Tag Archives: Canada First Immigration Reform Committee

FIGHTING THE WHITE HATERS! Supporters of Canada First Protest Burnaby Library’s Policy Not to Hire Whites for Senior Positions

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FIGHTING THE WHITE HATERS! Supporters of Canada First Protest Burnaby Library’s Policy Not to Hire Whites for Senior Positions


The coverage of the protest begins at minute 40.

Immigration Reformers Attend Rally Demanding Resignation of Liberal MP Han Dong Whose Nomination Was Aided By Red Chinese Meddling

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Immigration Reformers Attend Rally Demanding Resignation of Liberal MP Han Dong Whose Nomination Was Aided By Red Chinese Meddling

TORONTO. March 6, 2023. A lively protest was held outside the constituency office of Don Valley North MP. Loudspeakers carried impassioned calls for Liberal MP Han Dong to resign. Reports from CSIS indicate that the Red Chinese consulate in Toronto helped bus in Chinese to ensure his nomination in 2019. He has since seemed to toe the Chinese Communist Party line, being absent on two votes condemning the abuse of China’s Uygher minority, which many have called a genocide.

“Heh, heh, ho, Han Dong has got to go,” and similar chants were taken up by the vocal crowd of about 100.

Don Valley North is one of 11 federal ridings that was the subject of Red Chinese election meddling.

About a dozen supporters of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee joined the protest and the old Red Ensign flew high. Gus Stefanis carried the flag of Hong Kong (a blue ensign) prior to the British handover of the colony to Red China in 1997. The ensign got nods of approval from several Chinese attending the rally. “The Red Ensign was Canada’s flag before the neo-communist takeover. The Hong Kong Ensign was their flag before the communist handover,” Stefanis explained.

“The CSIS report said the Red Chinese consulate funnelled money and personnel to candidates it supports. We demand that this nest of subversives be closed to show the Red Chinese we take election integrity seriously,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee.

“We know two of the 11 ridings CSIS says were the targets of communist meddling — Don Valley North and Steveston-Richmond East. In the latter, Conservative MP Kenny Chiu was defeated by a Red Chinese orchestrated social media smear campaign because he was an outspoken opponent of Red China. We demand to know the other nine ridings,” Fromm insisted.

Also joining the protests were a number of Iranians critical of the vile human rights record of that regime and the long arm of its security services even here in Canada.

The protest was covered by Rebel Media and some local Chinese media.

Immigration Reformers Link GTA Traffic Gridlock to Massive Immigration

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Immigration Reformers Link GTA Traffic Gridlock to Massive Immigration

PORT CREDIT, January 17, 2015. A dozen immigration reformers braved cold winds this afternoon to call for major cuts to immigration to help ease traffic gridlock in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Members of Immigration Watch Canada and the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee displayed a banner “Fight Gridlock — Cut Immigration” on the pedestrian walkway above the Queen Elizabeth Way inbound to Toronto. Heavy traffic slowed right down. Many motorists honked or gave the thumbs up of approval. Some took pictures on their cellphones and tweeted or texted to their friends. One sorehead gave the group the finger.
The immigration reformers also leafletted several nearby parking lots and have vowed further protests
Traffic gridlock, GTA voters say, is their number one issue.
A statement circulated by the protesters proclaimed:
“Traffic gridlock, GTA voters say, is their number one issue.
Little surprise. The GTA has longer commute times than Los Angeles or Atlanta. Traffic gridlock costs us big time. Economists say it costs Ontario’s economy $7-billion a year! To say nothing of the wear and tear on nerves to say nothing of the wear on your car. How many times do you have to hit the brake when creeping along the QEW or the 401?
Every year, rush hour starts a little earlier. We’re now in gridlock at 3:00. How many more years will it be before it is 2:00!
Traffic gridlock is the result of Canada’s irresponsible immigration policies. Each year 125,000 immigrants flock to the GTA. Yet, our infrastructure — with the exception of the 407 —  has hardly changed since 1970! What worked well 40 years ago is choking and doesn’t work today.
To add the roads and transit needed to alleviate traffic gridlock will take years and billions of dollars.
In the meantime, if the federal government keeps the immigration doors wide open and keeps flooding the GTA, even if we build new roads, the gridlock will continue.
This is not anti-immigrant. It is common sense.
Traffic gridlock is one of the many hidden costs of immigration. Anyway, with 6.3% unemployment — 1.5-million Canadians unemployed, another 900,000 involuntarily in part-time jobs — there is just no economic justification for immigration.
SPEAK UP: Call or write your MP, your councillor and mayor.
Insist that they represent you and work to FIGHT TRAFFIC GRIDLOCK by CUTTING IMMIGRATION.