Monthly Archives: August 2024

The White Haters At Toronto City Hall “Hide” Christopher Columbus’s Statue

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City Hall dumped 140-year-old Christopher Columbus artwork in woods

Bureaucrats ordered the stone carving to be hidden in a forest and all references to the artifact to be scrubbed from the internet

Author of the article:

Justin Holmes

(TORONTO SUN, Aug 30, 2024)  •  Last updated 22 hours ago  •  4 minute read


The Toronto Sun believes this massive face-down stone, top left, in a wooded part of Scarborough’s Guild Park, is the Columbus artwork that city staff ordered removed in 2021. At bottom is a base, a short walk away, where city staff say the stone, top right, was initially installed
The Toronto Sun believes this massive face-down stone, top left, in a wooded part of Scarborough’s Guild Park, may be the Columbus artwork that city staff ordered removed in 2021. At bottom is a base, a short walk away, where city staff say the stone, top right, was initially installed. Photo by Craig Robertson/Toronto Sun photos; inset right City of Toronto photo

City bureaucrats ordered a 140-year-old stone carving depicting Christopher Columbus to be removed from display and hidden in a wooden area in Scarborough’s Guild Park in 2021, the Toronto Sun has learned.

According to emails obtained in a freedom-of-information request, the decision came at about the same time that a volunteer group was directed by city staff to scrub from the internet any of its references to Columbus or the stone that depicted the 15th-century explorer.

“They are setting it in the ‘forest’ a few metres from the base,” Barb McLean, of the city’s economic development and culture department, wrote to colleagues in an October 2021 email. “There was not enough time to change the plans without delaying the removal.”

McLean added that a member of the Friends of Guild Park group suggested taking down a monument can be “an emotional thing for people,” but she replied that she wanted it “removed with little fanfare.”

McLean also expressed concern that dumping it far into the woods, as was ultimately done, would require the permission of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority or the city’s forestry officials.

“We don’t want it to look like it was removed by vandalism,” McLean added. “If it is found in the trees on its own even years from now, it might cause a stir.”

Guild Park, near the Scarborough Bluffs, is billed by the city as a “sculptural sanctuary” where old architectural treasures are put out to pasture, such as stone depictions of the pre-amalgamation Toronto coat of arms recently featured in the Sun.

The Columbus artwork is part of a series of 17 stones that also features depictions of Queen Victoria and King Edward VII, as well as other prominent figures such as the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. The stones were featured for decades on the exterior of what was called the Richmond Building in London, Ont., which was torn down in the late 1960s.

While the stones have long been in the park’s collection, they only began to be put on display in October 2020, starting with the Columbus, Victoria and Edward stones. Complaints followed about Columbus, the emails state, but the single example cited in the documents did not specify a problem with the stone, simply saying it should be “replaced with work by an Indigenous artist.”

McLean, then a senior project co-ordinator for the city’s capital assets unit, wasn’t much more detailed in her criticisms of Columbus, saying “the concept of ‘discovery’ is highly problematic” and predicting some would be “hurt” by the sight of the artifact.

McLean has since retired, a city spokesman confirmed.

A stone featuring the artist Raphael, part of the same series as the Columbus stone, at Guild Park
A stone featuring the artist Raphael, part of the same series as the Columbus stone, at Guild Park. Photo by Craig Robertson/Toronto Sun

In a statement this week, Russell Baker, the city’s manager of media relations and issues management, told the Sun the stone was “temporarily removed from its base” three years ago “and relocated to another location in Guild Park while city staff take steps to add an interpretative plaque with the stone structure.”

“While details are still being finalized, the city is planning to consult with the Guild Park stakeholders group to develop an interpretative plaque. Once the plaque has been installed, the stone portrait will be returned to its original location,” Baker added.

But the 2021 emails make no mention of the move being anything but permanent – and they show City Hall wanted the Columbus stone out of sight both at Guild Park and on the internet.

Julie Frost, manager of arts and culture services at the economic development and culture department, directed the president of Friends of Guild Park to take a video off the internet and restore it only after any mention of Columbus had been cut.

In a brief statement to the Sun, Friends of Guild Park referred all questions to city staff.

Interestingly, Frost had months earlier appeared to minimize any concerns about the Columbus stone.

“With the city’s emphasis on decolonization, I hope we don’t find ourselves faced with a situation where we’re asked to remove profiles of historic figures like Victoria, Edward and Columbus. It’s hard to predict the response to this content in 2021,” Frost’s colleague Jo Ann Pynn wrote in July of that year.

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Mentally Messed Up Britain

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So Many Brits Still Think They “Won” WW II

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So Many Brits Still Think They “Won” WW II

Africa is NOT Poor Because of Colonialism: Here’s Why

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Refuting the anti-White blame game.

Africa is NOT Poor Because of Colonialism: Here’s Why. – Magatte Wade


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The Scourge of Islamic Radicalized UK Judges and Police: Immigration Critics Get Prison; Moslem Rapists Get “Community Service”

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Current Events

The Scourge of Islamic Radicalized UK Judges and Police

ByMikeon•( Leave a comment )

THE VOICE OF THE SILENCED MAJORITY This week we have witnessed even more anti-migrant protestors dragged from their homes, put in front of a radicalized government-appointed judge and handed the harshest sentences imaginable. 

But now the noose is tightening around the necks of everyone who values freedom of speech and dares to speak out against mass immigration and multiculturalism. 

This week a man from Sheffield was jailed for merely posting a picture of what a court described as ‘Asian men’ with the slogan; ‘coming to a town near you’. 

For this ‘heinous’ crime he was sentenced to an EIGHT WEEK CUSTODIAL sentence. With over 1000 people already arrested in connection with the recent protests, this may well be just the beginning.

These harsh custodial sentences have shone a light on the corruption and double standards at the heart of the British legal system. 

Over the last two decades, over 12,000 rapists, sex offenders and paedophiles have WALKED FREE from British courts, or worse still, been LET OFF with cautions! This is one of the greatest scandals of our time and it is supported by successive governments.

This week, Mark Collett has released a video on this very topic, which is also featured on the PA website in written format. This video exposes how this corruption within the ‘justice’ system goes all the way to the very top, from the police to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), to the courts and even to the highest offices of state. The British establishment is enabling the sexual abuse of children at an institutional level.

Despite the shocking nature of this scandal, the dam is finally beginning to crack with millions of normal people discussing these issues and social media being filled with articles and posts exposing this corruption. 

As the number of anti-immigration protestors being sent to jail increases, Patriotic Alternative has launched a campaign to help those who have been handed unduly harsh sentences. 

We are attempting to gather the names, addresses and prisoner numbers of those who have been incarcerated so we can offer them support.

We must create a support network for those who have been unfairly imprisoned. For many, this will be the first time they have been jailed and they will likely be isolated, nervous and worried for their future.

If you have information on how we can help someone, you can write to us directly at or you help in one of the ways listed on our website.

Every other ethnic group has an advocacy group dedicated to fighting for their rights – now Indigenous 

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FIGHTING THE WHITE HATERS! Supporters of Canada First Protest Burnaby Library’s Policy Not to Hire Whites for Senior Positions

The coverage of the protest begins at minute 40.

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