Tag Archives: Supreme Couirt of Canada

“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself“

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“Social Equity” Or Racism Against White Canadians: Judge For Yourself

Many of them[Canadians] think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth.”Brad SalzbergOct 21 READ IN APP Share“Canadians have been sold a bill of goods,” says Bruce Pardy, the author of the report and a Queen’s University law professor.“Many of them think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth. In Canada, discrimination is lawful as long as it is committed against the right groups — and in particular against straight white men.”Professor Pardy’s distinction between social equality and social “equity” is critical to race-relations in our country. At present, the ominous nature of his statements are poorly understood within Canadian society. “Social ‘equity’ recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Social ‘equality’ means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.” “This isn’t just the law, but part of the Canadian Constitution. Unequal treatment is embedded as a constitutional standard — and in some situations, a constitutional requirement.”“Equal treatment and equity are opposites,” writes Pardy, senior fellow at the Aristotle Foundation.

As an example, we turn to Toronto Metropolitan University[formerly Ryerson], who recently made an administrative decision to limit the intake of white medical school students to 25% of those accepted to the program.Equality, or racism? If and when Caucasian Canadians reach 25% of TMU medical school acceptance, further candidates will be excluded simply because they are white, heterosexual males.“The law cannot simultaneously apply the same laws and standards to everyone and also adjust them depending upon the group. Equal treatment and equity are mutually exclusive and cannot co-exist.””This issue should be particularly concerning to young Canadians who could be squeezed out of opportunities because of their identity.”Is it a hyperbolic statement to suggest that TMU policy emulates Nazi-era racial prejudice?“In April 1933, the law restricted the number of Jewish students at German schools and universities. In the same month, further legislation sharply curtailed ‘Jewish activity’ in the medical and legal professions.”

Back on contemporary Canadian soil, we learn the following:“While the American constitution sets out limits on the powers of legislatures,” Pardy writes, “For most of its history, Canada did not have an equivalent.””In 1974, the Canadian Supreme Court underscored this point by saying that while citizens are entitled to the application of law in a neutral way, lawmakers are not curtailed from drafting unequal laws.”Wanna know what this spells for Canadians of European heritage? T-r-o-u-b-l-e, that’s what. The source of inverted racism against Anglophone Canadians is the Canada Research Chair program.“The current opening for a Canada Research Chair in physics  at the University of New Brunswick will not accept applications from white men. Similarly, white people can’t apply to Dalhousie’s opening for a chair in industrial engineering. Many more such cases exist.”To justify the prejudice against white Canadians, academia reference the following: “We pursue policies that were established in law by the Federal Court and subject to a mediation that was overseen by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.” “Those policies are contained in an addendum to the program and are set to ensure that by the year 2030, the Canada Research Chairs Program will ‘look’ more like Canada…”How the woke vengeance-seekers love this one. Knowing that whites are on a demographic decline, they plan to push this to the limit. Down the road, let’s say when whites comprise 20% of our demography, these communities would be limited to 20% of employment opportunities within Canada’s university system.Bringing about an obvious question: what if the policy doesn’t apply exclusively to schools, colleges and universities? What if– lord help us– these policies permeate every government-related job sector in Canada?We dare to put forth a proposition perpetually eschewed by media– including our “alternative media” sector, as minimal as it is.Immigration policy in Canada is serving as the impetus to transition Canadians of European heritage to a second class community. Why do you think the woke, media, academia and government are unified in their advancement of the evils of “colonialism?”

The premise is deceptively simple: “you stole the land in the first place, so we have the right to steal it back.”Back to Bruce Pardy: “By comparison[with United States], in Canada, unequal treatment has become the constitutional standard. So we are stuck with a big problem.”CAP refuse to mince words:  It’s Canada’s “Old Stock” communities who are stuck with a “big problem.”“Our Supreme Court is largely to blame, but of course our foolish politicians and woke bureaucracies have had a big hand in fostering it as well.”Kudos to Professor Pardy. As for CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, Calgary Herald et al, you can forget about it. They wouldn’t expose these realities for all the white rice in China.“Every individual is equal before and under the law,” says the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.”“But the Supreme Court of Canada has long insisted that the clause does not mean equal treatment but equity.””So what happened? The federal government established a Royal Commission on Equality in Employment, also known as the Abella Commission after its commissioner Rosalie Abella. Abella, now retired, would later become the most activist judge on the court.””The commission’s report, released in 1984, recommended employment equity policies in the federal government and in federally regulated companies, and led to the passage of the federal Employment Equity Act in 1986, which required affirmative action programs that gave preference to candidates from some groups over others.”In Canada, “Liberalism” in all its vicissitudes– government, academia, corporations, law, courts–  has instituted a program for comprehensive marginalization of Canada’s Caucasian communities.Is this the true meaning behind Justin Trudeau’s proclamation stating that Canada is a “post-modern” society? Who, pray-tell, was prime minister of Canada during the 10-plus years that all of this came into being? Pierre Trudeau is your answer.“The strict enforcement of diversity rules has indeed changed the demographics of the Canada Research Chairs program. As of last September, it surpassed its 2029 racial minority quota of 22 per cent, but the racially exclusionary job ads persist.”President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Ted Hewitt “revealed that he had no plan to pare back the quotas — even though some have been surpassed.”Bingo. There’s your social “equity” for you. Now, back to Hockey Night in Canadastan.