Tag Archives: David Ley

Justin Trudeau’s Mass Migration Scheme to Replace the Canadian Population (Exclusive Interview)

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Justin Trudeau’s Mass Migration Scheme to Replace the Canadian Population (Exclusive Interview)

Madeline Weld, Ph.D.June 24, 20224 comments9 min read

Globalist Trudeau wants to add 1.3 million immigrants over the next three years to Canada, a country with a population of under 39 million. 

Erasing the Old Canada

According to Dan Murray, the creator of theImmigration Watch Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared war against his country, people, and culture. The World Economic Forum-controlled leader is welcoming an unprecedented level of immigrants that will have a massive and irreversible demographic impact on Canada. Trudeau had already increased his country’s excessive immigrant intake to stratospheric levels. Now the Globalist leader is setting an even higher target: 1.3 million over the next three years on a population of under 39 million. 

During an exclusive interview with Murray, RAIR Foundation USA suggests that Canada’s mass immigration policies are one of the means by which Canada’s history and culture are being erased. Trudeau called Canada the “first postnational country” with no “mainstream” or “core identity” shortly after he became prime minister in 2015. Both RAIR and Dan Murray think this was an aspirational statement by Trudeau, who does not miss an opportunity to disparage what is actually mainstream Canada. 

In 1990, one of Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s cabinet ministers (Barbara McDougall, minister of immigration) pushed for an increase in immigration to at least 250,000 each year. Prior to that, Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (father of the current PM) had actually decreased immigration levels to something in the 80,000s due to high unemployment. 

Dan considers the immigration targets of Justin Trudeau to be similar to the invasion of a country, even comparable to the invasion of Ukraine. Or the invasion on the US southern border, RAIR suggests, and Dan agrees. Dan notes that we are now up from the 250,000 that was considered ridiculously high back in 1990 to over 400,000 per year. Of Canada’s current population of 38 million, a considerable fraction are themselves immigrants. 

Dan reports that some immigrants have interests that conflict with Canada’s long-term interests. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has committed itself to destroying the society its adherents move into. And they are not a small minority, he notes. Trudeau, Dan says, is a supporter of Muslim immigration. 

Concerning the influence of China, RAIR points out that Canada’s culture has already changed dramatically, especially in British Columbia. Dan observes that certain parts of Canada, particularly in the lower mainland of BC, have become Chinese colonies. Some Chinese people there do not attempt to hide the fact that they are there as representatives of China. They will seek to undermine Canada’s interests versus China’s interests.  

Canadians kept in the dark by globalist media 

Dan does not think that most Canadians are aware of what’s happening. The media are responsible for the lack of awareness. For example, they do not connect the issue of the increasing unaffordability of housing to Canada’s policy of mass immigration (of which they are boosters). Dan mentions the 2010 book by David Ley, Millionaire Migrants, which describes the impact of the arrival of large numbers of wealthy Asians to Canada. These wealthy Asians were theoretically supposed to create jobs for Canadians. But many of them had no interest in doing that. Already wealthy, they were not seeking to make more money but came to Canada for “social capital,” such as university degrees for their children. Many also cheated on their income taxes, keeping two sets of books. Rather than creating jobs for Canadians, they parasitized the system and got away with it. There was not a lot of exposure in the media. David Ley concluded in his book that relentless immigration was the cause of unaffordable housing. However, while the media talk about unaffordable housing almost daily, neither they nor any politicians seem to be aware of David Ley’s research. While the current building spree cannot even keep up with the demand for housing, the media ignore that bringing 50,000 people a year to the Metro Vancouver area, for example, will create demand.

Dan states that the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which receives about $1.3 billion annually in government funding) has a policy of suppressing negative comments about immigration.  RAIR suggests it is being directed by the United Nations and is part of the UN Compact on Migration, which Dan explains that Trudeau has signed on to. (Canada played a leading role in developing the UN Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration).   

RAIR mentions the Century Initiative, which advocates for a Canadian population of 100 million by 2100. Dan reports that one of the people behind it is an academic named Irvin Studin, who has devoted much effort to publicizing the idea. He has supporters in high places. (It is worth noting that both of the CI’s co-founders, Mark Wiseman, currently chairman of the board, and Dominic Barton, are associated with the globalist World Economic Forum.) Trudeau is also behind the idea. Dan explains that one does not have to look far to see the effects of mass immigration. He notes the loss of farmland that has been turned into housing. (Just over half of Canada’s best farmland is in southwestern Ontario, which is also the location of the megalopolis “Greater Toronto Area” or GTA. Ontario is losing 319 acres of farmland every day.) 

No evidence that Canadians benefit from mass immigration

Dan challenges the notion that we must import vast numbers of people so that we have workers to replace all the older people who are dying off. He points out that before Justin Trudeau became prime minister, the government had looked into whether immigration would offset the problems arising from an aging population. The answer was an emphatic No. (See, for example, this study.) He states the Science Council of Canada also told the federal government not to use immigration to increase the population. Its 1976 report pointed out that just because Canada has a large geographical area does not mean it has an infinite capacity to accommodate people. Dan surmises that Justin Trudeau has never even heard of that report. 

RAIR points out that most immigrants to Canada come from warmer countries and, therefore, will increase their greenhouse gas emissions when they move here. Would it not make sense NOT to bring people from hot countries to Canada, where they will have to increase their energy consumption? Dan notes that it will also increase pollution and points to the massive expansion of housing driven by high immigration, especially around Vancouver and in the GTA. British Columbia has an agricultural reserve, but although it is effective to a certain extent, it is being undermined by constant growth, which both major parties in BC support.  

Dan notes that the aforementioned report by the Science Council of Canada stated that few countries produced sufficient food to be exported, and it would be desirable for Canada to maintain its status as a food producer. The report also mentioned Australia and said both countries should be paying attention to the issue of immigration and not assume that they had an infinite capacity to absorb people. 

Clash of values

RAIR brings up the issue of law and culture, saying that law is the crystallization of culture and essentially just a set of codified values. When you bring large numbers of people with different cultures and values into the cities, and these people are not being encouraged to adopt Canadian values, what kind of effect will that have on Canada’s legal system and basic cultural rules, on things such as women’s rights? Dan is concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood in particular. They believe that if women are disobedient to the males in the family, they should be killed. That is what happened to the three teenage girls and first wife in the Shafia family. RAIR notes that the CBC reports edited the RCMP tapes about the murders such that the Islamic aspects were omitted.  

The Canadian media consistently try to hide the consequences of these policies, explains RAIR. What is happening with the Residential School issue is a good example of the dishonesty of the Canadian media, Dan says. The media, and especially the CBC, have demonized the Christian church. On the other hand, when it comes to Islam, the CBC promotes it. Trudeau is also very pro-Islam, and Dan suspects he has become a Muslim. While Trudeau seems to think that Islam is the religion of peace, Dan says he likely doesn’t realize that in Islam, “peace” means that Islam has completely taken over. (Non-Islamic parts of the world are called “dar al-Harb,” or house of war; there will be peace when they are part of Dar al-Islam or house of Islam.) 

Canadians are catching on that something’s not right

Given the policies of the Canadian government, which seem to place the interests of Canadians, the people it allegedly serves, well behind the interests of the globalists, it is perhaps not surprising that, based on a recent survey of 1500 Canadians by Abacus Data, more than one in three Canadians (37%) believe in the “white replacement theory,” the idea that there is “a group of people in this country who are trying to replace native-born Canadians with immigrants who agree with their political views.” And one in five Canadians believes that it is definitely or probably true that the World Economic Forum is “a group of global elites with a secretive strategy to impose their ideas on the world.” Also, not surprisingly, there was a strong correlation between belief in “conspiracy theories” (as the National Post article calls these views) and distrust of media. 

It seems that what Trudeau dismissed as a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views” might not be such a fringe after all. The question is, will this “fringe” be able to remove an increasingly unpopular prime minister from power under Canada’s “first past the post” electoral system with no proportional representation. 

Criminals Betraying Canada by Dan Murray

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Criminals Betraying Canada
by Dan Murray – December 20, 2019

Every year, Canada’s population gives its national broadcaster, the CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) at least $1 Billion. Justifiably, Canadians expect the CBC to provide unbiased coverage of important national issues. But what Canadians get is biased and unquestioning reporting on all issues, especially senseless immigration. This amounts to criminal action against Canadians. It also amounts to denial of such a basic human need as affordable shelter to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Canadians. As a result, to many Canadians, the abbreviation “CBC” now means “Criminals Betraying Canada”.

The public has long thought of real estate developers and much of the rest of that industry as a collection of society’s low life who deserve to be spurned. Most Canadians would say that this low life should be the last to be considered to rule the country. Yet in the midst of the Metro Vancouver and Toronto housing chaos which saw Vancouver housing costs soar to the second highest in the world, the CBC has virtually married the real estate industry. It has colluded with that industry in promoting and formulating national policy. In the view of a senior Canadian diplomat, that coalition has virtually raped hundreds of thousands of Canadians. The CBC has accomplished that by repeatedly broadcasting the real estate industry’s fraudulent claim that the easiest solution to housing unaffordability is to increase “SUPPLY”. That means increasing the number of housing units. Simultaneously, the CBC has repeatedly suppressed a much more reliable and honest analysis of Metro Vancouver’s housing unaffordability that was done by UBC’s David Ley. Dr. Ley concluded that relentless high immigration is the cause of Metro Vancouver’s stratospheric housing prices. From Dr. David Ley’s analysis, the obvious solution to the housing unaffordability crisis is a dramatic reduction in immigration. After all, the big question is this: How can Metro Vancouver and other areas of Canada such as Metro Toronto ever return to affordability as long as a relentless yearly inflow of hundreds of thousands of immigrants continues? Common sense tells Canadians that these places cannot. Common sense also tells Canadians that senseless high immigration will continue to cause enormous collateral economic, cultural and environmental damage.


To make this point clearer, let’s imagine a janitor trying to mop up a floor where a nearby tap has been damaged and water is spraying out uncontrollably onto the floor. Unless the janitor locates a water shut-off valve and shuts off the water that goes to the broken tap, his efforts at mopping the floor will be overwhelmed. To translate simply: The broken tap is Canada’s immigration intake, now over 1 million per year, almost all of which is unjustified!! The water on the floor is the damage being done to Canada by unnecessary immigration. The janitor is the Canadian infrastructure which has been overwhelmed.

The corrupt real estate industry knows that its claim about increasing “SUPPLY” is a lie. But it also knows that if it says its lie often enough, many people will actually believe its lie.

Very serious and widespread unrestrained criminal acts depend on the support of many people. Those include the CBC and the private media which disseminate information that is vital to decision-making . If the CBC and other media decide to with-hold or omit information which severely harms or destroys the lives of Canadians, they are guilty of criminal acts. There is absolutely no doubt that the CBC and other media are guilty of that. Every day, the CBC damns itself and arrogantly thinks it can continue to get away with its actions.

The CBC’s collusion with the real estate industry has been very clear in subsequent events :

(1) Ottawa’s announced housing strategy for the country and

(2) The City of Vancouver’s announced 10-year housing strategy

Neither strategy even mentions the word “immigration”. Why? The country is run by a substitute drama teacher (Trudeau) who has committed Canada to a mindless pursuit of so-called “Diversity” and thereby proved himself to be a complete fool. The rest of the country’s rulers (Other MP’s, Provincial and municipal governments) are quislings and cowards. Even the “DIVERSE” hordes of low-quality immigrants (that our three levels of government have allowed in) laugh at them behind their backs. For example, as huge areas of Metro Vancouver are demolished and densified, to add to the insanity, Vancouver continues to claim it will become the World’s Greenest City!!!

If the CBC had been doing its job, it would have challenged Vancouver and other cities on these disgraceful “strategies”. But it has said nothing. What greater sin is there than betraying one’s country and the Canadian family in it?

What but the lowest Circle of Hell would be suitable for Trudeau and the xenophilic horde of criminals in Parliament, other political positions, the real estate industry, the CBC and elsewhere?

At the beginning of December every year, the CBC devotes one day to collecting money for food banks across the country. Again this year, the CBC has hypocritically implied that it deserves to be commended for raising money for such a basic need as food. However, the damage the CBC has done to such a basic need as affordable shelter on the other 364 days of the year negates any good the CBC does on its Christmas Food Bank Day. There is absolutely no question that in Metro Vancouver and in many other parts of Canada, the CBC has demonstrated itself to be a criminal organization and is a criminal accomplice to the corrupt real estate industry.

Where are our rocket launchers?


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DISGRACEFUL GROSS NEGLIGENCE OF B.C. PREMIER AND B.C. GOVERNMENT Flyer circulated in Richmond by Immigration Watch Canada B.C. Premier Christy Clark who sat back and did virtually nothing as Metro Vancouver house prices soared into the stratosphere is once more demonstrating that she is a Province-Wide “Disgrace”. She has just proclaimed that a recent fl

  Flyer circulated in Richmond by Immigration Watch Canada

B.C. Premier Christy Clark who sat back and did virtually nothing as Metro Vancouver house prices soared into the stratosphere is once more demonstrating that she is a Province-Wide “Disgrace”.


She has just proclaimed that a recent flyer circulated in Richmond is a “disgrace”.


Now, dear me, we like to be polite, but if anyone is to be summarily condemned for being a disgrace,  it is Clark. Over and over for several years , she was called on to intervene in Metro Vancouver’s astronomic housing price crisis, but she and her government as well as most other politicians of every party and at every level of government engaged in gross negligence.


They claimed they did not have enough information to act, but experts have shown they had ample information to do something. Instead,  Clark took the advice of the corrupt real estate industry and let the real estate market go into a frenzy. The negligence of her and the rest of the political class has created one of the most expensive housing markets in the world.


Clark’s government has introduced a 15% tax but the damage of their gross negligence will endure. This is a grossly unjust financial burden for hundreds of thousands of Metro Vancouver residents. Unless a major economic crash occurs, that burden will last far into the future both for renters now facing escalating rents and for home owners who are now saddled with huge mortgages.


Governments which commit such crimes against their own citizens on such a basic need as shelter are not just true “disgraces” . They are criminals and deserve to be treated as criminals.


It is hard to believe that Clark and all the other politicians had  not heard about the work of UBC Professor David Ley, whose book “Millionaire Migrants” showed that relentless immigration was the major cause of astronomic house prices.


It is also hard to believe that Clark was not aware of David Ley’s revelation that there was an extremely high statistical correlation amounting to cause and effect between immigration and Metros’ high housing prices. Clark could have used Ley’s research and complained to Ottawa that Canada did not need almost all of  the immigrants it was taking and that a dramatic reduction in immigration was necessary, but she did not.


It is also hard to believe that Clark was not aware of David Ley’s revelations  about a particular kind of immigration :  the Business Immigrant Programme. That programme had resulted in several hundred thousand Business Immigrants and their families coming to Metro Vancouver.


Ley also showed that these wealthy people, most of whom were Chinese, did not fulfill their obligation to start businesses here and employ Canadians. In fact, almost all of them and their families made it clear from the beginning that they were in Canada to sit back, plunder and parasitize Canada.


It’s now time for Canada to collect the huge amounts IN BACK TAXES that it is owed by these people or to take measures to remove them.


It is also hard to believe that Clark was unaware of the revelations of   UBC Professor Daniel Hiebert. He stated these people were declaring income at the level of some of the poorest areas in Canada. This meant that they were paying little if any Income Tax and undoubtedly hiding their offshore earnings.


In other words, these big-money off-shore migrants were plundering and parasitizing Canada’s education, health and other Canadian infrastructure. For the sake of grossly negligent Clark, her government and most other politicians, Hiebert prepared a map showing where many of these new arrivals were living. Almost all were residing in the most expensive areas of Metro Vancouver in very expensive houses, some of which could be described as mansions.


It is also hard to believe that Clark and her colleagues have not heard about the investigative work done by journalists such as Douglas Todd, Kathy Tomlinson, Sam Shepherd and others who have demonstrated that our politicians and Canada’s Gatekeepers (FINTRAC, the CRA and Canada’s Department of Immigration) have allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants as well as offshore speculators to abuse Canada’s tax and immigration system in order to launder dirty money from places like China.


Former Richmond Mayor Greg Halsey-Brandt was the first of only a few politicians to state that Canada was being cheated. The vast majority of politicians have been silent and have done nothing. The cheaters have interpreted politicians’ silence to mean that politicians approve of tax evasion or are afraid of offending the cheaters and fearful of endangering votes from the cheaters.


Here are some big questions for Premier Gross Negligence Clark to answer:


Does she intend to ask the police investigate UBC Professors David Ley and Daniel Hiebert, and journalists like Douglas Todd, Kathy Tomlinson and Sam Shepherd for hate crimes? That is, for revealing facts that grossly negligent, politically correct politicians hate to hear? For their shining light on the foul if not brazenly criminal actions of Wealthy Chinese cheaters? For daring to point to the Asian elephant in the room?


It is time that we forced the cheaters to pay for their tax evasion, overturned their table and cast them and their political enablers in Victoria out of B.C.’s TEMPLE.

For sensible immigration policies for the 21st century

Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>

Dec 10 (2 days ago)

to me
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain cox.net by mx.west.cox.net. [].

The error that the other server returned was:
550 5.1.1 <harleymanfl@cox.net> invalid recipient – Refer to Error Codes section at http://postmaster.cox.net/confluence/display/postmaster/Error+Codes for more information.

—– Original message —–

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=gmail.com; s=20120113;
X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=1e100.net; s=20130820;
X-Gm-Message-State: AKaTC01X+7pd5siaik/bgtIZ61ITRYxgMDZwiTOSC/0uHJ/boG8qnbgOskcUrVeMN+xkNeFzAC/hCkU9047QOg==
X-Received: by with SMTP id 23mr49950767oti.149.1481355741067;
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 23:42:21 -0800 (PST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 9 Dec 2016 23:42:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul Fromm <cfarbookscanada@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2016 02:42:20 -0500
Message-ID: <CAF9+7SM6Lqe1MRn9jNEkh95gmEtObUhzQioO6nGQ7mAywmkbFg@mail.gmail.com>
To: cafe@canadafirst.net
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a113ee1f2bb841705434902aa
Bcc: harleymanfl@cox.net

  Flyer circulated in Richmond by Immigration Watch Canada

B.C. Premier Christy Clark who sat back and did virtually nothing as Metro
Vancouver house prices soared into the stratosphere is once more
demonstrating that she is a Province-Wide “Disgrace”.

She has just proclaimed that a recent flyer circulated in Richmond is a

Now, dear me, we like to be polite, but if anyone is to be summarily
condemned for being a disgrace,  it is Clark. Over and over for several
years , she was called on to intervene in Metro Vancouver’s astronomic
housing price crisis, but she and her government as well as most other
politicians of every party and at every level of government engaged in
gross negligence.

They claimed they did not have enough information to act, but experts have
shown they had ample information to do something. Instead,  Clark took the
advice of the corrupt real estate industry and let the real estate market
go into a frenzy. The negligence of her and the rest of the political class
has created one of the most expensive housing markets in the world.

Clark’s government has introduced a 15% tax but the damage of their gross
negligence will endure. This is a grossly unjust financial burden for
hundreds of thousands of Metro Vancouver residents. Unless a major economic
crash occurs, that burden will last far into the future both for renters
now facing escalating rents and for home owners who are now saddled with
huge mortgages.

Governments which commit such crimes against their own citizens on such a

yer circulated in Richmond is a “disgrace”. Now, dear me, we like to be polite, but if anyone is to be summarily condemned for being a disgrace, it is Clark. Over and over for several years , she was called on to intervene in Metro Vancouver’s astronomic housing price crisis, but she and her government as well as most other politicians of every party and at every level of government engaged in gross negligence. They claimed they did not have enough information to act, but experts have shown they had ample information to do something. Instead, Clark took the advice of the corrupt real estate industry and let the real estate market go into a frenzy. The negligence of her and the rest of the political class has created one of the most expensive housing markets in the world. Clark’s government has introduced a 15% tax but the damage of their gross negligence will endure. This is a grossly unjust financial burden for hundreds of thousands of Metro Vancouver residents. Unless a major economic crash occurs, that burden will last far into the future both for renters now facing escalating rents and for home owners who are now saddled with huge mortgages. Governments which commit such crimes against their own citizens on such a basic need as shelter are not just true “disgraces” . They are criminals and deserve to be treated as criminals. It is hard to believe that Clark and all the other politicians had not heard about the work of UBC Professor David Ley, whose book “Millionaire Migrants” showed that relentless immigration was the major cause of astronomic house prices. It is also hard to believe that Clark was not aware of David Ley’s revelation that there was an extremely high statistical correlation amounting to cause and effect between immigration and Metros’ high housing prices. Clark could have used Ley’s research and complained to Ottawa that Canada did not need almost all of the immigrants it was taking and that a dramatic reduction in immigration was necessary, but she did not. It is also hard to believe that Clark was not aware of David Ley’s revelations about a particular kind of immigration : the Business Immigrant Programme. That programme had resulted in several hundred thousand Business Immigrants and their families coming to Metro Vancouver. Ley also showed that these wealthy people, most of whom were Chinese, did not fulfill their obligation to start businesses here and employ Canadians. In fact, almost all of them and their families made it clear from the beginning that they were in Canada to sit back, plunder and parasitize Canada. It’s now time for Canada to collect the huge amounts IN BACK TAXES that it is owed by these people or to take measures to remove them. It is also hard to believe that Clark was unaware of the revelations of UBC Professor Daniel Hiebert. He stated these people were declaring income at the level of some of the poorest areas in Canada. This meant that they were paying little if any Income Tax and undoubtedly hiding their offshore earnings. In other words, these big-money off-shore migrants were plundering and parasitizing Canada’s education, health and other Canadian infrastructure. For the sake of grossly negligent Clark, her government and most other politicians, Hiebert prepared a map showing where many of these new arrivals were living. Almost all were residing in the most expensive areas of Metro Vancouver in very expensive houses, some of which could be described as mansions. It is also hard to believe that Clark and her colleagues have not heard about the investigative work done by journalists such as Douglas Todd, Kathy Tomlinson, Sam Shepherd and others who have demonstrated that our politicians and Canada’s Gatekeepers (FINTRAC, the CRA and Canada’s Department of Immigration) have allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants as well as offshore speculators to abuse Canada’s tax and immigration system in order to launder dirty money from places like China. Former Richmond Mayor Greg Halsey-Brandt was the first of only a few politicians to state that Canada was being cheated. The vast majority of politicians have been silent and have done nothing. The cheaters have interpreted politicians’ silence to mean that politicians approve of tax evasion or are afraid of offending the cheaters and fearful of endangering votes from the cheaters. Here are some big questions for Premier Gross Negligence Clark to answer: Does she intend to ask the police investigate UBC Professors David Ley and Daniel Hiebert, and journalists like Douglas Todd, Kathy Tomlinson and Sam Shepherd for hate crimes? That is, for revealing facts that grossly negligent, politically correct politicians hate to hear? For their shining light on the foul if not brazenly criminal actions of Wealthy Chinese cheaters? For daring to point to the Asian elephant in the room? It is time that we forced the cheaters to pay for their tax evasion, overturned their table and cast them and their political enablers in Victoria out of B.C.’s TEMPLE. For sensible immigration policies for the 21st century Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Dec 10 (2 days ago) to me Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: harleymanfl@cox.net Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain cox.net by mx.west.cox.net. []. The error that the other server returned was: 550 5.1.1 <harleymanfl@cox.net> invalid recipient – Refer to Error Codes section at http://postmaster.cox.net/confluence/display/postmaster/Error+Codes for more information. —– Original message —– DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=jQH9MvC58eynAn4QSWsMFDnUY9Nv7gIUlHTig9+6+cA=; b=FXjgldEOX6n31Dr1uaYZSXWH8glKeUg4fB6CsMVESB6NOzvXYequUClw7wQb6yVaXr vLCWIDK41MB14qxc6xyTRQSqeXn+hLygbru1u0u3v1pka66IbOvTZ9CIID+/iJOFa6ca dtzs0HPbwpnRiZrFSj5BYN/SFjSNv324nrJKsht+z7zWWuHnSRqyQTHZT7lcfOxOm39H 34g8J/GlAAn1eTZaqKzE0i2jqtlc7oyv1DAw8sk8hviOUwfUXTWaejZw8O8gEa9Ipv3o yniDsrQUeGaz6jZMLdh0TmZcl2BqlPOCzStBNlgLSrOdO9pMtlfMmbW70JIZFJA0b/0w YjfA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=jQH9MvC58eynAn4QSWsMFDnUY9Nv7gIUlHTig9+6+cA=; b=WN3pCGMj0nfdfmJp78hHEKmNx5dJ+1M2mhAS5ncDvc4bka2iImetj0wImCt2Rfc0RZ /Jno2GMMcInJC1Fh2Ky/7nuCfT1/RFCP3c2yuaQSuw/MiRp1lm/5Uzh0w90SsoUCZuVa gNRiFnDTkTv+ZQa57/BS1xSgb0ySrmZIiooeV6d+y2pPlbyowpS+ktSxf1tYb5a8gfi0 N2HF0GYYTpOLp0bkczpRMnNo/DARQpxhA+kLqfUweH0LtsfX8w8nE90NItEHe4uq/84Y TNM3RdGZNkerO3RPKjiyeFC6dVHAtWoG95gJxBnuKUoLxFRtVatFuXvLFHOR66g6FA7Z kfFQ== X-Gm-Message-State: AKaTC01X+7pd5siaik/bgtIZ61ITRYxgMDZwiTOSC/0uHJ/boG8qnbgOskcUrVeMN+xkNeFzAC/hCkU9047QOg== X-Received: by with SMTP id 23mr49950767oti.149.1481355741067; Fri, 09 Dec 2016 23:42:21 -0800 (PST) MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 9 Dec 2016 23:42:20 -0800 (PST) From: Paul Fromm <cfarbookscanada@gmail.com> Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2016 02:42:20 -0500 Message-ID: <CAF9+7SM6Lqe1MRn9jNEkh95gmEtObUhzQioO6nGQ7mAywmkbFg@mail.gmail.com> Subject: DISGRACEFUL GROSS NEGLIGENCE OF B.C. PREMIER AND B.C. GOVERNMENT To: cafe@canadafirst.net Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a113ee1f2bb841705434902aa Bcc: harleymanfl@cox.net DISGRACEFUL GROSS NEGLIGENCE OF B.C. PREMIER AND B.C. GOVERNMENT <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001U7A5EIYlMEFnSoKI3izhGc1EqNNkWVve9tHgT50lTrVw15pQf7hw38_AMMpAKWtloJHVblPhPM-nimy1yhTkFHAnRtd9UO6V18tjkJz1xxf3BH-9mS5oWoOUtFWCSq6dgRFVl9C5NQIyZ9ZqlVmHBs5svRc5k_XLa-f0gaqH3ZDDHFD6ZIMUeCsy-Umm4paLlfmoOPEyS2Q=&c=qXv3YdDuJ3dS7fU9YVMQubU4RkNGaS-FcPjq6YlTcL6mJJl7jmH04Q==&ch=E4IpGKuP_nYmP-8uGJ-y1jLMRGolStbzojlA8KAQxgomW3WJIsvynA==> Flyer circulated in Richmond by Immigration Watch Canada B.C. Premier Christy Clark who sat back and did virtually nothing as Metro Vancouver house prices soared into the stratosphere is once more demonstrating that she is a Province-Wide “Disgrace”. She has just proclaimed that a recent flyer circulated in Richmond is a “disgrace”. Now, dear me, we like to be polite, but if anyone is to be summarily condemned for being a disgrace, it is Clark. Over and over for several years , she was called on to intervene in Metro Vancouver’s astronomic housing price crisis, but she and her government as well as most other politicians of every party and at every level of government engaged in gross negligence. They claimed they did not have enough information to act, but experts have shown they had ample information to do something. Instead, Clark took the advice of the corrupt real estate industry and let the real estate market go into a frenzy. The negligence of her and the rest of the political class has created one of the most expensive housing markets in the world. Clark’s government has introduced a 15% tax but the damage of their gross negligence will endure. This is a grossly unjust financial burden for hundreds of thousands of Metro Vancouver residents. Unless a major economic crash occurs, that burden will last far into the future both for renters now facing escalating rents and for home owners who are now saddled with huge mortgages. Governments which commit such crimes against their own citizens on such a