Slavery? Europeans Abolished It! — No Guilt

A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day
by Tim Murray
Canada 2020:
Cancel Culture
Shadow Banning
De-Monetization of Dissident Sites
Doxing Dissidents
Public Shaming
People Getting Fired for ‘Wrong-Thing’
The Death of Objective Journalism
The Criminalization of Objective Speech
The Pollicization of Science
Reverse Discrimination and Quota Hiring
Kangaroo Courts
Government Hush Money to Newspapers
Unfettered Migration in Defiance of Public Opinion
Uncontested Illegal Border Crossings
Rampant Immigrant-Marriage Fraud
The Ideological Weaponization of the CBC
Indoctrination of Our Youth
Denigration of Our Heritage
Vilification of Our Ancestors
Revisionist History to Foster White Guilt
Endless Official Apologies for Past Transgressions
The Destruction of Our Symbols
The Invocation of Victimhood and the Denial of Personal Responsibility
Uniformity of Ideas in the Guise of Diversity
The Entrenchment of Absurdities Like “Systemic” Discrimination and “Hate” Speech
Tax Payer Grants To Witch-Hunting “Anti-Hate” Organizations
Snitch Lines
The Sexualization of Primary School Children
Transgender Ideology
Compelled Speech
Medical Fascism
Endless Lockdowns to Fight a Boogeyman Conjured Out of Manipulated Stats
On November 11th ask yourself one question:
“Is that what they died for?”
Let’s Be Proud. Stand tall, European men and women. No More Apologies.
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The atmosphere in this mid-west town is “aggressively White.” |
If I had to think of one sentence that captures how I feel about the contemporary attitudes of multicultism in North America today, it would have to be Al Pacino’s classic line from the Third Godfather film “just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” No matter how many examples one can point to the current anti-White craziness in our universities, and how the next leftist absurdity seems to outdo the one that just went viral before it, I can never get used to how bad the situation has gotten, and how much it continues to deteriorate. What better way to demonstrate this than by highlighting my own first-hand experience in academia of how even a simple recollection of a state fair is somehow seen as “discriminatory”?
In a recent writing course I am enrolled in, the entirety of the seminar was a class discussion revolving around David Foster’s Wallace’s Ticket To The Fair(PDF), an article he wrote in 1994 for Harper’s Magazine. This article is about the perceived horrors Foster experienced in a typical rural midwestern town, while temporarily leaving vibrant New York. One particular passage in this article stood out not just to myself but to the rest of the class:
There’s an atmosphere in the room — not racist, but aggressively white. It’s hard to describe — the atmosphere is the same at a lot of rural Midwest events. It is not like a black person who came in would be ill treated; it’s more like it would just never occur to a black person to come here (Wallace, p. 49).
While I was flabbergasted at how another person could not just randomly degrade, but also infer nefarious motives upon the same group of people he is a part of (while also priding himself as a respected journalist), the rest of my fellow students seemed to be pleasantly astonished at how “progressive” Mr. Foster Wallace was for his time. They also took great satisfaction in how he disavowed the White culture of the rural Midwest for even existing, as was the case from one description where he illustrated what he perceived as unfair socio-political engineering by parents at the expense of their children:
Kids remarkable for a kind of classic Rockwellian USA averageness, the products of balanced diets, vigorous daily exertion, and solid GOP upbringings (Wallace, p. 43).
According to them, without going into specifics, the words of Foster Wallace’s account of the state fair were enlightening, an intelligent reminder for all those privileged (re:White people, no matter a White person’s possible low economic status or possible abundance of problems) that racism will never be truly exercised unless diversity is instilled ubiquitously in full fashion.
Overall, this seminar showcased to me once again the trifecta of harmful contemporary cultural narratives targeting North Americans of European descent. The first theme, frequently touted by the vast majority of academics, is that even if one puts the seemingly never ending blame for the atrocities of slavery and genocide committed by Whites (because it was only White people who ever did these acts, don’t you know?) aside, European descendants still have nothing to be proud of their ancestors.
Many university curriculums today put forth the notion that despite being from the nations that saw huge technological, scientific, and educational advances in the last few centuries, all Westerners really did was exploit cultures from all over the world. This was echoed in class discussions about midwestern farmers, from statements either implied or explicitly stated, that Western farmers learned their methods from non-Europeans.
The second theme, which is familiar pretty much to every White person today and has been routinely covered on this site in other articles, is the multifaceted ideal that mass migration must be maintained — in absence of even discussing possible negative effects in order for White people to avenge themselves for the sins of their kind in earlier eras. In the US, it is the African American slave trade that is systematically used as a club to instil a feeling of guilt that is both illogical and unfair, whereas in Canada it is the displacement of Aboriginal communities, used in a similar vein to push for more amounts of foreigners to come across our shores.
However, at the same time, to try to even be inviting to other cultures, as a White person, while still holding some pride of your own roots is still a form of quasi imperialism to the far left, and their idea is that instead White people should listen to those from other cultures, encourage them to foster their own communities, no matter how large they continue to grow. This is why it is such a repeated series of talking points from most academics, most members of the media, and most Hollywood A-list acting types; they must keep confessing their original sin of racism on behalf of their kind, otherwise they lose all the benefits afforded to them of being a symbol as ‘one of the good Whites.’
The final, and in my opinion, most insidious theme that ties the other two together, is the theme that ‘racism’ will never be truly eradicated unless the entirety of contributions derived from Western societies are. This is being done by tactically combining the never ending shaming of White people and their culture with the removal of European originating figures, symbols, and speech utterances, all under the guise of being inclusive, inoffensive, and, of course, diverse. If the same people who claim to be were really concerned about the feelings of groups of people who have been harmed by exploitative historical figures, why would they be supporting people like Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin?
If they were really concerned with just making sure Canada remains a secular nation as inscribed in our constitution, why would they support Bill 103 when religious freedom is already protected by the state? It’s because it was never about removing religious practices and religious symbolism from Canada’s public squares, but rather only about removing those of a Western nature. It is why references of B.C. and A.D. from the Julian and Gregorian calendars have been removed, along with displays of crosses in certain areas. The fact that they continue to engage in erasing strategies like these, yet harp on the effects of acts our ancestors committed by citing how damaging taking away one’s culture out from under them can be without the smallest sense of irony, is demoralizing.
We students have no choice but to stand up and defend our Western heritage, otherwise we will have lost it all by the time we reach adulthood!
July 1st of this year marked the 150th anniversary of the Canadian confederation as everyone is well aware at this point. The public and private spheres both put a great deal of time promoting this special occasion although quite frankly I felt rather underwhelmed by it all. It should have been something to instill great feelings of patriotism and celebration, but given all that has happened to Canada in the last 50 years, not to mention the current ‘we are the world’ style multicult propaganda being pushed, I must say I was not feeling like celebrating. Evidently I was not the only one, but others had far different reasons.
Ever since Idle No More and the largely positive coverage of that movement by the press, the Amerindian lobby has grown considerably. In the weeks and months leading up to Dominion Day there was a rise in open protesting of Canada Day by Amerindians who see it as a day of oppression as opposed to celebration. They never have and never will identify with the Canadian project because it was not one they were ever part of.
On July 1st itself there were a number of protests throughout the country, including Toronto and Regina. It would seem that in the aftermath of Idle No More a number of smaller groups have arisen, although how significant they truly are is rather suspect at this point. To what extent are they being hyped up by the media? Canada’s so-called policy of reconciliation has emboldened Amerindian groups to call for reclaiming whole cities and even Parliament Hillas their ‘unceded territory.’ Of course many of the people involved in these movements, protests et al., are at best only of partial Amerindian descent. Many Whites can be seen identifying with these ultimately anti-White groups thanks to years of indoctrination in public education, universities and the media.
Despite only being 4% of the population (and that includes Metis), ‘aboriginal’ interests have been successfully pushed in recent years with the most obvious example being the decision by the Trudeau government to accept in full the TRC narrative on the residential schools. As Lynn Beyek found out recently, to point out that these were not genocidal camps and that many prospered because of their time in such institutions, is not something you can do publicly. We are not only to believe they were a holocaust but that intergenerational suffering is the reason for the violence Amerindians inflict upon each other. And it doesn’t just stop at residential schools or land issues, to in anyway critique or make light of the Amerindian lobby is a huge moral crime in today’s Canada, even leftist Jews like Johnathan Kay are not exempt from attacks for failing to tow the line.
Given how corrupt and violent Amerindian communities are it won’t be long until residential schools 2.0 spring up out of necessity. No one seems willing to just let them live by themselves because they know that would just lead to self-destruction and sadly we feel like we owe them.
Every Occidental country now needs a genocide narrative as a founding myth in order to promote the dispossession of Whites and neoliberal globalism. For Canada residential schools fit nicely, well once you tweak history a little bit. The Amerindians have now like the new left been coopted by these forces, which are more than willing to accept and promote their social concerns so long as their ultimate economic goals are achieved. Amerindians, then, are complete tools. Hatred for Whites is so strong that they are willing to openly and vociferously promote greater immigration because they are more concerned with attacking Euro-Canadians than protecting their own people. Open immigration will not and does not help Amerindians, Inuit or Metis. In fact, they may be negatively impacted by it even more than the majority population.
Of course, in reality the true history of the colonization of Canada is one of British liberalism. The British could have promoted the annihilation of Amerindians or of their being bred out of existence, as occurred elsewhere, but instead they promoted a policy of treaty signing, of trying to find a way of accommodating these people and moreover, of trying to uplift them. The residential school system was hardly perfect but its purpose was to prepare Amerindian children for a changing world and also to protect them from their own families who were mistreating them. Something which still goes on to this day, as does the mistreatment of Amerindian women by their own menfolk. Unlike in other parts of the Americas there were no Indian wars in Canada; the only conflict that comes close is the Metis revolts but these were a series of skirmishes. Though I suspect the policy in Canada would have been much the same even if there had been wars, given the liberal policy shown towards the Maori of New Zealand who did fight long, protracted conflicts with the British.
As this recent story illustrates, Amerindians show again how much they really don’t care about indigenous-hood and are really just tools of the liberal elite. Anything to stick it to the White man. Euro-Canadians have greater claim to being indigenous than recent arrivals from Syria. Funny how it’s ok for Syrians and other non-Whites to come and maintain their cultures on ‘native land’ but ours are condemned. And certainly Whites are indigenous to Europe (not only have they always been there but they formed the modern states that exist there so there can be no claims of terra nullius), but Amerindian lobby doesn’t come out against the replacement of Germans, Swedes and other Europeans in their native homes.
Many second and third generation immigrants from India and elsewhere have also bought into the anti-White narrative and many seemingly promote Amerindian interests. But, I wonder, how committed these people truly are to the Amerindians? Might be fun to see what happens if and when Canada becomes ‘majority minority’ and conflicts arise between Asiatic groups and the Amerindians, because I believe ultimately, the Chinese, Punjabis, et al. will put themselves first. Amerindians need Euro-Canadians because of their stupid White guilt complex.
Not all Euro-Canadians, however, are willing to sit back and accept the new manufactured narratives about Amerindians. Recently, in Halifax a small group peacefully counter protested an Amerindian one held in front of a statue of Edward Cornwallis, who is attacked for having called for reprisals against Mikmaq. (They leave out, of course, that Mikmaq were slaughtering Whites and his actions were a response to their cruelty.) If these incidences, as peaceful, calm and rather mundane as they are, continue then we could see end of feeling of White goodwill to Amerindians. They are working hard to indoctrinate the young as Amerindian lobby and anti-White groups more generally admit. Note how they falsely state race is simply about color and refuse to ask deeper questions as to why Amerindians may not be as successful as Whites and indeed Asians. If White privilege is real, then the question we should all ask is why is it a bad thing for Whites to be successful? Especially as it only seems to be in White countries.
Many are obviously in favour of Canada day but for how much longer? Will the current ‘we are the world’ style narrative give way to the ‘evil genocide’ one? More likely, the two will exist in tandem as the plan is not so much to be consistent but to use any and all narratives so long as they erode any sense of pride and identity in Euro-Canadians for themselves or their ancestors.
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Viking grievance mongers on their way to Ottawa to publicly shame the government |
News item: The Vikings travelled much farther in North America than previously thought.
On this basis I am prepared to file a land claim. I am, on my mother’s side, descended from Vikings and can trace my lineage back to the 10th century. I will demand compensation from the government of Canada for the theft of my ancestors’ land and their displacement by aboriginals. It is from the former whom I will expect a formal apology.
I will also demand federal funding so that those like me can be taught in our own schools, re-introduced to our former language. A national Viking Day would also be in order, along with a federally assisted Viking TV channel as part of every cable or satellite TV package.
Moreover, rather than base my self-esteem on actual accomplishments, I will draw vicarious pride in the accomplishments of my ancestors. Accomplishments which can be inflated by bogus history. No longer will I have to work to develop self-esteem. Nordic History Studies profs and teachers will give it to me. In fact, I will expect to get an award for just attending classes. A certificate to prove that I am worth something.
As any social worker, or mental health professional or apologist schooled in the fine art of cultural relativism and Boasian anthropology will tell you, lack of self-esteem accounts for my total lack of ambition, my substance abuse and my history of domestic assaults. And it is all down to you. I can forever attribute any of my failings to the “legacy” of my people being driven from this continent or wiped out by raiding parties of ‘First Nations’ and ‘Native Americans’. I accept no responsibility for my failure to make something of myself.
Furthermore, History and Social Studies textbooks will have to be revised to teach our school children that the Vikings built this country, that it was taken from the Vikings, and that present day Canadians and their descendants should feel eternally guilty about it. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission would be in order, plus a Royal Commission on Missing Viking Women raped, butchered or enslaved by attacking Aboriginal men.
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Recent archaeological findings might indicate that the Vikings have settled as far south as Point Rosee on Newfoundland |
Each Canadian University will be compelled to establish a “Traditional Viking Ecological Knowledge” Department that will promote the idea that knowledge that cannot be verified by the scientific method shall receive equal status with scientific knowledge — Viking oral history shall trump any data that emanates from satellite imagery. It will furthermore be understood that Viking “ways of knowing” are just as valid as scientific methodology. In other words, there is Canadian science and Viking ‘science’. How dare any non-Viking have the arrogance to think that his world view is superior to mine. You may believe that we can expect thunder tonight on the basis of what a meteorologist told you, but I know that it will be because my god Thor is making a statement. Respect that.
Should anything more be required from government, I will dress in traditional Viking garb, chant and beat a drum outside Parliament, or at any pipeline hearing. Those who refuse to genuflect to my ethnic heritage or be struck with awe when I appear in costume will be publicly shamed and hounded from office. A Human Rights complaint will also be launched. Win or lose, you will pick up the tab for my legal costs.
I am serving you notice.