Tag Archives: CCP

Immigration Policy Is The Root Cause Of Foreign Election Interference In Canada

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Immigration Policy Is The Root Cause Of Foreign Election Interference In Canada

Fascinating it is to note the “missing link” in all of this– the degree to which government and media sublimate the number one cause of foreign interference.


Many will be familiar with the term the “elephant in the room.” With this in mind, we consider the nature of governmental response to accusations of Canadian foreign election interference.

On the hot seat this week is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who offered the following comment while being interviewed at the Foreign Election Interference Inquiry:

“These were covert, clandestine, and coercive measures—ranging from threats to withhold family visas, to paying sources for information. These actions represented a serious threat to public safety,” said Trudeau.

In this statement is found the key to the political “escape root” backroom Liberal government strategists are applying to the scandal. The “victims” are members of Canada’s diaspora communities– as opposed to citizens within general society.

Immigrants, refugees, and 3rd world ethnic communities. Eschewed in the narrative is the impact on “the rest of us.” By now, we know the type– “second rate” citizens who form the core of those who oppose PM Trudeau’s brand of globalist politics: Old Stock Canadians, multi-generational citizens, Anglophones, Christians and others of this ilk.

Fascinating it is to note a “missing link” in all of this. Namely, the degree to which government and media sublimate the number one cause of foreign interference.

Immigration policy is the one. As incredible as it seems, no one within Canada’s monolithic media conglomerate has pointed to a tangible truth: mass immigration from China, South Asia and the Middle East is the root source for the undermining of democratic governance in our country.

“Representatives of a B.C. Sikh temple whose president was shot dead last year, as well as the Sikh separatist group he was involved in, say their communities won’t feel safe until India’s consulates in Vancouver and Toronto are shut down.”

Gurkeerat Singh, spokesperson for the gurdwara, stated that “the safety and the security of Sikhs will still be in question unless India’s consulates are shut down.”

Right, The safety of the Sikhs, who at present comprise two percent of Canada’s total population. Holy Cow, these people sure make a lot of noise relative to demographic representation. But hey– that’s so-called “Multiculturalism” for ya.

A recent article from Policy Options shed light on the grief experienced by Chinese-Canadians as result of alleged election interference:

“These stories illustrate the CCP’s direct influence on diaspora communities, making these groups a target for foreign interference efforts. The CCP and China are not alone in conducting interference campaigns in Canada through disinformation campaigns, which have a significant and negative impact on the people who make up diaspora communities in Canada.”

These people may suffer, but does it really compare to the damage being inflicted on general society? The by-products of Liberal immigration policy affect all Canadians, not just government-coddled and coveted 3rd world diaspora peoples.

When media sublimate the high-level damage, they are freed from pointing to another obvious outcome of institutionalized Multiculturalism, diversity and the rest of the woke jive.

The missing link being the relationship between diaspora communities, and members of Parliament they vote into office. While myriad reports speak of the degree that culprits exist within the Liberal Party, our PM delivers the globalist goods:

“Trudeau addressed three memos starting in 2019 that intended to brief him on foreign interference threats, all of which he claimed never reached his desk.”

“I have faith, having looked at the paper, that it was indeed the right decision by the National Security Intelligence Advisor—that it wasn’t a document that significantly added in a relevant way to my understanding of the situation.”

Let Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] state it for the record: if Mr. Trudeau wanted to know details on federal election interference, he could have. The volume of CSIS intelligence output makes it near-impossible for our PM not to be aware of the phenomenon in any capacity.

Therefore, as far as the Liberal Party is concerned, Trudeau functions as a brick-wall of information-gathering. As opposed to that which he was willing to expose in this week’s proceedings:

As reported by journalist Sam Cooper of The Bureau:

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has testified on his view of two explosive Canadian intelligence reports, including the ‘Targeting Paper,’ which described how Chinese diplomats assessed Canadian MPs based on how helpful or hurtful they could be to Beijing.”

“Trudeau confirmed that this report was not shared with him by his key security advisor, Jody Thomas.”

A big, fat zero. Trudeau is functioning as a brick-wall of information-gathering prevention. As opposed to what he was willing to expose in this week’s proceedings:

“I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians and-or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged (in) or at high risk of or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference,” Trudeau said.

So Trudeau knows nothing about any of this except the identity of Conservative turn-coats.

“Global News reported that its intelligence sources with knowledge of CSIS affairs reported that [Liberal MP candidate Han] Dong was an alleged witting affiliate in China’s election interference networks.”

“Sources state that Trudeau and senior Liberal party officials ignored CSIS warnings about Dong, which has been denied by Trudeau.”

In 2021, the PM issued the following public statement:  “I do not have any information, nor have I been briefed on any federal candidates receiving any money from China.”

Yet, he has the “dope” on Conservative MPs.

 “Anonymous sources who spoke to Global News “described years of interactive dialogue between senior intelligence officials and Trudeau’s office regarding China’s incursions into Canadian elections.”

Never say die. Unconscionable as the day is long, it’s obvious Justin Trudeau will never come clean with the people of Canada.

In turn, media toe the party line. Mass immigration is the source of scandal; the fall-out being a degeneration of democracy in “post-modern” Canadian society.

Ie source of scandal; the fall-out being a degeneration of democracy in “post-modern” Canadian society.