Flyers Blasting Temporary Foreign Workers’ Programme & Diversity Hit Peel Neighbourhoods
PORT CREDIT. September 12, 2015. Immigration reformers hit several neighbourhoods in Brampton and Mississauga today with flyers hammering the unfairness to Canadians of the Temporary Foreign Workers’ Programme and the politically correct notion of “diversity.”
Some of the flyers ask whether “diversity” is really a code word for “Anti-White”.
One features former Prime Minister Kim Campbell. Referring to recent controversy over Moslem women wearing niqabs to being sworn in as citizens or in testifying in Court, Campbell asked: “In an open society, people are seen. One of Canada’s challenges is to guide the integration of cultures that don’t share this value.”

The flyer asks: “How does promoting state sponsored multiculturalism encourage the teaching of Canadian customs, Canadian history and Canadian values? Is Kim Campbell a hypocrite for promoting multiculturalism and then complaining when new citizens don’t feel like respecting women? Should Canadians respect people who practise arranged marriages, genital mutilation, honour killings and polygamy?”
Another flyer attacks the Temporary Foreign Workers’ Programme. It slams both Royal Bank of Canada President Dave Moreau and TFW programme enabler Stephen Harper for hiring IT workers from India and replacing Canadians.
“Couldn’t the Royal Bank simply have hired recent information and technology graduates from Canadian colleges and universities? Isn’t it smarter to higher local and highly qualified Canadian IT workers? Wasn’t it simply a brilliant idea for RBC to get replacement labour from India, especially when RBC’s profits rocketed past the $8-billion mark?”
Shawn of theCanadianCultural Society which designed and professionally produced this series of 11 flyers explains: “I spent the last two years in libraries poring over immigration reports going back a century.” It’s time Canadians discussed what is really happening.
Paul Fromm, Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, added:” With 1.5-million Canadians out of work and another 800,000 involuntarily in part-time jobs, it is unconscionable to permit temporary foreign workers. it is a slap in the face to young graduates trying to get a job. It’s a heartless cheap labour policy.”
The Canadian Cultural Society plans distribution of these leaflets in a number of other cities across Ontario and Canada.