Tag Archives: Iqra Khalid

Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office

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Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office
Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office

“Canadian media downplay potential nation-changing French election, where female voters are flocking to Marine Le Pen’s RN Party.”

Marine Le Pen and her party believe there should be several categories of French people. They intend to enshrine in the Constitution a ban on dual nationals holding certain public positions.”

In consideration of the current foreign interference scandal in Canada, it would be more than prudent for government to consider similar measures.In Canada, 56 foreign-born members, 22 of them with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons and Senate. Some notables include Liberal MPs Iqra Khalid(Pakistan), Ahmed Hussen(Somalia), as well as triple citizenship holder Salma Zahid (Pakistan, Britain, Canada).Canadian MPs hold citizenship from nations as diverse as Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, United States and United Kingdom.

A recent report on foreign interference from NSICOP offers a damning account of alleged corroboration between unnamed members of Parliament and foreign governments.“The report noted that Pakistan targeted democratic institutions and processes in the early phase of the period under review”. It said China, India, Pakistan, and Iran engaged in transnational repression.”Would it not be a common sense decision to ban dual citizenship for MPs in Canada?

We note the degree of political discourse suggesting this very thing. CBC? Nothing. Toronto Star? Nothing. Globe & Mail? Nothing. Common sense Canadians shouldn’t be surprised. PM Justin Trudeau wouldn’t make this move for all the tea in China. For him, dual loyalty to foreign nations is something to be rewarded.

Not so for another member of the British Commonwealth, the land down under, Australia.“Dual citizenship would disqualify them from holding office in Australia, where Section 44 of the Constitution bars anyone who is a citizen of a ‘foreign power’ from sitting in Parliament.”Can it be fairly stated that “some people” in our society are accepting of foreign interference? 

CAP can see why “multicultural” non-profit organizations may possibly be in favour of such a thing. In 2017, a Muslim-Canadian non-profit enthusiastically endorsed the M103 “Islamophobia” motion tabled by half-Pakistani MP Iqra Khalid.As for the upcoming election in France, media in Canada are knowingly downplaying current events. French voters will head to the polls on June 30, 2024.

One week previous to the election support for Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party continues to surge.“French President Emmanuel Macron’s approval rating fell six points to match a historic low on Friday, with just over a week before voting starts in the two-round legislative election.”

French women voters are swinging sharply to the right.“Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration National Rally is tipped to win the most votes in a two-round snap election on June 30 and July 7 that could crush the liberal centrists of President Emmanuel Macronand women are increasingly driving her party’s surging political fortunes.”Let us note the irony.

The Canadian government, along with media and academia, perpetually pump-up the need for gender equality in our society. Justin Trudeau champions the cause with vigor, appointing female MP to key roles within Cabinet.Yet, when the female tide comes in as decidedly “right-wing” in orientation, the powers that be are quiet as a church mouse. Pulling the wool over Canadian eyes, the “woke left” desperately hope none of this spills over into Canada. To minimize exposure, media systemically bury all that would detract from Trudeau’s iron-clad control of society.

When it comes to French citizenship in general, Le Pen said that she would “allow it only to people who have earned it and assimilated.”Not in Canada, eh? Pity. On our soil, convicted terrorists are coddled by our ruling government:“The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship…because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.”

Damn, this Trudeau character is one strange cat. Drilling down on the foreign interference scandal offers up an additional piece of damnation via the NSICOP report: “All forms of media, including mainstream media, are being subjected to interference by bad actors,” stated NSICOP chairman David McGuinty.Upon which we attain clarity on the situation. According to the report, both the Feds and legacy media are being subjected to foreign interference.

We gain insight as to reasons why the Liberals, CBC, CTV and the rest refuse to articulate political reality in France. Canada has a large French population. The more Quebecois who become aware of Marine Le Pen’s popularity, the greater the chances Canadians could follow suit. Result? A media “shut-out” on the current French election, one week away from fruition.Logic dictates that the time has come to minimize foreign subversion within our political system. One concrete measure is to ban dual and triple citizenship in the Canadian Parliament. Endorsement from Canadian media? Nothing, and keep on going downhill from there.

Evalion on the Islamification of Canada

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Evalion on the Islamification of Canada



This is another spirited video by Evalion with some good footage from CAFE’s demonstration outside Iqra Khalid’s office protesting her anti-Islamophobia motion M-103.

Two small errors in this video:

1. M-103 hasn’t been voted on yet. That will be April. What was passed was an anti-Islamophobia motion in the Ontario Legislature. Tory leader Patrick Brown betrayed his supporters by jumping on the politically correct bandwagon.

2. Unless we halt the immigration invasion, the European founding/settler people of Canada will be replaced by Third Worlders. It is less certain that the new majority will be majority Moslem.



Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

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Attention Immigration Reformer:


Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

(1) PLEASE HELP US TO GET MORE SIGNATURES FOR THE FREE SPEECH PETITION. As of Monday, Feb. 20, that petition had about 22,600 signatures.  Thank you for your help. This significant figure has been noticed by the political class, particularly the Conservatives who are scrambling to recognize the indignation of Canadians, but still haven’t got the guts to deal with the root problem WHICH IS UNNECESSARY HIGH IMMIGRATION . We need more signatures to convince them. Please help to get other people to sign. Again, here is a link to the petition : https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/protecting-canadian-free-speeech-rights-from

(2) PLEASE SEND IQRA KHALID an e-mail.  Here is her e-mail address  : iqra.khalid@parl.gc.ca If you want to phone her offices, here are her phone numbers :  905-820-8814 (her office in Mississauga) or 613-995-7321 (her office in Ottawa).She is the Muslim woman who wrote the motion. Like many of her fellow Muslims and other visible minorities, she is arrogant and contemptuous of Canada.  She and they deserve the contempt of Canada’s majority population and all other decent Canadians.  BE BLUNT. Don’t phone to debate with the person who answers your call. You know what they think.  She, other Muslim MP’s and Muslim organizations across Canada want to re-make Canada in the image of the failed states where they originated..
Canadian Association for Free Expression Protest at Iqra Khalid’s Office — Paul Fromm (back to the camera) slides letter of protest  into shut office door.

 (3) PLEASE CONTACT TRUDEAU’S OFFICE  Here is his e-mail address : justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca When Khalid’s motion is voted on in April, it is probable that the Liberal MP’s will approve it.  Furthermore, Sikh Liberal MP Grewal has already hinted that other measures like Khalid’s are coming. To prevent all of this from happening, here is our suggestion : Tell Trudeau to dump her motion and to expel Khalid from the Liberal Caucus. Leave a phone message at Justin Trudeau’s office in Ottawa : 1-613-995-0253  or at his Montreal office  1-514-277-6020 His Fax number is 1-613-947-0310
(4) PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL TO YOUR MP. Many  MP’s are cowardly and treacherous on all immigration-related issues. HELP THEM TO STAND UP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES.  When Parliament votes on Iqra’s motion in April, TELL THEM TO DEFEND CANADA AND VOTE “NO”

Dan Murray
Immigration Watch Canada

For sensible immigration policies for the 21st century.
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Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid is an Islamist Hypocrite

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“These women may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern.”

MP Iqra Khalid cannot advance the cause of extremist Islam on one hand and then complain about Islamophobia on the other.  Her direct connections to Islamist front groups means she must either publicly disavow extremist groups such as Jamaah e Islami and the Muslim Brotherhood, or withdraw her motion.

Iqra Khalid is the Liberal Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Erindale, elected in 2015.  She recently tabled a motion in the House of Commons which would “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination.”

Clearly, the intent of her motion is not to address issues of discrimination, but rather to silence anyone who speaks out against Islamists in Canada.

For instance, Irqa Khalid was President of the Muslim Student Association when she was a student at York University (early 2000s).  The Muslim Student Association was founded by adherents of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1963.  The Muslim Student Association has a series of alumni who have become suicide bombers, ISIS fighters and ISIS propagandists.

The Muslim Student Association at York University handed out a book at Islam Awareness Week with the title “Women in Islam & Refutation of some Common Misconceptions.”  The chapter on WIFE DISCIPLINING (page 99 of the online version) makes the following observation:  Submissive or subdued women. These women may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern.

The Muslim Student Association at Guelph University was also handing out similar literature in 2017.


This book handed out at York University in 2015 a chapter with the title “Wife Disciplining”

Distribution of the book Women in Islam & Refutation of some Common Misconceptions at York University in 2015 at Islam Awareness Week.  Photo courtesy of blogwrath.com


Iqra Khalid joined the Liberal Party approximately seven months before she was nominated on December 13th, 2014.  Mr Shafqat Ali is/was a long time Liberal Party member in the Mississauga area and he was thought to have a front running position for the nomination. For reasons that have never been publicly made clear, he suddenly withdrew his nomination at an Islamic Society of North America  (ISNA) hosted event. He asked that his followers support Iqra Khalid.

Ms Khalid is the daughter of Dr. Hafiz Khalid, a long-time associate of the ISNA and formerly a vocal supporter of Jamaat-e-Islami.

Terrorism Funding Revocation

The ISNA ‘Development Fund’ had its charitable status revoked for funding terrorism in 2013.  The ultimate recipient of the money was the Jamaat-e-Islami, which is seen as the south Asian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Toronto Star also reported on extensive fraud inside the ISNA whereby money for the poor was squandered .

Iqra Khalid is/was a member of CAMP – Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals. She was the Communications Coordinator under (then) President and CEO Najamuddin Mohammed.  Despite claiming to be a networking organization, CAMP’s own website says it was created to:

educate and activate the community on issues of political significance at home and abroad. CAMP organizes activities and lectures, seminars and discussions on political activism to get the membership and the community involved in the political process to better ourselves and our communities at home or abroad.

CAMP has multiple ties to the North American Muslim Brotherhood. At one point, a former Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)  was listed by CAMP as an adviser and Zeba Iqbal, the Vice-Chair of CAMP International, is also on the board of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC-NY). At least one of the CAMP chapters, CAMP Toronto, has joined with other Muslim Brotherhood organizations such as the (terror listed group) Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), ISNA, and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) to issue protests at Israeli actions in Gaza and against the Niqab (full face veil) ban (a CAMP VP wears it) and in support of Omar Khadr, who was held in Guantanamo on charges of killing an American soldier in Afghanistan. As noted in one of its own announcements:

“The Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals (CAMP) has announced that it second keynote speaker for its July 2010 annual dinner, held during the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) weekend, will be Obama administration faith advisor Dahlia Mogahed.”


MP Iqra Khalid, like MP Omar Alghabra, is typical of the Islamist extremists that are using political Entryism to infiltrate our political system.  She leads and supports front groups which espouse Islamist extremism, such as the Muslim Student Association, yet at the same time claims to be a victim of the (largely) fake concept of Islamophobia.

Canada and its Parliament would be best served is Member of Parliament Iqra Khadid would either directly denounce the Muslim Brotherhood, the ISNA and the Muslim Student Association or admit that she is a supporter of extremist Islamists – including those that advocate wife beating here in Canada.

Stop Motion 103 – First Step to Outlawing Criticism of Islam

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Stop Motion 103 – First Step to Outlawing Criticism of Islam


Paul Fromm speaks out against Motion 103. Paul is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee. I am Brian Ruhe. Go to my website at: http:/…


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[It should be noted that “anti-racism” is a code word for anti-White. Governments are already riddled with anti-White pro-minority “employment equity” programmes. Anti-racism programmes are taxpayer-funded White bashing and propagandizing. Traditional Canadians who oppose immigration that would men their replacement would, of course,  be dismissed as “racists”]


Inline image 1

“At the provincial level, we call for:

1. All provincial governments to create an Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD), similar to that of the province of Ontario, which examines issues of systemic racism within the government’s mandate, as well as work to create and support public education campaigns on related topics.

2. All Ministries of Education to commit to creating a mandatory course on systemic racism at the secondary school level which explores xenophobia, anti-Black racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and their impacts on our society. Further, ministries should ensure that adequate resources and funding is available to provide ongoing training and resources for educators on these topics.

At the federal level, we call for:

1. All members of parliament to support Motion 103 (M103), tabled by Iqra Khalid, Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Erin Mills, which calls on the federal government to study ways in which the government can reduce or eliminate systemic racism and religious discrimination in Canada, including Islamophobia. Full text below*.

2. That January 29 be declared by Parliament as the NATIONAL DAY OF REMEMBRANCE AND ACTION ON ISLAMOPHOBIA.


 L’Assocation musulmane québécoise (AMQ)
 The British Columbia Muslim Association (BCMA)
 L’Association musulmane québécoise (AMQ)
 Canadian Association of Muslims with Disabilities (CAM-D)
 The Canadian Association for Muslim Women in Law (CAMWL)
 Canadian Centre for Deen Studies
 Canadian Council of Imams (CCI)
 Canadian Council of Muslim Women – National (CCMW)
 Canadian Council of Muslim Women – Montreal (CCMW)
 Canadian Muslim Alliance (CMA)
 Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association / Association canadienne des avocats musulmans
 The Canadian Muslim Vote (TCMV)
 Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec (CCIQ)
 Collective of Muslim Feminists of Quebec
 DawaNet
 Downtown Muslim Professional Network (DMPN)
 Federation of Muslim Women
 Islam Care Centre
 Islamic Association of Saskatchewan (Regina Branch)
 Islamic Family and Social Services Association (Edmonton)
 Islamic History Month Canada (IHMC)
 Islamic Shia Ithna ‘Asheri Jamaat (ISIJ) of Toronto
 Islamic Society of North America – Canada (ISNA-Canada)
 Islamic Social Services Association (ISSA)
 LaVoieDesFemmes
 London Muslim Mosque (LMM)
 Muslim Association of Canada (MAC)
 Muslim Coordinating Council of the National Capital Region (MCCNCR)
 Muslim Council of Peel
 Muslim Society of PEI
 Muslim Link Newspaper
 National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM)
 North American Spiritual Revival (NASR)
 Ottawa Muslim Association (OMA)
 Own It Institute of Canada Ltd.
 3Own: Muslim Youth and Family Services
 Think for Actions
 Windsor Islamic Association
 Windsor Islamic Council