Tag Archives: Christine Elliott

Liang Chen Wishes Me “Gung hay fat choih”: I’m Not Impressed

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Liang Chen Wishes Me “Gung hay fat choih”: I’m Not Impressed
Christine Elliott Leadership Campaign
Frederick —

Gung hay fat choih! Xīn nián kuài lè!

Today is Chinese New Year – a time when the Chinese-Canadian community celebrates the opportunities a new year brings, and reflects on the year that past.Last year was the Year of the Horse – defined by relentless forward momentum.

2014 was certainly a time of relentless momentum for Christine Elliott: strong endorsements, unmatched fundraising, and tremendous support from across Ontario. It is clear that Christine is the number one choice in the PC leadership race. And her momentum is only growing. Every day, she is signing up new members from across Ontario. She is building the team we need to restore our PC Party to greatness.

To beat the Liberals in 2018, we need to win in the GTA. And to do that, we need to win the hearts and minds of new Canadians.

Christine has received great support from new Canadian communities in Toronto and across Ontario. I have seen her do it firsthand. She shares the values of many in these communities: hard work, strong families, low taxes, entrepreneurial aspiration, and a belief in protecting our most vulnerable. These are shared conservative values.

Christine is the best person who can bring these communities into the Big Blue Tent, and the best person who can win seats in the GTA. We need her if we want to win in 2018.

So renew your membership right now and show your support. If you don’t renew before February 28th, you won’t be able to vote. We can’t afford to lose this race. Let’s keep our momentum going. Join us today.


Liang Chen
PC Candidate, Scarborough-Agincourt

Christine Elliott Leadership Campaign · Canada
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Dear Mr. Chen & Christine Elliott:

I am not impressed with this Chinese New Year stuff.
I for one am sick of politically correct politicians catering to minorities while ignoring the values of the party’s traditional Canadian base.
So, Christine Elliott wants to be the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party.
We need a politician to tell the truth: that massive immigration at a time of high unemployment is cruel to newcomers and an affront to the unemployed; that the horrific traffic gridlock is the result of uncontrolled immigration and almost static infrastructure. 
An Ontario leader must advocate for those of us trapped by the horrific traffic gridlock. The time has come to tell the Feds of all parties: We need a moratorium on immigration until we can get our own unemployed, especially recent graduates. into the labour market and  until we can build the roads and public transport to efficiently move the people already here.
Instead of a cute greeting in a foreign language, I’d like to hear a promise to to reverse the Liberals’ anti-Christian compulsory indoctrination about homosexuality and transgenderism in the school curriculum as far down as kindergarten, for heaven’s sake. It’s offensive to parents of many religions. It’s offensive to common sense and to healthy kids. It’s another example of politicians favouring minorities and tossing the Majority under the bus.
I hope you’ll address these issues, Christine and Liang.
Paul Fromm