Tag Archives: DEI

The Death of DEI?

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Should this perspective also apply to those who ushered in forced lock-downs, forcing compliance to unproven unqualified medical procedures – by physical and ‘legal’ force, loss of paid work due to unproven unqualified medical procedures, administering “fines” for breathing and association,  seized bank accounts, higher fuel prices, beatings upon citizens engaged in lawful activity, etc., etc., etc. ?      Fixed elections ?

Notice what a change in administration can do for a culture ?

Have you noticed how many companies
 are now rolling back their woke, tranny-pushing DEI policies since Commander Trump won the election? 

Target, McDonald’s, Walmart, and Meta are the latest in a long list that includes Harley-Davidson, John Deere, Boeing, Tractor Supply Company, Polaris, Lowe’s, Ford, Coors, Nissan, and many more. https://www.businessinsider.com/companies-cutting-dei-activist-backlash-harley-davidson-deere-tractor-supply-2024-8

All of these companies are hoping you’ll forgive and forget them for trying to ruin your life the last four years. They expect you to just let bygones be bygones. They assume you will now return to spending your hard-earned money on their products, because, after all, they’re just like you. Don’t you dare do it!


We’ve been forced to endure their hateful and racist rhetoric for four long years; we’ve been passed over for raises; job promotions, or even getting hired in the first place in favor of unqualified, low-IQ sex deviants and Affirmative Action candidates. We’ve been denied benefits and scolded in a million different ways over our “racism” and “privilege,” and now they want us to be nice and give them our money? Not a chance!

The only reason they’re abandoning these policies now is because the presidential candidate of their choice lost. Do you really think that if the man impersonating Joe Biden or that dumb bitch who pretended to be his Vice President had stolen another election that these companies would be rolling back their failed DEI policies? Absolutely not. In fact, they’d be doubling down on those policies, which tells you two things. 

First, it tells you they’re cowards. If they really believed in their woke initiatives and policies, they’d keep them in place. That they’re scrapping them now just because Trump won, tells you that all they care about is joining the winning side. That’s the sign of a coward. It’s also a very feminine characteristic.

The second thing it tells you is they think you’re a fool. They think all they have to do is roll back the policies you hate, throw you a token apology, and you’ll come running back. Don’t do it. Not unless you like being played for a fool.

If you’ve been boycotting these companies, you must continue to do so. If you haven’t been boycotting these companies – and shame on you if you haven’t – then you must start immediately. That’s especially true when it comes to professional sports and anything coming from the entertainment industry – music, movies, television, etc. I suppose you can watch Dr. Phil. After all, he just helped our country’s border czar, Tom Homan, apprehend a dangerous criminal accused of sex crimes against children:  https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1883682412644974874

But not Selena Gomez or anyone else: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1883975187676430702

And what I said about boycotting the pedophile scum who populate the entertainment industry goes double, triple, quadruple for teachers and school officials. Say good riddance and have nothing to do with them ever again.


Now when it comes to family or friends, then obviously you can cut them some slack. The same with your co-workers and neighbors. After all, you have to live and work with them. If your neighbor is like mine, a black pill doomer with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), then you can remain cordial with him. I remain cordial with my neighbor, although I couldn’t resist rubbing it in a little when Trump won. 

My neighbor’s TDS is so strong, he actually thought that a drunk, washed-up old whore was going to win the election. He bet a small fortune on Harris. I told him not to. I told him to bet every dollar he could afford on Trump. Instead he took all the money he won in last year’s Super Bowl after I told him the game was fixed for Kansas City to win and bet it all on the whore. Some people are their own worst enemy. (By the way, it looks like Kansas City again this year.)

So it’s okay to remain cordial with people like that, even if they’re stupid like my neighbor. But not these woke corporations. They tried to cancel you. They tried to turn your children into demon-infested, homosexual trannies, and now they want you back?

To let these companies and these people off the hook, after they’ve worked overtime to make your life miserable, would be the stupidest thing ever. Not only should you continue to boycott them, you should tell everyone you know to boycott them. Boycott them into oblivion. The people running those companies are scum – human scum – and they deserve to be treated as such.


Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt  and Teen Boy’s Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man 

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The DEI Grift

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Future generations will study this scene as the historical culmination of DEI. Everything encapsulated in a single image. A perfectly composed snapshot of our time. The banal grift at the end of equality. Black girl magic. Allies doing the work. Cash App in bio.

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Majority of Canadians oppose equity hiring — more than in the U.S., new poll finds

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Majority of Canadians oppose equity hiring — more than in the U.S., new poll finds

While only 28 per cent of Canadians support equity hiring, 36 per cent of Americans support affirmative action

Author of the article:

Tyler Dawson

Published Dec 03, 2024  •  Last updated Dec 03, 2024  •  4 minute read


Jobs applicants waiting in a hallway.
Diversity, equity and inclusion, also called DEI, has lately come under increased scrutiny in the business and political world. Photo by Getty Images

A majority of Canadians say that employers should not take cultural or ethnic backgrounds into consideration when hiring, according to new polling.

Fifty-seven per cent of Canadians disagree with the notion that equity should be a part of hiring, according to the poll done by Leger for the Association for Canadian Studies.

“The survey results point to some pushback on the issue of minority hiring in Canada and the United States,” said Jack Jedwab, president of the Association for Canadian Studies, in an email.

In fact, equity hiring is less popular in Canada than the United States. While only 28 per cent of Canadians support equity hiring, 36 per cent of Americans support affirmative action. Meanwhile, less than half (46 per cent) of Americans oppose it.

The polling comes as diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), has come under increased scrutiny in the business and political world. Last month, Walmart scrapped its diversity program, making it the largest corporation to do so. (Others, such as Harley Davidson and John Deere, have also done so.) In the political realm, some political parties, including Alberta’s governing United Conservatives, have policies that explicitly endorse the elimination of DEI hiring within the public service and Crown corporations.

The Canadian federal government has specific equity targets in its hiring, a practice that has existed since the 1980s. The percentage of visible minorities hired by the federal government grew from just shy of 18 per cent to just shy of 27 per cent between 2016 and 2024. Jedwab said he decided to focus on employment equity because it’s “one of the key core elements” of what’s being talked about in the DEI conversation.


“It is important that our workforce reflect to the best extent it can our demographic reality,” said Jedwab in an interview.

Diversity hiring is the most unpopular among Canadians between the ages of 45 and 54, at 62 per cent, although it’s similarly unpopular across all age groups. Even among 18 to 24 year olds, 50 per cent oppose diversity hiring.

Men and women, at 57 per cent, equally oppose such policies. Typically, women hold more progressive views on social issues than do men. Some of the pushback, Jedwab said, may be coming from those who believe there is systemic racism in Canada but that diversity hiring initiatives aren’t doing enough to rectify inequalities and that the ultimate targets or objectives might be unclear.

“The risk is, if the objective is, it can’t be met, people begin to ask what’s the point in the first place? And that’s problematic, because the program is important,” Jedwab said.

There are, however, some regional differences. In Quebec, where the provincial government has attempted to stamp out religious dress and jewelry in some workplaces, the objection to equity hiring is most strongly held: Sixty-three per cent of Quebecers disagree with it. Quebec is followed by Alberta, where 58 per cent say background shouldn’t be a consideration in hiring, and British Columbia, where 57 per cent hold that view. Fifty-five per cent of Ontarians polled agree, as do 53 per cent of those in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Only in Atlantic Canada, where 50 per cent oppose diversity hiring, is there not an outright majority.

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However, there are significant percentages of Canadians who say they don’t know the answer to the question. Nationally, 15 per cent of Canadians say they don’t know, a view that’s most likely in Ontario, where 19 per cent said they didn’t know the answer.

Immigrants are somewhat more likely than non-immigrants to support diversity hiring. Thirty-four per cent say it’s important to take background into consideration, compared to 26 per cent of non-immigrants. That said, a solid 50 per cent of immigrants still say that it should not be taken into consideration.

“There’s a hierarchy, a hierarchy of vulnerability, and some groups may feel that they don’t qualify,” said Jedwab. “There’s some confusion about who does and who doesn’t qualify in that hierarchy, which may also result in some support being diminished, because we’re also seeing that the support amongst minority groups themselves is not as high as we would have assumed.”

The polling did not specifically ask people why they object to equity hiring.

Freelance workers and the self employed, at 75 per cent, are most likely to oppose equity hiring, followed by full-time workers, at 58 per cent. Fifty-one per cent of part-time workers oppose equity hiring.

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The polling sought responses from 1,539 people in Canada between Nov. 22 and Nov. 24 via an online panel. A margin of error cannot be associated with a non-probability sample in a panel survey for comparison purposes. However, a probability sample of 1,539 respondents would have a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 per cent, 19 times out of 20. In the United States, Leger polled 1,009 people over the same time period, and that online survey has a probabilistic margin of error of plus or minus 3.9 per cent, 19 times out of 20.

“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself“

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“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself

Many of them[Canadians] think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth.”Brad SalzbergOct 21 READ IN APP Share“Canadians have been sold a bill of goods,” says Bruce Pardy, the author of the report and a Queen’s University law professor.“Many of them think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth. In Canada, discrimination is lawful as long as it is committed against the right groups — and in particular against straight white men.”Professor Pardy’s distinction between social equality and social “equity” is critical to race-relations in our country. At present, the ominous nature of his statements are poorly understood within Canadian society. “Social ‘equity’ recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Social ‘equality’ means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.” “This isn’t just the law, but part of the Canadian Constitution. Unequal treatment is embedded as a constitutional standard — and in some situations, a constitutional requirement.”“Equal treatment and equity are opposites,” writes Pardy, senior fellow at the Aristotle Foundation.

As an example, we turn to Toronto Metropolitan University[formerly Ryerson], who recently made an administrative decision to limit the intake of white medical school students to 25% of those accepted to the program.Equality, or racism? If and when Caucasian Canadians reach 25% of TMU medical school acceptance, further candidates will be excluded simply because they are white, heterosexual males.“The law cannot simultaneously apply the same laws and standards to everyone and also adjust them depending upon the group. Equal treatment and equity are mutually exclusive and cannot co-exist.””This issue should be particularly concerning to young Canadians who could be squeezed out of opportunities because of their identity.”Is it a hyperbolic statement to suggest that TMU policy emulates Nazi-era racial prejudice?“In April 1933, the law restricted the number of Jewish students at German schools and universities. In the same month, further legislation sharply curtailed ‘Jewish activity’ in the medical and legal professions.”

Back on contemporary Canadian soil, we learn the following:“While the American constitution sets out limits on the powers of legislatures,” Pardy writes, “For most of its history, Canada did not have an equivalent.””In 1974, the Canadian Supreme Court underscored this point by saying that while citizens are entitled to the application of law in a neutral way, lawmakers are not curtailed from drafting unequal laws.”Wanna know what this spells for Canadians of European heritage? T-r-o-u-b-l-e, that’s what. The source of inverted racism against Anglophone Canadians is the Canada Research Chair program.“The current opening for a Canada Research Chair in physics  at the University of New Brunswick will not accept applications from white men. Similarly, white people can’t apply to Dalhousie’s opening for a chair in industrial engineering. Many more such cases exist.”To justify the prejudice against white Canadians, academia reference the following: “We pursue policies that were established in law by the Federal Court and subject to a mediation that was overseen by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.” “Those policies are contained in an addendum to the program and are set to ensure that by the year 2030, the Canada Research Chairs Program will ‘look’ more like Canada…”How the woke vengeance-seekers love this one. Knowing that whites are on a demographic decline, they plan to push this to the limit. Down the road, let’s say when whites comprise 20% of our demography, these communities would be limited to 20% of employment opportunities within Canada’s university system.Bringing about an obvious question: what if the policy doesn’t apply exclusively to schools, colleges and universities? What if– lord help us– these policies permeate every government-related job sector in Canada?We dare to put forth a proposition perpetually eschewed by media– including our “alternative media” sector, as minimal as it is.Immigration policy in Canada is serving as the impetus to transition Canadians of European heritage to a second class community. Why do you think the woke, media, academia and government are unified in their advancement of the evils of “colonialism?”

The premise is deceptively simple: “you stole the land in the first place, so we have the right to steal it back.”Back to Bruce Pardy: “By comparison[with United States], in Canada, unequal treatment has become the constitutional standard. So we are stuck with a big problem.”CAP refuse to mince words:  It’s Canada’s “Old Stock” communities who are stuck with a “big problem.”“Our Supreme Court is largely to blame, but of course our foolish politicians and woke bureaucracies have had a big hand in fostering it as well.”Kudos to Professor Pardy. As for CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, Calgary Herald et al, you can forget about it. They wouldn’t expose these realities for all the white rice in China.“Every individual is equal before and under the law,” says the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.”“But the Supreme Court of Canada has long insisted that the clause does not mean equal treatment but equity.””So what happened? The federal government established a Royal Commission on Equality in Employment, also known as the Abella Commission after its commissioner Rosalie Abella. Abella, now retired, would later become the most activist judge on the court.””The commission’s report, released in 1984, recommended employment equity policies in the federal government and in federally regulated companies, and led to the passage of the federal Employment Equity Act in 1986, which required affirmative action programs that gave preference to candidates from some groups over others.”In Canada, “Liberalism” in all its vicissitudes– government, academia, corporations, law, courts–  has instituted a program for comprehensive marginalization of Canada’s Caucasian communities.Is this the true meaning behind Justin Trudeau’s proclamation stating that Canada is a “post-modern” society? Who, pray-tell, was prime minister of Canada during the 10-plus years that all of this came into being? Pierre Trudeau is your answer.“The strict enforcement of diversity rules has indeed changed the demographics of the Canada Research Chairs program. As of last September, it surpassed its 2029 racial minority quota of 22 per cent, but the racially exclusionary job ads persist.”President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Ted Hewitt “revealed that he had no plan to pare back the quotas — even though some have been surpassed.”Bingo. There’s your social “equity” for you. Now, back to Hockey Night in Canadastan.

A Young Man Challenges the Anti-White DEI Plan of the City of St. Catharines, Ontario

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I stood up for White people at Town Hall in St. Catharines, Ontario at a meeting for DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). I asked Mayor


about their DEI initiatives blatantly excluding and allocating taxpayers’ money away from White people. I used their own “DEI Action Plan” report to ask him how does this not cause “marginalization” by the paper’s own definition. He replied by saying, “If you’re feeling marginalized as a White guy in this society, I don’t actually understand you.. I think we’re living in a different reality.” Yes, we are living in a different reality. The importation of millions of recent immigrants, both legal and illegal, has exacerbated a cost of living crisis, with White people being displaced economically, culturally, and ethnically. Siscoe talks about all the White people on Council that he apparently wants less of, while poor disenfranchised White people are living in Tent Cities right outside the building. The fact that he seemingly cannot even comprehend the idea of discrimination against White people further proves that they are not a protected group. We are living in a different reality when he has perpetual activists pulling at his pant leg, while they ridicule and sneer at anyone with an opposing opinion. Hardly inclusive, but this is part of how they maintain control. Oppose them every chance you get. Show up. Speak your mind. Don’t be discouraged when they ridicule you. Come prepared, and have fun! It feels good to stand up for your people! #cdnpoli #StCatharines #ProtestMania #WhiteLivesMatter — Son of Plaid

Anti-White Discrimination is Now Endemic in Canada

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Restricting Whites From Employment Becomes “Systemic” In Canada
Restricting Whites From Employment Becomes “Systemic” In Canada

“The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets.” Brad SalzbergMay 28 READ IN APP ShareAway from the mainstream media spotlight, a critical social issue is festering within the world of Canadian academia:Will Race & Gender-Based Hiring In Universities Continue After Quotas Are Met?As published by independent media outlet True North News, the question strikes at the heart of Canada’s oh-so-sensitive symposium on race-relations.

Based on the observation, one can be certain that the nature of the discussion will be held back from public awareness by media.“Universities are continuing to push race- and gender-based hiring practices for jobs associated with a federal government program despite “diversity, equity and inclusion” targets already being met.”“The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets.” The consequences of continuation should elicit discussion regarding an ominous and potentially dangerous precedent:If(more likely when) DEI employment levels become commensurate with ethnic-religious representation in Canadian academia, and still continue to be maintained, what message is delivered to society?It would be wise to place the circumstances in the context of historical examples of racial priorities promoted by government. In this regard, we speak of the concept of white Canadians being refused employment based on the immutable fact that they are white.

“The Canadian Human Rights Act, created in 1977, is designed to ensure equality of opportunity. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex and a variety of other categories.”But when candidates of Anglo-European heritage are excluded based on race, suddenly it’s permissible? This is the set-up at hand, but not to worry, woke warriors, PM Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government will permit it regardless. Heck, they’re even willing pay for “reverse racism” against our communities.“In the United States, it is illegal discrimination if a person or a company intentionally treats you differently based on your race, ethnicity, or national origin. For example, a landlord violates the law if you apply to rent an apartment and are told that the landlord doesn’t rent to black people.”It’s bad enough that the Feds have put to bed the concept of the “most qualified individual gets the job,” thereby transitioning Canada’s employment standards to a neo-Marxist model.

It’s another thing when equilibrium has been accomplished, and race-based hiring continues to proliferate.The Liberals aren’t this far-along yet in terms of “post-modern” government policies, but in the arena of “woke” politics, Canadians should by now have learned to “never say never.” What we speak of strikes at the heart of society. When governments elevate race, ethnicity, religion to the top of a nation’s socio-political totem pole, trouble eventually comes a’calling.“It has since transformed into a program that promotes DEI ideology through the allure of federal funding. The aim is to have chairs be 50.9% women, 22% visible minorities, 7.5% persons with disabilities, and 4.9% Indigenous by December 2029.

CAP zero-in on the set-up. After which we do what establishment media are being paid to eschew:In 30 years time, when the Canadian demographic shifts white Canadians to a minority community, what shall transpire? CBC have yet to mention it(they never will), but Anglo-European demography is at present dropping like a bomb.We imagine a future scenario, applying the “percentage of ethnic community relative to employment quotas” imperative to the situation. As whites deplete in population, they are effectively barred from  employment– even when  constituting a minority community. This is racism, straight-up.

This is the social dynamic PM Trudeau and his Liberals are institutionalizing in our country. In this is intimated the true meaning of Trudeau’s “post-modern society” declaration– a euphemism for transition to a socialist society.We challenge the ambiguity of his proclamation. By “post-modern,” our PM envisions a complete socio-political inversion of Canadian society. “Racialized” in the driver’s seat, whitey to the back of the bus. Only in this case– as a result of long-term pre-conceived planning– there shall be no “Rosa Parks” to rescue Anglophones from their fate.In our opinion, Trudeau loves this, and so too New Democratic Party leader, Jagmeet Singh.

It’s one  of plethora of nefarious future scenarios that our quasi-communist leaders have in store for the future of our country.“After Reconstruction, state and local governments doubled down on these efforts by enacting Jim Crow laws, which codified the role of Black people in the Southern economy and society.” “States such as South Carolina enacted strict ‘Black Codes’ that fined Black people if they worked in any occupation other than farming or domestic servitude.”Perhaps we shouldn’t give the Feds any big ideas. In terms of systemic racial prejudice, there’s many ways to skin-a-cat. Wrapping the prejudice in a coat-of-many-colours doth not change the bottom line.As conservative writer Spencer Fernando commented in a recent article on DEI initiatives, “Racial hiring preferences are discriminatory, because instead of judging someone by their skills and actions, people are judged by their race.”Only this time out the tables have been turned toward white Canadians.Based on the hubris employed by the Liberals, NDP, multicultural industry and academic zealots, the future for Anglophones in Canada looks as shaky a maple leaf in a windstorm.

Parks Canada Wrecking Crew Trash Sir John A. Macdonald & Canada’s Founders’ Heritage

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Jamie Sarkonak: Parks Canada’s agenda to erode any pride for John A. Macdonald

The agency is increasingly dedicating itself to the airing of unresolvable historic grievances

Author of the article:

Jamie Sarkonak

Published May 21, 2024  •  5 minute read


The Sir John A. MacDonald statue as seen at Queen's Park Circle at the foot of the Ontario Legislature in Toronto, ON on Thursday August 24, 2017.
The Sir John A. MacDonald statue as seen at Queen’s Park Circle at the foot of the Ontario Legislature in Toronto, Ont. on Thursday August 24, 2017. Photo by Laura Pedersen/National Post

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If you happen to be in Kingston, Ont. in the next several months, consider visiting the newly re-opened Bellevue House National Historic Site, John A. Macdonald’s historic home. With careful timing, you might be able to attend the hour-or-so “Unpacking Macdonald” tour about racism, sexism and the first prime minister’s political decisions.

“Bring an open mind and open heart and join the discussion in this safe space,” reads the tour description.

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As diversity initiatives often are, this little tour is just one outcome of Parks Canada’s broader effort to integrate progressive identity politics into its mission. Nearly a decade of Liberal governance has made Canadian heritage a tool to reinforce contemporary multiculturalism, guided by careful demographic tallying augmented by subtle social commentary.

It goes back to at least 2019, when Parks Canada released a new system plan for history and commemoration. The framework set four priorities for the agency to address reconciliation and Canada’s changing demographics, among other things: Indigenous history, environmental history, diversity and “Canada and the world.” These replaced the priorities of the previous plan (Aboriginal history, women’s history and ethnocultural communities’ history) that had been in place since 2000. There is no priority, of course, for just … Canada.

Indeed, the Parks Canada belief seems to be that people are inherently narcissistic, unable to appreciate the past unless every story, every institution, mirrors the identities of today’s Canada.

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By 2020, then-environment minister John Wilkinson launched a series of consultations on how to move Parks Canada onward. The government’s summary of the consultations predictably focused on identity: those who aren’t able-bodied white males “frequently feel excluded from these places” and therefore more change was needed. Suggested solutions included subsidizing transportation to parks for low-income Canadians, valuing all world views equally and ensuring that employees demographically reflect the population.

In 2022, the Liberals moved towards demographically reflective park governance with the tabling of Bill C-23, the historic places of Canada act. The law, which remains in second reading and would replace the current Historic Sites and Monuments Act if passed, would add mandatory Indigenous seats to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. Though, the board is currently diversity-quota-free and has Indigenous members already. The new law would also mandate that “Indigenous knowledge” inform decisions on historical designations — a bizarre affirmation by the government that ethno-epistemology should guide policy.


These changes to the law were specifically requested by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which, evidently, have been accepted uncritically by the government.

Following the new plans and bills, Parks Canada came out with a new values and ethics code in 2023 that also championed the cause of total diversity. It emphasized the importance of “Indigenous knowledge” once more, as well as the need to tell history in a “socially” responsible way. Unobjectionable on their face — responsible storytelling is always a good thing, and Indigenous input can certainly round out the stories of early Canada — but by invoking ethnicity-based knowledge and the social-justice-adjacent term “social responsibility,” the code takes on a political tone.

Later, on the Parks Canada ethics code outlines the organization’s commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), it regurgitating the familiar list of prioritized groups:

“Being a successful and innovative agency is rooted in our ability to create inclusive spaces…. This also means providing fair and equitable access to opportunities for under-represented people including: Black, Indigenous, people of colour, the Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer+ (2SLGBTQ+) community and people living with disabilities.”

It is a good thing to accurately depict history. But the outsized focus on small subsets of the population and the insistence to tell “socially responsible” stories that jive with today’s obsession with perfect ethnic representation in every institution is unlikely to accurately portray the past, as Canada was not as diverse back then as it is today.

In practice, Parks Canada has set a number of practical goals to achieve total diversity. According to its 2023 departmental plan, an in-the-works DEI strategy would pilot an employee sponsorship program for anyone who is not white, able-bodied and straight.

As far as the telling of history goes, Parks Canada’s transformation is best illustrated by its newest changes. The agency is currently reviewing 210 historical designations for colonial assumptions, problematic terminology, controversial beliefs and behaviours, and the absence of “a significant layer of history.” These sites, which often acknowledge historical figures of note, may have their plaques edited — or removed entirely. While editing might be in order for some, the prospect of removal is chilling.

An update to Parks Canada’s management plan for Anne of Green Gables-related sites on Prince Edward Island now seeks to “share more inclusive histories and seek to advance reconciliation” — even though the Indigenous presence on the island when Lucy Maud Montgomery lived was likely low.

And most recently, the agency animated its strategic priority of “diversity” at last weekend’s opening event for Bellevue House. Reporting from the function, Toronto Sun columnist Joe Warmington quoted Jarred Picher, a director at Parks Canada, telling the crowd that Macdonald’s “prime ministership has left deep harms that continue to be felt over 150 years later” — an ominous message to inspire shame in the nation’s founding.

Another speaker, Channon Oyeniran, a vice-president of the Ontario Black History Society with a very limited list of publications, told the Bellevue House crowd that Macdonald is remembered for his role in building the nation — but “he is also remembered for his harmful, discriminatory and exclusionary views and policies toward various racialized groups of people, including Indigenous Peoples, Chinese Canadians, Black Canadians and many more.” She claimed that Canada was “steeped in racism, colonialism, white supremacy and other legacies of enslavement.”

Another speaker, Amy Go, president of the Chinese Canadian National Council For Social Justice, claimed that racist occurrences towards Asian Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic “can in many ways be traced back to the time when John A. Macdonald and other politicians of the day” because they had “portrayed Chinese as foreigners.”

Forget Macdonald’s architecting of the Canadian state, his vaccination and famine relief programs, his belief in law and order and the protection of Indigenous subjects from violent Americans to the south.

I haven’t taken the “Unpacking Macdonald” tour at Bellevue House; when I asked Parks Canada for details about its content Friday, a representative offered to simply provide me (or a local Postmedia reporter) the tour. So, being in Alberta and thus unable to capitalize on the invitation, I can’t rule out that Parks Canada includes nuanced and fair social context when recounting Macdonald’s life. However, given the agency’s big-picture plans, and the fact that the site’s opening was clouded by community representatives airing their unresolvable historic grievances, I suspect it’s unlikely.

Parks Canada wants to tell a story that demoralizes the nation by painting its founder as a Hitlerian figure; proper context wouldn’t allow for that.

Inclusive Hiring in Trudeau’s “Post Modern” State

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Inclusive Hiring in Trudeau’s “Post Modern” State

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Diversity Quotas Set Up Systemic Prejudice Against White Canadian

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Diversity Quotas Set Up Systemic Prejudice Against White Canadians

“There is no plan to end discriminatory hiring requirements for quota-bound research program — even as targets are met, Commons hears.”

Brad SalzbergMay 13


“Canada’s budget 2024: Canada never needed hundreds of hyper-targeted anti-oppression-themed grants to function, but we’re getting it.”

You can say that again, in spades. Beneath the surface of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion(DEI) ideology lies a bug in the system no one ever speaks of. Not government, nor media, or Canada’s vengeful, hyper-woke academic world.

“Canadian universities, at the direction of the federal Liberal government and the research granting agencies for which it’s responsible, have made race- and sex- based discrimination a matter of everyday business. And they don’t seem to have a plan to pare it back.”

. Instituted by Canada’s Liberal government, moves such as this continue to push a poorly understood agenda of systemic social inversion.

“The current opening for a Canada Research Chair in physics (specifically, quantum sensing) at the University of New Brunswick, which has been vacant for one whole year, will not accept applications from white men. Similarly, white people can’t apply to Dalhousie’s opening for a chair in industrial engineering.

There is no plan to end discriminatory hiring requirements for quota-bound research program — even as targets are met, Commons hears.”

Serving as a microcosm for general society, critical questions should be emanating from these developments. That none of them are being addressed by Canadian media is serious cause for concern.

The fundamental question evaded, CAP lay it on the line:

Where does it stop? Applying the query in a broader context elicits further speculation. Will there ever come a time at which the Liberals and their woke special interest financial recipients arrive at a point of satiation?

“Okay, Ms. He/She/They, reasonable DEI quota achievement has been met, time to scale-back the agendas.”

Or will they go on indefinitely– as in,  forever. For Cultural Action Party [est.2016] this may take the cake as the most relevant socio-political question of our times. On this basis, readers can count on Canadian media remaining entirely mum on the subject.

By now, we know the way they roll. In the present, during the time period in which social issues reach a critical apex, CBC, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail say nothing. Years beyond, once the damage is completed, Canadians begin to comprehend how they have been screwed over.

“We pursue policies that were established in law by the Federal Court and subject to a mediation that was overseen by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Those policies are contained in an addendum to the program and are set to ensure that by the year 2030, the Canada Research Chairs Program will ‘look’ more like Canada…”

Let us drill down on the “look more like” dynamic. Projecting into the future, at a time when Anglophones comprise 30% of our population, will diversity quotas be put in place to protect Canada’s latest iteration of a “minority” community?

Never is our nihilistic response. Certainly not with a Liberal Party government in place, and likely, not at all. In this is to be discovered what PM Justin Trudeau meant when he declared Canada a “post-modern” society.

In time, Canada will become an inverted society. Whites to the bottom of the social ladder, “racialized” in the driver’s seat.  One major reason being that when it comes to DEI, multiculturalism, immigration, LGBT et al, no ceiling exists to demarcate the success of these social policy initiatives.

“The strict enforcement of diversity rules has indeed changed the demographics of the Canada Research Chairs program. As of last September, it surpassed its 2029 racial minority quota of 22 per cent [now up to 29 percent], but the racially exclusionary job ads persist.”

Bingo. And what, pray-tell, what will occur at a point when the representation reaches 51%?

“A job well done, go soak your feet in warm water.”

It will never happen. As for legacy media, they publish what those who provide their income stream want them to publish. Just as important, the press omit what the Liberals want them to omit.

For example, a “little thing” called the fate of English Canada, and its Anglo-European communities. The composite can fit on the head of a pin– they write nothing at all.

[Conservative MP Michelle]Rempel Garner: Has the Tri-Council undertaken any work to articulate what conditions would have to be established for those hiring practices to be eliminated? And has that work been communicated to the federal government?

Hewitt: So, right now we operate under the terms and conditions that were set by the Federal Court and the Canadian Human Rights Commission, so —

Rempel Garner: But I’m asking you, has any work been done by the Tri-Council to either set the conditions by which race-based hiring targets, or practices, would be eliminated?

Hewitt: I think we want to get to the targets first and then have the conversation about whether we would need them —

Rempel Garner: But we’re close! We’re there, right?

Hewitt: Well, we’re not quite there —

Rempel Garner: We’re really close.

Hewitt: We’re not quite there and a lot can happen in the next few years.

Spoken like a true woke academic tot funded by the Liberal government of Canada. Now, imagine questions of this nature being posited to PM Trudeau:

“Based on socio-economic conditions, will there be a point at which your government scales back immigration quotas?”

Um…I’m really not sure, try asking your mother.

Based on demographic balance achieved by way of immigration, will there come a time when funding for multicultural initiatives get scaled back?

Ah…um…diversity is our strength. Interview’s over.

Returning to the tangible, we offer up the following affirmations drawn from the National Post:

“On affirmative action, the budget heralded the expansion of the Employment Equity Act, which currently sets employment ‘targets’ for women, visible minorities, Indigenous people and the disabled in the federal public sector.”

“Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan announced that Black people and LGBT people will each get their own target (quota).”

A race-obsessed national government. That’s what Trudeau’s “no core identity” Canada has delivered to our country. Political science buffs may want to consider historical examples of this dynamic, and how it played out in the long-run.

“As far as job funding goes, the budget set aside $351.2 million to be used in 2025-26 to fund 90,000 jobs for youth. More than half of this money will go to the Canada Summer Jobs Program, which prioritizes applicants who provide work opportunities for disabled, non-white and LGBT youth.

Down the road, at a time when whites comprise 20% of our national demographic, will the same structure exist?

At the core of this structure exists a spectacular irony. Currently, white Canadians comprise the majority of major journalists in our country. For how long will the woke tolerate this piece of “racism”?

Like all other sectors, the structure will be thrashed to pieces until an inversion occurs. Based on the “colour and quota” theory espoused by the Liberals, white Canadians will eventually transition to a bona-fide minority community. And not only a minority– but even more tantalizing for the woke brigade– a persecuted minority.

In other words, Anglophone citizens could transition to what the DEI crowd claim is the condition of racialized and gay communities at present. This isn’t equality– it’s vengeance. At the heart of the woke movement lies bitterness and hatred, not equitability.

Consultations for the Changing Narratives Fund recommended the money subsidize newsroom positions for non-white journalists and students, support training and leadership initiatives for non-white journalists and even back a potential BIPOC+ wire service.”

“Those consulted  believed that Canadian news, film and television need to normalize BIPOC/non-cis gatekeepers and decision-makers at every level of the media and the arts, from assignment editors to granting authorities.”

By way of government, media and academia, “Old Stock” Canadians are set-up for a silent fall.

Maxime Bernier & People’s Party of Canada Pledge to Rid Us of Diversity, Equity & Inclusions Insanity

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Maxime Bernier & People’s Party of Canada Pledge to Rid Us of Diversity, Equity & Inclusions Insanity

Today I was in Bowmanville (ON) for a press conference with our amazing Durham by-election candidate, Patricia Conlin.

This press conference was an opportunity to introduce Patricia to the local and national media.

We also announced a new PPC policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

DEI is a fundamentally racist, sexist, and discriminatory ideology that divides Canadians, creates blatant injustices, and undermines social cohesion.

Under the pretext of promoting nice-sounding goals, it does the exact opposite: it imposes a uniform far-left perspective, and unfairly gives more rights to some, while excluding others who don’t fit in official categories of victims.

This hateful ideology holds that our culture and Western society is irredeemably racist, colonialist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and whatever new phobia or -ism they come up with next week!

We hear about new absurd examples of these programs almost every day.

Just a few weeks ago, we learned that the University of Waterloo wanted to hire two Research Chair positions in the Computer Science department.

The first position was only open to applicants “who self-identify as women, transgender, gender-fluid, non-binary, or Two-spirit”.

The second position was only open to applicants “who self-identify as a member of a racialized minority”.

If you’re straight or white, tough luck! The University of Waterloo doesn’t want you.

Our woke leaders do not believe in merit anymore. They undermine one of the key foundations of western civilization.

They tell us that “diversity” is more important than competence.

We see this everywhere in Canada and the West today.

The longer that this twisted agenda is in place, the more things will fall apart and cease to function.

Because decline is the only outcome when you prevent and penalize the most capable and meritorious.

You can watch the full announcement by clicking here!

And read the full text of the policy here.

A PPC government will take the following steps to expunge this toxic ideology from our society and country:

  • Abolish all federal DEI programs and policies in the public service and in federal institutions such as the Armed Forces, as well as those that apply to federally regulated industries.
  • Prohibit DEI training sessions in all federal institutions.
  • Remove all DEI clauses imposed on institutions, organisations, associations and businesses as a condition to obtain federal subsidies, grants, loans, scholarships, services, or contracts.
  • Stop funding groups that promote the DEI ideology.
  • In all legal proceedings, narrowly interpret section 15(2) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in a manner that proscribes reverse discrimination.
  • Support Canadians who are being discriminated against, harassed, vilified, or harmed in any way by organisations that impose DEI programs and policies.

Help support our campaign to eliminate DEI in Canada with an $18 donation today! M