Germany: Over Half Of Prisoners Are Foreigners In Many States, Costing Taxpayers Billions

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Germany: Over Half Of Prisoners Are Foreigners In Many States, Costing Taxpayers Billions

In numerous German federal states, the prison population is made up of more than 50 percent foreigners, with the cost of these prisoners totaling €2 billion a year, according to an exclusive report from the Austrian news outlet Freilich.

Already in mid-July, German state media outlet SWR reported that for the first time, more than half of all prisoners in the southern state of Baden-Württemberg are foreigners. Currently, this figure stands at 50.8 percent. Freilich decided to look into the situation in other German states and found that five others also feature prison populations that are more than 50 percent foreign.

The state with the highest proportion of foreigners is Hamburg, which stands at 57.8 percent.