Tag Archives: Angela Merkel

Afghan Illegal, Another of Merkel’s Murderers, Runs Down 28 in Munich

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Farhad Noori, rejected asylum seeker in Germany, runs down 28 people at a trade union demonstration in Munich


Feb 13, 2025


Today at 10:30am near Stiglmaierplatz in Munich – not far from my old apartment – a 26 year-old asylum seeker in Germany named Farhad Noori1 drove his Mini Cooper into the rear of a Verdi trade union demonstration. He evaded the marchers’ police escort and ran down 28 people, before officers opened fire and managed to subdue him. Two of Noori’s victims, a mother and her young son, ended up under his car. The young boy had to be resuscitated on-scene by emergency responders and it is uncertain whether he will live.


This was the second automobile attack on innocent bystanders in public since Magdgeburg in December, when the Saudi migrant Taleb al-Abdulmohsen drove a rented BMW into a Christmas market crowd, killing 6 and injuring 299. To this terrible tally comes the knife attacks in Mannheim, Solingen and Aschaffenburg. This singular and exceedingly rare category of crime – which has become a symbol for the decay in domestic security associated with mass migration – presently claims a nine-month toll in Germany of 12 dead and 343 wounded. The latest attack is additionally poignant, because it follows the Green and Social Democrat blockade of a bill to restrict migration in the Bundestag on 31 January. Among other things, the left parties withheld their votes because Alternative für Deutschland supported the legislation.

Noori fits what is by now a well-established pattern: He is a native Afghan who came to Germany in 2016 with the rest of the Merkel wave; he was known to the police for theft and drug offences; after the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees rejected his asylum application, he received a visa of tolerated stay anyway.

Like al-Abdulmohsen, the Christmas market attacker, Noori also had a large social media presence, with 68,000 followers on Instagram and another 33,000 on TikTok. On Instagram one finds pictures he posted last year of himself standing next to the Mini Cooper used in today’s attack:


Noori was primarily a competitive bodybuilder, but he was also a pious Muslim; Der Spiegel notes that some of his final social media posts contain “Islamist content,” which seems to be a reference to TikTok posts like this one. In apparent video of his arrest this morning, Noori can be heard shouting “God is great” over and over:

What will happen now is the very same thing that happened after all of these other attacks. Politicians will tell us that these events are unacceptable and that Germany must enact grave changes to prevent them in future. Then there will be renewed marches to celebrate diversity and oppose “the right,” because the most important victims of migrants attackers are of course all the peaceful Muslims they did not attack. Around this time we will be warned against over-generalising and overreacting, and then the story will slip from the headlines until the next time.

UPDATE: Some additional details have come to light. Noori’s asylum application was rejected in 2017, a year after his arrival. He became an illegal resident in 2020, but received his visa of toleration sometime thereafter. Some of his (now-deleted) Instagram posts show that he worked as store security for Ralph Lauren in Munich. He was known to the authorities for document forgery, among other crimes.


All media are presently withholding Noori’s family name, but your intrepid blogger discovered it – and his social media accounts – through his own researches. In this way I can offer you a modest second-order ‘exclusive.’ Believe me, I take no pleasure in this.

One of Merkel’s Monsters, An Eritrean, Rapes & Impregnates His 12-Year-Old Daughter

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Posted on November 1, 2024

African Migrant Rapes and Impregnates His Own 12-Year-Old Daughter in German Refugee Home

Remix, October 31, 2024

The 40-year-old Tesfalem A., a migrant from Eritrea, is standing trial for raping and impregnating his own 12-year-old daughter.

The girl first went to the hospital for stomach pains only for doctors to discover that she was five months pregnant. Once an abortion was conducted, a DNA test was ran on the baby’s umbilical cord, which confirmed that the baby’s father was Tesfalem A. The girl was already five months prengant before she went to the doctor.

Tesfalem A. is currently standing trial in the Giessen Regional Court of Hesse. The prosecutor states that the man, who works as a nursing assistant, had “sexual intercourse with his daughter” on July 23, 2023, impregnating her.

The father said in court that he is “sorry from the bottom of my heart.” However, he has not confessed to the specific crime, simply saying he was drunk at the time of the incident after drinking 10 beers and has no memory of the incident.

“I drank too much,” he said. “From that point on, I was no longer in my right mind.”

However, when he first spoke to investigators, he made no mention of being intoxicated, raising the question of whether he is attempting to formulate a justification for his actions after being caught months after the incident.

When the rape took place, his daughter and her father were living in a refugee shelter in Friedberg. The man is a single father and was divorced at the time the girl was raped.

The guardians of the girl say she was traumatized due to the rape and refuses to speak about the incident.

A psychologist said that the girl did not even understand how babies were made when questioned. A police officer speaking to Bild stated: “She is a child – with an absolutely childlike body and not a teenager in terms of personality either. Shy and reserved.”

The trial is ongoing.

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Merkel’s Rapefugees, Almost All From the Third World

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More Enrichment, Courtesy of Kalergi Apostle Angela Merkel

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More Enrichment, Courtesy of Kalergi Apostle Angela Merkel

Democide: Transformed as Hard-Core Hooton Plan Implemented

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Democide: Germany Transformed as Hard-Core Hooton Plan Implemented

7–9 minutes

In 1943, prominent American anthropologist Ernest Hooton wrote an an article headlined “Breed War Strain Out of Germans” for New York Daily newspaper. The concept was an “outbreeding” plan to “destroy German nationalism and ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities.”

The Harvard University professor’s proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers; and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women. Ten to 12 million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies.

“The objects of this measure,” wrote Dr. Hooton, “include reduction of the birthrate of ‘pure’ Germans, neutralization of German ‘aggressiveness’ by outbreeding and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.”

This scheme, Hooton estimated, would require at least 20 years to be implemented. “During this period, it would encourage the immigration and settlement in Germany of non-German nationals, especially males,” he wrote.

In practice a much more horrific version of the Hooton Plan was jump started with a genocide. An estimated five million or more German POWs (see Rhine-Meadows death camps- You Tube banned in Europe) and civilians were exterminated and murdered in the Hellstorm period of 1944-1946.

Read:  The Non-Existent Trial of British War Criminal and Monster Frederick Lindemann

Here we see aerial footage of unarmed German farmers murdered in the closing days of the war, when food was in short supply for all Europeans. Title is 1945 Strafing of Farmers on Horse Drawn Vehicles (actually carts) – direct link

This is hidden history that is shockingly and totally suppressed. Winter Watch holds that everyone with limited, poor or non-existent interpretative frameworks of real history should watch these two videos. If nothing else you should also watch these videos to ask yourself the question as to why they are so banned and suppressed.

Now that Germany’s birth rate is below the replacement level of 2.1, millions of racially and culturally alien migrants are welcomed in Germany. The number of children of mixed ethnicity has sharply increased, and the ethnic-cultural character of much of the country has been drastically altered, especially in the larger cities. 26% of Germany’s population is foreign background.

Historically up to WWI Germany had very robust birth rates and large families at about 5.0. Emigration to America was one of the population release valves. WWI greatly impacted German demographics.  2,037,000 German soldiers were killed in World War I and many more were maimed and had their health damaged. The post-war birth rate averaged about 2.5 up until the Great Depression. The Depression obliterated the birth rate which fell to about 1.7 between 1929-1934. Pretty shocking for a country with 5.0 thirty years earlier.

It is a bit of a myth that the National Socialists turned this around much- but finally by 1938-1940 it was running 2.35. WWII ended all that and once again the flower of German mankind and also many women perished in war. The German government reported that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel. Civilian deaths during the war include air raid deaths, estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000 to 500,000. Civilian deaths, due to the aforementioned Hellstorm, namely the flight and expulsion of Germans, Soviet and Allied war crimes and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union are disputed and range from 500,000 to over 2.0 million.

Unlike the United States there was no post war baby boom. In the 1950s and 60s birth rates stabilized at about 2.4. Life expectancy increased, which kept the population at least treading water. But once again the rate tailed off. Astonishingly in 1991-1996 it fell well below 1.0 before recovering slightly to about 1.4. In 2021 the birth rate of Germany is 1.58 and half the population is over 45.  Many of the births are not ethnic Germans.

Now come official figures from Germany’s Federal Statistics Office (FSO): In 2019, 26% of Germans of any age group (up from 18,4% in 2008) and 39% of German children (up from 30% in 2008) had at least one parent born abroad. The biggest group are Turks at 1.52 million. Another 8.3 million are from other white European backgrounds, with Poles the largest group, followed by Romanians, Italians, Greeks, Croatians and Serbs. In the post Hellstorm period and up to 2014, the trend was more about Europeanizing Germany (with a major Turkish and Balkan factor), and not so much about white democide or mortacide. This was also a natural consequence of Germany’s role in the EU.

But since then, the vast majority come from Muslim countries and from Africa. Not even the extreme and hostile 1943 Hooton Plan would have promoted this mix. Hooton today would be a blessing. Hooton in general pushed for Europeanizing Germany.

The FSO data collected in mid 2015 fails to reflect the more than 1.6 million migrants who arrived during that year and the first half of 2016, which skews the numbers even higher. There are today noticeable numbers of French and English speaking Africans on the streets of German cities. In Berlin, people with a migration background comprise 30% of residents. Ethnic Germans are already a minority in the district center and many of the surrounding central districts.

Even before cuck Angela Merkel “opened the lock,” a quarter of people between the ages of 15 and 45 had foreign roots in 2014. By and large it was a pan-European population. Today, as mentioned, 40% under 18 do. Opening the lock is very much an extremist hard-core Hooton scheme.

The other hidden democide story is the Ukraine. The country has very low birth rates typically averaging 1.5. Ukraine subsequently has one of the oldest populations in the world, with the average age of 40.8 years.

To date there have been around 16.9 million border crossings from Ukraine into neighboring countries due to the ongoing war. The war has reduced the flower of Ukrainian manhood by about 100,000 to date.

Since the fall of Communism, the Ukraine has been systematically looted by the Crime Syndicate oligarch sistema and poor governance. The real background story of the impeachment hearings is the shitstorm and skulduggery that the Ukraine endures. We will address this further, but our not read nearly enough post on the loot of PrivatBank at the hands of Jewish kleptocrat criminals is illustrative.

Merkel’s Madhouse — ‘Don’t go to Germany!’

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Merkel’s Madhouse — ‘Don’t go to Germany!’


Canadian citizen Monika Schaefer has just been arrested and thrown into prison in Germany. She had committed no crime. Author Mike Walsh warns potential visitors to Germany to stay away from this dangerous police state.   

As Germany turns into a repressive violent state, travellers are on a ‘visit at your peril’ red alert.  Entangled in electoral mayhem and threatened by refugee violence, the Merkel regime is said to be staring into the abyss.

Normal life is fast disappearing.

Also disappearing are many Germans now fleeing to Hungary.

And Poles are returning to their homeland to escape rampant refugee violence gripping Germany’s once beautiful cities.

Greece has suffered a calamitous 41 percent drop in tourism as a consequence of the invasion by non-European benefit bandits.

German’s tourist sector is reeling from an even greater drop in visitor figures.

Private properties in the hotel and leisure sector have been commandeered by the state to accommodate the new foreign invaders.

In the latest bizarre twist, STASI-like German cops have arrested a visiting Canadian pensioner. The state-sponsored abduction occurred in front of an astonished courthouse.

Canadian Monika Schaefer, whilst attending a Munich court hearing on January 3, was seized by three armed cops, handcuffed and taken to the cells.  Attendees and observers seated in the court’s public galleries stared at each other in disbelief.

The retired musician, a Canadian citizen of German ancestry who learned to play the violin at age 7 and is a skilled solo performer, is now in a High Security prison in Munich.


In an astonishing exchange of words Germany’s State Prosecutor snapped at the protesting music teacher, “If you wanted to stay free, you should have stayed in Canada!”

Is the diminutive music tutor a deranged escapee with a long record of violence? No, she is a getting-on-in-years lady and happened to take an interest in the holocaust. Disturbed by what appeared to be exaggerated figures that relate to compensation pay-outs, Monika Schaefer discovered that the holocaust was being used as an international scam to extract money from the German State and to bolster sympathy for Israel.

Despite overwhelming evidence of holocaust related fraud, which has been published in western media, Monika Schaefer’s arrest could result in a five-year prison term for carrying out investigations that actually supports many leading figures, including prominent Jews, who are also outraged at the extent of holocaust-related fraud.

Observers say this is a deeply worrying trend and compare it to the notorious 17th Century witch hunts of Medieval Europe.

The mainstream media is playing safe and publishing press releases issued only by Jewish pressure groups. This strategy gives readers and viewers a skewered account of the bizarre abduction.


Supporters of the UN UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS are advised against travel to Germany and urged to warn friends who may be contemplating a visit to Merkel’s Germany.

sent to prison in Angela Merkel’s Germany
for asking awkward questions about the Holocaust!



“Merkel is at the risk of an imminent mental breakdown
and now represents a danger to Germany.”
— Hans-Joachim Maaz, top German psychiatrist and author


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Note: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS.

Since 2005, Americans have been warned about microscopic border crossers carried in with refugees and illegal immigrants, bringing diseases previously eradicated or rarely seen here. When not simply ignored by media and health officials, physicians and others sounding the alarm have been attacked as xenophobes.

Now we’re seeing these prescient predictions come true, most prominently in Germany, since 2015 when Angela Merkel began allowing more than 2 million migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to flood into her country.

U.S. and German citizens are put at significant risk by the politically correct acceptance of unscreened immigrants from countries with a high prevalence of infectious diseases, many difficult or impossible to treat. Yet authorities in both countries have failed to fully inform the public of the dangers.

According to the July 2017 Infectious Disease Epidemiology Annual Report by the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, Germany has seen a surge in chicken pox, cholera, dengue fever, tuberculosis, leprosy, measles, malaria, meningococcal diseases, hemorrhagic fevers, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, paratyphoid, rubella, shigellosis, syphilis, typhus, toxoplasmosis, tularemia, trichinellosis, whooping cough, and many fungal and parasitic infections. Here are a few striking examples:

Measles is up more than 450 percent. Hepatitis B is up 300 percent. Scabies escalated nearly 3,000 percent. HIV/AIDS increased 30 percent. Tuberculosis (TB) is at least 30 percent higher – but German and U.S. physicians suspect that the incidence of TB is actually far higher than reported, and is being downplayed to avoid causing public outrage over the influx of immigrants. In Germany, more than 40 percent of TB cases are multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB).Dengue fever is up over 25 percent just from 2014.

A similar pattern has emerged in the U.S. since the massive increase in illegal border crossers and refugees beginning in 2010.

As in the U.S., many hundreds of thousands of migrants “disappear” into cities and towns across Germany, without a health screening. There is no way to monitor them for disease or to ensure adequate treatment. Citizens are exposed without their knowledge; risks are especially serious for children and the elderly.

In a briefing to the Arizona Senate in 2016, experts reported that the U.S. is suffering near “pandemic medical issues” due to the continuous influx of illegal aliens and refugees from countries where infectious diseases are widespread. As of 2016, two states were in the Catastrophic Phase and another 13 were in the Critical Phase of public health impact from these infectious diseases. Arizona was No. 9 of 13 states in the Critical Phase but was expected to move into the Catastrophic Phase by fall of 2016 as a result of people who are latent carriers of disease or who entered the country during the incubation period for a disease. We were unable to learn the current status from personal calls to Arizona county and state officials.

TB is one of the most serious threats. Latent TB can remain dormant for years, even decades. It is alarming that 18 percent of refugees in Arizona arrive with latent TB, while in the general Arizona population the incidence was only 4 percent. Multidrug resistant TB (MDR-TB), common in migrants, may cost more than $400,000 per patient, compared with $20,000 for the drug-responsive TB that has been predominant in U.S.-born patients. Treatment of MDR-TB has serious side effects, with no guarantee of success.

U.S. taxpayers pay this cost. In addition, all who might have been exposed to an active case must be screened, followed and possibly treated.

Even healthy immigrants burden the system with social costs, such as housing, education and food stamps – costs borne by taxpaying workers whose own wages are depressed by competition from a glut of low-paid foreigners. Illegal immigrants are estimated to cost U.S. taxpayers $17 billion per year. That $17 billion is in addition to the costs for those allowed here legally under “refugee” status, for which we do not have reliable public estimates.

Liberal and progressive politicians like to say, “America is the land of immigrants.” In the past, this meant legal immigrants who follow our screening procedures for illness and other laws and who are coming to America to be part of our culture.

Medical screening was one of the core purposes of the Ellis Island immigration center in New York. New arrivals were examined, quarantined if needed, or sent back to their country of origin if they posed a risk to Americans.

To protect the health and safety of American citizens, we must reinstate our prior customary medical screening as outlined on our own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

For national security and medical concerns, President Trump is correct to enforce our immigration laws, with careful vetting of those seeking to come to America to live and work.

Copyright 2017 WND

Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2017/07/the-20-diseases-refugees-bring-into-the-west/#150MH81WP2SjGyxR.99

Angela Merkel says Europe must take MORE refugees and Islam ‘isn’t source of terror’

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And we also have our useless idiot in CANADA

Subject: Angela Merkel says Europe must take MORE refugees and Islam ‘isn’t source of terror’

Comrade Merkel hates Christian Europe and Western Civilization like the Bolsheviks hated the Russian religion, culture and traditions. You can bet your bottom dollar that Justin Trudeau also hates this outpost of Christian Western Civilization built by Europeans in Canada as did Obama in the United States . The liberal-left is acting like a Trojan horse to destroy western nations by swamping countries with totally incompatible immigrants/refugees from the third-world who are incapable of building let alone sustaining western civilization…and they are not interested in doing so. Make no mistake, we are in a war for our very survival as a people and a civilization, and the enemy is inside the gates. WDG


GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has launched a staunch defence of her refugee policy.
By Jeremy Culley /  Published 19th February 2017
The embattled leader says Europe has an obligation to take displaced people from Syria and Iraq .
She also said Islam “is not the cause of terrorism” and that combatting extremism needs the cooperation of Muslim countries.
In a wide-ranging speech at a Munich security conference, the German chief also vowed to work closely with Vladimir Putin’s Russia in the fight with ISIS in the Middle East .

Migrant Crisis: Riot police swarm as migrant camp destruction provokes fierce clashes

Monday, 31st October 2016
A growing migrant crisis all over Europe as desperate refugees live in camps struggling to survive.
1 / 218
·                                An Afghani migrant reacts being carried by friends after being pepper sprayed as French Police removed their makeshift camp from a sidewalk during a paper control operation in Paris, France, 31 October 2016
·                                A policemen walks near tents in a migrants camp near the Quai de Jemmapes, in northern Paris on October 31, 2016 during a police operation aiming at evacuating one of the camps sprouting up around the French capital where migrants live in squalid conditio
·                                Migrants stand in front of policemen in a street of Paris on October 31, 2016 during a police operation aiming at evacuating one of the camps sprouting up around the French capital where migrants live in squalid conditions
·                                A line of riot police restrains migrants in a street of Paris on October 31, 2016 during a police operation aiming at evacuating one of the camps sprouting up around the French capital where migrants live in squalid conditions
·                                A migrant looks on at a makeshift camp in Paris, on October 30, 2016 where they live in squalid conditions in one of the camps sprouting up around the French capital.
·                                A migrant lays down a blanket on a mattress in a street of Paris on October 28, 2016 where migrants live in squalid conditions in one of the camps sprouting up around the French capital.
Angela Merkel and crowd of refugees in HungaryGETTY
STANCE: Angela Merkel has remained committed to taking in more Middle East refugees
Mrs Merkel has come under fire for taking in up to one million refugees amid security concerns and a string of migrant sex attacks across Germany .
After the Berlin lorry attack at a Christmas market in December, ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage said events such as that will be “Merkel’s legacy”.
Mrs Merkel had been a strong critic of Brexit, saying she had “deep regrets” about it.
Daily Star Online has revealed how Brexit may not reduce migration, with 650,000 immigrants set to head to our shores anyway.
She will go to the polls in September against Social Democrat candidate Martin Schulz, the former European Parliament President.
On Putin, she said Europe’s ties with Russia remained challenging, but it was important to work with them in the fight against Islamist terrorism.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

Breaking Europe: Merkel & Her Migrants — What Comes Next?

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Breaking Europe: Merkel & Her Migrants — What Comes Next?

BREAKING EUROPE Merkel and her Migrants. What comes Next?



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In this article, Paul Fromm, free speech warrior, explores the reality of mass non-White Immigration, its role in the steady march towards the extermination of White Europeans, and its underlying causes…

Mass immigration, in the form of a flood of “refugees”, is transforming the White or European world. Open door immigration policies dating back to 1965 mean that, by 2041, the European founding/settler people of the U.S. will become a minority. They were 90 per cent of the U.S. when John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960. People of European ancestry are now just 61 per cent.  Canada will become majority non-White by 2050.

Crowded Train in Pakistan. Our Zionist occupied governments intend to bring this train ride to hell right to our front door.. Photo/Khalid Tanveer)

In both cases, the replacement of the European founding/settler people came about by public policy. Yet, this policy of ethnic replacement or ethnic cleansing on the installment plan is almost never discussed let alone debated politically.

Part of the ecstatic applause and enthusiasm that have greeted Donald Trump is his willingness to tackle at least part of the immigration issue. Many White Americans know that their country is being changed out from under them. Their neighbourhoods have been made “diverse” through mass immigration; their town’s main street  has been hollowed out, and much business moved to a WalMart super store stuffed with cheap Chinese imports; and many of their decent paying jobs have been outsourced to China or Mexico or Vietnam. And all the while, campuses and much of the mass media blare accusations that they, Whites, are the cause of most of America’s problems. They, the victims of minority-preference “affirmative action”,  are derided for White Privilege.

Illustrator N.C. Wyeth brings to life the beauty and heroism of the early settlers.

Samuel Francis, a close adviser to Pat Buchanan, a former staffer to North Carolina Senator John East, and writer for Chronicles, 20 years ago urged the abandonment of “conservatism” and the embrace of racial nationalism. Mainstream Republicans, focused narrowly on money, and Democrats, wildly courting anti-White minorities, had both abandoned White working Americans. Both welcomed the demographic invasion by the Third World, which, by 2041, will render the European founding/settler people a minority in the land they built. The Republicans rubbed their hands with glee at the thought of cheap labour — legal or illegal. The Democrats rejoiced in the replacement of Whites, whom they detest.

Forcing White Europeans to pay for the children of other races is one means of making sure they will not have money and time to have and care for children of their own.

Samuel Francis wrote:

Middle American forces, emerging from the ruins of the old independent middle and working classes, found conservative, libertarian, and pro-business Republican ideology and rhetoric irrelevant, distasteful, and even threatening to their own socioeconomic interests. The post Second World War Middle Class was, in reality, an affluent proletariat, economically dependent on the federal government through labor codes, housing loans, educational programmes, defence contracts and health, and unemployment benefits. All variations of conservative doctrine rejected these. … Yet, at the same time, the Ruling Class proved unable to uproot the social, cultural, and national identities and loyalties of the Middle American proletariat, and Middle Americans found themselves increasingly alienated from the political left, and its embrace of anti-national policies, and counter-cultural manners and morals.

“Black lives matter,” they are told, but it is Whites who are overwhelmingly the victims of inter-racial crime.

Black and other non White violent crimes against Whites, and in particular against White European women and children, occur at such high rates that this too can be considered a form of genocide.

In late August, 2016 at a White House gathering, “White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism” Vice-President Joe Biden hailed the swift replacement of America’s European founding/settler people as a “strength”, as a good thing. Even an amoeba fights for its own survival, but Biden enthused and hailed…

….an unrelenting stream of immigration; non-stop, non-stop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than fifty percent of the people in America, from then on will be white, European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.


He is technically wrong: Whites are not yet a minority. However, his enthusiasm for the replacement of his own people, and his insistence that it is inevitable speaks to the moral depravity and mental illness of our ruling class.

The past year has seen the wholesale invasion of Europe by Third Worlders, variously described as “refugees” or  “migrants”.  Unlike the emaciated, bedraggled refugees of yesteryear, these are mostly robust young men, well dressed and chattering on their cellphones. They have the money to pay greedy gangsters and people smugglers. By boat or by land, they surge into hapless, overwhelmed Greece, and arrogantly battle with police and try to force their way north to the handout capitals of Europe – Germany and Sweden.

Able bodied "refugees" almost all adult males in perfect health and with the most up-to-date electronic devices. Not refugees at all, but an army meant to use, destroy, and replace Europeans.

Last year, Germany accepted over a million Third World migrants who promptly paid  back the long-suffering German taxpayers, who must pony up over $13,500 to support each migrant, by the mass assault and rape of German and other European women during New Year’s public gatherings in Cologne, Hamburg, Vienna, Salzburg, and Stockholm. The police tried to downplay the fact that the attackers were organized Moslems. The press too initially joined the cover-up. However, the social media – cellphones, You Tube, Twitter, e-mail – allowed scenes of assaults to go viral. There were reports of Germans being expelled from their apartments to make room for the invaders. Other You Tube videos showed Moslems molesting bathers, male and female, at public pools and defecating in the water. Children have also been molested in public swimming pools, and this situation is ongoing.

How amusing that the hand about to grab the woman is White. The Zionist occupied government of Germany has created a website encouraging non White "refugees" to have sex with White women, and White men to have sex with non White women and featuring drawings of just that.

Yet, according to most of the media, the villains were the “extreme Right” who protested the outrages of the unwanted “guests”. Police visited outspoken critics of the invasion who had posted their views on Facebook, threatening them with the loss of their jobs, and even the loss of their children. Why would European leadership be so unable and unwilling to deal with the invasion? How do we make sense of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome over a million largely unassimilatable Third Worlders at a time when there are no jobs for them. Germany, the best off country in Europe, still has over 6 per cent unemployment.

invade Germany and racially replace Europeans<strong><em> may</em></strong> be connected... All non European mass immigration initiatives to overwhelm European nations <a href="http://odinist.org/cultural-destruction-assault-death-extinction-us-preservation-people-national-character/">are being promoted by Jews</a>.

Merkel is a former communist. Then known as Angela Kasner, she was propaganda secretary in the Young Communist League. She may have shed her economic communism, but remains a dedicated cultural Marxist. She is militantly anti-nationalist. Her immigration policy will help displace or replace the German people. The ideas behind the European Union were not a benign move toward more economic co-operation, peaceful coexistence, and a breaking down of barriers.

The evil genius behind the European Union is Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972), son of an Austro-Hungarian diplomat and a Japanese upper class woman. In 1922, he founded the Pan European Movement. He quickly attracted leftist support and money. Early supporters of his ideas included Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein, and leftist politicians like Thomas Masaryk and Edvard Benes of Czechoslovakia; Ignaz Seipel and Karl Renner of Austria; and Aristide Briand and Leon Blum of France.

In 1924, German banker Max Warburg gave him a war chest of 60,000 gold marks. In 1925, Coudenhove-Kalergi travelled to the U.S. and lined up more funding from financiers Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch. In the ‘30s and war years, the European Union movement became dormant.

Mixing out a race is not "diversity", but genocide.

After the war, Coudenhove-Kalergi attracted support for his idea from Winston Churchill, B’nai Brith and theNew York Times. In 1947, Coudenhove-Kalergi became General Secretary of the European Parliamentary Union.

The Europe of the future, for Coudenhove-Kalergi, would no longer have independent countries;  it would no longer even have distinct nationalities. The New European would be a mixed raced individual. In his blueprint for this genocidal nightmare, Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism), he describes the new European:

The New Europeans?

The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals.”  And Jews will  be the spiritual nobility of Europe.

His father had written a book denouncing anti-Semitism and had been a close friend of Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism. Coudenhove-Kalergi’s first romantic encounter had been with the future actress Ida Roland, who was JewishMass Third World immigration would be the means to changing the make-up of Europe’s population by replacing Europeans, leading to the race-mixing that would produce the rootless population of Coudenhove-Kalergi’s dream.

This would be improvement...

Very significant, according to Coudenhove-Kalergi himself, was the Jewish backing for his intensely anti-nationalist plans. “At the beginning of 1924”, he wrote, “we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends, Max Warburg from Hamburg had read my book and wanted to get to know us. … Warburg generously offered 60,000 gold marks to tide the movement over its first three years. Max Warburg, who was one of the most distinguished and wisest men I have ever come into contact with, had a principle of financing these movements. He remained sincerely interested in Pan-Europe for his entire life. Max Warburg arranged my 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch”. Jewish, as well, it might be noted.

Affirmative Action.. REAL Bias masked as "anti-racism".

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is an ideological daughter of Coudenhove-Kalergi.  In fact, in 2010, she was the recipient of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize. For her, the hordes of “migrants” presented not a challenge or threat, but a golden opportunity to bring more Third Worlders into Germany, which has a below-replacement birth rate. Many of the African and Middle Easterners have families of 5, 6, or 7 children.

Mrs. Merkel made a telling comment, in 2004, when Carl-Eduard Graf von Bismarck, great-grandson of Count Otto von Bismarck, married a Canadian Jew, Nathalie Berman. “You two have united history … the next Prince of Bismarck will be a mix of both religions, ”  she told the couple. Actually, she’s wrong. Judaism is passed on through the mother, and the children will not be a “mix”, but will, in fact, be Jewish.

While he is actually involved in carrying out a genocide of native Germanic people in Germany, Sigmar Gabriel makes impassioned statements such as this one about invented dangers to Jews, waxing lyrical and emoting about the Self Chosen to justify other Jewish led genocides in the Middle East for the purpose of Jewish land grabbing.

A ideological son of the vile White-hating Coudenhove-Kalergi is Merkel’s sidekick, Vice Chancellor and Leader of the Social Democratic Party, Sigmar Gabriel. He recently lost his temper and tossed the finger at young anti-immigration protesters in Salzgitter. He threw them the finger because the protesters alluded to his father’s past. Gabriel’s Father, Walter Gabriel, remained a staunch Nationalist up until his death in 2012, criticizing his own son for being hopelessly indoctrinated, and his socialist party as harmful to Germany.

Stung by the healthy rejection by many Germans of being replaced by Third World hordes, Gabriel  has called for the jailing of anybody protesting uncontrolled mass immigration. He refers to nationalists as “lowlife scum, unworthy of being called German” and implied that any refugee is more German than a nationalist could ever be. He frequently refers to Europe as the “United States of Europe”, considers Germany a country of immigration, openly calls for abolishing national borders, advertises in favour of giving anybody dual citizenship, and wastes no opportunity to express his contempt for his home country.


By Paul Fromm

(Photos and captions by Odinia)

Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee.