Tag Archives: Brad Salzberg

Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office

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Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office
Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office

“Canadian media downplay potential nation-changing French election, where female voters are flocking to Marine Le Pen’s RN Party.”

Marine Le Pen and her party believe there should be several categories of French people. They intend to enshrine in the Constitution a ban on dual nationals holding certain public positions.”

In consideration of the current foreign interference scandal in Canada, it would be more than prudent for government to consider similar measures.In Canada, 56 foreign-born members, 22 of them with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons and Senate. Some notables include Liberal MPs Iqra Khalid(Pakistan), Ahmed Hussen(Somalia), as well as triple citizenship holder Salma Zahid (Pakistan, Britain, Canada).Canadian MPs hold citizenship from nations as diverse as Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, United States and United Kingdom.

A recent report on foreign interference from NSICOP offers a damning account of alleged corroboration between unnamed members of Parliament and foreign governments.“The report noted that Pakistan targeted democratic institutions and processes in the early phase of the period under review”. It said China, India, Pakistan, and Iran engaged in transnational repression.”Would it not be a common sense decision to ban dual citizenship for MPs in Canada?

We note the degree of political discourse suggesting this very thing. CBC? Nothing. Toronto Star? Nothing. Globe & Mail? Nothing. Common sense Canadians shouldn’t be surprised. PM Justin Trudeau wouldn’t make this move for all the tea in China. For him, dual loyalty to foreign nations is something to be rewarded.

Not so for another member of the British Commonwealth, the land down under, Australia.“Dual citizenship would disqualify them from holding office in Australia, where Section 44 of the Constitution bars anyone who is a citizen of a ‘foreign power’ from sitting in Parliament.”Can it be fairly stated that “some people” in our society are accepting of foreign interference? 

CAP can see why “multicultural” non-profit organizations may possibly be in favour of such a thing. In 2017, a Muslim-Canadian non-profit enthusiastically endorsed the M103 “Islamophobia” motion tabled by half-Pakistani MP Iqra Khalid.As for the upcoming election in France, media in Canada are knowingly downplaying current events. French voters will head to the polls on June 30, 2024.

One week previous to the election support for Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party continues to surge.“French President Emmanuel Macron’s approval rating fell six points to match a historic low on Friday, with just over a week before voting starts in the two-round legislative election.”

French women voters are swinging sharply to the right.“Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration National Rally is tipped to win the most votes in a two-round snap election on June 30 and July 7 that could crush the liberal centrists of President Emmanuel Macronand women are increasingly driving her party’s surging political fortunes.”Let us note the irony.

The Canadian government, along with media and academia, perpetually pump-up the need for gender equality in our society. Justin Trudeau champions the cause with vigor, appointing female MP to key roles within Cabinet.Yet, when the female tide comes in as decidedly “right-wing” in orientation, the powers that be are quiet as a church mouse. Pulling the wool over Canadian eyes, the “woke left” desperately hope none of this spills over into Canada. To minimize exposure, media systemically bury all that would detract from Trudeau’s iron-clad control of society.

When it comes to French citizenship in general, Le Pen said that she would “allow it only to people who have earned it and assimilated.”Not in Canada, eh? Pity. On our soil, convicted terrorists are coddled by our ruling government:“The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship…because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.”

Damn, this Trudeau character is one strange cat. Drilling down on the foreign interference scandal offers up an additional piece of damnation via the NSICOP report: “All forms of media, including mainstream media, are being subjected to interference by bad actors,” stated NSICOP chairman David McGuinty.Upon which we attain clarity on the situation. According to the report, both the Feds and legacy media are being subjected to foreign interference.

We gain insight as to reasons why the Liberals, CBC, CTV and the rest refuse to articulate political reality in France. Canada has a large French population. The more Quebecois who become aware of Marine Le Pen’s popularity, the greater the chances Canadians could follow suit. Result? A media “shut-out” on the current French election, one week away from fruition.Logic dictates that the time has come to minimize foreign subversion within our political system. One concrete measure is to ban dual and triple citizenship in the Canadian Parliament. Endorsement from Canadian media? Nothing, and keep on going downhill from there.

Liberals Inject Systemic Self-Hatred Into The Canadian Military

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Government, Media, Education. Now, the Canadian military falls to the purveyors of systemic self-hatred. All of it one giant coincidence, eh?

Consistent among revolutionary leaders of the 20th century, cultural transition existed as a core element. No finer example can be offered up than the “Cultural Revolution” as conceived by Chairman Mao Tse Tung of China.
Frank Dikötter, author of a book on the period, wrote that “Mao hoped his movement would make China the pinnacle of the socialist universe and turn him into the man who leads planet Earth into communism.”

Obfuscated by Canadian media is the idea that PM Justin Trudeau is indulging in a similar tactic, albeit in “post-modern” form.

Revolutionary success relies on penetration of a nation’s key social institutions. Government, naturally, as well as media, education, armed forces and other core elements are targeted for transformation away from their previous incarnations.

On this basis, let us consider Justin Trudeau’s “Woke Revolution.”

Slow-and-steady she goes as Canada’s controlling institutions are re-imagined in post-modern fashion.  Over the course of Trudeau’s eight-year reign, legacy media has been re-configured into a composite of government-funded propaganda outlets.

Canadian academia were converted well before Trudeau’s tenure, as exemplified by neo-Marxist application of anti-colonialism, critical race theory, in addition anti-Anglophone animus.

On this basis, it was only a matter to time before the globalist propaganda machine began to penetrate the Canadian military:
“Veterans 4 Freedom president Drew MacGillivray and member Tom Marazzo reacted to an exclusive report by True North News revealing that a vast majority of the latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal was devoted to disparaging whiteness and claiming that the Canadian Armed Forces was founded on racism.”

Patriots stand witness as Liberal government targeting of white Canadians is forcefully injected into our military. In reality, it was only a matter of time.

“Both Marazzo and MacGillivray have a history of service in the military, holding the ranks of captain and lieutenant (Navy), respectively.”

“I find it completely offensive, to be perfectly honest,” said Marazzo.

What a shock this is. Since its founding, Anglo-Europeans have dominated the demography of the CAF.  Now, here comes Justin Trudeau and his socialist gang of assassins to degrade its denizens.

“The latest summer edition of the journal featured articles with titles such as ‘I’m Not Your Typical White Soldier’– Interrogating Whiteness and Power in the Canadian Armed Forces” and “Supporting Military Families: Challenging or Reinforcing Patriarchy?”

See how the Canada-haters roll? Government, Academia, Media, Corporations, Military– roughly in that order. We recognize parallels to the application of revolutionary socialism in the previous century.
Chief among them is China, a country lauded not just by Justin Trudeau, but by Pierre Trudeau before him, as well as brother Alexandre Trudeau.
“Most of the issue’s authors were academics who argued that the solution to perceived problems of racism and ‘whiteness’ in the military was a program of re-education based on woke principles and ideas.”
The surprise of the century this is– not. Enter reverse-racism into the ranks of our military. As rancid as it is, in truth, it’s only half the story.

The other element comes in the form of LGBT indoctrination. Communist governments cannot keep their hands off any major societal institution, and the Liberals are the same.

“October is recognized internationally as LGBT History Month. We encourage the entire Defence Team, from recruits and new hires to senior leadership, to take some time this month to reflect on the contributions of past and present 2SLGBTQI+ Defence Team.”

“This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the settlement of Michelle Douglas’ historic lawsuit against the Department of National Defence (DND), marking the official end to the ban on 2SLGBTQI+ members in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).”

One of the most successful tactics utilized by socialist revolutionaries is the de-contextualizing of history. Rhetorical messaging from the Liberal government spins “homophobia” accordingly. Canada, both as a nation and from a military perspective, is in no respect unique in this capacity.

Homosexuality was considered a crime from the colonial period in Canada until 1969. In Britain, decriminalization of homosexuality occurred in 1967. In 1961, the United States began to decriminalize same-sex sexual activity.

Not that you will be hearing about this from Canada’s uber-powerful pride pushers. They want what government want– a verdict of culpability in its most egregious form. The same is to be applied to accusations of racism.

So now, the Canadian military is racist, and well as homophobic. After which Cultural Action Party offer a pertinent question:
Why are you people running down our military? Aren’t these the folks that our citizenship relies on to defend our country? Is this situation not an example of government attacking their own?”

Of course it is, because it’s what occurs within a country whose strings are being pulled toward societal dissolution, to be followed by a re-configuration of nation identity in totality.

Just as Mao Tse Tung perpetrated in China. As Joseph Stalin did during the period of the Russian Revolution. Our media say nothing— just as the press did in China, and the USSR.

“Although we can never undo the pain caused by the LGBT Purge, the Canada Pride Citation is an opportunity to recognize the harm experienced by current and former Canadian Armed Forces members,” said General (Gen) Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff. “

We come to recognize the hi-jacking of Canadian society. Systemically, Trudeau and the Liberals are poisoning Canada’s controlling institutions by way of anti-Canadian animus.

“The Canada Pride Citation is one way the Government of Canada has taken action to address the historical injustices experienced by LGBT military members, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and federal public servants.”
Government, Media, Education. Now, the Canadian military falls to the purveyors of systemic self-hatred.

All of it one giant coincidence, eh?

Does Canada Have An Anti-Anglophone Federal Government?

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Does Canada Have An Anti-Anglophone Federal Government?

Is Justin Trudeau fulfilling a covert agenda instigated by so-called father Pierre Trudeau? Brad Salzberg Jul 27   Share   Share For nearly eight years in office, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has prided himself on a so-called “progressive” form of governance.
While Canadian media echo the sentiment, an ominous undertone of what “progress” really means falls outside the scope of media narrative. One form of progress is currently eluding millions of citizens of our country who qualify as “Old Stock” Canadians. The offspring of generations of European immigrants, most of these citizens derive from a secular or religious Christian background. To say these communities are getting the “short end of the federal government stick” is the understatement of the decade.

Devoid of community solidarity, white Canadians today exist as a quintessential “silent majority.” It isn’t difficult to see why. Simply put, no one speaks of them. Nearly eight years in office, and PM Trudeau has yet to make verbal reference to English Canada, as well as any form of reference toward our Anglophone communities.

To be sure, Mr. Trudeau doesn’t like our type. He much prefers French-Canadians. Canadians of 3rd World origin are a close second. For verification, we turn to the plight of Anglophones within Canada’s social and political arena. As a result of this week’s Federal Cabinet shuffle, the new Liberal MPs entering cabinet are Jenna Sudds, Rechie Valdez, Ya’ara Saks, Arif Virani, Gary Anandasangaree, Soraya Martinez Ferrada and Terry Beech. Seven new members, one of which is an Anglophone male.

Broadening the scope beyond a federal level reveals what CBC and corporate media never speak of: The “running of the Anglophone” from political office in Canada. Those who believe it to be limited to federal politics take head. At every level of government, white Canadians are being hustled out and replaced with those favoured by Trudeau: Quebecers, 3rd World migrants, homosexuals.

According to Statistics Canada, our country has five cities with a population exceeding one million residents: Out of the five– Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton— just one has an Anglophone mayor. We absolutely cannot understand how an ex-Liberal Cabinet member from the Trudeau government, Amarjeet Sohi, was elected Mayor of Edmonton. In the most recent federal election, the Liberals didn’t win a single seat in Alberta. A total washout, all seats save one(NDP) were taken by the Conservative Party.

What happened? Suddenly every Edmontonian worth their winter boots voted for ex-Liberal MP Amarjeet Sohi? One has to wonder about the forces controlling Canadian politics at present. Whoever they are, they do not like “our kind.”

Why not? Because Anglophones exist as a thorn-in-the-side to Justin Trudeau’s pseudo-communist assault on society. Toss aside the white snowflakes, and what remains are ten million Old Stock Canadians with an ability to see through the veneer of Justin Trudeau’s “woke socialist revolution.” Looking back, we consider the methods that nascent totalitarian governments used to disempower unwanted segments of society.

Fundamental to the endeavor is coordinated government-media propaganda. Trudeau’s Liberals accomplished this through a tacit purchasing of establishment media. Once accomplished, the PM went about insulting and degrading our communities, branding us racist, homophobic and genocidal. Covid from China brought another neo-communist tactic to the mix: the “running of the Christian,” manifest in a plethora of arrests of Canadian pastors. After 50 Christian churches were burned down in arson attacks, PM Trudeau responded with a shrug of his shoulders, stating that the attacks “were understandable.” Make no mistake– this Trudeau fellow has it in for us, big time.

His LGBT advocacy delivers another angle to the agenda. It’s a funny thing– as much as LGBT, Pride and Transgender propaganda have permeated society, media never speak of a specific downside: LGBT results in fewer children being born. Do tell, fellow patriots: why, in a country with a rapidly shrinking population, does our prime minister promote the hell out of non-birthing LGBT advocacy? Trudeau maintains the same vehemence toward promoting Abortion and Euthanasia. All of which maintain a commonality. They result in an impediment of children being born in Canada. It’s a weird phenomenon– until we begin to think about which communities most indulge in these practices.

Every way you look at it, Anglophones in Canada are down on their luck. Media never speak of us in a communal sense. Muslims, Sikhs, Chinese, Quebecois, Tamil Tigers. Your name them, and Justin Trudeau has pandered to them in a giant way. But when it comes to Anglophone Canadians, silence is golden. And here we are sitting back and taking it. If we had to pick a question most often asked of CAP by our readers, it would be something along the lines of “why do we put up with it?” A fair question it is– why do Anglo-European Canadians sit back and take the abuse Team Trudeau has been throwing in our faces for the past seven-plus years? The answer comes in recognition of a 50-history of pre-meditated socio-political seduction.

With Canada’s colonial founding as ammunition, a Quebecois communist by the name of Pierre Trudeau set our people up for the fall. The first major sign was an introduction of Multiculturalism in the early 1970’s. Forced upon an unsuspecting general public, it was only a matter of time before “diversity” steamrolled right over our communities. Wanna know the problem with so-called diversity? It has no ceiling. No point of demarcation exists as to when multiculturalism will be declared a success. Canada’s multicultural pushers are insatiable. Nothing is good enough, and nothing ever will be.

That is, until whitey is pushed to the side, his position usurped by PM Trudeau’s preferred form of citizen: Those willing to accept every draconian, freedom-stripping piece of neo-communism he is throwing at our society. Back in the world of high-level politics, we point to the reality of the Anglophone-Canadian predicament. Out of 39 Liberal Cabinet Members, just seven are male Anglophones. In what seems like ancient history, ex-Conservative PM Stephen Harper’s Cabinet had 18 out of 38. A microcosm for society it is. Justin Trudeau is gunning for disempowerment of one identifiable Canadian community. Like so-called father Pierre, he is at heart a Quebecois communist. Caught off-guard through a half-century of seduction, the destiny of English Canada and its Anglophone communities stands on shaky ground.

Trudeau Buries Truth With Refusal Of China Election Interference Inquiry

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Trudeau Buries Truth With Refusal Of China Election Interference Inquiry

“Since the 1970s, there have been important political and economic pro-China vectors emanating out of Montreal and Ottawa.” byBrad Salzberg 

“What in the world, you might be asking, is up with Canada? How did a country famed for its sensible, moderate attitudes and customs transform itself into the front rank of the woke phalanx?”

Who better than Dr. Jordan Peterson to pose this question to the people of Canada?It is of little surprise that such frank critique of PM Justin Trudeau should appear only within a non-Canadian media publication. By now, most Canadians would have recognized that citizens of our country are being subjected to a “woke media vacuum” within our dying democracy.“Canada, according to Trudeau, is a vacancy, bereft of civil history; a nothing place, waiting to be filled in. But nature abhors a vacuum, and that emptiness cries out to be filled. And who shall guide the infilling? Well obviously, Trudeau himself, along with his  mentors and minions,” says Dr. Peterson. Absolutely correct. Early in his tenure, a specious Justin Trudeau blessed Canada with a piece of neo-communist ideology. His claim that our country is a nation with “no core identity” has opened the door for the next phase of our national state-of-being.Media won’t allude to it, but the words which Peterson speaks has set the stage for a post-modern brand of authoritarian governance in Canada.

Like presumed father Pierre Trudeau, PM Justin’s political cognition is firmly rooted in communist ideology.On this basis, no living Canadian should be surprised that Mr. Trudeau has put the kibosh on a formal inquiry into a CSIS report confirming interference from the government of China in the past two federal elections.‘Trudeau Rules Out Public Inquiry Into Chinese Electoral Interference,’ reads a headline this week in the Globe and Mail. No one should be surprised by the pronouncement.Legacy media has been doing all they can to provide damage control. PM Trudeau “knew about the interference, and warned Parliament accordingly.“The interference is damaging to Canadian democracy and related institutions,” reads the scroll of damage control.All the while eschewing a central fact within Canada’s political narrative: there is no human being on earth more responsible for a deterioration of freedom, democracy and the rule of law in Canada than Justin Trudeau.

Upon which Cultural Action Party repeat our well-worn mantra: The Liberal Party of Canada and the communist government of China have maintained a tacit form of partnership for the past 50-years. Beginning with former Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau in the early 1970’s, China’s path to power within our society is the most overlooked political story of our times.“In U.S. backyard: How China Embedded Itself In Canada”

Since the 1970s, there have been important political and economic pro-China vectors emanating out of Montreal and Ottawa. Since then, that have broadened to influential pro-Beijing groups across Canada.”Extent to which this information has been disseminated within Canadian media? Blink, and you missed it– because it has never occurred.“Pierre Trudeau made no secret of his sympathies for communist leaders like Fidel Castro, and by the time he was elected Prime Minister, he had already visited China twice. He was there in 1949, the year the Communists took power, and then again on an official visit in 1960, when he was a labour lawyer. On the 1960s visit, he met Chairman Mao.  After which CAP delve into an area intentionally hidden from mainstream society.

Quebec-centric power-players– of which the Trudeau family belong– have been responsible for the Liberal Party link to the communist government of China.In 1978 came the establishment of the Canada China Business Council. Founding members of CCBC included three major Montreal-based companies, Power Corporation, Bombardier, and SNC Lavalin.“For three generations, Power Corp. has been largely run by the Desmarais family. Paul Desmarais was the first generation. He had been an advisor to Pierre Trudeau, and later Trudeau was on the board of Power Corp. Paul’s son married the daughter of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. Their son, Paul’s grandson, is the current Chair of the Canada China Business Council.”There you have it. The roots of Justin Trudeau’s refusal to drill-down on China’s election interference.

Degree of exposure from Canadian media totals zero– a proverbial goose egg,Conveniently omitted from the Liberal-China narrative is another salient fact. The Conservative Party of Canada won the popular vote in the last federal election. Meaning that it is possible that the 11 MP seats bribed by China’s government could have won the election for the Conservatives.

Did China win the 2021 election for Justin Trudeau? It’s darn well possible–the very reason why the Liberals are leveraging the billions paid to establishment media to obfuscative the election interference.The government of China know their business. With or without the right to vote, Chinese government leader know all about maintaining  long-term governance. Decade after decade, the same power structure exists to control for the purpose of controlling public behaviour, and muting all forms of push-back against government leaders.

CBC won’t tell you, and Toronto Star won’t print it, but the very same structure is currently in place in Canada. The goal is singular: the Liberals are to be Canada’s government-for-life. Utilizing China’s methodology of media control, the Liberal Party has transitioned to Canada’s first neo-communist government. To be followed, in due time,  by the real thing.

Quebec Government Wants Trudeau’s Appointed Scourge of Of Islamophobia Fired

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Quebec Government Wants Trudeau’s Appointed Scourge of Of Islamophobia Fired

Amira Elghabaway, Minister of Islamophobia, stands beside fellow Moslems, MPs Ahmed Hussen and MP Omar Alghabra.

The Quebec government is calling for the resignation of newly-appointed Minister of Islamophobia, Amira Elghabaway, Liberal government special representative to combat Islamophobia.

“Quebec Secularism Minister Jean-François Roberge says Ottawa should fire Amira Elghawaby immediately if she chooses not to resign. The journalist and activist was appointed to the role last week by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”
The history of the rise of Islamic political power in Canada suggests she won’t quit, won’t be fired, and will maintain her position as “Islamo-Cop” of Canada.

A history of obstinance offers the best clue as to what will transpire. From day one– Justin Trudeau’s ascension to the throne of Canada in 2015–  a cast-in-stone palette has coloured the condition of PM Trudeau’s fight against so-called “Islamophobia.”

Amira Elghabaway has nothing good to say about our country. In this she shares Trudeau’s sentiment, along with the man whose role it is to prop up the Trudeau government, New Democratic Party Leader, Jagmeet Singh.

“Elghawaby co-wrote a 2019 opinion piece in the Ottawa Citizen linking ‘anti-Muslim sentiment’ to Quebec’s Bill 21, which bans certain government employees from wearing religious symbols at work.”

Witness the myopia. Bill 21 is equally focused on Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs. Not that it amounts to a hill-of-beans for Ms. Elghabaway. Her single concern is her personal faith; her personal obsession so-called “Islamophobia.”
It’s this form of ethno-centricism which has resulted in a steady building of animosity toward our Liberal government’s treatment of one identifiable Canadian community.

No one has exacerbated this social problem more than Justin Trudeau. His constant pandering and pumping up of one specific community has resulted in the social discord Canadians are witnessing at present.

Neither government, nor media or Canadian academia have considered Mr. Trudeau’s degenerative impact on race relations in our country. For CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and Toronto Star, the fault is found in those nasty, bitter and racist “Old Stock” Canadians.

What a privilege legacy media has bestowed upon PM Trudeau. Not that it isn’t be expected after our PM pulled his “China-like” maneuver of covertly purchasing mainstream Canadian media.

“Jean-François Roberge, CAQ minister responsible for the French language, said Eghawaby has not properly apologized for her comments about Quebec. She “seems to be overcome by an anti-Quebec sentiment,” said Roberge.

“All she did was try to justify her hateful comments. That doesn’t fly. She must resign and if she doesn’t, the government must remove her immediately.”

Upon which CAP pulls out our proverbial crystal ball: Amira Elghabaway will continue on as Woke Liberal Islamo-police person. After all, she has been placed into power by none other than Somali import MP Ahmed Hussen.
Elghabaway has friends in high places. M103 “Islamophobia” motion founder and half-citizen of Pakistan MP Iqra Khalid helped her gain the lofty position. Canada most powerful special interest not-for-profit organization, National Council of Canadian Muslims, helped get her there.

In Justin Trudeau’s post-modern Canada, these are the power-players holding the political cards. Islam is the future of Canadian immigration, whether CBC tell us so, or not.

“It was never meant to suggest that my opinion is that the majority of Quebeckers are Islamophobic. I don’t believe so. I was merely analyzing the polling numbers … [an] opinion piece is meant to cause people to think, to talk, to reflect,” says Ms. Elgabaway.

A giant lol to that. Fundamentalist religion doesn’t talk, unless it’s to preach the word, or inform Canadians we “must educate ourselves” to accept cast-in-stone tenets of ancient history.

There is no negotiation or flexibility in the world of religious fundamentalism. How strange that the same phenomenon applies to Justin Trudeau’s brand of so-called “progressive” Liberal politics.

Amira Elghabaway, Minister of Islamophobia, stands beside fellow Moslems, MPs Ahmed Hussen and MP Omar Alghabra.

Victoria City Councillor/African Refugee Runs Down White Canada With Oppression Seminar

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Victoria City Councillor/African Refugee Runs Down White Canada With Oppression Seminar

2:34 PM (3 hours ago)
Dubow, a former refugee who became a Canadian citizen in 2012, hosted the conversation with Carey Newman, a local Indigenous artist whose work explores themes of reconciliation and colonialism.”
Witness as a new Third World refugee who arrived in Canada in 2012 creates a program to run down Anglophone Canada.
Do tell, Mr. “Multicultural”— how were you personally impacted by First Nations oppression in Canada? This situation goes back to the year 1610. You have been in Canada since 2017.
Got something against white people, buddy-boy? Naturally, you are not alone. Canadian media has provided ample space for ingrate immigrants like you to waltz into Canada and begin to run down a nation that did you the privilege of permitting your tired self to enter our country to enjoy the benefits over the third world nation you flew in from.
And in gratitude, you immediately begin to run down Anglophone and Christian Canada.
Be off with you, trouble-maker. White Canadians are sick and tired of these tedious put-down of traditional Canadian society by way of foreigners unaffected by historical social conditions in Canada.

Newcomers to Canada share shock of learning about Indigenous realities

As a newcomer to Canada in 2012, Victoria Coun. Sharmarke Dubow’s first impression of Indigenous people was coloured by other people’s stereotypes.

On his first day in the country, he saw a person begging on the street. It didn’t match the image he had of Canada as a country where people enjoy a high quality of life.

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Orientation videos during his immigration process had shown bustling cities with tall buildings, new technology and a busy workforce.

When Dubow asked about the person on the street, his relative told him the person was “a poor Aboriginal.”

Dubow didn’t know about Indigenous people in Canada. Nothing in the orientation videos taught him about the country’s colonial history or the ways in which that past continues to shape the lives of Indigenous people.

So, he educated himself. But he’s seen other immigrants absorb the harmful stereotypes that some Canadians hold about Indigenous people.

It was Dubow’s experience as a newcomer that shaped the topic of a reconciliation dialogue hosted by the City of Victoria at the conference centre on Monday.

The third session in a series of six, the evening’s discussion examined the image Canada projects to the world and how that compares with what newcomers experience when they move here.

Dubow, a former refugee who became a Canadian citizen in 2017, hosted the conversation with Carey Newman, a local Indigenous artist whose work explores themes of reconciliation and colonialism.

The evening mixed dialogue between Dubow and Carey on stage and small-group discussions between strangers sharing a table.

Ruth and Guenter Kiechle told the others at their table that they emigrated from Austria two years ago and settled in Oak Bay with their two teenage daughters.

Before the move, Ruth consumed Canadian media — especially radio shows and podcasts in which listeners called in to voice their opinions — to get a sense of the country. In all her research, she never came across information on reconciliation.

After moving to the Island, Ruth was shocked to learn that there are communities in Canada without clean drinking water. It was a contrast to what she’d read about Canada’s strong economy and high quality of life.

“If you, for example, google the Wikipedia page of Canada in German, you can read about how rich the country is and how high the standards,” she said. “You get a totally different idea, and then you come here and you hear how many thousands of people don’t have drinking water for decades. That’s something we don’t understand.”

Ruth’s experience is similar to that of many Canadians, who grew up with a rosy picture of the country before learning about residential schools, the ’60s scoop and the disproportionate number of Indigenous children in the child-welfare system.

Janet Gray, who shared a table with Ruth and Guenter, said her image of Canada changed as she got older and learned more about how Indigenous people have been treated since Europeans arrived.

For Ruth and Guenter — and other newcomers — having conversations about these issues with Canadians can be difficult, because it’s easy to accidentally offend.

“It’s easier for us to talk about it because I don’t have relatives who have jobs that they lost due to a pipeline that might not be built, so I understand that it’s hard,” Ruth said. “But it’s difficult learning about it without talking about it.”

The goal of the dialogue series is to provide opportunities to discuss how the community can make the culture, history and lived reality of local Indigenous peoples more visible and valued in the city. The sessions build on each other and are designed to be attended as a series.

The first evening focused on Lekwungen history and culture, and the second looked at the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which B.C. legally implemented in late November.

Other dialogues in the series will discuss the place of controversial historical figures, such as Sir John A. Macdonald, and what the future of reconciliation looks like. The next three events run on March 2, May 4 and July 8.

The evenings incorporate Indigenous customs, opening with a blanketing ceremony and ending with the selection of four people to act as witnesses. They’re asked to address the rest of the group to share what they’ve learned and how they’ll move forward with reconciliation in their lives.

The witnesses are presented with medallions from members of the City Family. The group — made up of the mayor, some city councillors and local Indigenous leaders — guides reconciliation work in the city.

More than 250 people attended Monday’s dialogue. Mayor Lisa Helps said in November that interest in the series had exceeded her expectations, with about 250 people already signed up to participate in the remaining events.

The city received $10,000 in funding for the series from a Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation pilot program.

Trudeau’s Multiculturalism “HARMING Canada” Says Muslim-Canadian Journalist

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Trudeau’s Multiculturalism “HARMING Canada” Says Muslim-Canadian Journalist

Trudeau’s Multiculturalism “HARMING Canada” Says Muslim-Canadian Journalist

“Unfortunately, when multiculturalism becomes the foundation of politics, the very essence of debate gets relegated from the common good of the country to the medieval instinct OF THE TRIBE.”

What!?  Who made this statement– the leader of a white supremacy party in Canada? Not at all–these words come from Tarek Fatah, conservative Muslim and Canadian social critic.

This fellow is on the right track. CAP commend Mr. Fatah for this statement. The man is non-white, and non-Christian. Do we therefore default to the position that he is a trouble-maker within our society? No, we do not. Yet, organizations such as ours are constantly branded racists and bigots. Whatever–CAP do not give a damn.

Liberal MP Ramesh Sangha, who represents Ontario’s Brampton Centre riding, dropped a bombshell during a recent Punjabi-language television interview where he was quoted as saying: “There cannot be two opinions that the Liberal party is pandering (to) Khalistan supporters.”

The interviewer asked Sangha – himself a Sikh – if he thought the party had a “soft corner” for Khalistanis(Sikh National separatists. Sangha replied that “it does.”

Multiculturalism is Canada’s most overlooked social ideology, as well as  the most profound vehicle for social change in the history of Canada. Amount of press dedicated to the subject? In 40 years, almost NOTHING at all.

Canada happens to be one of the very few nations on earth with a policy of multiculturalism referenced within its constitution. The related piece of government legislation is the Multicultural  Act of 1988.

As an aside, within Chinese numerology, the number “8” means wealth and financial prosperity. Did government plan in advance to pass the legislation in the year 1988? Would not surprise CAP in the least– Multiculturalism is a product of Trudeau-family Liberal-Globalism, after all.

What is it about the “multicult,” or diversity which has been held back from the purview of millions of Canadians for the past forty years? Let’s take a quick look:

For one thing, Multicult policy from a financial view is a giant-sized transfer of Canadian tax-dollars. Hundreds of million– BILLIONS over the decades, has been passed to Third World immigration, multicultural, and refugee non-profit organizations.

This is how Chinese, Sikh, and Muslim organizations succeeded in establishing themselves as “power-players” within Canadian society. One organization, SUCCESS Immigrant Services of Vancouver, BC, receives $23 Million per year from the provincial government alone. They are funded by all three levels of government–municipal, provincial and federal.

Despite their appearance at present, for at least 30 years this group focused exclusively on migrants from China. One group, one focus, one mission--to import Chinese migrants to Canada. A report from their website(they removed it) boasted about the percentage of European migrants they have assisted– a whopping 1% of their clientele.  There’s multiculturalism for you– SUCCESS for decades was 100% uni-cultural. 

There are thousands of groups like this in Canada. Then, we turn to the b-side. CAP once worked with a Polish-Canadian non-profit. We viewed one request for government funding for their non-profit. $8,000 dollarsdenied


Darn, that multicult stuff really leads to social equality, eh? The whole affair is a farce. CAP will tell you why: Because there is NOTHING multicultural about Canadian multiculturalism.

Huh? What is this guy on? Let us explain. This concept means “multi”— as in, “many, manifold, a variety. Now, the fact is that the ideology is in no way inclusive of European Canada. No pride in being a Canadian of Ukrainian, German, or Polish Canadian. No money either.

Okay, so whitey is OUT. That’s a big segment of society, no? Then we consider the communities who are a component of this anti-European diversity movement. Does this adhere to authentic diversity? After all, that was the goal of the program after Pierre Trudeau FORCED the policy on Canada in the first place.

Not really. The main players are three: Sikh, Muslim and Chinese-Canada. What is so diverse about this? Not much. Rather, what we have here is a license for these wealthy and powerful communities to battle it out for power and control within society. Under Justin Trudeau, this is what is occurring as we speak.

Then, Trudeau puts on a Silk Sikh outfit, does a few Bollywood dance moves, and shouts “Diversity Is Our Strength.”

CAP will amend this by one word- “Diversity is A strength.” Big difference.  Yes, it is a strength–for some. Who are the “some?” They are the most well-funded, organized, wealthy and powerful special interest ethnic communities in Canada. The ones with the hundreds of multicult organizations sucking up the most tax dollars.

This is Multicult in the real world. It is not Trudeau, Hussen, Butts, Morneau and Khalid multiculturalism. This brand is a giant LIE. A deception designed to empower some, and DISEMPOWER others.

Multiculturalism as a political ideology began in 1971— a full 47 years ago. Think back–have you ever ONCE read anything like this within Canadian media? CAP knows that the answer is “no”–because we have followed these issues for the past 37 years.

We have now discussed who benefits. Now, let’s look at who suffers. Anglophone Canada, because we are being trans-itioned into minority status by government. Christian Canada, because Justin Trudeau is dedicated to one religion only-Islam. Nationalists, Patriots, Conservatives, Francophones– white people, basically.

To add insult-to-injury, PM Trudeau has personally trans-itioned Anglophone Canada into a motley gang of racists, bigots and xenophobes. Would this be anywhere near as extreme if Papa Pierre had not unilaterally forced the policy upon society?

Yes, much less–in fact the branding-like-cattle racist tag of Trudeau, may not have occurred at all.  This is the story of multiculturalism in Canada. It is NOTHING like the manner in which the ideology is portrayed by government and media.

It is, in fact, a stone-cold deception of the people of Canada. Those portrayed as victims are in reality, the privileged. Those branded as oppressors are in reality the victims.

Canada–you have been hood-winked. Multiculturalism is destructive for specific segments of society. The policy was founded by Pierre Trudeau, and hit out of the ball-park by Justin Trudeau.

Then, Justin gets elected for a second term. Insane, isn’t it?



Jagmeet Singh And The Rise Of Identity Politics In Canada

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Jagmeet Singh And The Rise Of Identity Politics In Canada

by Brad SalzbergCultural Action Party

Jagmeet Singh
Slick Suit Singh — Future Prime Minister of Canada?

Every social movement has its heroes. Within the spectrum of Canadian political correctness, this role is currently fulfilled by Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. His incessant promotion of all-things multicultural — in particular a fervent dedication to our Islamic and LGBT communities — has advanced a globalist agenda to the extent that to even question its motives draws the wrath of social justice warriors from coast to coast.

Yet, being a most insatiable collective of hyper-aggressive globalists, this social dynamic is incomplete. What is required, of course, is a leader to emerge from one of Canada’s coveted Third World communities.

This is not Justin Trudeau, but it is NDP leadership candidate Jagmeet Singh. Clad in slick suits and designer turbans, Mr. Singh recently became official poster-boy for Canada’s diversity industry. It is indeed a privileged position, as the standards held for “traditional” Canadian politicians do not apply to “multicultural” politicians such as Mr. Singh.

Recently, a protestor interrupted an NDP event in Brampton, Ontario. A woman got onstage and began to aggressively question Mr. Singh regarding his position on issues relating to Islam, and Sharia law in particular. Granted, the approach was ill-advised, as the spontaneity of her inquiry was not a proper platform in which to address sensitive issues of this nature.

Within a democratic political environment, however, a candidate running for office is required to address the concerns of their constituents. Jagmeet Singh did nothing of the sort. Rather, he waxed philosophical regarding the need for all Canadians to “love each other.” A noble thought, yet one which entirely evades the issues. Recently, Mr. Singh released a public statement that he opposes a motion put forth by the provincial government of Quebec requiring public servants to reveal their face when administering services to clients. After months of inquiry, our protestor wanted answers — yet none ever arrived.

The result of her interruption of the meeting was universal condemnation. Media attacked her. Liberal politicians vilified her. All of a sudden, Singh was catapulted to a position not unlike that of globalist messiah. He had single-handedly defeated the bad, bad racist. Victory was assured, and Mr. Singh was declared a hero.

Canadian “identity” politics have changed the nature of political discourse in Canada, and not for the better. Time was when the main issue within politics were issues — for example addressing public concern, as well as one’s duty to constituents. Times have changed. Today, after a forty year program of diversity indoctrination, the main issue is the identity of a politician.

Within contemporary society, Third World political figures are depicted as vital and brimming with benevolence. Conversely, Anglo-Canadians politicians — save Justin Trudeau — are old and tired. At present they are something of a political dinosaur. On the other hand, Singh and others like him are rendered untouchable. If one dares speak against them, prepare to be branded a racist.

What privilege! Protected by a teflon-coating of political correctness, identity politicians are accountable to no one but their own particular community. As for the Anglophone minority in Mr. Singh’s riding of Brampton, Ontario — a riding where over 90% of constituents are of Third World origin — these people have no choice but to grin and bear it. Any dissent amongst the ranks will bring the inevitable accusations of bigotry, and the rest. Talk about being placed in social straight jacket.

Since gaining office, Justin Trudeau has been a pin-up poster boy of culture-eroding globalism. Naturally, this is not good enough. For Canada’s diversity-bandits, nothing ever is. What is required is the real deal. A non-Anglophone, Third World Canadian leader of the variety we find in Jagmeet Singh — the NDP’s answer to their political failings of the past decade.

Singh is a social justice weapon-in-waiting. It is he the liberal left is placing on a political pedestal as an example to all Anglophone and Francophone Canadians, and the message is: do not mess with us, because we hold the most powerful weapon in modern-day Canadian politics — a “silver bullet” known as the accusation of racism. As for social and political issues, let them go gentle into that good night along with all forms of traditional Canadian identity. Canada now has a globalist messiah in the form of NDP candidate Jagmeet Singh. The post-modern promised land of Justin Trudeau’s “new” Canada await

Omar Khadr and the Liberal War On English Canada

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Omar Khadr and the Liberal War On English Canada

by Brad SalzbergCultural Action Party

Omar Khadr

Arecent payout of $10.5 million dollars to convicted terrorist Omar Khadr represents a watershed moment in the history of political correctness in Canada. As endorsed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Mr. Khadr has hit the jackpot and can now settle into a life of luxury upon Canadian soil. Not bad for a terrorist convicted of murder.

While there isn’t a politician past or present who has disgraced our country with the vigour of Justin Trudeau, the road to the loss of our national dignity did not originate with our current prime minister. This we can attribute to the founder of Canada’s collective self- loathing — his father.

Pierre Trudeau is the most misunderstood figure in Canadian history. A maverick political figure from day one, Trudeau Sr. thumbed his nose at western institutions of his day while embracing socialist ideology discovered during his travels as a student in Asia.

Some where between the opium smoking and the communist manifesto, Pierre discovered his true ideological calling — as an irreverent intellectual with a pre-disposition toward his political nemesis — British colonialism, and the institutions created in its image.

From his first term as prime minister in 1968 to his final curtain call in the early 1980’s, Pierre worked to erode Canada’s connection to Britain and the Commonwealth. For the purpose of empowering minority communities — as well as the legal industry who support them — Trudeau introduced the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In an effort to advance the rights of special interest groups, Trudeau created the Court Challenges Program, enabling these entities to take legal action based upon perceived social injustices.

The outcome was a fundamental transformation within society. Power and influence shifted away from the Canadian majority and into the hands of tax-payer funded interest groups, multicultural organizations, human rights tribunals and other leftist institutions. Thus, a new Canada was born —though it would take decades for the general public to understand exactly what had occurred. It is arguable most still do not comprehend the full picture.

To understand the roots of the re-imagining of our nation, we look to the fateful day in 1971 when Pierre Trudeau introduced multiculturalism to Canada. Without any form of mandate or approval from the Canadian people, Pierre Trudeau cancelled our bi-cultural English and French Canadian identity and replaced it with multicultural policy. Few at the time were aware of the pending side effects—namely, that multiculturalism would not be inclusive of Anglophone or Francophone identity. Indeed, it was and remains the exclusive domain of migrants from Asia and the Middle East.

As decades passed and Third World immigration began to alter our demographic make-up, a powerful diversity industry came into existence. This collective of immigration pundits, academics and media — as well as government itself — began to alter our national destiny. By way of an accusation of historical racism toward Third World and First Nations communities, our diversity warriors were able to convince the Canadian majority to question, and ultimately dislike, the heritage of their own nation.

At present, we see this manifested in Prime Minister Trudeau’s litany of apologies to our LGBT, Chinese, Muslim and Sikh communities. Never mind the fact that Italian, German and Ukrainian- Canadians were sent by the thousands to internment camps under the War Measures Act. Racism in Canada is an exclusive of the Third World, and these forces intend to keep it that way. Waving a collective finger at the descendants of the founders of our nation, we are informed by politically-oriented new arrivals that Canada is built on “stolen land,” and if we don’t cooperate — or perhaps even if we do — they will work to steal it back.

Naturally, Justin Trudeau is all-in on this campaign. Raised within an environment of malevolence toward English Canada, as well as within ear shot of father Pierre’s admiration for communism, Justin is the perfect pitch-man for what he refers to as a “post-modern” Canada — which really means a Canada devoid of Anglophone identity.

Canada has seen its share of the Trudeau family’s disdain for both democratic process and the will of the majority. Multiculturalism, which became official policy in 1988, was a unilateral decision on the part of government — if not on the part of Pierre himself. Both father and son share an affinity for believing their personal will equates with public will — a personality trait bordering on the delusional.

Pierre Trudeau began Canada’s long day’s journey into cultural demise, but it is son Justin who will finish off Anglo-Canada for good. By way of mass immigration — another nation-changing policy devoid of public input — Justin is leading us down a path toward a complete societal inversion. By way of measures such as “Islamophobia” motion M103, our so-called minorities are today the preferred communities of choice, while “Old Stock” Canadians are rendered perfunctory at best. “Out with the old, in with the new” appears to be the maxim of PM Trudeau and his sunny gang of cultural eradicators.

Recently, Trudeau Junior informed us Canada belongs more to immigrants than Canadian-born citizens, as the latter “take Canada for granted.” This reveals what general society should have understood decades ago — that the concept of equality for all Canadians by way of multiculturalism is a myth. The true diversity agenda is not unlike what is found in George Orwell’s classic political treatise on communism, Animal Farm — “all are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

If and when Canadian-born citizens wake up to the fact that an injustice of grand design is at the heart of the Trudeau agenda, perhaps the dignity lost in a whirlwind of diversity and political correctness can then be returned to the descendants of those who built our country.

Refuting the Latest Minority Boo-Hoo Complaints

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Refuting the Latest Minority Boo-Hoo Complaints
OPINION: Minority groups are seeing one of their greatest fears come true — they’re becoming targets at home

Our society is suffering from an alarming disconnect: minority groups in Canada and the U.S. are sharing their experiences of being targeted or intimidated by bigots, yet their testimonies in news reports are drawing the ire of critics. How on earth did we get here?


Brad: The first point we have to understand is the source of the “disconnect.” It is not rooted in the intrinsic ​nature of the people of Canada. Rather, it is the result of the disconnect between government and its citizens.

It is essential to understand that mass immigration and multiculturalism are both unilateral government policies, meaning the general public never had a say regarding the demographic and cultural transformation in the first place.
​This is the root of the issue. So if blame or responsibility is going to be assigned, it should be assigned toward government…and in particular, what has emerged as the “Trudeau Dynasty” in the form of predecessor Pierre and son Justin, who chose of their own volition to implement nation-changing government policy WITHOUT THE CONSENT OR APPROVAL OF THE CANADIAN PEOPLE.
​”Any time someone expresses there [sic] opinion about refugees and immigrants in this county [sic] you have to be a racist. I’m so sick of that card being played.”

That comment garnered almost 200 “likes.”

Brad: Yes, Canadians are sick of the multicult jive and political correct​ness. While incidents of racial prejudice on our streets should not be tolerated, it is a situation which develops out of frustration and resentment. Blaming Canadians of European heritage will resolve NOTHING. It will only increase anger and resentment.

If there is to be resolution in this matter, it must be as a result of a combined effort— immigration community adaption being a primary component. The road to resolution is not a one-way street. So, rather than play the blame game in perpetuity, these communities should gain a deeper understanding of the reasons why resentment against globalism is rising rapidly. It’s not Trump specifically. The anger has been building for decades.

Minorities, by nature, are sensitive about being exploited, standing out or being excluded.

Brad: And “non-minorities” are the same. Canadian-born citizens don’t appreciate being ignored by government, having their nation turned upside down by way of unilateral government policy, and having their thoughts and feelings shut down by endless accusations of racism. 
We don’t like being excluded either– for example, by way of Chinese-only public signage in Richmond BC.

Here in Canada, Conservative leadership contender Kellie Leitch captured headlines by stoking fears about improper screening of immigrants.

Brad: Kellie Leitch captures headlines by exercising her constitutional right to freedom of assembly and expression. Such is Canada’s long history of democratic tradition…however, these leftist types seem to believe these rights are to be the exclusive domain of globalists, diversity-pushers and multicult proponents.

Check the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I assure these civil rights apply to ALL Canadians, and not just our third world communities.

Lately, what has minority groups in Canada feeling unsafe is the unpredictable nature of such occurrences. According to Barbara Perry, a criminology professor and lead author of the study, no one knows when a right wing extremist will “lash out.”

Brad: How entirely one-sided. After all, no one knows when a hate-filled terrorist will blow up a marketplace filled with dozens of grocery-shoppers either.​

We in Canada should heed these signs. Ideologies that incite hate crimes easily transcend borders, especially when they’re laid out online or given free air time by the news media.

Brad: Please…Canada’s mainstream media have been left-leaning for decades. For the most part, they have been complicit in protecting Justin Trudeau’s agenda for the re-imagining of our nation as little more than an international hotel for the very poor and the very rich. It is only in past few months that a tangible change in approach has occurred.

Minority groups are absolutely justified in feeling that their safety is being threatened.

Brad: All people’s safety is being threatened, and in all objectivity, much of this is rooted in extremist and militant Islamic terror.