Welcome to…China? No, actually, welcome to Journey Middle School! in Sooke, BC
In efforts to further promote state-sponsored multiculturalism, Journey Middle School (located at: 6522 Throup Road, Sooke, BC V9Z 0W6) proudly fly’s the flag of China in order to “welcome” Chinese visitors to their school.
Looks like at this school, students are receiving an indoctrination (not education) in the early stages of being put though our modern state-operated school system. It is no doubt that schools much like Journey are corrupt, with almost its entire faculty consisting of leftists who abuse their teaching positions as platforms to propagate partisan political agendas to young vulnerable students.
In 1971, Canada became the first country in the world to enact an official policy of multiculturalism. At the time, Canada was 96% European. There was no vote, and there was no referendum. We were never asked, and we never agreed. As in all Western countries, multiculturalism was imposed on us without our consent.

Our countries are democracies, and in a democracy the majority rules. Across the entire Western world, undemocratically imposed multicultural policies are reducing our people to minorities within our own countries and thereby stripping us of our autonomy and our powers of self-determination; we are being of our ability to choose our leaders and our destinies. This is basically what our young people are being told to “celebrate” at schools dominated by the radical-left (Journey in this particular case, being a prime example).
Multiculturalism runs counter to the interests of our people and we did not vote or it, nor did we need it. Therefore, it is completely illegitimate and we are entirely justified in opposing it, resisting it, and destroying it.
Yours truly,
Lisa Glatt
Regional Activist