Tag Archives: Toronto District School Board

The Red Guards of Anti-Racism Claim Another Victim – Gentle Liberal Principal Denounced As “White Supremacist”, Shunned by Colleagues & Commits Suicide

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The Red Guards of Anti-Racism Claim Another Victim – Gentle Liberal Principal Denounced As “White Supremacist”, Shunned by Colleagues & Commits Suicide

Let’s be quite clear “anti-racism’ is a code word for anti-White. Almost all groups feel somewhat superior to their neighbours, regardless of race or ethnicity. But Koreans despising Japanese or Hutus hating Tutsis are not the targets of the anti-racists. Racism is an accusation levelled only at Whites, Whites expressing pride in White achievements or people saying anything positive against their race. — Paul Fromm}

LEVY: Principal pays ultimate price for taking on woke school board

By Sue-Ann Levy – July 23, 2023 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedin

Long-time Toronto District School Board principal Richard Bilkszto took on the aggressive anti-black racism bullies at the board and paid the ultimate price for doing so.

Humiliated by a race “expert” hired by the board to preach anti-black racism dogma, left hung to dry by his peers and cancelled by his TDSB superiors, the celebrated principal took his own life last week.

“There is no question that these events and the lack of support from the TDSB caused him intense stress and mental suffering,” said his lawyer Lisa Bildy, who called him a “highly accomplished leader in the field of adult education” over a 24-year career.

Bilkszto just filed a $750k lawsuit against the board alleging beach of contract, defamation of character and reprisal by the board’s senior administrators after he was repeatedly labelled a “white supremacist,” shamed and humiliated at two anti-racism indoctrination sessions run by Kike Ojo Thompson and her KOJO Institute.

The lawsuit has yet to be served on the board, says Bildy, adding that it’s up to his family to decide whether to continue.

His crime: He challenged, politely, Ojo-Thompson when she contended at one of her indoctrination sessions that Canada is far more racist than our neighbours south of the border.

The sessions during which Bilkszto became her target occurred on April 26 and May 3, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/embed/eU1r_oNf4KE?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news

As I reported in a 2021 story, Ojo-Thompson has repeatedly been the contractor of choice for TDSB education director Colleen Russell-Rawlins both when she was the Peel District School board and when she transferred to the TDSB. 

According to Bilkszto’s claim, after retiring from full-time teaching in early 2019, he became a sought-after casual principal.

He received accolades for his work from both the board brass and the trustee for the area.

That was until Ojo-Thompson got into the act.

At the April 26, 2021 session, the contractor issued a torrent of nonsensical oppression-speak about Canada and residents with white privilege: “We are stepping on necks we are kneeling on necks, we are Derek Chauvin-ing a whole group of people,” she said.  (Derek was the police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd.)

“Patriarchy is killing you, capitalism is killing you and white supremacy is taking your soul,” she continued.

(She, of course, ignored the irony of being a capitalist herself who has collected tens of thousands of dollars of public money from her ridiculous sessions.)

According to the statement of claim, when Bilkszto politely challenged the contractor about her contentions – based on his experience teaching at an inner-city school in Buffalo, Ojo-Thompson tried to slice and dice him in front of some 200 administrators with the board.

“We are here to talk about anti-black racism but you in your whiteness think that you can tell me what’s really going on for black people?” she lectured him. https://www.youtube.com/embed/AmD-c0q-_xg?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news

I listened to the tape of this and other interchanges and her tone was aggressive, bordering on cruel and patronizing, implying how dare she be questioned.

The lawsuit claims says she ended that session by contending she got out the “weed whacker” to cut down a weed (Bilkszto).

“I was hot today,” she is quoted as saying, rather malevolently. “It was good. It was really good.”

No one stood up for Bilkszto at that session or the subsequent one a week later, at which Ojo-Thompson allegedly continued to harass him, repeatedly calling his response a week before “resistance in support of white supremacy.”

Ojo-Thompson, seemingly out for blood, subsequently suggested that the TDSB take action against Bilkszto for allegedly choosing not to “unlearn” his white supremacism.

His reputation in tatters and suffering from emotional distress, a WSIB claim ruled in his favour and he was granted loss of earnings until July 1 of 2021.

The adjudicator said in the WSIB ruling that the speaker’s conduct was “abusive, egregious and vexatious” and can be considered “workplace harassment and bullying.”

But instead of acknowledging that fact, the TDSB doubled down and reneged on the contract to hire Bilkszto at Burnhamthorpe Collegiate when he returned from sick leave. He had other contracts revoked and failed to get other internal positions as well, the claim alleges. https://www.youtube.com/embed/yWVpyg0SX8w?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news

He was bullied, cancelled and treated with disdain bordering on malevolence for speaking up about the anti-racism bafflegab spoon-fed by empowered black activists at the behest of an education director who has divided the board into oppressors (white students/teachers) and the oppressed (black students/teachers and her cabal of like-minded superintendents).

It is sickening to think how much they’ve abused their power.

Efforts to reach Ojo-Thompson were unsuccessful. In fact she blocked me on Twitter after I sent her a request for a comment.

She also blocked others for commenting on her abusive behaviour.

The TDSB issued a statement through spokesperson Ryan Bird saying: “Our hearts go out to Richard’s family and loved ones. He was a strong advocate – particularly to those in adult and alternative education – and worked tirelessly to create an environment that fostered students success for students of all ages.”

Social media has been abuzz for the past two days about this tragic end to the life of a wonderful educator.

The consensus is that there needs to be a more concerted effort to expose these DEI-for-hire bullies.

I knew Richard. He was one of the good guys.

He didn’t deserve what he was handed. He was the furthest thing from being racist.

Woke Politics Push Canadian School Principal To Commit Suicide http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/?p=2799

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Woke Politics Push Canadian School Principal To Commit Suicide

“Ideological enforcers work closely with local race activists and media allies to harass or censor educators and parents accused of wrongthink.”

Brad SalzbergJul 24



Toronto School Principal Richard Bilkszto’s career as an educator spanned 24 years, in which time he was an advocate for anti-discrimination and public education. Last Thursday, at the age of 60, he took his own life.

“His stellar career took on a sour note after he was bullied in a diversity, equity and inclusion training session for Toronto District School Board (TDSB) administrators in 2021.”

“His sin, in the eyes of facilitators, was his questioning of their claim that Canada was a more racist place than the United States.”

Stop the press. Mr. Bilkszto committed no crime. In no manner did he breach Canada’s “hate laws” found in our Criminal Code. His actions were devoid of racism toward an identifiable community, nor did his actions constitute a verbal attack on any one of Canada’s “racialized” communities.

Now, after taking his own life as a result of vitriolic hatred directed toward him via political correctness, the man is dead.

What has Canada become? More specifically, what has become of Canada’s public education system? Seems to CAP as if the entire federal government-funded system has morphed into a neo-Marxist entity.

To the point that they can drive someone to the brink of madness, resulting in the taking of one’s own life to escape the pain of being humiliated and dragged through the politically correct mud by woke warriors in our public schools.

Historians may recognize the phenomenon from”days of old.”Suicide of conscious objectors to totalitarian rule was a common occurrence in 20th century fascist Europe. Pressured by ruling authorities, some were given a choice:

Rescind and retract your anti-government statements, or die by firing squad.

Canada’s neo-totalitarian educators haven’t progressed quite this far, but who knows what the future portends? At the very least, public school system educators have taken on quite the authoritarian slant over the past 10 years.

It comes as no surprise that Canadian education’s transition to neo-Marxist status exploded upon Justin Trudeau’s ascension to the political pulpit of Canada.

Trudeau is the western world’s “high priestess of woke,” and from the day of his coronation, public education in Canada has systemically slipped into a condition that would be unrecognizable among students of a previous generation.

The present structure is– no surprise here– reminiscent of propaganda tactics employed within the education system in China. The goal being to pump out tens of millions of young Chinese brainwashed into adhering to the communist ideology forced on society by government.

Has public school education in Canada been transitioned to a reasonable facsimile of communist-style of education found in PM Trudeau’s hero-nation of the Far East?

“Throughout a follow-up training session the week after, facilitators repeatedly referred to Bilkszto’s comments as examples of white supremacy.

Let readers stand witness to a leftist lie which may well have pushed the principal’s mental health to the brink of madness.

“The experience was humiliating — particularly because Bilkszto placed a great emphasis on equality and anti-discrimination during his career.”

By all accounts, Mr. Bilkszto was a good man. Now, he is dead after being driven to despair by the purveyors of woke educational propaganda. It’s a sad commentary on what is surely a hi-jacked society, or at the very least, a hi-jacked public education system.

Sadder still is government’s reaction to the suicide. Simply put, there has been none. One might expect(CAP doesn’t) some form of commentary from one or more government representatives.

CAP tally up the results:

Mayors, City Councillors, MLA’s, MP’s. Throw the lot of them together, and one cannot find one word of condemnation of the suicide.

“In some school boards, moreover, professional advancement is limited to those who explicitly embrace anti-racist, high anti-oppressive leadership principles.”

“In some cases, these ideological enforcers work closely with local race activists and their media allies, so as to harass or censor educators and parents accused of wrongthink.”

In other words, educational policy was driven by strict adherence to ideology advanced by the state. And woke education in Trudeau’s Canada differs from this in what capacity?

Yes– tenets of the teachings have been swapped-out, yet educational goals are remarkably similar. In contemporary Canada, it’s come down to a situation of “do or die.”

Push back against the woke propaganda machine, and your teaching career is over. It’s happened to dozens of teachers working for the TDSB and elsewhere in Canada.

At some point within our country’s historical trajectory, Canada’s public education system transitioned to a post-modern form of Marxism.

Of course, PM Justin Trudeau has no public statement regarding the passing of Richard Blitszko. This behaviour he saves for Muslim school girls who have had their Hijabs pulled off their heads by “white supremacists.”

Besides, if he did comment, it might point to the fact that among 40 million Canadian citizens, Justin Trudeau is the authority most responsible for the transition of public education in Canada to neo-Marxist status.

Terrorist With ISIS Flag Kicks Off Islamic Heritage Month By Stabbing Edmonton Cop & Running Down Four People

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Terrorist With ISIS Flag Kicks Off Islamic Heritage Month By Stabbing Edmonton Cop & Running Down Four People

According to The North York Mirror (September 26, 2017): “The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) celebrated the inaugural launch of Islamic Heritage Month Monday, Sept. 25 at the Aga Khan Museum, 77 Wynford Dr. TDSB staff, parents, students, and politicians enjoyed an evening of song, art and comedy. The [Ontario] legislature unanimously passed an act last year recognizing October as Islamic Heritage Month in the province. Canadian Islamic History Month has been officially recognized federally in October since 2007. The TDSB will host a number of workshops throughout October, including Stereotypes and Diversity in the Media: How do we fit in?; and How to Talk to Your Children About Online Hate.”

The month got off to a good start. A 30-year old Moslem with an ISIS flag in his vehicle ran down a policeman near an Edmonton Eskimos football game

 then stabbed him. “He rammed, then stabbed the police officer — and that the flag is part of the investigation.

“The attack began on the officer who was manning a routine Eskimos game-day blockade by himself southwest of Commonwealth Stadium at 107A avenue and 92 Street. The officer was outside his vehicle, which had its lights flashing to improve visibility. At around 8:15 p.m., a man driving a white Chevrolet Malibu crashed into the barricades set up to keep pedestrians separated from vehicles.

The vehicle struck the officer “sending him flying through the air 15 feet before colliding with the officer’s cruiser” at high speed.

The suspect, believed to be 30 years old, then got out of his vehicle and attacked the officer with a knife. The officer was stabbed multiple times before the suspect fled on foot northbound on 92 Street.” (Edmonton Journal, October 1, 2017)

Later, the terrorist stole a U-Haul, was stopped at a roadblock and then fled. “Immediately after the incident, Knecht said information about the registered owner of the vehicle was broadcast to patrol officers across the city.

A manhunt was underway when before midnight the suspect was pulled over at a police check stop on Wayne Gretzky Drive and 112 Avenue driving a U-Haul truck. When the officer asked to see a driver’s licence, he recognized the name as being similar to that of the registered owner of the Malibu used in the earlier attack. The suspect fled the scene with at least a dozen police vehicles in pursuit.

Pedestrians targeted in downtown chase

A high speed chase ensued with the suspect racing west down Jasper Avenue into the downtown, where Knecht said the suspect “deliberately tried to hit pedestrians in crosswalks and alleys” at two areas along the route. Four pedestrians were struck and were subsequently transported to hospital. There is no information on their condition.

Shortly after the pedestrians were run down, the suspect’s vehicle overturned on 100 Avenue just south of Jasper “due to police interaction,” said [Police Chief Rod] Knecht.”

Assorted politicians babbled nonsense as their “diversity” begins to implode before their eyes.

Was “Public Safety” Minister Ralph Goodale drunk. It wasn’t a bombing. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had just returned from the New York, where he told the Atlantic Union that we must fight Islamophobia and racism. The Trust Fund Kid said “diversity” is our strength, in response to this attack.. Bollocks! Diversity is a code word for White replacement. It’s Trudeau’s “diversity” that helped bring Islamic terrorism to our shores

. I nearly gagged hearing that idiot socialist Premier Rachel Notley unable to cough out the world Islamic terrorism but  she said “hate and extremism” had no place in Alberta. If you can’t name the problem, you can’t deal with it.

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