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The Politics of the UK Riots
Mark Gullick • Monday, August 12, 2024 • 3,000 Words
August is traditionally a quiet month in the United Kingdom. The British go on their summer holidays, perversely leaving the country during the hottest month of the year to seek sunshine in foreign climes. Parliament goes into recess, and so no new laws are passed. Even the media take a break, the lack of newsworthy stories earning the month the nickname “the silly season”, reflecting the inane stories the media have to find to fill their newspapers and TV news programs.
But the sleepy eighth month, named for Augustus Caesar, occasionally acts strangely on the English, a people once famed for their rather dull nature. In August 2011, rioting spread across the country after a Black man was shot dead by police in London. Somewhat earlier, in August 1641, the first battle of the English Civil War (three wars, technically, within a decade) was fought at Nottingham. Today, August 2024 can take its place in the British calendar of civil unrest. But where the mainstream media have concentrated on the visuals of the recent riots, it is the political back-story that needs watching. The question is a simple one; how has a tenderfoot British government made such fast and efficient use of the riots for authoritarian political ends?
The riots have been well-documented globally; they are a distraction from the real story, that of political manipulation and the use of civil disturbance to change the law of the land. And this Machiavellian program is aimed squarely at the White population. When British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer addressed the nation after Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, his tone was conciliatory and apologetic, praising what he claimed was the ongoing Black fight against racism. His speech after this month’s riots is markedly different, beginning as it does with the following;
“I utterly condemn the far-Right thuggery we’ve seen this weekend”.
The phrase “far Right” is Britain’s equivalent to the Biden administration’s use of “white supremacy”, a meaningless smear by association I wrote about here at The Occidental Observer over two years ago. The organization which has set itself up as the moral arbiter of supposed White racism is HOPE Not Hate (HNH), an equivalent to America’s Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League. It is HNH who have popularized the phrase “far Right”, one the government has run with. They are also agents provocateurs, groundlessly alleging that a Muslim woman had had acid thrown at her from a car in the town of Cleveland during the rioting, a claim the local police immediately debunked.
But the temptation is still to blame government ineptitude rather than malevolent design. Before the general election on July 4, it was assumed that as Labour had made no substantive policy announcements, they therefore had no policies. They seemed to be campaigning solely on the fact that they weren’t the Conservatives, and simply would not be equipped to govern. Now, that accusation of under-preparedness looks naïve.
There is a perception that Labour’s authoritarian response to the riots is a result of panic, that they getting tough in order to appear in command. But the government appearing to make policy on the hoof is a grand deception, and this sudden roll-out of zealous and ethnicity-specific strong-arm tactics was in place all along. The riots were engineered and the results both predicted and used in a pre-determined way. The White British working class have been goaded for decades with the effects of immigration and the plainly preferential treatment often given to undocumented men. As in Ireland, the government pushed them once too often, albeit deliberately so.
The initial rioting in Southport, a suburb of Liverpool, was sparked by the murder of three young girls at a dance party on July 29, but there had been something of a prequel in the Harehills city district of Leeds on July 18. The difference between the police response to the latter riot and that of the ensuing and far more serious violence shows patterns which are already beginning to define Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s fledgling government.
For once, the rumor on social media that the alleged killer was a newly arrived immigrant was genuine misinformation. The police withheld the attacker’s name for several days, by now a recognized signal that whoever the perpetrator was, he was not a white Englishman. The accused was in fact born in Wales — a fact endlessly repeated in the media — of Rwandan immigrant parents. But the fuse was lit, and a group which was composed of White Englishmen gathered outside a mosque in Southport, which they attacked. By Friday, riots had broken out in several major cities, and the weekend inevitably saw an escalation of hostilities. Then the police and the media came spectacularly to life in a way that had not accompanied the Harehills riot.
The Harehills disturbance began when an immigrant Romanian family became involved in a stand-off with social services officers who had come to take at least one of the family’s children into care. The ensuing riot attracted a crowd of mostly Muslim young men. The police have shown during pro-Palestine demonstrations that they are reluctant to police ethnic minorities, and when they finally arrived in Harehills, the crowd chased them out of the area. They did not return. When rioting subsequent to the Southport murders was instigated by White, English, working-class men, the style of policing changed completely. This represents a central pillar of what is already a new order; Two-tier policing.
The phrase “two-tier policing” was coined by ex-Conservative Home Secretary Suella Braverman. Her use of the phrase, in addition to using the term “invasion” to describe illegal immigration, led ultimately to her defenestration by her party. It used to require a sexual or financial scandal to end a politician’s career. Four words are sufficient today.
Two-tier policing is undeniably taking place in the UK, although that has not stopped governmental mouthpieces denying it. With the advent of citizen journalism, ordinary people whose media information used to come solely from the state-sanctioned, legacy press, are now able to watch the different policing styles employed against Muslims and the White working class. Starmer flatly denied that there is any two-tier policing, claiming that the British police act “without fear or favor”. This phrase was first used in 1829 by the founder of the British police, Sir Robert Peel, and in Starmer’s mouth it is demonstrably untrue. Tempers frayed when Sir Mark Rowley, Chief Commissioner of London’s Metropolitan Police Force, was asked by a reporter whether he would end two-tier policing. Rowley angrily snatched the microphone from the offending reporter’s hand.
Below is a 12-minute video by Mark Collett, of British political organization Patriotic Alternative (PA, who have been blocked from registering as an official party). It explains two-tier policing succinctly, and PA have been watched forensically for years, meaning that government lawyers will certainly have watched this short exposé. In other words, you know it’s true because if there was one slip-up, Collett would already be in jail. His message is simple; Whites are policed very differently from non-Whites.
And so, while the rioting itself dominates the media, political machinations are clicking into place behind the smokescreen. Labour are determined not to let this crisis go to waste, and they are using methods of control honed by the political class over the last quarter of a century, which links Tony Blair’s Labour government to Sir Keir Starmer’s.
The rioting has been extensive, but it is the damage done to the liberty of the citizenry that is significant. Prime Minister Starmer and his Home Secretary Yvette Cooper have, to use a phrase beloved of the political class, “been absolutely clear about this”. The current troubles are the fault of White, “far-Right” thugs. Starmer put into place instant retribution for rioters, 24-hour courts to process them despite a normally sluggish judicial process in Britain, and staggering prison sentences of up to ten years for involvement in disturbances, including online incitement. This is not a flustered government grasping at ad hoc policy. This has been a long time in the planning.
Central to this aggressive policy-making are arrest and punishment, and the weaker and more vulnerable those arrested, the better the deterrent. A 55-year-old woman was arrested on August 8 for posting a name believed to be that of the Southport killer, but which was in fact incorrect. Here is what Chief Superintendent Alison Ross of Cheshire Police had to say about the arrest:
It’s a stark reminder of the dangers of posting information on social media platforms without checking the accuracy. It also acts as a warning that we are all accountable for our actions, whether that be online or in person. [Italics added].
It looks as though Ms. Ross is saying that we are all responsible for our actions, but she is not. You won’t hear any mouthpiece of the British Left (which is what the police are) saying such a thing because a belief in personal agency is not in the ideological DNA of the Left, at least not when groups with protected characteristics are being arrested. What she is impressing on the specifically White British is that they are accountable, they can be held to account, even for repeating an inaccuracy. This is reminiscent of a government advertising poster during World War II, on which a fierce-looking army officer barks out the following; “Treat rumours like mistakes. Don’t repeat ‘em”.
Britain’s people are learning a political lesson. If government cannot control the narrative, and therefore the behavior (both physical and mental) of its citizens, it will increase its powers of detention and prime the judicial system towards heavier sentencing for the ethnic bloc of which it disapproves most, which is the White working class. People are already going to jail for their part in the rioting, the usually sluggish judicial system suddenly being given the equivalent of a jab with a cattle prod. There are similarities between what is happening to rioters in the UK and the so-called “insurrectionists” of the infamous January 6 walkabout in the US. But it ought to be pointed out that the British rioters really were rioting, whereas the Americans who still languish in jail over January 6 were guilty of little more than aggravated tourism.
While everyone is being distracted by the main events of the rioting, plus the government’s pulpit-pounding response, it is the activity off-stage and behind the scenes which gives genuine cause for concern. Aside from the flurry of legislation the government is implementing, consider what else Labour have done in their first month in power.
A Parliamentary Bill intended to restore free speech to university campuses has been abandoned, and not in its formative stages. The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 received Royal assent in May of last year, and was therefore effectively law. It even had cross-party support. The Bill was summed up in a governmental report of June 1, 2023 as follows:
[The Act] delivers on the Government’s commitment to strengthen academic freedom and free speech in higher education, helping to protect the reputation of our universities as centres of academic freedom.
On July 26 this year, after three weeks of a Labour government, the Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson, wrote to colleagues to announce the new government’s intention to proceed no further with the Bill. Her report even allows the Bill to be repealed if constitutionally required for its annulment. The reason she gives, with reference to the academic freedom of speech the original Bill guaranteed, is that “I am aware that the Act would be burdensome on providers”.
In just over a year, in a nation that once led the world in higher education, academic freedom of speech has gone from being a championed priority to being a burden. And Labour are only just getting started.
Shortly before this eruption of dissidence, Starmer announced that there were “too many prisoners” in British jails, and began a program of early release. Once again, the line from Anthony Burgess’ novel A Clockwork Orange echoes. A British MP is discussing early release with a prison governor, and informs him that “soon we will be needing all our prison space for political prisoners”. Starmer had already announced that he will step up early release. But the British prison system has been described as on the brink of collapse in the media for as long as I can remember. Why the sudden desperate need for prison space?
Then there is legislation which was already draconian and which is now under review to increase the powers it grants government.
The Online Safety Bill (OSB) was controversial when it first passed into British law last year. It was marked by an almost total lack of a working definition for key operative phrases and terms such as “harm”, “hate speech”, “offence”, “racism”, and others. This lack of definition is a political tactic I called “usable ambiguity” in a piece on the Bill here. Lack of precise definition should be totally unacceptable where crime and punishment are concerned, but there are already moves to make rigid definition in the law a thing of the past, and we will see a lot more usable ambiguity as the truth is tinkered with. This is civil war at an epistemological level.
Now, the Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has stated that the OSB needs reviewing in the wake of the rioting specifically to address the confected problem of “misinformation”. Khan is an arrogant man but he has every right to be. As the highest-profile Muslim politician in the UK, he is relishing his new influence over the government. Keir Starmer has already made it clear that when Khan shouts “Jump!” Starmer merely needs to ask “how high?” Why else would a PM newly swept into power with a record-breaking mandate allow a bumptious London Mayor to inform big tech companies that, concerning online misinformation, “if they don’t sort their own house out, regulation is coming”.
Misinformation is what has exercised the Mayor, Elon Musk having taken a keen interest in the disturbances. Musk’s use of his platform, X, as a base from which to troll British politicians has incensed the political class. Musk has attacked Starmer from early in the rioting, and Starmer has responded rather bafflingly by having his Chief Commissioner of Police imply that Musk “will face the full force of the law” and possible subsequent arrest for his online comments. Whatever this government might lack, it is not braggadocio.
“England and Wales have long had very broad criminal offences that make it illegal to say something online that would often be legal offline,” says Michael Veale, associate professor in technology law at University College London. “Those communications offences are the tools that law enforcement usually reach for when dealing with specific cases like Musk’s, prosecuting thousands a year.” And some of those rules have been bolstered by the new Online Safety Act, which was passed into law in the last few months. But there’s a catch. “Even in the new act, these do not extend outside of the jurisdiction, meaning it would be hard to see how they could be used to target Musk,” says Veale. Independent
Before leading the Labour Party to victory, Starmer was the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), a powerful figure in the estate of the British judiciary. Strange that he and his Chief of Police should neglect to inform Mr. Musk which law he has broken, and what extradition agreements are in place with whatever country the world’s richest man is in today. The exchange offers a clue to wider ideological concerns. For the Left, criticism of Left-wing ideology is increasingly becoming equivalent to breaking the law. And Starmer genuinely is a creature of the Left.
The only MSM journalist to have spoken about Starmer’s past as a Pabloite (a hard-Left branch of Trotskyism) is the veteran Peter Hitchens, whose late brother Christopher was probably better known in the USA. Hitchens may be a gloomy curmudgeon, but he holds onto stories tenaciously, and is a lone voice in the wilderness of the British media for forewarning an unheeding nation about Starmer’s hard-Left provenance. But we are not seeing the triumph of the Left, but that of the political class.
I recently reviewed Peter Oborne’s seminal book on modern British politics, The Triumph of the Political Class, here at The Occidental Observer. The book was written in 2007 and describes the formation of a separate political class acting in their own self-interest, and to the ultimate detriment of the citizenry. A key point Oborne makes is that, in 2007, the political class was still learning how to control the people in an age of mass communication. In the interim, it has got a lot better at it. Starmer and his party were famously seen as having no policies going into the general election, leading critics to claim Labour in power would be inventing policy as they went along, merely improvising government. This isn’t credible. Five weeks into their new government, the Labour Party certainly has got policies, and I suspect they had them long before their election victory, when they were deemed unpalatable for public consumption. Now, with a huge mandate and a five-year-plan, a Labour Party supposedly unprepared for government looks very prepared indeed.
So, if this government is coming across as panicky and unprepared for power, I suggest that is something of a psy-op. Gross incompetence leading to the exacerbation of a problem is often metaphorically referred to as “putting out the fire with gasoline”. But what if you weren’t trying to put the fire out? What if your intention all along was to make it blaze ever hotter, even if it burns the house down? If the UK is going to hell in a handcart, the handcart doesn’t need to be built from scratch. It was finished long ago.
Democracy and Identity
By Mark Weber
Text, slightly edited, of an address given on May 18, 2024, at a conference organized and hosted by James Edwards in Greenville, South Carolina.
We live in an age of ever more obvious political paralysis, social disorder, and cultural chaos. In recent years, public opinion polls show that trust by Americans in the US Congress, the mass media, and other major social-political institutions has fallen to historically low levels. Surveys also show that most Americans believe that their country is going in the wrong direction, and that life for their children and grand-children will be less secure and prosperous than it has been for them. Americans, and especially younger citizens, are understandably cynical about the slogans and pledges of both major political parties.
For decades now, millions of white Americans have been moving from neighborhood to neighborhood, from town to town, and from state to state – refugees in their own country – in an ever more frantic effort to escape the spreading “third-worldization” of their country, and to live in the kind of society that our grand-parents and great-grand-parents were able to take for granted.
The cultural life of a healthy nation, including its movies and entertainment, reflects and reinforces the heritage, identity and interests of its people. But in today’s America, control of the mass media and cultural life is in the grip of people whose ideology and agenda are hostile to the long-term interests of our people, thereby fueling the continued, inexorable breakdown of our nation.
It’s possible to ignore reality. It’s not possible to ignore forever the consequences of ignoring reality. The crisis of today’s America did not emerge suddenly, but has roots in decisions and policies going back more than half a century. The already enormous gap between the ideals and goals proclaimed for decades by our leaders and in the mainstream media, on the one hand, and the ever more obvious reality that everyone can see around us, on the other, will only widen in the months and years to come. Just as Americans 100 or even 50 years ago would have regarded today’s America with revulsion, so also those who will be here 50 years from now will look back on the America of today with a mixture of bewilderment, pity, and contempt.
An unhealthy society will not and cannot endure. A nation guided by false principles, wishful thinking, and unrealistic notions about society and history cannot and will not survive; it doesn’t deserve to survive. The “United States of America” might stagger and stumble on for several more years, perhaps even a few more decades, but it’s no longer a coherent and purposeful nation.
The more vigorously those in power try to make this a society of what they call “equity,” the more they must inevitably lower standards of competence, ability and merit. The inevitable result: American businesses will be less competitive in global markets, public services will continue to deteriorate, airplane and railroad accidents will become more frequent, and American cities will become steadily more ugly, alien, and unpleasant.
Those in power will respond to the harmful but inevitable consequences of their own policies by ever more stridently blaming them on white Americans and “systemic racism.” In the name of fighting “hate,” “extremism,” “racism” and “antisemitism,” they will push for new laws and measures in an ultimately futile effort to suppress views and voices they don’t like.
It will be ever more difficult for white Americans to be indifferent to or unaffected by all this. They will find themselves increasingly unable to avoid a distasteful dilemma. Those who believe and accept the anti-white messaging promoted in the mainstream media, Hollywood movies, and school classrooms, will be ever more ashamed of their heritage, their race, and themselves. But those who refuse to accept this toxic messaging will reject – at first inwardly and then ever more openly – the entire System and its guiding ideology.
As political, social and cultural conditions continue to worsen, the Establishment’s focus on the supposed evils and dangers of “white racism” will encourage at least a minority of white Americans to see the world and history in racial terms. That in turn will encourage at least some white Americans to think of themselves not merely as individuals, but as men and women of European ancestry and Western heritage. More white Americans will understand and agree with what some of those here this weekend have been saying for years.
We often hear that the big problem in today’s America is that it’s not “democratic” enough. Many Republicans claim that the presidential election of 2020 was “stolen,” which they say shows that the US is no longer really “democratic.” And many Democrats say that the greatest danger to the country’s future comes from Trump MAGA supporters who threaten what is reverentially called “our democracy.”
But the problem here isn’t that the US is not “democratic;” the key point, especially for white Americans, is that this is no longer “our democracy.” Most white Americans still do not fully grasp the reality that this county has become so multi-ethnic and multi-racial that it can no longer be credibly regarded as “our” country, democratic or otherwise.
As history shows, profound changes in attitude and public perception can happen quickly, when the new outlook is in accord with already existing reality. Here are a few instructive episodes from twentieth century Europe:
In 1918 the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” – the UK – was a multi-party “democracy” in which voters in England, Scotland and Ireland elected representatives to the House of Commons in London. Irish nationalists did not accept this, because however “democratic” the UK was, it was not an Irish democracy. The most important Irish identitarian political organization during this period was Sinn Fein, which means “We ourselves.” After two and half years of violent struggle between Irish nationalists and the British government, the “Irish Free State,” forerunner of today’s Irish Republic, was established in 1922.
Another example: After more than 40 years, Soviet troops left Czechoslovakia in 1990-91, and the country became a multi-party democracy. As its name suggests, the people of that country were overwhelmingly either Czech or Slovak. But the identitarian leaders of each of these two closely related ethnic groups were not happy with the hybrid republic, not because it wasn’t “democratic,” but because it was not “ours.” After a breakup known as the “velvet divorce,” the country came to an end in 1992, to be replaced by two republics: Czechia and Slovakia.
A third example: In Yugoslavia, the single-party rule of the Communist League came to an end in 1990, giving way to a multi-party democracy. But that did not prevent the country from falling apart over the next two years, as Croats, Slovenes, and other ethnic groups broke away. In this case as well, the problem was not that multi-ethnic Yugoslavia wasn’t “democratic,” but that most of its citizens did not regard it as “their” country.
In short: Identity is more important than “democracy.”
If there’s anything useful to be learned from the history of the past century, it’s that multi-ethnic and multi-racial societies are inherently unstable and fragile, and that the most orderly, stable and happy countries are homogenous nations made up of people of the same race, ethnicity, culture, heritage, and language. The trajectory of the past century shows that the notion “Diversity is our strength” – a slogan invented by the Zionist “Anti-Defamation League” and proclaimed by President Bill Clinton in a major address – is a demagogic absurdity. American society is failing above all for the same reason that other culturally and ethnically diverse societies have failed in the past.
For many years now, American politicians, the mass media, Hollywood, and the educational establishment, have been encouraging white Americans to think of themselves merely as individuals whose citizenship as Americans is based entirely on a shared devotion to universalist-egalitarian principles.
White Americans grudgingly tolerate “Black Lives Matter” rallies at which black men and women proudly proclaim their African identity, and they condone gatherings where Jews proudly affirm their Jewish identity and support for Israel. Yet European Americans are very uncomfortable or even ashamed to support anything that might be called white identity politics.
It’s no wonder white Americans keep losing: they’re not even playing the same game. Whites are still playing checkers while everyone else is playing chess. Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Muslims, and so forth, have become skilled at the art of identity politics. They understand that serious, high-stakes politics is identity politics. It’s politics that really matters. European Americans haven’t learned that good intentions, ever more “tolerance,” and trying to be “nice” to everyone are not enough. A future for white Americans can be secured only when our people wake up, recognize this reality, and act accordingly.
In coming years, the work of educating our people, of raising awareness, will become ever more important, and will have a steadily greater impact. In this work, the prerequisite for success is to tell the truth. We cannot hope to match our adversaries in scale or intensity of outreach, but we have something working for us that they do not have. We have reality and truth on our side. No matter how much effort is put into presenting falsehood as noble or admirable, it will not endure. Truth and reality matter, especially over the long run.
A useful feature of this great education project, I provocatively suggest, might be our own version of “Critical Race Theory.”
As you know, many white Americans are understandably not happy with “Critical Race Theory,” which promotes a view of history hostile to our heritage. Typically their response has been defensive talk about how much whites have done to abolish slavery, fight racism, and promote equality. Such talk undoubtedly makes some white men and women feel a little better about themselves, but the apologetic attitude underlying it only encourages new and more assertive demands by non-whites.
What’s needed, I suggest, is a new kind of “Critical Race Theory” – an educational program that will describe just how and why white Americans have enabled the takeover and degradation of the great country their forefathers settled, built and controlled, and have permitted the alien takeover of our mainstream media and educational system, the “third-worldization” of our cities, and the malign vilification of the great men of our people and race whom we once honored. To put it another way, we need a diagnostic “Critical Race Theory” that will explain just how and why white Americans have become so timid and craven — so unwilling or unable to defend their own heritage, much less to safeguard our future as a people.
The American national anthem calls this the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” But the truth is that in every country through the ages – and certainly in today’s America – only a small minority is really courageous – that is, willing to risk life and livelihood to fight for much beyond themselves and their families. It takes no courage to drift with the crowd. Weaklings are always quick to cheer those who have fame, money, and power. Cowards are always ready to support a cause that seems victorious. In any society, the portion of the population that has the wit to understand and the heart to care is always a minority.
That’s why I’m glad to be here this weekend, with men and women who think about what’s happening in our country and the world, and, more importantly, who care about our people, our heritage and our future. As the crisis of America and the West deepens, what we do now and in the years ahead will matter more than ever.
For me, the most gratifying and encouraging development of recent years has been the coming of age of a new generation of capable, savvy and articulate young men, and some young women, who “get it,” who’ve “put it all together.” – young people who are not ashamed of who they are, but who instead affirm their – and our – identity and heritage, and whose dedication is anchored in a coherent worldview, and a confident, unblinkered vision of the future. Some of the younger men and women here this weekend who share this concern for our people and posterity will, perhaps, one day be leaders in the struggle for a better, more secure and happier future.

The cultural revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She’s lived it twice.
COMMENT This is the very most important Tucker Carlson interview I have watched yet. Do not miss this one. Canadians and Americans may have problems to understand what is said here because they grew up in a once free country. This can change very fast as you will hear from this great lady who grew up under Mao. All governments follow the same recipe to stay in power. We have to watch every step of what is going on in government. Don’t ever trust any of them. This interview may wake you up to the real facts and the truth. We are almost at the point of no return. Be informed, help take our country back from the insanity that is going on now. True history is suppressed on purpose, because all this happened before.
Anyone who wants to judge how far into corruption our present U.S. regime has sunk needs to view the documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis” which covers the George Floyd case and the official reaction to it.
Before the evidence was even finalised, the President of the United States, the Vice-President of the United States, the then Speaker of the U.S. House, the current (Republican) Speaker of the House, the mayor, governor, and state attorney general declared that George Floyd had been murdered by the police. The FBI showed up immediately to join a local fatality case.
The trial of Officer Dereck Chauvin is shown to have been a travesty of justice in every respect. Even while jurors were being chosen, the City of Minneapolis declared a large settlement to the Floyd “family” which he himself had never supported. The judge allowed known BLM members to be considered as jurors and excluded much exculpatory evidence. He ruled against moving the trial to a less dangerous venue, although the proceedings were held behind barbed wire and the jurors had every reason to be fearful. The honest findings of the original autopsy were disregarded.
There is no question that Floyd, now regarded around the world as a saint, was a career felon and thoroughly disreputable thug who resisted arrest because he was high on several drugs in amounts that could be fatal. The police were endeavouring to keep him quiet, waiting for the ambulance they had called because he complained of breathing problems.
Officer Chauvin was a 19-year veteran known for his steadiness in bad situations. The knee position that was claimed to be responsible for Floyd’s death was fully authorized in the manual familiar to all Minneapolis police. Several city officials lied under oath that was not so.
The leftist media in other countries, always eager to run down Americans, now declare as truth that American police have a vicious policy against black people, although the five policemen who had to cope with Floyd included a black and an Asian. And the fact that more policemen are killed by black criminals than the other way around. And that the Floyd matter was a routine thing that big city police deal with almost daily.
Most importantly, what this event shows is the disconnect between the state and the society it is supposed to represent. Those who manage to scramble themselves into positions of power have no interest in the welfare of ordinary folk or in understanding the daily reality around them. Their primary interest is in maintaining their place by a phony narrative that makes them feel virtuous. This government disregard for society is not a good thing for the great numbers of us “deplorables.”
Those of us old enough to remember the Civil Rights revolution can recall how the representatives of Minnesota were at the forefront in demanding that the feds come down hard on evil Southerners. At that time the black population of Minnesota was minuscule. It has since grown greatly, which is attributed to generous welfare benefits. While we sympathise with peace officers whose lives are being ruined by a corrupt government, we can’t help but feel a bit of satisfaction at seeing that State endure some Reconstruction of its own. Reconstruction was imposed on the South by armed force, but the Minnesotans have done it to themselves.
ell Me Exactly Again What Is The Meaning Of White Supremacy? by Frosty Wooldridge – February 3, 2023 https://rense.com/general97/white-supremacy-meaning.php
African-American educational leaders state that, “Math is racist.” Except mathematics has no more to do with racism than green grass is “racist.” Mathematics forms the foundation of our entire civilization as to engineering, construction, transportation, food, and just about everything that allows this country to thrive. So, how exactly did “race” get thrown into the mix? Answer: by those who won’t or can’t do their homework to discover the answer to the equation! The equation is solved or not solved. It doesn’t care about the color of your skin!
Other black leaders have enshrined the women-beater, car jacker, Federal felon, local porn star, drug addict and drug trafficker George Floyd as a national hero. Never mind the man died of a fentanyl overdose while three minority cops and one white cop subdued him on the ground for committing yet another crime in his crime-ridden life…passing counterfeit bills.
After that moment, Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down American cities, stole and smashed everything in sight across the nation to the tune of $2 billion in damages as well as killing over a dozen people. Not one anarchist/arsonist/thief saw a jail cell.
That’s when the term “White Supremacy” became the call-word for African-Americans being shot, mistreated, jailed and harmed by white cops. That’s when the call for “defund the cops” and “kill cops” became the clarion call…in inner cities across America.
Since that time, criminals have enjoyed the freedom to rob stores, rob trains, jack cars, shoplift, and shoot people with complete immunity in America’s largest cities.
So, you might ask the question, “What exactly is the meaning of white supremacy?”
Because Whoopi Goldberg, a black lady on the TV show, “The View”, wanted to know if anything would be done if white people were shot or beaten like Tyre Nichols was beaten last week by five black police officers?
Last week, five black Memphis, Tennessee police officers stopped Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old black man, for reckless driving. He resisted arrest, broke loose and ran from the officers. They tased him with an electrical taser gun, but that didn’t stop him. They pursued him in a footrace. A total of five black officers beat the living crap out of him with punches and kicks to the head. Finally, after more kicking, punching, and beating…they cuffed him. He suffered such a beating that he was taken to the hospital where he died.
MSNBC host Joy Reid called the beating “White Supremacy” in action. America’s number one con-man and tax evader, Al Sharpton called it entrenched white supremacy. In other words, African-Americans who administered the Tyr Nichols beating were pronounced “white supremacists.”
Except, here’s the reality of the situation: Memphis, Tennessee features 70 percent black population. The mayor is black, police chief a black woman, city council all black, most teachers are black, most police officers are black all the way down to black workers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Arby’s, and Pizza Hut. Most of the kids in school are African-American.
You may be wondering, exactly, what in the devil is “white supremacy” and how is it dominating Memphis, Tennessee where the black population dominates every aspect of the city?
How can white supremacy be blamed when 9 out of 10 killings in big cities are black on blacks killing blacks? Let’s take a look at the facts on any given weekend in black-dominated cities:
January 28, 29, 2023, CHICAGO (CBS News) — At least 51 people were shot over weekend in Chicago, and nine of the victims have died. Four of the victims were under 18 years old, including a 4-year-old who was shot in the South Chicago neighborhood Friday evening. South Chicago is virtually 90 percent black or Hispanic or illegal alien migrants. This killing rate continues every single weekend in a city run by black Mayor Lori Lightfoot.
January 28, 29, 2023, NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) – Violent crime plagued New Orleans again over the weekend. Nine shootings, two dead, 10 robberies. Police investigated multiple homicides, shootings, and 10 different armed robberies. On Sun., June 26, police say three robberies happened back-to-back in the Marigny. In each of the cases, police say three men, armed with guns, demanded victims’ belongings and took off on foot.
Los Angeles: The Beverly Crest shooting came just eight days after a Jan. 21 mass shooting in the Los Angeles County city of Monterey Park, where 12 people were fatally shot at a dance studio allegedly by a 72 …
These shootings and killings in these big cities continue as black on black killings, people of color shooting people of color. How do you define those killings as “White Supremacy” Whoopi Goldberg and/or Joy Reid, and Al Sharpton?
At some point, we need to have a reckoning with black people in America to take responsibility for accountability in a civil society, and foundational ethics.
How can America’s minorities ever climb out of the inner cities when 80 percent of them, as in Detroit, Michigan, where I used to work, flunk out or drop out of high school? Most big black dominated cities feature the same illiteracy rates. There’s no way that white America can save black America if black America won’t save itself. Please note that I taught in inner city Grand Rapids, Michigan for two years to see exactly what was happening for myself. How do minority kids do their homework? Their parents sit them in front of the television. Or, they play games on their computers. They spend 10 hours a day on their cell phones. Not too much educational pursuit going on in those homes!
Are there any solutions? Of course! But our Congress and presidents would rather fight 20-year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by spending $6 trillion on their countries rather than our country. Biden and Congress would rather send $100 billion to Ukraine to defend its borders instead of securing our borders. Biden would rather invite six million illegal refugee migrants into our country rather than serve our schools and our children.
Worst of all, the American people sit by and watch it happen…and do nothing to stop it. They continue voting in the same corrupt Congressional critters…so they get the same results. In the end, the inner cities will continue with crime, murders, mayhem, misery, suffering and anarchy. It’s only going to get worse and it’s not going to get better. White supremacy? How about inner-city insanity by inner city “Black Supremacy?”
This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.
Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge