What’s this about “Islamophobia”?

Quebec Government Wants Trudeau’s Appointed Scourge of Of Islamophobia Fired Amira Elghabaway, Minister of Islamophobia, stands beside fellow Moslems, MPs Ahmed Hussen and MP Omar Alghabra. The Quebec government is calling for the resignation of newly-appointed Minister of Islamophobia, Amira Elghabaway, Liberal government special representative to combat Islamophobia. “Quebec Secularism Minister Jean-François Roberge says Ottawa should fire Amira Elghawaby immediately if she chooses not to resign. The journalist and activist was appointed to the role last week by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.” The history of the rise of Islamic political power in Canada suggests she won’t quit, won’t be fired, and will maintain her position as “Islamo-Cop” of Canada. A history of obstinance offers the best clue as to what will transpire. From day one– Justin Trudeau’s ascension to the throne of Canada in 2015– a cast-in-stone palette has coloured the condition of PM Trudeau’s fight against so-called “Islamophobia.” Amira Elghabaway has nothing good to say about our country. In this she shares Trudeau’s sentiment, along with the man whose role it is to prop up the Trudeau government, New Democratic Party Leader, Jagmeet Singh. “Elghawaby co-wrote a 2019 opinion piece in the Ottawa Citizen linking ‘anti-Muslim sentiment’ to Quebec’s Bill 21, which bans certain government employees from wearing religious symbols at work.” Witness the myopia. Bill 21 is equally focused on Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs. Not that it amounts to a hill-of-beans for Ms. Elghabaway. Her single concern is her personal faith; her personal obsession so-called “Islamophobia.” It’s this form of ethno-centricism which has resulted in a steady building of animosity toward our Liberal government’s treatment of one identifiable Canadian community. No one has exacerbated this social problem more than Justin Trudeau. His constant pandering and pumping up of one specific community has resulted in the social discord Canadians are witnessing at present. Neither government, nor media or Canadian academia have considered Mr. Trudeau’s degenerative impact on race relations in our country. For CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and Toronto Star, the fault is found in those nasty, bitter and racist “Old Stock” Canadians. What a privilege legacy media has bestowed upon PM Trudeau. Not that it isn’t be expected after our PM pulled his “China-like” maneuver of covertly purchasing mainstream Canadian media. “Jean-François Roberge, CAQ minister responsible for the French language, said Eghawaby has not properly apologized for her comments about Quebec. She “seems to be overcome by an anti-Quebec sentiment,” said Roberge. “All she did was try to justify her hateful comments. That doesn’t fly. She must resign and if she doesn’t, the government must remove her immediately.” Upon which CAP pulls out our proverbial crystal ball: Amira Elghabaway will continue on as Woke Liberal Islamo-police person. After all, she has been placed into power by none other than Somali import MP Ahmed Hussen. Elghabaway has friends in high places. M103 “Islamophobia” motion founder and half-citizen of Pakistan MP Iqra Khalid helped her gain the lofty position. Canada most powerful special interest not-for-profit organization, National Council of Canadian Muslims, helped get her there. In Justin Trudeau’s post-modern Canada, these are the power-players holding the political cards. Islam is the future of Canadian immigration, whether CBC tell us so, or not. “It was never meant to suggest that my opinion is that the majority of Quebeckers are Islamophobic. I don’t believe so. I was merely analyzing the polling numbers … [an] opinion piece is meant to cause people to think, to talk, to reflect,” says Ms. Elgabaway. A giant lol to that. Fundamentalist religion doesn’t talk, unless it’s to preach the word, or inform Canadians we “must educate ourselves” to accept cast-in-stone tenets of ancient history. There is no negotiation or flexibility in the world of religious fundamentalism. How strange that the same phenomenon applies to Justin Trudeau’s brand of so-called “progressive” Liberal politics. |
Amira Elghabaway, Minister of Islamophobia, stands beside fellow Moslems, MPs Ahmed Hussen and MP Omar Alghabra.
by Tarek Fatah
The Toronto Sun
Where else in the world would a Catholic prime minister, the leader of its right-wing Christian Conservative opposition, the left-wing party headed by a turbaned Sikh and the head of a separatist party join the city’s mayor, the province’s premier and tens of thousands of ordinary citizens to condemn the horrific mass murder of a Muslim family, allegedly at the hands of home-schooled Christian man?
The answer of course is Canada. The entire nation stood in solidarity with us Muslims, yet the only consensus heard for days since the tragedy is that this country of ours, that opened itself to so many Muslims fleeing tyranny, is itself “Islamophobic.”
What more do we Muslims expect from Canada?
Our impact on Canada has forced almost every urban secondary school to allocate space for makeshift mosques and, at times, cafeterias where Islamic clerics go to give sermons to ensure gender segregation and lecture our youth on how to reject the “western way of life.”
No Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Jew or Baha’i demands special prayer rooms inside workplaces, universities, or washrooms to accommodate mid-day washing rituals Muslims undergo. No manager dare says “no” to our request and, if they do, Lord help them en route to the Human Rights complaints office.
Everything we ask we get, including call to prayers on mosque loudspeakers in neighbourhoods where the majority of the population is not even Muslim.
And pray, what do we say during these prayers? Pious and religious Muslims who pray five times a day invoke a verse that refers to Jews as people who have incurred the “wrath of Allah” and Christians as “people who have been led astray.”
The actual verse of the Quran says:
Guide us to the straight path
The way of those upon whom you have bestowed your grace
Not the way of those who have earned your wrath
Nor of those who went astray
From the Quran published in Saudi Arabia to its interpretation by the 8th century jurist Ibn Kathir, all claim that these words or derision are meant to describe Jews and Christians.
The question then is simple: If we Muslims are comfortable denouncing Jews and Christians 48 times a day in our five daily prayers, then isn’t it we who spread hate and then play victim?
If it’s true that Islamophobia exists in Canada, then our country is not alone. Wherever we Muslims live or have moved as a minority, the fact is it is our behaviour in relations with the majority and our contempt for the host community’s religion and civilization has aroused in it this supposed ‘irrational fear’ of our faith Islam or our presence as Muslims.
Be it in France or Russia, the Philippines or India, Mozambique or Nigeria, wherever we exist, a tiny minority of Islamists are bound to emerge, take leadership and trigger conflict with the “kaafirs” (derogatory word for our non-Muslim neighbours).
And we don’t have to go far to gauge the contempt we have for the non-Muslim, be it Hindu or Jew, our main targets.
At the vigil in London, Dr. Munir El-Kassem, an Islamic cleric who once served as the chaplain of the London Police Service, revealed his pent-up feelings by drawing a parallel between the Palestinian-Israel conflict and the tragedy that descended on London. He concluded his remarks by saying, “Whatever is happening in Jerusalem and Gaza, is related to whatever happened in London, Ontario.”
If at all there is Islamophobia across the world, why is it so? |
It is time for us Muslims to raise the question we never ask ourselves: If at all there is Islamophobia across the world, why is it so?
Is it because we block the streets in New Delhi and Paris during Friday prayers in an exhibition of piety, but in reality we thumb our nose and declare our superior faith?
Is it because we parade our sisters, daughters, and wives in all-encompassing black burqas over their bodies, even at Wasaga Beach on a sunny day last Friday?
Is it because we have a history of killing each other (as in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan)? Or commit genocide of our own as in Darfur in 2005 and Bangladesh in 1971?
No matter what, the solution to Islamophobia lies within us. Let’s not wear the Muslim Brotherhood political flag on our heads and then pretend it is a command from Allah. Stop dressing up as medieval Arabs when visiting mosques. Stop defending polygamy and child marriage as fundamental Islamic rights, and above all stop trying to sneak Sharia Islamic law into Canada by brokering the Muslim vote bank because there isn’t any such thing.
Tarek Fatah is a Robert J. and Abby B. Levine Fellow at the Middle East Forum, a founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, and a columnist at the Toronto Sun.
The sixth of June is the anniversary of D-Day, the day, in 1944, when the Allied forces landed on the beach of Normandy and launched the offensive that would liberate Occupied Europe from the forces of Nazi Germany. This year, on that date, something happened in the Upper Canadian city of London, which the government of the Dominion has declared to be an attack of an entirely different sort. That evening a family was waiting to cross at an intersection, when a pickup truck ran into them. One was killed on the spot, three later succumbed to the injuries they had sustained, a fifth was wounded but not fatally.
This would be a horrible occurrence, of course, under any circumstances. It appears, however, that this was not just some terrible mishap where the driver lost control of his truck. It seems to have been deliberate. If this is indeed the case that makes it much worse because a crime is much worse than an accident. I am speaking, obviously, about how the incident as a whole is to be evaluated. The dead and wounded would have been no less dead and wounded in an equally fatal accident.
The London police very quickly announced that they were investigating this as a hate crime. Indeed, the speed in which they made this announcement seems extremely irresponsible when we consider that virtually nothing in the way of evidence corroborating this interpretation of the incident has since been released. This could be explained, perhaps, if the perpetrator, who soon after asked a taxi driver to call the police and thus essentially turned himself in, had confessed to being motivated by hate. If this is the case, however, the police have not yet disclosed it. From the facts that have been disclosed, the only apparent grounds for classifying it as a hate crime are the ethnicity and religion of the victims, who were Muslims and immigrants from Pakistan.
There are many who would say that just as a crime is worse than an accident, so a hate crime is worse than a regular crime. I am not one of those. There are basically two angles from which we can look at the distinction between hate crimes and regular crimes. The first is the angle of motive. Viewed from this angle, the distinction between hate crimes and regular crimes is that the former are motivated by prejudice – racial, religious, sexual, etc.- and the latter are not. The second angle is the angle of the victim. Viewed from this perspective, the distinction between hate crimes and regular crimes is that the victims of the former are members of racial, religious, or ethnic minorities, women, or something other than heterosexual and cisgender and the victims of the latter are not. Viewed either way, however, the idea that a hate crime is much worse than a regular crime is extremely problematic.
Is it worse to take somebody’s life because you don’t like the colour of his skin than to take his life because you want his wallet?
If we answer this question with yes then we must be prepared to support that answer with a reason. It is difficult to come up with one that can stand up well under cross-examination. One could try arguing, perhaps, that the murder motivated by prejudice is worse than the murder committed in the act of robbing someone on the grounds that whereas prejudice is irrational, wanting someone else’s money if you have desperate need of it yourself, is not. This runs contrary to long-established judicial precedent, however. If a man is so irrational that he is considered to be insane this is grounds for a plea of not guilty in a court of law. Conversely, the man who did not go out intending to kill someone but does so in the act of stealing his wallet can be charged with first-degree murder. This is because his intention to commit the crime of robbery makes it a premeditated act.
Suppose, however, we take the view from the other angle and distinguish between hate crimes and regular crimes based upon the identity of the victims. From this standpoint, the assertion that hate crimes are worse than regular crimes translates into the idea that it is worse commit a crime against members of such-and-such groups than it is to commit crimes against anyone else. Worded that way, is there anyone who would be willing to sign on to such a statement?
The idea that hate crimes ought to be considered worse than regular crimes of the same nature but with other more mundane motivations arises out of the idea that “hate” itself ought to be treated as a crime. The problem with this is that hate, whether in the ordinary sense of the word, or in the rather specialized sense of the word that is employed when discussing “hate speech”, “hate crimes”, “hate groups”, etc. is an attitude of the heart and mind. To say that “hate” ought to be a crime, therefore, is to say that the government ought to legislate against certain types of thought. This, however, has long been considered one of the distinguishing characteristics of bad government, government that is tyrannical and totalitarian. Those familiar with George Orwell’s 1984 will remember that in the totalitarian state of Oceania there was a special police force tasked with tracking down anyone questioned, disagreed with, or otherwise dissented from the proclamations and ideology of the ruling Ingsoc Party and its leader Big Brother. Such dissenters, including the novel’s protagonist Winston Smith, were regarded as being guilty of crimethink. I’m quite certain that if Eric Blair were alive today he would be reminding us that this was supposed to be an example to avoid rather than one to emulate.
To return from the idea of hate crimes in general and in the abstract, to the specific, concrete, incident of the sixth of the June, the way our politicians and other civil leaders, aided and abetted by media pundits and religious leaders have been behaving is absolutely atrocious. All evidence that has been released to the public to date points in the direction of this Nathaniel Veltman having been a “lone truckman”. Our politicians, however, led by Captain Airhead and his goofy sidekick Jimmy Dhaliwal, but including Upper Canadian Premier Doug Ford and London Mayor Ed Holder, very quickly and very shamelessly politicized the incident and capitalized upon the suffering of the Afzaal family in order to shift the blame off of the actual perpetrator and onto the Canadian public in general with their incessant talk about “Islamophobia”.
Once again Captain Airhead has been demonstrating his total inability to learn from his past mistakes. One might think that the man who after building his political career upon a carefully constructed image as the poster boy for “woke” anti-racism was revealed to be a serial blackface artist would have learned a little humility and would have given up lecturing the Canadian public about how we all need to be more enlightened and less prejudiced. Or that the man whose efforts to use inappropriate political influence to obtain a prosecutorial deal for a company that was a huge donor to his party landed him in the biggest political scandal of his career might have learned that it is not his place to issue proclamations about criminal guilt before the investigation is complete, charges have been laid, and a conviction obtained. One would certainly hope that the man who has long made it a point of never calling acts of violence perpetrated in the name of Islam “terrorism” would not use this word to describe any act of violence committed against Muslims at the first opportunity that presented itself as if he lived in some fantasy world where Muslims could only be victims and never perpetrators of terrorism. Anyone thinking or hoping such things does not know Captain Airhead very well.
The cynical among us would observe first and foremost just how this incident seems tailor-made to fit Captain Airhead’s agenda. Captain Airhead has made no secret of the fact that he wants Canadians to be less free to disagree with him on matters of race, religion, sex, etc. Granted, he doesn’t word it that way, he says that free speech is important but it doesn’t include hate speech. Here is the key to understanding him. Every time someone says “I believe in free speech” or some equivalent statement expressing support for free speech and a “but” immediately follows that statement, everything that follows the “but” negates and nullifies everything that precedes it. Captain Airhead has been trying since the beginning of his premiership to re-introduce laws forbidding Canadians from expressing views that he doesn’t like on the internet. Bill C-10, introduced last fall for the ostensible purpose of bringing companies like Netflix under the same regulatory oversight of the CRTC as traditional broadcasters, has been widely regarded as a means of smuggling this sort of thing in through the back door, and the Liberals numerous attempts to circumvent open debate in the House so as to ram the bill through prior to the summer adjournment have hardly done anything to assuage such suspicions. Captain Airhead was undoubtedly looking for an incident that he could blow out of proportion enabling him to grandstand and basically say, “See, I’m not a creepy little dictator-wannabee, I’m just trying to fight hate like the kind that we saw here”. No, I’m not suggesting that Captain Airhead faked the incident. I would not be surprised to learn, however, that some memorandum had been sent to law enforcement agencies telling them to be on the lookout for anything that could be plausibly spun as a hate crime, and to flag it as such regardless of the evidence or lack thereof.
As for Jimmy Dhaliwal, the less said about his ridiculous assertions that Muslims are living in constant fear of their Islamophobic neighbours in Canada the better. Such nonsense does not deserve the dignity of a response.
By politicizing this incident in this way, Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal are, of course, trying to put the Canadian public in general on trial. “It is because you are prejudiced against Muslims” they are saying in effect “that this happened, and so you are to blame for this young man’s actions, and therefore you must be punished by having more of your freedoms of thought, conscience, and speech taken from you”. For years the Left has put the Canada of the past, and her founders and historical figures and heroes on trial over the Indian Residential Schools. It has been the kind of trial where only the prosecution is allowed to present evidence and the defense is not allowed to cross-examine much less present a case of its own. Over the past few weeks this mockery of a trial has been renewed due to the non-news item of the discovery of an unmarked cemetery at the Residential School in Kamloops. The incident in London is now being exploited by the Left to put living Canadians of the present day on the same sort of unjust trial before the same sort of kangaroo court of public opinion.
In 1940 the film “My Little Chickadee” was released which starred the legendary sexpot Mae West and the equally legendary lush W. C. Fields. It was the first – and last – time they would appear together. West and Fields had also written the screenplay, or rather West wrote it with some input from Fields in the rare moments he wasn’t totally sloshed, and there is a scene in it in which some of the dialogue is purportedly taken from West’s own experience of thirteen years earlier, when she had been briefly jailed in New York on the rather Socratic charge of “corrupting the morals of youth” over the Broadway play “Sex” that she had written, produced, directed, and, of course, starred in herself. In the scene in the film, West’s character, Miss Flower Belle Lee finds herself, through the tongue of the character played by Margaret Hamilton, the actress who had portrayed the Wicked Witch of the West the previous year and who seems to have remained in character sans green makeup for this film, appearing before a judge. After one of her trademark flippant remarks, the judge asks her “young lady, are you trying to show your contempt for this court?” Her famous reply was “No, your honour, I’m doing my best to conceal it”.
I trust that you, my readers, will recognize that no such concealment is being attempted here. — Gerry T. Neal
Behind the Smiling Mask of Andrew Scheer’s Conservative Party
You might recall seeing a photo months ago (above) of Andrew Scheer standing with— reportedly—some of the most dangerous Islamic leaders in the country. Of course, many of Scheer’s apologists would dismiss the embarrassing photo op by saying that he was simply unaware of the sordid connections of the people posing next to him. But this video indicates that Mr. Scheer was not only aware of who these people are, but he has maintained close personal contact with them:
After seeing this photo and viewing the video, one is moved to ask some serious questions. Questions like:
Is this what a leader of a so called “Conservative” Party looks like?
Is this what a “Conservative” Party stands for?
In my estimation, a “conservative” should want to conserve our Western, European and Christian heritage—not the culture of Islam, a totalitarian blend of religion and politics, an ideology whose holy text prescribes “hijra”, conquest by immigration. https://www.cspii.org/blog/immigration-islamic-doctrine-and-history
Islamophobia? A phobia is an irrational fear. Let’s not fool ourselves. A fear of this ideology is entirely rational, as 1400 years of history attests. It should be pointed out, however, that there is a difference between attacking an ideology and maligning all of its adherents. Most adherents are ordinary law-abiding folk who, like all citizens, deserve full protection from harm or discrimination under the law. But while individuals deserve protection, ideas and ideologies don’t. Belief systems are fair game. It took a long time for Western democracies to dispatch laws against blasphemy, but it seems that politicians and the lobbies they pander to are intent on resurrecting them. Ironically they are quick to warn us of the spectre of violent “white nationalist” extremism while simultaneously courting the votes of the apostles of violent extremism in mosques.
As an indefatigable researcher noted several months ago, the “Conservative” Party has approved three current federal candidates with ties to Islamic extremism (and a sitting Conservative Senator as well). “The party has been well advised of the background of these individuals and yet, to date, have not taken action to remove them. The recent report of Andrew Scheer’s alignment with radical Imams is of growing concern.”
She further notes that “A Conservative Candidate, Ghada Melek, is a Coptic Christian currently being unfairly targeted by the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) who are calling on Melek to drop out of the race “following reports about her past social media posts,” which the NCCM deems to be “Islamophobic.”
The story by Christine Williams can be found here:
After reading this account one is moved to ask “What position will Andrew Scheer take?” Now that is the $64,000 question, isn’t it?
The federal election is fast approaching and many longstanding Conservative members have been fearful of splitting the vote since Maxime Bernier decided to step away from the party a year ago, a decision that most pundits described as foolhardy and suicidal. But as we bear witness to the shameless pandering, opportunism and corruption unfolding among the top echelons of the Conservative, Mr. Bernier’s decision to form a party is looking more and more like a courageous demonstration of integrity and principle.
Bernier’s conspicuous disregard for political correctness and clear articulation of what many ordinary Canadians believe has attracted supporters from across the political spectrum, but many traditional Conservative voters hesitate to make the leap because they hear the voice of the Conservative Party establishment whispering in their ears : “A vote for Bernier is a vote for Trudeau”, or in the case of my own constituency, “A vote for the Peoples’ Party of Canada is a vote for the despicable NDP incumbent, Rachel Blainey.”
The time-worn rationalization for strategic voting simply put is that we must not “split the vote” because dethroning (fill in the blank) is paramount. We must pinch our noses and choose the lesser of the evils.
The problem with this conventional view is two-fold. One is that when all is said and done, there is little to choose between the major parties. Upon closer examination, the Conservative Party looks like a Liberal Party that happens to believe in balanced budgets. But life is not just about numbers. It is, among other things, about the maintenance of our sovereignty, ethno-cultural heritage, family structure and most importantly, the freedom to speak our minds, including the right to criticize any religion. In an authentic democracy, there can be no right “not to be offended.”
Secondly, we must consider the broader moral question. If we always choose the lesser of evils we will be guaranteeing the perpetual reign of evil. At some point, we must be prepared to say “None of the above”. But it seems that whenever we consider voting for our principles, we are told that “this is not the time… our most urgent mission is to rid the country of Trudeau, and once that mission is accomplished, then we can do the fine tuning.” But history suggests that the time for fine tuning never comes, because there is always a new devil on the scene that we must unite against.
We must bite the bullet. We must risk the re-election of Boy Wonder in order to establish a beach head for a party of principle that can keep building its base so that it can be in a position to form a government four years from now. We must be patient. Growing a fledgling party takes time, and in less than a year, Maxime Bernier has made enormous strides—as have the passionately patriotic people who have made his cause their cause. Bernier leads, but he also listens. Bernier launched the People’s Party of Canada, but the PPC is not a “top down” party, but a “bottom up” organization where members feel like participants rather simple foot soldiers. It’s populism in action.
Meanwhile, we will continue to work tirelessly in our endeavour to do the homework and keep Canadians informed. In return, our only request is that once apprised of the facts, each of us must find the courage to share them with all the people in our respective social networks. Our workmates, our neighbours, our friends and especially the members of our own families. Surely that is the least we can do.
Knowledge is Power. You have it. Now share it!
Tim Murray
Additional information about Maxime Bernier
Look, I know that you are upset. I know that you are outraged and saddened by the images of carnage that you see on your TV screen. But before we allow any sense of horror or grief about the victims of a recent Islamic terrorist attack to set in, we must swiftly foreclose any hint of an anti-Muslim backlash , That must be our first priority. We can deal with the perpetrators later.
It is therefore of the utmost importance that the Chief of the local Police be the first to get out of the starting gate and warn those who would dare link Islamic terrorism with Islam that they will charged with a hate crime. We must deflect attention from the violent incident.
To serve this objective, it would be convenient to have someone write ‘Islamophobic’ graffiti on a mosque or sidewalk on the heels of the Islamic terrorist attack so that that the MSM can make that their headline story.
Of course, I don’t mean to minimize the terrible impact that these messages have on Muslims. Why just the other day, Islamophobic graffiti lept up from a sidewalk and brutally assaulted an innocent, law abiding, peaceful, patriotic Muslim as she walked toward a corner shop. If you think that seeing your loved one shredded by a bomb, mowed down by a speeding van or knifed to death is traumatic, just imagine what that poor Muslim on the sidewalk is going through. She no longer feels ‘safe’.
If we want to put an end to these horrific attacks, what we must do is to emphasize that the perpetrators are not “real” Muslims, that their ideology is a perverse distortion of the Religion of Peace, and that those who would say otherwise are being ‘divisive’. Then trot out a half dozen Muslim clerics—with Christian clergy flanking them—to reinforce this point. If we do all of those things, Islam-inspired terrorism will go away. After all, its worked up till now, hasn’t it? Our love-not-hate/inter-faith dialogue approach has got violent jihadism on the run.
It all goes to prove that in order to defeat an enemy, you must establish who the enemy actually is. The mainstream media has done an excellent job of doing exactly that. Good work guys! As you proved in your predictions about the outcome of the Brexit and the November U.S. Presidential election, you have a firm grasp of reality. Huffington Post, the NYT, the Globe and Mail, CNN, NPR, the BBC and the CBC in particular must be cited for their reliably accurate portrayals and incisive analysis. If ever you want to know about the net costs of mass immigration or the main concepts of Islamic doctrine, you need only to refer to these oracles of wisdom.
It is a failing of human nature that we often demonize The Other or the stranger in our midst simply because we don’t know them. In a crowded world where we must live side by side with those who think or behave differently than we do, this can be a fatal flaw. Somehow we must find a way to transcend our differences, reach out and build bridges, not walls. Our peace and security depends on it. I know, it is herculean task that is easier said than done. The impediments seem insuperable.
Fortunately , however, progressives have provided us with the tools we need to accomplish this critically urgent task. They know what it takes to make multicultural, multi-ethnic societies work, as they manifestly have the world over. They know that if we do just four things, we can make it happen:
The first is to project our liberal values and good intentions on those without them. We know that once they enter our gates, they will immediately check their tribal mindset at the door, embrace and accept our core values and the European culture that gave birth to them. Such will be their gratitude with our hospitality and tolerance that they—and especially their alienated sons—will search for ways to pay us back. Examples abound.
The second is to criminalize speech that would call our multicultural strategy into question. Anyone who would sow doubt about the virtue of ethnic and religious diversity must be threatened with legal action, bankrupted by law fare, shamed, marginalized, or incarcerated. Dissidents and the odious views they promulgate must be quarantined. Ours must remain a free and open society. Inclusion must be our watchword.
The third is to accept our enemy’s definition of who they are and what their ideology is all about. Wilful ignorance about the precepts of their faith or belief system is helpful in this regard.
The last but not the least of our tools is mass immigration. If we import another million or two million Muslims, then we can show the bigots out there that most Muslims are ordinary people just like themselves. If there are enough Muslims, it will be impossible to avoid rubbing shoulders with them. We won’t need to venture into a Muslim enclave because every neighbourhood will become part of the Caliphate. If you want to know what such a utopia looks like, take a trip to the Middle East. Or put on a skirt and walk into a Muslim no-go zone without a head scarf.
Muslims are people too. Moderate, patriotic peaceful people going about their daily business as you do yours. The only difference is that according to Pew polls, a lot of them happen to favour key features of sharia law, like killing adulterers, apostates and gays. Otherwise, they’re cool.
Peace and harmony is there for the taking. All we need is love and understanding, and a little obfuscation.
Tim Murray
June 4, 2017
This is a FAIR USE of the YouTube video of Srosh Hassana addressing the House of Commons in Canada on International Women’s Day March 8, 2017.
Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at: http://canadafirst.
You can join Paul’s email list by contacting him at paul@paulfromm.com .
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My 2010 book is “A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH – A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth”, available in book or ebook form at Amazon.com at:
My first book from 1999, is “Freeing the Buddha,” with chpater 13, Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism, also at Amazon at:
“These women may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern.”
MP Iqra Khalid cannot advance the cause of extremist Islam on one hand and then complain about Islamophobia on the other. Her direct connections to Islamist front groups means she must either publicly disavow extremist groups such as Jamaah e Islami and the Muslim Brotherhood, or withdraw her motion.
Iqra Khalid is the Liberal Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Erindale, elected in 2015. She recently tabled a motion in the House of Commons which would “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination.”
Clearly, the intent of her motion is not to address issues of discrimination, but rather to silence anyone who speaks out against Islamists in Canada.
For instance, Irqa Khalid was President of the Muslim Student Association when she was a student at York University (early 2000s). The Muslim Student Association was founded by adherents of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1963. The Muslim Student Association has a series of alumni who have become suicide bombers, ISIS fighters and ISIS propagandists.
The Muslim Student Association at York University handed out a book at Islam Awareness Week with the title “Women in Islam & Refutation of some Common Misconceptions.” The chapter on WIFE DISCIPLINING (page 99 of the online version) makes the following observation: Submissive or subdued women. These women may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern.
The Muslim Student Association at Guelph University was also handing out similar literature in 2017.
Iqra Khalid joined the Liberal Party approximately seven months before she was nominated on December 13th, 2014. Mr Shafqat Ali is/was a long time Liberal Party member in the Mississauga area and he was thought to have a front running position for the nomination. For reasons that have never been publicly made clear, he suddenly withdrew his nomination at an Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) hosted event. He asked that his followers support Iqra Khalid.
Ms Khalid is the daughter of Dr. Hafiz Khalid, a long-time associate of the ISNA and formerly a vocal supporter of Jamaat-e-Islami.
Terrorism Funding Revocation
The ISNA ‘Development Fund’ had its charitable status revoked for funding terrorism in 2013. The ultimate recipient of the money was the Jamaat-e-Islami, which is seen as the south Asian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Toronto Star also reported on extensive fraud inside the ISNA whereby money for the poor was squandered .
Iqra Khalid is/was a member of CAMP – Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals. She was the Communications Coordinator under (then) President and CEO Najamuddin Mohammed. Despite claiming to be a networking organization, CAMP’s own website says it was created to:
“educate and activate the community on issues of political significance at home and abroad. CAMP organizes activities and lectures, seminars and discussions on political activism to get the membership and the community involved in the political process to better ourselves and our communities at home or abroad.”
CAMP has multiple ties to the North American Muslim Brotherhood. At one point, a former Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was listed by CAMP as an adviser and Zeba Iqbal, the Vice-Chair of CAMP International, is also on the board of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC-NY). At least one of the CAMP chapters, CAMP Toronto, has joined with other Muslim Brotherhood organizations such as the (terror listed group) Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), ISNA, and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) to issue protests at Israeli actions in Gaza and against the Niqab (full face veil) ban (a CAMP VP wears it) and in support of Omar Khadr, who was held in Guantanamo on charges of killing an American soldier in Afghanistan. As noted in one of its own announcements:
“The Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals (CAMP) has announced that it second keynote speaker for its July 2010 annual dinner, held during the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) weekend, will be Obama administration faith advisor Dahlia Mogahed.”
MP Iqra Khalid, like MP Omar Alghabra, is typical of the Islamist extremists that are using political Entryism to infiltrate our political system. She leads and supports front groups which espouse Islamist extremism, such as the Muslim Student Association, yet at the same time claims to be a victim of the (largely) fake concept of Islamophobia.
Canada and its Parliament would be best served is Member of Parliament Iqra Khadid would either directly denounce the Muslim Brotherhood, the ISNA and the Muslim Student Association or admit that she is a supporter of extremist Islamists – including those that advocate wife beating here in Canada.
Stop Motion 103 – First Step to Outlawing Criticism of Islam