The Wrecking Crew At Work: The Bank of Canada is Complicit in Erasing Canadian History
Beginning in the year 2018, there were two concurrent versions of the C$ 10 produced, one version of the note hosts an image of Canadian civil rights activist, Voila Desmond, while another version of the note has a revised image of John A. Macdonald, looking rather old, tired and ugly. Around the same time, the version of Wilfred Laurier on the $5 bill was replaced with an image of him looking old and clapped out. It rather appears that there was a plan in place to remove Macdonald and Laurier from the $10 and $5 bills permanently. Perhaps the plotters had the idea that the generaltHE public would be more accepting of their removal if they were both made to look as ugly as possible first.
The current plan of the Bank of Canada is to remove Macdonald and Laurier, from the $10 and the $5 and to put them on $50 and $100 notes, while removing Robert Borden and William Lyon Mackenzie King off of these higher value notes for good. This has the effect of erasing Canadian history.
A contest is currently underway to replace Laurier on the $5 bill, with a winner to be announced.
Perhaps individuals such as Viola Desmond are worthy of recognition, however she is simply nowhere near Macdonald or Laurier in her importance of her contribution to Canadian history. For that reason, it is important that these two Canadian Prime Ministers retain their positions on the high circulation $10 and $5 bills.
In addition, Robert Borden and William Lyon Mackenzie King should not be tampered with either.
Robert Borden was Prime Minister during the First World War. His government passed the War Measures Act, created the Canadian Expeditionary Force, and eventually introduced compulsory military service, which sparked the 1917 conscription crisis. The Borden government dealt with the consequences of the Halifax Explosion, introduced women’s suffrage for federal elections, and used the North-West Mounted Police to break up the 1919 Winnipeg general strike.
MacKenzie King was the dominant Canadian political leader from the 1920s through the 1940s. He served as the tenth prime minister of Canada in 1921–1926, 1926–1930 and 1935–1948. He is best known for his leadership of Canada throughout the Second World War (1939–1945) when he mobilized Canadian money, supplies and volunteers to support Britain while boosting the economy and maintaining morale on the home front. He was the longest-serving prime minister in Canadian history. A survey of scholars in 1997 ranked MacKenzie King as the first in importance among all Canada’s prime ministers, ahead of Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
Patriots should voice their displeasure to the Bank Of Canada, by calling 1-800-303-1282
Tiff Macklem, Governor Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street Ottawa, ONTARIO K1A 0G9
The biggest reason why Whites are believed to be racist is that they are far the greatest achievers in human history and they created the nations non-whites crave to inhabit. The very existence of White Men goes against the principle of equality since they are responsible for almost 100% of the greatest achievements in all the fields of human endeavor since ancient historical times. This is a big reason why White nations are earmarked for total race mixing, and why White Males are the most resented group.
The following lists come directly from tweets I wrote over the last few months. These tweets are based on careful documentation and extensive research. One of the reasons I was suspended from twitter is that hundreds of complaints were regularly sent against me for speaking about the unique greatness of White men. These lists will show that White men are responsible for almost everything that is noble, beautiful, and excellent in history, far surpassing the achievements of all the other races combined. The sheer fact that White men came up with all the disciplinary fields taught in our universities speaks volumes: archaeology, botany, economics, sociology, anthropology, history, biology, chemistry, genetics, physics, medicine, literature, theology, architecture…all of them. The greatest painters, novelists, historians, biologists, physicists, classical composers, poets, car designers, mathematicians, architects are White men. White men were the greatest nation builders in history. They discovered and mapped the entire earth, every river, mountain, sea, desert — including every territory inhabited by non-whites.
100% of the Greatest Modern Inventions
Printing press Electricity Television Vaccination Computer Photography Airplane Nuclear Energy Steam Engine Telephone Radio Rocketry Mechanized Clock Oil Drilling Refrigeration Pasteurization Automobile Internet Anesthesia Optical Lenses Telegraph Semiconductor Electronics Turbine Engine Plant Breeding Air-Conditioning Assembly Line
The Republic – Plato Nicomachean Ethics – Aristotle Meditations – Marcus Aurelius Sic et Non – Abelard Proslogion – Saint Anselm Ordinatio – Scotus Summa Theologica – Aquinas Novum Organum – Bacon An Essay Concerning Human Understanding – Locke Human Nature – Hume Meditations – Descartes Monadology – Leibniz Ethics – Spinoza (J) Critique of Pure Reason – Kant The World as Will and Representation – Schopenhauer Course on Positive Philosophy – Comte On the Genealogy of Morality – Nietzsche Phenomenology Of Spirit – Hegel Logical Investigations – Husserl (J) Being and Time – Heidegger
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus – Wittgenstein (half J) Human Knowledge – Russell The Logical Structure of the World – Carnap Being and Nothingness – Sartre Truth and Method – Gadamer
The 5 Greatest Ideas in Science
1. The Atomic Structure of Matter (Physics) 2. The Periodic Law (Chemistry) 3. The Big Bang theory (Astronomy) 4. The Plate Tectonics Theory (Geology) 5. The Theory of Evolution (Biology)
All the Greatest Astronauts in History
Yuri Gagarin Alan Shepard John Glenn Gus Grissom Armstrong Nikolayev James Lovell John Young Alexei Leonov Buzz Aldrin Gordon Cooper Wally Schirra V. Komarov Chris Hatfield E. Mitchell T. Stafford G. Cernan Ed White M. Collins
Flaubert, Madame Bovary Bronte, Wuthering Heights (woman) Tolstoy, Anna Karenina Hawthorne, Scarlet Letter Austen, Pride and Prejudice (woman) D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover Goethe, Sorrows of Young Werther Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Only the European Mind generates Paradoxes
Zeno’s Racetrack Paradox Paradox of the Heap Newcomb’s Trolley Paradox Prisoner’s Dilemma
Paradox of the Ravens Russell’s Paradox Leonard Euler’s Paradox The Liar Achilles and the Tortoise The Arrow Sorites Paradox Forrester’s Paradox Class Paradoxes
Food processor Blender Air conditioning Water heater Vacuum cleaner Dishwasher
ALL the Greatest-Original Children Stories
The Tale of Peter Rabbit Where the Red Fern Grows Aesop’s Fables The Wind in the Willows Through the Looking-Glass Stuart Little The Jungle Book A Wrinkle in Time Snow White Peter Pan Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Madeline The Little Prince Anne of Green Gables The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Charlotte’s Web Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland White Fang Black Beauty Old Yeller The Secret Garden
Big Bang theory is White
Lord Kelvin Edwin Hubble Georges Lematrie Alexander Friedmann (half Jewish) Arno Penzias Robert Woodrow Wilson Fred Hoyle Robert Dickie
White Men wrote All 20 Greatest Books on Science
1. Origin of Species – Darwin 1859 2. Principia Mathematica – Newton 1687 3. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems – Galileo 1632 4. On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres – Copernicus 1543 5. Physics – Aristotle 6. On the Fabric of the Human Body – Vesalius 1543 7. Micrographia – Hooke 1665 8. De Re Metallica – Agricola 1556. 9. Novum Organum – Bacon 1620 10. Harmony of the World – Kepler 1619
11. Discourse on the Method – Descartes 1637 12. An Anatomical Exercise on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Living Beings – Harvey 1628 13. The Sceptical Chymist – Boyle 1661 14. Treatise on Light – Huygens 1690 15. Theory of the Earth – Hutton 1788 16. Systema Naturae – Linnaeus 1735 17. Elements of Chemistry – Lavoisier 1789 18. Notable Commentaries on the History of Plants -Fuchs 1542. 19. Opticks – Newton 1704. 20. On the Magnet Gilbert 1600
All the Classical Musical Instruments
Bassoon Clarinet Colascione Contrabassoon Flute French horn Guitar Harp Harpsichord Lute Mandolin
Oboe Organ Piano Pipe organ Saxophone Timpani Trombone Trumpet Tuba Viola Violin
Almost all furniture types in history and original designs
ALL the Greatest Adventure Novels written by White males
Gulliver’s Travels The Three Musketeers Moby-Dick Treasure Island King Solomon’s Mines Robinson Crusoe Captain Blood Tarzan of the Apes 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Lord of the Flies The Call of the Wild Odyssey Swiss Family Robinson Around the World in Eighty Days The Long Ships The Worst Journey in the World Don Quixote Kidnapped The Last of the Mohicans
The Road Captain Blood Prisoner of Zenda The Sea-Wolf Ivanhoe The Count of Monte Cristo Master and Commander The Lost World The Thirty-Nine Steps The Cruel Sea Captains Courageous The Beach Beau Geste The Mysterious Island Roughing It
ALL the most profound words in history
Atom Natural Law Transcendental Ego Will To Power Thing-In-Itself Being-In-The-World Free Will Cosmos Pure I
Mass Gravitation Evolution Energy Infinitesimal Deontology Syllogism A Priori Transcendental Unity of Apperception
More “Golden Ages” in Europe than in other civilizations combined
Classical Greece 600-300 BC Pax Romana 27 BC to 180 AD 12C Renaissance Italian Renaissance Spanish 1580-1680. Elizabethan 1558-1603 Dutch 17C Belle Époque, 1870-1914 German Genius, 1750-1960
White Males responsible for 100% of Inventions between mid-1700s and 1840
Flying shuttle Spinning Jenny Steam Engine Cotton Gin Telegraph Portland Cement Bessemer process Battery Locomotives Power Loom Arkwright’s Water Frame Spinning Mule
Camera Obscura
Henry Cort’s puddling Gaslighting Arc Lamp Tin Can Spectrometer Camera Obscura Electromagnet Mackintosh Raincoat Matches Typewriter Blueprints Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Close to 100% of most Decisive and Tactical Battles in History were fought by White Men: 35 out of 39! (* = non whites)
Battle of Marathon, 490BC Thermopylae 480BC Salamis 480BC *Maling 342BC Gaugamela 331BC Lake Trasimene, 217BC Cannae 216 BC Ilipa, 206 BC Battle of Zama 202 BC Pydna 168 BC Carrhae 53 BC Pharsalus 48 BC Teutoburg Forest 9 AD Chalons 451 AD *Walaja 633 * Yarmouk 636 Tours 732 Hastings 1066 Crécy 1346 Battle of Agincourt: 1415 *Panipat 1526 Cajamarca 1532 Leipzig, 1631 Rocroi 1643 Vienna 1683 Poltava, 1709 Rossbach 1757 Valmy 1792 Ulm 1805
Leipzig 1813 Waterloo 1815 Gettysburg: 1863 Battle of Sedan 1870 Omdurman 1898 Cambrai 1917 First Battle of Kiev 1941 Operation ‘Barbarossa’, June–July 1941 Midway Island, 1942 Stalingrad: 1942–1943
Rome produced the greatest number of Military Generals in history
Scipio Africanus 236BC Sulla 138BC Pompeius 106BC Caesar 100BC Gaius Marius 157BC Sulla 138BC Marcus Antonius 83BC Marcus Agrippa 63BC Germanicus 15 BC Gnaeus Agricola 40AD Lucius Lucullus 118 BC Flavius Belisarius 505AD
Only Whites write Utopias
Utopia 1516 The City of the Sun 1623 New Atlantis 1627 The Man in the Moone 1638 The Isle of Pines 1668 The Blazing World 1666
Looking Backward 1888 News from Nowhere 1892 The Islands of Wisdom 1922 Walden Two 1948
100% of the greatest Classical Composers in history are Western
Monteverdi Bach Handel Mozart Beethoven Schubert Verdi Liszt Berlioz Wagner Mendelssohn (J) Brahms Haydn
The greatest Formula 1 car drivers of all time are 29.5 white out of 30
Ayrton Senna Michael Schumacher Lewis Hamilton (half white) Sebastian Vettel Juan Manuel Fangio Alain Prost Mika Hakkinen Niki Lauda Damon Hill David Coulthard Nico Rosberg
The Best Aesthetic Designers of Cars are all White Men
Giorgetto Giugiaro Ian Callum Chris Bangle Walter de Silva Gordon Buehrig Marcello Gandini Harley Earl
Frank Stephenson Virgil Exner Ferdinand Porsche Paul Bracq Patrick Le Quément Henrik Fisker
All the Greatest Visual Artists are White Men
Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael Correggio Dürer Cellini El Greco Brueghel Caravaggio Rubens Velazquez Rembrandt Vermeer van Delft Bernini Reynolds
Goya Turner Millet Manet Monet Renoir Cezanne Van Gogh
[If the government really was serious about deporting illegals or others deemed inadmissible, those persons would be incarcerated until they could be removed. Actually, the endgame is to replace the European founding/settler people of Canada — Old Stock Canadians/ les Quebecois de souche — with a new Third World majority as soon as possible. Thus, deporting even those few found inadmissible, is just not a high priority.]
The feds don’t know the whereabouts of 34,000 foreigners ordered deported: Auditor General
Author of the article:Christopher NardiPublishing date:Jul 08, 2020 • Last Updated 3 days ago • 3 minute read
A Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) sign is seen in Calgary, Alta., Thursday, Aug. 1, 2019. Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press
OTTAWA – The federal government does not know the whereabouts of over 34,000 foreigners who were ordered to be removed from the country, including nearly 3,000 criminal cases, according to findings by Canada’s Auditor General.
“The timely removal of foreign nationals who are found inadmissible protects the integrity and fairness of Canada’s immigration system. It is also one of the most effective ways to deter those who might otherwise seek to abuse the system. In the case of criminals, timely removal protects the safety and security of Canadians,” reads the report published on Wednesday.
COVID-19: How much social distance do we need?
In Canada, if a foreign tourist overstays their visa or an asylum claimant’s request is denied and they’ve exhausted all their legal recourses to appeal, the federal government can emit an enforceable removal order towards that person to ensure they don’t remain in the country. From that point on, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible to enforce their removal.
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Failed asylum cases constitute the largest portion of foreigners ordered to leave the country each year, according to the report.
But the number of asylum claims increased significantly in the last three years, jumping from 50,000 in 2017 to 64,000 in 2019. Thus, the CBSA considers that the number of removals it must execute will also continue to increase in the future.
And yet, the department struggles to expel those foreigners, the auditor general concluded. In 2018-2019, CBSA only managed to remove 6,700 cases from its removal backlog.
“The Canada Border Services Agency removed few of the foreign nationals in Canada who were subject to enforceable removal orders. Despite a recent increase in removals, the level of enforceable removal orders remained largely unchanged, even for priority cases… Most orders had been enforceable for several years,” the auditor general writes.
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That issue may be related to the fact that CBSA has in fact lost track of 34,700 individuals ordered to be removed and who now have a warrant in their name. Of that number, nearly 3,000 are considered to be top priorities because they are criminal cases, i.e. they may pose a safety or security risk.
Canadian law demands that CBSA and police forces investigate once every year or three years (depending on the case) for new information on their whereabouts.
But the audit found that they rarely do that either.
“We determined that at least 70 per cent of all criminal cases were not reviewed annually, and 75% of all failed asylum cases were not reviewed every 3 years as required. Agency officials confirmed that cases in its wanted inventory are generally considered a low risk to public safety and are not an agency priority,” reads the report.
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The federal government watchdog also found significant issues with the government’s data quality, case management protocols and information sharing between CBSA and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, which led to “avoidable delays” in thousands of cases.
For example, roughly 1,500 cases had simply not been worked on for at least two years, including 150 involving serious criminals. In another 3,400 files, CBSA simply lacked the travel documents needed to remove the foreigners and, in half the cases, hadn’t even tried to obtain them.
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Public Safety Minister Bill Blair, the cabinet member responsible for the border agency, said the government accepts the auditor’s recommendations.
In addition to improving its removals strategy, the border agency will enhance the way it tracks and triages cases to ensure priority ones are addressed promptly, Blair said in a statement.
But Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said it was another example of the Liberal government being unable to ensure a fair, orderly and compassionate immigration system. “We need a government that takes this kind of thing seriously.”
Another audit published Wednesday on military equipment procurement found that poor supply chain management” often prevented the Canadian Armed Forces from receiving necessary material when needed.
“The military received materiel such as spare parts, uniforms, and rations later than the requested date half the time. Delays were frequently due to stock shortages. When stock is unavailable, materiel needs to be located elsewhere and transported to the right location, requiring additional steps in the supply chain and delaying deliveries. We found that a third of some 1 million requests were rerouted,” the audit explains.
No More White Guilt: Whites Were Slaves, Both in America & For A Millenium As European Captives of Moslem Raiders Against Europe
Dana Ashlie exposes the scandal of White slavery — millions of Europeans captured by Moslem raiders, castrated, enslaved or, if women or young boys, sold into prostitution. Whites sold into slavery in the Caribbean and North America
It has been my custom for Dominion Day over the last few years, to write either sketches about specific individuals who exemplified the Canada of Confederation and her traditions or jeremiads lamenting the present state of the Dominion. I had not realized, until I checked the last six years, that this has followed an alternating pattern, in which this would be a year for a jeremiad. This suits me as the next individual I had on deck for a sketch was the great Canadian historian Donald Creighton, and while I read Donald Wright’s biography of him as recently as last year – I much prefer the chapter on him in Charles Taylor’s Radical Tories, since Wright’s political correctness infuriates me as much as it would have his subject – I would need more time than I had available to re-read Creighton’s own books in order to do him justice. So a jeremiad it is.
There is plenty for someone from my point of view to lament. There have been two traditions of thought that have borne the rather inaccurate label “conservative” in Canada. There is the old Tory tradition of Loyalism and royalism, which is monarchist rather than republican, holds the Westminster system of Parliament to be the best form of government ever to evolve on the face of the earth, dissents from the narrative of the rebellion of 1776 and is suspicious of the United States, utterly rejects socialism without fully embracing capitalism, and is socially, morally, and culturally traditionalist. Then there is neo-conservatism, which is very pro-American, holds to the basic political and economic views of nineteenth century liberalism, and regards anything from outside eighteenth to nineteenth century liberalism which has been traditionally associated with conservatism as dispensable. While the extent to which the official Conservative Party has ever really stood for either of these traditions is questionable, it was associated with the first until 1967 and the latter from about 1983 on, especially after the merger with what began as the Reform Party. I have belonged to the first tradition from the moment political thoughts first formed in my head, and am very much a representative of its right wing. Most other surviving members – David Warren is a very notable exception –speak for its left wing. In other words, I speak for a point of view, which the Liberal Party, egged on by the further left parties, and aided and abetted by the Conservatives, has striven to make as unwelcome as possible in Canada.
Earlier this year, our provincial governments, with the full backing and support of Ottawa, essentially eliminated what was left of our most basic freedoms. These freedoms are part of the Common Law tradition which we inherited when we became the Dominion of Canada on this date in 1867. They are not something which Pierre Trudeau gave us in 1982, despite the fact that our lying schoolteachers and our lying newsmedia commentators, most of whom sold their souls to the Liberal Party and its true leader in hell at the beginning of their careers, have been instilling that impression among the younger generations ever since that year. Although the Charter did not give us those freedoms, it does name four of them in its second section. The freedom of conscience and religion is the first named. The third and fourth named are freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association. There is no freedom of conscience and religion when the provincial government forbids us from going to Church for four months. There is no freedom of peaceful assembly when the same government tells us we cannot gather in groups larger than five or ten or whatever number. There is no freedom of association if the government tells us we must be six feet apart from each other in public at all times. The provincial governments got away with this totalitarian power grab with the help of a media-generated panic over the spread of a virus with a low fatality rate that produces mild to no symptoms in the vast majority of those who contract it, information which has been available all along to anybody willing to check out the facts.
In the meantime, the Liberal Party which was reduced to a minority government in last year’s Dominion election, took full advantage of this situation to seek, in an underhanded attack on the Magna Carta and the foundational principles of Parliament, unlimited tax and spend powers, and to prevent Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition from doing their job of holding the government accountable in Parliament.
Then, about a month ago, when Marxist organizations in the United States found a pretext for launching a race war against white people, the Prime Minister, despite his own hands being far from clean when it comes to matters concerning race as we discovered in the election campaign last year, jumped on board the bandwagon. Even though the public health restrictions at whatever stage of easing they were at from province to province remained in effect for everybody else, they were lifted completely for the anti-white hate rallies that were organized in Canada’s major cities. The Prime Minister, who has never given the slightest indication of sincere contrition over his many personal failings, but who is always ready to give an apology on behalf of the entire country to whatever designated victim group happens to feel the most offended at any given moment, showed up for a photo op of himself “taking the knee” in a gesture of false humility at the rally in Ottawa. A few days later on his syndicated morning television show he berated our country over its supposed “systemic racism.” This was the cue for everyone else to ritually acknowledge this systemic racism, whether they understood the concept or, more likely, did not, and for the “woke” to start “cancelling” anybody who failed to participate in this now mandatory ritual.
This requirement that everybody accept this ridiculous narrative, taken from the neo-Marxist Critical Theory, is, of course, an assault on yet another of our basic freedoms. As with the others, this too is a freedom from the Common Law tradition which is named in the second section of the Charter, where it is called the “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.” If all Canadians are now required to confess the neo-Marxist narrative that our country is systemically racist, upon threat of being cancelled if we dissent, then it is a joke to say that we have freedom of thought, belief, opinion or expression. If the Crown broadcaster and all of the other news stations and newspapers that have been subsidized by this government are pushing this same narrative, while the government has been applying pressure to big tech social media companies to censor dissent, then there is no “freedom of the press and other media of communication.” The assault on this basic freedom has been going on since the premiership of the first Trudeau. It has been carried out in the name of combatting prejudice and promoting diversity, even though the most essential kind of diversity for a free country is the diversity of thought that is under attack.
All of Western Civilization is now threatened by these neo-Maoists who wish to raze history to the ground and bring us to Year Zero. They have the support of most of the mainstream media, the corporate world, academia, celebrities and a wide assortment of elected officials, civil servants and even the police forces they wish to see “defunded”. In Canada, they have demanded that the prestigious McGill University disown its founder and namesake. Worse, they are demanding that our country disavow the leading Father of Confederation and our first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald. Hilariously, they managed to get a newspaper or two to put trigger-warning labels on the flag. The reason this is so funny is because the flag in question is not the traditional, historical, flag of Canada, the Red Ensign, but rather the bland Maple Leaf which the Communist traitor, Lester Pearson chose to replace it with in 1965 precisely because it said nothing about Canada’s history, heritage, and legacy. Indeed, the Liberal Party’s assault on the traditional symbols of the Canada of Confederation during the premierships of Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau, starting with the old flag and ending with Dominion Day, could pretty much be said to have been the first wave to which the present wave of neo-Maoist, Year Zeroism is the second.
The Liberal Party rejected our country’s traditional symbols and was determined to replace them with ones bearing its own stamp. Today’s neo-Maoists demand a wholesale repudiation of our country’s founding and history. Symbols and history are important. Almost a century ago, the Mackenzie King Liberals attacked the Crown’s legitimate and necessary right to refuse an improper dissolution request (see Eugene Forsey, The Royal Power of Dissolution of Parliament, 1943). This undermined Parliament’s right to hold the Prime Minister accountable and set the stage for Prime Ministerial dictatorship (see John Farthing, Freedom Wears a Crown, 1957). This year, we have seen the largest assault on Parliamentary prerogative since then, and on the part of a minority Liberal government to boot, while all the provincial governments ran roughshod over our most basic Common Law rights and freedoms. If we had valued our traditional symbols and our history more, we would not have so willingly acquiesced in this.
While I weep for my country, I wish you all a Happy Dominion Day!