbers and percentage share of the overall population – 49.5 million and 15% – higher than at any other time in our history. Although illegal immigration accounts for a significant share of the recent foreign-born growth, it is worth noting that legal immigrants still account for 75% of the total foreign-born population.

Time to Put Canada (the U.S.A. & Europe) First

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The Invasion of Illegals, Massachusetts Style — Gov. Boots Out Black Americans to House Illegals

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Outrage as Massachusetts Dem’ governor closes cherished sports center in majority-black Boston suburb for FOUR MONTHS so it can be used to house migrants

  • Governor Maura Healey gave less than 48-hours notice that the popular Roxbury rec center would be turned over to 125 migrants families
  • ‘I don’t know what we’re going to do for a couple, three months,’ she told them
  • But she was accused of treating the neighborhood ‘like garbage’ at an angry public meeting 

By Dominic Yeatman For Dailymail.Com

Published: 00:31 EST, 31 January 2024 | Updated: 09:09 EST, 31 January 2024

429 shares 484 View comments

A deprived Boston community has been left ‘on fire’ after the governor of Massachusetts requisitioned a vital rec center to house the surge of migrants arriving in the city.

Democrat Maura Healey was accused of treating the Roxbury neighborhood ‘like garbage’ after she locked residents out of the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex with less than 48 hours notice.

She insisted it was needed to house the new arrivals, dozens of whom have been sleeping rough in the city’s airport for months.

But residents in the majority-black neighborhood demanded she explain why their cherished facilities had been chosen to take the hit.

‘You’re really putting us in a bad, bad situation,’ resident Rodney Singleton told her at a public meeting, ‘and it’s not fair.’

Democrat governor Maura Healey blamed Congress and the White House for her decision to requisition the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex

Democrat governor Maura Healey blamed Congress and the White House for her decision to requisition the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex TRENDING US unleashes 30 minutes of hell on Syria and Iraq, killing 34 68.4k viewing now Texas truck convoy organizers shun protesters considered too extreme 8.3k viewing now Joe and Jill Biden visit Beau’s grave, open campaign headquarters 1.2k viewing now

The neglected facility will receive a makeover worth $500,000 to make it fit for the 125 families that are expected to move in State Senator Liz Miranda told the Boston Globe.

‘The outrage you’re seeing is valid. Roxbury has never gotten its fair share out of the city and the state,’ she added.

‘I’m hoping West Roxbury steps up, I’m hoping Wellesley steps up, other communities that have rich resources.’

Massachusetts’ shelters reached capacity in November, with 7,500 families in its system. Some are now being housed in hospital waiting rooms and church halls.

Migrants are expected to start moving in on Wednesday to the Roxbury site as it becomes the state’s fourth ‘safety-net site’ for those waiting for a place in Massachusetts’ emergency shelter system.

But it is also home to community sports groups providing a precious outlet for vulnerable youngsters.

‘It’s the long-term effect that we’re concerned about,’ said Domingos DaRosa of the Boston Bengals youth athletic organization.

‘Reengaging these kids might not be as easy as 1-2-3.’

Said Hassan Ahmed, of Boston United Track and Cross Country said the decision had left his program instantly ‘homeless‘.

The center in Roxbury is home to more than a dozen programs as well as community groups

The center in Roxbury is home to more than a dozen programs as well as community groups

‘We come in, and folks at the front desk were like, ‘Just to let you know, today’s your last day’, he said. ‘We were told that our permit was revoked and we were out.’

State officials have predicted the migrant crisis could cost Massachusetts $915 million this year and Healey has asked for an additional $250 million in Federal funds.

The state’s shelter system reached capacity in November as it fell victim to the flow of people at the southern border.

The scenes in Boston’s airport replicate those in Chicago‘s O’Hare where 216 migrants were sleeping at the start of January.

Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, has since 2022 been sending busloads of migrants from his state north, to make Democrat mayors and governors share his struggle – and to put pressure on Joe Biden.

‘We need DC to act. We need Congress to act,’ Healey said at a press conference last week.

‘The path is there in terms of what needs to be done to fix the border situation, to fix some of the asylum processes and to get much needed funding to some of the interior states who have had to shoulder the burden for a problem that is geopolitical and is not the state’s making.’

Dozens of migrants have been sleeping rough at the city's Boston Logan Airport

Dozens of migrants have been sleeping rough at the city’s Boston Logan Airport 

Healey promised the rec center, which boasts a popular pool and a 24,000-square-foot indoor field house would reopen to the public by June.

‘The fact that they can’t tell us today that they have alternate sites for the programs they displaced is just despicable to me,’ said former state Senator Dianne Wilkerson said.

‘It’s inexplicable. It should not be acceptable on any level.’

‘I don’t know what we’re going to do for a couple, three months. I’ll call universities, I’ll call other places,’ Healey told residents at a community forum on Monday night.

‘Rich communities won’t get this,’ one resident told her, ‘It’s disrespectful.’

‘Roxbury is on fire! On fire! And this is a wake-up call,’ Derrick Evans, added.

‘So there’s no plan for the kids in Roxbury?’ another resident demanded.

‘The state is taking care of the migrants, so who’s taking care of the kids in Roxbury?

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Move Back to Mexico

Man Made New York Migrant Crisis. We cannot take care of our own poor but we can take care of illegals.   For some reason the word ‘treason’ comes to mind.  

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Man Made New York Migrant Crisis. We cannot take care of our own poor but we can take care of illegals.   For some reason the word ‘treason’ comes to mind.  



New York City is paying $385 a night per migrant family while some of them are making $3,000 a month working illegally as delivery drivers. 

Migrants are costing the city $10 million each day, according to Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, the Daily Mail reported. Migrants staying at the Roosevelt are being fed and their rooms are being cleaned. With all of their expenses met, some migrants and asylum seekers have taken up part-time work as delivery drivers for Uber, which is illegal for them to do. 

A 24-year-old Venezuelan man has made $1,500 every two weeks just from delivering food. 

The Daily Mail reports that the migrants do not have driver’s licenses, and many of them are driving scooters without license plates.

Others found work at Home Depot.

But on Wednesday, the Biden Administration granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to nearly half a million Venezuelans waiting for asylum. With this move, they will now be able to legally work in the United States. 

Since spring 2022, 110,000 migrants have flooded New York city, which is a “sanctuary city.” 

This is leading officials to reevaluate the “right to shelter.” 

“We’re back in court next week to really say, ‘I don’t think that the right to shelter as it was originally written should be applied to this humanitarian crisis in its present form,’”  Anne Williams-Isom, the deputy mayor for health and human services said.

Mayor Adams has pleaded for state and federal aid, with the migrant crisis estimated to cost the city $12 billion over the next three years. 

Last week, 10 protesters were arrested after migrants were prevented for several hours from exiting the bus on which they had just arrived.

This Should Be America’s Biggest Export

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This Should Be America’s Biggest Export

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It’s A Government-Engineered Invasion: Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage

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Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage

By Ronny Reyes Published Sep. 3, 2023 Updated Sep. 3, 2023, 10:25 p.m. ET

More On: migrants

Massachusetts officials overwhelmed by arriving migrants have activated the national guard as they scramble for more housing, while aid groups say they have been pushed to the limit and protests abound.

Gov. Maura Healey mobilized 250 members of the Massachusetts National Guard on Thursday to help transport the latest wave of asylum seekers to shelters across the state.

But much like the crisis overtaking the Big Apple, Massachusetts has nowhere near enough housing or resources currently available to accommodate the influx.

“Right now, the non-profits that are in Massachusetts are stretched and so thin they cannot provide anymore staff,” state Sen. Jamie Eldridge told CBS News.

While the National Guard can help with the lack of manpower, the state can do little to address the shortage of housing outside of creating new shelters, which local residents vehemently oppose.

Dozens of protesters came out Saturday to the Yarmouth Resort motel, where the state hopes to set aside 100 units for migrant families, many of whom include Haitian immigrants displaced by natural disasters.

People gathered outside the Yarmouth Resort motel to protest plans for the latest migrant shelter in Massachusetts.
People gather outside the Yarmouth Resort motel to protest plans for the latest migrant shelter there in Massachusetts.
The state's National Guard has been deployed to help transport the incoming migrants.
The state’s National Guard has been deployed to help transport the incoming migrants.

The protesters claimed that the state has prioritized the need of the migrants over the need of its own homeless residents, including veterans, with many at the rally flashing signs that read, “Vets and Cape Homeless First!!”

The hotel in Yarmouth is just one of more than 1,500 temporary hotels and new shelters set up across the state since 2022.

The state’s Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities said in a statement, “The administration is exploring all options to expand family shelter capacity to meet rising demand.”

Over 250 National Guard troops were mobilized to help as local volunteer groups have been utterly overwhelmed.
More than 250 National Guard troops were mobilized to help as local volunteer groups have been utterly overwhelmed.

All together, there are about 6,000 families, or more than 20,000 people, currently residing in state shelters, officials estimate.

The situation in Massachusetts is mirroring the year-long struggle in New York City to house the tens of thousands of migrants that have arrived there.

Last week, at least 400 people gathered in Staten Island to protest the transformation of a shuttered Catholic school into a 300-bed makeshift shelter.

The state plans to use 100 units at the Yarmouth Resort  to house migrant families.
The state plans to use 100 units at the Yarmouth Resort to house migrant families.

What do you think? Post a comment.

Over the past year, more than 104,000 migrants from the US border have been shipped to the five boroughs, and nearly 56,000 are now being housed by the city.

The unprecedented influx spilled out onto the streets of Manhattan last month as scores of migrants were forced to sleep outside the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown, which was set up as a processing center.

Homeless Out, Illegals In, As Feds Dump 4,313 Illegals in Local Hotels — Mayor Sworn to Silence

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Homeless Out, Illegals In, As Feds Dump 4,313 Illegals in Local Hotels — Mayor Sworn to Silence

On CBC today, Mayor Jim Diodati of Niagara Falls revealed there are 4,313 illegals in NF hotels. In winter, the city houses some of its homeless there. He said: “I’m receiving calls from homeless people being evicted to make room” for illegals. Our scumbag federal Liberals put illegals first.

On Thursday, on CBC, Mayor Diodati explained that, back in the summer, Immigration approached him to house 87 illegals in local hotels. Very interestingly, he was told to keep the issue quiet

Campaign to Legalize Illegals

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Seen in downtown Hamilton today. Living “without equality?” You mean they’re illegals. They have no right to “equality” with Canadian citizens. If our Globalist rulers weren’t so eager to replace Europeans, the illegals wouldn’t even be here — mooching off Canadian taxpayers who get no say in the matter