Tag Archives: CBC

Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office

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Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office
Surging Marine Le Pen Considers Banning Dual Citizenship In Public Office

“Canadian media downplay potential nation-changing French election, where female voters are flocking to Marine Le Pen’s RN Party.”

Marine Le Pen and her party believe there should be several categories of French people. They intend to enshrine in the Constitution a ban on dual nationals holding certain public positions.”

In consideration of the current foreign interference scandal in Canada, it would be more than prudent for government to consider similar measures.In Canada, 56 foreign-born members, 22 of them with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons and Senate. Some notables include Liberal MPs Iqra Khalid(Pakistan), Ahmed Hussen(Somalia), as well as triple citizenship holder Salma Zahid (Pakistan, Britain, Canada).Canadian MPs hold citizenship from nations as diverse as Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, United States and United Kingdom.

A recent report on foreign interference from NSICOP offers a damning account of alleged corroboration between unnamed members of Parliament and foreign governments.“The report noted that Pakistan targeted democratic institutions and processes in the early phase of the period under review”. It said China, India, Pakistan, and Iran engaged in transnational repression.”Would it not be a common sense decision to ban dual citizenship for MPs in Canada?

We note the degree of political discourse suggesting this very thing. CBC? Nothing. Toronto Star? Nothing. Globe & Mail? Nothing. Common sense Canadians shouldn’t be surprised. PM Justin Trudeau wouldn’t make this move for all the tea in China. For him, dual loyalty to foreign nations is something to be rewarded.

Not so for another member of the British Commonwealth, the land down under, Australia.“Dual citizenship would disqualify them from holding office in Australia, where Section 44 of the Constitution bars anyone who is a citizen of a ‘foreign power’ from sitting in Parliament.”Can it be fairly stated that “some people” in our society are accepting of foreign interference? 

CAP can see why “multicultural” non-profit organizations may possibly be in favour of such a thing. In 2017, a Muslim-Canadian non-profit enthusiastically endorsed the M103 “Islamophobia” motion tabled by half-Pakistani MP Iqra Khalid.As for the upcoming election in France, media in Canada are knowingly downplaying current events. French voters will head to the polls on June 30, 2024.

One week previous to the election support for Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party continues to surge.“French President Emmanuel Macron’s approval rating fell six points to match a historic low on Friday, with just over a week before voting starts in the two-round legislative election.”

French women voters are swinging sharply to the right.“Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration National Rally is tipped to win the most votes in a two-round snap election on June 30 and July 7 that could crush the liberal centrists of President Emmanuel Macronand women are increasingly driving her party’s surging political fortunes.”Let us note the irony.

The Canadian government, along with media and academia, perpetually pump-up the need for gender equality in our society. Justin Trudeau champions the cause with vigor, appointing female MP to key roles within Cabinet.Yet, when the female tide comes in as decidedly “right-wing” in orientation, the powers that be are quiet as a church mouse. Pulling the wool over Canadian eyes, the “woke left” desperately hope none of this spills over into Canada. To minimize exposure, media systemically bury all that would detract from Trudeau’s iron-clad control of society.

When it comes to French citizenship in general, Le Pen said that she would “allow it only to people who have earned it and assimilated.”Not in Canada, eh? Pity. On our soil, convicted terrorists are coddled by our ruling government:“The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship…because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.”

Damn, this Trudeau character is one strange cat. Drilling down on the foreign interference scandal offers up an additional piece of damnation via the NSICOP report: “All forms of media, including mainstream media, are being subjected to interference by bad actors,” stated NSICOP chairman David McGuinty.Upon which we attain clarity on the situation. According to the report, both the Feds and legacy media are being subjected to foreign interference.

We gain insight as to reasons why the Liberals, CBC, CTV and the rest refuse to articulate political reality in France. Canada has a large French population. The more Quebecois who become aware of Marine Le Pen’s popularity, the greater the chances Canadians could follow suit. Result? A media “shut-out” on the current French election, one week away from fruition.Logic dictates that the time has come to minimize foreign subversion within our political system. One concrete measure is to ban dual and triple citizenship in the Canadian Parliament. Endorsement from Canadian media? Nothing, and keep on going downhill from there.

Media’s Cover-Up Of China’s Influence On Canadian Politics Exposed

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Media’s Cover-Up Of China’s Influence On Canadian Politics Exposed

Justin Trudeau empowers China, damages democracy in Canada, and due to media, gets away with it.


Brian Lee Crowley, founder the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, a public policy think tank focused on Canadian national issues, has unpleasant things to say about China’s presence in Canada. Crowley pulls no punches in an article published this month by The Telegraph in the U.K.

‘Canada’s Secret Service Is Fighting A Hidden Civil War’ 

“The leaks reveal a China hell-bent on suborning Canadian institutions. The allegations include: charges of Chinese interference in elections at every level (federal, provincial and municipal), the existence of Chinese police stations operating with impunity on Canadian soil, the intimidation of Canadians and permanent residents of Chinese origin, and threats to the families of prominent Canadian politicians.”

A motherload of condemnation it is– from the foreign press. It’s Justin Trudeau’s good fortune that he has been successful in taking the anti-China wind out of media sails in Canada.

Stalling, excuses, futile appointments(David Johnson), obfuscation and delays. Government understand the methodology. Each time a piece of damnation bubbles to the political surface, drawing out conclusions for as long as possible is the remedy. Part of which is preventing articles like Crowley’s from penetrating the consciousness of Canadian society.

This man is no conspiracy theory-pushing flake. He holds degrees from McGill and the London School of Economics, including a doctorate in political economy from the latter. His doctoral thesis focused on F.A. Hayek’s social and political philosophy and was published by the Oxford University Press.

“This civil war doesn’t pit Quebec nationalists against English Canada, but centres instead on China.”

“For decades Canada’s national security establishment has sounded the alarm about foreign authoritarian interference. Their dire warnings were ignored.”

By the Liberal Party of Canada, that is. And why not? It’s a reciprocal relationship. The government of China prop-up Justin Trudeau, and in return receive open doors for communist infiltration of Canadian society.

Think this to be a paranoid delusion? Is it not a fact that ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau was a communist enthusiast who opened the doors for China to waltz into Canada, impacting everything from mineral resources to public education.

Sam Cooper is a Canadian investigative journalist and best-selling author, best known for his coverage of Canada-China relations. In a recent article, Cooper writes:

“Based on recent information from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), those efforts allegedly involve payments through intermediaries to candidates affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“Placing agents into the offices of MPs in order to influence policy, seeking to co-opt and corrupt former Canadian officials to gain leverage in Ottawa, and mounting aggressive campaigns to punish Canadian politicians whom the People’s Republic of China (PRC) views as threats to its interests.”

And still we wait in silence. In an authentic democratic society, inclusive of media independence, these developments would bring down the ruling government.

The fact that it isn’t happening tells us that Canada is no longer an authentic democracy. Adding to the absurdity is the fact that Trudeau’s Liberals are more concerned about uncovering and punishing those who leaked the information than preventing China’s infiltration of our federal political arena.

It’s a surreal experience not once alluded to by mainstream media. Their job has transitioned away from objective news reporting. As financed by the Feds, the role is monolithic in intent: to preserve Justin Trudeau’s pseudo-dictatorship indefinitely. If and when a replacement is appointed, CBC and corporate media will back that candidate.

On the opposite side of the political spectrum is the Conservative Party. Media’s goal here is equally one-dimensional. No matter who leads the party, depict that individual as “right-wing,” racist and homophobic. Crush their potential for victory at all costs.

All of which fits into the pro-China bag that government, media and academia currently work out of. It should come as no surprise that our government is today chock full of China-apologists.

One of them is Senator Yuen Pau Woo, arguably Canada’s greatest China-pusher, appointed to the Senate by PM Trudeau in 2016. Another goes back to the days of Conservative PM Stephen Harper.

Senator Victor Oh, Vice-Chair of the Canada-China Legislative Association, thinks that our China-detractors are serious meanies.

In a video posted to WeChat, Senator Oh spoke about the “need to raise money to cover costs for [people affected] by all of these unreasonable reporters who try to smear Chinese and discredit Chinese.”

Commonly known as the “race card,” we witness how the China-lovers conflate the issues to arrive at a favourite hobby indulged in by Justin Trudeau and his motley crew of neo-communists.

It’s “racism”– end of story. Senators Victor Oh and Yuen Pau Woo wish it was. Likely, they will get all they ask for. The Chinese interference will eventually blow over. Until this is achieved, no federal election will be called.

Upon which we leap to the Mount Everest of foreign infiltration in Canadian society:

Did the government of China win the past federal election for Justin Trudeau?

According to a series of reports in the Globe and Mail newspaper and by Global News, CSIS intelligence sources, China provided secret funding through its Toronto consulate to 11 candidates who ran in the 2019 federal election.”

The popular vote was won by the Conservative Party, meaning that 11 ridings may have been enough to seal the deal for Trudeau’s Liberals. Media breathe not a word about the possibility.

Is China in charge, or what? It’s the $8,888,888 million dollar question which, more than likely, won’t be answered for decades, if ever.

Justin Trudeau empowers China, damages democracy, and because of media, gets away with it. Isn’t post-modern Canada just the greatest thing?

Justin Trudeau’s Mass Migration Scheme to Replace the Canadian Population (Exclusive Interview)

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Justin Trudeau’s Mass Migration Scheme to Replace the Canadian Population (Exclusive Interview)

Madeline Weld, Ph.D.June 24, 20224 comments9 min read

Globalist Trudeau wants to add 1.3 million immigrants over the next three years to Canada, a country with a population of under 39 million. 

Erasing the Old Canada

According to Dan Murray, the creator of theImmigration Watch Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared war against his country, people, and culture. The World Economic Forum-controlled leader is welcoming an unprecedented level of immigrants that will have a massive and irreversible demographic impact on Canada. Trudeau had already increased his country’s excessive immigrant intake to stratospheric levels. Now the Globalist leader is setting an even higher target: 1.3 million over the next three years on a population of under 39 million. 

During an exclusive interview with Murray, RAIR Foundation USA suggests that Canada’s mass immigration policies are one of the means by which Canada’s history and culture are being erased. Trudeau called Canada the “first postnational country” with no “mainstream” or “core identity” shortly after he became prime minister in 2015. Both RAIR and Dan Murray think this was an aspirational statement by Trudeau, who does not miss an opportunity to disparage what is actually mainstream Canada. 

In 1990, one of Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s cabinet ministers (Barbara McDougall, minister of immigration) pushed for an increase in immigration to at least 250,000 each year. Prior to that, Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (father of the current PM) had actually decreased immigration levels to something in the 80,000s due to high unemployment. 

Dan considers the immigration targets of Justin Trudeau to be similar to the invasion of a country, even comparable to the invasion of Ukraine. Or the invasion on the US southern border, RAIR suggests, and Dan agrees. Dan notes that we are now up from the 250,000 that was considered ridiculously high back in 1990 to over 400,000 per year. Of Canada’s current population of 38 million, a considerable fraction are themselves immigrants. 

Dan reports that some immigrants have interests that conflict with Canada’s long-term interests. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has committed itself to destroying the society its adherents move into. And they are not a small minority, he notes. Trudeau, Dan says, is a supporter of Muslim immigration. 

Concerning the influence of China, RAIR points out that Canada’s culture has already changed dramatically, especially in British Columbia. Dan observes that certain parts of Canada, particularly in the lower mainland of BC, have become Chinese colonies. Some Chinese people there do not attempt to hide the fact that they are there as representatives of China. They will seek to undermine Canada’s interests versus China’s interests.  

Canadians kept in the dark by globalist media 

Dan does not think that most Canadians are aware of what’s happening. The media are responsible for the lack of awareness. For example, they do not connect the issue of the increasing unaffordability of housing to Canada’s policy of mass immigration (of which they are boosters). Dan mentions the 2010 book by David Ley, Millionaire Migrants, which describes the impact of the arrival of large numbers of wealthy Asians to Canada. These wealthy Asians were theoretically supposed to create jobs for Canadians. But many of them had no interest in doing that. Already wealthy, they were not seeking to make more money but came to Canada for “social capital,” such as university degrees for their children. Many also cheated on their income taxes, keeping two sets of books. Rather than creating jobs for Canadians, they parasitized the system and got away with it. There was not a lot of exposure in the media. David Ley concluded in his book that relentless immigration was the cause of unaffordable housing. However, while the media talk about unaffordable housing almost daily, neither they nor any politicians seem to be aware of David Ley’s research. While the current building spree cannot even keep up with the demand for housing, the media ignore that bringing 50,000 people a year to the Metro Vancouver area, for example, will create demand.

Dan states that the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which receives about $1.3 billion annually in government funding) has a policy of suppressing negative comments about immigration.  RAIR suggests it is being directed by the United Nations and is part of the UN Compact on Migration, which Dan explains that Trudeau has signed on to. (Canada played a leading role in developing the UN Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration).   

RAIR mentions the Century Initiative, which advocates for a Canadian population of 100 million by 2100. Dan reports that one of the people behind it is an academic named Irvin Studin, who has devoted much effort to publicizing the idea. He has supporters in high places. (It is worth noting that both of the CI’s co-founders, Mark Wiseman, currently chairman of the board, and Dominic Barton, are associated with the globalist World Economic Forum.) Trudeau is also behind the idea. Dan explains that one does not have to look far to see the effects of mass immigration. He notes the loss of farmland that has been turned into housing. (Just over half of Canada’s best farmland is in southwestern Ontario, which is also the location of the megalopolis “Greater Toronto Area” or GTA. Ontario is losing 319 acres of farmland every day.) 

No evidence that Canadians benefit from mass immigration

Dan challenges the notion that we must import vast numbers of people so that we have workers to replace all the older people who are dying off. He points out that before Justin Trudeau became prime minister, the government had looked into whether immigration would offset the problems arising from an aging population. The answer was an emphatic No. (See, for example, this study.) He states the Science Council of Canada also told the federal government not to use immigration to increase the population. Its 1976 report pointed out that just because Canada has a large geographical area does not mean it has an infinite capacity to accommodate people. Dan surmises that Justin Trudeau has never even heard of that report. 

RAIR points out that most immigrants to Canada come from warmer countries and, therefore, will increase their greenhouse gas emissions when they move here. Would it not make sense NOT to bring people from hot countries to Canada, where they will have to increase their energy consumption? Dan notes that it will also increase pollution and points to the massive expansion of housing driven by high immigration, especially around Vancouver and in the GTA. British Columbia has an agricultural reserve, but although it is effective to a certain extent, it is being undermined by constant growth, which both major parties in BC support.  

Dan notes that the aforementioned report by the Science Council of Canada stated that few countries produced sufficient food to be exported, and it would be desirable for Canada to maintain its status as a food producer. The report also mentioned Australia and said both countries should be paying attention to the issue of immigration and not assume that they had an infinite capacity to absorb people. 

Clash of values

RAIR brings up the issue of law and culture, saying that law is the crystallization of culture and essentially just a set of codified values. When you bring large numbers of people with different cultures and values into the cities, and these people are not being encouraged to adopt Canadian values, what kind of effect will that have on Canada’s legal system and basic cultural rules, on things such as women’s rights? Dan is concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood in particular. They believe that if women are disobedient to the males in the family, they should be killed. That is what happened to the three teenage girls and first wife in the Shafia family. RAIR notes that the CBC reports edited the RCMP tapes about the murders such that the Islamic aspects were omitted.  

The Canadian media consistently try to hide the consequences of these policies, explains RAIR. What is happening with the Residential School issue is a good example of the dishonesty of the Canadian media, Dan says. The media, and especially the CBC, have demonized the Christian church. On the other hand, when it comes to Islam, the CBC promotes it. Trudeau is also very pro-Islam, and Dan suspects he has become a Muslim. While Trudeau seems to think that Islam is the religion of peace, Dan says he likely doesn’t realize that in Islam, “peace” means that Islam has completely taken over. (Non-Islamic parts of the world are called “dar al-Harb,” or house of war; there will be peace when they are part of Dar al-Islam or house of Islam.) 

Canadians are catching on that something’s not right

Given the policies of the Canadian government, which seem to place the interests of Canadians, the people it allegedly serves, well behind the interests of the globalists, it is perhaps not surprising that, based on a recent survey of 1500 Canadians by Abacus Data, more than one in three Canadians (37%) believe in the “white replacement theory,” the idea that there is “a group of people in this country who are trying to replace native-born Canadians with immigrants who agree with their political views.” And one in five Canadians believes that it is definitely or probably true that the World Economic Forum is “a group of global elites with a secretive strategy to impose their ideas on the world.” Also, not surprisingly, there was a strong correlation between belief in “conspiracy theories” (as the National Post article calls these views) and distrust of media. 

It seems that what Trudeau dismissed as a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views” might not be such a fringe after all. The question is, will this “fringe” be able to remove an increasingly unpopular prime minister from power under Canada’s “first past the post” electoral system with no proportional representation. 

A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day

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A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day

A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day

by Tim Murray

Normandy 1944: 4800 Canadians dead

Canada 2020:

Cancel Culture

Shadow Banning 

De-Monetization of Dissident Sites

Doxing Dissidents 

Public Shaming

People Getting Fired for ‘Wrong-Thing’ 

The Death of Objective Journalism 

The Criminalization of Objective Speech

The Pollicization of Science 

Reverse Discrimination and Quota Hiring 

Kangaroo Courts

Government Hush Money to Newspapers 

Unfettered Migration in Defiance of Public Opinion 

Uncontested Illegal Border Crossings

Rampant Immigrant-Marriage Fraud 

The Ideological Weaponization of the CBC 

Indoctrination of Our Youth

Denigration of Our Heritage 

Vilification of Our Ancestors  

Revisionist History to Foster White Guilt

Endless Official Apologies for Past Transgressions

The Destruction of Our Symbols

The Invocation of Victimhood and the Denial of Personal Responsibility

Uniformity of Ideas in the Guise of Diversity 

The Entrenchment of Absurdities Like “Systemic” Discrimination and “Hate” Speech

Tax Payer Grants To Witch-Hunting “Anti-Hate” Organizations

Snitch Lines

The Sexualization of Primary School Children

Transgender Ideology

Compelled Speech

Medical Fascism 

Endless Lockdowns to Fight a Boogeyman Conjured Out of Manipulated Stats

On November 11th ask yourself one question:

“Is that what they died for?”

CBC’s Chang Continues His Attack On Canada

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CBC’s Chang Continues His Attack On Canada

by Dan Murray, Immigration Watch – September 11, 2020http://immigrationwatchcanada.org/ Andrew Chang, one of the CBC’s hosts on its flagship program, The National, has lately been gleefully accusing Canada’s European-based population of so-called “systemic racism”. 

andrew change cbc.jpg

Since he has no qualms about biting the hands that feed him, let’s bite back. Chang is one of two male hosts on “The National”. He is ethnic Chinese. His male host counterpart is East Indian Ian Hanomansing. Their main and only qualification for the job as hosts of The National, is the race each belongs to. Like most journalists in Canada, they are mediocre. In fact, like journalists in mainstream media, both are compliant parrots. Let’s be blunt: In replacing the former host, Peter Mansbridge, CBC administrators chose Chang and Hanomansing in order to stick Chang’s Chinese face and Hanomansing’s East Indian face into the collective face of Canada.

According to CBC reasoning, Canada’s majority population might be able to flee in revulsion from close physical contact with a huge number of unnecessary immigrants. However, Canada’s majority population would find it difficult to flee if the CBC message and its messengers like Chang and Hanomansing were dumped into the television sets in the living rooms of Canadians. A few months ago, Chang took particular delight in piling abuse on the head of Calgary Flames Head Coach Bill Peters. Peters had supposedly used the “N” word twice against one of the players he had coached several years ago. Let us repeat: Peters sinned twice. Since Chang apparently thinks he is superior to people like Peters, let’s see how many times he has used similar words.  Let’s do that by asking Chang, who has Cantonese/Mandarin speaking parents, how many times he has used words similar to the “N” word. For example, let’s take the Cantonese word “Gwailo ” or its Mandarin equivalent. It is almost certain that even if his parents did not use this word, that he almost certainly heard it in the Chinese contacts he grew up with and used it himself to show contempt for Canadians of European background. The word means “foreigner”, “outsider” or in some cases “barbarian”. It implies that people of such background are inferior. Simultaneously, it implies that the Chinese think they are superior.

So, Chang, how about it? How many times? It definitely won’t be twice. Realistically, he has probably used it hundreds, if not thousands of times. So how about punishing Chang in the same way he wanted Peters to be punished. Remember this: For using the “N” word twice, Peters lost his job. So, at the very least, in the interest of fairness, CBC executives should kick Chang out of his job. And don’t stop with that word. How about the Cantonese words “Cha” or Acha” and its Mandarin equivalents? Many Chinese will squirm when asked to define these words because the true definitions will present the Chinese in a very negative light. In fact, when combined with words that the Chinese have for many other ethnic groups, the definitions will make China look like the world’s truly “systemically racist”country

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Western_sentiment_in_China See examples of Chinese slurs against other groups :  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_issues_in_China#Ethnic_slurs 

meaning of “Cha” and “acha” ranges from “bad” or “worst’ to “sand nigger”. The Chinese reserve those words for East Indians. And when the Chinese use those words, the Chinese imply that East Indians are not only inferior. They are the “worst” of all the races. By implication, of course, the Chinese are saying that they are the best or, at the least, infinitely superior. So, Andrew Chang, how many times have you used those words to refer to East Indians. In fact, what did you really think when you first looked at Brown Face Hanomansing? And please, don’t tell us you said those words just once or twice. Your racism runs deep and you know it.  Again, let’s not stop there!! The ultimate goal of Canada’s quisling CBC and “Chinese First” Chang is to see that Canada’s European-based population is relegated to the position of a minority by mass immigration to Canada. It is clear that Chang would love Canada to be mostly Chinese. There is no question that the “systemically putrid” CBC would love to annihilate traditional Canada. The ultimate and hoped-for result that many Canadians have for the CBC is that Canada will annihilate the CBC. Chang lives in a glass house. Yet he sees no problem throwing stones. Much more could be said. We’ll end there for now. 

CBC’s Chang Continues His Attack On Canada.

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CBC’s Chang Continues His Attack On Canada

by Dan Murray, Immigration Watch – September 11, 2020http://immigrationwatchcanada.org/ Andrew Chang, one of the CBC’s hosts on its flagship program, The National, has lately been gleefully accusing Canada’s European-based population of so-called “systemic racism”. 

andrew change cbc.jpg

Since he has no qualms about biting the hands that feed him, let’s bite back. Chang is one of two male hosts on “The National”. He is ethnic Chinese. His male host counterpart is East Indian Ian Hanomansing. Their main and only qualification for the job as hosts of The National, is the race each belongs to. Like most journalists in Canada, they are mediocre. In fact, like journalists in mainstream media, both are compliant parrots. Let’s be blunt: In replacing the former host, Peter Mansbridge, CBC administrators chose Chang and Nanomansing in order to stick Chang’s Chinese face and Hanomansing’s East Indian face into the collective face of Canada. According to CBC reasoning, Canada’s majority population might be able to flee in revulsion from close physical contact with a huge number of unnecessary immigrants. However, Canada’s majority population would find it difficult to flee if the CBC message and its messengers like Chang and Hanomansing were dumped into the television sets in the living rooms of Canadians. A few months ago, Chang took particular delight in piling abuse on the head of Calgary Flames Head Coach Bill Peters. Peters had supposedly used the “N” word twice against one of the players he had coached several years ago. Let us repeat: Peters sinned twice. Since Chang apparently thinks he is superior to people like Peters, let’s see how many times he has used similar words.  Let’s do that by asking Chang, who has Cantonese/Mandarin speaking parents, how many times he has used words similar to the “N” word. For example, let’s take the Cantonese word “Gwy Lo” or its Mandarin equivalent. It is almost certain that even if his parents did not use this word, that he almost certainly heard it in the Chinese contacts he grew up with and used it himself to show contempt for Canadians of European background. The word means “foreigner”, “outsider” or in some cases “barbarian”. It implies that people of such background are inferior. Simultaneously, it implies that the Chinese think they are superior. So, Chang, how about it? How many times? It definitely won’t be twice. Realistically, he has probably used it hundreds, if not thousands of times. So how about punishing Chang in the same way he wanted Peters to be punished. Remember this: For using the “N” word twice, Peters lost his job. So, at the very least, in the interest of fairness, CBC executives should kick Chang out of his job. And don’t stop with that word. How about the Cantonese words “Cha” or Acha” and its Mandarin equivalents? Many Chinese will squirm when asked to define these words because the true definitions will present the Chinese in a very negative light. In fact, when combined with words that the Chinese have for many other ethnic groups, the definitions will make China look like the world’s truly “systemically racist”country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Western_sentiment_in_China See examples of Chinese slurs against other groups :  https://en.wikipedia.org\

/wiki/Ethnic_issues_in_China#Ethnic_slurs The meaning of “Cha” and “acha” ranges from “bad” or “worst’ to “sand nigger”. The Chinese reserve those words for East Indians. And when the Chinese use those words, the Chinese imply that East Indians are not only inferior. They are the “worst” of all the races. By implication, of course, the Chinese are saying that they are the best or, at the least, infinitely superior. So, Andrew Chang, how many times have you used those words to refer to East Indians. In fact, what did you really think when you first looked at Brown Face Hanomansing? And please, don’t tell us you said those words just once or twice. Your racism runs deep and you know it.  Again, let’s not stop there!! The ultimate goal of Canada’s quisling CBC and “Chinese First” Chang is to see that Canada’s European-based population is relegated to the position of a minority by mass immigration to Canada. It is clear that Chang would love Canada to be mostly Chinese. There is no question that the “systemically putrid” CBC would love to annihilate traditional Canada. The ultimate and hoped-for result that many Canadians have for the CBC is that Canada will annihilate the CBC. Chang lives in a glass house. Yet he sees no problem throwing stones. Much more could be said. We’ll end there for now.

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Criminals Betraying Canada by Dan Murray

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Criminals Betraying Canada
by Dan Murray – December 20, 2019

Every year, Canada’s population gives its national broadcaster, the CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) at least $1 Billion. Justifiably, Canadians expect the CBC to provide unbiased coverage of important national issues. But what Canadians get is biased and unquestioning reporting on all issues, especially senseless immigration. This amounts to criminal action against Canadians. It also amounts to denial of such a basic human need as affordable shelter to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Canadians. As a result, to many Canadians, the abbreviation “CBC” now means “Criminals Betraying Canada”.

The public has long thought of real estate developers and much of the rest of that industry as a collection of society’s low life who deserve to be spurned. Most Canadians would say that this low life should be the last to be considered to rule the country. Yet in the midst of the Metro Vancouver and Toronto housing chaos which saw Vancouver housing costs soar to the second highest in the world, the CBC has virtually married the real estate industry. It has colluded with that industry in promoting and formulating national policy. In the view of a senior Canadian diplomat, that coalition has virtually raped hundreds of thousands of Canadians. The CBC has accomplished that by repeatedly broadcasting the real estate industry’s fraudulent claim that the easiest solution to housing unaffordability is to increase “SUPPLY”. That means increasing the number of housing units. Simultaneously, the CBC has repeatedly suppressed a much more reliable and honest analysis of Metro Vancouver’s housing unaffordability that was done by UBC’s David Ley. Dr. Ley concluded that relentless high immigration is the cause of Metro Vancouver’s stratospheric housing prices. From Dr. David Ley’s analysis, the obvious solution to the housing unaffordability crisis is a dramatic reduction in immigration. After all, the big question is this: How can Metro Vancouver and other areas of Canada such as Metro Toronto ever return to affordability as long as a relentless yearly inflow of hundreds of thousands of immigrants continues? Common sense tells Canadians that these places cannot. Common sense also tells Canadians that senseless high immigration will continue to cause enormous collateral economic, cultural and environmental damage.


To make this point clearer, let’s imagine a janitor trying to mop up a floor where a nearby tap has been damaged and water is spraying out uncontrollably onto the floor. Unless the janitor locates a water shut-off valve and shuts off the water that goes to the broken tap, his efforts at mopping the floor will be overwhelmed. To translate simply: The broken tap is Canada’s immigration intake, now over 1 million per year, almost all of which is unjustified!! The water on the floor is the damage being done to Canada by unnecessary immigration. The janitor is the Canadian infrastructure which has been overwhelmed.

The corrupt real estate industry knows that its claim about increasing “SUPPLY” is a lie. But it also knows that if it says its lie often enough, many people will actually believe its lie.

Very serious and widespread unrestrained criminal acts depend on the support of many people. Those include the CBC and the private media which disseminate information that is vital to decision-making . If the CBC and other media decide to with-hold or omit information which severely harms or destroys the lives of Canadians, they are guilty of criminal acts. There is absolutely no doubt that the CBC and other media are guilty of that. Every day, the CBC damns itself and arrogantly thinks it can continue to get away with its actions.

The CBC’s collusion with the real estate industry has been very clear in subsequent events :

(1) Ottawa’s announced housing strategy for the country and

(2) The City of Vancouver’s announced 10-year housing strategy

Neither strategy even mentions the word “immigration”. Why? The country is run by a substitute drama teacher (Trudeau) who has committed Canada to a mindless pursuit of so-called “Diversity” and thereby proved himself to be a complete fool. The rest of the country’s rulers (Other MP’s, Provincial and municipal governments) are quislings and cowards. Even the “DIVERSE” hordes of low-quality immigrants (that our three levels of government have allowed in) laugh at them behind their backs. For example, as huge areas of Metro Vancouver are demolished and densified, to add to the insanity, Vancouver continues to claim it will become the World’s Greenest City!!!

If the CBC had been doing its job, it would have challenged Vancouver and other cities on these disgraceful “strategies”. But it has said nothing. What greater sin is there than betraying one’s country and the Canadian family in it?

What but the lowest Circle of Hell would be suitable for Trudeau and the xenophilic horde of criminals in Parliament, other political positions, the real estate industry, the CBC and elsewhere?

At the beginning of December every year, the CBC devotes one day to collecting money for food banks across the country. Again this year, the CBC has hypocritically implied that it deserves to be commended for raising money for such a basic need as food. However, the damage the CBC has done to such a basic need as affordable shelter on the other 364 days of the year negates any good the CBC does on its Christmas Food Bank Day. There is absolutely no question that in Metro Vancouver and in many other parts of Canada, the CBC has demonstrated itself to be a criminal organization and is a criminal accomplice to the corrupt real estate industry.

Where are our rocket launchers?

Elections Canada Ads tell Old Stock Canadians to change identity

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Elections Canada Ads tell Old Stock Canadians to change identity  
Posted on October 20, 2019
In a 30 second commercial that has been filling TV screens for a week now, Elections Canada encourages Canadians to register and vote on October 21st because, in their words, “It’s Our Vote”.
But if you look at the faces of the half dozen people featured in this ad, you might get the impression that it is not “our” vote—the vote of “old stock” Canadians—but “their” vote, the vote of the million migrants who pass through our gates or walk across our borders each and every year– courtesy of an immigration and refugee policy constructed in defiance of public opinion. https://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2019/08/05/canada-is-now-taking-over-1-million-unnecessary-immigrants-per-year
As far as I can determine, at least four of the actors in this cute story are “people of colour” (POC), and three of them New Canadians, including the one or two year old product of a biracial marriage.
Even the less discerning of us will appreciate that Elections Canada’s sales pitch is rife with stark symbolism. If it needed a title, it could be called be “Moving Day”, as it features someone whom I would dub “Mr. Token”, a young white male with golden locks cheerfully helping POC carry furniture into their new abode.
Significantly, several frames in the commercial depict the New Canadians at a Citizenship ceremony, with their right hand up and poised to swear allegiance. Particularly poignant is the image of the baby boy in his father’s arms clutching a small maple leaf flag.
All in all, it is one big happy and harmonious display of Canada-in-the-making. Aside from their racial composition, one cannot fail to notice that all of the people in this ad are young. It doesn’t take a genius to see what demographic this commercial is directed at, and which political parties or politicians they are most likely to vote for.
Let me give you a hint. It isn’t Maxime Bernier or the Peoples Party of Canada.
Of course, I wouldn’t dream of questioning the neutrality of a taxpayer funded instrument of information and integrity like Elections Canada. I am sure that Elections Canada is above reproach, like the CBC!!
Diversity cultists would no doubt claim that the racial makeup of these actors merely represents the reality of Canada today. Not quite. Visible minorities make up roughly half of Metro Vancouver and Toronto—not two-thirds, as this ad would suggest. Moreover, in no way does this ad reflect the racial profile of the nation at large, where visible minorities make up 22% of the population.
It may come as a shock to the social engineers in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver, but the universe extends far beyond the urban boundaries of these bastions of so-called enlightenment, tolerance and diversity. As a matter of fact, I would suggest that a good third of Canadians are grounded in reality, something that most “progressive” big city dwellers can barely relate to. If these morally superior beings were interested in seeing what reality looks like, the protocol is clear. Turn off the CBC. Pack your bags. Get in your car. And take a trip to small town hinterland communities where ordinary people tend to dwell. But be prepared to be”interrupted” by common sense.
It must be understood that in commissioning commercials like this, it was never the intention of the immigration lobby and its executive arm in Parliament to depict Canada as it actually is, but rather, to condition viewers to accept the Canada that they hope will unfold. The message is, “This is a done deal. This is what our cities and towns will soon look like, whether you like it or not. Resistance is futile.” In other words, these kind of TV ads are not descriptive but prescriptive. And we have had a ton of them in recent years, haven’t we?
Those who care to reflect upon the rapid demographic change that this Elections Canada message illustrates will soon realize that it is not precisely about “Moving Day”, but rather, Moving “in” Day. But if someone is moving “in”, then the question becomes, “Who is moving out?”
From coast to coast, the answer is clear: Old stock Canadians, both young and old. That is why formerly “sleepy” towns and quiet havens from Camrose to Charlottetown are experiencing a population boom.
Maybe we could call it “The Californian Effect”, in deference to progressive middle class Californian Democratic Party voters who, having fouled their own nest, flee to hinterland states like Idaho or Montana yet to be despoiled by the madness of “sanctuary cities” and identity politics gone mad.
The irony is, many of these white flight (or white plight?) urban refugees are fleeing from the consequences of policies imposed by the open borders parties . Displacement looks good on them, doesn’t it? Do you think that eventually these people will connect the dots between urban decay, unaffordable housing, and traffic congestion, on the one hand, and the policy of mass immigration on the other?
Can we fix stupid?
Time will tell.

Brain Surgery

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Brain Surgery: A Satire  by Tim Murray 

When I inquired about my prospects of surviving open heart surgery, a credible informant assured me that surgeons would execute a cutting-edge, less invasive operation, resulting in a quicker recovery.

brain surgery pic brain surgery pic

When I asked if these surgeons were “up to scratch” and competent to perform it, I was told that they were “out of this world”. It turns out that this informant was right.

I have little recollection of the procedure, other than a vague memory of four sets of sinister eyes looming over me, examining me with intense scrutiny. One of them bore a resemblance to Barbara Lerner Spectre. The only thing I distinctly remember is being in my car, my radio and engine going dead, and seeing a bright, blinding figure walk toward me. Shortly thereafter I blacked out.  Then suddenly  I found myself in the driver’s seat in the same position. It is as if I had been dreaming.


Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe it was an hallucination.  Just like The Great Replacement, which Leftist  commentators tell me is a mirage, a figment of my conspiratorial imagination. Vancouver hasn’t changed. It is not an Asian city. And Europe is still Europe. You see, we mustn’t believe our own eyes. Best to rely on the filtered information of trusted media gatekeepers, like the CBC, who proclaim that “Canada Lives Here”.  I guess they haven’t seen the ratings lately.

So yes, maybe it didn’t happen.  But I think not. Before the operation, I felt like crap. Afterward, I suddenly felt like a million dollars.

I am as good as new now, but there is this small lump under my skin above my left temple. Sometimes it prickles. Sometimes it itches. When I pinch it, it feels a dime or a nickel. Hmm. No wonder an alarm goes off whenever I go through an airport security check.

The good news is I didn’t have to pay one red cent for the operation. That goes to show you how beneficial Canada’s socialized medical system is.  And efficient too. I was in and out before I knew it.

And that’s not all. I am not only getting timely care, but compassionate and conscientious care too.

Like old time country doctors, these surgeons make impromptu home visits to check on my progress. They drop by without notice at the oddest times, and when they leave it seems that they take me with them. Then faster that you can say Jack Robinson, here I am back in my easy chair again. But when I look at my watch, several hours have passed.  I guess that proves that time flies when you are having fun.

As far as I can determine, I have experienced no side effects from my surgery, other than that nagging sensation I mentioned. The prickling and itching above my left temple.

However, I am left with a strange feeling. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Simply put, it is a feeling that Big Brother is watching me. Then I wondered.

Does CSIS have me on their watch list? Is the Canadian Anti-Hate Network monitoring me?  Is a Toronto Star reporter trying to get the goods on me? Am I being stalked by Glenn Close? No matter where I go, I get that same feeling.

Self help guru Wayne Dyer told me that I should take charge of my life, but more than ever, that goal eludes me. Maybe I’m paranoid, but I sense that I am being guided. Controlled in fact. Whenever I watch the news—or read it—-I feel that something is missing. Like the news. The real news.

And the more I listen to progressive politicians and the identity group mouthpieces who drive them, the more my vocabulary shrinks.  I’ve noticed that more and more, I can’t find the words to conceive of alternative narratives. Sometimes the only words that come to mind are “diversity”, “inclusive”, “patriarchal”, “white privilege”, “white supremacist”, “transphobic”, and “welcoming”. And when I try to form sentences, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is “love conquers hate”, “diversity is our strength”, “build bridges not fences”, “we are more alike than unalike”, “biology is a social construct”, “Canada is home to the world”, “Canada is a nation of immigrants”,  “we are all immigrants”, “we are living on stolen land”, “the only real Canadians are First Nations people”, and “a woman must always be believed.”  Stuff like that.

However, several forbidden questions managed to break these mental shackles and enter my brain.

Did I have heart surgery–or brain surgery? Was the first a cover for the latter? What if I am a victim of social engineering?  What if the social engineers are manipulated by puppeteers—an alien tribe bent on opening the floodgates and diversifying us out of existence? And if that is so, how can we determine who these puppeteers are?

Then came the epiphany: Just find out who it is illegal to criticize.


Here’s a tip. When you find that out, don’t share the information, or you’re liable to find yourself behind bars and financially ruined.  Right here in Canada, true north, strong and “free”.

Tim Murray

PS Check out Kevin MacDonald’s writings. But be warned. If you read them, you may never be the same..







Recommended:  Peter Goodchild’s interpretation of the third volume of Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique trilogy:


The Culture of Critique: Some Notes and Quotes

Horkheimer and Adorno

The following is an interpretation of the third volume of Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique trilogy, which comprises three volumes:


A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples


Separation and Its Discontents: Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism


The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements


A reason for focusing on the third volume is that “it challenges many fundamental assumptions about our contemporary intellectual and political existence,” as is said on the first page of the “Preface to the First Paperback Edition,” and it is our contemporary existence that is most people’s immediate concern, even if the roots of the present must be found thousands of years ago.


Numbers on the left are page numbers. All quotations are MacDonald’s own words, except where indicated otherwise. Anything not in quotation marks is my own notes based on my reading of the text. Any errors of fact or interpretation, of course, are solely my own.


I am leaving the “Preface to the First Paperback Edition” until the end, since chronologically and otherwise it is basically an expansion of what is said in the main text.


Chapter 1: Jews and the Radical Critique of Gentile Culture: Introduction and Theory


8 Jews are always negative about gentile cultures.


Conceptualizing the Jewish Radical Criticism of Gentile Society


13 The goal of socialism was not social leveling, but the destruction of the gentile power structure.


The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences


20-23 The great assault on the Darwinian evolutionary approach to human societies means that now all cultures are regarded as equal. The concept of race is now said to be meaningless. We are no longer allowed to speak of three stages: savagery, barbarism, and civilization.


25 Franz Boas dominated US anthropology for 40 years. He had many influential students, all of whom were Jews except Alfred Kroeber, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead.


29-30 Boas and others claimed Americans were too sexually repressed and should study romantic primitivism, as shown in Mead’sComing of Age in Samoa. H. Turner-High, J. Keegan, and L. H. Keeley, on the other hand, claimed that earlier times were not quite so idyllic, and that warfare was very common in primitive societies.


Beyond Boas: Recent Examples of Jewish Political Agendas Influencing Social Science Research


30-38 Stephen Jay Gould (Jewish) is a famous “propagandist and ethnic activist” who insists that human intelligence is environmental, not genetic.


Chapter 3: Jews and the Left


50 Judaism and Marxism are quite incompatible, mainly because Marxism is a universalist ideology, although many people have claimed loyalty to both.


Communism and Jewish Identification in Poland


66 “When the anti-Zionist-anti-Semitic movement in the Soviet Union filtered down to Poland . . . there was another crisis of identity resulting from the belief that anti-Semitism and communism were incompatible.”


67 “There was massive self-deception and rationalization” by Jewish Poles who supported communism.


Radicalism and Jewish Identification in the United States and England


74-76 Jewish-Communist espionage in the US included giving atomic-bomb secrets to the USSR.


76 Wealthy young Jews were the founders of the student protest movement.


Social Identity Processes, Perceived Jewish Group Interests, and Jewish Radicalism


80 Jews rarely have been “a light to the nations” – they mainly confine their concern “within Jewish groups.”


94 The Socialist Party and the CPUSA have gentiles displayed as their leaders – i.e. as window dressing.


Chapter 4: Jewish Involvement in the Psychoanalytic Movement


106 “A great deal of hostility to psychoanalysis centered around the perceived threat of psychoanalysis to Christian sexual ethics.”


109-18 In his private writing, Freud was very anti-gentile.


113 Adler and Jung were expelled as heretical.


117-18 In Civilization and Its Discontents, Freud said that the repression of sex (particularly in Christianity) is the source of civilization, but that the price to be paid is neurosis and unhappiness. He claimed that psychoanalysis could cure that sickness, and he advocated greater sexual freedom. Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience.


The Scientific Status of Psychoanalysis


121 Freud’s claims (theories) were always stated in ways that are scientifically untestable.


123 He always equated (or confused) sexual desire with love.


124 Responsibility (the id) is seen as pathological, repressive, something that prevents self-realization.


Psychoanalysis as a Political Movement


127 Freud’s disciples regard all of his words as absolute truth – nothing is ever questioned.


132 Psychoanalysis resembles brainwashing.


Psychoanalysis as a Tool in the Radical Criticism of Western Culture: The Wider Cultural Influence of Freud’s Theory


134 Roman and Christian monogamy meant an egalitarian system, instead of a few men having all the women, and others having none. In polygamy the women are “reduced to chattel and are typically purchased as concubines by wealthy males.”


136 Monogamy in turn led to high-investment parenting, and to pair-bonding (companionate marriage).


Psychoanalysis and the Criticism of Western Culture


141 “. . . Radical individualism among gentiles is an excellent prescription for the continuation of Judaism as a cohesive group.”


145 “Anti-Semitism is viewed as a form of gentile psychopathology.”


150 “Since 1970 the rate of single-parenting has increased from one in ten families to one in three families. . . . All the negative trends related to the family show very large increases that developed in the mid-sixties. . . .”


Chapter 5: The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances


The Political Agenda of the Frankfurt School of Social Research


154 “A consistent theme of Horkheimer and Adorno’s Critical Theory was the transformation of society according to moral principles. . . . From the beginning, there was a rejection of value-free social science research (‘the fetishism of facts’). . . .”


156 Horkheimer and Adorno saw “both fascism and capitalism [as involving] domination and authoritarianism.”


157 For Horkheimer and Adorno, everything was based on an “a prioritheory of anti-Semitism.”


163 “. . . The true enemy of the Jews is gentile collectivities of any kind, and especially nationalism. . . . No mention is made of the collectivist nature of Judaism.”


165 “People in individualist cultures . . . show little emotional attachment to ingroups. Personal goals are paramount, and socialization emphasizes the importance of of self-reliance, independence, individual responsibility, and ‘finding yourself’ . . . Individualists have more positive attitudes toward strangers and outgroup members. . . .”


167 “Highly questionable [is] the basic idea that anti-Semitism is the result of disturbed parent-child relationships. . . .”


Review of The Authoritarian Personality


170 “Being high on the Anti-Semitism Scale may . . . simply mean that one has more information rather than a sign of a disturbed childhood.”


176 “. . . Authoritative parents are more successful in transmitting cultural values to their children. . . .” High scores in parental discipline are regarded in Adorno et al., The Authoritarian Personality, as “the result of extreme authoritarianism resulting in repressions and denials of parental faults.”


180 “Frenkel-Brunswick [in The Authoritarian Personality] . . . attempts to pathologize gentile concerns with social class and upward mobility.”




194 “Although it is difficult to assess the effect of works like The Authoritarian Personality on gentile culture, there can be little question that the thrust of the radical critique . . . was to pathologize high-investment parenting and upward mobility, as well as pride in family, religion, and country among gentiles.”


The Influence of the Frankfurt School


207 “Each movement promised . . . a classless society in which there would be no conflicts of interest and people would work altruistically for the good of the group. . . .”


Chapter 6: The Jewish Criticism of Gentile Culture: A Reprise


210 “Citation by other scientists is an important indication of scholarly accomplishment and is often a key measure used in tenure decisions. . . . Jews have been greatly overrated as editors, publishers, and contributors to a variety of radical and liberal periodicals. . . .”


211 “. . . In the literary world, the highly influential left-wing journal Partisan Review (PR) was a principle showcase of ‘the New York Intellectuals.’ . . . PR originated as an offshoot of the Communist Party. . . .”


220 “Aspiring intellectuals, whether Jewish or gentile, are subjected to a high level of indoctrination at the undergraduate and graduate levels. . . .”


Chapter 7: Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy


241-42 Jews support liberal immigration because it means a pluralistic society, not a homogeneous one. Hence there is little chance of a unified opposition to Judaism.


242 “Ethnic and religious pluralism . . . serves Jewish interests because Jews become just one of many ethnic groups. . . . Jewish activism on immigration is merely one strand of a multipronged movement directed at preventing the development of a mass movement of anti-Semitism in Western societies.”


249 “In The Passing of the Great Race (1921) [Madison] Grant argued that the American colonial stock was derived from superior Nordic racial elements and that immigration of other races would lower the competence level of the society as a whole as well as threaten democratic and republican institutions.”


251 “. . . It is probable that the decline in evolutionary and biological theories of race and ethnicity facilitated the sea change in immigration policy brought about by the 1965 [Immigration and Nationality Act].”


254-55 “Jews played a very prominent role in organizing blacks beginning with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. . . . Jews organized African Americans for their own interests rather than in the best interests of African Americans.”


Jewish Anti-Restrictionist Political Activity


259 “Making the United States into a multicultural society has been a major Jewish goal beginning in the nineteenth century.”


281-82 “Restrictionists [regarding US immigration in the 1920s and 1930s] often pointed to evidence that over 90 percent of American Communists had backgrounds linking them to Eastern Europe.”


288 “Richard Avens noted, ‘One of the curious things about those who most loudly claim that the [restrictionist McCarran-Walter] act is “discriminatory” . . . is that they oppose admission of the approximately one million Arab refugees in camps where they are living in pitiful circumstances after having been driven out of . . . Israel.’”


293 “Particularly important is the provision in the Immigration Act of 1965 that expanded the number of immigrants. . . . Jewish spokespersons had been in the forefront in attempts to admit family members on a nonquota basis.”


294 “The family-based emphasis of the quota regulations . . . has resulted in a multiplier effect that ultimately subverted the quota system entirely by allowing for a “chaining” phenomenon in which endless chains of the close relations of close relations are admitted outside of the quota system . . . .”


296 “. . . The Census Bureau projects that by the year 2050, European-derived peoples will no longer be a majority of the population of the United States. . . .”


Appendix: Jewish Pro-Immigration Efforts in Other Western Countries


301 “It is remarkable that the sea change in immigration policy in the Western world occurred at approximately the same time (1962-1973), and in all countries the changes reflected the attitudes of the elites rather than the great mass of citizens. . . . In neither Australia nor Canada was there ever any popular sentiment to end the older European bias of immigration policy. . . .”


302 “Only after the 1978 [Canadian] law was in effect did the government embark on a public information campaign to inform Canadians of their new immigration policy. . . .”


Chapter 8: Whither Judaism and the West?


306 “In recent years there has been an increasing rejection among intellectuals and minority ethnic activists of the idea of creating a melting pot society based on assimilation among ethnic groups. . . .”


308 “. . . The ideal situation of absolute equality in resource control and reproductive success would require a great deal of monitoring and undoubtedly be characterized by a great deal of mutual suspicion.”


312 “I believe that in the United States we are presently heading down a volatile path – a path that leads to ethnic warfare and the development of collectivist, authoritarian, and racist enclaves. . . The effort to overcome these inclinations thus necessitates applying to Western societies a massive ‘therapeutic’ intervention in which manifestations of majoritarian ethnocentrism are combated . . . by promoting the ideology that such manifestations are an indicator of psychopathology and a cause for shame, psychiatric intervention, and counseling.”


316 “. . . [Charles] Murray [of R. J. Herrnstein and C. Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life] wants the Midwest where he grew up – a world in which the local mechanic didn’t care two cents whether he was or wasn’t brighter than the local math teacher. . . .”


“There has been a powerful Western tendency to develop such societies, beginning at least in the Middle Ages. . . . A very central feature has been the imposition of monogamy as a form of reproductive leveling that dampens the association between wealth and reproductive success.”


318 “>From the standpoint of . . . leftist critics, the Western ideal of hierarchic harmony and assimilation is perceived as an irrational, romantic, and mystical ideal. . . . It is interesting in this regard that a basic strand of sociological theory beginning with Marx has been to emphasize conflict between social classes rather than social harmony.”


“. . . The prototypical Western social organization of harmony and mutual individualism is inherently unstable. . . .”


321 “. . . It is the descendants of the WASPS who settled the West and the South. . . . Today they have the least, socioeconomically, to show for these contributions.”


325-26 “. . . As other groups became increasingly powerful . . . the European-derived peoples . . . will become increasingly unified. . . . Eventually these groups will develop a united front and a collectivist political orientation. . . .”


328 “. . . Jewish organizations . . . have ridiculed Christian religious beliefs . . . or have led the fight for lifting restrictions on pornography. . . . Psychoanalysis as a Jewish-dominated intellectual movement has been a central component of this war on gentile cultural supports for high-investment parenting.”


329 “. . . There is considerable reason to suppose that Western tendencies toward individualism are unique and based on psychological adaptations. . . . In [A People That Shall Dwell Alone] (Ch. 8) I speculated that the progenitors of Western populations evolved in isolated groups with low population density.”


329-30 “Such groups would have been common in areas characterized by harsh ecological conditions, such as those that occurred during the ice age. . . . Under ecologically adverse circumstances, adaptations are directed more at coping with the environment than at competing with other groups. . . .”


“Another critical component of the evolutionary basis of individualism is the elaboration of the human affectional system as an individualistic pair-bonding system, the system that seemed so strange that it was theorized to be a thin veneer overlapping a deep psychopathology to a generation of Jewish intellectuals emerging from the ghetto. . . .”


Preface to the First Paperback Edition


ix “[Stephen Steinlight, a Senior Fellow with the American Jewish Committee] believes that present immigration policy no longer serves Jewish interests because the new immigrants are less likely to be sympathetic to Israel and because they are more likely to view Jews as the wealthiest and most powerful group in the U.S. – and thus a potential enemy – rather than as victims of the Holocaust. He is particularly worried about the consequences of Islamic fundamentalism among Muslim immigrants, especially for Israel, and he condemns the ‘savage hatred for America and American values’ among the fundamentalists.”


The Decline of Ethnic Consciousness among European-Derived People in the United States


xi “Fundamental to the transformation of the United States as a result of massive non-European immigration was the decline of ethnic consciousness among European peoples. It is fascinating to contrast the immigration debates of the 1920s with those of the 1950s and 1960s.”


xiii “[Charles] Lindbergh’s famous speech of September 11, 1941 stated that the Jews were one of the principal forces attempting to lead the U.S. into war, along with the Russian administration and the British.”


xx “. . . Jewish intellectuals led the battle against the idea that there are differences in intelligence or cultural levels between the races that are rooted in biology.”


The Evolutionary Origins of Jewish Collectivism and Ethnocentrism


xxxiii “[There is] a long mainstream Jewish tradition which considers Jews and non-Jews as completely different species. . . .”



Jewish Involvement in Communism and the Radical Left


xli “During the period when the famine claimed a total of 6 million lives throughout [the Ukraine], the [Soviet] government exported eighteen million hundredweight of grain to obtain money for industrialization.” (On page xxxvii, MacDonald mentions Courtois et al. 1999, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression.)


xliii “. . . Jews . . . dominated the Bolshevik governments of the Soviet Union and Hungary and . . . Jews in other countries were sympathetic to Bolshevism.”


xliv “The 20th century in Europe and the Western world . . . was a Jewish century. . . .”


xlvi “Jewish involvement in the horrors of Communism was . . . an important ingredient in Hitler’s desire to destroy the USSR and in the anti-Jewish actions of the German National Socialist government.”


xlvii “Peter Novick’s The Holocaust in American Life . . . notes that the Holocaust has assumed a preeminent status as a symbol of ethnic conflict. He argues that the importance of the Holocaust is not a spontaneous phenomenon but stems from highly focused, well-funded efforts of Jewish organizations and individual Jews with access to the major media. . . . “


From the Culture of Critique to the Culture of the Holocaust


l “Indeed, it is not too far fetched today to suppose that German culture as the culture of Germans has disappeared entirely, replaced by the culture of the Holocaust.”


li “[N. G.] Finkelstein [in The Holocaust Industry] argues that embracing the Holocaust allows the wealthiest and most powerful group in the U.S. to claim victim status.”


Jews and the Media: Shaping “Ways of Seeing”


lxii “. . . In a column in Newsweek International (April 3, 2002) . . . Michael Lind [said:] ‘While it is rarely noted in the American media, Israel has now occupied Palestinian lands for 35 years, denying 3 million people rights, and ruling over them with brutality.’”

Suggestions For Free Speech University Groups To Achieve

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Suggestions For Free Speech University Groups To Achieve

by Dan MurrayImmigration Watch Canada

There are signs that university students are getting fed up with the anti-White brainwashing promoted by university administrators and professors on a daily basis. May I make some suggestions about what actions students should take to fight back against the malicious deceivers handing Canada over to hordes of foreign immigrants?

  1. In whatever ways possible, confront and shame our national broadcaster into doing its duty to Canada. Our CBC was started for nationalist reasons to counteract the cultural domination of Canada by the U.S., but it has been turned into an anti-white mouthpiece for Canada’s immigration lobby, (immigration lawyers, immigration advocates, realtors, developers and ethnic groups (such as the Chinese, Sikhs, Muslims and others). The CBC regularly portrays Canadian history as an unending assault on different groups such as First Nations and allegedly “superior” non-whites. It advocates indirectly that the only way that Canada can atone for its so-called shameful past is to allow an unending flow of unnecessary immigrants into Canada. We need to recruit high profile supporters who will join us in potential meetings with the CRTC and any relevant authorities in demonstrations against the CBC in order to put the CBC put back into the hands of Canada’s majority population. If it requires that CBC broadcast licences be revoked, the sooner that happens the better.
  2. Hire Angus Reid or another polling firm to conduct a full or combined poll about the immigration issue in Canada. A major aim of the poll would be to determine the level of awareness that Canadians have of the immigration issue. (very basic matters such as the number of immigrants Canada takes per year, the cost of immigration, the number of TFW’s it takes, the number of foreign students it takes, etc. We have long suspected that most Canadians know very little about the immigration issue. We need some empirical evidence to determine whether our suspicion is correct. We also need to demand that governments at all levels and our educational institutions at all levels release information which reveals a true picture of what is happening to Canada, We suspect that the information that will be released will demonstrate that Canada’s mass immigration policy has caused a large number of very negative consequences. Among those consequences are such serious matters as unaffordable housing in both B.C. and Southern Ontario, displacement of Canadian-born in our universities, and an anti-White hiring policy throughout Canadian society. We believe that a lack of information is at least partially responsible for the marginalization of Canadian-born of European ancestry. It has also led to a lack of corrective measures to end the marginalization.
  3. Start a campaign to obtain the truth about mass immigration’s impact on Canada’s education system (elementary schools to universities). Ridiculous statements by the President of the University of Manitoba about a flyer distributed there in the past few weeks and similar statements made by others who manage our education system indicate that those who are supposed to be leading Canada’s future leaders are mere propagandists who want to use the education system to perpetuate their narrow treasonous views. We have to file freedom of Information requests at many universities to determine what has been done to subvert Canada’s long-term interests. We need to challenge administrative biases throughout the education system.Examples of information to demand : a) numbers of international students attending our universities; b) number of International students who are transferring from Student Visa Status to Permanent Resident Status and thus avoiding higher tuition fees; c) the number of young people of European descent who have been displaced by International students and college/university student acceptance policies; d) hiring policy for faculty and school staff. We should be advocating an end to preferential hiring for visible minorities and the beginning of a hiring policy that gives preference to Canadian-born, particularly those of European ancestry; e) the extent of pro-high immigration bias and historical factual errors in text books at all levels. Arrange meetings with textbook publishers and confront them. (See: “Our School Textbooks Have Distorted Our Immigration History” AND “Textbook Teaches National Suicide OK” AND “Our School Textbooks Burn The Truth“)
  4. Start a campaign to obtain the truth about what our Federal Department of Immigration, Citizen, and refugees is doing to create a race mixed Canada without whites. For example, we need to know the TRUE COST OF IMMIGRATION to Canada, the cost of bringing International students to Canada, the total of remittances sent from Canada to other countries by Temporary Foreign Workers, the number of Temporary Foreign Workers here and the extent of their competition with Canadians for scarce employment opportunities. We also need to end support programmes for ethnic groups and to end the funding of the hundreds of organizations who operate job programmes and promote multiculturalism . Canada’s immigration policies and these programmes have resulted in a surge of ethnic enclaves (from less than 10 in the 1980’s to around 300 now. (See: “Exploiting Canada all the way to the bank“)
  5. Start a campaign to determine the amount of immigration fraud (Marriage fraud, Document fraud especially ) that has been committed. Subsequently, pressure out politicians to create a legal framework to facilitate the quick removal of those who have committed fraud.
  6. Determine the demographic effects of mass immigration on Canada’s majority population and founding people’s and take immediate steps to end the marginalization of Whites. (See:  “In 2011, Visible Minorities Were the Majority In 31+ Canadian Ridings“).
Finally, if you don’t have time, just put flyers around your campus with the words “It’s OK to be White“. Really test whether free speech is really possible on our campuses.