Tag Archives: Martin loney

  “No Whites Should Apply For This Job”: Preferential Hiring Has To Be banned  

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  “No Whites Should Apply For This Job”: Preferential Hiring Has To Be banned  
“In May of 2018, PM Trudeau announced yet another government apology, this time to Canada’s Jews. According to Trudeau, Canada had sinned greatly in 1939 by denying entry to Canada about 250 Jews fleeing Europe aboard the ship called The St. Louis. According to historians, those Jews were forced to return to Europe and eventually suffered through WW2’s Holocaust.
Rosalie Abella is the first on the left.

Rosalie Abella is the first on the left
Before issuing any apology to all of Canada’s Jews, Trudeau should do some important research on one Jew in particular : Rosalie Abella. She served on Canada’s Supreme Court. Her parents had survived the European Holocaust and migrated to Canada after World War 2. In the mid-1980’s, after conducting a campaign of arrogant and very sloppy research on Hiring in Canada, she developed  a preferential hiring policy called “Employment Equity” which was intended to benefit coloured people and other minorities.

It was a copy of the U.S. Affirmative Action policy. It was later legislated and is now a national policy in Canada.In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but ironically created her own Holocaust in Canada. In fact, unbelievable as this sounds, bureaucrats later wrote,  the phrase “No Whites Should Apply” into Canadian government job ads!How much damage did her work do?  Enormous!! She probably succeeded in denying jobs to millions of White Canadians. 

In fact, the number of White Canadian lives she destroyed may well be greater than the traditionally- cited 6 million Jewish lives destroyed by Hitler !!If Canadians are to hear another apology, it should obviously be extracted from now-retired Judge Abella and the herd of “Diversity-hiring” hacks she unleashed on Canada’s public and private sectors. If Trudeau is remotely interested in performing his duty to Canadian-born, he should be demanding an apology from Abella and her herd of boot-lickers.

Let us repeat : In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but she created her own Holocaust in Canada.Lets not stop there. After demanding an apology from Abella , Trudeau, should terminate Abella’s entire “Employment Equity” program. In addition, Trudeau should start a number of Canadian-style Nuremberg Trials to deal with Abella and all those who have carried out her unjustified, idiotic and destructive recommendations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For details of Abella’s crime, see Dr. Martin Loney’s book, The Pursuit of Division : Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring. Dr. Loney documents in great detail the origins and results of Rosalie Abella’s disgraceful and sloppy work.
Dan Murray, Immigration Watch Canada www.ImmigrationWatchCanada.org
  “No Whites Should Apply For This Job”: Preferential Hiring Has To Be banned  
“In May of 2018, PM Trudeau announced yet another government apology, this time to Canada’s Jews. According to Trudeau, Canada had sinned greatly in 1939 by denying entry to Canada about 250 Jews fleeing Europe aboard the ship called The St. Louis. According to historians, those Jews were forced to return to Europe and eventually suffered through WW2’s Holocaust.
Rosalie Abella is the first on the left.

Rosalie Abella is the first on the left
Before issuing any apology to all of Canada’s Jews, Trudeau should do some important research on one Jew in particular : Rosalie Abella. She served on Canada’s Supreme Court. Her parents had survived the European Holocaust and migrated to Canada after World War 2. In the mid-1980’s, after conducting a campaign of arrogant and very sloppy research on Hiring in Canada, she developed  a preferential hiring policy called “Employment Equity” which was intended to benefit coloured people and other minorities.

It was a copy of the U.S. Affirmative Action policy. It was later legislated and is now a national policy in Canada.In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but ironically created her own Holocaust in Canada. In fact, unbelievable as this sounds, bureaucrats later wrote,  the phrase “No Whites Should Apply” into Canadian government job ads!How much damage did her work do?  Enormous!! She probably succeeded in denying jobs to millions of White Canadians. 

In fact, the number of White Canadian lives she destroyed may well be greater than the traditionally- cited 6 million Jewish lives destroyed by Hitler !!If Canadians are to hear another apology, it should obviously be extracted from now-retired Judge Abella and the herd of “Diversity-hiring” hacks she unleashed on Canada’s public and private sectors. If Trudeau is remotely interested in performing his duty to Canadian-born, he should be demanding an apology from Abella and her herd of boot-lickers.

Let us repeat : In a few words, Abella escaped the European Holocaust, but she created her own Holocaust in Canada.Lets not stop there. After demanding an apology from Abella , Trudeau, should terminate Abella’s entire “Employment Equity” program. In addition, Trudeau should start a number of Canadian-style Nuremberg Trials to deal with Abella and all those who have carried out her unjustified, idiotic and destructive recommendations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For details of Abella’s crime, see Dr. Martin Loney’s book, The Pursuit of Division : Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring. Dr. Loney documents in great detail the origins and results of Rosalie Abella’s disgraceful and sloppy work.
Dan Murray, Immigration Watch Canada www.ImmigrationWatchCanada.org

Bizarre BMO incident involving First Nations shows result of preferential hiring

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Bizarre BMO incident involving First Nations shows result of preferential hiring

Bizarre BMO treatment of Native family

The bizarre incident happened at the B.C. Head Office of the Bank of Montreal in downtown Vancouver. The fact that the incident happened at the B.C. BMO Head Office, not an office in a small town, indicates that the incident involved the highest level of the BMO organization.

The fact that the BMO Manager at that BMO Head Office was unaware of some crucial basics in Canada’s history indicates that, at the very least, the BMO has to provide very basic Canadian History training for its managers and other potential high level BMO employees.

The same could probably be said about Canada’s other big banks and large corporations. Equally important, the BMO, Canada’s other big banks and large corporations should be made aware of the lack of any justification for Canada’s Preferential Hiring policy.

The behavior of the BMO Manager leads to these inevitable questions :

(1) How did the BMO Manager happen to get the job of “Manager” ? Supposedly, the manager had basic Bank Manager education in Accounting and banking, but were the other important “qualifications” the fact that The BMO Manager was (A) a visible minority of East Indian origin and (B) that BMO was probably blindly following Canada’s “Preferential Hiring for Visible Minorities policy”?

According to a CBC article that was published in late 2019/early 2020, the First Nations grandfather (Maxwell Johnson) presented his “Indian Status Card” to the BMO manager as proof of his identity. The grandfather already had a BMO account and was trying to open another bank account for his grand-daughter (Torianne) who was with him at the time of the incident. However, the BMO Manager apparently did not know what an “Indian Status Card” was. In fact, as wild as this sounds, the BMO manager thought that the grandfather was from India and described the grandfather and grand-daughter as “South Asians” !!

Furthermore, the manager made a phone call to a government office in a city in India to ask for advice because the manager had concluded that the grandfather was trying to commit fraud. To say the least, this action is bizarre.

(2) How could the BMO Manager have lived in Canada for even a short time and not have absorbed some basics of Canadian history?

(3) How often have those who have benefited from Canada’s unjustified Preferential Hiring policy (supposedly the BMO Manager in this incident) committed bizarre actions like this? The number is probably very high because the number of recent Visible Minorities who have been placed in positions of authority is also very high. Also how many Visible Minority “managers” have engaged in perpetuating the practice of giving preference to Visible Minorities when hiring? It is common in many businesses to see that employees come from one ethnic group such as Chinese, Sikhs, Muslims. Is there someone in the Ottawa Swamp who is willing to start a thorough investigation into this matter?

(4) Finally and typically, the CBC and other Mainstream Media have seized on this incident to call it another example of “Systemic Racism”. According to the quisling CBC, “Systemic Racism” is rampant in Canada and Whites are the ones perpetrating it. Also according to the CBC, one of the regular victim groups of “systemic racism” here is Canada’s First Nations population. The problem with such thinking in this case is that the person who might be accused of racism is the BMO Bank Manager who is not a White person. In fact, if the manager’s name is “Sukhjinder”, the manager is probably a brown-skinned or black-skinned Sikh !!

In spite of some inconsistencies in the story of the incident, the grandfather recently launched a Human Rights complaint against the Bank of Montreal. It would seem that corporations like the Bank of Montreal, other big banks/ large corporations and Canada’s politicians need to be significantly embarrassed in order for bizarre incidents like this to stop. These people don’t seem to learn in any other way. After the bizarre incident was publicized, about 15 BMO representatives flew into the Bella Bella Reserve where the First Nations Grandfather and his granddaughter lived.

the reserve, all 15 participated in a “cleansing” ceremony. How about a type of cleansing ceremony that would help even more? How about Canada’s politicians cleansing Canada of its policy of Preferential Hiring for Visible Minorities?

After all, according to Dr. Martin Loney’s extensive research on preferential hiring, there never was any evidence for implementing that policy.
If the Liberals really believe in evidence-based legislation, how has such a sloppily-based policy introduced by a sloppy judge (Rosalie Abella) continued to exist?
For details, see https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bmo-heiltsuk-bella-bella-ceremony-1.5483320
The CBC Reporter who first wrote about this incident is Angela Sterritt. Ironically, she comes from a First Nations group called the Gitksan whose traditional territory is in Central and north-western B.C.
For details about the Gitskan, see https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/gitksan
For details on Preferential Hiring, see Dr. Martin Loney’s “The Pursuit of Division : Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring in Canada”
Dan Murray, www.ImmigrationWatchCanada.org