Does Canada Have An Anti-Anglophone Federal Government? Is Justin Trudeau fulfilling a covert agenda instigated by so-called father Pierre Trudeau? Brad Salzberg Jul 27 Share Share For nearly eight years in office, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has prided himself on a so-called “progressive” form of governance. While Canadian media echo the sentiment, an ominous undertone of what “progress” really means falls outside the scope of media narrative. One form of progress is currently eluding millions of citizens of our country who qualify as “Old Stock” Canadians. The offspring of generations of European immigrants, most of these citizens derive from a secular or religious Christian background. To say these communities are getting the “short end of the federal government stick” is the understatement of the decade. Devoid of community solidarity, white Canadians today exist as a quintessential “silent majority.” It isn’t difficult to see why. Simply put, no one speaks of them. Nearly eight years in office, and PM Trudeau has yet to make verbal reference to English Canada, as well as any form of reference toward our Anglophone communities. To be sure, Mr. Trudeau doesn’t like our type. He much prefers French-Canadians. Canadians of 3rd World origin are a close second. For verification, we turn to the plight of Anglophones within Canada’s social and political arena. As a result of this week’s Federal Cabinet shuffle, the new Liberal MPs entering cabinet are Jenna Sudds, Rechie Valdez, Ya’ara Saks, Arif Virani, Gary Anandasangaree, Soraya Martinez Ferrada and Terry Beech. Seven new members, one of which is an Anglophone male. Broadening the scope beyond a federal level reveals what CBC and corporate media never speak of: The “running of the Anglophone” from political office in Canada. Those who believe it to be limited to federal politics take head. At every level of government, white Canadians are being hustled out and replaced with those favoured by Trudeau: Quebecers, 3rd World migrants, homosexuals. According to Statistics Canada, our country has five cities with a population exceeding one million residents: Out of the five– Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton— just one has an Anglophone mayor. We absolutely cannot understand how an ex-Liberal Cabinet member from the Trudeau government, Amarjeet Sohi, was elected Mayor of Edmonton. In the most recent federal election, the Liberals didn’t win a single seat in Alberta. A total washout, all seats save one(NDP) were taken by the Conservative Party. What happened? Suddenly every Edmontonian worth their winter boots voted for ex-Liberal MP Amarjeet Sohi? One has to wonder about the forces controlling Canadian politics at present. Whoever they are, they do not like “our kind.” Why not? Because Anglophones exist as a thorn-in-the-side to Justin Trudeau’s pseudo-communist assault on society. Toss aside the white snowflakes, and what remains are ten million Old Stock Canadians with an ability to see through the veneer of Justin Trudeau’s “woke socialist revolution.” Looking back, we consider the methods that nascent totalitarian governments used to disempower unwanted segments of society. Fundamental to the endeavor is coordinated government-media propaganda. Trudeau’s Liberals accomplished this through a tacit purchasing of establishment media. Once accomplished, the PM went about insulting and degrading our communities, branding us racist, homophobic and genocidal. Covid from China brought another neo-communist tactic to the mix: the “running of the Christian,” manifest in a plethora of arrests of Canadian pastors. After 50 Christian churches were burned down in arson attacks, PM Trudeau responded with a shrug of his shoulders, stating that the attacks “were understandable.” Make no mistake– this Trudeau fellow has it in for us, big time. His LGBT advocacy delivers another angle to the agenda. It’s a funny thing– as much as LGBT, Pride and Transgender propaganda have permeated society, media never speak of a specific downside: LGBT results in fewer children being born. Do tell, fellow patriots: why, in a country with a rapidly shrinking population, does our prime minister promote the hell out of non-birthing LGBT advocacy? Trudeau maintains the same vehemence toward promoting Abortion and Euthanasia. All of which maintain a commonality. They result in an impediment of children being born in Canada. It’s a weird phenomenon– until we begin to think about which communities most indulge in these practices. Every way you look at it, Anglophones in Canada are down on their luck. Media never speak of us in a communal sense. Muslims, Sikhs, Chinese, Quebecois, Tamil Tigers. Your name them, and Justin Trudeau has pandered to them in a giant way. But when it comes to Anglophone Canadians, silence is golden. And here we are sitting back and taking it. If we had to pick a question most often asked of CAP by our readers, it would be something along the lines of “why do we put up with it?” A fair question it is– why do Anglo-European Canadians sit back and take the abuse Team Trudeau has been throwing in our faces for the past seven-plus years? The answer comes in recognition of a 50-history of pre-meditated socio-political seduction. With Canada’s colonial founding as ammunition, a Quebecois communist by the name of Pierre Trudeau set our people up for the fall. The first major sign was an introduction of Multiculturalism in the early 1970’s. Forced upon an unsuspecting general public, it was only a matter of time before “diversity” steamrolled right over our communities. Wanna know the problem with so-called diversity? It has no ceiling. No point of demarcation exists as to when multiculturalism will be declared a success. Canada’s multicultural pushers are insatiable. Nothing is good enough, and nothing ever will be. That is, until whitey is pushed to the side, his position usurped by PM Trudeau’s preferred form of citizen: Those willing to accept every draconian, freedom-stripping piece of neo-communism he is throwing at our society. Back in the world of high-level politics, we point to the reality of the Anglophone-Canadian predicament. Out of 39 Liberal Cabinet Members, just seven are male Anglophones. In what seems like ancient history, ex-Conservative PM Stephen Harper’s Cabinet had 18 out of 38. A microcosm for society it is. Justin Trudeau is gunning for disempowerment of one identifiable Canadian community. Like so-called father Pierre, he is at heart a Quebecois communist. Caught off-guard through a half-century of seduction, the destiny of English Canada and its Anglophone communities stands on shaky ground. |