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Monthly Archives: April 2019
Earth Day Founder Had Strong Immigration Message
by Dan Murray, Immigration Watch – April 20, 2019
Most people who celebrate Earth Day know little, if anything, about the person who founded Earth Day which is celebrated every April 22. Here are seven key points about the founder and his reasons for elevating the Environment to the level of one of the highest of all public concerns.
(1) Earth Day was founded in 1970 by the late Gaylord Nelson (1916-2005). Nelson was a Wisconsin State Senator (1946-1959), Governor of Wisconsin (1959-1962) and a U.S. Democratic Senator (1962-1981). Long inspired by Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, he started Wisconsin’s Outdoor Recreation Action Program (ORAP), a wildly popular 1961 proposal for Wisconsin land purchase and conservation. By 1981, ORAP had spent $93 million for land conservation, wildlife management, recreation, and pollution control that would benefit all constituents and public uses. The innovative ORAP program set a new standard for natural resource planning, and established Nelson as a national environmental leader in the U.S.
(2) Gaylord Nelson was a giant among environmentalists. “Refusing to accept the notion that economic prosperity is at odds with environmental protection, Nelson pushed programs like Operation Mainstream, which appropriated millions of dollars for the creation of conservation jobs and skills training for the poor and the elderly under the Green Thumb project.” His Earth Day was a watershed moment for environmental politics, kicking off what is now termed the “Environmental Decade” (1970’s) of radical legislative reforms. “After struggling to pass legislation through the 1960s, Nelson was…deeply involved in many of the most important (pieces of) environmental protection legislation: the Clean Water Acts, the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the Federal Pesticides Act, the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Education Act, the National Hiking Trails and the National Scenic Trails Acts….” See
(3) He was a forceful leader in attempting to convince environmental organizations that they could never achieve their long-term goals unless the U.S. achieved population stabilization. He stated that in order for the U.S. to stabilize its population, it had to dramatically cut legal immigration and enforce its laws to stop illegal immigration.
(4) On Earth Day’s 30th anniversary in 2000, Nelson said : “Population, global warming and sustainability would be my suggestions for the three most urgent environmental challenges…. Stabilizing U.S. population is a challenge that could be resolved in a relatively short period resulting in significant economic and environmental benefits. At the current rate of population growth, the population of the US will (rise)… to some 530 million within the next 65 to 70 years. If that happens, the negative consequences will be substantial if not, indeed, disastrous. To stabilize our population would require a dramatic reduction in our immigration rate….”
(5) “The hard fact is that while the population is booming here and round the world, the resource base that sustains the economy is rapidly dwindling. It is not just a problem in faraway lands, it is an urgent, indeed, a critical problem here at home right now. We are talking about deforestation, aquifer depletion, air pollution, water pollution, and depletion of fisheries, urbanization of farmland, soil erosion and much more….”
(6) “The bigger the population gets, the more serious the problems become…. We have to address the population issue. The United Nations, with the U.S. supporting it, took the position in Cairo in 1994 that every country was responsible for stabilizing its own population. It can be done. But in this country, it’s phony to say ‘I’m for the environment but not for limiting immigration.’ “
(7) To those economists whose only concern is maximizing GDP, thereby disregarding environmental concerns, Nelson would thunder that, “These people refuse to recognize that the economy is the wholly owned subsidiary of the environment.” If the environment collapses, so will the economy which depends on it.
All over the world, most environmental organizations, media and governments will celebrate Earth Day, but they will seldom mention Gaylord Nelson’s name or the very important reasons he had for establishing Earth Day.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Foolish Trudeau and his mindless “Diversity” supporters should take special note.
Please take note of Item #6 above: “The United Nations, with the U.S. supporting it, took the position in Cairo in 1994 that every country was responsible for stabilizing its own population.” Now the United Nation’s have taken an opposite stand in its Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration otherwise known as the UN Immigration Pact. A total of 164 countries out of 193 UN members approved the agreement by acclamation December 10, 2018. That equates to 85% in favour. Among the 29 countries who did not sign were Australia, Austria, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and the United States.” Russ Cooper of Candian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms wrote this summary about the compact on November 22, 2018.
- is rooted in the U.N 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and is therefore affiliated with related initiatives such as the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC);
- affirms the pre-eminence of international law in areas that include national migration policy, protocols that distinguish between regular and irregular migration status, due process, labour mobility and recruitment and initiatives that deal with discrimination and associated redress mechanisms;
- requires a “whole of government” approach to eliminating discrimination and intolerance of migrants and their families;
- seeks to minimize factors that drive migration through elimination of socioeconomic factors such as poverty, failing infrastructure and climate change while funding sustainable development at local and national levels in originating states;
- sees border management as an internationally coordinated and integrated affair;
- requires laws that see provision of basic services to migrants absent grounds of discrimination that include “political or other opinion”;
- requires the incorporation of national health and education plans and policies that accommodate all migrants without discrimination in a “lifelong” fashion;
- requires the minimization of disparities between migrant and host populations;
- calls for migrant access to decent work and employment opportunities and safe, welcoming school environments for their children that are absent all forms of discrimination;
- requires passage of laws that penalize hate crimes directed at migrants and the training of law enforcement and other public officials to respond to such occurrences;
- demands the cessation of funds to media outlets that promote intolerance against migrants and the provision of national and regional complaint and redress mechanisms;
- calls for the provision of labour-matching and skills development programs for migrants;
- requires the promotion of safer, cheaper and easier means of remittance corridors to originating states; and
- calls for the facilitation of return and readmission to originating states including financial support and the portability of social security benefits and earned benefits from host states.
Make no mistake, this Global Compact, with its promotion of available and flexible “pathways” of migration, means supranational coordination of international border controls. This will not be the first time the world has witnessed such developments as they are resident within the European context of the past few years. I speak, of course, of EU migration policy that saw European borders opened to mass Muslim migration from the Middle East and North Africa. The results in areas of security, violent crime, individual rights and finances has been, and continues to be, startling. Is there any reason that similar, supranational efforts at the U.N. level will produce different outcomes for Canada?
The Torching of Notre Dame — Black Pill or God Pill
Since the arson of Notre Dame Cathedral it has become obvious what the Children of Satan consider their worst enemy and, therefore, what their prime target is. With that in mind listen to what this young lady has to say.
Canada lawmaker says Trudeau’s warning against white supremacy is ethnic attack
By Steve Scherer
OTTAWA, April 15 (Reuters) – Maxime Bernier, the founder of a right-wing party running in Canada’s October federal election, said on Monday that Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s warnings about the dangers of white supremacy were an attack on an “entire ethnicity.”
Bernier, a former Cabinet minister who quit the Conservative Party last year to form his own faction called the People’s Party of Canada, has focused on limiting immigration and promoting free trade.
His comments on Monday were in reference to last week’s move by the Trudeau government to change a report on terrorist threats in Canada that was first published last year to no longer explicitly mention “Sikh extremism.”
“We’re told the word Sikh was removed because ‘entire religions should never be equated with terrorism.’ And yet, (Trudeau) has been warning us for weeks about the dangers of ‘white supremacy,’ equating an entire ethnicity with terrorism,” Bernier wrote on Twitter and Facebook.
“Hypocrite! It’s all about pandering for votes,” he wrote.
Trudeau’s office declined to comment, but Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s office condemned the statement.
“While the vast majority of Canadians celebrate our country’s diversity, toxic elements continue to peddle vile, hateful intolerance,” Goodale’s spokesman, Scott Bardsley, said in an email.
“We condemn Mr. Bernier’s attempt to legitimize them. All political leaders have a responsibility to denounce hatred and intolerance, not court them,” he added.
The Public Safety Ministry said the number of police-reported hate crimes in Canada jumped 47 percent in 2017, the most recent year for which there are official data.
While Canadian politics are not as polarized as those in the United States, there are indications, especially online, of increasing intolerance in Canada, which has a tradition of openness and welcoming immigrants from around the world.
Trudeau attacked Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer in parliament last month for not explicitly condemning white supremacy after the mass shooting at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Opinion polls show that Liberals have lost ground to Conservatives in recent months, with Scheer’s party taking the lead. Scheer defeated Bernier for the Conservative leadership in 2017.
The People’s Party would win 0.5 percent of the national vote if it were held now instead of October, a Nanos Research poll showed last week. (Reporting by Steve Scherer; Additional reporting by Julie Gordon; Editing by Peter Cooney)
PM Justin Trudeau walks in Vancouver Vaisakhi parade after reference to Sikh extremism deleted
[There was the Prime Minister, complete with a yellow headscarf or junior turban, with some sort of saffron scarf thrown over his shoulder, embracing a grinning fat Sikh in a fetching bright rose turban. There sheer diversity of the moment would be enough to make a citizen of the world swoon. Well, the Clown Prince was in Vancouver April 13 at the Vaisakhi Sikh parade, playing Mr. Dressup as usual. Referring to the Sikhs, he proclaimed: “Let us also celebrate all the incredible contributions of this community.” Would he have marched in a European pride parade and hailed the even more “incredible contributions” of the European founding/settler people of this country, which build a land to which, by hook or by crook, Sikhs would flock to? I didn’t think so!
As part of the sanitizing of history and deliberate obfuscation to purge the public record of anything critical of the foreigners the replacement policies of our immigration system have brought to this country, the Liberal government in a shameful retreat from reality April 12, agreed to Sikh demands. For all the yapping about equality, Sikhs, at less than one per cent of Canada’s population occupy 16 per cent of the federal cabinet seats. It’s White who should be demanding equality!
Trudeau’s morning speech came just hours after the federal government agreed to remove a reference to Sikh extremism from a report on terrorism. The Vancouver Sun (April 13) explains: ” The language was changed late Friday to remove any mention of religion, instead discussing the threat posed by ‘extremists who support violent means to establish an independent state within India.’ The 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada drew the ire of the Sikh community when it was released in December. For the first time, the report listed Sikh extremism as one of the top five extremist threats in Canada. Although the objections were largely about the inclusion of Sikhs at all, because of the report’s lack of evidence to back it up, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said he would at least ask for a review of the language the report used.”
But the independent homeland backed by the violent extremists — remember the bombing of Air India — is to be a Sikh homeland in the Punjab, which is mostly in India, but part in Pakistan. It is not to be a Hindu or Jain or Buddhist or multicult homeland!
Goodale is a master at obscuring reality. If you can’t name the problem, how can you deal with it? Back in late 2016, as the invasion of illegals began trickling across the Manitoba and then the Quebec border, he chose to rename them as “irregular migrants” as if they’d somehow been strolling around Central Park, with their bulging suitcases, of course, and then, somehow taken a wrong turn and ended up a couple of hundred miles north at the Quebec border. By not calling these enabled invaders illegals, he can slip into bureaucratic mode and seek to regularize them through some paper shuffling.]
Paul Fromm
Trudeau’s morning speech came just hours after the federal government agreed to remove a reference to Sikh extremism from a report on terrorism

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau touted the strength and contributions of Canada’s Sikh community as he celebrated the religion’s holy day of Vaisakhi in Vancouver.
“As we celebrate Vaisakhi, let us also celebrate all the incredible contributions of this community,” he said in a speech after he walked in a parade Saturday organized by the Khalsa Diwan Society in Surrey. The society formed in 1902 and built the first Sikh Gurdwara in Canada several years later.
Trudeau joined other politicians and community members in walking amongst floats and performers. On the sidelines, people handed out free food, including snacks and full meals to passersby.

Sikhs have helped to build Canada for more than 120 years, Trudeau said, adding there are now Sikh entrepreneurs, politicians, artists and true leaders in every field.
He said the values celebrated during the holy day, like equality and social justice, are values that make Canada stronger.
Before the parade, Trudeau visited one of the largest Sikh temples in the country, Vancouver’s Ross Street Gurdwara, where he delivered a speech with similar sentiments. Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan also attended the festivities.
Attendees at the morning ceremony sat on the floor, many of them in colourful turbans, as speeches by several political leaders were broadcast on two massive screens.
Trudeau’s morning speech came just hours after the federal government agreed to remove a reference to Sikh extremism from a report on terrorism.

The language was changed late Friday to remove any mention of religion, instead discussing the threat posed by “extremists who support violent means to establish an independent state within India.”
The 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada drew the ire of the Sikh community when it was released in December.
For the first time, the report listed Sikh extremism as one of the top five extremist threats in Canada.
Although the objections were largely about the inclusion of Sikhs at all, because of the report’s lack of evidence to back it up, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said he would at least ask for a review of the language the report used.
He said entire religions should never be equated with terrorism.
There are roughly half a million Canadians who identify as Sikh, most of them in the Greater Toronto Area and suburban Vancouver.