Tag Archives: Stephen Harper

The shocking numbers behind Canada’s immigration system

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The shocking numbers behind Canada’s immigration system


Candice Malcolm

March 11, 2024


Source: Flickr

When most Canadians talk about the country’s immigration system and the number of people coming here, we are told that Canada welcomes roughly half a million people each year. 

Most people, according to polls, believe that number is too high. Somewhere between half and three-quarters of all Canadians tell pollsters they would like the number to be lower. 

But the “half a million” figure that is often thrown around is wildly misleading. 

Canada welcomes 500,000 newcomers each year as permanent residents– the equivalence of U.S. green card holders.

On top of that, we also admit another approximately 660,000 as temporary foreign workers, 900,000 international students and, in 2023, Canada saw an explosion of illegal immigration, with 143,870 people illegally entering the country and requesting political asylum. 

For context, during the Stephen Harper years, Canada dealt with 10,000 to 25,000 illegal migrants each year. Under Trudeau, that number has exploded tenfold

When you add these immigration streams together, the total number of annual newcomers arriving in Canada balloons to about 2.2 million people per year. 

No wonder our infrastructure is crumbling. No wonder housing shortages are so acute. No wonder there are viral videos showing dozens, if not hundreds, of migrants lining up for minimum wage job fairs in the service industry. 

Canada’s immigration system is being overrun and mismanaged. 

It’s hard to overstate how drastically out of step this is with Canada’s traditional approach to immigration. 


Statistics Canada tracks the number of immigrants who have come here since the 1850s, before Confederation. 

Curiously, StatsCan archived this website and stopped showing the new annual figures in 2015.

Under the current Trudeau government, Canada’s range for “landed immigrants” (permanent residents) was 226,000 as a low during COVID, with an average of just under 500,000 since 2021 and plans to hit 500,000 in 2025. This is double the sustained averages of the past two decades and unprecedented in Canadian history – especially considering that the combined streams, as mentioned, means the true number of newcomers is upwards of two million. 

This graph is interesting because it shows peaks and valleys. Canada has always had years where we welcome a huge influx of newcomers: for instance, in 1910-11, and again in the post-WWII years. These peaks in immigration levels are then historically followed by valleys – years when Canada significantly decreased its immigration intake. 

The valleys are as important as the peaks. These were the years when newcomers would acclimate to their new surroundings, integrate into the Canadian community and economy, and adopt a Canadian identity. 

These years ensured the continued success of our immigration system. 

Starting in the 1990s, however, Canada abandoned this key component of our immigration system. Successive governments, both Liberal and Conservative, realized that they could combat demographic realities – declining birth rates and increased costs of social entitlements including healthcare, pensions, and Old Age Security (OAS) payments – by simply importing more working-aged people to pay the bills. 

The current Trudeau government has taken this hack to an extreme by attempting to cover up ruinous economic policies like the carbon tax and excessive runway deficit spending by simply and drastically increasing the number of people in the country. 

More people means a higher cumulative economic output (measured as GDP). With a straight face, government officials can say that Canada’s economy is growing and our GDP continues to rise. 

But the reality is much more bleak. As was recently pointed out by Waterloo economics professor Mikal Skuterlud: “Canada’s GDP grew by 1.1% between the 4th quarter of 2022 and 2023, while its population grew by 3.2%. That means GDP per capita is now falling at 2% annually (roughly the difference).”


So while politicians will tell you that our economy is growing, that’s only technically true because of mass immigration. The average Canadian is much poorer under this system. 

(And the GDP figures are even more distorted when you consider that these figures include all government spendingas part of their calculation. So a government can “increase” GDP by simply taxing and spending more of your money – as has been the case in recent years.)

Immigration only works when it is well-managed and has the approval of the vast majority of Canadians. Our current system is the opposite of that: it is being overrun and managed poorly. This is harmful to the economy and harmful to Canadians who are struggling with the rising costs of living.

Canadian Politics Controlled By Ethnic Hustlers: Jagmeet Singh And Jenny Kwan   BY DAN MURRAY NDP Jagmeet Singh and Jenny Kwan:

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Canadian Politics Controlled By Ethnic Hustlers: Jagmeet Singh And Jenny Kwan


by Dan Murray

NDP Jagmeet Singh and Jenny Kwan: ‘White Racists Need to understand that we Asians are the Future of Canada!’

As Canada approaches a fall Federal Election, politicians’ misunderstanding of immigration’s role in Canada becomes more and more ominous. Traditionally, Canada’s politicians believed that immigration had to serve the needs and interests of its majority population. After all, if Canada’s politicians did not look after the needs and interests of its majority population, who would?

However, as Canadians have observed over the past 30 years, Prime Ministers such as Chretien, Martin, Harper and Trudeau have refused to end Canada’s high and unnecessary immigration intake. As a result, the interests of recently-arrived immigrants such as Muslims, Sikhs, Chinese and others have taken priority over the needs and interests of Canada’s majority population. In other words, the question that most recent PM’s have dealt with is not “Should we bootlick?”, but “Can we get down to bootlick faster than our opponents?”
 All those PM’s have degraded the PM’s office and the entire country with their boot-licking. With only four years in office, Justin Trudeau has out-done all of his boot-licking predecessors. And, contrary to what Trudeau thinks, boot-licking is not something to be proud of.

As for MP’s, most people who aspire to become one have abandoned the traditional idea that immigration should serve the interests of Canada and its majority population. For example, the contrast between the nationalist immigration views of the NDP’s founder (J.S. Woodsworth) and the NDP’s recently-elected leader, Jagmeet Singh and other NDP MP’s such as Jenny Kwan is one of many examples of how disgraceful politicians’ behaviour has become.

Singh is an ethnic Sikh and Kwan is an ethnic Chinese. Their primary loyalties are to their ethnic groups, not to Canada. Their primary goal is to increase the numbers of their groups through high immigration. Kwan demonstrated that several months ago in her role as the NDP’s immigration critic when she led a charge to remove health restrictions on immigrants.

Essentially, Kwan argued that if a potential immigrant is sick, Canada should not prevent that person from entering Canada. In her view, such a practice would discriminate against sick people!! That view is one that NDP founder Woodsworth and traditional NDP’ers would have vehemently opposed.

Kwan went even further. She spoke in favour of a new law that establishes every April as Sikh Heritage Month. To most Canadians, the biggest “heritage’ that Sikhs have in Canada is the bombing of Air India, an incident that killed 329 Canadians. Why is this group, whose members are responsible for the largest mass murder in Canadian history, to be honoured? If anything, they should rot in Canada’s “Hall of Shame” forever.

Kwan may have heard Woodsworth’s name, but she definitely knows little about the traditions bequeathed by Woodsworth and the early NDP to her political party and to Canada. Woodsworth was a Canadian patriot who was very proud of Canada’s founding French and UK settlers. Woodsworth revealed his nationalist outlook about immigration in his 1909 book titled “Strangers Within Out Gates”.

‘White Supremacists have no right to complain about Chinese millionaires controlling the real estate market: get used to it, Vancouver now belongs to the Chinese!’

Like the current NDP leader and many NDP MP’s, Kwan has probably never even heard of Woodsworth’s book, let alone read it. In her most notorious statement as an elected politician , she defended Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneur tax evaders when she stated : “The Chinese are very private about their money.” When some legislators discussed a law to make Chinese millionaire immigrants pay their share of income taxes, Kwan objected :”This law (against Chinese tax evasion) goes against our culture.”

As for Singh, in his acceptance speech as the new NDP leader, he virtually declared that Canada’s two founding groups had no right to be in Canada. In his contempt for Canada’s majority population, Singh has obviously alienated NDP donors and probably tens of thousands of traditional NDP voters. In fact, Jagmeet and his clawing and grasping Sikh supporters, in their crude grab for power, may well turn the NDP into dog meat in the Fall election. Jagmeet himself could well become dog meat.

‘Nothing gives me more pride than my Sikh heritage in my country Canada…There is no place in Canada for EuroCanadian Pride!’

In his 1909 book,  Woodsworth foresees that immigrants are becoming a political force and that their interest in getting the franchise and in voting will make them a stronger force in future. He quotes American researcher Preston F. Hall on immigrants impact on the U.S. :

The heterogeneity of these races tends to promote passion, localism, and despotism, and to make impossible free co-operation for the public welfare. (P.208)

Trudeau and other politician boot-lickers should take special note of Woodsworth’s support of Preston. What Preston and Woodsworth are saying is that Diversity is not the strength of immigrant-receiving countries. In fact, it is a significant societal weakness which leads to passion (= violence), localism (= the triumph of local tribal concerns over national ones) and despotism (= an overall lack of social cohesion).

In addition, Woodsworth is saying that the lack of social cohesion can lead to the break-up of countries who currently allow extremely foolish and naive high immigration intakes.