Tag Archives: mistreatment of women

A Picture Demonstrates the Multicultural Problem

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A Picture Demonstrates the Multicultural Problem

Better than long speeches

There’s a particular photo that went around the world.
That of the little boy lying dead on the beach. 
It is true that the photo is very sad 
and makes you reflect on the distress of these people 
fleeing their country at the risk of their lives.
Above, a photo showing some people walking to reach the final objective, 
to live in a European country.
Even if this photo is making it around the world, 
only 1% of the people will notice the truth.
In the photo,  there are 7 men and 1 woman. 
Up to this point – nothing special.
But in observing a bit closer, you will notice that the woman has bare feet, 
accompanied by 3 children, and of the 3, she is carrying 2.
There is the problem, none of the men are helping her, 
because in their culture the woman represents nothing. 
She is only good as a slave to the men. 
Do you really believe that these individuals could integrate 
into our societies and countries and respect our customs and traditions????