Canada’s 150th Dominion Day

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Canada’s 150th Dominion Day

Paul Fromm is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) since 1983, at: is also the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at:

Paul Fromm is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) since 1983, at: Paul is also the Director of the Canada…
Paul Fromm is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) since 1983, at:

Paul is also the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at:

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994.

Co-host of “The Trump Phenomenon” Radio Show on RBN (week nights, 9:00 p.m. EST)

You can join Paul’s email list by contacting him at .

His playlist of videos on this channel is:…

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My 2010 book is “A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH – A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth”, available in book or ebook form at at:……

My first book from 1999, is “Freeing the Buddha,” with chapter 13, Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism, also at Amazon at:…