Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Trump is Right About Illegals, Crime & Lax Enforcement
Richard Spencer: The Trump Phenomenon — Stand Up & Do Not Lose Heart
Subscribe to the Canadian Immigration Hotline & Support Immigration Reform
Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform Inc.,
P.O. Box 332,
Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada.
PH: 905-274-3868; FAX: 905-278-2413
Website: http://canadafirst.nfshost.com
Protesting Trudeau’s shameful apology for the Komagata Maru
February 14, 2017
Dear Subscriber/Associate:
Time to Subscribe/Renew Your Subscription
Once a year, we ask you to subscribe or renew your subscription to the Canadian Immigration Hotline. Again, despite rising postage costs, we are holding the line: A subscription renewal is $30. To join us as an Associate is $60.00. We also ask for your pledge to provide us with the operating budget for 2017.
The Best of Times/The Worst of Times
Charles Dickens opened his novel A Tale of Two Cities with the line: “It was the best of times it was the worst of times.” So, it is in Canada today.
The Worst of Times: Somali, Immigration Lawyer and Community Head is the New Immigration Minister
In a big knee to the testicles of Canada’s European founding/settler people, Justin Trudeau appointed Ahmed Hussen as Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, in charge of the rapid replacement of the old stock Canadians with hordes from the Third World. The Globe and Mail (January 11, 2017) reported: “Ahmed Hussen, who arrived in Canada as a refugee from Somalia at the age of 16, was sworn in as Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship at a Rideau Hall ceremony. … ‘I’ll bring my experience as an immigrant to Canada, but also an immigration lawyer, someone who worked many, many years before running for office as a community activist, a community organizer and a community advocate,’ Mr. Hussen told reporters on Parliament Hill Tuesday.” He is also former national president of the Canadian Somali Congress.
Okay, so Moslem, Somali refugee, immigration lawyer and former head of the Canadian Somali Congress. It’s clear whose interests he represents, but who will protect the interests of mainstream Canadians?
This is out new gatekeeper!
However, this insulting appointment is entirely consistent with Prime Minister Trudeau, the Trust Fund Kid’s vision of Canada. “Late last year, Justin Trudeau told the New York Times that Canada is becoming a new kind of country, not defined by our history or European national origins, but by a ‘pan-cultural heritage. There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,’ Trudeau said, concluding that he sees Canada as ‘the first post-national state.’” (Toronto Sun, September 14, 2016) He can’t get rid of the European founding/settler people fast enough. Hence his open door immigration policy and announcement that Canada will accept the self-styled refugees President Trump is turning back.
The Best of Times — Donald Trump Changes Everything
Donald Trump is the most important political development in North America since World War II. If we are to reclaim North America and stop our replacement by the Third World, we need a breather — a minimum five-year moratorium on immigration until we eliminate unemployment. Then, if we need immigration, we must restrict it to those who will not upset the ethnic balance. No more yearly intake 85 per cent from the Third World. Donald Trump has pointed the finger at the large number of drug pushers and killers coming up from Mexico. He proposed the utterly common sense approach to illegals: deport the illegals who are here and build a wall to keep more out. He was subjected to the usual weaponized control words — “racist”, White supremacist”, “xenophobe”. He didn’t retreat. He repeated his stand over and over again. In reacting to the murder of 14 Americans by two radical Moslems in San Bernardino, Donald Trump said Moslems should be banned from coming to the U.S. until the government can figure out how to vet them. Once again, his political destruction was predicted and he was subjected to those weaponized words — “racist”, “Islamophobe,” etc. But something strange happened: He stuck to his position, proudly repeating it and he just got stronger. In despair, journalists on both sides of the border, whined: “But we told people he was a racist and they still voted for him.” And again and again, he repeated a simple, healthy new moral vision: “America First!” Not UN declarations first or being a “citizen of the world”
What’s happening? Donald Trump has made it possible to discuss tough immigration controls and denying entry to certain classes of persons. He has established a new healthy vision of putting the interests of one’s own nation and its founding/settler people first, rather than the claims of refugees. The old control words, especially “racist”, have lost a bit of their power. After all, if the President of the United States is a “racist”, how bad can it be? Also, Trump has taken on and identified the wildly biased mainstream media and repeatedly denounced them as liars. He has used the social media — Twitter, Facebook, and e-mails — to do an end run around them.
The Trump Phenomenon Is Spreading to Canada
Trump’s courage has opened up opportunity for strong criticism of immigration. Leaderless resistance is breaking out all over Canada. Encouraged by the stunning Donald Trump victory in the U.S., November 8, members of Canada’s Dispossessed Majority, the European founder/settler people, are speaking out against political correctness and Canada’s failed anti-White immigration policy. In incidents across the country, individuals are designing posters or leaflets critical of immigration and distributing them. This is happening in Vancouver, Vernon, Edmonton, Toronto, Fort McMurray and elsewhere. The reaction is the same: Hysterical press denunciation, denunciation by politicians who should be listening to the people, not lecturing them and, of course, calls for the local “hate squad” to investigate. Canada’s elite is frazzled.
On the political front, at least two of the candidates for the leadership of the Conservative Party have taken a helpful baby step toward immigration reform. Former cabinet minister Kellie Leitch has proposed screening immigrants and refugees to make sure of their commitment to “Canadian values.” It is such an obvious and bland proposal. Yet, the leftish press has reacted with abuse and horror. Realistically, why should we allow people who are hostile to our values to join us? Less widely known, another candidate former Security Minister Steven Blaney wants to reduce the number of immigrants and refugees — a useful baby step in the right direction. There has to be better security screening, he adds, and “we need to integrate newcomers, not accommodate.”
Nick Kouvalis was the organizer behind Rob Ford’s surprise victory in the 2010 Toronto mayoralty race. He has also helped quarterback the Kellie Leitch campaign. “Nick Kouvalis, who runs a public opinion research firm, predicted that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s policies on refugee and immigration would lead to a Liberal defeat at the next general election in 2019.” (National Post, February 6, 2017) Let’s work to make this prediction come true!
This is Our Opportunity
Donald Trump has made criticism of immigration mainstream. This is now our opportunity to advance the discussion of immigration, especially the plan to replace the European founding/settler people by a Third World majority before 2050. To this end, we’ve had several professionally designed posters. One is enclosed. These are to be posted in community centres, libraries, colleges and universities. They’ll spark a reaction and generate publicity for our ideas. Please order some from us and distribute them. Be an agent of change.
We have spent a lot of time this past year producing videos on immigration. These are available over the Internet and are a great educational resource for educating and recruiting people.
Here are some recent ones:
* Quebec City Mosque Shooting and Elite’s Campaign Against Islamophobia — https://youtu.be/g1Xr-hKBnlk
* Canada’s Dispossesed Majority Strikes Back with Immigration Reform in 2017 — https://youtu.be/Z0KH0Auzc5U
* Canadian Political Establishment Plotting an Immigration Flood — https://youtu.be/h37P8uiy8zY
We Need Your Help
* Please subscribe/renew to the Canadian Immigration Hotline
* Please buy some posters for distribution in your community.
* We need your generous support:
— To maintain and expand our feisty website
— To hold immigration reform meetings across Canada
— For lobbying and postering to put real immigration reform on the agenda.
We cannot pass this opportunity by. Please send us your most generous support. Thanking you in advance for your support, I remain
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm
Time to Subscribe/Renew: Time To Commit
C-FAR, Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3
__ Please enrol/renew me as a C-FAR Associate for 2017 ($60)
__ Please enrol/renew me as a subscriber to the Canadian Immigration Hotline ($30)
__ Please rush me 10 immigration posters ($5.00); 20 immigration posters ($10)
__ Enclosed is my donation of $_______ for CFAR’s advertising and public outreach programme for 2017 to help you reach your budget of $217,000 for 2017!
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Hot Books & DVDS
__ Demography is Destiny by Jerry Vila, demographer. Hard hitting,. Colourful dvd about the immigration invasion and falling European birthrates. $20.00
__ White Guilt Reconsidered by Robert Jarvis. NEW Canadian context. Looks at behaviour of Indians and Asiatics in British Columbia. Great antidote to White Guilt. His last booklet. $7.00__ Harry Stevens: Immigration Reformer, Reconstructionist, Canada Firster by Robert Jarvis. A portrait of a populist hero and the leader of Canada’s Asiatic exclusionist movement in the early 20th Century. $6.00__ The Workingman’s Revolt: the Vancouver Asiatic Exclusion Rally of 1907 by Robert Jarvis. A chapter of suppressed history detailing the successful fight against Third World Immigration in the early years of the 20th Century. $5.00
__ The “Komagata Maru” Incident: A Canadian Immigtration Battle Revisited by Robert Jarvis. Rediscovered Canadian history. The Canadian Government in 1914 reluctantly gave in to majority pressure to deport a shipload of Sikh illegals. Sikh terrorists then assassinated William Hopkinson, a Canadian Government official. This is the 100th anniversary of his murder. $5.00
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Paul Fromm — The Trump Phenomenon
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presented
Paul Fromm on “The Trump Phenomenon” in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Sunday, December 18, 2016
Paul Fromm & Brian Ruhe Discuss The Trump Phenomenon
Trump Victory: What Now for Europa?
So a battle has been won but victory is still far from reach –especially for Europa.
Greg Johnson over at Counter-Currents Publishing has outlined in a post-victory article four suggestions for the re-election of Trump and, further, the possible election of Donald Trump Junior in 2024. These four suggestions are:
1) Non-citizens cannot be allowed to vote. Trump should refuse to seat the California congressional delegation because the state allowed non-citizens to vote. All of California is a rotten borough, and until it cleans up its voter rolls, we might as well extend the wall around it. This goes for any other state or electoral district that allows non-citizens to vote.
2) Create new, reliably Republican states: Northern California should become Jefferson. Upstate New York should break away from NYC and Long Island. Southern Illinois should break away from Chicago’s orbit. That alone would mean six more Republican senators, as well as additional Republican Representatives and Electoral College votes.
3) Purge the voter rolls of dead people, duplicate voters, and felons — and vigorously prosecute and jail those who commit voter fraud.
4) Decrease opportunities for electoral fraud by eliminating mail-in ballots and early voting, requiring valid ID that proves citizenship, installing facial recognition technology to prevent the same people from voting multiple times with different IDs, and making voting machine software and hardware completely transparent and open source.
But what now for Europa? We have all joined our American kinsmen in basking in the Liberal butthurt of infantile adults breaking down with something approximating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.). We have rejoiced in the System’s paid political stooges and Presstitutes with egg on their face, now having to work with and report upon the most powerful man in the world who rejects their sentiments and to a significant extent shares our Nationalist platform. We have all laughed at the £3.5 million Paddy Power have to shell out after jumping the gun with the below image and paying out early to those who backed a loser who might soon be facing a fresh investigation and possible imprisonment by the Trump Administration.
But now it is time to get serious. We now have a strong wind in our collective sails blowing in from across the Pond. We need to utilise this energy and take advantage of the tacit permission this political earthquake, this Trump victory, has granted us.
Apart from assisting our American brethren in the possible necessity of holding Trump’s ‘feet to the fire’ should he, for whatever reason, fail to deliver on his promises, we should not become engrossed in what is happening in the States and remember our collective war –not wanted yet declared upon us– here in the Motherland.
This latest video from Identitarian View espouses a lot of Nationalist sentiment generally, and a lot of Western Spring’s in particular. In addition to the following synopsis of the video, the concepts of metapolitics and extra-parliamentary struggle supplant a development of our Fourth and Fifth Prerequisites :
Trump has won, but the liberal left are already planning their counter-strike. Together with the media they will try everything to paralyze and block his precidency, with their protest on the streets.
What Trump needs now to achieve his plans to stop mass immigration and start the remigration is a metapolitical activist movement, that serves as a “ground force” for alternative media.
Hail Victory!