Durham Politicos Hysterical Over Race Realist Poster on Replacement of European Canadians

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Durham Politicos Hysterical Over Race Realist Poster on Replacement of European Canadians


Read this poster carefully. It is calm and factual, except that the European population of Canada today is actually about 78 per cent and the date when we tip into minority status is closer to 2050.


Now, the hysterical reactions. The Global News (February 7, 2020) report begins with the headline: ” This is not the Whitby I live in’: Town, experts react to racist posters spotted around city”. What does the headline of this fake news report even mean? The person quoted is the mayor and, of course, the posters are in his city.


“Racist?” That weaponized word invented by Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) is all scare and no substance. What is “racist” about recognizing changes in demographics, particularly ones that trace the replacement of this country’s European founding/settler people?

Mayor Don Mitchell claims: “This is not the Whitby I live in and certainly doesn’t reflect the values of our town.” How does he know that? Do the European folks living in Whitby really welcome and rejoice in their own replacement — a result of deliberate immigration policies since 1965?”

And the police are investigating. What’s to investigate — the expression of a political point of view. Const. George Tudos assured Global: “Obviously we take these very seriously.” Such political policing is what you’d expect in Cuba.


And, then, the “expert”. ” Dr. Barbara Perry with Ontario Tech’s Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism says the posters could have come from a number of anti-immigrant groups. ‘They could be coming from more extreme groups, like the Soldiers of Odin, all of which [have] a presence in the area,” she said. Perry says far right groups such as the Soldiers of Odin are ‘very fearful of a loss of privilege.’” People have every right to fear being overwhelmed and replaced. It’s their country. It’s not a privilege!


Perry is massively funded by the federal government. This “expert” has never interviewed Canada’s two leading immigration reform groups – the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee or Immigration Watch Canada. The Chronicle (March 6, 2019) reported that the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism was receiving ” $367,000, over three years, in federal funding—for the examination of right-wing extremism in Canada.”

The cause of rising populism — she shows her bias calling it “extremism” — is no mystery. IT’S IMMIGRATION, STUPID! Immigration that runs contrary to the wishes of the majority of Canadians and which is changing our demographics.





race realist poster in durham