Tag Archives: critical race theory

Democracy and Identity

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Democracy and Identity

By Mark Weber

Text, slightly edited, of an address given on May 18, 2024, at a conference organized and hosted by James Edwards in Greenville, South Carolina.


We live in an age of ever more obvious political paralysis, social disorder, and cultural chaos. In recent years, public opinion polls show that trust by Americans in the US Congress, the mass media, and other major social-political institutions has fallen to historically low levels. Surveys also show that most Americans believe that their country is going in the wrong direction, and that life for their children and grand-children will be less secure and prosperous than it has been for them. Americans, and especially younger citizens, are understandably cynical about the slogans and pledges of both major political parties.

For decades now, millions of white Americans have been moving from neighborhood to neighborhood, from town to town, and from state to state – refugees in their own country – in an ever more frantic effort to escape the spreading “third-worldization” of their country, and to live in the kind of society that our grand-parents and great-grand-parents were able to take for granted.

The cultural life of a healthy nation, including its movies and entertainment, reflects and reinforces the heritage, identity and interests of its people. But in today’s America, control of the mass media and cultural life is in the grip of people whose ideology and agenda are hostile to the long-term interests of our people, thereby fueling the continued, inexorable breakdown of our nation.

It’s possible to ignore reality. It’s not possible to ignore forever the consequences of ignoring reality. The crisis of today’s America did not emerge suddenly, but has roots in decisions and policies going back more than half a century. The already enormous gap between the ideals and goals proclaimed for decades by our leaders and in the mainstream media, on the one hand, and the ever more obvious reality that everyone can see around us, on the other, will only widen in the months and years to come. Just as Americans 100 or even 50 years ago would have regarded today’s America with revulsion, so also those who will be here 50 years from now will look back on the America of today with a mixture of bewilderment, pity, and contempt.

An unhealthy society will not and cannot endure. A nation guided by false principles, wishful thinking, and unrealistic notions about society and history cannot and will not survive; it doesn’t deserve to survive. The “United States of America” might stagger and stumble on for several more years, perhaps even a few more decades, but it’s no longer a coherent and purposeful nation.

The more vigorously those in power try to make this a society of what they call “equity,” the more they must inevitably lower standards of competence, ability and merit. The inevitable result: American businesses will be less competitive in global markets, public services will continue to deteriorate, airplane and railroad accidents will become more frequent, and American cities will become steadily more ugly, alien, and unpleasant.

Those in power will respond to the harmful but inevitable consequences of their own policies by ever more stridently blaming them on white Americans and “systemic racism.” In the name of fighting “hate,” “extremism,” “racism” and “antisemitism,” they will push for new laws and measures in an ultimately futile effort to suppress views and voices they don’t like.

It will be ever more difficult for white Americans to be indifferent to or unaffected by all this. They will find themselves increasingly unable to avoid a distasteful dilemma. Those who believe and accept the anti-white messaging promoted in the mainstream media, Hollywood movies, and school classrooms, will be ever more ashamed of their heritage, their race, and themselves. But those who refuse to accept this toxic messaging will reject – at first inwardly and then ever more openly – the entire System and its guiding ideology.

As political, social and cultural conditions continue to worsen, the Establishment’s focus on the supposed evils and dangers of “white racism” will encourage at least a minority of white Americans to see the world and history in racial terms. That in turn will encourage at least some white Americans to think of themselves not merely as individuals, but as men and women of European ancestry and Western heritage. More white Americans will understand and agree with what some of those here this weekend have been saying for years.

We often hear that the big problem in today’s America is that it’s not “democratic” enough. Many Republicans claim that the presidential election of 2020 was “stolen,” which they say shows that the US is no longer really “democratic.” And many Democrats say that the greatest danger to the country’s future comes from Trump MAGA supporters who threaten what is reverentially called “our democracy.”

But the problem here isn’t that the US is not “democratic;” the key point, especially for white Americans, is that this is no longer “our democracy.” Most white Americans still do not fully grasp the reality that this county has become so multi-ethnic and multi-racial that it can no longer be credibly regarded as “our” country, democratic or otherwise.

As history shows, profound changes in attitude and public perception can happen quickly, when the new outlook is in accord with already existing reality. Here are a few instructive episodes from twentieth century Europe:

In 1918 the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” – the UK – was a multi-party “democracy” in which voters in England, Scotland and Ireland elected representatives to the House of Commons in London. Irish nationalists did not accept this, because however “democratic” the UK was, it was not an Irish democracy. The most important Irish identitarian political organization during this period was Sinn Fein, which means “We ourselves.” After two and half years of violent struggle between Irish nationalists and the British government, the “Irish Free State,” forerunner of today’s Irish Republic, was established in 1922.

Another example: After more than 40 years, Soviet troops left Czechoslovakia in 1990-91, and the country became a multi-party democracy. As its name suggests, the people of that country were overwhelmingly either Czech or Slovak. But the identitarian leaders of each of these two closely related ethnic groups were not happy with the hybrid republic, not because it wasn’t “democratic,” but because it was not “ours.” After a breakup known as the “velvet divorce,” the country came to an end in 1992, to be replaced by two republics: Czechia and Slovakia.

A third example: In Yugoslavia, the single-party rule of the Communist League came to an end in 1990, giving way to a multi-party democracy. But that did not prevent the country from falling apart over the next two years, as Croats, Slovenes, and other ethnic groups broke away. In this case as well, the problem was not that multi-ethnic Yugoslavia wasn’t “democratic,” but that most of its citizens did not regard it as “their” country.

In short: Identity is more important than “democracy.”

If there’s anything useful to be learned from the history of the past century, it’s that multi-ethnic and multi-racial societies are inherently unstable and fragile, and that the most orderly, stable and happy countries are homogenous nations made up of people of the same race, ethnicity, culture, heritage, and language. The trajectory of the past century shows that the notion “Diversity is our strength” – a slogan invented by the Zionist “Anti-Defamation League” and proclaimed by President Bill Clinton in a major address – is a demagogic absurdity. American society is failing above all for the same reason that other culturally and ethnically diverse societies have failed in the past.

For many years now, American politicians, the mass media, Hollywood, and the educational establishment, have been encouraging white Americans to think of themselves merely as individuals whose citizenship as Americans is based entirely on a shared devotion to universalist-egalitarian principles.

White Americans grudgingly tolerate “Black Lives Matter” rallies at which black men and women proudly proclaim their African identity, and they condone gatherings where Jews proudly affirm their Jewish identity and support for Israel. Yet European Americans are very uncomfortable or even ashamed to support anything that might be called white identity politics.

It’s no wonder white Americans keep losing: they’re not even playing the same game. Whites are still playing checkers while everyone else is playing chess. Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Muslims, and so forth, have become skilled at the art of identity politics. They understand that serious, high-stakes politics is identity politics. It’s politics that really matters. European Americans haven’t learned that good intentions, ever more “tolerance,” and trying to be “nice” to everyone are not enough. A future for white Americans can be secured only when our people wake up, recognize this reality, and act accordingly.

In coming years, the work of educating our people, of raising awareness, will become ever more important, and will have a steadily greater impact. In this work, the prerequisite for success is to tell the truth. We cannot hope to match our adversaries in scale or intensity of outreach, but we have something working for us that they do not have. We have reality and truth on our side. No matter how much effort is put into presenting falsehood as noble or admirable, it will not endure. Truth and reality matter, especially over the long run.

A useful feature of this great education project, I provocatively suggest, might be our own version of “Critical Race Theory.”

As you know, many white Americans are understandably not happy with “Critical Race Theory,” which promotes a view of history hostile to our heritage. Typically their response has been defensive talk about how much whites have done to abolish slavery, fight racism, and promote equality. Such talk undoubtedly makes some white men and women feel a little better about themselves, but the apologetic attitude underlying it only encourages new and more assertive demands by non-whites.

What’s needed, I suggest, is a new kind of “Critical Race Theory” – an educational program that will describe just how and why white Americans have enabled the takeover and degradation of the great country their forefathers settled, built and controlled, and have permitted the alien takeover of our mainstream media and educational system, the “third-worldization” of our cities, and the malign vilification of the great men of our people and race whom we once honored. To put it another way, we need a diagnostic “Critical Race Theory” that will explain just how and why white Americans have become so timid and craven — so unwilling or unable to defend their own heritage, much less to safeguard our future as a people.

The American national anthem calls this the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” But the truth is that in every country through the ages – and certainly in today’s America – only a small minority is really courageous – that is, willing to risk life and livelihood to fight for much beyond themselves and their families. It takes no courage to drift with the crowd. Weaklings are always quick to cheer those who have fame, money, and power. Cowards are always ready to support a cause that seems victorious. In any society, the portion of the population that has the wit to understand and the heart to care is always a minority.

That’s why I’m glad to be here this weekend, with men and women who think about what’s happening in our country and the world, and, more importantly, who care about our people, our heritage and our future. As the crisis of America and the West deepens, what we do now and in the years ahead will matter more than ever.

For me, the most gratifying and encouraging development of recent years has been the coming of age of a new generation of capable, savvy and articulate young men, and some young women, who “get it,” who’ve “put it all together.” – young people who are not ashamed of who they are, but who instead affirm their – and our – identity and heritage, and whose dedication is anchored in a coherent worldview, and a confident, unblinkered vision of the future. Some of the younger men and women here this weekend who share this concern for our people and posterity will, perhaps, one day be leaders in the struggle for a better, more secure and happier future.

Anti-White “Critical Race Theory” Explained

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CRT is part of a dangerous and harmful Marxist agenda intended to destroy the foundation of our nation which is built on Judeo-Christian principles. We must protect our children so that they too will embrace our rich inheritance. Learn more about our guest and share the Empower Hour invite HERE.

The Major Battle is in our Schools and Universities

The biggest battle regarding CRT is on the frontline in our schools. Christopher Rufo wrote the following Parent Guidebook on how to fight Critical Race Theory in the schools. Read HERE.

Example of CRT propaganda in Ontario: The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has unveiled white privilege lesson plans for students. 

Visit Action4Canada’s Critical Race Theory page for more resources and information about CRT HERE. https://www.youtube.com/embed/cfmpnGV0IGc

Christopher Rufo is an amazing individual on the front line of the Anti-CRT movement bringing awareness and solutions. This video-essay explores the intellectual history of Critical Race Theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back. Since the video was created, seven States have banned CRT, and sixteen more States have bans in progress.

Rufo says, “In simple terms, critical race theory reformulates the old Marxist dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed, replacing the class categories of bourgeoisie and proletariat with the identity categories of White and Black. But the basic conclusion is the same: in order to liberate man, society must be fundamentally transformed through moral, economic, and political revolution”.

Key terms: Whiteness, white privilege, white fragility, oppressor/oppressed, intersectionality, systemic racism, spirit murder, equity, antiracism, collective guilt, affinity spaces. 

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Protecting Faith, Family and Freedom   View Email in Browser   
 D Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an existential threat to our freedom and democracy as its ultimate goal is to eliminate the white race. CRT is being pushed in academia and throughout society and is a sinister agenda intended to twist and distort facts and reality in order to divide and conquer. CRT was created by racists who claim to be anti-racists fighting a noble cause against racism. They purport to support freedom and equality while at the same time make accusations that Canada is a nation founded on white supremacy and oppression, and that these forces are still at the root of our society today and need to be plucked out. White, Christian males are, in their opinion, the most detestable of all. Is it of any consequence that the racist bigots pushing this agenda, happen to be predominantly white? Here are some questions to consider:
What is Justin Trudeau and the global cabal up to?

Is mass immigration a part of the plan to destroy the west?

Will they succeed in convincing Canadians that we need to be eternally repentant for developing a nation in which others have been able to richly enjoy the benefits?

they succeed in demonizing our forefathers or will Canadians realize we should be forever grateful for our rich inheritance?

Are we going to succumb to this attack and willingly step aside and allow our country to be taken over by people who have not invested in it, based on the insidious lie of white privilege? Those who built this country came here risking all, often with nothing but the shirts on their backs. The Natives had not developed a commonwealth. In fact there were many tribes that were infighting and it is reported that they continue to do so to this day. This country was built by hardworking Europeans who sacrificially gave so much for us and we should be damned if a corrupt global cabal are going to waltz in and allow foreign entities to take it over. Canadians are, and have been, exceedingly generous in providing funding to the Natives and to anyone coming to Canada seeking refuge from totalitarian regimes.

Here are some other questions to ponder:
Are the UN and globalist cabal demanding that Islamists, who invaded many Christian nations by murdering, raping and pillaging prior to the Crusades, apologize and pay retribution for what they did?

Europeans were civil and signed treaties with the natives and were not brutal invaders taking Canada by storm. So why are Canadians expected to continue to sacrifice their hard earned dollars to indefinitely fund the Natives

Isn’t it time that ALL Canadians be treated equally and do their part? Canadians need to realize that our freedom came at a cost and we therefore have a duty to vigilantly defend it.

As Ronald Reagan so accurately said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

The following indepth report provides evidence into just one faction of immigration wherein the government is using CRT to silence Canadians. A minority of the population, committing the majority of the crime. But don’t acknowledge these facts, or you will be called a racist. Do not allow the CRT propaganda to cause you to put down your weapons (values, principles and patriotism) and shame you into walking away from defending this great nation.  

When: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance. The zoom doors open at 4:30pm PST and the Empower Hour begins at 5pm PST/8pm EST.

On the next Empower Hour, professor David Millard Haskell joins Tanya to discuss the damage Critical Race Theory and “Anti-Racism Education” is doing in our public education system. CRT is an ideology rooted in Marxist notions and teaches that whites are perpetual oppressors and people of colour are perpetual victims. “Anti-racism Education” takes the ideas of CRT and packages them into classroom curriculum and diversity training instruction.

CRT is part of a dangerous and harmful Marxist agenda intended to destroy the foundation of our nation which is built on Judeo-Christian principles. We must protect our children so that they too will embrace our rich inheritance. Learn more about our guest and share the Empower Hour invite HERE.

The Major Battle is in our Schools and Universities

The biggest battle regarding CRT is on the frontline in our schools. Christopher Rufo wrote the following Parent Guidebook on how to fight Critical Race Theory in the schools. Read HERE.

Example of CRT propaganda in Ontario: The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has unveiled white privilege lesson plans for students.

Visit Action4Canada’s Critical Race Theory page for more resources and information about CRT HERE.

Christopher Rufo is an amazing individual on the front line of the Anti-CRT movement bringing awareness and solutions. This video-essay explores the intellectual history of Critical Race Theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back. Since the video was created, seven States have banned CRT, and sixteen more States have bans in progress.

Rufo says, “In simple terms, critical race theory reformulates the old Marxist dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed, replacing the class categories of bourgeoisie and proletariat with the identity categories of White and Black. But the basic conclusion is the same: in order to liberate man, society must be fundamentally transformed through moral, economic, and political revolution”.

Key terms: Whiteness, white privilege, white fragility, oppressor/oppressed, intersectionality, systemic racism, spirit murder, equity, antiracism, collective guilt, affinity spaces.

Talk Truth: Without Apology

Corri and Allan Hunsperger from Talk Truth engage in conversation with Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, about the underlying agenda of Critical Race Theory and the threat it poses to the security and sovereignty of our nation.

Brian Pallister Removes All Doubt: White Guilt, Weakness & Residential Schools

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The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, August 6, 2021

Brian Pallister Removes All Doubt: White Guilt, Weakness & Residential Schools

There is an old saw that goes “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”.   It has been attributed to pretty much everyone with a reputation for folksy wisdom of this sort from the last millennium or so, and is sometimes ascribed to sources of ancient wisdom such as Confucius.   Indeed, it could be taken as a rough paraphrase of Proverbs 17:28.    Homer, when confronted with it in an early episode of The Simpsons, promptly set about illustrating it.  Internally, he asked himself “What does that mean?  Better say something or they’ll think you’re stupid”, and then blurted out “Takes one to know one”, after which his inner voice applauds this supposedly witty comeback.  Brian Pallister, premier of my province of Manitoba in the Dominion of Canada, is either unfamiliar with the adage or he has decided to follow in the footsteps of Homer Simpson.

On Tuesday, the day his public health mandarin Roussin informed us that he would finally be lifting the vile and absurd requirement that we gag and muzzle ourselves with face diapers in indoor public places which tyrannical order ought never to have been imposed on us in the first place, Pallister ensured that this news would be overshadowed by issuing a poorly worded apology for his remarks of the seventh of July. 

In those remarks for which he apologized, he had not said anything bad about anyone – except the Marxist terrorist mob that had vandalized the statues of Canada’s founding and reigning monarchs on Dominion Day and who deserved his rebuke.   Nor had he said anything that could be reasonably interpreted as justifying historical wrongs that had been done to anyone.   Note the adverb “reasonably”.   The interpretations of the nitwits and nincompoops whose thinking has been perverted and corrupted by being infected with the academic Marxist virus of Critical Race Theory, a pathogen far more deadly and dangerous than the bat flu, don’t count.   His comments were entirely positive and affirming, but because they were positive and affirming about the people who settled and built Canada, that is to say the very people whom the “Year Zero” Cultural Maoists wish to erase from history, they were met with outrage and outcry on the part of the same.

In other words he had said nothing for which he owed anyone an apology.   Indeed, he owed it to Canada and to all patriotic Canadians regardless of their racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, not to apologize for his remarks.   This is because to give in to the demand that he apologize for his remarks of the seventh of July is apologize for the very existence of Canada.    Canada owes nobody an apology for her existence.   Academic Marxists who think otherwise, and the far too many who speak for them in government and in the media, need to be slapped down hard, not coddled with apologies intended to appease.

Astonishingly, for someone who gives the impression of being a man who is quite proud of the fact that his only ethics are those acquired in the schoolyard, Pallister would appear to have forgotten one of the most basic lessons of the same – bullies cannot be appeased.   Bullies feed off of the weakness of their prey.  By appeasing them, people merely announce their own weakness and let the bullies know where their next meal can be found.  

Surely Pallister must realize that those who have been demanding that he grovel and eat his innocuous words spoken in defence of the people who built this country are bullies.   What other word could better describe those who make such irrational demands knowing that they can count on the Crown broadcaster, the “paper of record”, and most of the other public opinion-generating media to back them up, with nary a word of dissent?

Therefore, Pallister should have known that there was no apology that he could make that would have satisfied these wolves.   The fact that he has spent the last year and a half throwing his weight around, telling Manitobans they cannot meet with their friends in either public places or their own homes, blaming Manitobans for when his own draconian policies failed to produce the desired effect of a drop in bat flu cases, berating and insulting the few of us who dared stand up for our constitutional rights and freedoms, and trying to blackmail us all into agreeing to take a hastily prepared, experimental new medical treatment, might help explain why he failed to grasp this.   Having enjoyed playing the bully himself for so long he forgot what to do when on the receiving end of bullying.  

In this situation, offering an apology of any sort, was the worst thing Pallister could have done.     The people demanding that he apologize are not interested in receiving an apology from him, sincere or otherwise.   They want to remove him from office and replace him with the one man in Manitoba who would have handled the situation of the last year and a half worse than he.    Whereas the role of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is supposed to be to hold the government accountable to the elected assembly for its actions and to speak out when the government abuses its power, Wab Kinew, the leader of the provincial socialists, has spent the pandemic, not calling Pallister out for how his actions have trampled the most basic constitutional rights and freedoms of Manitobans, destroyed businesses and livelihoods, and done tremendous harm to our mental, social, and overall wellbeing, but saying that he should have locked us down harder, faster, and kept us in lockdown longer.   When groups who have been speaking out about how our rights and especially our religious freedoms were endangered by the lockdown measures met with one of Pallister’s minister’s to express their concerns, Kinew condemned the government for agreeing to meet with them and hear their point of view.    Those who want this man to become our next premier, either can see nothing wrong with a government strategy of closing all businesses and paying people to stay home for the duration of a pandemic, or don’t care about his policies and want him in power for no reason other than his race, while accusing those of us who do very much see something wrong with his political philosophy and strategy of being racists for opposing him.

If we limit the options to those of which Pallister is capable, the best thing he could have done would have been to follow the advice of the old saying with which we opened this essay.   That was more or less what he had been doing for the previous few weeks and it had been working fairly well.   The media was running out of things to say about his remarks and would eventually have moved on to something new, whereas Manitobans were given a respite from having to see his face on the news every day.    It was a win for everybody!

If, however, we expand our options to include what Pallister might have done had he been a different person with a better character, the best thing he could have done would have been the following.   

He would have held another press conference in which he flat out refused to apologize for his comments.   He would have said that his words had been directed towards the mob of Maoist radicals who attacked Canada, her constitution and institutions, and her founders and history in their criminal and terrorist acts on her national holiday.   He would have then pointed out, correctly, that throughout history, any time a mob like this has been allowed to get its way it has turned out very, very, bad for everybody, and that therefore this sort of thing must not be tolerated but rather nipped in the bud.    He would then have reiterated his comments and insisted, quite rightly, that Canada owes nobody an apology for her founding, history, and very existence as a country.

He would then have directly addressed the media and the phoniness of their manufactured moral outrage.   He would have pointed out that they themselves carried the lion’s share of the blame for stirring up the Marxist mob whose actions he had rightly condemned.   They had completely abandoned even the pretense of journalistic ethics, integrity, and responsibility when they spun the discovery of graves on the sites of the Indian Residential Schools into a web of exaggerations and outright lies about murdered children (1) which has incited not only the aforementioned mob actions but the largest wave of hate crimes this country has ever seen.

Finally, he would have addressed the Indian chiefs who took offense at his remarks – note the distinction the late Sir Roger Scruton liked to make between “taking” and “giving” offense – and issued rude and arrogant demands for his resignation in which they insulted and demonized other Canadians in a most racist manner.   He would have told them that if they persist in their crummy attitude then they can take it and their “reconciliation” and stick these where the sun don’t shine, to which location he would be happy to provide directions.

Of course, the Brian Pallister who would have done this would have had to have been a very different and very better Brian Pallister than the one we actually have.   The same would have to be true of the Brian Pallister who would sincerely apologize to those whom he actually owes an apology – all Manitobans, of all races, cultures, and creeds – for the way he has bullied us all with his lockdowns, masks and other such draconian nonsense.

(1)   That thousands of graves could be found on these sites has never been a secret.   The Truth and Reconciliation Commission discussed these at length in the fourth volume of its final report.  They are not “mass graves” – the media falsely labelled them such and the bands that had announced the finding of the graves corrected them and while the media  eventually switched to talking about “unmarked graves” they issued no retractions.   “Unmarked” refers to their present condition, it does not mean they were always unmarked.   The TRC Report says that graves in the Residential School cemeteries were usually marked with wooden crosses.   Students were not the only ones buried in these cemeteries – school staff were buried there as well, and often the school shared the cemetery of the church to which it was related and the nearest community.   There is no reason to think that the graves contain murdered children.   No bodies have been exhumed, no autopsies conducted, and the TRC Report itself indicates that disease was the cause of most of the deaths of children buried in the school cemeteries, tuberculosis alone accounting for almost half.   The huge gulf between what the actual known facts are and the narrative imposed over the facts by the media, arises entirely out of the anti-Canada, anti-Christian, hatred and malice of the latter.  —  Gerry T. Neal

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, August 6, 2021

Brian Pallister Removes All Doubt: White Guilt, Weakness & Residential Schools

There is an old saw that goes “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”.   It has been attributed to pretty much everyone with a reputation for folksy wisdom of this sort from the last millennium or so, and is sometimes ascribed to sources of ancient wisdom such as Confucius.   Indeed, it could be taken as a rough paraphrase of Proverbs 17:28.    Homer, when confronted with it in an early episode of The Simpsons, promptly set about illustrating it.  Internally, he asked himself “What does that mean?  Better say something or they’ll think you’re stupid”, and then blurted out “Takes one to know one”, after which his inner voice applauds this supposedly witty comeback.  Brian Pallister, premier of my province of Manitoba in the Dominion of Canada, is either unfamiliar with the adage or he has decided to follow in the footsteps of Homer Simpson.

On Tuesday, the day his public health mandarin Roussin informed us that he would finally be lifting the vile and absurd requirement that we gag and muzzle ourselves with face diapers in indoor public places which tyrannical order ought never to have been imposed on us in the first place, Pallister ensured that this news would be overshadowed by issuing a poorly worded apology for his remarks of the seventh of July. 

In those remarks for which he apologized, he had not said anything bad about anyone – except the Marxist terrorist mob that had vandalized the statues of Canada’s founding and reigning monarchs on Dominion Day and who deserved his rebuke.   Nor had he said anything that could be reasonably interpreted as justifying historical wrongs that had been done to anyone.   Note the adverb “reasonably”.   The interpretations of the nitwits and nincompoops whose thinking has been perverted and corrupted by being infected with the academic Marxist virus of Critical Race Theory, a pathogen far more deadly and dangerous than the bat flu, don’t count.   His comments were entirely positive and affirming, but because they were positive and affirming about the people who settled and built Canada, that is to say the very people whom the “Year Zero” Cultural Maoists wish to erase from history, they were met with outrage and outcry on the part of the same.

In other words he had said nothing for which he owed anyone an apology.   Indeed, he owed it to Canada and to all patriotic Canadians regardless of their racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, not to apologize for his remarks.   This is because to give in to the demand that he apologize for his remarks of the seventh of July is apologize for the very existence of Canada.    Canada owes nobody an apology for her existence.   Academic Marxists who think otherwise, and the far too many who speak for them in government and in the media, need to be slapped down hard, not coddled with apologies intended to appease.

Astonishingly, for someone who gives the impression of being a man who is quite proud of the fact that his only ethics are those acquired in the schoolyard, Pallister would appear to have forgotten one of the most basic lessons of the same – bullies cannot be appeased.   Bullies feed off of the weakness of their prey.  By appeasing them, people merely announce their own weakness and let the bullies know where their next meal can be found.  

Surely Pallister must realize that those who have been demanding that he grovel and eat his innocuous words spoken in defence of the people who built this country are bullies.   What other word could better describe those who make such irrational demands knowing that they can count on the Crown broadcaster, the “paper of record”, and most of the other public opinion-generating media to back them up, with nary a word of dissent?

Therefore, Pallister should have known that there was no apology that he could make that would have satisfied these wolves.   The fact that he has spent the last year and a half throwing his weight around, telling Manitobans they cannot meet with their friends in either public places or their own homes, blaming Manitobans for when his own draconian policies failed to produce the desired effect of a drop in bat flu cases, berating and insulting the few of us who dared stand up for our constitutional rights and freedoms, and trying to blackmail us all into agreeing to take a hastily prepared, experimental new medical treatment, might help explain why he failed to grasp this.   Having enjoyed playing the bully himself for so long he forgot what to do when on the receiving end of bullying.  

In this situation, offering an apology of any sort, was the worst thing Pallister could have done.     The people demanding that he apologize are not interested in receiving an apology from him, sincere or otherwise.   They want to remove him from office and replace him with the one man in Manitoba who would have handled the situation of the last year and a half worse than he.    Whereas the role of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is supposed to be to hold the government accountable to the elected assembly for its actions and to speak out when the government abuses its power, Wab Kinew, the leader of the provincial socialists, has spent the pandemic, not calling Pallister out for how his actions have trampled the most basic constitutional rights and freedoms of Manitobans, destroyed businesses and livelihoods, and done tremendous harm to our mental, social, and overall wellbeing, but saying that he should have locked us down harder, faster, and kept us in lockdown longer.   When groups who have been speaking out about how our rights and especially our religious freedoms were endangered by the lockdown measures met with one of Pallister’s minister’s to express their concerns, Kinew condemned the government for agreeing to meet with them and hear their point of view.    Those who want this man to become our next premier, either can see nothing wrong with a government strategy of closing all businesses and paying people to stay home for the duration of a pandemic, or don’t care about his policies and want him in power for no reason other than his race, while accusing those of us who do very much see something wrong with his political philosophy and strategy of being racists for opposing him.

If we limit the options to those of which Pallister is capable, the best thing he could have done would have been to follow the advice of the old saying with which we opened this essay.   That was more or less what he had been doing for the previous few weeks and it had been working fairly well.   The media was running out of things to say about his remarks and would eventually have moved on to something new, whereas Manitobans were given a respite from having to see his face on the news every day.    It was a win for everybody!

If, however, we expand our options to include what Pallister might have done had he been a different person with a better character, the best thing he could have done would have been the following.   

He would have held another press conference in which he flat out refused to apologize for his comments.   He would have said that his words had been directed towards the mob of Maoist radicals who attacked Canada, her constitution and institutions, and her founders and history in their criminal and terrorist acts on her national holiday.   He would have then pointed out, correctly, that throughout history, any time a mob like this has been allowed to get its way it has turned out very, very, bad for everybody, and that therefore this sort of thing must not be tolerated but rather nipped in the bud.    He would then have reiterated his comments and insisted, quite rightly, that Canada owes nobody an apology for her founding, history, and very existence as a country.

He would then have directly addressed the media and the phoniness of their manufactured moral outrage.   He would have pointed out that they themselves carried the lion’s share of the blame for stirring up the Marxist mob whose actions he had rightly condemned.   They had completely abandoned even the pretense of journalistic ethics, integrity, and responsibility when they spun the discovery of graves on the sites of the Indian Residential Schools into a web of exaggerations and outright lies about murdered children (1) which has incited not only the aforementioned mob actions but the largest wave of hate crimes this country has ever seen.

Finally, he would have addressed the Indian chiefs who took offense at his remarks – note the distinction the late Sir Roger Scruton liked to make between “taking” and “giving” offense – and issued rude and arrogant demands for his resignation in which they insulted and demonized other Canadians in a most racist manner.   He would have told them that if they persist in their crummy attitude then they can take it and their “reconciliation” and stick these where the sun don’t shine, to which location he would be happy to provide directions.

Of course, the Brian Pallister who would have done this would have had to have been a very different and very better Brian Pallister than the one we actually have.   The same would have to be true of the Brian Pallister who would sincerely apologize to those whom he actually owes an apology – all Manitobans, of all races, cultures, and creeds – for the way he has bullied us all with his lockdowns, masks and other such draconian nonsense.

(1)   That thousands of graves could be found on these sites has never been a secret.   The Truth and Reconciliation Commission discussed these at length in the fourth volume of its final report.  They are not “mass graves” – the media falsely labelled them such and the bands that had announced the finding of the graves corrected them and while the media  eventually switched to talking about “unmarked graves” they issued no retractions.   “Unmarked” refers to their present condition, it does not mean they were always unmarked.   The TRC Report says that graves in the Residential School cemeteries were usually marked with wooden crosses.   Students were not the only ones buried in these cemeteries – school staff were buried there as well, and often the school shared the cemetery of the church to which it was related and the nearest community.   There is no reason to think that the graves contain murdered children.   No bodies have been exhumed, no autopsies conducted, and the TRC Report itself indicates that disease was the cause of most of the deaths of children buried in the school cemeteries, tuberculosis alone accounting for almost half.   The huge gulf between what the actual known facts are and the narrative imposed over the facts by the media, arises entirely out of the anti-Canada, anti-Christian, hatred and malice of the latter.  —  Gerry T. Neal

America’s Founding/Settler People MUST NOW CONSIDER: Whose Democracy?

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America’s Founding/Settler People MUST NOW CONSIDER: Whose Democracy?

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, February 12, 2021

(Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)

The Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Administration isn’t just another presidency. Well-meaning conservatives will have to realize that this regime does not represent them. Our nation is inseparable from race and culture, and the government on the Potomac is not our government. We can’t escape “American” politics, but we shouldn’t waste time thinking about Washington, DC. Instead, we must build something new.

The new administration has a foundational myth: that Donald Trump was uniquely dangerous to “Our Democracy,” an aspiring autocrat who tried to steal the election and then incited an “insurrection.” Journalists claim it was all based on a lie.

Countless articles use the same words, an obvious references to the “Big Lie” technique supposedly used by the Nazis. Joe Biden said this explicitly. Many people have claimed that Adolf Hitler and/or Joseph Goebbels said that the bigger the lie and the more you repeat it, the more people will believe it. Both men were talking about what they thought their enemies were doing, not what they would do. To quote the “Big Lie” this way is itself a big lie, and it’s effective. What Republican will explain that the Nazis are being misquoted?

I have no doubt that Mr. Trump sincerely believes the election was stolen, so he was not intentionally lying at all, but the “big lie” and the “insurrection” are now supposed to be reasons to impeach Mr. Trump for the second time.

Jamie Raskin during impeachment

Representative Jamie Raskin during the second impeachment trial of former US President Donald J. Trump. (Credit Image: © Us Senate TV Via CNP / CNP via ZUMA Wire)

President Trump did many good things. He may not get enough credit; he was constantly thwarted and reviled. However, his administration was hardly revolutionary. Aside from tweets and confrontation with the press, President Trump governed like a standard Republican. He never used his power to hurt the media or his political opponents. It was his own supporters who suffered most. His solution to the Big Tech censorship that silenced so much of his base was “just being good.” Now, he doesn’t have a Twitter or Facebook account. Passivity like that hardly sounds “authoritarian” or “fascist.”

At a deeper level, the election was rigged against him. Time has published a triumphant article about how a “well-funded cabal” “fortified democracy” by changing election laws and controlling speech. If the article had been about a Russian or Chinese election, we’d laugh at the idea that a cabal can “fortify democracy.” Whatever the vote totals were, it wasn’t a fair election.

Democrats charge that protesters thought they were “following orders” when they broke into the Capitol. Some of those arrested will make that claim to defend themselves. But what orders? President Trump told demonstrators to protest “peacefully and patriotically.” If this still counts as “inciting” violence, what are we to do about explicit calls by Democrats for radical protests? The Capitol takeover was not an “insurrection.” Was the Q-Anon Shaman supposed to become the new Speaker of the House?

The Shaman of QAnon

Credit Image: © Joel Marklund/Bildbyran via ZUMA Press

The main victims of the riot were Trump supporters. An officer shot Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman. Kevin Greeson, Benjamin Phillips, and Rosanne Boyland died from medical emergencies. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of an unknown cause; he may have had a fatal reaction to bear spray. Thus, there were four dead Trump supporters and one policeman. Officer Sicknick was certainly a victim, but the latest press reports say prosecutors are having a hard time charging anyone with homicide. Two other officers later killed themselves. We don’t really know why.

Ironically, both leftists and Q-Anon protesters believed there was a master plan. There was no plan. President Trump was talking big, but he didn’t intend a putsch. Has he ever followed up on his tough talk? His supporters were a leaderless rabble. Most came for a protest and nothing more. Indeed, video from the day shows some Trump supporters calmly walking through the Capitol, careful to stay within the velvet ropes for tourists. Representatives in Congress are a greater danger to those statues than any “insurrectionists.”

Donald Trump had no plan. He was an American version of General Boulanger, someone who had a mass following but lacked the will or vision to accomplish anything. The Capitol Farce is the Reichstag Fire for progressives, an excuse to consolidate power and crush opposition. This includes efforts to expel Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley for supposedly inciting insurrection. The new Administration has also begun a repressive campaign against white advocates.

Among Joe Biden’s first actions were to abolish the 1776 Commission and reimpose critical race theory on the federal government. Progressives are also teaching critical race theory in college and even in elementary school. This causes racial conflict by provoking and rewarding non-white resentment. The state is undermining the nation, whether by intent or ignorance.

Joe Biden executive orders

President Joe Biden signs an executive order. (Credit Image: © Al Drago – Pool Via Cnp/CNP via ZUMA Wire)

The state also can’t defend its own symbols. Progressives wail about the “desecration” of the “temple of democracy,” but the Biden White House is lukewarm on defending the national anthem. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said his team was not going to play the Star Spangled Banner before home games because members of the “community” felt the anthem “did not fully represent them.” He later backpedaled after the NBA said the anthem must be played. The White House waffled.

After saying that President Biden is proud to be American, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said:

[President Biden would] also say that, of course, that part of the pride in our country means recognizing moments where we as a country haven’t lived up to our highest ideals, which is often, and at times, when people are speaking to when they take action at sporting events.

And it means respecting the rights of people, granted to them the Constitution to peacefully protest.

I’m not sure about the President’s support for “peaceful protest;” the Department of Justice arrested “Ricky Vaughn” for posting memes and the FBI raided activists who held pro-Trump rallies.

Ricky Vaughn Election Interference Meme

The meme “Ricky Vaughn” posted that led to his arrest.

It is not yet a crime to belong to a “domestic terrorist group” or to hold certain opinions, but that could change. The federal government would have a hard time punishing white advocates and civic nationalists while ignoring antifa and BLM. Canada doesn’t have this problem. It declared the Proud Boys a “terrorist group.” Canada criminalizes membership and imposes penalties on anyone who does business with the group. The First Amendment theoretically prevents the American government from doing this, but I have faith in the creativity of lawyers and judges to work around that little problem, especially after President Biden replaces one or more Supreme Court justices.

One of President Biden’s other early decisions was to allow American embassies to fly the gay pride flag. Burning the American flag is free speech, but burning the gay flag can be a hate crime. It remains to be seen whether embassies will also display Black Lives Matter banners. The last Super Bowl began with the “Black National Anthem,” so white Americans should get used to blacks’ quasi-sovereign status.

While new symbols go up, others come down. The city of Charlottesville won’t just take down Robert E. Lee, but reportedly wants to ditch Lewis and Clark. San Jose will dump a statue of Thomas Fallon because he raised the American flag over the city. The Father of His Country isn’t safe either, but the country he fathered doesn’t exist anymore. Get ready for Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill instead of Andrew Jackson.

During the Civil War, both sides claimed to be fighting for the Founders’ vision. This new America is explicitly built on repudiation. Thomas Fallon raising the flag is no longer an American triumph, but a shameful affront to Mexicans and American Indians. The Founders enshrined white supremacy. The arrival of Christopher Columbus and whites to the New World isn’t a day of celebration, but a day of mourning. Thanksgiving is no longer about gratitude to God but apologies to American Indians. If there’s anything to be saved from the old America, it’s one silly phrase from the Declaration of Independence.

Many conservatives believe there is a limit to the destruction. There isn’t. America imports people like Ilhan Omar, gives them preferential treatment, and rewards them for hating the country. If you subsidize something, you get more of it. Conservatives understand this about economic policy.

Aside from a few tokens hired by the American conservative movement, non-whites have no reason to be patriotic or identify with the historic American nation. Why identify with people who aren’t of your race, especially when you are rewarded by every powerful institution if you claim you’re a victim?

Also, the media should never surprise us. We don’t have a state-run media; we have a media-run state. Media campaigns can determine who and what the state prosecutes. Media also determine who can do business or speak online. Men seek power. Why should we be surprised that journalists use power to shut down others? We should remember what John C. Calhoun taught us: “Power can only be resisted by power.”

For the last half century, the conservative movement has often taught its followers to avoid power. The result was that the Left captured the universities, the media, and the bureaucracy. Progressives even control Big Business. Now, every major institution in America opposes white interests. Therefore, what interest do we have in upholding such a society? It’s absurd to be conservative when there’s little worth conserving.

In an editorial two weeks ago, National Review said that the Capitol should not be a militarized zone but rather symbol of “a free people’s self-representation.” I disagree. The Capitol should remain as it is: the “Green Zone” of an occupying regime as foreign and hostile as anything in Iraq or Afghanistan. It should look the part. MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace implied that the government should consider military strikes against those who “incite terrorism,” meaning the Capitol protests. We aren’t a free people and should stop pretending we are. Conservatives need to grow up or admit they’re just collaborators and phony opposition.

National Guard in Washington DC

(Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)

Where does that leave us? Whites are stateless, leaderless, and without representation in “our” government. There is not one figure who defends whites as whites. Every other group has leaders who explicitly defend interests. Like white South Africans in the 1980s and 1990s, we are trapped in an impossible dilemma. Are we part of a larger “American” country that is now at war with its own white past, or are we something different?

I’d say we are something different – but what? Southern nationalism is a dead end as states like Georgia turn brown. Claiming we are the “true” America makes it hard to forge a separate identity. What’s more, our struggle is worldwide. White Americans face the same opponents and the same challenges as white Canadians, French, Germans, British, Irish, and other members of the European brotherhood. I have far more in common with them than I do with someone like Rashida Tlaib. I don’t care what’s on our passports.

I don’t have the final answer or the ultimate path forward. Something will emerge depending on circumstances and the new challenges that will emerge. However, I do know we need at least to ask the right question before we get the right answer. “How do we save America?” is no longer the right question. “America” itself has become an almost meaningless word. “How do we save our people?” is where we need to start. A Western civilization-state is where we need to end.

What we do in between will be the story of the next few years, perhaps the next few decades. They may prove to be the most important in the entire history of our race. There can be no more illusions. The hour of decision is here. Western Civilization – white Civilization – yes or no? We must make our choice.