Moslem Girl Falsely Alleges Attack, Trudeau Responds Within Hours. Catholic Churches Vandalized: 4 Days.

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Moslem Girl Falsely Alleges Attack, Trudeau Responds Within Hours.

Catholic Churches Vandalized: 4 Days. by Arindam Shivaani/Nur ByHANK BERRIEN

Last Sunday on Easter morning between midnight and 7 a.m., two Catholic churches in Halifax were vandalized with spray-painted obscenities.

It took Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau four full days before he responded to the attacks on Saint Benedict Parish and St. Agnes Parish, in which “F*** Jesus” and a raised middle finger were spray-painted. He tweeted this on Thursday morning:


Justin Trudeau

On Easter Sunday, a day of celebration for Christians, two churches in Halifax were vandalised. This type of hateful behaviour has no place in our country and it will not be tolerated. Sending my full support to the community. …

Yet when a young Muslim girl falsely alleged that she had been attacked by a man attempting to cut her hijab with scissors, which turned out to be a hoax, Trudeau responded almost immediately:

Justin Trudeau

My heart goes out to Khawlah Noman following this morning’s cowardly attack on her in Toronto. Canada is an open and welcoming country, and incidents like this cannot be tolerated.

4:57 PM – Jan 12, 2018

Trudeau’s apparent indifference to an attack on Catholic churches while he leaped to involve himself in the faux attack on a Muslim girl triggered anger among more than one Canadian:

Mr. Chris

You are like 3 days late. When the hijab hoax happened you were all over it within hours. Thanks for trying to make us look bad. Have a wonderful evening

9:45 PM – Apr 4, 2018

Barbie Bee 63

It was more like minutes

Sir Lawrence of Leisure

The sock puppet finally bows to public pressure and the endless tweets by Canadians calling him out and makes a statement 4 days late! #HijabHoax took minutes and contained press conferences
Another #JihadiJustin #fail